The Brussels Post, 1915-6-10, Page 8Nalsomiummammull
After a delay of several months, in
not being able to get Haviland. Lim-
oges china, we are glad to slate that
we have once more in stock almost
all the pieces in
in the. patterns we have been accus-
tomed to carry. Now is.a good time
to add those extra pieces to your col-
lection you could not get awhile
ago, The list includes—Cups and
Saucers, Bread and Butter Plates,
Tea Plates, Breakfast Plates, Dinner
Plates, besides the well known old
0exall KEEPS
Special Offer This Week
A Good Tooth Brush given away
with each sale of
Rexall Tooth Paste at arc.
Rexall Tooth Paste is most delightful to
use. Besides keeping the teeth white
and free from tartar it leaves the mouth
antiseptically clean, and thus retards de.
cay. If you have not already used this
preparation here is a special inducement
to start, Take advantage of this special
2 -he i.VCIZio Store F. H. SMITH
Xeca l r ebur ttmcs
THis is the month for weddings.
ARE you going to Guelph on the igth ?
MEASLES are having another campaign
in Brussels.
BRUSSELS School Board Friday even-
ing of this week.
HAY will ' be a short crop unless
numero.ns showers come to help its
g: ow th,
THE ladies of Melville church are
planning to have a green pea social. A
fuller notice will be given later.
• WORKMEN are busy at a new verandah
at Dr. Holmes', Messrs. Park & Brown,
of Fullerton, built the brick pillars.
POST -OFFICE Department has issued a
2 cent postcard for domestic use, cover-
ing both the postage and war tax,
WEDDING invitatuns neatly printed at
THE YosT. Two more cabinets were
issued during the past week. This is
lune, you know
NEW Overland cars were received last
week by P. Ament and W. A. Grewar.
About a score of automobiles are now
owned by Brusselites.
STREET watering on Turnberry street
is carried on with better success this
season than in any former seasons both
as to extent of territory and quality of
the work. G Henderson is in charge.
MISS BRYAN., ophthalmologist, will be
found at her office, over W. A. Grewar's
store, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of each week from to to 12
a, m. and 1 to 6 p. m Evenings by ap-
pointment. See card in another column.
THUMB CRUSHED —One day last week
as W. H. Pryne was working about
some heavy timber the thumb of his
LARGE deliveries of' coal for next Win-
ter's use are being made.
5o CENTS in advance secures THE Pos'r
to Jan. 1St, IQ16, to any Canadian ad-
MONDAY evening's rain was a fine one
and should prove a great blessing to the
NEXT Tuesday the Greyhound Excurs
ion to Detroit takes place, the t,oat
leaving Goderich at q 30 a. m, Return
fare on the steamer is $1.5o, good for
3 days.
RICHARD STEVENS begs leave to hearti-
ly thank the A. Y. P. A„ of St. John's
church, Brussels, for the present of
85.0o which was most acceptable par-
t:cularly after his recent illness.
GOLD brooch found. Owner may have It by
50 P105 weighing from 100 to 180 lbs. for gale.
BOMB and lot for sale 0 rooms, large wood-
shed with coal bin, hard and soft water, email
fruits, etc., acre lot, corner Thomas and
Alexander streets. For further particulars
apply on the premises, Quick sale as proprie-
tor is removing from town. T. R. THOMSON,
8 YnAa old well bred roadster mare for geld,
Apply t0 CHAS. BOTTUEY, Brussels, R. R. Ne.
0, Phone 268.
PURE bred mammoth Pekin dnoklinge for
gale at 20 cents apiece R. THOMSON, Riverside
Poultry Farm, Brussels. Phones 24x or 66.
HALF dozen cane seated chairs and a side-
board for sale at a great bargain. Ask at THE
GARAGE FOR SALE.—Undersigned offers his
cement garage, which is 80a 60 feet, with
metallic roof, for sale. It is fire proof and
waterproof, with handy office, &c. Building
is well located. For price and terms apply to
D. Ew.eN, Brussels.
Goon brick house on William street for sale
together with good stable and driving ahed.
Excellent repair. All conveniences, bath, eco.
For farther particulars apply to GEORGE
right hand received a bad smash by the t THOMSON, Brussels.
