The Brussels Post, 1914-5-14, Page 1VOL. 42 ..V W. 4
MAY I:4, 1914
W. H. KERR, Proetietor
New Advertisements
Lost -Ten PORT,
Iron ale tut,
Milne •rS -Alias Hunter.
Pace al n cis ere° -D'. R entitle
Allnonmmnien R. M. Silmhdr.
Exour-io to Detroit—E. a Ayer
Sale el'ledle4' gaits -G. N Mal.eron,
Demon.trotloo-Wilton & Gillespie,
Auction Sale -George Jaokson estate.
aKlistrirt Jews
L7CKNOW Temente HURT wines
House PLAN AWAY. -Miss Rose O'-
Relly, teacher at the Riversda,e sohoel
was hurled from Iter' buggy Monday
evening, while driving 1101n0 -and
alighting head Hest in it pile of stones,
sustained serious injuries. She was
picked rip unconscious and remained
SO for over an hoar. She Wae very
belly cut nitwit the head and should -
me ieatl feom the
' and is sults
steel KK Y
shock. Her blether who was driving
AVMS hurled out and crashed into a
barb wire fence. He escaped serious
injury. The accident occurred when
he was driving his sister back to her
school. On coining to the streem
which croseee the reed tib rut half a
mile South or Luck now he `drove the
horse into the water to allow it to
drink. As the horse got into the.
water be noticed that the cheek had
down at d to avoid getting
bo be let 1 g K
wet he stepped out on the shaft to
loosen it, While he was there the
horse took fright and tan away.
Miss Daisy Wilson spent Sunday at
her home in Brussele.
13. F. Otll'1', of Brussels, spent Wed-
nesday hast in the village.
Miss Ferguson, of Walton, Is the
guest, of Miss Milly Barris.
hits. Geo. Spot.ton, of \Vingham,
visited Mrs. T. G. Hemphill last
Th a esdtey,
Rev. Mr. McPherson, of Pembroke,
is tie guest of his daughter, Mrs. T.
M. Wesley.
W. Ryan, 0. D. Siinpson, 0. Mo•
Naughton and D. McTavish motored
to Lindon on Sunday.
Vit. E. VanVelsor, manager of the
Foot Ball Lenin, was in Brussels Molt -
day evening arranging tine schedule
of games with Wroxeter, Brussels
and Olin ton.
Rev. T. K. Hughes, of Nlillbanit,
assisted by the rector, Rev. Mr.
Roberts, conducted a eliltsionary
service in the Episcopal church on
Sunday.'onDeterment. •
Dr, G. P. Jackson had charge of the
Voting People's meeting in the Pres-
byterian church on Sunday evening
and gave a very else ucLive and in-
teresting talk on "Health Hints for
belle,' living."
New Perfection
Oil Cook Stove
Points of Advantage
With this Weenies Favorite are
It uses all the heat.
It cooks evenly.
It doesn't smoke.
Will bake, boil, toast or roast.
Made with 1, 2 or 3 burners.
Get t•id of heat and save fuel by in-
vesting 111 a PER.FLOTION. It means
a cool kitchen and coal oil is the cheap-
est fuel you can use.
Come and See
At our Store
Wednesday, May lith
McDonald Stock
•••••••••••••••••••• s
- o
To be Continued until Further• Notice
Thousands of Dollars worth
to be Sacrificed
and Better
Bargains as aha
125o Apt Musette, yd...:. 07
Shredded Wheet Biscuits... 08
031)11,3 vee, reg. 50e for 25
100 tin Stovepipe Erm inel05
Comfort Snap, 5 blue rm..: 18
Safety Pins pee doze! 03
15c Reversible °teem nee10
15 & 25c FancyChiila...08
15c Galatea 10
4.00 Men's Long Boots,
size 6 .... 1.98
150 Colored Sateen •..• ••.••08
6 foot Floor Oilcloths, reg-
ular 60c, for . 45
Roal' Purple Pnnitr Spec-
ific, P Y P
ific, regular500 now 84
Rexeli Dyes, 1Oo pkgs for03
Safety Hooks and Eyes, dos 01.
