The Brussels Post, 1914-11-19, Page 5OCSINESS CAROL
GEPIMPII arrital0
1111S0 114 Olie Post 01Ilea, Ethel, 80-4
v‘T o1. INOLAIR-
v • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaneer,
Notary Publie, dee, OEloe-li tewart's Block
1 iloor tier tb of Coutral Hotel
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
1.0 S. 800TT AS AN AUCTION -
1 • m an, will sell for better prices 10
better men, in less time and I elle °beiges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
So won't (Merge anything. Dates and orders
eau always ne arranged at this office or by
p •red oat applination,
BOUM Totems Ram War
Mail 7:07 a m Express 10:26 a ni
Express 11 26 a m Mail 1 141p in
Express 2:66D m Express 8:62 p15
ammonacre rairemeze
To Toronto To Goderic
!Uprose 7:62 a m I Express 11;10 a in
Express 1 :22 p m I Exprese 8;45 p m
Going 1feet - 7:06 a. m. end 8:40 p. m,
Going West - 12;19 and 0:68 p. m.
611 trains going East connect with C. P. 10. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
-..xiN xavoort.i.asMv4emau.ow,
"Thoroughness" hi siftelft-ino10,00
graduates summed because tney have At.'
reoelved correct preparation, •E'
enjoye a National Reputation for sup- /0
aergot. 0110111018 and Shorthand Educe- 6
Mon. All Business 'Schools are not
aalike. Nobliing less then the hest
ehould eatisfy YOU and nothing Woo
001100 giving tho best training will 61
satisfy US. Catalogue free. Enter `sr
any time.
. 1
L81Y:" R"a ' ' 14`TrTr3M, i 4Ai.
'1,- xml4m74-a-gssmovc;xsurn%-rgalta
woccv,,zT!.tcle..;,rot,tem tor ISa
(61 inumeas of its grnduoteo io sohool with §4
superior Murees and Instruotors. We
6 9 gtvo individttal attention in ()miner- 11
Mal, Shorthand and Telegraphy De- 24
partments. Why attend elsewhere 11
114 when there le room here? You may
enter at any Mine. Write for our large
free catalogue.
cig• D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
CIA= xautrAvalmoVA xarmarAvarmat
at the
re Thorough Conies taught by ;
Competent Teachers. e't
For 'particulars address- 0
See% staletelengieleeseWeeiceseeisVesta
Lietowel, Ont.
Best, Brains
in 011111411 have Wit olpeted in the pre-
paration of our splendid Hoine Study
0051588 111 Banking, E00110ill (GB, Higher.
Marauding, Colinnerolal Art, Show
Card Writing, Photography, Journal.
ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand
and Bookkeeping. Select the work
yvhich most intermits you end Write us
Lor partienters. Address '
3914 Yong() St., Toronto
••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••
Thousands or ambitious young pee-
ple are fast preparing in their own
honteS to °coney 11107011 00 pdsitionellS
Stenographers, hoolckeepore, totem -
Pliers, civil servants, hi Mot every
Ohara Of eetivities, Yon may libieh at ,
oolloge If you. so white Positions gems
anteoa, Enter aollege tiny dsy. hide,
1 vidunl instritotion. Expert tehohers,
Thirty years' experienee. . Largekt
tritinors in Canticle, 8(300n acillegeli,
Special 00111.80 for teachers,
Affiliated with Cominerolei Educt -
toe Aesoolatiott Of Cenada, SUMMON
School et ransom SpottotaB11111111389 00
loge, London,
Wmghem Boomess. College
W. r, Moss%
Proselmit, Primeval,••••••1
Business Cards
ihninesitor to M. El, Moore, 011iee at A nd or'
4011 Bros, Livery stable, Brussels. .1 Gle111101$1,
NO. 20,
Bachelor of Medloole, Llowersisy of Toronto ;
Lieentiate and Gradnate of the (foliage or Phy-
sicians end Surgeons, OM, : Posierreituate
Chicago Eye, Bar, Noss itini Throat liospitel,
0hlealio,111, Ex-lionse sereeen ro St, 11I011 -
eel's Hoepittil, Toronto,
Oahe over F. it, Smith's Drug Store. Tele.
phone commotion with Oranbrook at A11110108.
13noliolor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Play amens and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior HOUHO Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Moos or late Dr.
