The Brussels Post, 1914-12-10, Page 1VOL, 43 NO, 2,4
was on November 14th, 1914,
formally amalgamated with
The Bank of
Nova Scotia
The business of the Metropolitan
Bank will be conducted as formerly
and it will receive the advantages
due to the larger and older estab-
lishment of the Bank of Nova Scotia,
which was incorporated in 1832
and has 190 branches distributed
throughout Canada, Newfoundland
Lind the West Indies.
Paid-up Capital - $ 6,500,000
Reserve Fund - 11,900,000
Total Resources over 90,000,000
We invite every description of
banking business.
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
New Advertisements
:Kum Gifts—Jae Pox.
therleteenue-13' R Snitch,
A Bugle will—Pnially Theatre.
Stone entmed—Braaaela Oonnell.
Ohoice hargaltem—Rinharde & Us.
Ohrthtinate peewit ts-11, L. Jackson.
istritt Aims
Clarence White, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with his parents het e.
Airs. James Wylie, se., of Gerrie,
spent last week with relatives in the
Mrs. W. P. Iewin and little son of
Toroto o, are visiting at the home of
Alva. T. A. Gibson.
$81.00 was realized at the Willing
tVuekers Sumter held on Friday in the
basement of the Presbyterian church.
to have to chioniele the death of
Joseph 00w1, All old and esteemed
residentof this Mime wilted' took place
at 9 Welled: 00 It', May evening. AI -
though he had been gitelnally failing
for some years his death came as
IL shock to his ninny friends as he had
been nn the street the previous day.
He was take!) ill Thuisday night and
passed away as above stated, having
attained his 80th birthday. Air, Cow-
an had conducted vai'h,s lines of
business in the village and was for
many years'Vill0ge ()leek. He was of
a kind and jovial name and had
many friends who with his grandson,
Sheevis Gibson will deeply levet his
demise.. Mrs. COW11,11. his two daugh-
ters, Miss Lizzie and Mae, John Gibson
passed away Home ways ago. Of late
years Mr. Cowan made his hrime with
John Adams, from whose residence
the funeral took place Monday after-
11'. 11. Ah/"R, Prof
11000 tU tile VVI0Xeter eet»Prel'V.
I' Viet' WH.S 001111 tletell Ity 1 the Rev,
P1 v tVesley, id the Presley I velem
church, or vl p1, Me. Cowan 11 aS 11
vegeta). attendant,
Miss Bessie Invell, assisted by Mies
171111V4.1e0t, t he
Young Peeple's ineethig held in the
Presbyterian (level) on Solidity even-
ing. The subject was Life vetse.
A. cheque fin $40 has been forwarded
to the Patriotic Pend, the proceeds or
an en tert 'dement giveti by t he Young
People's Society of the Presbyterian
church last 'Poesday evening.
The Methodist Suridtty School pme.
poses haviiig it social evening in the
basement of the church on Dec. 17th.
A ehort program will be given by the
children aftetwhich lunch will be
served. Everyone le invited to at-
tend. Admission only 15 cents.
The Sunday School yonng folk are
preparing for their Christmas Tree
llui tereamment on the 22iid i nab.
FINE 'Trete.— Jamestown Women's
Institute held a Patriotic Concert on
Thursday evening of last week which
Wee it great success, Hall being pack-
ed. An excellent peogetun was
rendered, Rev. Mr. Wesley, Wrox-
01 ert occupied the chair in his usual
efficient manner. The talent was
fi mil Wroxeter, B1118803 0.11C1 Blue -
vale. Fine each eases were delivered
by Rev. Mr. Mann. Jas. Bowman, Al.
P„ A. }Estop, ex -M. P. P., and J. T.
\Vood, Bt•ussels. Musical pave of
program consisted of solos, cluete,
recitations and insteumentale. Pro -
°eerie amounted to over $88 00. Those
who took part in the musical and
literary iitunbet•s were Alleges Duff,
A itcheson mid blesser, of Blnevale ;
Miss Pearl Payn ; and Alesst.s. Gib.
son, Gilroy and Jones. A vote of
thanks was passed to the talent on
motion of D. McDonald and Miss
Marjorie Strachan. Good looking
young ladies acted as ushers.
