The Brussels Post, 1915-6-10, Page 4„ l ,
g be %motto Vol
At the North Perth Conservative Con-
vention at MIlvertion, Wednesday of last
week, H. B. Morph?. Listowel, was re-
f Cot ons.
for the House a nm
His no m
tion Wits unanimous,
moved by Mayor Barusc9le, Stratford.
and J. C. Hamilton, Moroington.
Mr. Morphs and Mr. 'Torrance, M. P.
P., addressed the meeting. the former
dealing with the investigations of the
Public Accounts, committee, over which
he presided, in respect to boots. bine-
cttiars, spavined horses. field dressings,
etc. The speaker paid high tribute to
Sir Robert Borden audGeaertl Hughes.
Mr. Torrance discussed tee temperance
question claiming that the sew Commis-
sion would go far tier t wards men m's
ing the ligaer tmEe :tea tcythieg ad-
vanced for 3 ,years
The officers e,ecte.l were --Honoriuy
Presidents. Dr. J ire Pinup, Listowel,
arid,S. R Henson. Stratford ; President.
esident F F. Blot
Hug . I9b Richmond, Newry t
K (, Strat-
ford ; 2nd Vice President W J Mc-
Cully, Stratford; SecretaryTreasurer,
G. L. Money, Stratford (re -e ected.)
The following
t Letter was rece.vedb y
Ed, J. Pollard, Brussels, from Henry
Knox, a former Morris townbbip young
man, wbo is now with 3 Coy., tear Batt.,
3rd Brigade, at the front :—HELLO En —
Have not heard from you for au age.
We have been baying a hot time of it
here lately. A little over 3 weeks ago
the Germans used that poisonous gas on
the French army,who
were on our left.
They fell back and the Germans started
advancing. We had just come out of
our turn in the treuclres the night before
so we were sent forward to help stop the
enemy. Aiong with the loth Batt., we
charged. Talk about bullets ! It was
just like a hail storm and they poured it
into us from rifles and machine gnus
but they could not stand the sight of the
bayonets so they beat it. The field we
charged over was left covered with dead
and wounded. It was a good job it was
night or they would likely have got
more of us- Had some hard fighting
for the next few days and the Canadian
Division lost a large number of men.
(Guess you will have seen all about it in
the papers. I am thankful to be alive as
men were dropping everywhere. There
were about 7 Germans to every one of
us but they could not get through. We
are having a rest now and getting re-
organized as we lost about half of our
ellen and most of our officers.
Suppose things will be looking fine in
Ontario. This is certainly a swell coun-
try in Summer, when you get away from
the fighting line. Crops are looking
good and the fruit trees are out in bloom.
Had a letter trom the West a few days
ago and they said the seeding was well
on there then,
Say Ed. if you want a souvenir just let
me know and the next scrap we're in I'll
get a Germau helmet and send it over to
you. Well I guess 1 bad better close tor
this time, hoping this will find you all
well, Yours, (PTE) H. KNox.
Mr. Knox moved to that West from
Morris and enlisted out there. He
wrote above letter on May etth His old
friends in this locality hope he will fare
as well in the coming days as he had up
to the time of writing.
"FNltra•tives” Keeps Young And Aid
In Splendid Health
McKillop Council
Council met May 29. Members pres-
ent and subscribed to oath of member
of Court of Revision. A few names
were changed on the Assessment Roll
and a few added. Requisition from
the Trustees of School Section No. 4 for
$2,goo,00 for building a new school
house was received and approved.
Engineer's amended report on the Mc
Callum Drain was read but no action
taken until Council inspect drain where
changes are proposed. Restrictions under
By-law No. 12 of 0944 (re running a
large of dogs) are removed until furtber
notice is given. Contract for construct-
ing of Winthrop drain was given to W.
A. Stephenson, Next meeting ofICounci
at Town Hall, Seaforth, June 3oth p. m,
M. Muante, Clerk.
East Wawanosh Council
Council met May 25th as a Court of
Revision on Assessment Roll. with
members present. Having subscribed
to necessary declaration following ape
peals were disposed of :—Wm. Netbery
complained of being assessed too high
on bis property on Con. 7. Assessment
confirmed. J. E. Ellis also complained
of too high assessment on both his
farms, Cons, 4 and 5• Both assessments
confirmed. las. B. Redmond was added
as joint owner of Lot 29, Con, 5 and
Henry and Thomas Johnson as owners
of the S. H. L. H. Lot 41 Con. 5.
