The Brussels Post, 1914-7-16, Page 8Films Developec__
Bring us your Holiday
Kodak films
to be developed and printed. Our finish,
Ing department will get the most from
every exposure, and we will gladly assist
you to still better future results.
We are equipped to turn out the work
promptly and satisfaction is assured,
The changes are moderate,
Brownie Cameras $2 up Maks $10 up
7 -he
e.XCbW Store F
Taal Stipa Items
SOME hot days:
CVT the weeds,
LOCAL news on page 5.
HALF of July gone already,
Hoo market holds fairly good, $7.v5
per cwt.
Ni uessLs Creamery butter finds
ready sale.
Thos, Curry's residence has been im-
proved by a new dress of paint.
SLACx buggy tires are in fashion Un-
til the blacksmith's get at them.
MAITLAND river is very low and con•
sequently confined to a narrow bed,
RIMMED fares on all railroads to
Stratford Old Boy& Reunion Aug, x-8,
THE fireworks at Stratford Old Boys'
Reunion will be worth going tulles to
see. Try to be there.
40 CENTS in advance gets THE POST
to Tan. 1st Ig15, That's cheaper than
borrowing if you have far to go.
WEDNESDAY evening reminded us of
Fall Fair time with the crowd on the
street. There were autos to "burn."
SEVERAL games in the Western On-
tario Baseball League will be played at
Stratford during Old Boys' week. Aug,
1 to 8.
How far babied is your subscription
to THE Pose'? At the small sum of
$I.00 per year it is supposed to be paid
in advance.
THE Forard Creator Exposition shows
at Old Boy's Reunion Stratford, Aug. s
to 8, are the finest and most varied ever
seen in Ontario.
FRIDAY, July 31st, is the date upon
which the hotel licenses in Huron Co.
cease, owing to the carrying of the
Canada Temperance Act last Tannery.
BRUSSELS Tennis players are at
Mount Forest Thursday of this week
and play at Harriston on Friday. We
hope they may continue their winning
THE POST in referring to Miss Fairy
Robb's vocal examination in last week's
paper should have stated that it was
ber Junior exam. instead of Primary,
Miss Robb took honors.
A few loads of gravel at the cement
street crossings on Turnberry street
would do away with the spring testing
of buggies and automobiles when they
do the "bumper degree" with the
present conditions.
H E BUSINESS. - Joseph
Querin, of the Queen's Hotel, has pur-
chased the butchering business of John
Currie and is now in possession. He is
quite a pusher and will not let the grass
grow under his feet. Mr, Querin will
continue to run the Queen's.
SECRETARY A, W. Deacon, of the
Stratford Old Boys' Association has sent
an invitation to every Old Boy and Girl
whose name was submitted to him. If
you did not receive yours it was an
oversight. But come any way and re.
calve a right loyal welcome.
JULY SALE. -G. N. McLaren invites
all the readers of Tun POST to take ad-
vantage of the genuine bargains offered
in bis July Sale, Read the advt, on
page 8 and prove the correctness of the
same by a visit to the store where many
other bargains await you. If you want
to save money try the July sale.
DAMAGED RISs,- S. T. Plum met
with an accident last week by being
lcicked in the left side while passing a
horse in his blacksmith shop. Several
ribs were damaged whibh laid him aside
for some days. Be pluckily shod the
horse that "shook hands" with him be-
fore be quit work. We hope Mr. Plum
will suffer no harmful results from the
gratulates the candidates of Brussels
school who passed Form II examination,
Alphebetieatly arranged the names are :
-W. H. Dentnan, George Edwards,
Lloyd Jackson and Bessie McQuarrie,
The examination was a stiff one very
few in the Province tskieg honors, On
Wednesday Miss Jean Elliott received
her certificate her Name being omitted
from the puhlished list some bow.
small surprise was occasioned Tuesday
morning when it was reported thttt
Thomas McGregor had passed away.
He had not been feeling well for some
time and had been taking.'treattneut
from his physician but was usually able
to get to tbe shop. Sunday evening be
took Worse and despite all that could be
dobe be passed away as above stated.
Peritonitis was the immediate catise.
1 -le bad lived for years on the .9th con.
