The Brussels Post, 1914-5-21, Page 3Young Folks
uravikural 11011.-Voito
What the Children Learned.
"I don't want to wear my rub-
bers!" Abel grumbled.
"Wily-ee 1" said grandpa, "The
duck puts its little red rubbers on
when its walks in the soft, cold
"1 don't want to practice my mu-
sic!" complained May.
"Why-ee 1" said grandpa. "The
heist has 'worked hard at the
scales ever since it was old enough
to know how. Now it can sing from
low z to high z and back again
without an uneven note."
"I don't want to stop to wash my
hands," said Ned.
"Why-ee !" saki grandpa. "The
ant stopsand cleans up whenever
ib gets soiled, Its feet are covered
with hairs that make a good brush,
and its lets nut a bit of dust stay
on its body."
"I don't want to help in the gar-
den !" and Ray pouted.
"Why-ee !" said grandpa. "The
worm helps Toni every day as it
crawls along, it turns the bits of
dirt over and over with' the queer
little hobks on its body, and that
keeps the ground nice and soft."
"I don''[ want to fill the woodbox
full of wood," declared Ted.
"Why*-ee !" said grandpa. "The
bumblebee goes steadily from one
blossom to another and never stops
until its honey bags are quite full
o8 honey."
"I don't want to take this note
to the village," said Jack.
"Why-oe 1" said grandpa. "The
pigeon carries messages for a ling,
long way ; they are tied beneath its
strong wings." .
And what do you suppose those
i• le children did?
They sat right down besifle the
lilac bush, and promised each other
eh'at`they would not grumble any
. more ; they were so march ashamed
to find that the duck and the locust,
the ant and the worm, the bumble-
bee and the pigeon were all better -
natured than they.—Youth'a Com-
Only Tree Whose L- umber Produe.
tion Increased in 1912.
There are trees in Canada, whose
commercial importance is clearly on
the wane. According to one of the
latest bulletins' of the Dominion
Forestry Branch, the value of the
white pine lumber cut in 1912 was
one and a half million dollars less
than in 1911. The cut of hemlock
decreased thirty per cent.; that of
cedar decreased i .wenty-seven per
cent. and tamarack, the luanber
production of which has deereaaed
over forty per cent.. in the last two
years, bids fair soon to become
commercially extinct. Of the six
leading tree species in Canada,
Douglas fir was the only one whose
lumber production increased in
1912. In the province of British
Columbia alone, Douglas fir formed
over 67.7 per cent. of the total lum-
ber cut, and British Columbia is at'
present by far the richest tisnber
province in Canada, containing, ac-
cording to some estdanates, one-half'
the merchantable timber wealth of
the Dominion.
This remarkable tree attains a
height of over two hundred feet
with o trunk ten ,to twelve feet in
diameter, forming, alone or nixed
with hemlock, great forests extend-
ing four hundred miles notal of the
International Boundary. 'Its na-
tural range extends in Canada to
the eastern foot -'hulls of the. Rocky
Mountains in Alberta, where it
grows -to a height of 130 feet and a
diameter of four feet, and is con-
sidered one of the most important
tirber trees on the Dominion
Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve,
which rovers an ar'•en of nearly 21,-
000 square mi'le's.
It is also widely distributed
throughout the western United
States, being able to stand consid-
erable clienattic veriebion and being
p'rw,otically immune to insects or
tensile diseases.
Dr, C. S. Sargent, one of the
gresuteat authorities one American
trees, describes th,e wood as hard,
durable, and largely used for all
, kinds of construction. According to
a recent Dominion Forestry "Branch
• publieatim2e .on the "Wood -using In-
dustries cif O'ntwaio," it is increas-
• I ing in popularity in diet province
for' decorauMve....purposes its "it has
an attracti a grain and figure
which re'ndily lends itself to stain-
ing. Doug! aafir oonstreetd'on tim-
ber is shipped to all parts of the
The Douglas fir has been intro-
dueed into. Europe with great sue -
cess end largo tweets h•avo been
planted wilted are now yield1ng
hendeoane profits, Germmeny and
]!ranee purchase every year large
quantities of seed from the Indians
in British Columbia..