Molasses Meal per bag 1 60
18 & 20c Men's Straw hats 13
12ic \Vrapperett.e suitable
foi Quilt lining, now .. 6¢
Zion-Buk, regrets' 50e for.,, 25
35c 13lttelt and Green :1'ea,
now 22e, ore lbs fins... 1 ,00
All 25e Pills, now 11
1.00 White and Gold Plates •
' per dozen ........... 69
. Tape per bunch ....... 01
Hair Pinser lege . 01
15c Ribbons, now per yd ... 09
6 foot Linolemn, reg. 90c.., 63 •
Lot or Men's Gloves .. ... 75 •
' Salts per lb .... , 03 ,•j
NowilitieS reg. 25c bottles.. 18 •
Fowler's Extract of Wild •
Strawberry, regulareee --
0 41 0
Wall Paper at Less that Manufacturers' Prices. •
kinds see us. •
For Paints of all •
Special Prices on all Garden and Field Seeds. :
Special •
.._ :
. 1.111E:101,1141
J. T
Successor to A. McDonald, k Cranbroo
S t1 •
Open evenings till 9 (except Tuesdays and Thursd;tys •
number of friends of he Me ho
A t 4
diet ohureh met at tree Parsonage last"
Tuesday evening asci resemted Mrs.
Wm. Patterson, nee presser
mons with a cabinet of silver.
In te
he real -tits of the ex uuinations
of the Faculty of Science of the.
University of Toron3.o recently An-
nounced we were pleered to note that
John V. Dirhsoti, a former resident
here, had passed with honors his fleet
year, in analytical and applied
The Wroxeter' Lawn Bowling Club
was organized recently and a green is
being .toads. The fallowing officers
were elected fol' 1914: - Hon. Pres.,
Reeve 0. Reis ; Pres., Dr. G. P. Jack-
son ; vice Pres., J. N.- Allen ; Sec.-
Treas., J. J. Davis ; Managing Com-
mittee, 1. S. Duret, D. M. McTavish,
D. Robinson. About 35 members
have been secured so far.
A quiet event took plane last
Wednesday morning, at 6 o'clock.
When Mrs. Hy. Annealing was united
in marriage to Mr. Henry,ofMilve1'
atm, at the home of the bride, Rev.
T. N'1. Wesley officiating. The bride
wore iL becoming dress of grey voile.
Mr. and Mre henry left on the 7
o'clock train for a short trip before
settling im their I'utute hone at
Nlilvel ton, the latter travelling in a
navy blue suit.
On Stuuhty Met here' Day was
observed In the different ehml'mlies
Isere anti white fiutvets were very
emelt in e\'itlence. Rev. R. S. Lack -
land gave an ex'ellent discourse In
ll• Methodist rher on Sunda
11 Ih et t ch o
evtun g takinghis text
from Toho
19 -25 "Naw tee
stood by the cross
of Jesus his mottles" Rev. 1'' . M.
Wesley,of the Presbyterian church
also preached a very impressive
sermon Sunday evening taking for
his slbc"Joebed, the
mother of
\ o
11 see.
Miss Minnie Carr spent Saturday
and Sunday with bet' sister, Mrs:
Oenclair.Phippen, of Winghanr. '
Rob-, McKtty, of Ethel, will take
the set vice in Victie its Hall next Sun-
day evening.
Monday, after being in failing health
fnr the past 2 years from Brights
disease, John Stotey crossed that
bourne from whence no traveller re-
turns, in his 85th year. He lived on
Lot 18, Gou. 12. McKillop, where he
spent the past 41 years. Mr. Storey
is survived by his wife, 3 80111s (Robe.
of Herperhey tutd'Phounas turd Louie
at home) and 3 (lunette -vs (Mrs. A.
Russell, Morris; Mrs. Thornton,
Iieufry❑ ; and Iliss Gerrie. at home.)
The funeral took place Wednesday
afternoon 10 Brussels cemetery. Rev.