Grey township beton moving to Brus
cels and had followed his business as
saw filer and general repairer; In past
years be had patented saw tools and
prided himself on his ability to do a
neat lob. 3e years ago he . tnatrrled
Miss Newsom, of the 54t11 cone Grey
and she survives him. They Lad no
family, Funeral takes place on Thurs-
day alterno0n interment to be made in
Brussels cemetery' "Tota" McGregor
Oddity bet lied Vendee that
was an 0d ty bt
Were most ceennendable, He was 6'8
years of age and Was widely howl,
SOME splendid gardens in Brussels
this year.
RASPBERRIES, curracts and goose-
berries are on the market.
ENQUIRIES about farms for sale. Try
THE Pose' if you want to sell.
NEW potatoes are now on the regular
bill of fare. They are a good crop.
WRITE Secretary A. W. Deacon for
official program of Old Boys' Reunion,
Aug. I to 8, Stratford, if you have not
received one.
THE cement sidewalk in troot of R.
Thomson's cold storage block that had
a bad sag has been repaired this week.
Foundation bad given away.
IT is reported that B. P. Carr harness
maker, has sold his stock to Geo. C,
Manners, of town, who will combine
the two. Have not heard where Mr.
Carr intends locating.
MERRY -00 -ROUND.• -'A large Merry-go-
round is being located on the lot at the
rear of the Queen's hotel and will do
business for a while. The proprietor
lives in Sarnia. A big military organ
supplies the music.
ELDERLY person wanted as housekeeper,
WANTED. -Young calves. Apply to THE
Goon brooch lost in Brussels. The owner
will be greatly indebted if it is left et THE
REWARD will be paid for the prompt return
of a email slip leaf Ledger, bound in Morocco.
Lost on gravel road North of Bruesele. Find-
er kindly leave at Tan Pose'.
Goon brink house on William street for Bale
together with good stable and driving shed.
Excellent repair All conveniences, bath, etc.
For father particulars apply to GEORGE
THOMSON, Brussels.
DOG STaAYIDD.-Yellow and black Collie dog
being blind of an eye and has a short tail,
strayed from the premises of the undersigned,
Answers to the name of "Burly." Any Infor-
mation leading to his recovery will be grate-
fully received. J. T. BARBED, 17111 Con.
Grey, Phone 405, or Taos, G, MILLER, 6th
Lina, Mortis.
LIvs POULTRY WANTED. -We are prepared
to buy live poultry to be delivered on Monday
and Tuesday of each week. For prices call at
office or phone 08. R, THO0u008, Brussels.
A CARD. -We the undersigned hereby agree
to sell a package of live standard 6o boxes of
Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents.
Anality guaranteed. Tea. Ballantyne, Geo.
Thomson and W. J, McCracken,
--o- -
GEo, GOULDING, world's champion I
to 3 mile walker• will compete with five
others at Stratford Old Boys' Reunion
Aug. 1 to B.
CLINTON Model School will open on
August 18th, and applications for ad-
mission are to be sent to the Depart-
ment of Education, Toronto, on or be.
fore August 15th.
The W, M. S. of the Methodist church
Brussels, intend bolding a Willow
Plate entertainment on the Parsonage
lawn on Tuesday, August isth. A
good time is expected and everybody
will be welcome.
BRUSSELS Voters' List for 1914 was.
first posted up Tuesday of this week.
See if your name is on and if not and it
has a right to he there, make appli-
cation to F. S. Scott, village Clerk.
The town is divided into two polling
ing of Brussels Branch of the Children's
Aid Association will be held in the
Public Library audience room Friday
evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, The
officers and friends are asked to be
present to discuss the work of the
Society, Co. Secretary Elliott, of Gode,
rich, is expected to be present and ad-
dress tbe meeting, Druggist Fox is
the local President,
week 'Ens POST made reterence to the
demise of Mrs. David Richards, who
passed away at 8 p. m. Monday 6th
inst. She was one of Beyfield's oldest
residents. Her maiden name Was
Margaret Bates, relict of the late David
Richards. She was born in Ireland on
May sat 1814 and came to Canada When
4 years of age, Mrs. Richards was
married at Goderich in 1835, by Rev.