Lucky a man is never too old to
A vase area of Nem Zealand which
a voloajre dava:stated a gnalrtel' of la
.esnto1'y ago le being refrirested with
rc'h trees, M,n oanvoan
�' 1 dt labor doing filo
*ark, g
There ace ewes of paralysis that
caainot be cured. But that is 'far
different from saying that every
case of paralysis is incurable.
There is absolute proof thea[ many
forms of this cliseiase are curable.
Of the views that cannot be cured
many can beso benefitted that the
formerly hopele s sufferer tvil'1 ones
more fend her life warth living,
Attention is called itte the reimuurk-
able cures that have been effected
in caecs of partial paralysis, and
other severe nervous disorders, by
the nee of Dr. William's' Pink Pills
for ]?ale People. , Some of these
cures a1•'e so wonderful as to. chal-
lenge belief, but in every case the
statements have been carefully
verified and may be in.'vestigeted by
anyone interested. In this oonnec-
tion the case of Miss B. MilJehan,
of ,St. John, N.B., is worthy of this
most careful attention. Miss Mille -
hen says : "Some three years ago I
was taken seriously ill with diph-
theria. The doctor brought me
safely through this dreaded trou-
ble, and I was assumed to be well.
But two weeks later I took a re-
lapse, my throat and limb's becom-
ing paralyzed, I could neither
speak nor walk. I was under the
best of medical care, and after a
few weeks was utile to sit up in
bed, but my throat was still com-
pletely paralyzed end I couldonly
utter unintelligible sounds. I wail
treated by three of St. John's best
physicians far this trouble and my
case was given up, as hopeless. A
friend asked me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, but I had spent
so much on medicine without help
that I thought it would be only a
further waste of money., However,
I felt myself g1•oveng daily weaker
and weaker, and I decided as a
last chance that I would try the
Pills. By the time I had taken a
half-dozen boxes I could walk
acmes the floor, something doctors
had told me could never happen
again, I still continued taking the
fijls, my ep�eech }-etagpea and I
elt Myself in perfect he,allth. j41y
friends thought my restoration
nothing short of a nuraels, and I
thank myself that I have to thank
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills that I am
living to -day, and I feel oonfident
they can do quite as muoh for
others as they did for me."
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills effect
cures in eases of this kind because
they make new, rich, red blood,
which feeds and strengthens the
nerves, and tones up the whole sys-
tem. If you are in need of a medi-
cine give these pills a trial. We
are co.nfident'yoe will not be disap-
pointed. Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine. Co,, Brookville,
Many Uses for Banana..
I aur not sure that one banana
equals a snlltton chop, says a wri-
ter in tthe London Ohronicle, but
you will be glad to hear that the
banana has many other uses than
the profit of the London Coster. Its
leaves are plaited to form, malts and
bags, and the finer ones make your
cigarette papers. In East. Africa R
provides not only food, but drink—
an intoxicating drink that is much
admired. And when it comes to
London and Scatters its skins upon
the pavement it brings its warning
to, the uncareful walker..
Inquire For Yourself.
The wife of a: wealthy manufac-
turer 'had occasion to call in the
help of a new. floorpolisher, "Do
you understand your business thor
ough'ly?" "All I ask, madam, is
that you shall inquire for yourself
at my last situation. On the floor
of the large drawing -room alone
five persons broke their limbs dur-
ing last winter, and a lady slipped
down the grand staircase. It was
I who polished the floor and the
Lane Rack Strenothened
Stiffness Make( Right Out
Was Relieved in an Hour, and Cured.
Over Night. •
A lame bade? Quito ::,unnecessary.