A, MeRevey, Smith Block, Brumeels.
Blunt phone 96,
m.a.„ M.C.P.d2 S. 0,
NIB Blom. street nalit. Toronto
Diseases Ear, Nose and Throat
Clinioal assistant 01 Bar Nose and Thront d e -
pertinent New General Hospital, Toronto ;
Post Graduete Harvard Medical school, Bos-
ton ; late Senior Resident Surgeon Mass, Bye
8s Ear Inllrmory ; late (Blitioal assistant in
Nose and Throe t department Maim Gen. Hos-
OW • late House Surgeon Toronto General
Hoeatal. 1.•••Itt Brussels by appointment.
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos.
pltals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tooted for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons of Ontario and Graduate University Of
Toronto Faanity of Dentistry,
Office in 'Bard Block, Wingharn
Phone 240. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Mite work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night cattle. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
Penton& graduate Deportment of Ophthal-
mology, MoOormiek Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at
her offioe over Grower's Restaurant, Bruesels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 1110 6 p. m. Forenoons
by appointment, Phone 1015.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, Ind door from Hamilton
Prititte Nude to loan at loweet rates.
W. P11.0IIDWOOT. R. 0. .1, L. KILLOGAN
-focal II eb3s afttins
ro ewers gets Tint POST to January
1St next.
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -The next regu-
lar meeting of BruSSeIS Women's Insti-
tute will be held in the audience room
of the Public Library cn Friday, Nov.
2oth, at 2 30 o'clock. Proviucial Con-
vention report of Loudon and Toronto
will be given. A good attendance ask-
ed for.
annual Meeting of tile Huron Old Boys
of Toronto will be held iu Se George's
Hall, Elm St.. on Friday evening, Nov
eetb, at 8 for the election of offi.
cars and the treusaction of general busi.
nese. Dr, James'1, .Hughes will deliv-
er au address to be followed by address-
es by prominent members of the Asso.
"One of the most influential agri.
cultural papers in the Dominion," is
the way reliant refer to the Weekly Sun
of Toronto:- It is a paper which ap-
peals to the wide-awake fanners. 1u -
dependent and fearless, it has always
guarded the best interests of Canadian
agricultural. • Aside from that, its ae-
on rate and •carefully compiled market
reports and summaries give the reader
a practical ereep of market conditions,
"You have ssved me dollars," is the re-
peated recommendation of hundreds of
its readers. The.Sun is on the ground,
and it is not influenced by any packing
houses or commission merchants, It
stands for farmers alone, every day in
the year. It is the farmers' friend, you
ougnt io be a reader.
Select Your Medicine With Care,
lim debility and weakness medicine
should be mild arid fax reaching.
Many pills and purgatives nee too
harsh, are drastic instead of curative.
Excessive action is always followed by
depression and 'knowing thee Dv.
Hamilton 'devised his pills of Mae -
&eke & Butternut so as to •mildly in-
crease liver and kidney anti V i ty, finob
out the elementary (tenni, tone and
regulate the bowels. Thus (lo Dr.
Hand I ton's Pills elitninate poisons
from the body, restore clettniese to
the skin, beteg strength arid that
sweet restorer (of health -sleep. Best
medicine oil earth,. 25c per box at ell
Go -There are • few more populeir
theatrical attractions on the road than
the J, C, Rockwell "Sunny •South"
cumpany, which will be seen in the
Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesdery evening,
Nov. teth. This company although
billed 'under its old title is, never -the
lest, preseuting breed new performapoe
from the rise to the final tall of the
curtain. This season Mr, Rockwell
claims to have the newest, hastiest,
Most artistic and thoroughly equipped
colored show ever sent on tont% He
backs his. claim and arrests public at-
tention by presenting a musical per-
formance that has mote original ideas
turd up -to the-iniuute novelities than
any similar' organization. As on Its
former visits it will be toiled to be
clean to a fault mid during the entire
performance there is not a line, au
ection nor an insinuation to which ex-
ception eau be taken. The fue, which
will be handed over the foot lichee • is
ell new and needs no arrow to •point the
Way to tbe laughs. It its Inhaling With
new noval aud entertaihing features end
it is brim full of laughable siteatious,
thartniog musical nateibere and excel.
lent specialitiee, which will make the
aedience sit up and take melee, ft is a
musital show, wedded to the most tune-
ful Musk one would care to listen to,
Ifull of ginger atld life, With .net a dell
mornent from beeiuning to eine A
good eprinkling oi new songs hes been
made In m
/be performance turd with the
atmospeere.belug of the eon where the
audience leaves the theatre whistliug
the lateet soog hits, lter engligement,
, can be properly andelpitted with' much
pleasure by those who go to the theatre
to laugh end enjoy themselves, The
orgamentiou is secompsnled by a solo
concert band end a superb orcheatra.