Mr. Campbell, to the late David Rich-
ards, who predeceased her by about 28
years. With the exception of a few
years she has always lived in the
vicinity of Bayfield. The funeral took
place from her late residenee to Bay-
field cemetery on Thursday afternoon,
Rev. Mr. White, pastor of the Metho-
dist church of which she was a member
and a regular attendant at the services
as longus she was able took the service.
The pallbearers were Thos, Cameron,
John Fraser, James 1homson, James
Campbell, Geo. Hastings and Murdock
Ross. One son and two daughters
survive :-Isaac Richards, Brussels and
Mrs, Wilson Eagleson, Lueknow, and
Miss Ellen at home, The subject
of this notice was too years old on May
let and was possessed of all her powers
to a marked degree, She had enjoyed
splendid health and never had rheu-
matism or other ailments common to
old age., Mrs. Richards was the last
of her family. Miss Rieher ill on-•
tined tlivet Baytield ib the Mean.
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up
Resorvo Fund
Undtvidod Profits
oint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers orthose living out
of town, Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose names the account is opened,
SMALL fruits are on the market.
SEAFOR'rH horse races are on the
program this week.
THE finest calitbumpian parade ever
seen in Ontario at Old Boys' Reunion,
Stratford, Aug. I-8. Come and see it,
THE apartments iu the Leckie block
are being fitted up and will be taken
posse: Sion of by Cleve. and Mrs. Seeker
in the near future.
A horse belonging to Robert Menarey,
loth con., Grey, took fright at an
automobile and upsetting the rig
rather mixed things up before it was
caught. The top was pulled off the
buggy and some other damages occas-
ioned. Mr. Menarey did not escape en.
tirely free but might have fared worse.
GARDEN raiders, after small fruits,
vegetables and flowers, are making
trouble for some Brusselites. A
watch bas beeu set at a nuinber of
places to secure names of the saucy
intruders so that they may be brought
before the Reeve. Some folk say
people will be surprised when they
know the names of the thieves,
TENNIS, -In a fast and exciting tennis
game played at the golf grounds on
Wednesdby of last week, Brussels
doubles succeeded in defeating Listo-
wel, The game was an Interesting one
to watch as the play was fast through-
out the afternoon, The team lined up
as follows :-Brussels- Fox, Leckie,
Sinclair and Ross. Listowel -Living-
stone, Bernie, Spence and Morpby.
THE hay crop is proving quite en-
couraging to the farmers of this
locality after the famine of last year
and the railroads will not be asked to do
business on imports for the next 12
months. Last season's crop will be
q:,adrepled in the opinion of numer-
ous farmers and the quality will com-
pare favorably with the increase. Over
50o tons of hay were received at Brus-
sels during the past year, the price
reaching as high_ as $r5.00
KEEPING UP 1.11E RECORD - Brussels
pupils have maintained the splendid
record of the past in the High School
Entrance examination this season. The
whole class passed, 5 taking honors.
List is as follows :
Hazel Stewart, honors 557
Doris Ross, " 535
Cardiff Best,
Byron Wright, " 502
Harold Gerry " 499
Fred. Hilison, 462
Rhoda Hewitt,
Hazes Stewart headed the list among
the candidates who wrote at Brussels.
Miss Irene Sheriff. the teacher, must
not be left out in the congratulations.
3 res 0. -After the two tie games in
Association Foot Ball between Listowel
and Brussels the result of the third
garne, played Friday evening of last
week in Listowel, was rather disap-
pointing to the warm supporters of our
p g pp
team. Our residents were slow to be-
lieve the telephone message on the
evening of the game which said 3-0 in
favor of Listowel. Our lads have been
long enough in the game to know a
team cannot always win -although this
was the first defeat this season and they
are good enough sports to give credit
to teams that play better ball but the
referee last Friday was a poor excuse
for what is expected usually from such
an official and Brussels suffered by his
rulings, He also made some bad
decisions as it concerned Listotvel but
not as harmful as to results. Some of
the spectators who buttressed Brussels
goal did not play the part of gentle-
men in their behaviour to our goal
keeper. Listowel has a good team and
play a lively game but some of their
supporters dont do all the kiudly things
due a visiting club, A goodly num-
ber of Brusselites attended the play and
think our representatives had a good
deal better end of the game than the
score would indicate, It was a strenu-
ous game, well fought out on both sides
but it was not Brussels' night to kick
goals, although; Listowel's sturdy goal
defender had a busy time more than
once, One of their goals was on a
Marys Argus tells this one : "A num-
ber of N. L. Brandon's friends hearing
that he was likely to return home on
Tuesday evening with his bride, de.
