The Brussels Post, 1914-4-23, Page 5JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS fiusinits• 02arde
(2(Fnif {1 P OdYr'gldxo
iAL Ai'iii I:B�PdYIwYANCiA1Q,
1 p ILII , RTO,
'W. PnoonrooT, II. O. R O. HAIR
Dineen -Those formerly accepted by Messrs
Cameron do Halt.
'(3000130l1, Oa1'ARIO.
t_.N INE
Large, comfortable
steamers --.every
convenience, every
luxury. For inform.(
ation apply agents,
the Allan line 12
A gent Allan Line, I3russela.
k Q
1 Before you Stop Lod Ahead
('1� Holo'u yeti nut. pled, nod aim high I'
t✓! vuu Inn) to get A superior Business r'
c Education you 11411 In• looking l0'
�. ward the
l/'l i tt`.
EL: r'. r7
µ' n i1
791,. Ruh sol thn:Ina i$r hnl)il'• or doing :
a eines of work that heal a the 011)8111 of Y
' 'Banerierlty " open all your• tauter eta
�! 0 any time. Handsome catalogue tont
on impost
One Young and jj W, ELLIOTT, .,i
Ah•xluld ar Sts. f . Principal. y,
1GA ,^.v,set, ^a'r-a' r iFvatoutattr r,,mt,
•��"� r�avAaykt'% ��a9it�v�:aysta'Eal'�
).„BBConle n speclni.t. in Bnshle.0. It
' offers more 031 0rtnnilleH th,ln any ':
other willing. t0 reap the !till tueate '
I • oro of auaee9s you must have thu best
tooslbl0 training Tlde ie (h0tnrlo'a q
1 13tat Hnattens Rch0o1 We enter
v xih•idual attention. Yon 11187 11)101' o1('- '
• elasees fit tiny time. Three Depart- 5.
mints, Commercial, Shorthand and +a
Telegraphy Write at once for our ly
%cr free onttdoguo 1�
lm1 D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. iY
Wooer r)zc'.r.v4-c)ve 304 aarr•vamAvaa'exawyzg 4'
.,.....,;l: ......;rnelraLr ,m.
I BLie7�+t®VYer KGses�fr�' Business
!, Any time
Grow with us.
For pnrticular8 address-.
EDWIN q.MATTH W8, Prin. n
F4aifiAQf'YJ,iF^.Y'F^�./:a,t'ai1F_:aYn'�'� /^a,
Best Brains
in (Moeda have pa rticipnted In 1.110 pre•
partition or our splendid 110116, Study
Oonrso,i in Bunking, Economics, Hitcher
AcOanvttln1I,, Ommnlaretal Art. Show
third Writing. Photography, Journal•
s ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand
1and Bookkeeping. Solari. the work
which most interests vont and write ns
for pnrtlolilars. .Address
393.7 Yongo St., Toronto
Eacll Tuesday Marcie 8 Lo October 27 inclusive
Winnipeg anti -Return $35.00
Edmonton and Return - 43.00,
Prom Toronto, and Stations West and
North of Toronto. Proportionate fares
from Stations East of Toronto.
Return Limit two. months.
Settlers travelling with live shirk and
effects should take SETTLERS' .,t ECIA1.
TRAIN which Eaves Went 'Toronto each
TOOsday during MAI1.CII .andyPRil.
after arrival regular 10,20. pin. train 1to111
Toronto Union Station _
Settler's cad families without' Hee stock
should nese REGULAR TRAINS, leaving
Toronto 10.20 pin. DAILY, Through
Colonist and Tourist Sleepers.
Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg nuc
No Charge for Bertha,
horn Canadian ,A , Toro to, o
melte M 0, Murphy, D,P,A., Toronto,
Like a Now Dlaoseo:
Now to L110 1111111 Who 313'vee had
earns is IIs lain relieved by Putnam's
C1lu Ex111t)llt, ( l•e
cores and new
ones cured by ollutneu11's," Sold
A'uceeseer to 317, A. More, 011ios et Ander•
sun tiros. Ll very stable, Brussels. Telephone
No, RD,
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto 1
Licentiate find Graduate of the College of Phy
atcinna and Surgeons, Ont, , -•Post-1•,raduate
Ohleaeo BYO, (aur, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Chicago, 131. Ex.Rouyt teurgeoa to fit, Allele,
,el'a 1oapltal, 'Toronto.