The "goontowe" parade lakes place at
moat. The pricee of admission ilitVe
beer) placed et 3 5 & 50 cents. Seats
selliug at Fox's Drug Store,
• Goderieh
Mr. Vmn, MCOreaLli is on a visit to
her. retie 13. 11,' 1)1 Toroeto.
Islitke went to Michigan to
visit his brother, Joseph, who is
seri(muely ill.
Sunday Scheel anniversary set,
Vi(nni Kt North St. Methodist church
last, Sueday. Rev, Per. Barker, B.
1)., of Seefoeth, preached at both
Collector of Customs, A. Farrow,
has resumed his dirties at the officio
here, and his substitute, Me. Valleate
hits returned to hie borne at Deser-
A fine plump partridge flew across
the Smiare and collided with a pane of
glass above the store door next the
Stay theoi W Ill) such force as to
break I he glass and instantly kill it-
Moe. Jessie MacDonald, of Calgaey,
has returned tri the parental home of
()apt mobi rtrid 11lrs. MmlIcobimi M acDonedd
Quebec street, the latter having never
a•nonvored from the lose of her son on
the steamer, Wexford, one year ago on
Monday, November 9t1m, 1918. .
Walter Bell suffered fimin fLII attack
of lomilago hurt week.
el imici pal Commit met Saturday fop
geemed toweship business.
ides, Albeit Fox, Winnipeg was the
gnest. of Mrs. E'. Or eensides.
John Ballantyne has purchased a
Forel Touting car from Webber's Ford
Garage, .Listowel,
Miss elerle Richmond has returned
home after spend i ng a few weeks in
her Y0111101' schonl section near Queens -
vine arid 'I'orotito.
28 large boxes were packed with
clothieg. etc., for the Belgian Relief
Furel and shipped to Montreal. The
total weight, was 5000 pounds valued
at $1,200,
GOOD TIME. -The 11111liversary ser-
vices of Dotiegal elethntlist church
were held on Sunday, Nov. let. Rev.
S. Anderson, of London, preached to
congregations that taxed the capacity
(of the church. Sermons were excel-
lent and the offeriugs liberal, over $03
being received. Tuesday night the
ennual fowl dinner was •served when
a lame congregation sat, clown to a
dinner fit for a king. The ladies of
Donegal are noted for their excellent
church dinners. Peogram was per-
haps the best ever given 111 the church.
MO910 eves furnished by the choir of
the ch 101111, and Miss Thompson, a
taffies' • quartette and a gentleman's
trio from Listowel. Miss Ada etc -
Mane mid NI NS 011V4i8 delighted the
audience with recitations, while the
Revs, 'W. A. Amos. 13. A., Atwood
mei A. E. Doan, M. A., 13. le, elnek-
Um, gave splendid addresses. The
total proceeds reunite ted to $213. Dr.
2? user, the pastor, nocupied the chair.
Be a strong Man
Increase }roue vitality and nerve
energy, restore ViTT1 and force to yoor
neer worked body. Pet roantie will do
thi8 ES it aid l'Or Wolter Wiloci ef
Beemport, N. B., who mites . "I can
say Verrezmie has given me a new
lease of life. A year ago, 1 suffered
so from tiervous exhaustion I VMS
searcely able to dreg niyeelf around,
lefy appetite was gone, I had no •color
or ambition and felt used np. One
box of Ferrozone started me back to
health. I took a number of boxes
and my health was completely re -
attired." For men who ere tired, pale,
nervous and thin-bloeded nothing
Compares with Ferrozone, 500 per
box at, all deniers.
Bainten 130o2., received a ear of
sheep skins from New Zealarel.