eldest to give them a right royal recap.
tion, They assembled in large num.
bens at the G. T. R, depot to meet the
so 45 p, m. train with autos, tin horns,
a drum and Tommy Raper's dray on
which was a wooden cage into which
the unsuspecting bridegroom was to be
placed and drawn in state through the
town. Four stalwarts bad been des-
patched in an auto to the Junction to
see that be did not evade them there.
Great was the merriment when the
train pulled is to find no bride and
groom but the assembled crowd learned
that the young couple were likely to
motor from Stratford," The groom is
a former resident of Morris township.
and the bride was Miss Annie Wren, of
Brussels, prior to the tying of the
matrimonial bow. Just a word to the
"fanny" people in St, Marys and that
is dont carry a so-called joke too far,
If the prime movers in these "re.
ceptions" would .ask themselves how
they would like to be the fellow In the
cage, they might reef in pert of the
program, Surely there are happy
little ways of welcoming bridal parties
home without playing the ridiculous.
Aood pug in the nose might teach the
adVaneeuuard, a' lesson in stink a me
thai would not bb easily tnigotteth
BRUSSELS Civic Holiday, Thursday
Aug. 13th.
BRuSSELs THIRD WIN IN '1.515 norms
LEAGUE, -Brussels scored their third
consecutive victory last Friday by de-
feating Mount Forest in -a Northern
group Western Tennis Association game
on the local courts. Scores:-
Singies-Stuart Fox, Brussels, beat
Howard Scales, Mount Forest, 7-5-6-
x. Vernon Ross, Brussels, beat Wise-
man, Mount Foreft, 6-2-7-5, A. G.
McDermott, Brussels, beat Dr. Roose,
Mount Forest, 6-2-6-3.'
Doubles -Harry- Fox and C. Leckie,
Brussels, beat Dr. Roose and Wiseman,
6-2-7-4 H. Scales and H. Peers,
Mount Forest, beat Stuart Fox and R.
M., Sinclair, Brussels, 6-8, 6-4, 6--4.
Weclnesday evening a well contested
Foot Ball match was played bere be-
tweeu Listowel and Brussels. This
was the 4th time of meeting this season.
In the first and second bouts neither
side scored ; the 3rd went to Listowel
by 3 to o and last evening Brussels won
by 1 to o, leaving Listowel in the lead
by a gods. Game Wednesday was a
hot one from start to finish and excite-
ment ren high. Boo loyal supporters
from Listowel came by special tfein so
that both teams had plenty of rooters.
No scoring was clone iu first half, but
in the and Brussels tools a goal and
several close calls for others but the
plucky goalkeeper saved the day and
game concluded with that result.
Referee Gunn, of Woodstock, handled
the game well and tnade both teams.
play ball. Listowel now goes into the
finals. While our boys did not win
the round they deserve great credit for
the season's work, especially the games
with Listowel. Latter teatn play a
strong game but were well matched
by our lads. The townhad the ap-
pearance of a Fall Fair when the great
crowd of spectators left the -park,
Listowel Hobo band cut quite a dash
and were a comical company. The
special train got here about 6 so p. m.
and left shortly after 9. Editors Bam-
ford std Blatchford accompanied the
People We Talk About
"Tap" Payne, of Galt, is here on a
holiday. •
Will. Lowry, of London, was in town
for a short visit this Week,
Miss Hazel Burgess spent a week
with Lucknow friends.
Joseph and Mrs. Murr are here on s
Oran Wilbee, who makes his home at
Stratford, is borne on a visit. -
Edgar Lowry was at London with
the cadets taking the drill course.
Miss Annie Nc uarrie is home from
her millinery situation at Dundalk.
Miss Ina Bryans was a visitor in
Goderich for a few days this week.
Charlie McMillan, who has a position
at Woodstock is home:for a holiday.