Oa1Oe over H. R. Smith's prus Store. Tele -
,none een11000100 with Oronbrook at all hours,
tinabelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
dtontlateof ()tillage of Physicians nod Sur -
mune, Ontario • ex -Staler Mouse enrgeon of
•Voatern Hospital, Toronto. Offices of. into Dr,
A. Mol":uvey, 8/111 D11 1330111, 13rnssels,
(!ural phone 45.
M.. 6., M.C.P.dS. O.
100 Slow. tartlet East, Toronto
Dlsoasos Ear, Nose and.Throat
.(Talon( )rd.Idtnnt In Eur,. Nose slice 'l /.Cont the
smarm N w G,nurnI Hospital. Toronto
put Gl'n,ll13138 l'18vve1'11 M ed land School, Bow
nn , bate -hmiol :Walden h. Surgeon al two, Eye
1. War Initrmnry 2 Into OHnlcat nxsivtaut in
lose and Tln•)nt department Mow Urn Bop.
)til; Into Bnu•e tor2ron Toronto General
iospttn) I -r In Srnenals by appointment.
''hysiofan null Surgeon; Post Benson to courses
1,olldon (fang./. New York and Chicago Este
Iltals. Special attention todlsenee of eye, ear.
'rose and throat. Eyes tested for glasaes,
G. H ROSS, 0 D.S., L.D S
Graduate of Royal Oolloge of Dental Sur-
deonsof Ontarle and Graduate Univorsily of
orou to Faculty of Dentistry.
Office in laard Bloch, Wingham
t hueo 240, roar office hex 270
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
leridgo Work a 8pocialty
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day andniglht. calls. Moe opposite
:flour Milt, Ethel,
Personal graduate Department of Ophlhnl•
oology, Dia0orinielc Medical College, Mango,
nL, is prepared to test eyes and At Blames at
ser otliee over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels.
nn Thursday, Friday and Saturday ofevero
meek. ORloe hours 1 to D n• In. Forenoon..
i,y appointment. Phone 121D.
38 )11 giv0 hatter sntisfnotiol to both boyo'toad
.:eller than 0117 olhor Auctioneer .and only
Marge what la reasonable Sales conducted
'my where in Ontario, Pure bred stock sales n
!write or 'phone 213 Wroxeter.
acal 11.03s Items
SOME fine fish have been caught in the
Maitland luting the past week.
KEEP the 24111 of April clear to attend
Ile Concert to be given by the A. Y P
A. of St. Tolin's church in the 'i'own
Hall Don't come if you can't laugh.
'Pan regular monthly meeting of the
W. C. T U. will be held in the audieuue
roust of the Public Library on Friday
afternoon, April 24th, at 3 o'clock. The
topic "Franchise" will be in charge (11
Miss Jewitt and Mrs. McGuire. Visi-
tors always welcome.
PRESENTATIONS. -On leaving Aylmer,
L. A. Ball, a former Brusselite, was I re-
sented with a gold headed walking
stick from the League and Mrs. Ball re-
ceived a gold headed umbrella from the
Ladies' Aid. Mrs. Stall was also given
a pleaslmt surprise when her Suuday
School !.lass of boys presented her
a BOallt°fUl marble clock Mrs BRIT
.vas Formerly Miss 1. M. Wood, of Kin-
cardine They located in Toronto
Ho 1 FOR DETROIT. -The Greyhound
excursion 19)4 an outing, going 'o have
nearly three days for the Detroit visit.
Leave Goderich 9 3o a. m. Friday, June
arriving 111 Detroit al 5 and for the
return trip, leave Detroit at 1 p. m.,
Monday Tune rstli, arriving in Goderich
at e. 'Phis is one of the most delightful
trips personcan take and already plans
are being laid by a goodly number in
this locality to Nike it in. June 12th has
been marked down as the clay on which
1 hew ea sect to see 1letroit. The Grey-
hound is an excellent boat anis the
scenery en route ap730010 na of t•eauty.
Helps Mere to Work Hard.