Proving property and paying for this notice.
beam catching it. Fortunately the bane Two Short Horn bull calves for sale, One
and joint were not injured seriously but animals inathe ie othey18 TrAs.toNactutirtger
the bruited member has given him con- purchaser. Have also a young Yorkshire hog
siderahle pain. , for sale. JAS. SEEIR. Lot 80, Con, 9, Morrla,
raw STORE —Roy McKay has leased Box 267 Brussels P. O. Phone 267.
the store in the Smith block, one door
South of G. N McLaren's, where he A GARDEN Party will be held under
will open au up -to date grocery and
restaurant. He has a personal acquaint-
ance with business and knows the
majority of people in this community
hence should do a share of the trade.
Store will likely open Saturday of next
RED CROSS TEA.—Thursday afternoon
of next week a Red Cross Tea will be
served at the the home of Mrs. Robt,
Thomson, Queen street, West. to
cents pays the bill. Ladies are asked to
fetch their knitting and sewing along.
Don't get the dates mixed as the Red
Cross Circle usually meets on Tuesday
but next week owing to the Women's
Institute being held 'Tuesday the Circle
meeting is changed to Thursday.
Tuts Av afternoon of last week a
number of the farmers of the 14th Con,
of Grey township added their quota of
kindness to Messrs, Pryne by continu-
ing the gravel hauling bees that have
been spoken of in past weeks. A large
r vel is now on the ground
quantity of
v g
possibly nearly as much as may be re-
quired to rebuild the proposed building
and the belp of all concerned is very
highly appreciated by the firm,
—A special train will be run in connec-
tion with the
o Annual Excursion to the
Model Farm,
P. Guel h from Kincardine
r ia dl
to Henfryn inclusive, on Saturday of
next week, xgth inst, The timetable
and rates are announced on page 4 of
this issue. Three special features will
be demonstrated that day, Prof. Creel -
man says : (s) Tile drainage machine in
operation on the College farm ; (2) The
Dairy barn with all up•to-date fittings;
(3) Demstration in cooking and butter
making. Plan a party and arrange to
go and put in a good day. A hint
secured at the Farm might make many
a dollar in the way of usefulness or pro-
fit. Lunch will be served at the Farm,
All tickets from Bluevale North are
good to come back on the following
Monday. did their hest. Half time saw no score,
Sohn OUT.—'Phe news that Wm & R. Shortly after Brussels seta terrific pace,
A. Prvoe had disposed of their milling
the auspices of Melville church on Mon-
day, 21st inst, Chief feature of the pro-
gram will be James Fax, the well known
vocalist, of Toronto, aqd his accompan-
ist. See bills for particulars.
play the closing game in the first round
of their series ma Friday evening of this
week at Atwood. As the result of this
match will have much to do with the
future operation of these teams it will be
a hard fought game, no doubt. We
hope to see Brussels win.
H OLMSTEAD —'The death of Mrs. Ellen
Holmstead, wife of Francis Holmstead,
K. C., P. M., occurred at her home on
Goderich street, West, Seaforth, on
Sunday afteruoon. Mrs. Holmstead,
Who had been in poor health for some
time, was 66 years of age and is survived
but no family. husband b . She v
by her usb
was a faithful and valued member of St.
Thomas'. church,
wayof the Optician tr ing on glasses
roves vision is being
some lens improves
proved that it is a thing of the past by
the Specialist at Stretton's jewelry store.
'Phe long tiresome trying on of glasses is
past. He scientifically measures your
defect and corrects it in a very few
minutes bythenew and wonderful
Shadow Test System No drops or
drugs or excessive bright lights to hurt
your vision. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Eyes tested free at ray store every day
and evening until next Wednesday
night. W. F. STRETTON, Brussels.
eveniog last ushered in a decisive win in
Foot -Ball for Brussels. over their old
opponents Listowel, who brought along
a special train and the Gill Barber one-
piece band, as supporters. The ball
was faced off before a large crowd, de•
spite the rain, During the first half
Brussels worked hard for a tally but
neither side were successful although
rushes were frequent and both teams
business to Messrs. Nagle & Logan, of
Benmiller, came with quite a surprise to
the community, Purchasers will go
right on with the erection of the new
mill as planned and have taken over the
machinery ordered by Messrs. Pryne
and will have the new mill in running
order in the course of the next 2 or 3
months. Both members of new firm are
married. Messrs. Pryne have beeniin
business here for past 8 years and have
worked up au excellent trade. They ex-
pended a large sum in improvements
and the water power is not easily sur-
passed, cancelling the necessity for
steam 9 months of the year if 001 more.