1. C. Prirlham, of Toronto, Sundayed
in town, the guest of P. MacQuarrie.
Miss Doris Ross has been on the sick
list but we hope she will soon be o. k.
Miss Kate Manning has taken a posi-
tion in the office of S, Carter, Brussels.
Mrs, A. McKelvey, of Toronto, is re-
newingold friendships in Brussels and
T. le, and Mrs Hamilton, of Listowel,
were visitors at Reeve Leckie's one clay
this week. -
Miss Bertha Sharpe, of Toronto made
a brief visit with relatives in Brussels
during the past week.
Miss Gordon is away for a holiday
visit, with relatives end friends at
Orangeville, her old bonne,
Miss Nellie Vipond, of Atwood, was a
visitor with her cousins, Miss Allis and
Beatrice Curly, Queen street,
Thos. and Mrs. Rands and Miss
Maybell, of Seaford:, were visitors at
Mrs. Jno. Manning's last week,
Mrs. S, Siemmon, of London, is'visit-
iog Mrs, Jno, Leckie, She isa sister of
Reeve Leckie and a well known former
Mrs George Hammett, of London, is
here on a visit at the home of J T. and
Mrs. Wood:. The visitor and Miss Mae
Wood are old triends. -
Edgar Hollinger who makes his home
at his Grandfather Ennis', Brussels; ip
having a holiday with relatives in Grey.
Mrs, A. McGuire, of town, ewes
chosen Vice President of the County -
W. C.Yr, U. Report of 'Co. meeting
may be read on page 4,,• -
W, J. and Mrs. Fawcett and. Miss
Mary, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels,
have gone on a holiday trip to the Old
Land for a few months,
Miss Rhea Emigh, of Whitewood,
Man., is hereona holiday visit with old
Mends. She isa daughter of Wm. and
Mrs. E.rnigh formerly of Brussels.
Chas. Howlett and Miss Pipe were
away on a driving tour is which
relatives; and friends at• Bellmore,
Paisley end other points were called op -
Newton and Mrs. McCauley su,1
Mervyn were visitors at Granton acct
St, Marys during the past week, Miss
Gertrude McCuulay came hack -with
Dr, HOSseek, of Iunerkip, Was a
visitor for e few days last week, Mrs,
Hossectr and baby who worn vislting
hero for a few'Weeks, tettirned with him
by biota.
ies:ep,D OFFj0t,
ITis an advantage sometimes to
keep a bank account in the names
of two persons, so that either one
may make withdrawals. Such an
account is called a "joint account."
We shall be pleased to furnish par-
J. F. Rowland, ®D lti Manager.
Miss Hamilton. of Wroxeter, has
been visiting Miss Edna Carr. -
Mrs. R. Dark was visiting friends at
Clinton during the past week.
Miss Lily Burgess has gone to Sea.
Forth for a yisit with relatives.
Miss Nellie Irwin• of 1'or'onto, is re-
newing old friendships in Brussels.
J H. and Mrs: Kerney and daughters
of Guelph are bere for a vacation of a
month or so.
Mrs. W. Hudson and four children, of
Detroit, and Miss Mary Liviugatou, of
Toronto, are here on a visit with rela
tives in Brussels and Grey township.
Miss Mary Burgess Bud Will. Donley
of Seaforth, and Miss Margaret Carter
and Melvin Taylor, of Westfield, spent
Sunday with the former's parents, Jas.
and Mrs. Burgess.
Misses Agnes and Margaret Fulton,
from Detroit, and Mrs. Harry McArter
and children, of Brownsville, are here
on a visit at the hone of Mrs, James
Fulton, their mother, Brussels.
Mrs. W. H. Willis, of Wimgham, and
her sister, Miss Thursa Gerry, of Fort
William, are visitors in town. Miss
Garry will prolong Iter .stay for a few
weeks with old friends,
Mrs. Walter Sharpe of Goderich, is
here visiting her slater, Miss Rebecca
Sherrie. Mr. Sharp will be here shortly
to take up work on the receutly pur-
chased Grainger farm,
Miss Hazel Lowry has accepted a
position as teacher near Atwood and
will commence work after vacation.