S 0 Edmunds, Bs D., conducting the
service. Deceased was bout in Alc-
Killnp township and was a son of the
late \Vm, Storey.
of al Queening
funeral to E lizebeth
situ died at the haute of her son
s u Whitewood, Staskainhewau
Jame 1 1
on Friday last was . held Vete on
Tuesday afternoon to the Union
Cemetery on the arrival of the C. P.
R. trait. Deceased was 79 years old
and one of the pioneers of Huron.
She came from Devonshire, Eo la
just 61 years ago this month, and
after remaining in Ohigourhie, Que-
r lei on concession
bec. for a ea settled t
b c.e
ofIlea Township. Three
12, iu
yars later she. married John Gum-
ming and moved to his farm, lot 22,
Don. 13, Hullei.-, where she re-
mained 11111 11 six years ago, when sho
event West to live with her son James.
She had nide children, William, John,
Elias, Nicholas, 'Thomas, James,
Charles and Gilbert. Three of them
died, Nicholas in infancy, John in
Mullett and Thomas in the West. 2
brothers, Thomas and Jas. Shobrook,
of liullett, also survive. Deceased
was a life-long Methodists,
e' Women's Insti-
meeting the Wt msli-
K e1
tuft, heidttL the home of Alts Jolie
Ennglr, gasifying repoets were re-
ceived, Ibis 'society was organized
I'ontsettle 1401Mill bet a few mem-
bei s, but liter been stettdily increasing
do pepeatity and in imemhrlahip,
Dtli'ing the past year' twirl VI' 111ee1111gm.
MVP 110011 held, wil.h all avertage at-
teedanee of 60. el any subjects of in-.
te1eel. t0 tile. 11n111e'n,aker hove been
dieenssed,subjeml.s both peas eat and
edited, and itllegel.Item' 27 addresses
have been given. During Ile year
Ow nil al 1ecelets have amounted to
$129 911, the exp mditlu'es1 $91.40.
lonving 1. balance et the b:'easuty of
38844 The menthes of theInstil.n11'
have taken ten interest in local alfairs.
The society gave hhrl•cal prizes at the
Fall Fair, aiiled local 01111110 and al-
lows 51 etch Monte for flowers to
the sick. The "turners @looted for the
coining yeas. are : President, Mrs. IL
Gardiner ;. 1m1 viae -president, brae
R. Richmond ; 2nd vice-president,
For the 'balance of, the
season I will sell all Mil-
linery, Ribbons, Plumes,
Sec., at reduced prices to
clear out. Spring and
Summer stocks
Family Theatre
During the Summer season,
starting May 18th, the Family
Theatre will not be open Tues-
day and Thursday evenings.
Complete change of 4 reels all
other nights__
Prize Contest !
Wednesday, May 20th, starts
the weekly donation of prizes.
Next week a beautiful Fruit or
Salad Spoon of Community
Silver will'be given away ab-
solutely free to the lucky hold-
er of the prize coupon. The
socamaybe seen in W.
1 e W
Cretson'estove window. Re-
member a new prize every
Come ! You may he the Winner
No advances in Prices.
311:'s. 0.13. Reese ; 31d vice-president.
Mrs. Duncan Laidlaw ; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. R. Wightmau ;. as-
sistant secretary, Miss Odell ; press
e'mrrespootlemt, Mrs. E Bender ; rep-
resenives to dislriCG meeting, ML's
tat gg
Reader, Mrs. GidleY, Mrs. Oockerline
Y re. Gunther untdK
ner and Mrs. Wi htmun
(Ilse ice directts, \Ise Gardiner
beard of directors, Mrs. H. Young,
NIte. 'J. Ross, Nils. 3. Carter, Mee
Pratt and the officers.
Mrs. Hamilton sr. is back .from an
extended visit with friends at Drew,
Wellington Go.
'We miss the Brussels-Seaforth
Rev. Mo. Edmunds will attend the
Goderich District rneeLitg at the Go.
town on May 21st and 221id.