Jos. &others reetrived woed of hie
oppointntent as Issuer of Marriage
Licenses, in tbe place of Thos. Oode,
Fraiik Bennett,' nf Cartier, visited
his parents, :Pilo. and Mrs. Bennett.
He was ancompanied borne by his
daughter, Hazel who has been visit-
ing here for thepast few months.
Mends of Mee. W, Mc.
On tighey .will be pleased to tear 11
that the is able to be about again
ill ter her fall which severely sprained
het ankle. .
There died at the Aged People's
Horne, London, on November. 3141, a
fienter resident of title town, in the
'peesoo of Thomas F Culllo, and bus -
bend of Mee. Mary Collis, now 10 eesi-
dent of Blyth. The lette Mr. Collis
for a number of ye41114 W418 a stage
driver, beeween Clinton . and Blyth
and will he reitionibeied by the older
residents of town.
Items/Iv:AL.-A home wedding took
place et the 0 esidence of Mrs, j .
Mille, Queen etreet, 131y114, Tuesday
'terming of last so 1511 et 10 o'clock,
when hee (taught em', Florence. be-
came the bride of Rev. F. 81. Olys-
dale, Carlstadt, A.lberta. Rev, 0..
0. Koine, behther-in-lem of the' bride,
14611181081 111' Rev. George Jewitt, per-
formed the cevernotry. To the
etraine of Mendelsohies wedding
!rowels played by ,10bis, Keine, • sister
of the bride, the bride who hooked
very pretty iti 1001 y cream satin,
11140001 eri into the parlor on the men
of her. brothel., John, tvhn gave her
eway 14, marriege. The conple
went unattended, two of the bride's
nieces, Loella ZINO and Elizebetli
Miller acted rof ring bearers. ,Aftee
metal(' irg of hutch the hAppy couple
left, on the afternoon trein foie their,
home itt, Carieleult, Bride'a travellieg
stilt was of nevy bine with black bat
to Mach. The bride will be greelly
missed in towir, espeeitilly in the
101 ethodist clitoeh, in which work she
always took A keen intevest, In the
Strrulay School her elfin te ass 41 teaoher
wave mirth appeeniated and her elites
raeb at her hones on Friday evening
rinds Health in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Creston, Iowst.-" I suffered vrith fe-
male troubles from the time I carne into
Womanhood until I
had taken Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. I
would have pains if
I overworked or
lifted anything
heavy, and I would
bo so weak and ner-
vous and in so much
misery that I would.
be prostrated. A
friend told me what
your medicine had done for her and I
tried it. It made me strong and healthy
and our home is now happy with a baby
boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
do all I can to recommend it."-Mrs.A.
B. BOSOAMP, 504 E. Howard Street,
Creston, Iowa.
Tons of Roots and Herbs
are used annually in the manufacture
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn -
pound, which is known from ocean to
ocean as the standard remedy for
female ills.
For forty years this famous root and
herb medicine has been pre-eminently
successful in controlling the diseases of
women. Merit alone could have stood
this test of time.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compoundwill help you,write
to tydiaE.Pinkb am lifedicineCa.
(Confidential) Lynn,Mass.,for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
and presented her with a kitchen
shower its a token of their apprecia.
tiori of her efforts in their behalf.
Sam. Campbell has returned from
an extended visit with relatives in the
Mrs. A. B. Dobson left for Mansfield
Ohio, owing to the serious illness of
her son, A. Dobson.
J. W. Beswitherick has pnrchaeed
the property opposite the hotel and is
melon extensive improvements
them eon.
The town father% have been impro-
ving the main street here by putting
1)1 10 cement gutter on the West side
of the road,
The Willing Workers of the Metho-
dist church intend holding a Xmas
Bazaar in the Y. M. B. O. rooms on
December Wt.
Word was received here Monday of
last week of the death in Manly, Al-
berta, of Mrs. David McLaughlin,
formerly of this village.
Wing Rogers has purehased the
Ren tan property in this village and
took possession. W. S. Sutton has
moved into Mr. Rogers' former resi-
Rev. W. G. Connolly, B. D. return-
ed Missionary from Japan, will be
here Sunday Nov. 22nd and on Mon-
day evening, Nov. 23r11. he will give
an address in the Methodist church
on .theMissionary situation in Japan.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year in the Young
People's Association of Trinity
church :--Patron, the Rector ; Presi-
dent, W. Marsh ; lot Vice -Pres., Mrs.