She spent the past term at Stratford
Normal School and should make a good
THE Poem congratulates W. M. O'-
Beirne, of the Stratford Beacon, on his
election to the President's chair of the
Canadian Press Association, We wish
him a pleavaut year in its occupancy
and feel' assured he .will make an A I
official. '
Nlrs. S. H. Jackson and daughters,
Misses Olive and Ettn, of Moose Jaw.
are here on a visit with relatives and
old friends. They were former resi•
dents of Brussels and went West about
4 years age
Robt. Newsom, of 'Toledo, Ohio, is
home on a visit. He is a son of Mrs.
William Newsom, Queen Street, and a
brother of Mrs. '1'. McGregor. The
visitor is a former Greyite but has been
away for years.
Miss P. Jermyn, of Toronto, is here
on her vacation from Toronto,
Mrs, W C. Rayner, of Petrolia, is
visiting Miss Mary Ross, John street,
Mrs. and Miss lermytt are enjoying a
vacation with relatives at St, Marys
this week. -
Miss Elsie Wilton is visiting at the
parental home. She has been teaching
at Port Stanley.
Mrs. J. Leckie is hardly as well as she
was but we hope she will soon regain
iter former good health.
Clark Moore, of Listowel, is spend-
ing part of his vacation with old school-
mates Miss Stella is also here.
Mrs. (Rev.) F. J. Oaten and Miss
Beryl, of Toronto. are spending a
holiday at Old Orchard Beach, Maine.
Mrs. Merklinger, of auover, is here
0 ill 04
Paris Gi'een0 0al
6 V 'o keep ono quality only, 0
• the heel. itvery package a
0 oobsolntoly guarantees, 85e B
pet Ib, 0
e Far the Outram Bushes, •
00 Rose Bushes, &c, Good 0
0 fresh stock, 400 lb. 0
Hammocks 5
® One of the warm weather 0
0 comforts, We have thern •
® ' $1.50 to $5.00..
di 9
Invalid's Fine Old Port
g Medicated. Particularly fine 0
for building up a rum down 0
® system. $1.00 per bottle 61 e
OuNNINOnAM.-I,1 Morris townshipp, on July
11th, 1014, to Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Ounning-
hem, a daughter.
LAstoNs.-In Grey township, on June 28rd,
101.1, to Mr, 5110 Kra, W. A. Lamont, a son.
EI MONTOOMaaY.-In Winthrop, on. July 7t11,
on a visit with relatives and old friends 1014, to Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, a
Mr. Merklinger ie expected. this week. NAYLdaon.ughIt,t Seaforth, on July 7th, 1814, to
Zech McAllum, who was kicked by a Mr. and Dfrs. A. A. Naylor, a daughter,
horse last week, is able to move about ROGEas,-in East Wawanoah, on July 6th,1014
to MMMT. end Urn. Wm. lingers, a son.
and is making good progress toward re SW/RT.-In Morris, on. July 4th, 1014, to Mr,
covets, and Mrs, Wm. Short, a daughter.
Rev, A, J, and Mrs. Mann and Alan
are away to Kincardine locality for a -
month's holidays. Supplies for the BRUSSELS MARKET
pulpit have been arranged, O>�aont S1 40 SI 400
Chas, and Mrs. North, of Piston,
were visitors were J: F. end Mrs. Peas 00 00
Rowland. The former is a brother to Barley e0 0D
Mra, Rowland, Trip was made by neseor 10 20
motor. IIoge 7 25 T 25
Carman, son of Rev. E. G. and Mrs Hay 16 00 16 00
Potntoos 00 60
Powell, of Clinton, formerly of Brus- wootwashod - 20 20
sels. passed his examination Entrance Wool unwashed 18 13
to Normal this season. He is doiug
Miss Muriel Brothers, of town, has The People's Column
been chosen by the Trustee Board as
successor to Miss Sheriff and will com-
menee work on September ist, We
wish her success in this important de•
partment. Miss Brothers has had
practical training both in teaching and
attendances at scholastic institutions.