What Messrs. Pryne intend doing is not
known to THE POST. In the meantime
the junior member of the firm will take
a trip to Winnipeg. We would be glad
to be able to state that they were likely
to continue their residence in Brussels
all too fast for Listowel and the locals
notched the first goal of the evening.
The game then began in earnest and the
fast Stephenson combination resulted in
another tally and another followed in
due order. Brussels defence did fine
work end every man in the home team
did splendidly. 'Too bad when Listowel
had planned for a success but the better
team won. Game ended with the score
3—o in Brussels favor, Brussels plays
Atwood Friday evening of this week,
when a good game is expected. Line.
tip Monday evening was as follows:—
Ament goal T. Anderson
Roos backs A. Anderson
Rocker " Jackson
Hein half backs Walker
Sinclair McDonald
Bamford Scott
Waddell forwards Workman
have roved themselves to be Robb W. Stevenson
as they P Ifelly E. Stephenson
first-class residents, THE Pose' welt r Iyltill " P. Steplienson
Cotner their successors and expects that t Lavelle V. Duncan
they will do their part to sustain the Secretor E. Fiebig, of the W. F. A.,
good name of the business established in Y
add about Brussels, gave entire satisfaction as Referee.
Announcement of rrices- -
East Huron Produce Emporiurn.�
At present we are paying the Following I
Extras No. 't No. 2
Tub and Box Butter 23c 2ie 19C
Eggs 20C I7C 14C
Issued at 5 per cent additional in trade.
ROBT. THOMSON - Brussels •
•i4.4.4..4.1.F•Ni'3•'t•4444+1.1.+F'Nt'FF'F'iI'+ ++++++++++++.1.4.4+++
Due Bilis
THE annual tournament games in con-
uection with Brussels Lawn 'Tennis
Club are uow being played off and in-
teresting matches are often o0 the pro.
ALL who have not completed the
cleaning up of their premises are to be
asked why it is not dope, we under-
stand. Ample time has been allowed for
the most tardy it is thought, hence the
neglecter will have no one to blame if
asked to appear before the Reeve. If
the Board of Health is to make fish of
one and fowl of another they will have a
rocky road to travel. One rule closely
adhered to will be the only way to look
after the work.
A ROUND DOZEN.— S. Carter, local
agent for the Ford car, has already sold
and delivered is cars this season, with
prospects for more. The list is as fol.
lows:—J. H. Galbraith, W, A. Lowry,
Dr, Bryaos, Anderson Bros , and W. P.
Bray, Brussels ; Archie and John Mc-
Donald. Ethel ; Clark, McKay, W.
Schuoek, Allan Lamont, Grey town.
ship ; and Blake Bros., Walton. If 3o, -
00o cars were sold by the Ford people a
reduction of 840 to $6o was prom-
ised by the Company to each purchas.
er. This number has already been dis-
posed of so that the rebate will come all
right, making a nice saving to pur-
chasers this season. If you are
thinking of a car see Mr. Carter,
TENNIS SCHEDULE. — The following
schedule for the Listowel Group of the
Western Outario Tennis 'Tournament
was draws up last week. Delegates
present : Messrs. Leckie, Brussels ; Dr.
McIntyre and Scudamore, Harriston ;