Stonehouse—Irwin — That Assessment
Roll as now revised be adopted and
Court closed for present year.—Carried.
Council resumed and ordinary business
proceeded with. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and approved by Currie—
Buchanan. Communication from Wing -
ham offering for sale road machinery
owned by them received and filed. Ac-
count of $8.00 from Wingham 1•Iospital
-for expenses incured for treatment of
an indigent from the municipality late-
ty,'was ordered to be laid over till next
meeting; Councillor Irwin brought up
the matter of building a snow fence at
the cemetery hill, North of Belgrave,
while Councillor Stonehouse made en-
gniry as to enforcement of By -Law pro-
hibiting the running at large of stock on
the public highway,. Both of these
matters deferred for the present. -
Following accounts were paid :—Wm.
Wightmao, salary as Assessor, $65,0o ;
i. Stewart, ball rent, $30,00 ; L. Stone -
hawse, burying dead auimal, 75 els. ; J.
McDowell, removing logs from Cross -
Way sideline 33 and 34, Con, 5, $1,00.
Council adjourned to meet Monday,
June zest at r p. m.
A, Poirrm I4IELD, Clerk,
2, W. HAMMOND Eso.
Sco'rLAND, ONT., Aug. 25th. 1913
"Fr1 Y f
"Fruit-a-tives” are the only 111
mya of think) r .
They work completely, to w n0 grip: .lg
whatever, and one is plenty for alts
ordinary person at a dose. My wife
was a martyr to Constipation. We tried
everything on the calendar without
satisfaction, and spent large sums of
money until we happened on "Fruit-
a-tives". I cannot say too much in
their favor.
Wehave used them in the family for
about two years and we would not use
anything else as long as we can get
Their action is mild, and no distress
at all. I have recommended them to
many other people, and our whole
family uses them"
Those wbo bavebeen cured by "Fruit-
proud and happyto
sick or ailinfella
friend about tbese won-
derful tablets made from fruit juices.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit -D. -fives Limited, Ottawa.
Help for Farmers
A. T. Vain -trick has a large number
'of igen engaged in tearing down the
old elevrtior on tine CI. It. It. tannery
Master Lloyd 011per, eon of 13. lied
Mee. Op
pee ell
ntn 1
rt' t
Steel fent 11 spi d 1leNdi\14441
week he llndr-rwel)t Int (potation fop
'!he bid 1'rnu1H shell of 1.bc 13apList
chureli lute dont, eervico
20 years, was torn down last week and
will bereplaced by to closed cement
46x60 feet in dimension, which will
cast approximately $600.
. Otv'(O
eIR :t. T
uiiaA �cu 'e% the pulpit in leMe Methodist 0t
church on Sunda) Rev. Dr. Barbel
being at the Conference in St, Marys
To the Editor of Tun Poem s
DEAR Sin:—In an endeavor to
partially solve the "Unemployment"
situation in Toronto, the Civic Ern.
ploy rnent Bureau, ander the super-
vision of D. Ohisholin, Property Com-
mission, have started it "Back to the
Land" movement, and are desirous of
securing your co-operation in this
Would it be possible for you to give
a little publicity to this fart in your
valuable paper, laving before yea0
readers the fact that we have men
here who are willing to work on the
farms, some of them being experienced
hands and others inexperienced, also
boys who are willing to go out and
learn to become farmers.
We charge no fee whatsoever and
they are at liberty to write 0s staling
the kind of a man they require, and in
the event of them coming into the
City, we will be only too pleased to
have them call on us and talk over
their requirements.
Thanking you in advance for any
"News Item" that you may see fit, to
print in this connection, we beg to re-
main, Very truly yours,
Civic Employment Bureau,
Per R. Newman.
The amount collected by F. F. Law-
renee & Sons iu war tax nn the It -
mount; of railway tickets sold by them
during the month of May was exactly
Len Eliot ]las enlisted for overseas
County (Inuit was held before His
Ilunnl ,lodge Doyle' on Tuesday,
There were only 3 eases (111, the list,
Die. A.1'. Emmet -Roo, (*della*,, was
(a t• 1 U
a ,' P �Il l- Ili 1 t8
•,•'„ one , I It � 1 t f
(sleeted 1 i
the'io Medical AssociaWut ttt
the Meeting n1 Teterboro.