Si/00E141nm ANNIVERSARY.Lasti
Sabbath huge congregations greeted
Rev. W. A. Amos, B. A.,of Atwond,
as the special preacher n oonnection
with the anniversary services in Knox
church, Oranbrook. The morning
subject was '•Gideon's Army" from
which Ettl inspiring discom•se was
preached and in. the evening "Jonah
and Nineveh" was the thetne:showing
that God wants one obedient service.
Sermons received close and careful
attention and will no doubt live in the
memory 01 ,those who heard them.
The offering for the day totalled $88,
generous sum. Monclay evening a
first &nets fowl supper was provided in
Jacob Long's Hall, where the Ladies'
Aid saw that the wants of the inner-
tnan weee well supplied. An abun-
dant supply of well served edibles
proved the well known ability
of the ladies of the congregation
to cater to this important department,
The musical and literary program was
given ill the church and with Rev. J.
L. McCulloch, the energetic Pastor, in
the chair, was well generttlled and was
as follows i— by choir ; solos
by Abe Hanley ; (trill by girls •, recita-
tion, John Nichol ; address, Rev. Mr.
Wren ; solos, Miss R. Spence, Ethel ;
instrinnetitnl, Ilene Kreuter ; solo,
Edith Love ; a.ddtvert, Rev. Alt. Mann ;
Flag drill ; Tableau, "Tenting To-
night" ; God save the King. During
the evening one of the joists under
the floor gave way permitting the
floor to sag considetably hub as there
was no basement underthe bnilding
•4444+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+044+ 41+414.114•+•+•+•+44044+044+•4 •
& Co.
Cash Store
Offer the
• Following
27 pairs Ladies' Fine Kid Boots Goodyear Welt-
ed soles, sizes 2i to 31, regular 3.5o and $4o0,
reduced to
21 pairs Gents' Fine Kid and Calf Blucher Bals.,
Goodyear Welted soles, sizes 6 to 7, regular
4.50 and $5.00, your choice for 14500
Fancy Slippers
Fall stock of Ladies' and Gents' Fancy Slippers for Oheisttnas
Presents. Also Felt Shoes, warm and comfortable for cold
weather, for all sizes of feet at prices to suit your purse.
Gloves and Mitts Plush and Wool Rugs
Trunks and Satchels
Repairs in Rubbers and Shoes promptly done.
Richards & e00
lin one wee lujilied, although a 'min-
tier I teed v ed q idle a start, The
110111N Of 110. Willi Vet Siily
WePt. :Ovum $200. Petite!. mid people
10 o congratulated on lite sneeess of
the °vele:mit, Mrs, McNabb is Pres'.
died if the laulitee Id and Mts. Jas.
Mcle t (WI), Secretary.
BI uevale
Neil Robb went H a breed smile these)
it's a boy,
Stewart t•eceived a car of
Wester') finny last, week.
Sam Pant and .111.14. IVIeHmely visit-
ed at. Gnelph tithe week.
hie. and Aire. MiLstePH apent Sunday
with friends le
Mrs, Reinilton spent ii, few days
last week with relatives at Ethel,
Quite a number are taking in the
Whiter Pair al Guelph this typele.
John Moe. of Thtelfoi.d, is -renew-
ing old in the village,
this week.
Mrs. E. AleDmiald, of Wingliain,
visited et, the home of .Anclvew Holmes
last week.
Mrs. A. Bruce has gone to spend,
the %Vint er months with relatives at.
PcI rnerston.
Roth. Gaieties hes invested in et,,,
grain chopper and will guaeantee'
first -elites work. •
Walter Burgess, of Wolseley, is
Ileum to see his father who has been
very ill. Al present he is some better
yip etre glad In state.
John binstaecl's tient ran away
frnin the grist mill Saturday and
-minded with a telegraph pole Novt
of the village tweaking it off, also
doing °onside' able damage to the
Win. Haney, while working on a
scaffold at Jos. eleKinney's, got a
nasty fall when the scaffold on which:
he way standing fell to the ground.
Besides hurting his back he got a bad
shaking up.
Thomas end Mrs. Stevenson may
take a trip to the Pacific Coast before
TW. AL Society of the Methodist
olive eh, met Thursday afternoon at
the Parsonage.
M. J. Slemmon sang a solo very ac-
ceptably hi the Methodist church
hese Sunday evening.
Things are humming around the
chopping mill here. The excellent
work of the new chopper is the 011050.
