The Brussels Post, 1914-12-3, Page 7Fashion Hints Are Back Closings Claming, Rather insidiously have the new flack closings, crept upon us. We are all perfectly satisfied to go on buttoning sr hooking or snap- ping ourselves down the front. We have grown to think that the logic- al place for a collar to close is low on the front of our threat. And most women much prefer a skirt that closes at the front or the side. Yet here quietly the back closings have made their way into the fash- ion and it seems as if the only thing to do was to accept them. The long -waisted barque dress was responsible in part for this o'hange, and the moyenage dress with its square neck in front has also helped to bring about the changing tendency. And all this simply goes to show that our liking dor the front closing is no deeper than our liking for any outer trick of fashion, for ;t it is a liking that will give -way to changing styles. 01 course, one difficulty of the back dosing with styles in their present condition is the collar. But the dressmakers will look after that, On evening frocks it is already eas- ily managed -witness the afore- mentioned moyenage line. On af- ternoon frocks and en separate - blouses it is not so easy to handle -as yet. I3nt doubtless by the time the beck closing is one, more firmly established there will be an uncom- fortable. ugly high collar, smart, no doubt, but still uncomfortable to our pampered throats. Fashionable Dark Blue. Dark blue is surely as fashionable as its staunchest admirers could wish to have it. Blue serge has been fashionable for several sea- sons, increasingly so, apparently. And it is as much worn now as ever. Of course, blue serge coat suits demand blue accessories, so there aro blue net blouses, blue silk and lisle stockings, blue handbags and other blue things bythe score. Then there are ninny blue velvet hats. Blue is one of the best colors in the lovely new }measles for even- ing wear, too. And blue velvet - even crimson velvet is not more re- gal looking than rich and sumptu- ous velvet of king's blue. A. New Apron. Aprons lose most of their terror if they are attractive, so an apron that follows the latest note in fashion is sure to be popular. It is made with a long -waisted basgae section, that is closed either in the front or back with a long row of buttons. There is a flopping sash at the hack. When the apron is buttoned in front ib looks quite like a basque. and long tunic, for the lower part flares quite as the new tunics are supposed to flare. It is made without sleeves, with short kimono sleeves or with long bishop sleeves. The Square Train. The square train is shown on some of the new importations, It is especially good when it is used on a _frock with a square out neck, back and front, just as the long pointed train was good ' with a frock in which the V-shaped neck was used. CANADA AND RUSSIA. Possibility of Monthly Steamship Service Between Them. The present war h.ae brought Rus- sian and British Empire interests much closer together, and with con- siderable enterprise the Russian Government has arranged to send the Nijni Novgorod, a Volunteer Fleet steamer, to Vaateouver to see what business can be picked up. She will leave Vancouver on No- vember 25th with several thousand tons of freight, delivered to her by the Canadian Pacific Railway, In- deed, se, promising is the business that a second vessel, the Kiev, is scheduled ito arrive at Vancouver early newt month, leaving again for Russia on Christmas Day. This is evidently leading up to a possi- ble monthly service between Can- ada and Russia, and though. the Canadian Pacific Railway is at, pre- sent only issuing thi'ougli bills -of - lading for freight, there is no reit- eon why a passenger business should not grow up also. As a matter of feet the Canadian Paoi- flo Railway, which handles] the Novgorod at the Japanese ports on her Eastbound voyage, booked sev- eral patesongors for Vancouver. The displacement of this vessel is 5,286 tons. There are many oormnodities which can profitably be, exchanged between the two oountrase; for in- stance, grains, machinery, miner- als, hides, floe, tea, oetton, tobac- co, condensed milk, aattoanobiles, apples, etc The Russian Volunteer Fleet is an extensive and well - Managed organization con,tiating of fourteen vessels, totalling about 75,000 tong. It has an cxcejlent service f nl Viil•d yn;tocl„ I'o Thur. ugs an(1 Istmoil se c1-•• two Japanese Pork; ru st•eanle.t.s in, its service were hnilt nears,v i>d ti.dassgoe7or Newcastle, I,he .rlbvgarod coming from the yards of Armstrong, eko]t k Co. of Nowcaei,l:c and the Kiev front gorse of J. & `4. Phones son, of Glasgow. NERVOUS way EN Can Only Find Relies' by Ton- ing' the Nerves With New Rich Blood The woman who "flies to pieces" over the lease nolee or exoitement soon fades and loses her good looks. Dark singeappear under her eyes, the lines about her mouth and forehead deepen and lengthen, the eyes become .sunken, the fucedrawn and the complexion sallow. The trouble is nervousness, and if the •,train is not relieved and the nerves properly nourished, nervous collapse and yeare of sickness may easily follow. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will save you from this dreadful affliction. These Pills make the new, •rich blood that nourishes and tones the nerves and banishes every trace of nervous- ness, Mrs. Margaret Donley, Am- herst, N.S., says : "I believe Dr, Williams' Pink Pills saved me from the grave, I was taken down with nervous prostration, and for months was unable to walk, I slowly recovered until I was able to go about, but there the improve- ment ended. I was getting weaker and weaker until I could just get from the bed to a couch. The least noise would set me trembling all over, and often when I went to the table I would leave it hungry and yet unable to eat. Sometimes I was taken with smothering spells and felt as if I was going to die. At other 'times I would be so nervous that I could not hold anything in my hands. I was doctoring all tho Lime, but without benefit, and final- ly I made up my mind I would try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They were the first medicine that gave me any relief, and I was soon able to take a short wank. I continued using the Pills, gradually gaining new health and strength, until I finally felt as well as ever I did in roe life. At the time Dr. Williams' Pills cured me I was living in Sack - and my illness and cure was known to everyone in that place, and my friends, like myself, believe the Pills saved my life." These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers n r s or will be sent by mail at at .50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. West Flanders. The Province of West Flanders is the extreme northwest corner of Belgium. The Province has an area of only 1,2,19 square miles. All the fighting is in the northnvest half of this, so that there must be packed in what would be a few townships with us something like 2,000,000 soldiers. The Province had about 700,000 inhabitants when the war began, or over 000 to the square miles. When 2,000,000 soldiers are added to these the crowding must resemble that of a sardine box. The ancient city of Bruges is the capital of Wast Flanders, Obhcr import- ant cities are Vervieres, Yipre, Tousled and Courtrai. INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Doris, patent solicitors Montreal, report that 133 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending Novem- ber 3rd, 1913, 83 . of which were granted to Americans, 37 to Cana- dians, 7 to residents of foreign countries, and 0 to residents of Great Britain and colonies. Of the Canadians Who received patents, 21 were residents of On- tario. 9 of Quebec, 3 of Manitoba, 3 of British Columbia, and 1 of Saskatchewan. Economy in War Time. Little Dick -Papa, didn't you tell mother we must economize, Papa -I did, my son. Little Dick -Well T was thankin that melzby if you'd -get me it pony I wouldn't wear out so many shoos, Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Intricate M.echanisiii. "I don't know liow to take ,this chicken apart," declared the bride, "Well, 've tackled an aubontobile successfully," said the young hue - band. "We ought to be able to handle a small job Dike this, Where's the book of instructions l" Minard's Liniment Gores (target In COWS, "'Little Jimmy was born with d, golden spoon in his snoutlt." "Bet- ter than that; his dad's a coal man." • Young Mr. iSpoonasnoiie (who liar just been asooe(pted)--,"But what will your father say, darling! You know he doesn't like me an too well." The Young Woman -"Bub you can't expect ane to 1180 the exact language in which paipa will express himself when be hears alit." • COITIStiP IS an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the. most vigorous health. It leads to the. biliousness, Impose blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and le one of the most freousntasses' of appenrilcltl4, Ta hegjcctat sslowigicide. , ,,dorso', to -gill Reb(' , tile ositivei euro wont(pinion, They p are entirely vegeta le In composition nil do not eielcen, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking Dr. Morsel's "It radian Root Pills) TUf1'1 (1 Bit M.VN