H. J. Murphy, Mt. Forest : and H. C.
Roos, Listowel. L. H. Bernie is con-
venor of the District:
Harristou at Listowel—June 18
Brussels at Mt. Forest— June i8
Mt. Forest at Harriston—June 23
Listowel at Brussels—June 23
Brussels at Harriston—June 28
Listowel at Mt. Forest—June 3o
Harriston at Brussels—July 2
Mt. Forest at Listowel—July a
.Brussels at Listowel—July 9
Harriston at Mt Forest—luly 9
Mt. Forest at Brussels—luly 14
Listowel at Harriston—July 21
are the entries in the Field Oat Crop
Competition. under direction of East
Huron Agricultural Society :—
Jos Ryan, McKillop, American Banner
Elston Cardiff, Morris, Golden Drop
Jno. Robb. Wide Awake
Francis Duocan, " American Banner
Jas. Speir, Golden Drop
Robt. Lawson, White Jewel
Wm. Moses,
Wm. Bird, Sensation
Jno. Crerar. Grey, King Phillip
Geo. Meanies, Prince Royal
Oliver Turnbull, Sensation
Andrew McKee, White Banner
O. Hemingway, " Ring Phillip
R. J. Hoover, • t000
Wm. Slemmon, " Lincoln
Jno. Lowe, Long John
W, Armstrong, " Carter's Abundance
A. Stevenson, Elma, White Danish
7prizes wit.. be awarded
among the 19
competitors and there is variety enough
in the seed to make the contest interest,
Ing. An expert Judge, appointed by
the Ontario Government will make the
awards in due course. 'There should
have beeu 40 or 5o entries instead of 19
among as gond a lot of farmers as are to
be found around here,
HURRAH 1 for Guelph Model Farm
Saturday of next week.
BIKE DELIVERY,—Flail Couriers Pol-
lard and McAllum have been attending
to their respective mail routes on
bicycles and giving their equines a holi-
day at grass. A person would hardly
think they could carry so many bundles
and parcels on a wheel, but it seems the
' know how" is worth a good deal.
of St. john's Lodge, Brussels, A. F. &
A. M., will at'end service in the Metho-
dist church on Sabbath morning, loth
lust„ at n o'clock. Brethren are asked
to assemble at the Lodge room at 50 30
a. m and march from there to the
BRUSSELS O Women's Institute next
Tuesday afternoon in the Public Library
Audience Room. Address by Mrs.
Burns, 'roropto, who is a very compe-
tent speaker and there should be a fine
rally to hear her Even if you are not a
member of the Institute you will be
IT is said Thos. R Thomson and
family will probably remove to Seaforth
where he purposes engaging in business.
Mr. 'Thomson has been a resident of
Brussels for the past 14 years• being
assistant to his brother Robert in the
East Huron -Produce Emporium. Sea -
forth was his former place of residence
hence he is well acquainted with the
town and locality. We don't like to see
good citizens remove from town.
the officers and directors of the East
Huron Agricultural Society will be
held in the Town Hall, Brussels, Satur-
day of this week at 2 3o p m for the
purpose of revising the Prize List and
making arrangements for the next Fall
Fair to be held on Sept 3oth and Oct,
1st, Full attendance requested. At
4.30 p. m. on same day F. S. Scott, Auc•
tioneer, will offer for sale at the Central
Hotel. Brussels, a thoro bred Durham
Bull, the property of the Society. Pedi-
gree may be seen on application.
Terms made known on day of sale.
"CATCH MY -PAL" PARTY. — Tuesday
evening of next week, 15th inst„ a Gar-
den Party will be held at the home of
Henry and Mrs. Hoover, (on the former
Betz farm) nth Con.. Grey, under the
auspices of "Catch•my Pal" class in
Brussels Methodist "Catch-my
Auburn Brass Band will be there also a
display of fireworks. Refreshments will
be served and a Foot Ball garne at 6 3o
o'clock between the "Catch•my-Pals"
and a team of married men. Free con-
veyances for townfolk will leave the
Public Library at 5 45 p rn.. and every
half hour after a❑til8 o'clock. Good
program. Be sure and go.
Go -r His DIPLOMAS.—J. G. Jones, who
has been taking up the study of Optics,
has arrived home from Toronto having
secured Diplomas from the American
College of Optics and the Canadian Col
lege and has been receiving congratu-
lations over
his success. He alsout in
some well spent time with practical
opticians in their practice iu the city.
Mr. longs will have his office at his
home in the meantime and will be ready
to artange appointments by phone
No. 8o)i
or otherwise. e. He has a large
stock of watches, clocks and jewelry on
band, in which special bargains will be
offered and he is ready to attend to all
repairs in watches, clocks, etc, He
guarantees satisfaction to all favoring
him with their patronage. Repairs left
at J. Fox's Drug store will be promptly
attended to.
Mayflower Talcum Powder
Nyal's Mayflower Talcum is an ex-
perience to every first time user. Its touch
is soft, soothing and refreshing. Its distinc-
tive Mayflower perfume, delicate, individual,
elusive. Ideal for every use to which you
can put a Talcum.