Quite a numbee from Ethel and
locality attended Knox ehnrch amil-
vetentry, Oranbrook, last Sunday and
There was no preaching service in
the Pt•esbyterian church lest Sunday
on account of the Anniversary ab
Mis. G. M. Chandlers was at Blyth
attenclitig hen mother, whom we are
sorry to say was Mille ill. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
The Auctinn Sale of young cattle
last Sit turcley afternoon passed off
successfully, with F. S. Sante, as
Auctinneee. A. L. McDonald was the
owner of the stock.
A tvell attended meeting of the W.
Al, S. of the Peesbyteelan church was
held at the home ol' Mrs. McDonald
sr., on NVechiescley afternoon of last
week. Mrs. (Rev.) McCulloch gave
itt,exeelle 1101 dress.
Wceetiete's INSTITUTE — The regular
meeting of the Wonnet's Institute
will be held in the Ddwneth Hall
Thai sday, Dec. 17th, at 250 o'clock.
Subject for diseeseion "How Lo enter-
tain luid be entertained," to be taken
by Mis. Hall and Mrs. P. McKay.
Musial program will also be given.
Missionary anniversary service of
Ise 91' 110(1111 elinech is to be held
twee Somitte, evening. Rev. W. .A.
Walden, B. A., of Fordwieh, and D.
C. Taylor, ef Luolcnow, are to be the
epeaktts. They are missionary en-
thnsiests so an excellent meeting is
looked for. They will also conduct
the sex at. lloe's and Union].
day night of last week ahnut 11 o'cloek
the praprielm of the Qiieetes 130Iel,
Listowel, when closing foe the night,
took n look thl•ringli all the rooms to
see that everything wee all right.
When entering a back sitting 00001,
hue vet•y little need, he found Samuel
Kleitischroth, a well known and re-
spected retired foe•niee, who had t•e-
select at Listowel for the past, two
years. sitting nn a chair dead. He
Was 57 years of age and leaves a wife
and giown.up fend I y. Deceased was
a former vesident of this locality.
A Bugle Call to
Patriotic Citizens
England Expects
In 4 Reels
An all 131itieh Pio( two melees.
ed aslone of the beet by lead-
ing critics. One Night Only
Wre aro sorry to have to report that,
Wesley Penned and Everett Wright
ave laid up with typhoid ?meet, They
el'e not anions eases but hie. Pollard
will not, be able to attend to work for it
while, shop will be kept open,
howevey, its he has 0 man engaged to
run it, This is Me. Pit aol's first,
set•ious illness sinve corning to Ethel
so we will give hint a hint to hurry up
and get better its things are not just
right around the village w,thont him
at his anvil.
Rev. E. 0, Powell, of Clinton,
travelling Sectetary of the Briton Co.
Temperance Associatiom will:give a
Lecture and show lime light views in
the Methodist 01100011 here 'Priestley
evening next 15th. As Mr. Powell Is
only holding two meetings in the
township, this meeting is to be a
rally for the Temperance forces in
the North and West part of the Muni-
cipality. Don't fall to attend. No
ndmiesion will he charged but an of-
fering will be taken up,
Walton and Bethel Ladies' Aids
shipped 11 bale valued at 835 00 to the
Ohild NM'S Shelter in connection with
the Deaconess Home, Toronto,
Jno. and Mee. Dennis and family
are settled in their beautiful new
home. It is ti red brick and one of
the most up-to-date houses in this
pert of the country having all
modern conveniences. The work was
clone by Jno. Hunter, 13russels, who is
a first-class builder.
Regular monthly meeting of the
Womaree Institute will be held in the
basement of the Methndlet church
Wednesday 36th inst. Report of the
London Convention will be given
and music willbe furnished
by the mucic committee. All are
welcome. Lunch served after the
St. George's Sunday School will
hold their annual Cheisttnas Tree
Entertainment in the A., 0. U. W.
Hall on the evening of Tuesday,
December 22nd, when a choice pro-
gram will be presented. Rev. R. E.
Page, ream. will preside as Chairman.
Joseph Ilamiltnn is Superintendent
and Elowarcl Bolger Secretary,
Treasuver. See the bills for further
Oliver Turnbull is at. Guelph this
week taking in the Winter Fair.
Township Council is meeting today
(Thursday) at Ethel. Statutory meet-
ing will be held on the 16th inst.
Rumor says a wedding or two will
be on the program ere long. It may
be Santa Claus gifts to a couple of
Grey bachelors.