All yon have to do is to rub on Nervi -
line. It's simply a' wonder for baok-
ache—relieves after one rubbing. "No-•
thing possibly :could our -an aching
back faster than Nervilino," writes
Mrs. Arthur Isobar,' of Lower Chel-
sea, N. S. "1 caught'cold and (vas so
prostrated with paid 1 could' not bond
over. We always have Nervilino at
ilonie, and I had the painful region
rubbed thoroughly with this grana
liniment. At once the pain departed,
The lame:tees was rapidly reduced and
in an hour I was able to bo about my
llousowork. I was rubbed again dust
before retiring, and awoke as usual in
the morning without a sign of my
back trouble,"
Thereis no sort of muscular pain
that '4. pvlj 1}e wen't cure tl,1ui lily.
Thousands weal' by It for shetina•
tisln; neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago,
It sinks to the core of the pain—light
through ni18cl0; time and 'peeve --it
»el}.rltte$ where no oily, greasy link.
then can 60 nee Invariably enret
quickly, It you leave an eche or a
pain an whore—use � Ivl
e-st will
Mir0 Boilelilily 5se )0very
Mtge 50j54 trial Mee 2C,It
t dealertr,
John St. Los Strachey,
The sou of Sir Edward Strachey,
Barb., was born in 1860 and was
educated at Balliol College, Oxford,
He has edited "The Spectator"
since the retirement o£ Mr, Town-
send, who, in conjunction with Mr.
Richard Holt Hutton brought that
journal to a high point of literary
and political power. Mr. Strachey
is a stalwart member of the Union -
party, while his brother, Lard
Strachey, is a Liberal peer. Mr.
Strachey is the author of several
boobs, including "Problems and
Peens of Socialism" and the "Prac-
ticatl Wisdom of the Bible."
Misers mistake gold for good,
whereas it is only a means of ob-
taining it.—B,ochefiouoauld.
It is a sure evidence of the health
and innocence of the beholder if the
senses are alive to the beauty of
Mem of God have always, from
time to time, walked among men,
and made their oonnmission felt in
the heart' and soul of the common-
est hearer.—Emerson.
Philosophers have. done wisely
when they have told us to cultivate
our remade 'rather Hien our feelings,
fpr reason reoaneiles ws DI the daily
things of existence; aur feelings
teach us to yearn after the far; the
difficult; dee unseen.—Bulwer.
The reason why sol few people are
agreeable in conversation ins that
each is thinking more of what he ars
intending to say then of nvhuat others
are seeing; aid we never listen
when we arc planning to rspeak.—
I halve told you of the Spaniard
who •always put on his spectacles
when about to eat cherries, that
they might look bigger and mare
tempitieg. In like manner I make
tree most of myenjoyments; an•d
though I do not oast my cares away,
I pack them in as little compass ae I
cam, and parry these as conveniently
as I can for myself, and never let
them annoy others', -Southey.
If your baby does not sleep, if he
is cross, cries a great deal, and will
not be conlfiorted, that is the time
to give him Baby's Own Tablets.
They promote sleep - not the
drugged unnateral kind obtained
thorough the use of "soothing" mix-
tures, but that refreshing
sleep of the healthy child. The
Tablets banish all stomach and
bowel complesnts—the direct oause
of crossness and sleeplessness,
Concerning them Mrs. E. Medras,
Grand Bois, Que., says: "When r
began using Baby's Own 'Tablets
baby was so troubled with constipa-
tion he would not sleep dey or
night. Now all this trouble has
vanished and he is a strong healthy
child," The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail ab 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Family in Navy.
The British • navy affords some
good examples of family continuity
of profession. Ever since 1735,
when Augustus Keppel—thio future
admieel and hero of many fights—
e ec appointed a msidshdpmlan, . the
naive of Keppel has'figuiad on the
navy ]fist. Even this record is sur-
passed by Sir Michael Culme-Sey-
mour's family, which has supplied
officers to the navy .praotieally
witivaut`a break sinos the days of
Repay VIII., when Sir'llhomas Sey-
mour coan:bined the offices of Lord
High Ade -ideal aind.Master-General
of the Ordnousoc. A Seymour
served, as Vioe-Admiralagarimab the
Alenia•, and another Seymour was
kilted im ecen.mand of his ship fight-
ing •the Datoh in 1860, It is said
that Ole naane of Seymour heves been
more often mentioned in dispatches
than any other race on reoord.—
London Daily Chronicle,
Now Type to of Submarine.