This year she wrote on 1st Class teach--
er's examination at 'Toronto. Salary . S.Soumm„Brussels. s•tf
will be $fine per annum
ARM FOR SALE. -The 100 acro farm,
known as the Hugh Stewart property',
Lot 0, Con. 15, Gray township, Huron Co., is
offered for sale. 05 aoros cleared and 6 acres
of bush. I8 is n good farm and in n floe local-
ity ; 234 miles from Walton and 6 miles from
Brusseiis. • Tor further particulars as to price,
terns, @e„ a ply to ALIES. BUGHANAN or
The undersigned offers for sale Farm
. Lot. No. 12 don, 2, Grey township, On the
Premises is a lirst•elaas 2 -story brisk 11o11a0,
Ftsnnn.-In Wingham, on July 1411,,1014, Pet- good bank barn with good stabling, frame
er Fisher, Postmaster, aged 88 years. .silo and good shed on stone foundation, 75
MOGRa0oa, In Brussels, on July 14th, 1014, mores are ander oultivatiotl and 25 mores in
Thomas McGregor, aged 08 years, good bush, mostly hardwood. Well watered
MANeoN.-In Ayr,. on .Tilly 4th, 1814, Margaret by 8 good wells • pumping windmill on barn :
Findle ter, relict of the late Henry Munson, floe bearing orchard. For further pnrtloulars
and sister. of Wm. Flndlater, 2nd line of apply to the undersigned-F.T.1310010, ALEX,
Morris, in her 81st year. B1tYAN8 or F. S. SOOTT, Brussels P. 0.
0 esBess•eeeeeeeeeseeesesseseeeeeeeeeee seese•esdeee®eesseseeo•eeeeeeee••ee••eee 0
Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren 1
0 1lP01'4'I'll4'lll!11111'h1110h4i 4i Ili Ili 4.1 4 ,41^hIW'Ihah'ill'111'h19+Wh,'1V'1lh'1e11111hIWN,IWarhrlr W4d4P11dW4i Ili Ili II1411hW'lll'ili IUSI',4,1 1hW'Ihali Ili 4i 4I1IViIIhIIVI,i I,i" e
0 0
2VE, ,--ems
15 Days
of Bargain Giving
Following our usual Custom of clearing out all Summer
Goods in their season we are placing a full line en Sale at
Greatly Reduced Prices. It will be well worth your while
looking over these Prices
25e Dorset Cover Embroidery for
'7, 8 and De Embroideries and Inset tions
2.75 and 3.00 Wash Dresses for
2.00 and 2,25 WVhsh Dresses- Inc ,
1,25 Wasli Id,ouse Dresses for -
1,25 and 1.50 White Waists for
25e and 85c Corset Oovere tint,...........•..,,
50c and 60e Corset Covers fm' •
1.00 and 1.25 Will teUildorslcirim 1'ur
1.25 White GO W118 Inc
1 75
1 ito
15.00 Ladies' Suits for .... ............ 11 00
12.50 Ladies' Suits for, . 9 00
A few Spring, and Summer Coats at little more
than Half Price.
5,00 Boys' Suits for 3'75
3.50 and. 4.00 Boys' Suits lot - 285
15,00 Men's Suits foe ,. 11 50
1000 Merl'e Sia"its for ....... :...... .... ..:.. .8 50
14ieu's Pan 18 at Greatly Reduced Prices,
Ali Summer Underclothing at Reduced 1'tices,
10c Prints for OS
00c. and 65c Dress Goods for 30
25e Oolored Linens for,..... 19
20e Deese (3inghams for.... ..... „ . .. 121
12ec Dress Gingham for .. - 10
25e Lisle Bose for 19
25c Cotton Hose foe..., ..... ............ . 19
15c Cotton Hose for 11
One lot of about 60 pairs of Lisle Gloves'
regular 50c, yot.,ir choice for 20
500 Fancy Dollars for - 25
26c Wash Collars for - 16
50e Corsets for.... 89
75e Corsets tor ...... . ........ 59
90e and L00 Dress Goods foe... 79
Straw Hatsin many cases at Half Price
1.00 Men's Shirts, slightly soiled, at 75
760 Men's Shirts for. - 55
Bargains in Men's and Boys' Bate atld
g Cape
Greatly Reduced Prices in. all Canvas
and Summer Boots and Shoes.
Come in - and
See, for Yourself.'
. •
G. N. McLaren
ii11111.i41A104)** OOSMti WN0166464111Mi11111i116feewl,3