Win. Buttery, 12th con., is in bed
with an attack of sciatica. He is
slightly improved and we hope for a
speedy recovery.
Ales. Robb. Houston is on the sick
list. Her mother, Mis. Duncan Mc-
Nair, is waiting on her. It is hoped
she will soon be better.
Air. Forbes, lfith Con., whose health
has been very poor is not making
much progress but many good wishes
are expressed for early convalescence.
Mts. Matthew J. Stewart, who has
been away visiting friends, is home
again. Among those whom she was
visiting was J. and Mrs. Wilson, near
A. Heath had a wood bee this week
mid in the evening Mr. and Mrs
Heath entertained a loge number of
their Mends to a social party. All'
report a god time,
Mrs. Robert Robertson, 12th Onn.,
who has been suffering with a very
sore tht•oat, is not improving we are
sorvy to hear. Her many Mends
wish her speedy inimovernent.
Mrs. Oliver Hat•ris, who has been in
Senforth for some time helping to
wait on her mother, Mrs. Wiltsie who
wits very ill, ie home again her
innther'e health being considerably
The young people of Rne's church
are practising hat cl for their Chrietrnas
PC Entertainment which is to be
held on Dec. 18th. J. W. and Ales.
Morrison have joined the choir and
are ably assisting in the music.
Mts. g`homas Lott, Oth Con., is still
bethet,ed with a disabled hand. , Pain
started in one of her fingers and de-
spite all that has been done the pain
is still theee. Mrs. Lott is jogging on
toward 80 years of age and her hus-
band will be 82' his next birthday.
Mr Litt is hale and heatty.
The annual Sabbath School
Christmas Tree Entertainment of
Union Methodist Sabbath School
will be held on the evening of Wed-
nesday, December 28141, when a fine
program will be peesented, Hngli
Ricinnond is Superintendent and is
suppot Led by a willing company of
officers and teachers,
Last week Will. McQuavrie and son
arrived at the foi•merta parental home
and will make a holiday visit with
H. and MPS. MCQIIttleie. 13y shrewd
and careful planning Arr. MeQuanie
hes done well in the \Vest. Mrs. Mc,
Qnarrie is making a visit with rela-•
tives at Pontiac, Mich., in the mean-
It had been decided to reshingle
per 1 of the sheds at; Roo's church and
to otherwise repair them, The com-
mittee in charge was Harry
Finn, Rory McKay and Inc Kelly so
the week was well done, As soon
as sleighing comes thet•e is to be a bee
to wave' the Owls JILS. Pearson me
Ind cVni. Hoy have this matter in
Next week James Spivey, who has
heen employed at Councillor P. A.l
MeArthur's, will leave for a holiday
it the old home in England. He
mils on the Allan steamship,
Senditlevittit from St. John, N. B.
n Tuesday, 15th Met., being ticketed
by W. IL Kerr. of Bursae's, the local
gent. Mr. Spivey has been 10 this
001)1,3' for nearly a year and has a
cry favorable impression of Canada,
Family Theatre (1
Wednesday, Dec, 16th
Prices 10 and 15 00et0 a
He has made minty friends who wish
hint a happy vacation with relatives
and friends and a safe return next
pthe School Entertainment in
Shine's school house in reneembiance,
le takes place Friday evening of this
week. Program will be a good one
with the admission only 10I -and 15
W. J. Killougb & Son, of Dungan-
non 'twenty, we understand have
peeked and shipped over 300 barrels
of tipples this Fall. These gentlemen
have one of the fittest orchards in the
County. Messrs. ICielough wens
former well known residents of Grey
Ott Wednesday, November 25th, at
the Presbyterian Manse, Regina, Miss
Margaret Thinueon, daughter of the
late Bernard Thompson, to lienry
Buttery, of the O. P. R. bridge staff,
Regina, We expected it would come
to this and extend hearty congratula-
Charlie Lake arrived home this
week from Kindersley, Sask. His
crops were a failure but having con-
siderable of the optimism of the West
he is quite .cheery and hoping for'
better luck next year Some nice
young lady should impress upon
Charlie that it is not well for man to
live alone.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Follosving is the
school report of S. S. No, 1 Grey for
the month of November :—Sr. IV.—
Examined itt Daily Work, Conduct,
Histot•y, Literature, Geography,
Grammar and Composition— May
Armstrong 78, Merriam Lowe 74,
Oswald Hemingway 65, Mervin
Miller 81, Whitfield Roe 47, Wilford
Cameron 47, Jim Armstrong 23. Sr.