The elhilea feature of the new sub-
marines which the admiralty aro
ui,�a^jipg, and about which a great
aical of oeoiiec is an,aindiaimeid is the
Y ,
ptovisien of watertight compart-
melutsi is lids fund no e'adt oc all the de-
sign of p, ovious British eubmraa'ialee,
and of a detachable keel weighing
twelve tons, whicherneb1eln
by those on hoard
s e til cl all reserve
liiio,ytdaley bo exhatrated,
Postmistress is
Quite Well Again
hirs. Gray, Who W- as Nervous and
Run Down for two Yeai.q, Tells
hots eke, Found New health.
'Tichborale, Frentenae Co,, Ont.,
May 11 (Speckle—Mrs. H. Gray,
the popular postmistress here, is
telling her friends of the great
benefit she hens rooeived from taking
Dodd's Kidney Pills,
"Fur about two years," Mrs.
Gray says, "I was all rue ,down.
My sleep was broken aced unrefresh-
ing, and I suffered from shortness
of breath and heart flutterings. I
finally decided that the Kidneys
were flus cause of my trouble and
decided to try Dodd's Kidney Bills.
I took four boxes in all, tend I feel
quite strong and like myself again.
I certainly think Dodd's Kidney
Pills are a good medicine,"
The experience of the postmistress
is similar to that of thousands of
other Canadian women. They were
weak, run' down, nervous and in
bad health generally. They 'book
Dodd's Kidney Pills and are strong
and well again.
The reason is that when the Kid-
neys get out of order they fail to
strain the impuritiesout of the
blood, and general lassitude and
weakness ensues. The natural cure
is to cure flus Kidneys. The experi-
enoe of thousands of others tells you
that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the
Never Met Iter.
It was a little wizened man who
appeared before the judge and
charged his wife with cruel and
abusive treatment. His better half.
was a big, square -jawed woman,
with a determined eye. "In the
drab place, where did you meet this
woman who has treated you so
dreadfully?" asked the judge.
"Well," replied the little man,
making a brave attempt to glare de-
fiantly at his wife, "I never did
meet her. She just kind of over-
took me."
His Diary.
A little boy began to keep'a diary,
and his first entry was—"Got up
this morning at 7 o'clock." He
showed the entry to his mother, and
she said reprovingly, "Have you'
been to eohool 7 `Got up,' indeed !
Stich an expression !' Does the sun
get up? No, it rises l"—and she
scratched out "Got up at seven"
and wrote "Rose at seven" in its
place. That night the boy, before
retiring, completed the entry ' for
the day with the sentence—"Set
at 8 o'clock,"
Good Prospect for r Corn Crop
Every one with corns wr11 be pleased
to know that Putnam's Corn Extractor
is guaranteed to cure hard, sort or
bleeding corns in twenty-four hours.
Painless and sure is Putnam's Ex-
tractor, 26e. at all dealers.
Trade Depression.
Buyer (to traveller)—No, no; no-
thing at all, thanks. We're over-
stocked now..
Traveller—Very well ; but won't
you just look at my samples?
Buyer—Not a bit of good. Too
Traveller—Well, then, look here !
Do you mind if I take the' blessed
things out and look at 'em myself ?
I haven't seen 'em for three weeks.
Minard'a Liniment need by Pllyaioians.
A self-winding electric clock 'that
sbrilees the hoidens end chiames the
quarters is a novelty, side time-
pieces 'heretofore licking :the strik-
ing feature.
Filen Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money ' if PAZO
OINTMENT falls to cure Itching Blind.
or Protruding Piles. PSrat application
gives relief. 60e.