Thal)* what B'elrezone floes; it
0lp511i00 the additional sUwngth that
enables a 1111113 to maintain health
nutter difficulties. "Last spring I was
eo completely t'ngged out 1. colli( not
work" writes J. W. McNichol of'Porn-
'Alan. "fit the morning I mss
th'nd-limbs ao.hed all over. Had no
ill pelilc,
was sleepless, aces(1ns and
nll�utppy, Ferfozone put 1101V lifu 111 -
LO . me, Now ' I eat heartily, 1101ves
are strong, I sleep well. T know the
joy of health." . We by supplying
nourishment and good blood that
Liern'ozote buildeup ; try it ---50e per
box at all deRIM'S.
Ontario West Shore Railway has been
given a time extension of four years for
the completion of the line, This was
the power granted by the Railway
Committee of the Legiola'.ttre last week
and came in the form of approving, of
the bill submitted by A. H. Musgrove.
The idea Behind the bill is to give the
sharehoiders and the guaraateerS .,1 the
heeds some . further opportunity of
gaining a return for the money ad•
winced anti which up to the present has
brought no returns. 'Phe, bonds have
been guaranteed to the extent ' of
$406,000 000 by the municipalities of • Aah-
field, Huron township, Goderich and
Conunencing 11113 Week we are. going;
into a l:leariug up 03 past dee sub
aeripttons to Tax Po81', They total
up i13 the hthudreds of dollars, hence are
of causuleroibl0 itnpoftance to our
finances, Will all who are In arrears
make an effort to Aid us in this caul
patgn and possibly save us the trouble
and expense of aotifyieg you. We
notice a nnnher of weekly: palters are
olhargiug $1 25 where sut'scllptiltu' is
not paid 111 advance or $3 511 when nae
settled before 011111'a1fat 01 year 'rite
Poste still 061031(1 t0 the $1,110 that 130)11,11
like to have it paid ns early in the year
os possible, A few long past due' sub -
goobers who have beet) )eked sr9et'1)1,
times to settle will have to do so through
Its Division Court, We gt3ens, as they
Nil to renpotie to our 0etitie0231,
�l ROWEL pus
Nothing spoils your good looks no
11111211 as hon1'ly hail--sUlugy, (1,t11 -
mimed, harsh. Nothing adds to good
iudke so 11(1(111110 beautiful hair -soft,
silky, wavy slid glossy, No matter
how beautiful your loth' is now, you
call 1n1ll1'ave iia good loons by using
11arnlony 11air 13(1011131'11',' 1f your
loth is homely and ugly now, Hal•
loony Bait' Beautifier will make it
Softer silkier, glosele7', more beautiful
111 10017 way, and etude:, to put up
and "stay put," iia rich rose odor
hides the unpleasant oily smell of the
hair. 11. is 1ighty ()tuned; it
beantiflos the hair.
Ver)' 0)18y to apply -simply sprinkle
a little on your hair emelt 1Imo before
brushing it. It 70)111tins 1311 nil, and
will not change the celoe of the hair,
nor darken geaty 31011'. To keep hair
and scalp d11)1(1'1(35feet) and (lean, use
3larluony Shampoo. This pate
111511111 81311.nlp(I'lgIvl '4 101 ino3alltiuleous
rich lather that immediately psnn-
2(303es to every part of hair anti scalp,
foaming a ()nick and the'ouyr,h
cle,l.neing Washed n1? just (IA gnink•
+t', the an1i,',' nplratiun 111111, 0111y to
few amine') 0onLltiits 1,111 hi ng that
rain 110,'111 111r hair ; leaves 110 ha1'01-
Il0a0 or Stl(ki Meas.
Both preparations code in 01111 -
shaped, very ornamental bol 1lee,
with sprinkler tope. Harmony flair
Beautifier, $1,00. Hannifin Shaun -
pm,, 50e. Bath g1lu'anteed to satisfy
you in every way, fir you' money
hack. Sold only at the mote than
7,000 Rood! Stores, and in this time
only by its, F. It, Smith, Druggist,
HELP 7'110 TOWN AND • 901711'' ELF -
Loyalty to our country is good, but
loyalty to our town and our neighbors is
quite as important, although rarer. To
send money out of town for things that
may be obtained from townsmen and
neighbors is not loyal, and does a serious
injury to our schools, churches and
other institutes supported by local taxa-
tion or philanthrophy. Support good
roads, good churches end good schools,'
Spend your money at home. You will
get as good, or better value, and can
see what yon buy before you pay for it
Instead of after. Read the advertise
tnents and deal at home.