TH.—Examined in Daily Work, Con-
duct, Hist., Lit., Geog., Gram.—
Willie Engel 64, Willie Miller 69.
Jr. III.—Examined in the same sub-
jects—Russel Grant 74, Jessie Miller
73, George Oakley 60, Willie Perrie
56. Sr. IL— Examined in Read.,
Latignage, Lit,, Conduct, and Daily
Work—Robert Engel 73, Bertram
Hemingway 71, Ernest Cochrane 58,
Ji. II.— Charlotte Oakley 76, Muriel
McNair 75, Norman Hoover 59,
Margaret Aleock 43. Sr. Primer—
Excellent— Arnold McNair, Good—
.Lena Miller. Jr. Primer— Excellent
—Elva Hemingway, Roy Askin, Good
—Ida Cochrane. Average attend-
• Teacher,
Listowel Banner is authority for the
following :— R. A. Olimie, J. M.
Campbell, George Keith and S. S.
Jennings were over in Grey township
on Tuesday to hunt rabbits. They
covered considerable swamp, had a
good clay's sport and carne back with a
bag of six. A rabbit and a half a
piece is considered a fairly good day's
catch but their reports of the abund-
ance of che species is somewhat of a
reflection on their shooting. To give
yOU an idea of how plentiful the rab-
bits were it tnight be mentioned that
the dogs corralled so many that they
even got tangled up 111 the hunters'
feet and in one instance Mr. Climbs
let a plump one get away rather than
shoot off his foot. Another time Mr.
Keith was caught asleep at the switch.
He was sitting on a log when Mr,
Jennings let fire his gun and pinned
a rabbit that had hid away beneath
him in the same log. This is a true
story and anyone doubting its
authenticity can verify the same by
enquiry with any of the above named
Morris news may be read on page 4
Township Council will meet next
Tuesday, as per Statute.
Mrs. John Robb, 6th line, was on
the sick list during the past week but
is much better now we are glad to
Noble Wheeler, son of Jno. and
Mrs. Wheelev, of London, was visit-
ing at Mts. Chas. Wheeler's and re -
riming old friendships at Belgrave.
BROKEN fl( 3 PLAOES.—While play-
ing at school one day last week,
Rnlancl Marks, of the 5th line, had the
misfortune Co have an arm broken
and to make it worse there were no
less than three breaks. We hope the
laddie will do well and soon recover.
James A. and Mts. Moore, of Grand
Prairie, Peace River Country, were.
visiting at the home of George and:
Mrs. Welly, 8t1, line, and calling on
old friends in the neighborhood Where
they fot•ineely resided for several
years. They were very welcome and
no kick would be coming if they
picked out a farm in Morris and
settled here.
was with much sadness that the news
of the death of Helen Patterson, relict
of the late Hugh Campbell, was learn-
ed on Sunday morning by the citizens
of Mitchell. Deceased had been a
great sufferer from rheumatism for
several years and had been confined
to her bed moat of the tirnefor the
past few years. Satut•day- evening
Rev. T. W. Baird called on Mrs.
Campbell about 6 o'clock and she was
itt and 5I1'1 18 and told him that, she
would not forget him on Sunday and
that she would be praying for him,
but before midnight on Saturday, her
spirit had taken its flight. She was a
woman of many amiable qualities, a
thorough Christie!' and a lifizelong
member of the Methodist church.
Mr, and bit's. Campbell celebrated
their Golden wedding two years be-
fore hi t§ death, which took place 1911.
Mrs, Campbell had been a resident of
Mitchell for nearly 50 years, She
leaves to mourn her loss, one son, ex -
Mayor F. A. Campbell and who is
Superintendent of the Methodist
Sunday School. ,and one daughter,
lelve. W. J. Greenwood, of
Whitby, (Prof.)"Phe funeral took place
frotn the •family home on Toronto
street, on Tuesday, at 2.80 p. in. to
Woodland cox/natal. Deceased lady
++ +++ ++ +++++ + + +++ + + + + + ++++
H. L Jackson I
1 Christmas i
, Presents
+ For Ladies f
+ +
4. +
+ Pearl Set Necklaces +
+ Peridst Set Necklaces 4'
Pearl Set )3rooches +
+ Diatnond Rings
+ Pearl Rings
Cameo Rings +
+ Fancy Stone Set Binge
Bar Pins +
Wristlet Watches +
+ +
+ Bracelets, Fobs 4.