Last week George and Mrs. Fergu-
son, of Totonto, were visiting rela-
tives and friends here. Miss (nurse)
Ferguson. of Loudon, is also here for
a few 'holidays.
Eva, the daughter of Wm. and
Mrs. Anderson, of this locality, was
dangerously ill with an attack of
pnentnenia and is still very poor,y
but will sone be better we hope.
Mrs. Walter Davidson, who was
rot molly a Mies Telfer, has been
quite i11 bet manly friends hope she
maybe speedily restored to the best
of health.
We notice by the Ridgetnwn
Dominion that N1r. R,tycraft, father
of Mrs. (Do.) Frank Neal, of Brock-
ville, died on April 80th, He was n
well known resident of that locality
and was most highly respected by the
Walton Women's 'Institute will
e Methodist Pt :sons a ou
meet 1 at Lh M laic hsL a
Wednesday L afternoon of next week
instead of at Mrs. Gtudiner's. As this
will be the annual meeting a large at-•
teldance is invited.
eleleay preached very
eeptebly in he Union thuroh las
Sturdily sYit the Absence of the pester,
sio was catdnetittg 0 cumnluniol
service at s Roe lr 'cli ch.
Trees. ter. AMOUR DECEASED.-
Friday of lest week Thomas St.
Amour, an old resident of the 90
con,, passed away, aged 70 years and
14 days, He tad a stroke of paralyse
Iii. years ago and had never regained
his former health. Deceased was
boot in the Province of Quebec and
bad lived in this locitlity over 40 years.
In his earlier history he was quite
an expert in woOd-elaft arid wos an
A 1 sawyer. He is survived by his
son John and Mise Jennie. The
funeral took place last Monday morn-
ing, service being held in the li, 0.
church, Brussels, be Rev. Nr, Blair.
Interment was made in the Bushfleld
cemetery; Morris township. Mr.
St. Amour was a quaint o1c1 Iran and
Well known to the older residents.
Robert and Mrs. McGuire, of Bel -
grave, .were visiting at the horse of
Jiro. B. and N1ts. Lake.
Pestilent is to represent the
Ethel circuit at the District tweeting
at Gerrie oh the 27th inst.
Last. Sunday' morning the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper was Ad-
ministered at Roe's church.
Township Council will, meet on
Saturday, 23rd inst. Court of Revi-
sial will be held on the Assessment
Roll in the forenoon of that day.
The Trustees of Union church
have extended au invitatipn to the
Winghatn District of the Methodist
church fo hold their Financial Dis-
trict :neetiug in their church in Sep-
Mrs. John Gaynor, of Henfryn
lie who had been qui Burin
locality, h q g
the past\ve'lt died on Tuesday in het.
O'itlt yell.. Pneumonia was the muse.
She wits it fine person, whose dealt is
deeply regretted,
Alex.. turd feeler Lamont. ender -
1; eel'R. tiivei's't.
ender -
peewees a n 1 U 1.
gilt Q v
Kingston, acid sons of Hugit and .Mrs.
Lamont, 10th eon., Grimy, have gone
toSestet trhetvan where they are en-
gaged et t'amhhtg ai-hoo) daring Col-
lege vacation rte gond salaries, They
Are hustlrts and deserve to get along.
A seem and heir has corse to gladden
the Bonne of Alex. R. and Mrs,
Stewart, of Vanrnuver, 13. O. forme. -
le of the •10r11 con. The. laddie is
Specially welt:mite 119 he Cohere a9 1he
flee babymember of the family after
10 or 12 years of housekeeping with-
out a baby, which is 1pons' lob as it
's certified bythose wlto nave the
honor of being parents.'
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. M. 8., met at the horn' of Miss,
re treee Peittanit Sr. and, the following
officers we're elected foe the coming
yens.: --President•, Mise L. 13ryttlts ;
1st Vine President, Mrs., R. Pearsoe 1
Roo. Secretary. Mts. Joseph Ames;
One Se'retary, Mrs. James Pearson,
it. 1 ,-Trenalleei', Mrs. Wm. Love ;
OI essiimt. Mier Ellet Peat sol.