Nyal Quality preparation can be obtained only in
Nyal Quality Stores. Ask one of them for free copy of
Booklet entitled 'r Yotlr Complexion," giving full par-
ticulars of best methods of massage.
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels
Established over Forty-one Years ,
The A,B,C of Baflkina
ASSETS OVER $ 48,x00,000
Perfect Safety.
Quick Assets.
Reliable Service
We solicit your account in our
-J. F. Rowland, El UPI Manager.
All parties indebted to the
Pryne Milling Co. are asked
to kindly arrange to settle the
same at an early date.
Pryne Milling Co.
REPORT of Huron County Council is
crowded out this week but will appear
in our next issue.
A ROYAL Arch meeting will be held
in the Orange Hall Monday evening of.
• next week at 8 o'clock.
FIELD KITCHEN —A meeting of the
ladies of the W . C. T. U., Red Cross
Circle and various Missionary Societies
of Brussels and locality -will be Ireid Fri-
day evening of this week, at 8 o'clock,
in the Public Library audience room.
to discuss the question of help to a
Field Kitchen pro3ect for the 33rd Regi-
ment. All interested are asked to at-
tend -
MINSTREL SHow —Last Monday even-
ing, at the close of the Foot Ball match,
a Minstrel Show was put. on 'by a
Listowel Company in the 'Town Hall.
The program was vaned, well rendered
and thoroughly enjoyed.. Owing to the
heavy rain during the evening many
who proposed attending were unable. to
get there. Listowel has no 'small a-
mount of vocal talent considerably
above the average.
evening of last week 3o ladies of Walton
Women's Institute presented the humor-
ous drama, "An afternoon Tea in a
friendly village," in Brussels Town Hall
and did it in good style To describe
the costumes is beyond our powers and
where they were resurrected from is a
conundrum but they were quaint and
fitted the performers "like the paper 00
the wall." B S Scott made fitting in•
troductory remarks e"nceruing Women's
Institute work after which Rev. Mr.
Lundy, of Walton, presided, Between
the two Acts, a recitation was well given
by -Margaret Balfour ; Jno. McArthur
sang Patriotic solos in fine style and
Lillian Jackson contributed violin solos
nicely played, Proceeds were divided
between the Institutes of Walton and
Brussels. The visitors from the South
were treated to a tasty lunch by the
Brusselites before leaving for home.
One thing was made plain :—That
dramatic and musical talent in Walton
has been hiding its light under a bushel
in the passing years and might still be a
buried talent had not "An afternoon
tea in a friendiy village" put it on a
John Reid, of Seaforth, has been
notified from Ottawa, that his son,
Leslie Reid, who was with the Canadian
forces in the fighting line, has been
wounded in action and is now couvalesc-
lug in an army hospital, Mr. and Mrs.
Reid have been veru anxious about their
son for several Weeks as they did not
hear from hint until they received the
official notice from Oltawa. The Reid
family were residents of Brussels at one
time and a number of old friends here
hope their son's life will be preserved
and that be will be able to return home
in due time.
Church Chimes
The pastor, Rev. D Wren, will be in
his own pulpit next Sabbath. .
The R. C. church is being improved
in appearance by the painters' brush
Rev Prof. Wright, of Huron College,
London, will be the preacher in St.
John's church, Brussels, next Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock.
Rev. J. H. McBain, of Tilsonburg, an
old Atwood boy, who formerly taught
school in Grey township, has been ele-
vated 'to ,the President's chair in the
Hamilton Conference of the Methodist
church. We wish biro a happy occupan-
cy of the office,
Rev. Thos; Manning. Stratford, was
elected President of the London-Metho-
diet Conference for the ensuing year.
Rev. Mr. McCamus was next in the
order of voting. The 1916 Conference
will be held at Kingsville. Essex Co.
Conference closed on 'Tuesday.
The General Assembly of the Pres-
byteriau church, met at Kingston during
the past week and was an interesting
session. In 1916 this body will meet in
the city of•the Winnipeg. The Assembly
expressed itself decide.ily Nr Church
union by a vote of 368 to 74, and send-
ing the question on to the c.tngregations
and Presbytaries
Last Sabbath the services in the
Methodist church were conducted by
W. T. Cantlon. of Edmonton. His
morning text was "How long halt ve
between two opinions" and the evening
subject was ""l'lie crisis of the present
-day " Mr. Cantlon intends taking his
place in the vineyard in the Great. West
and the good wishes of many old friends
here will follow him.