+ Watch Chains +
Manicure Sets in Silver and +
+ + Toilet Sets
+ Out Glass 4.
:et. OititantietlyoainaesBes+ags
+ &e., &c. +
+ +
For Gents
Watches and Chain +
s +
+ Watch Fobs +
+1.. . 20,itieffpLI iiins k s +
+ Signet Rings +
+ Stone Set Rings 4.
+ Tie Clips +
+ Emblem Pins
+ Gold Head Canes
+ Military Brushes +
+ Cased Pipes +
+ Auto Strop Razors +
&C., &c. +
j We carry a complete line of -..
+ Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glees, +
* Clocks,&c., bought for cash. +
+ Our prices are low and quality 4:
+ of goods the best. Reliable +
,e+ goods and square dealing our
+.1. motto. +
+ +
+ • + : H. L. Jackson +
+ +
was 11 sister-in-law to Calvin and
Misses Campbell, of this township and
an aunt to Mrs. S. Walker, of the 61 h
line. In an obituary notice of the
late Hugh Campbell, the following
verse appeared in reference to the one
he was leaving behind and whom be
loved so dearly :
"ni wait for thee,
Come thou to me ; and be thy coming
soon or late,
Come on thy way with hastening
steps elate ;
I'll sit me down within the golden
And wait for thee."
Miss Agnes McKay, of Atwood,
visited here during the past week.
A number from here attended
Oranbrook Fowl Supper last Monday
Wm. Hanley, who is reliever for
Managers On the Royal
Batik staff, is
home on a visit.
Miss Beth McNaught has taken a
position in Jamestown, N. Y„ and
went to it last Friday. We wish her
The Farmers' Club will meet next
'Tuesday evening in the Forester'
Hall, All the members are asked to
CHRISTMAS TREE.—On the evening
of Friday, Dec. 18t,h, the Sunday
School of Teinity church will hold
their annual °Mistimes Entertain.
went in the For estian s'Hall. Program
will consist of 'Anthetus, Solos and
Recitations by Trinity ab 11101) ehoite
Blyth and Mill, Recitations, SOIOS,
vocaltielections'Tableau, Ser by the
numbees of the school. Admis-
sion 26 and 10 cents. Chair taken at
8 o'clock. Rev, T. EL Farr is rector
and H., JOinIson, Superintendent.
Mark down the date,
A Snomees.—The Box Social given
by the Women's Institute in the
Foresters' Hall on Tuesday night was
well attended. Chair was taken by
Dr. Stewart who discharged the duties
in his usual good style. Progt am was
given in three parts, the first consist.
ing of recitations, vocal and inetru-
metital music, conelvidieg by James
fletyloe singing in good style the
military marching song, "Tippet•avy,"
audience joining. in the gluteus.
Second part consisting of the berme
being auctioned, Jame, Taylor wield-
ing the hammer. Ootnpetition was
keen and spirited and ennead midi
merriment which was thoroughly en.
keyed. All the boxes brought a high
pvice, the highest $135. Boxes ante- $
deemated sold quickly, The $
result of this Was some interesting
pairing off for hutch, 3rd part con -
elated of a spelling match which Was I ci
remained by Rev, Mr. Boyle and Jas,
blecalluta Dr. Steware gave the
words for epelli rig. This brought to
o "10'10400 e peolitable and sociable
evening well ement which was 0100
successful In more than clearing the
reinainitig debt 00 the Woman's In-
stitute organ.
Brussels Council
The regulav mouthly meeting of
Brussels Council was held last Mon-
day evening, all the members present
excepting 0. R. Muldoom Reeve in
the chair.
Aceouuts were presented as fol.
lows .--
Wilton & Gillis1mie, acc0unt......$17 19
T Ritchie, street work . 50
Tug Poem account . .
Anderson Bros. settles 1150
snow plowing— 1 00
Geo. Kerte dump ground ' 15 00
J. A. Gyula, wood Town Hall, 9 00
Geo. Morris, cleaning out ditch 75
R. Oliver, salary ..... ..... 40 00
S. C. Wilson, Clerk of Div
Inc Lome, Bailiff
P. Aent, lumber ........ 12 00
8 65
12 00
Moved by A. McGuire seconded by
J. Hewitt that above accounts be
paid. Carried.