Bert. Ali'Or,utth, soil of Writ. Mo -
(heath, (luderich, Luse been selected; as
the Dew Secretary-'1'lensuree of the
Liberal Club Federation of Ontario
and his unruly (Andersch friends extend
congi at Matti ne,
'1'he animal eacnl'Sion In the Model
Farm nttie
ices of
the est Huron Farmers' Institute,
will take phot 5n ul(lay Jima 12th,th
by O P. it. A special Lenin will leave
theleri0h sit 8 o'clock tt, 0l
As the result of a raid on the Bed-
ford hotel, a charge woe lltid against
the proprietor, John Bedford, of hav-
ing lignin' unlawfully on his premises,
and he settled with the magistrate by
the payment' of 9(75 aid costs -$82 hr
A Metropolitan Daily and Your
Favorite Local Paper at a
Special Clubbing Rate
Since the opening of the Great
European war last August the cable
service of The Globe, Toronto, has at-
tracted attention from one end of
Canada to the other owing to its com-
pleteness and reliability. Every day
the cable news is condensed and in-
terpreted on the front page udder the
title of "The War Summitry" This
feature makes plain and intelligible
what would otherwise be confusing to
the reader. The Globe maintains its
position as "Canada's National News-
paper," as is proven by the fact that
it circulation of 87,000 is much larger
than that of any other morning paper
in the Dominion.
Elsewhere in this issue appears an
advertisement of The Globe, offering
the paper sent to any address in Can-
ada for $3.00 per year. A special
clubbing Offer of The Globe, Daily,
and THE BRUSSELS POST one year for
$3.75 is now made, thus ensuring the
best metropolitan daily and the best
local paper ata rut rate.
Howick Council
Council met on May 10th in Town-
ship Hall, Goerie, ptu'suant to ad-
journrnent. Members present, Reeve
in chair, Minutes of last meeting
read and on notion of Armstrong—
Spotton were adopted. Moved by
Armetfong—Doig that Council com-
pensate Win. Ferguson to 011011111 of
3120.00 providing he takes down the
present rail fence and builds a new
wire fence, new fence to be not less
than 100 rods in length, and to be
built es instructed by Councillor for
the Division. — Carried. Moved by
Spotton—Doig that Reeve be instruct-
ed to call a friendly meeting of all
parties interested in drain along side -
road North of Goerie.—Carried.
Moved by Delnnterlirig—Armstrong
that following accounts be NAV:—
aid':Ernest Albright, rep. bridge, $1.00:
R. Whitman, takingoutsturnp, $1.00;
Amos Dennie, taking down Stewart'a
bridge, $7,60 ; Ford wioh Record,
printing adv, for Voters Liet Wort of
Revision and Bridge notices, $
John Dettrnan, rep. to plow, $1.60 ;
Stewart Firilay, removing loge from
creek, Lot 8, Con. 14, $1.00,
Moved by Doig 'Spottor1 that Coun-
cil meet in Cook's Hotel, Fortiwich,
Wednesday, Ju 0 311. 'Maims, °leek,
Union farmers' gnstitijtes
G�1„Ad.A.,r.�wa<.�d�.it�t,�� ..•.6.a
GueIh M
a�T�►-'rv�'�®�r�v vT�� �v�v a
— ON--
Saturday,9 June 19th
Following to Excursion Rates will apply
Fare Train Leaves
KINCARDINE ................... $ 2 70 0:80 a. n).
RIPLEY 2 00 • 0:47
LUCKNOW ......... ,.. 2 35 7:08-
W13 !THULIUM) 215 7:15
WINGHAA'I 2 05 7;30
I3LUEVALE................ 106 '7:40
BRUSSELS .... 105 7:55
ETHEL ..,,..,... .. 165 8:05
NENPRYN ........... 155 8:15
Arriving at Guelph at 10:40 a. 1,1.
Children over 5 and under 12 years Half Fare
Will take Special Excursion Train from above mentioned
places to Guelph. Returning passengers will leave Guelph by
Special Vale at 7 o'clock p. DI, Tiokets will be issued from
all stations, except lleufryn, which will be supplied by Oon-
duetol• on train. All tickets, 13luevale to Kincatciine, good to
return by Regular Trains 011 Monday, June 21st.