Welcome visite,'s are There from
Cave liet', North Dakota, in the per -
Sine of \Vas. Inglis and his daughter,
Miss Riesale, who arrived last week to
viait flip fnlvltPl''s blether. David bee
er this-nwnehip. The Neter has
been hind ups with blood polanning, 01)
him right nand hat ie 11113)1nvillg nicely
now And we hope he will soon be 0. k.
It 18 over 80 years stere; Nle, Inglis
nl't . toll'I'P 111' ham 11.0811P1'.
ten 1 1 1 t
1 iLlc
1 t
MISS hl u n r ;.. ,
I1ll S� t "tis `q first t 1t it
� e'.1 Ihlvia 11, inlrlh. fl 9
• MII-LINER TIT j. OanaOa and Insley limes trig new to
i•+ ♦•sei•I/ii••••••••••••••4t *44ei*i*•i*•i•••••••••1••ler but iron° the less initteeiting.
James Davis, 5th line, has not been
having as good health as herefore but
the hope he will soon regain his old
time vigor.
Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Ro11 and general Council busi-
ness will be on the program on Mon-
day, 25th Inst-, at the Township Hall.
Henry Bone, 3rd lite, arrived
home from a business trip to the
West a few weeks ago. He will like-
ly spend the Summer here.
FARM BOLD. -The 100 'acre fartn of
George Jackson, 8th line, , hes
-}1P. late
to J. W
been sold, by the executors,
f r the stun of
n • of the 9th line, n
$4.110 cash. He gets immediate pos.
seasiml, the owner will utilize his
r a t gely.
HUM purchase as a grave Pa K .tui Y.
t will remove to Brussels
Nlra. Jacketo >
where she lbas a house. We will be
cr' to dee her leave the community
s ly Y
after being a resident so long.
' Clinton
received here from New Yolk of the
death of one of Clinton's pioneer book
merchants, W. H. Ransford, brother
of John Rausford, the present eresi-
dentnf the local board of trade. He
was 65 years old and went to New
York about twenty-five years ago.
The funeral took place Tuesday t
Clinton cemetery of F. W. Watts
who died in Toronto recently. He
was 65 years old and Clinton's first
druggist and telegraph operator.
Fifteen years ago he went to Toronto
to take a position in the telegraph
office. Besides bis wife, who resides
in.Tornle& he is survived by one son,
Rev. Hartley Watts, also of Talent°.
Grey township Council will meet
here Saturday, May 23rd.
Miss Hunter is selling millinery at
reduced prices to clear out stock.
The hour for early closing of busi-
ness places is 6 o'clock p. in.. not 7 as
stated least week.
Miss Mabel Menzies, dressmaker of
Cranbt•ook has been a welcome visitor
in our village for the past couple or
The Pnot
Rall team of the Y. M. B.
U. scut tn�Vinghfor a tussle with
the High School team. Wimghtun
won a closely contested match by 1-0.
Ethel Boy Scout organization andel
the direction of Rev. A. I. McKelvey,
is a• going concern and has marked
out a program of sport els well as
other departments.
This being house cleaning time
our energetic furniture
in music these
loan, is stepping to fast
days to keep up with the orders for
wall paper, fanliture, etc.
The Telephone system serving Ethel
has been divided and is now on two
circuits. It is hoped this may give
better service. List may be read cu
page 4 of THE Posm this week.
Most of, our businessplaces are
closing at 6 o'clock except on Wed-
nesday and Saturday evenings and
evenings betore a public . holiday.
This is as it should be during the
Summer months.
Mrs. Albert Miller, of Drew, is
spending this week i her sister,
Mrs. Jho. Jamieson. We are sorest
that Airs. Jamieson is confined to the
house because of failing eyesight and
general weakness.