Lusitania offieial investigation will
open at Westminister 013 june 15. by
Lotd Mersey.
Prisoners of war helped fight forest
fires along the transcontinental near
Cochrane. Heavy losses were sustained.
BARTLTrr--Ili Clinton, on May 2Brd, 1915, to
Mr, and Mre. Harry Bartllff, a son.
LAOKIE—In Wroxeter, on June 6th, 1915, to
Mr. and Mre. Wm Leckie, a son.
MURRAY—In Morrie township, on June let,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, a
Rousreo —In Battleford, Sask., on June Ind,
1916, to Mr. and Mrs, .15, W. Robinson,a eon.
• 'BcWINE •
•• I
• •
• Good Beef, Iron & Wine needs
•• no push. Everyone ,knows this
•' reliable Penslar remedy, It con.
• tains nutriment, strength and Z
s stimulant combined. All of the 3
•• ingredients are the beat Itud i
• purest. Good for lack of blood. •
• Good for prompt relief in cases
4 of sudden exhaustion. Nothing •
• • better for convalescents. w
Try It. ••
• We guarantee It at •
• ' DRUG STORE • •
sThe Pewter Store Z r
Wheat F1 6200
Peas 1 86
Barley 60
E1 20
20 21
18 19
,, 9 20 920
1800 1800
Potatoes per bus 85 85
Wool washed 20 20
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medina] College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and lit glaeaea at
her office over Miss Inman's millinery store.
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 a. nt. ; 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phone. 1210.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to 6 p. In. on Tuesday, June 22nd, for the
excavating of acellar at Knox church manse
and the building of cement walla. SPeetflca-
tion may to seen et Cranbrook postoffice.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily ae-
cepted. Address tenders to WM. CAMERON,
To Contractors
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
np to. Monday 14th inst., at 8 p. m. for the
construction of the Bosman Drain, Township
of Morrie, and contract will be let same day at
Township Hall. A.:MCE W EN. Clerk.
Township Morrie.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to to 7 p. m., Friday, .Tune, for the
erection of a horse shed 644E100 feet at Ethel,
without cement work. Wood work and corru-
gated iron roof to be put in as separate es well
as joint tenders. Plan at office. of A. H, Me-,,
Donald,- Ethel, Lowest or any tender not
neceeserily accepted. GEO. ADDY, Secre-
tary, Ethel.
t2 -foot power windmill with mast, one round
wooden supply tank and an iron force pump
for sale. Reason for selling have installed
gasoline power. For further particulars ap-
ply to TELFER KEEPER, Lot 16, Con.7, Grey,
Ethel P. 0. Phone B47.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service on Lot
11, Con. 10, Grey Township, a thoro'•bred Dar -
ham bull. Terme 51,00, with privilege of re-
turning If necessary.
40-2 W51. MoNAIR, Proprietor.
Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren
• ,
• ip'h.„,.„, ,..„,. i,"a'p,.„,w.„'W'4,Wi e; g� hrtNr'4,4,^L^h^UW'ttM'..,.,. 4Yt0,s a,,„,..4p.tA4,N10rw'NrNt,'t„Id4d,.,„, ,'4rin'4,'t.,40, ..„,,„edieN,'4; 4;,,,,... ..,..... L W'4, 4
• .,
Progress de
UR stock of Progress Made Clothes is now complete. We had placed our ord- i
ers for these before the advance in Worsteds and have the most complete asIt
sortment we have ever shown. The Prices are right, in fact we consider them •
• the best values we have ever had.
Men's Suits
Men's Lower Priced Suits
• Call and see them.
All the newest patterns, as well as
Black and Blues
10.00, 12.00, 13.00 $15.00
5.00, 6.00 & $7.50
Boys' and Young Men's Suits
Properly Made and Perfect
7.00, 8.00, 10.00 & $12.00
• •
Children's and Large Boys' Suits
Splendid assortment, Newest Patterns ire
From $2.50 to $8.50
. . •
A Complete assortment of Ladies'! Men's, Misses' and Child
I ren's, Boots, Shoes and.Slippers. _
• •
• g 0. N. IVIcLaren •
Highest Prices for Produce. •
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