Lester; 2ard Vice, W. Lynn ; 1100. -
See., Alex. Graham • Editorial Sec.,
Miss Spinks ; Hon.-Treas., Earl Oor-
bet ; Organist, Miss Goggin.
William Arden, of Vancouver, is
visiting friends 111 town.
Rev. W. W. Leech, who is living
WI h his brother Jernes here, was
stricken with a parelytic stroke on
Monday of last week.
• INvrrEn TO REMAIN.- At the
November meeting of the Quarterly
Official 13oard of ithe Gorvie Metho-
dist church the following resolution
W108 moved by R. H. Stephens
seconded by T. 0. Johneton and
• carried unamiously Thee we, the
members of the Ginnie Quarterly
Boat d, desire to express our high ap-
preciation of the faithful and excel-
lent services rendered by our beloved
pastor, Rev. G. W. Rivers and his
estimable wife &ming the past year
in every department of our chinch
Clubbing List
THE POST has .nrede arrangements
to elub with the following papers and
will be sent 10 1001' address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) at the
following sobscriptione prices 1 --
Pose and Mail and Dmpire. ..... ..$1 00
• " London Advertiser . 1 60
0 London Free Press . 1 85
" Family Herald ttnd Star 1 85
al on Weal Witnees 1 85
F11.101008 Advoeate , 2 35
Northern Messenger 1 40
nd Toront0 Star .. .... $2 85
Toronto News.- 2 85
Toronto Globe 8 '75
Toronto Mail4Impire8 75
Toronto World 3 50
Ad vet tinier . 3 75
0411 at the office or remit, the
amornit b1"P 0. Oeder, Express Or-
der op Registered Lettee Add eessi ng
Ti4g POST,
• Brussehe Ord,.
Ilfe neat work, also of their bright,
and ploruising children, templed with
a sinceee request that they return to
tide eireitit next: year on the same
011111111O1 cOnd1).10118 aii inet yenr.
Seetteo..- Several dive ago there
appeored in the victiulty of Gorrie
I 41111 M.1111104, g steanger, and after
be woe seen hauging around the
neighborhood for severed tleys and
eating In a eirepleioue menner, an in.
veetigation wits enade and le svas dis-
covered teat be tyro a German, He
I was at once notified, that he had
' ten minutes to leave which he did
not do, When a number of men
started a titan-hun2 for him, he fled
and the bunters pitrsued 11117). Be
ran into a Gentian's house about 3
miles Noeth of Gorrie. Here the men
sorrouridee 111,11 and sent for a con-
stable. The constable hurried to the
scene,'but the fanner refused to hand
him over., stetting that he had hired
hlin and that he was obis property."
The constable and men retired from
the scene of action, trot knowing
whet to do. Next morning it was
discovered that the "spy" had
disappeared from the vicinity. A
immeed message was seta to Pro-
vincial Officer Phippen, of Whighane
to come and look loto the matter.
The whole community was in a• state
of excitement.
Ross Hermiston left for Newark,
N. J., where he has taken a position.
The bazaar on Fah? Day under the
auspicee of the Guild of the Presby.
terian chtiech was it great success, the
organizatiotr having cleared $100 for
donation to 111188i0118.
J. H. McDonald has on exhibition
in his window, an A.ustrallan orange.
The orange is green and resembles an
unripe California orange. It was
grown at Hayfield and is one pound
in weight.
The Lietenvel Club, now located in
quarters over The Banner (office,
have decided to make a change and
will shortly move tothe new p,rem-
ises which they have rented over
Binning's Fair.
0. F. and Mrs. Vandrick, Miss
Lilllan Vandriok and Cecil Vand-
rick left for Wingham where they
will in the future make their home.
Mies Nell Vandriek will remain with
Mooers. Schinbein & Son. Knox
church Ladies' Aid presented Mrs.
Vendrick with a biooch and fancy
work basket.
Notwithstanding the heavy handi-
cap under which they were playing,
the Listowel High School. Football
team defeated the Berlin Collegiate
Institute team by a score of 1-0 in
the rink park here on Saturday and
as this was the last game of the Fall
series the Hough Cup remains in
Listowel until next Spring at least.