So that a mien may use a bicycle
when gunning a Frenchman hens in-
vented a :eupporb to hold it srts,tiioce-
ey while he is firing the gun,
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Stories like the following suggest
the need of a new proverb—"None
are so blind as those who think thae.
other people can't cars," '"Well,
John, did yell .talcs my letter to
Monsieur Montague 7" "Yes, sir,
hub I'm afraid he won't be able to
read it, for ho'.s blind." "Blind 7"
"Yes, sir, 1 was standing direcbly
in .front of •him i11 his private office,
and 11e asked me ewioe where my
hal was, and I had it on my head
all the time, Hal iso 1"
of the bowels is an absolute neces-
stty far good health. Unless the
waste matter from the food which
.collects there is got rid of at least
Unoe'a day, k decays and poisons the
whole body, causing biliousness, hide
gotten and Sick Iicac!achos. Salts
and other harsh mineral purgatives
Irritate the delicate lining of the
bowels, Dr. Morse's lncliin Root
Pills- entirely
vegetable --.regulate
the bowels effectively, without weak.
ening, �s•'i�ickeninMorse's
g or griping. Use
dt.s Y.e a d"•it o r s e' Indians Moot
Rash on Legs and Back, Scratching
Irritated BreakingOut. Used Cuti-
cura Ointment. Disease Vanished,
Irentvin0, N.
8.—"Por "Por nbout Ove rears
X was bothered with a light rash which
would appear most heavily on my legs and
baric, This troubled aro most
in thospring of the year. They
said It was ezcema, The
eczema itched and burned
and my scratching irritated
the breaking out. After it
broke out I could not obtain
` more than three hours' sleep
\ each night it pained me so,
My legs and back were e
Solid mass of itching soros.
"1 was given some salve and after using
this preparation about a week the disease
became worse and I could not obtain any
rest at night, I used all the patent prepa-
rations on tho market but they only seemed
to Increase the suffering and afforded no no
relief whatever. About this time a friend
recommended Cuticula Ointment to me.
However, I bad Iosb falth in all remedies and
told film eo, but lie Insisted that I try Cutl-
cura Ointment so I purchased a box. Tile
first application gave relief and in about a
week the sores were healing and I was able
to obtain a good night's rest, the first I bad
enjoyed for many months. I continued the
treatment for another month and by that
time all signs of the disease had vanished.':
(Signed) Willard P. Allen, May 10, 1013.
For more than a generation Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the
most economical treatment for affections of
the skin and scalp that torture, itch, burs;
scale, and destroy, sleep. Sold everywhere.
Sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin
Book. Address post -card Potter Drug e4
Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A.
And Value of the Land Owned By
the C.P.R.
The earnings on our Canadian
railways during 1913 amounted,
broadly, to $200,000,000. These
figures inelude n.!'1 the subsidiary
lines, and other affiliations of what-
ever nature; but the figures are
remarkable. Thirty years ago the
C.P.R,, which now shows grass am-
nual earnings of $140,000,0000,
could hardly buy axle grease. Its
25,000,000 acres of land were worth-
less. The land naw sells at the nate
of from $5 to $35 per acre. That
worthless land in its totality repre-
sents b. cash value of nearly $350,-
000,000. The lands still to be sold
will realize $200,000,000. The com-
missioner,,watch the London paper
of Lord Norbhcliffe's called Answers r
sent out to investigate conditions b
Wonderful Ileaddresses Worn lo
Some Countries,
In Russia the maiden who is fanny
free may dress her locks as she
wishes. But not so the wife --she
must hide her bale. So, as a 170001x.
penes for this saeifice, she dons'a
hat which may c ell' be called weird.
In shape it is not unlike a bishop's
mitre, and it is adorned as the fan-
cy or the purse of th,e wearer dice
testes. Gold, silver, and even pre-
cious stents have been used in dee-
oraiting this kokosehnilr, as it is
In certain parts of Spain a hat
similar to the Russian style is worn.
Particularly is this papular with the
dane.ers among the Toledo peasan-
try, although it must be very trot
and uncomfortable for this purpose.