A Trip lull of interest
This is the popular trip of the season, Gn and see the famous
Provincial Agrioultu,'al College ; the Expel 1 Mental Farm, a
place of never-ending attraction for agriculturists and hor-
ticulturists ; McDonald Iustitnle and McDonald Hall, two
noted educational centres of special interest to women; the
Consolidated Rural School end School Gardens ; Hmf. W, J.
Hanna's Celebi'aled Farm Oniony ; and the many points of
Industrie,' and commercial interest within Lire Oity of Guelph.
A Bay of Education, Inspiration, Recreation. 00 not miss It.
W. H. Fraser, R. J. Nelson,
Pres. E. Huroin Farmers' Inst. Set, C. Bruce Parolees' Inst.
W. A. Rowand,
Sec, S. Bl tee Farmers' Institute,
Ford Touring Car
Price $590
The best that Rooney eau buy --ie the labor
that goes into the Canadian Ford. One
workmen lure Ute highest paid motors car
mechanics .in the 1311111Mltrnpi,'e. This
means dollies saved in after expense to the
roan who drives a Ford "Made in Canada."
Because the Ford car is hunt right.
Buyers of Pard cars rvill share in our profits
if we. sell 30,000 ears between August 1, 1914,
and August 1, 1015.
Ituaabout, $510 ; Town Oar $810 ; I?. 0. Ii,
Fiord, Ontario, with all egnil)rnertt, includ-
ing eleotrii; head -lights. 0100 on display
anti sale at
S. CARTER'S, Agent Brussels
A good citizen.depal'tell front us last
week in the person Of Ames B110(1611 -
all, Whose (heath (repi'n'ed etm'1y Tiles.
flay ensuing. Ali', .Iinehltliau had
been veey feeble health far the Inst
two satire end his death weir me on.
a� 'ae loll l rt liar nu1-
xn i alit 11 nL 1
e 1 [l.
hu d 'm 1833 lied mune to
) I hoot , t t 1
tt([ t
Auu+r lea at the age of eighteen. 1 u
a feu' years he lived ins Old(i mid 1'enn-
eylvtu,i41, 1010119; to Onniul0 and to
(lodeelch 1111857. 11u eng)tgc'd in the
liert'ii mill ' asI ry
nett ant -1,11 a
husil,css 0/1101.1. felts'' d et few
yeale ago. Outside of 1, ioilleas lite his
chief activity 0045 in 001nectlon with
;Dox nrci, Which
vte ogle of
and uaef
tl mem-
u -bets.
Wm. Begley lists moved his hoot
and shwa repairing shop to the Slater
Mies Ella Metcalf, who was cora-Medi
to her bed with typhoid is ccnvules
U, G. Jewitt has passed successfully
the first year at Dental Collage Toron-
to and is to be congratulated.
Following changes in the 0. P. R.
time table took place last week,
Morning train from Goderich will
arrive here- at 7.25. The trains from
East and West cross here at, 12.40 noon
anti the night' train will arrive from
the East at 9.18.
G y
Miss Gladys Cutt left Tuesday of
last week on an extended trip to
friends b1 the West. She will visit
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
The Garden Patty given on the
lawn of $. Rithmond, Tuesday even-
ing of last week by the Red Cross
Circle was a decided 80('cess in every
patticolar and over $85 was realized
by, t Society.
y he
ThosCoulter has purchased t
he en-
tf eh,rs
horse Patron rIld This horse
has a remarkable resold for speed
having started in 8 iacee last season
and (von 7. He stepped a half mile
on the 24111 of May et Mitchell in 1.05
winning the heat.