P00I} • 8U1'l'LY. line -Third of .111 the 1'oodlituffsa lis', sl aired Imported. The question is how lung (ler- many can continue the struggle be- fore starvation pinches her, Dr. Carl Ballot!, an eminent authority, estimated that in 1912 Germany im- ported 10,000,000 tons of food ,;.tun in the form of cattle, treat, tallow, herring, butter and cheese valued at $215,000,0000. According to his computation this was one-third of all the foodstuffs required. The im- portations are now cut off, and Germany must rely upon her home production, which is manifestly in- sufficient. Anstro-Hungary has been the granary from which Ger- many has drawn a large portion .lf her supplies, but this year Austria has not enough food for her own people, It looks doubtful if sup- plies can be received from abroad in any appreciable quantities. Even if the foreign grain could be brought to Norway and Sweden for thesea Germany, ferm any, at would be al- most impossible to haul sufficient quantities over the single-track railroads crossing rugged mount- ains. Since virtually all tie male population in Germany has been in the field since before the harvest time, there must be a great short- age in the Germany crops. e• THE LIFT: OF A GUN. From 150 to 250 Rounds Is All They Will Stand. An important factor in the wars of the present is the life of the guns. The heat generated by the powders now in use is twice that of the melt- ing point of steel, and consegttently guns wear out 'with great rapidity from what is called erosion,. This soon destroys the accu•raey of the fire, The rifles carried by the in- fantry are generally about .30 of an inch caliber, or about tIbe thickness of a lead pencil, and they wear out very slowly. Erosion increases rap- idly with the diameter of the bore, so that the big guns can fire at most from 150 to 250 rounds, when they must be sent to the rear and new guns take their places. This puts a heavy tea upon the transporta- tion department, especially when we remember how everyday .brings reports of "furious artillery duels." A large per cent., therefore, of the field guns must be constantly re- placed by new pieces. The use of motor carriages is also a serious tax upon the ,bransporta tion, and the workshops in the rear. The motor is a highly complicated machine, which must inevitably and quickly get out of order in the rough service of war and have to be repaired. _ GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The fall is the most severe season of the year for colds -one day is warm while the next is wet and cold, and unless the mother is on her guard the little ones are seiy,ed with colds that, may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are mothers' best friend in preventing 'or banishing colds. 'They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose will prevent cold, or if cold does come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will quickly euro it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. RATTLE OF TRE TRENCHES. S. One- Continuous, Endless Grave, Says French Officer. That all is not glory and excite- ment at the front of a battle line is graphically illustrated by the cor- respondent of the Soisntl a Ameri- can, an officer of 'the French army, who draws the following pen pin- tISNS "AJ1 along the roads and the Beside can be seen the vestiges of numerous trenches, We have fought here ardently for a neonlrb, and slowly, atop by seep, we have forced the enemy to retires "In the north they have filled up the d tellies where the corpses lay deep, and it new might be consid- ered as one continuous, endless grave. Every now and then an in- sufferable odor chokes you, A sol- dier, a horse has fallen these, and slowly is decomposing. It has been impossible to gather all the bodies in !the vast trenches, "The roar of the cannon is'beiird in tiie north, however ; ibis hardly possible to define exactly where the shell foil. This morning my regi- ment met on the road another regi- ment. 'Well I What are you do- ing'!" we ask. 'Digging 1 And you?' (The Bame---nothing but digging.' the actual hour the arms,os can be eleeee'd in two catregotics--. one half is digging trenches in order to fight and the other hall is fight - big to dig trenches," his( the Thing. ,"Oh, any friends, there are some spectaelea that one never forgets said a lecturer, after giving a gra phi, doseriptioe of a terrible i eci- dent he had witnessct, 1'f d uk•r to know where they sells 'oils," re- marked an old lady in the audience, who is always mislaying her glasses. Good -,lye, Ohl Backache iervilino Neill Fix Yon ! Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain P aappears, Gee whiz-•--tbinlc of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure y0U1' lane, hack. ,Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness In tete back's muscles can be rubbed away for ail lime le come be good old "Nerviline." No ether liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate NO deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back -weary .sufferer as Norvtlino in- variably does. Backache isn't the only malady' Nsrviline is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to tents relief so speedy as Nerviliue gives. For chronic rheumatism there are pain -destroying properties in Nei, vlltne that give it first rank. The way it umbers up a stiff Joint and takes soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles ie simply a wonder. Il you have an ache or a pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff Joint, a strained muscle --- if you have lumbago, congested chest or sore throat, Just try Nervillne, Rub it on plentifully --it won't blister, it can't do anything but cure you quick- ly. The large 60c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25e. small size of Nerviline, the king of all pain -relieving remedies. d• THE DUKE AND TRE C001i. Amusing Incident Just Before a Dinner Party. The reigning Duke of Saxe-Idein- ingen, who acceded but recently to the throne, is the husband of Prin- cess Charlotte, aister of Emperor William. Both are extremely popular in their little duchy, the historic importance of which is quite out of proportion to its area of a hundred miles by ten. The duchess is blessed with wit, and the Bake, among other good qualities, with humor : which lie certainly ex- emplifies in the relish with which he is fond of relating the most un - royal experience of his career. At Ems, where he had accepted an invitation to dine with a local dignitary, he once chanced to reach. ac the corner near which bis host's mansion stood, somewhat ahead of time, Dismissing his ear- riage, he paced up and down the block in the dusk, enveloped in his military cloak, that the other guests might have time to arrive since etiquebte demanded that all should be present when he should appear. In the dim light his fea- tures were unrecognizable; he was merely a tall, soldtenly figure. As he passed the house in hie stroll, a, side door was suddenly thrown open and an enormously fat woman in the oap and apron of a cook, bounced out, flung her arms round his neck, bestowed a loud, smack- ing kiss upon hie countenance, and thrust into hie hands as she releas- ed herself -he had been stunned into entire passivity -a large, greasy parcel, smelling of ham and cheese. "There, my dear," she exclaim- ed, as she did so, "we have got a royal prince coming to dinner to- night I I am driven off my feet 1 I can't give you any more. Como to -morrow night." She bounced in again as abrupt 1y as she had bounced out, and the duke, realizing her mistake, and vastly enjoying it, continued his stroll, alert for some explanation of the incident. It soon came. A soldier appeared on the other side of the way -a melancholy and self- effacing soldier, who eyed the win- dows of the ,house of feasting with anxious expectancy. The duke crossed over, and addressing him as Let Them Speak For Themselves You needn't take any- body's word for the super- iority of Post Toasties-- Get a package from your Grocer, pour some of the crisp, sweet hakes into a dish, add cream or milk, and a sprinkle of sugar if you wish. Then be the judge of Post Toasties The Superior Corn Flakes —made from the hearts of the finest Indian Corn, skil- fully cooked, seasoned, rol- led and toasted. Toasties are not ordinary "corn hakes," so remember when you want Superior Corn Flakes to ask your grocer for Aust Toasties anseuan Poston oared Co.. Ltd.: `Meager. Ont. CUTICURA Used exclusively and Cuticura Ointment occasionally will pro- mote and maintain a clear skin, free from pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness and other unsightly eruptions. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Sonp nod Ointment sold throughout the world. Liberal sump,) of snob maned free, with 32-p. baok..Addttm "Cuticura," Dept. 15, nor^on, U.S.A. one soldier to another, asked if his sweetheart lived there, Receiving an affirmative reply, he handed over the parcel of food, and told him he was expected on the mor- row. "She 'gave me something else for you, though," the duke added, smilingly, r'which I do not exactly know how to give you." Alas 1 the unrome,ntio lover was not interested even to inquire what it was -although probably he knew. "Keep it I Keep et!" he called back, cheerfully, as he departed arto d with his ham and cheese. tI have got ell I want for to -day," So' the duke kept it to himself ; but the story he did not. Re told it for the first time shortly after- ward to his fellow guests at the dinner table, amid shouts of laugh- ter. 8' Curious Salt Lake. One of the wonders of Mexico is the salt-produoiug fake near Salinas station on the Tampico division od the Mexican Contest]. Railway, sev- enty-two miles west of San Luis Potosi. It may well be termed a two-storey lake, for at times there is a lake of fresh water overlying the salt leeks. A water -tight roof of green mud separates the fresh from the salt water, How Teddy Lost • Bear They arty a sore corn interfered with hie speed. Always apply Putnam', Corn Es- te -actor, For fifty yours It has been curing crania and warts, "Putnam's" never falls. Dee no other, 2,5o. at Lull dealers. Editing by the Golden Rule. A country editor wrote : "Bro- ther, don't stop your paper just be- cause you don't agree with the edit- or. The last cabbage you sent us didn't agree with us either, but we didn't drop you from our subscrip- tion list on that account." A WARM WINTER. June weather prevails in California, the ideal Wintering place, reached comfort. ably and conveniently by. the Waage and North Western By. Four splendid trains daily from the new passenger terminal Ohtoago-The Overland Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; the Lee Angeles Limited, three- days to Land of Sunshine, the famous San Fran, deco Limited and the Oalifornia Man. Illustrated folders describing the gBreat Oalifornta Expogitiotha, and also giving rates and fun particulars, 'will be mailed promptly on applfoetton 'to B. E. Bennett, General Agent, Chicago & North Western By., 46 Yonge St, Toronto, Ont, "Do yon think this poem of mine will liver "It ought to. It's the good that die young." .. Mlnard's Llnlmbnt Corsa Distemper. Old wood is ,best to 'burn; old wine to drunk ; old friends to treat; and old authors to read. Some pe•otple. oast their bread upon the waters; i mpectin.g it to come •back toasted. The only time a man nears per- fection is when the makes a perfect fool of himself. ED, 4. ISSY?l; 48--4 'I'l'RI1I'l5' ROOMED. • Gratitude Ought to Have Rapt Iles' Out of This "War. For centuries 'Turkey has played a sinister part in the affairs of Europe. Wily, barbaric and obsti- nate, the Ottoman Empire has held its own on the Bosphorus, even when the whole of Europe wanted to be rid of the intruder. If it had not been for England's fear of Russian designs on India. the unspeakable Turk would have been rnled three-quarters of a eentury ago. Gratitude for oon- tinued existence ought to have kept Turkey out of this war, even had there been no other motive. As it is, web Russia, Plane and Great Britain arrayed against it, the Turkish Empire is bound to fall, There wr•s a time when the sal diets of the Sultan were mighty warr'ors, but that day has gone by. Anal Germany bas too large a con- tract on her hands in other direo- thnnss to be able to save her latest ally. What the Trouble Was. One day, as two children were Playing, their mother gave them an orange between them. She said to the little boy, "Now, be sure you give your sister the lion's share," On returning their mother was sur- prised to see the little girl crying. She asked what the trouble was, and she heard that the boy had eat- en sell the orange. "Well," said the boy, turning to his mother, "you know lions don't east oranges." e• When a Woman Sult'ers With Chronic Backache There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. POTTED MEATS -- Pull ull flavored and perfectly : cooked Make delicious sandwiches, motor FOR SaLH, 8. W. 33/W13O2ff, Wino ty 00lbarno street. Toronto. JLP Print. Stock, GG WANT rain or Dairylt hb'arna. v rite II. W, - Dawson. Brampton, or 9Y cnlborne lit.. Toronto. 8 W. 126WSOSP, Colborne St,. Toronto, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. (V OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN l'+r York County. Stationery and. Book Business in connection. Prase only $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publishing Com. pq'nr 73 Wert Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. dY ANGER, TUMORS, LIIMPS. ETD., 11,...) Internal and external, cured with- out oath by our home treatment, Write us before too late Dr, Heilman 3lodiola Co., Limited. Colnngwood, oat BOILERS--� New andSecond-yand, for heating and power yiu•poses. Water - Plumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. POLSOFl IRO mi TED "TORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON at DAVIS lea St. Junes 5t., - Montreal Wtib tar intormatlon In the stores, factories, and on al _ farm are weak, ailing women, dragged ■®issesions8®®rttemet omonewne down with torturing backache and r TO EVERY BOY bearing down pains, ����+ AND GIRL Such sufferia isn't natural but it's g is a exact dangerous, because due to diseased ® a nli ring faalekeond ■ ,C./� oird rte cad ° lcidne e > s r u Y, The dizziness, insomnia, deranged ® S t e r° It engrnot r menses and other symptoms of kidney • ,c a ym°°egr.m sea teas Y 11 r icz Yeu can ee ° hese than can't cure themselves,they 1111 stns deg in c.e tuna require the 'assistance of Dr, Hanel- r an hear. bat amply ■ ail 24 ,kegs, of oar r,ed picrate oat ton's Pills which go direct to the seat ® arae, rY ob P.rk°ge ,ratan, o (arae. ,.I>t)h of the trouble, I yu u cell foe one IOc. d f os ro,gwn glien To give vitality and power to the • • a" ooh 1e° "ga ,tai _ your ideas. M b° them on eight. nods trait a miaum bat kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and mor or right now. You eared mensy,mtthyou liver, to free the blood of poisons, r eased,' the ,rise. then sena u the money protobe there ie no rowed so sac you have received ($2.40), mut you this Y i ® ring, oegrf; by rotors Tell. a Ask rot our big ,,sarin as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For j o wog ofrremiums. Addr°,e all womanly irregularities their merit' COLONIAL ART CO. T08 15 L, OryT, !: TORONTO is well known. i L e 3 N Because of their mild, soothing, and rrDmtam isesaseta6G®t ssiotia©ene healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are e safe, and are recommended for girlsrl t8n�'�®�p'�� and women oY all ages. 26 cents per J box at all dealers. Refuse any substi- tute for Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. i• Not Taking Her Proust Slim. ,She--I'sn afraid poor papa will miss me when we are married. Re -Why, is your father going away Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o, No Dividing Up. Dr. Piliem-Are you going to call a consultation:I Dr, Bolus -,I think not. I don't believe the patient has any more money that I need myself. hfinard'o Liniment Oo., Ltd,. Gentlemen, -In July 1905 I ane thrown from a road machine, insuring my hip and back badly and was obliged to use a orutoh for 14 months. In Sept. 1906 11.t'. Wm. Outnidg8e 0f Laahute urged me to try afINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results and today I am as well as ever In my life. Yours elnserely,hts MATTHEW x BARNES. mark. Ready -Witted. Fired pedestrian (to man who has just bumped into him) -• Clumsy idiot I Second (pedestrian -- TIliat't your name, is it( Mine'•s Brown, Granulated Eyelids. f g Eyes intiatned by cepa. sure to San, Dust and Wind Eqqufcklyrelieved by Murine yes EyeRemedy.Nosmarting, Your Druggist's 5uos• perEBeottlCemfuorsc Aet SalvcinTubes 25e. Peritonitolihelyefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy. Co,, Chicago .rF He Got the Cheapest. Old Hiram 13inchon was a born tr'eder, and a penny pincher be- sides. He was never wilding to pay the price of anything he want- ed, and all the shopkeeper's ab the village dreaded tosee hien enter their stores. One day he did a little trading at Nelson's shoe store. lie tried on a dozen pairs of boots, shut could find nothing thee was not too expensive. Then he guessed be would get a pair of rubbers. He rejected a pair that cost a. dollar, and another that oost sixty-five cents. Finally the. clerk brought him a pair for fifty tents. '.Choy seemed to fit well enough, but Hiram was still dissat- isfied. "Hain't ye got any rubbers that are dumper i'' he ask ed. Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. from large factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, flywheel, bear- ings, etc., all in good oondhbio.n. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty, inches to. fifty inches, bolting sax inches to twelve inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. It "turns the trick" when you feel sick 1 Turner's Fanelli Invalid Port Take a Wiaetlas,ivl tef9ra escb meal The Corder Co. Limited Tornio "Buy It for Purity's Sake" Sold Everywhere,; "No, sir," declared the irritated clerk, "we haven`:(. That pair youtve got on is the cheapest,poor- est, most ne-account rubber there is made!" So Hiram bought then(. She --Am the first: girl you over kissed, He - - Why-ec---•I lou b know. Yourfare seems familiar, You will find relief in Zam-I3uk It males the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zain., Cuk, means cure; Why not prove this 7 451 J51'tclrsi60"ste Oor: dare Storm.*