The Dutch maiden of Amsterdam
pins her faith—and her head—to a
hat which resembles in shape an in-
verted flower -pot. It may not be
the style most suited to her round,
placid face, but she would not
change it for the latest "thing" in
On the island of Marken, in the
Zuydee Zee, the fashionable halt is
again of the mitre shape, but with
the addition of wide, flapping
wings. Farther north, in Norway,
a maiden. on her bridal day dons a
traditional erection which can beat
be likened to an eocentric castle or
a gigantic chessboard.
In the province of Alsace-Lor-
raine the women wear a huge,
winged headdress. The wonderful
thing about the Alsacian Haut is—
how is it supported 7 Are there
concealed wires 7 And how does it
"stop on". in a high wind 7
Pain In Back All Gone
Gin Pills Completely Cured.
Mr. B. C. David, of Cornwallis, N.S.,
says: "About a year ago, I was suffering
so much with a dreadful Lame Back
and Hips, that I could not stand up
straight I was informed by a friend
about GIN PILLS. I got . a box. It
helped me immediately. I have taken
about twelve boxes and the pains in my
back and hips are all gone. I cannot
speak too highly' Of your GIN PILLS."
50c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if
you write National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
""m ,so sorry your wife couldn't
come to our party. We'll miss her
"So will I. I'll have nobody to
emind me on the way home of the
ad breaks I made."
in the Dominion, regrets in one of
his letters that the C.P..R. should
have sold its land—any part of it—
to Speculators in the early days.
The ooanpany regrets that policy to-
day itself; but at the moment there
did not seem any alternative. The
people could not be coaxed at the
time to settle in the wilderness;
and the company needed money;
and the big parcels were parted
with—.parcels which in their unoc-
cupied state are the wonder of the
incoming settler, who has: to go
further back while the splendid
lands lie idle close to the railway.
Of course, not an acre is sold now
except to the 'genuine settler, but
the point of value is that in the:
ooumse of a comparatively few yoars
our Oanadian• railways, which be-
gan in feebleness and doubt, with-
out great faith in the future, and
mocked at by critics, cam show the
enormous e'annings, in a twelve-
month, of $200,000,000.
"Have you been able to meet all
the demands of your creditors "
"Meet them? I haven't been able
to avoid them!"
Make for good days
From a package
of fresh,crisp
fill a bowl and add cream or
Then,, with some fruit, a
cup of Instant Postuln, and
a poached egg or two if you
like, you have a simple
breakfast that is wholesome
and' satisfyilig.
Toasties are bits of corn
carefully cooked, delicately
seasoned, and toasted to an
appetizing "brown" without
being touched by. hand,
They look good, taste good,
f"The Memory Lingers"
sold by Grocol'S--w
Everywhea e !
C n dian Postern p a t rn Ceraafr tion h'td,
windoor, ti Ate rte,
I mired a horse of the Mange with
I cured n. horse. badly torn by a
fork, with
'trs. C. 13, EDW LINLO.
I cured a horse of a bad swelling by
Bathurst, N.B.
Sunday School Teacher—"No
tell mo what it is that bind's us to
gether, and makes us better tha
All ready baked
to anicety ; whole,
mealy and full
flavored. Beating
only is necessary.
It's cheaper to raisecolts than to
buy horses. But it's costly if you lase
the colts. 1leep a bottle of I>endall's'
Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-five'
years has proved it the safe, reliable,
remedy for spavin, splint, curb,ring:_
bone, bony growths and lameness;
from many causes.
is sold by ilrug"ats everywhere at 50 a,
bottle, 8 bottle s for 85. Geta free copy of . ,
our book "A Treatise on Ole rrorse" at your ,
druggist's or write us. 86
Dr. D. J. KENDALL CO., Enosbnrg Falls, VGt
FARMS 0010 sAL2.
N, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street.
1 Fruit, Stock, Grain. or Dairy Farm.
write H. W. Dawson, Brampton. or 91
Colborne at., Toronto.
N W. DAWSON, Colborn■ 61„ Toronto -
York County. Stationery. and Book
Business in connection. Price only
$4,000. Terms liberal, Wilson Publish-
ing Company. 78 West Adelaide Street
town to introduce strictlylegiti-
mate, guaranteed investment proposi-
tion. You can make $6 daily or more
to spare time in your own home town.