o r„«�rFptrlp•ler*IrtA'..•••tltrir..•lrrar
�r1.115': LOUri DOtRS n
Stallion Routes0 • A
J, W. King, Proprietor '
own stable
V t_
n o1(u
Y 1
llluuriva, rind pruned 10 teal/0_10s
nrry t3osman ll 2nd, •
fOrMei`I'le, rel' noon; thine tp doe M111er's, •
for )liul)t - •
lU10elleAX.—To 'Win Oeedoe' Betel, Bel. •
roodIInn' moon t I1Sno Hndli mi "ilia, or gravel •' '
rend rud.Wnst to k'Htue meNahh'arOt)t halo, -� •
Mm cls. rnr ill ht. 0
n. 1
P a •
1e D
rut p
—T r D
pnoo Y o
'gDN b A
Gray, reit ngPll: t}lelr to{glre['t HggVOr''H, Son; A Q y •
prGruv,forn11465 , h, 0 • ( tit
IHURaDAy.—rnP. A MArthin a, Lo. , i- ti •
for. nonit; ,tllon sr:
Doulue Pnyno's,: Col, R, i. F. p
r• t ni i
• j rv. 0 I •
(I 4
r, 1 Morris d i li'
1+tC r
A .—SoSl Ile oust, 0
1 %
, , J El
.Se ::
S+.t )
end u 6
r noon: an eolith ( t 0
fn i r 0
for Meet,
', I Il- n mortis. A
r t
•s d n1 - •
1 fl
uu•r. Melee•
v '' ' i A .—T,i ISP i, 1 1nA U Ai,lld Vrhtll H 11H will 1'111N1t1 until the tollowln& ••
n1oirduy: • •
Pure Bred Olydesdale Stallion ••
inlet m Volt 60 i8nrolwe,it No. eo0i'Form I : All the new Kodak s conal and Approved. •..
ALLAN.BPEIR, Prop. • Goods in stock :
Thio well known elide horse will Mend for ••
Harriet) during. the pre0Ott 61100011 at his own •.
stable, Lot 14, Con. 4,mo'rle. 47.4 c Bring your Films to us :
: for Developing and Print- •
ing. Then you will be :
: assu
edofbest results,
: e
Everything for Kodakery :
• •
and at
Thispurestn bred Shire Ste nion will rt
his own stable. bot 25, 5.55 8, Morris, colt
w g i, old,
Ilorms, year, to insure N oolt n
week or 1 bhlto war year. lEnrolmentfr at -
1'0(10,:1'0.11, certifying161peas to freedom n under mal.
RIeledn C and a well s named render Orth
8laled'mr Colin is swell bred horse and worth
CUMBERLAND GEM :• j •� n, W E N D T ••
• •
188781180881 Enrolment o.
Inspected and Approves, • Jeweller and Engraver F)
JOHN J. McOAVIN, Prop. • 46 •
This well bred horse will stand for service • Wroxeter Ontario o ,
during the present season at his owe stables, '•
Lead burg, Lot 22, Con. 18, Mo0lllop. .0,,VOWw4Wpgle Ow6es s
f this
of oil in
1 flooded with Twogear
Every bearing is constantlyq
8 -foot auto -oiled windmill will keep the gears and every bearing flooded with oil for a
year or more.
The galvanized steel helmet covers the gears, keeps out rain, keeps out dust, keeps
in oil. The mill needs oiling but once a year.
There is a windmill, known the world over as "the windmill which runs when all
others stand still." This new windmill with gears and bearings flooded with on runs in
much less wind than that well known windmill.
The two large gears, which lift the load straight up, are each independent of the other and each
is driven by its own pinion on the main shaft and must take its half of the load at all times.
The auto -oiled windmW,withits duplicate gears and two pitmen lifting theload straight liaison*
breakable. Every 8 -foot mill is tested under a pumping load of 3000 pounds on the pump
rod. For the larger sizes the loadis proportionately greater. We know that
every one of these windmills is unbreakable. We venture the assertion
that this is the most nearly perfect, best made, best tested,
best oiled, most nearly perpetual, automatic and self-
sufficient of any machine of any kind ever made
for farm work and the most nearly fool -proof.
There Is no friction on any part of the furl-
ing device when the mill fs running and very
little whelrthe wheel ie furled.
A small
child can easilylfurl this
windmill or an automatic regulator can
takeouts of it. One of these mills has been furled
10,000 times In one day by a man on our premises—more
times than it would ordinarily be furled in 30 years of service.
A band brake, of the automobile type,is used, and it always holds.
The gear case contains two pairs of gears and the supply of oil. From this
gear case the oil circulates to every bearing in a constant stream. It flows out
through the friction washers in the hub of the wheel and is automatically returned to
the gear case. Not drop of oil can escape. It is used over and over. So long as
there is any oil in the gear case the gears and every bearing will be flooded withal'.