Otte of the newel; baby bays to he
funnel has taken up his residence with
ill ' h
Russel and Mts. Dvolt , of Mc-
Leod, Alberta. The fond materna
was fnrmlerly Miss Pearl Bremner o
this locality, We ..teed c 'oilratula-
Nlnthera' Day was diary celebrated
in the Methodist church hist Sunday
evrnitlg. The pastor preached a very
appropriate serpent and the anthems
rrbdemed by the "Mothers" choir wag
notch appreoittted by the large
amlietlCe present.
There \0118 ,L serge attendance at 111'
Methodist S. 8, hast SUncltay. No one
was more wt:lanute Watt Ahs, Mc
Donald sr„, mother of the faithful
Superintendent, as she has been un-
able to attend for earths because of
Oureogeessive tilank:smiths etre
improving their properly these days.
Wes. Pollard is having his house re
shingled and 1301) Gibson is repairing
and d'nleiging the house. Mately
vacated by Dr.Wardlaw and intends
moving into it, Dt'. \Vardlaw ham
moved into the 13anauid home next
to the grist trill, Ile is getting it
Ht ted up so its to be very convenient.
Doc is a hustler,
meeting for the eleelion of enters
'a Al's John
tvillheheld attthe ho nn f n. .J
41,'honalrl 'J'hiesdtty, Ajay 21st, at
2.80 t; Plot'k. Reports of committees
1nclud'3ng the report of Secretary-
Treaenrel' will be given and Imoittt•
mete of �o
„senlatves Di
esthete meeting in June, A• gond at-
tenbtnc' of the motebei'8 is requested,
Mee L, Hall' is the SecI'etai:y,
iJ i 4 yl
4 4444.1• r•4 •1• + •F .*
laying Corner Stone
—OF— +
+ Church
Monday May 25th
at 2.30 p. tn. +
+Theceremony to be performed +
4. c 1 y
1 Dr. J. A. McDonald
of Toronto, +
one of Canada's foremost
Speakers +
• Aclitresses will also be y •
4' Wal. PROUDFOOT, M.P.P. +
+ A. H. Muses/eve, M.P.P. ,p
.i. JAS.OBOWMAN, M. P. +
4 A. HISLOP, Ex.M.P.P. +•1•
,y. and uthers. .
+ Musical Program
VA first-class Musical Program+1,
+ will be given on Jas. Fox's lawn 4.
4 or in the Town Hall if the weath- f
is unfavorable.
1Supper theawn Hall u er Served in T
+ iJllder G P he auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society. •k
se General charge 25c. q,
The Oomtnittee have spared no +
pains sin to make this ceremony a
+ grand success and can eatery 4.
4 promise the public a pleasant 4
'd'profitable afternoon. +
A Cordial Invitation Extended to All.
"God Save the King” +
.i. Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A. D. C. Ross ;g,
Pastor. Chairman of Own.
A Onllection in aid of the Build-
ing Fund will be taken during
the Afternoon.
Mr. Sanders received a car of coal
for the grist mill last week.
The click of the quoits is a familiar
sound these evenings. The menet
season has also opened and Ernest
Wheeler and Billy Spence challenge
the world,
The telephone changes bete are!
appreciated, especially the relieving'.
of the business line (No, 22) Grey by
the taking off of seven phones. It
should be further relieved by the
putting in of another line. It would
be beneficial to the whole community.
The illustrated Lecture given by
Jack Steiner »r at the Epworth League
Wednesday of la L week k e on "The
life work of
Thos. Crosby Among, the
Columbia" was well
, of British U ua l
attended The lunch tend soc,al half
hour at the close was also enjoyed.
Every Wednesday afternoon Dr,
Geo. Ross, of Wittgham, will be at
the Ethel hotel to attend to the needs
of the public iu Dentistry, Appoint.
tents may be arranged by calling or
C1L111nu11ietttitlg MO) hint either at.
or on d t stat Ethel.
'nghan t
W1 Y
At ther g
u eotill of the Official B roa
hn Robert
of Ethel Methodist Circuit O et tt R be t
Pearson was elected lay delegate to
the District meeting to be held at
Gorrie on May 28 and 27. Rev. A. 1..