One salesman is actually averaging
over -5100 e'.ch week. We guarantee
satisfaction to you and your customers.
Address:—The Canadian Magazine Pre-
mium Department, Room 302, 58 Tonga
St, Toronto.
1..tura re onion :weeders. R. G. Bruner,
Olinda, Ont.
Internal and external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Writ*
se before too late. Dr, nellmeo Siedloal
Co.. Limited, Cnlllnewond, Ont.
AT.._a TS
71a St. James St., Montreal
Write for Information. .
"Women must consider it a
re u a e - o e an o ma ,
w mused Mr. C'hugwater. "They do,
n Josiah," said Mrs. Chtigwater.
we are by nature." Little Sarah
Ann—"Corsets, miss."
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c50e.
Eye Salve in Aseptic
25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mail.
An Eyo Tonle flood for AU Eyo., that Noon Caro
Murine Eyo Remedy Co.. Chicago
Flunge the Parts Affected Into
Heated Paraffin
• Mr, Barth° de Sandfort read a
paper at the French Academy of
Medicine detailing his discoveries in
1'egal'd to the so-called ker'itherapy,
or wee., cure for rheumatism, eon-
sisting in the plunging of the wholes
body or the parts affected into heat-
ed paraffin.
The new treatment is said to be
wonderfully efficacious in cases of
amthritis and rheumatic disorders,
Dr. Bartle de Sandfort found, first
by personal and then by general ex-
periments during the last[ ten years;
that wax, even when heated above
120 degrees Fahrenheit, did net
burn, and produced purely 1'ieteefi-
cial effects never atteimed by poul-
tices or other substances at lower
temperature's. Moreover, wax is
absolutely aseptic, cheap and easily
European ph.ysioians have hither-
to viewed the new idea auspiciously,
although Dr. Oerrch of 'the Iboeke-
feller Institute Of New York tenti-•ecl -lis adherence to the theme. in
Dr,-Beytiha do Saaidfort has per-
sisrted, and now defeats seeptucisin
with an actomclt of the results ac-
ocanphished, ' nob only in human
th'arapeutaos, but alarm vetterisiiry
surgery, espceinlly with swoilee
'joints of rase heroes, where the
treatment is of taus grcaitest 'ealuo',
A large ldbraay is opt to dls,tract
railer than teinctrust the lana'ner;
it is much ba':.Ibe'r •b\ hese eonualcai.
to a few authors than to wandor at+
random c's'oe anamy.•--Soneai;s.
"What terrible sticks they some-
times marry to escape it." find Jo-
siah rubbed his chin and said. no-
Minard'e Liniment Lumbermaa'a Priend
She—"You puckered up your lips
so that I thought you were going to
kiss me." He—"No ; 1 got some
grit in, my mouth." She Well,
for goodness sake, swallow it; aan
need some in your system."
Only One "8110110 QIHNINE"
To get the genuine, call for full name,
for signature of E. \V, GitOVI'l. Cures
a Cold in One Day, 25c.
"Pat," said Sande. "why is a
short man struggling to kiss a tall
woman like an Irishman going up
Vesuvius i" "Faith, and isn't - it
because he's trying to get at the
mouth of the erater 1" replied Pat,
heap Minard's Liniment in the hoose.
Living Proof.
Madge—Science teaches us that
a man becomes what he eats. Da
you believe it 1
May—Haw can you doubt it?
There's, Harry. fee instance. fe's
eaten a lobster every nigh,• for
years. —
A mere man ,is the inventor of a, -
veil for women. so shaped t;,.., ills
snugly un'7•rr the deo w :isiss.t aay- to retail ie.
You will find relief in Zam.Suk k
it eases the 'burning, stinging
pain, strips bleeding and brings
ease. Persoveranco, with Zarin.
Bak, moans sure; Why not prove,
this ? du Drtibpiata End a5110rd e4,
Baa ooaa
.0. "I;