HOUSE CI.EANING Time. -When 7011
see on the face of your neighbor a
frown and the grocer is crabbed with
you, when the whole bloomin' universe
seems to he down in the dumps, and the
atmosphere's blue ; if von care but to
ook for the cause of it all. just take
this wee tip of mine. go visit the domi-
ciles of the distressed sad you'll find
that it's house-cleaning time, 0 hoose•
cleaning time puts us all o5 the blink
and makes us feel sad and distressed,
but things areu't really as bad as we
think, although they are prone of the
best;let us pause to consider our
troules are small, that every dark
cloud I300 a sheen, most thankfully eat
our cold luucn in the hall and be glad
we've but ore house to Ideon.
Stool Knife in the Flesh.
That'e the seusatinn experienced by
Robert Price of Heston, Ont. He
knew it was ariluliea and of cows().
used "Nerviliue. As usual it cured
11111( he stays ; "No 1317112(0tt can excel
P01so3)'a Nerviliue. Severe pains
made my side 1101110. It was like a
steel knife running through the flesh.
1 rubbed in lots of Nerviliue and
was onlupletely cured." A regular
snap for Nel•vilile to ease Scilttirlt
I1( 1 lie Ills Isla t' Ink into 11e
and fi t I sinks L L
core of the Pang, cures it in shaft
older. .Large 25c bottles at all deal-
PaE•EN'1'ATtoN -Rev E G Powell,
of Main Street church Exeter, and
formerly -of Brussels. was agreeably
surprised the other evening when the
W. C. T U , on behalf of the Exeter
temperance people, presented him with
a very beautiful and costly chiming
clock. Mrs. Powell was also remember
ed wl'h a cheek on Molsons Bank. The
presentation was to have been trade at
the time of the Scott Act vote es an
acknowledgment of the splendid leader
ship of Mr. Powell throughern the
campaign. It was postponed because
the parsonage was under quarantine for
scarlet fever. Mr. Powell male a very
touching and feeling reply, staling it
Was more blessed to give than to re-
A Storehouse For Poisons,
YOU tnity 1111). think 031, but that's
What you 113'00111e W11011 thlr ki(hu•y's
batroule affected. These 111 gains
cleanse the body, they al.te the filters
that remove front the blood the west(
3311ttter than nuts like deadly p) 318)3)1 nl
the vitality and health of the 8781)'il.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills stimulate the
kidneys expel lei lnenling mailer
Bann the bowels, 1(0tore. the liver and
elilhulaleallexcretory 111111 sem etory
organs. '1ilia ettables the blood to
quickly replenish itself and establish-
es perfect health. No mediriue does
such lasting good as Dr. 511>10iltons
Mandrake and Butternut Pills, 25c al
all dealers.
bins. ('111011 Ding AT CLINTON --
I' hursciav
I'hursdav morning . of last !week
Elizabeth Freeman, t•elict of the late
lames.. Crich and mother ti. the late.
tineas Odell, of Brussels, answered the
Roll Call above at her hotne on Albert
street at the age of 79 years. Deceased
took sick the Fridey pt'evions but no
fears were entertained until Wednesday
afternoon when a turn for thewast
took place, Deceased was born_ in
England and came to this country when
a young gel and settled in the township
of 'l'nokersmith She wtl0 married
when she was rg 013(1 resided in that
township, brought up a 5a1nily of 12
children, until 12 years ago when Site
moved. to Clinton 'Phe late Mr. Crfeb
pre -deceased her 33 years ago. The
first bleak in the family occurred last
year when her son at 13ruioels passed
away Deceased was a member of the
•r h n s r »netted with
Turner 211(112 and was o with
()twirl() Se church duiiing her ltfo in
+own A (010117 03 7 sous And 4 (21117121)'
c rc t urs v3 a It Mil enol :Dying mother
tie - W 11118eld, Lewis, pili, lobe
mill Giffoi41, of 'l uclterstnit11 ; slhd
011510w' Rind Ilido, Of (1111.0)) Mrs,
Model od, of :200101111 ; Mrs 13011,
Puc3e'snntti l Mrs him, McDonald, of
Washington Sha SRrslt, who 11as lived
t Inane. Penalised I' also survived by
s brother Hoary Frabhisu, of Stillest,
Finds Health in Lydia E.