If you are tired of climbing a windmill tower; If you are tired of buying repairs
and having them put on; or, If you are tired of waiting for a big wind, let us fur-
nish you an unbreakable, self -oiling, ever -going mill to go on any old tower. It
costs but little and you will get the difference between no water In a light wind
and an abundance of water In almost no wind. The flooding of all the working
parts with oil, the perfect balance of the wheel and vane on the tower, the very small
turntable on which the mill pivots and the outside furling device make this difference.
Now there is no objection to a high tower. Have as high a tower as you need to
get wind. You don't have to climb it. Your dealer can come once a year and put
in oil, if needed, and inspect the mill.
Running water purifies itself—stagnant water, standing water, collects and retains Impur-
ities. 11 009 pump from your well constantly all the water Rican spare, the water that comes
into take its place will be pure. If the water in your well stands until you happen to want acme,
and you. pump but little, then it is likely that surface water will flow into it and carry in im.
purities. The unsafe well is the one that has standing water. A flowing stream is thething to be desired.
r The auto -oiled windmill makes all this possible as it can run from one year's end to the other with
practically no wear and no cost.. If interested, write Aennotor Co., 1146 So. Campbell Ave., Chicago.
Why not have flowing water, cool in summer and warm in winter, always fresh and pure? It
will cost next to nothing. It will give health to your family and stock. Let the water run into a
good size reservoir and raise all the fish of the choice kinds your family can eat, and have water to irrigate
your garden and make it raise many times as much as it would otherwise. Water costs nothing. Use it. To let it stead Is to abuse It.
unnemma monnmmnnnnummnrrn i1101�
A pull of
301b,. en
this wire
NO the
P. AMENT, Agent Brussels
t ei: l _ ,.fib,
etee +.5Keetiite ie. neje testi
F.S.—Acoord big to Lord Kitchener,
the big war hap ofd)' begun.
f`The War Summar?'
Almost from the very d,,' the great Dnropenn war begun 111 August
last, the outstanding fou lure in Canadian journalism covering the emit let
;has 40811 "T101 War Summary" dally on Igtgee 1 end 2 of 'MIL GLOBS.
In the conelsest possible form the writer bas given Ida readers n
pen Meth= of the doveloputonts In all parts of the world. 'Willie the
details of lire mavemeuls ulotg the extended frontiers huge not been
overlooked, the renders of 1'1110 (LOBE lune been Una hied to follow
intelligently and With eoufl den tie lite general outlines of the stupendous
conflict. 'The war Summary" or WILE OLOSE is reproduced doily by
sevens papers Omni gh out the Don= lo",
The Editorial Page
Tun-°Lot111 ell ifs editorial pogo boa etrivou to place before the
puhhe ha pproper ferep'letive the broad background of the titanic
st ideate. This sexes or art ivies luta nit rattled the attention not only of
the Canadian people. but of teethe:: men 01111 journals in aft parts
of the world. The rotates lending un to the rant', the eleineuts entering
Into Its ...mantel., and We results likely to flow Prom the cessation of
hostilities have been demi with In flit bold and clear-cut form these.
teristlu of T1110 (LO1[10'S edit/aqui page
News Service
The above rant twee, In addition to a (nhl0 and letter servtee from the
front mono tolled In ['Hund,,, have 01110011 Till( (>1.1)1010 flue 10 the 1t;nl of
on matte papers, and -partly explain the phenomenal Increase of 88*4-11
per ('(ut, ha '17114 0L0nos circulation during resent months.
Other Features
I'hn spo'ttug lieges, the fine nein1 and [•aunn0rlfnl pages, the women's
ime+, oto,. pip., with the 11(Idlllornrl pages 11. N'edn4aflay'0 Issue devoted
to lora, and, Country Life, ore muinlahrrd n1 a high 01,1,1415,'
rs,(.Ikweo, n standard that has jusllOed Tars (:LOnrO In Ito tlfl11o oCnr.
4'nu,de's National Newspaper, and tuts given It by entity thousands the
largost uireutnlieu of nn)' morning paper 19 the motnloten,
Local and City Papers
By ail roams lake .roan' local papal'. hat in the held or metropolitan
II0Wspll0e1.e TILE (11,t)n10 unquestionably offere yen the greatest value
is be had In Canada, Order It te•,0y, 25 cents per month—oue dollar
for four months—three dollars per year.
THE GLOBE, Toronto.