Each of the playere will also receive a,
medal from W. 13'. A.
Through the efforts and influence
of North Perth's member, 11. 13.
Morphy, X. 0., M. P. The Perfect
KTlit Mills of Listowel have received
am order for 3,000 sweater coats for
the Canadian militia. The order is
to be filled in three weeks. This was
hardly possible in the mills here so
1500 of the order will be supplied by
The Williams -Trow Limited, &rat -
The High School Board, in special
session appointed Mies Clara B. Mc-
Kinley, of Seaforth, end R. J. Sin-
clair, flarristem, as moderns and
Science teachers respectively, in the
Listowel High School as successore to
Miss Drifter) and Mr. Pugh. The ap-
pointmentli have since been confirmed
by wire and Mies McKinley will
commence ber duties at the first of
the year. As Mr. Pugh has express-
ed his 'desire to be relieved as soon as
possible, Mi'. Sinclair will .commence
duties within a few days. The latter
gets $200 and fees as Cadet instructor.
One of The Saddest Stories
First it was a cold, neglected of
course and catarrh developed. Noth-
ing wae done and consumptioni fol-
lowed. Watch the little cold, keep it
from ,growing byusing "Catarrh-
bzone. Nothing simpler than inhal-
ing the germ -killing vapor of the
grand remedy. .Colds and catarrh
flee as 'before fire. Every trace of
throat and bronchial trouble yields
immediately. 'Onteterhozone is setenti-
fic and absolutely guaranteed for
preventing and curing catarrh and
kindred ills. Two sizes, 25c and $L00
aall dealers.
Miss 'Willa Smith, St. Marys, is
visiting Mies Pearl Guhr.
Mrs. James Sproat is visiting rela-
tives in Lueknow Mid vicinity.
Miss Navy ldodeland, Orangeville,
has returned home for the Winter,
MPS. Harold Deem, of Wingham, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Jarnes
Miss Wilkinson, of New York, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. John A.
William Hart, son of lames Hart,
nO McKillop, broke his arm when
cranking his father's automobile.
Henderson Smith le spending the
week with his brother, Pernik, at
Port Colborne.
Fred. Savage returned from
Sprucedale bringing wit,h him a fine
deer which be shot near that place.
P118 00011011 have appoined 3. D,
Hinckley a member of the Board of
Health to succeed the -late Geo. Mur -
Dr. R. R. Rose, who recently Under -
Wen G a serious Operation is reeovering
nicely and will be out again in a few
days. "
Miss Mildred Jonee who was taken
ill while teaching at Merlin has re -
wetted home and given up her school
until after Chrietroas. .
Wesley Free, briteher foe Wes,
Beattie, veceived a bad cut on the
hand while at work, which required
five stitches to elose itt
Roy Neleon has on exhibition in his
butcher shop a fine speohnan of deer
shot by Mr. Troyer near Magnetewen
-it weighs 280 pounds, .
Thomas Rands shipped a car of
choice apples to Edmonton last week.
There were several varietiee, all hand
wrapped in bushel boxes.
Employees of the Cintadien Fund.
Wee Manufatturerie plant here are
looking forwatd to the opening of the
freetoey which has beet closed shiers
Choice Fresh Groceries and Meat
Everybody Call at
Leitch'sHltio'r'fiete Cranbrook
find look over our Fine
New Stock of.'
Mrs. (Rev.) Neil Shaw, of Ridgtown,
is the guest of Rev. and Mee. Cars-
well, McKillop. •
Miss Jean Ross, of Stewart Bros.,
staff has gone home to Olintan owing
to the illness of her mother'.
William MeMiclutel, is the champ-
ion apple grower of this district, his
lergest this year being an Alexander,
The inchee in circumference and
weighed 200001000.
Over 450 tons of sugar beets have
already been shipped from Seaforth
station, and a number of the farmers
are still busy hauling,. The bulk of
the crop this year goes to the Berlin
• Dr. John Grieve and William
Hartry have returned from Toronto,
where they had been delegates to the
Provincial Horticultural Association.
Mr, Heavy was elected Provincial
Director foe this district.
Mrs. McLeod and children have ar-
r ived from Scotlaud and are the guests
of Alex. and Mrs. McLennan, Com-
mercial hotel. Mrs. McLeod lives in
the Transvaal South Melee rind while
on a trip home to Scotland deoided,to
vieit her Canadian relatives also.