Pinkharl13s Vegetable
Creston, Iowa. --" I suffered with fo
aie troubles from the time I came into
womanhood until I
had taken Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. E
would have pains if
I overworked or
lifted anything
heavy, and I would
bo so weak and ner-
vous and in so much
misery that I would
be prostrated. A
friend told me what
your medicine had done for her and I
tried it. It made me strong and healthy
and our home is now happy with a baby
boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
do all I can to recommend it. "-Mrs.A.
B. 80scAklP, 504 E. Howard Street,
Creston, Iowa.
Tons of Roots and Herbs
are used annually in the manufacture
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, which is known from ocean to
ocean as the standard remedy for
female Ills,
For forty years this famous root and
herb medicine has been pre-eminently
successful in controlling the diseases of
women. Merit alone could have stood
this test of time.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia 1. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compoundwitl help you,write
to LydiaE.Pinkham MedieineCo.
(confidential) Lynn,Mass.,forad-
rice. Your letter will be opened,
rend and answered by a woman,
and held. in strict confidence.
rind a sister in the Old Country, The
funeral which wits private was held on
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ser-
vice at x o'clock wasconducted byRev.
S. J, A11in, pastor of deceased and in-
terment made at Turner's church.
Mrs. Crich, of Brussels, attended the
Y. M. C. A. WORK. -The Central
Branch of the reroute Young Men's
Christian Association is carrying o0 an
active work for young men who are
strangers in Toronto. Outstanding
men are secured in every church who
slake it a personal !natter to call upon
s, rangers whose times are given them
by the Y M C, A. One young man
from Eastern Ontario was iuvited by
one of the Key men in 'Toronto 10 visit
his church. He went, and joined the
Sunday morning Class. He later took
a definite stand for the Christian life and
is now a member of the church and an
active " worker in the Young Men's
Bible Class. Another young than from.
a distant point was visited by a Key-
man and as a result the Young man, as
well as his Father and mother, were
united with the church. Thousands of
these names are secured from Im
Notice to Our Patrons
Following our custom in the past
after AI AY 1st. the following Prices
twill prevail for the Summer ineeths-
Millt ........... 8c per quart
Oreaui 15c per pint
Our Motto:
"Purity, Quality and Cleanliness"
"The Maples" 'Vm. Armstrong
Phone 2319
,p 0
t •
AY Tither Elin,Re
Ono, Waltham or
Hampden to us,
and we will show' you as '
good Watches' as ever a
man owned.
We bank tipnn any of tbese6 •
IntIke13 plealsing ten ou1 of
tett of our Customers -and
they do it.
For Why
B3'eanne they embody all
that, is meant by a perfect•
How much do you
have to Pay ? •
From 5.00 to 525 00-juatttc-
coding to gentle. All sites •
and 1 •1 ylcs of rases, Will •
yon permit lis Lo Dhow y011, •
• J R. Wendt •
eJoyvc +1ro' Engraver '
•. t and•.
If voter hnwels are out of older, 11).
,,letup of 1)01ng smile 1»11':'11 salts or
other physic, lake 10 Rax/111 Orderlie
to -night, and 210 )11ortvnv` you 1Yi11 fuel
great. '191ey taste good 111111 net so
easily that there heel. a particle of
griping orargil;I,r, nor 1 be excessive
looseness thatfollows the taking ('3'
salts and most pills. '1'h3'y soothe and
strengthen the bowels, pl•oulptly 3ct-
fleving the OansLiptitIoll, making it un-
likely to occur ngltin.
We don't believe there ie any other
bowel remedy anywhere near as good
and at 1611 salute 611110 so easy anti
pleasant to take as Raxall Orderlies,
WA Itnow yon will agree with 310 and
believe yon will thank Ls for telling
you about them. If they dost satisfy
you in every wily, come hack and tell
UR and We will give back your tummy
withonl tt word or question, You
have no teasnn to hesitate when we
give you the opportunity, as the here.
by do, to try them at our tisk. Io
vont pooket tin boxes lOc. 25r, 60.
You nen bay Rexatll Orderlies only
at. the }1('x011 Stales, and in this town
only of us, 10. It, Smith, Druggist.
migration Secretaries and from Key
men in muuioipalities thrcughout the
Province from time to time. 'Chis is
a good work and one in which every
right-minded man should he interested,
It Rings In Your Ears.