McKelvey, 5, T. L., will continue as
for the comingConference
pastor tference
year, He is rendering efficient sero
vice. Finances are in good shape. 0'
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Kilpatrick gave a fine discourse in
the Methodist church bearing on
Mothers' Day. The subject lost
nothing treatment of it.
K in his
' beau
Rev. Mr. Tenet. of B1 led Blyth, p
the pu'pit in the Methodist church
least Senclaypreitching a fine sermon,
through which he meds a very earnest,
rend impressive appeal to his hearers.
Rev. Mr. N1cLeand, of Exeter,
preached the annual Missionary ser-
mon Inst Sunday in the Anglican
church. He is ase ong preacher and
was tvelcailed by a large cougrega-
Mr.s. (Rev ) Boyle. and Mrs. W. H.
Frrguson represent the Woulatts
Alissionary Society at the Annual
Uotvention at Toronto this week.
The former' is the local Ph eside,it and
Nlrs. Ferguson cspt•esents ,Maitland
Presbyterial and the"Tidings" de
In.spite of it being the busiest sea-
son of the year vin unusually large and
good tint treed audience assembled in
the Foresters' Hall last Friday night
o hear the play which *as put on by
the young people- of Blyth Angliertn
'hill ell, The play was entitled'
"Vtalley%'arm" was 0 detentistration
of Ines and lumance, which thrilled
the audience. Each of the actors
Petrovneed their penis in a .manner
which is seldom seen in amateurs, 1101
only excelling themselves but the
t1ndieiloe were lost ill admh'Atiot, be-
ing convulsed int laughter 0e the die
tippoinhuents and real zaiiotre were
depleted bythose Who were playing
the role in the drain11 Which 'was only
too trite tents. Belgrave people lape
peecitted very much the kinetioss .of
the Myth people ill their assistance,
$41.00 Was roali0ed, which will swell
the hand for the new shed whielt is in
the course or eretLlotl by Tvitiity
ohnieh. 'Pile mingto n hon found it
1)1'008181) 7 to 1111 111 awing In - the
gt ow111 nee iadvltnee in their melhtber-
Tho Ladies of Wmnthe o e e Insti-
tute will be entertained by the Farm -
en's' Club an Tumidity evening of next
week, All the members are invited,'
r old Erie lends Charlet
The noxi tl ht of x e
Barkley were delighted to see hila
once again but so sorry he could not
stay longer. Cotte again Charlie,
Ming wife and fetidly and stay e
while. A welcome awaits you.
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson visited at
Stratford this week going to see her
son Irvin, who was laid up in the
hospital from blood poisoning in one
of his limbo. He is a student at the
Normal School and is able t
N c resume
his work there once more. We hope
he will soon regain his former good
ENTERED INTO REST, -There passed
away to her reward at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Little, of Detroit,
on Saturday last, at 8.20 p. m. Lucy
Parker, relict of the late Daniel
Barkley, for many years residents of
this locality, in her 83rd year. She
had been a verysmart,hearty
up to about 5 weeks hen
she took ill
and despite the best medical attend-
ance and attentive nursing she
answered the great"Roll 0a11 in con-
fident trust in her Saviour whom she
had faithfully followed from her
girlhood. Sirs. Barkley }vas born at
Mountain .Ont., and was married to
Mr. Barkley in 1850 coming West to
the 5th line of Morrie township the
following year and locating on what
was afterward known as the Hood
farm. 51r. Barkley died 7 years ago
at Belgrave and was buried at Sun-
shine. Climax, shine. 8 sone(Ira,f 1u ax Mich.
Mcoertnin Sask. and
Chas., of as
of Brussels and 4 daughters
Gent e
, B
1Sartfo d Toledo • Mrs.' Mc-
onnellatid Mrs. Little, Detroit •and
U , ,
Mrs. Sheatea London) survive. 4
children are deceased. The subject
of this notice was for about 40 years
a resident of Belgrave going to Detroit
to live with her daughter when her
life partner died. She came to Lon-
don last February intending to visit
with relatives and old friends in this
locality but her health failing she was
taken back to Detroit. The remains
were brought here for burial, the
funeral service taking place Tuesday
afternoon in the Methodist church.