Moved by A.. McGuire secouded by
R. A. Pryne that R. Oliver be in-
stt•ueted to enforce the Bread Act.
°L161117 4
1ed5. was repot ted as the receipts
from the town settles by Caretaker
Oliver for the month of November.
Moved by J. Hewitt seconded by R.
A. Prytte that Jas. Shelve be paid the
sum of $100 011 Electtie Light ae-
1•edietter was read fro
DcoraA:nt.ciii as jogs.
Toronto Medical
Health officer, relative to 'Bread
Sales Act" of which the following le a
synopsis :— Not long ago a well-
known baking firm of this city was
prosecuted file a breach of the "Bread
Sales Act," in making for sale bread
in loaves weighing less than the pre-
scribed lawful weight, 1. e., 24 and 48
ounces avoirdupois for small and large
loaves respectively. At 6 ()Week on
the morning- of October 8th, one of
our bake-shep inspectors visitedthe
shop of 1111-, firm, ,and found twepty-
two smati lotwee and twelve large
ones, light weight, which he con-
&elite& The shortages were reepec.
lively 79f and 80 oz. 00 an average
shortage itt the small loaves of 8i oz.
and in the large loaf an average short-
age of 8 oz. A sinionons was issued
against the firm, t he Toyota° manager
plended guilty, and the maximum fine
..f $6 00 and costs were imposed.
Them, have been in all 31 convictions
of the kind this year against different
bakeries. It will be noted that the
average ehortage in the small (24 oz.)
loaf is 3e Oz. or pletportionately more
than double the shortage in the 48 oz.
loaf. VtIe imdelstaiiii that this firm
has bake-elm/Is in Toronto, London,
Winnipeg and elsewhere, and that a
tonservative est heat P of the Toronto
busi epee is about 80,000 loaves a day.
Presuming that the shortage found
in the loaves which were the subject
of this special prosecution mentioned
above applied to the total output,
tide would mean a total daily shortage
of 105,000 ez.—equal to a shortage of
4,876 entail loaves daily, of a monetary
value of $218 75. In this conneotion
the municipalities which endeavor to
enrolee the Stead Act ate working
under a very serious handicap. 'The
MAX it-UW.0 penalty which can be ine-
posed is 5500, with or without costs
(amountilig tu $2 25) at, the discretion
of the con victilig magistrate. This is
a joke, considevieg the enormity of
the offence ; lmu feat, one baker in the
city has made a boast that "it would
pay him to be fined 8500 a day, and
be would still be in 8100.000 week on
the sbortage question." This 'marts
that he would defraud the public of
that amount, and deprive them of at
least 2 000 loaves of bread a week--;
and this tnati's business is not nearly
as extensive as that of the firm m
queetion. The minimum fine should
be $50 00 to be doubled on a second
offence ; and the third offence should
be imprisonment, without option. A
lilt of the bakers prosecuted for sell-
ing short -weight bread during the
past year may be seen at the Genetal
Office of the Department of Health by
any citizen on request. The loss of 8
oz, per loaf to the families of the poor
—the average consumption of which
would be two small loaves a day --
would mean. a 6 oz. loss per day.
This -yonicl be 2,190 oz. per year, or
more than 91 loaves of Matta. . All
bread is weighed and divided by
machinery, :and we do not think that
these maithinee would automatically
cheat the consumer.
Instructions were given as to some
geavelling Turnberry street where
road was cut up by the number of
details pub anrOSS it last Fall,
In dealing with the question of
Sti•eet improvement the Oleek re.
potted securing the use of vacant lot
belonging to 0, McDonald, Flora
street, for piling stones to be crush
for putting on streets. 60 ceras 11
square yard will be paid for deliveries
or stones by formers or others and
1,000 loads ate wanted, Intention is
to ecimmenbe Home permanent toad.
way miTuelibeery steeet next aeartob.
Mr, Pope, of Pope & Son, inter-
viewed the concerning cow -
pitting the puteletee of the machine
shop, Mill eteeete and some improve,.
meets to be tuade to the building and
increase 'sof machinery. Board was
quite ageeeahle and the steps designat-
ed will be carried out at a neatby
dal e
o 're x Miler:tor Oliver stated about
2000 ita text% were paid out of over
After discussing some other matteee
ouneil adjourned to meet on Ttreti.
ay he:0,16th haste. as per Statuee,