That 0)11110 cough is everywhere you
go, deep 111n11 hollow because consump-
tive. First it was catarrh which
could have been cored by Calarlh-
01110. Adoral, never neglect a cold,
nevt.e (rifle with calm ell, go to your•
di'uggist and get Catlu'rhozonu. L's
instant death to colds, cores thein in a
few minutes, Throat, trouble and
catarrh disappear' its 3y magi(,
Oatarrhazoue is the great throat,
nose and bronchial rolled to (lay.
Thousands use it, (tonnes prescelhe it,
las-rinse it does relieve quick-
ly and role thm'onghly. '1'tvn sizes,
25e and $1.00 at all dealers,
11..1. Clegg, B. A., a former busi-
ness man Of this locality but who has
been residing at Roseland, B. G, for
the last four years, teas successful
some months ago in passing his final
examination and is now a full fledged
Barrister and Solicitor. After his
graduation he opened an office at
Trail. but recently he has been ap-
pointed city Solicitot for Rossland
where he has now a large office, His
appointment for such a young man
speaks volumes for his ability, peon
levity and the esteem in which he is
held in the city. Mr. Clegg is the
ynuirger sou of Mis. Joseph Clegg,
5th line, Morris. R. J.'s litany friends
here congratulate him on his success
SCHOOL REPORT• -Toa results of the
recent promotion examinations in S.
8. No. 4, Molesworth, show that all
were successful. The following are
the classes' for next tel m showing the
order of merit in which they passed,
r3r. IV.- Florence Seehaver, Gordon
Campbell, Annie Spence, Willie
Simpson, Ethel Sangster, Irene Stehle.
Jr. IV. -Nellie Brown, Andrew Simp-
son, Jean MacDonald, Irene Stewart.
Sr. III.- Jennie Onmmhlg, Howard
413tchell, Clara Elliott( Stanley
ElliottEdna Douglas.1 s Annie
Belt (sibs'13Sr. II.- Jessie Brown,
McKnight Cutnrning, Jessie Sangster,
Gertrude ude Sangster, Earl Chumming,
Lottie Felklu', Jr. Il.- Willie
Mitchell, Edgar McDonald. Maggie
33(. l/ottani, Maud Douglas. 83.. II. -
Melvin Steles, 13ettLriee McDonald,
Eva Cumming, Anoie Ou11tmiog.
Harry Loh, Lizzie LUCAS, 30hu Felker.
Jr. I -St. Clair Campbell, Jessie 1111e
Intnsh, Goy McDonald,
11. EARL ELLIoTT, Teacher.
Mita Laura Strong was in Tona-
wanda, N. Y., attending the funeral
of her grandmother, Alts. Jane Cal-
The 'botcher shop here hits bee»
closed and our townspeople are again
dependant upon the butcher wagons
Miss Cooke, who has been Junior
venni teacher here during the past:
term, 1elnrued to her home 3(12. Os-
51'iog3', Miss Dandy, of Wingham,
has been engaged for this term.
The following are the ,Slee -hearers
for the enduing year in ronnectiott
„Vith'Cci (i3y Clhurrh :- Wardens, Wm.
Goggitt and \V, S McKee; Sen.-Treas.,
A. A. Graham; Vestt y Clerk, I, Gam-
ble ; Arialto' e, C. R. Bradley anti W.
13reara; Represe»t3WiVe8 to Synod,
A. Spence and Wm. Goggin ; Ushers,
Alex G11010 411, 0, Baberu, W. Hawks-
by, R. Holt.
Chris. and Airs, Johnson and family
left. on Tuesday of hast week for Sal-
mon Al in, Britioh Columbia.Geo, G. Jewitt, who hatsbeen teach -
Mir in Alberta, returned home after'
speeding alittde over two years in the
Rev. George Jewitt preached last
Sabbath on the .A.11 bum cirnnit., in
this interests of the Educational Soci-
ety of the Methodist church: Rev.
Millan, of Auburn, took the ser-
viette here.
Mi's. Hall returned to town On a
visit to het' ;entente, atm. and 5110.
Bennett, intim to taking up her 3011)('
in 31nn0r0ml where her husband has aI
lucrative position,
GM, E. NI I Pagglu t bun purchased
the vacant 101, 011 laina103' at,, Etat of
L Hill's residen(0 a11(1 has let the
contract to Mr. Hill for Lhe MV'etinn
of at modern two Stolt y trick and
frame dwelling, 11)0 synth on u'l)irh
f3 to Cou)inen00 as 8311131 its 1111 womb -
(et will pel'1111),
OBITUARY -- Follotving a39icle 10
taken from the Alls30 'Craig 13amiet
3111! 1eret's 10 the father of Ml's. R. 13.