Bev. Mr. Kilpatrick preached an ap-
propriate discourse to the large con-
gregation from the 90111 Psalm on
Life. The hymns were most ap-
propriate, "Asleep in Jesus" being
one greatly loved by the deceased who
for so many years lead a class and
gave her testimony as to the blessed-
ness of trusting in the Lord. The
church was neatly draped and flowers
placed in the windows, while numer-
ous beautiful wreaths covered the
casket. Interment was made in the
family plot in Sunshine cemetery.
Pallbearers were :-W1n, and Ernest
Geddes, Thos. Scandrett, John
Stewart, D. Scott and H. Wheeler.
All the Members of the homily were
here excepting Mrs. Hartford, of
Toledo, Ohio, who owing to Illness
could not attend, also six grand-.
children :-Dorothy Shearer, of Lon-
don . Ira and Charles Little, of De -
Wee', Irene, Reynald and Edwin
It ears
ankle of litusaels I 19 32
, years
slues O. Barkley was here: He came
some tiros before his mother died and
did his share waiting on her. Mrs.
Joseph Clegg, and Mrs. Wm. Clegg,
of Mortis township, are the surviving
sisters of Mrs. Barkley, being daugh-
ters of the late 0. M. Parker, one of
the pioneers of Mori ie. Mrs. Barkley'
was well known in this locality .and
wee highly esteemed for her many
head nd heart. 'Her
alines of a
Hue uh.
consistent Christian life' -,Rues an in -
aphelion to many.
Sweetly she rests, while others sigh
Treading this vale of tears
Softly her peeoeful head doth lie
their" cares.
Forgetful of
ASeetions tear may flow a while •
Weak Nature's tribute due ;
Some grief is sacred -Jesus wept;
These tears are snored too.
Sweetly she rests -while others sigh
With ware sndrief °pprest;
• Softly her blissfulheaddoth lie
Upon her saviour's breast. ,
Grey Council
ciof the ownehi
Municipal Oo t to t e 1 p.
of Grey met in the Township Hell,
Ethel, on April' 27th. elembets.all
present. Minutes of previous meeting
were read And adopted.
The report of John Roger, O. L. S.,
on the improvement of the Beau-
champ Creek Drain was read and con-
sidered. After a wee adopted. thy'discussion
the report t p e ted.
The following accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be pale -Elwin
Thompson, repairing culvert $1
Dr. Ferguson, 6 gals. formaldehyde,
$11.00 ; \Vm. J. Clot k, 6 tin boxes and
repairs to Assessor's box, 31,20; D.
Sanders, digging award death, $14.50 ;
Meehan, cement tile bona a.':-
Alfred M dere
Grey and McKillop, $14.001 13 bele.
cement $19.50; R. W. Livingston,fare
and expenses to Veingham, 31.35 ; 13.
Grainger, to pay Dr. Whitley for }at-
tendance on Marsh, $3.001 Jas. Lome,
filling in washouts, 86.00 ; $V. Fraser,
running grader, $2,00 1 .R. Selling, 12
Wds, ravel, 90c Jas. Greig, breakie
inter road,.bdy. Grey and Erma,,
$4.50 1; da nm s Cumming, cleaning out
Council now adjourned to meet on
Seturdity, Aley 23rd, as a Court of Re.
vision on the Assessment Roll for 1014
and also to read and consider the re-
ports on the Bolton, Winthrop and
Barron Detente ,A. H. MACDONALD,
Miss teem; Maly Nield, formerly of'
Stt'atford, graduated fruit the Roose'
volt Hospital, New York. Niles Neild
lets made her bourse he f uremarkable
short Bute. Of the thirty seven
graduated. r es i In of e+ o'•
nus vrein sten
trona Canada, Fottrtean of the eifkh-•
te'n Weer from °net'le, fleverel being '.
from the wrestles eregeborittg Note