Miss Margaret McLeod of this town is
also a niece of the visitor.
The Seaforth Horticultural Society,
at their annual meeting in the Oar-
negie Library, eleeted the following
officers for the corning year :-Prese
dent, A. F. ()lure; Vice -President,
W. D. Hoag ; Secretary -Treasurer,
Chas. Stewart ; Directors, W. Hartry,
Jas. H. Wright, Dr. John Grieve,
Howard Hartry, L. Fleurchents ;
Auditors, Dr. Grieve and Jas. H.
Don't Use Greasy Liniments
A. century ago they were popular.
Today people want something easy to
apply, certain in results, and above
all a clean liniment, When Nerve
line is applied aches and pains dis-
appear as the pores absorb its sooth-
ing healing properties. Nerviline
penetrates to the core of the pain,
eases instantly and leaves no oily bad
smelling memory behind. Good to
take in, capital to rub on, and five
times more powerful in destroying
pain, than any oily liniment. Don't
fail to get a large 25c bottle.
Perth County
The neat sum of $250 for Patriot-
ic Fund was raised by Stratford
School Concert.
Mitchell Methodist choir is ar-
ranging to give Mauuder's sacred
cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," on New
Year's night.
Mrs. Uniac, an old resident of
Logan, over 90 years of age, end a
sister of T. Haggarty, Stratford, is
daily engaged in twitting soaks for
the soldiers.
Rev. J. W. Baird, B. A., has re-
ceived and excepted a unanimous in-
vitation from the Quarterly Board of
the Methodist church Mitchell to ee.
turn as pastor for a fourth year.
Lewis Gorrill was some few days
ago found dead in Detroit. He was
lately in business as,os tailor in Tor-
onto, and was born in the township of
Fullerton, A widow, two daughters
and two sons survive hitn.
I. and Mrs. Hord visited their
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton, ul
Pean Yau, N. Y.
Rev, A.. E. Doan, of Monktore
preached morning and evening in
Mitchell Methodist church.
Stella and Oromarty schools wee
both closed for a Hine owing to
measles. Houses have also been
maven tined.
T. J. Rundle, of St. Marys locality
is installing an electrical motor on bis
farrn Mr. Rundle is the first farmer
in that section to use Ryden.
George Weeturan, of Gvanton had
the pleasant; task of setting flee to
the mortgage on the Granton
diob church at the Fowl supper in that
Many of the best stories and anec-
dotes that you hear repeated by
ministers and other public speakers
come f vom The Youth's Companion.
A young man who wishes to make
his Conversation entertaining or to in-
crease the effectiveness of an argil
went, can do 110 better than to study -
these witty and apt stories in the
Another feature of value is the
doctor's weekly talk on getting well
and keeping so. His advice is sound
and wactical. He suggests remedies
for minor ills, describes the symptoms
of others and urges the importance of
consulting a physician whenever the
indications are obscure or disquieting.
He recommends certain things to be
done in cases of accident before the
doctor arrives.
These are ;just two particulars in
which The Companion excels and they
are by no means. the only ones, If
you do not know The Oonmanion let
us send. you one or two current issues
with the Forecast for 1915.
Every new subscriber in °amide
who sends $2.25 for the fifty-two
weekly issues of 1915 wifl receive free,
all the issues of the paper for the re-
maining weeks of 1914; also The
Companion Home Calendar for 1915.
144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass,
New Subscriptions received at this
Fall Housecleaning
John Lunn
Painting Paperhanging
Graining Decorating
Good Workmanship with Moderate Prices
Old Suites and Cupboards made
to look like now.
If you desire suggestions of color
schemes for Painting or Paperhanging
call up 'phone 41x.
John Lunn,
Thomas Stteet, Brussels.
oo Farmers having Cream to sell during the Fall and
I Winter months can get best results by shipping to •
• y •
Gunn s Creamery, Walkerton
so Highest prices paid for Butter Fat.
LI Two shipping cans supplied free.
Express paid on all shipments.
; Each can carefully weighed and tested and state,-
ment of each shipment returned with empty can.
Semi-monthly paynients. Write for cans and NH
• • particulars to Gain's CREAMERY, Walkerton..