McGowan 1-T130 fnhehal of the late
Jahn 13 Shipley rook plane 11Th Motlaliy
11'iat'ah 20th from ltunpphlg Hole, the
nitl Shipley hnmeste4ttl just East of
(7at431314) village, having 'lrastud away
THE FORD —.The T,ightt':,t, Surest,
Most Economical -the very essence of
Automobiling—and all Canadipn,
1-. o, b. Ford
Uu La t' fu
on the.'. 27th after a long and useful
life. lie was .bora in Northumber-
land, England, June 231(1, 1829 nearly
85 years ago, and was but. 9 months
old when he and his brother, the late
Lionel (3., and their parents came
over the seas to Atnerira. They
travelled by rail to Hamilton finally
loeauing111 tlle'alnlndtunbroken forest
i1( the vicinity of t11e then non -exist-
ing village of Owlish). At the age of
Nth ty he Illarr1013 Mary Ann 141 War -
MIK' who pre-decrltsed him four and
0111• half months ago, They live!( for
45 years o11 the 16th con, of London
Tp. bringing lip a family of five,
George L; (with whom they lived the
last tell years) Mrs. R, B, McGowan,
of 1317211 ; Mrs. John T. Parrish, of
Falkirk ; J. Archie and. John T., of
Deufleld all of whom hotHro aliving
were present during their last ilness.
'limy celebrated their golden wedding
nearly five years age. Both were
faithful members of the Presbyterial:
church Mr. Shipley having been an
elder of Carlisle Presbyterian church
ever since 1871- He was a Reformer
in politics but. liberal minded in every-
thing, The pallbearers were 8
nephews, Geo. M. Shipley, Jas. L.
Shipley, Stewart Shipley, Edward
McFarlane, John SfeFtarlane and Jno.
McNaughton. Two brothers, Geo. of
Oollingwood, and Edward, of Mich-
igan, still survive.
Miss McLeod will be in Goderich no
Sunday and Monday, 281,h and 27th
of April, and will give an address in
the Temperance hall on the evening of
Monday, the 27th.
llutton lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. F., will
attend divine service at Knox 03)111011
o11 Sunday morning, April 26th.
Rev. Geo, F. Roes will deliver the
The military camp for 'VVesteru
Ontario will be held at Goderich in
i August next. Snazel bill posting Co.
received instructions to bang up
posters calling for tenders for supplies
for the camp.
Hall itnot been for the quick aet3on
,or Joseph Lynch in flagging the 7:15
6'. P. R. 611)11)1 and theta preventing
it (pan 1(1(13)31313 into a landslide, the
lives of several passengers and .those
of the train crew Tright have been
1(101. Vino.» coming to work be notic-
ed that several tons of blue clay had
slipped down the embankment at the
foot of 1he old Cameron castle. He
ran along the tracks and flagged thio
o rien
,.i-Ee The
P r o m
life and right along to old age
Chamberl.oin'e'1'0blets are woman's
hest friend -feed the nerves, aid
digcst:oo, stop headaches, keep the
blood rich and assure good health
generally. Try them. 25c, a bottle
Drue)iste and Dealers or by mail, 8
Cirmlmrluio Medicine Co., Toroate, 4°�
,' iEQr1)5
Special Ordr Tailoring
Sults to Order, $18 and up A. Representative Wanted
have many mail enquiries and calls from here for Semi -ready
Clothes. I want a local Salesman to join me and make money in
.selling Suits in town and roundabout.
I provide a complete Tailoring Outfit; wherever
there is no merchant selling Semi -ready Tailoring on
account of the close -to -cost price and the label in the
pocket, a splendid business can be done. It is easy to
ook orders; the order forms are illustrated and'
descriptive; 850 cloth samples --a11 English weaves
of the finest woollens. Perfectly fitting Suits can be
guaranteed; delivery within a week.
Call and see me, or write me at once for full particulars:
I can make the position permanent, and you can demon-
strate the market for high-class tailoring at close profits.
The Semi -ready Store, LOS 'remits street, 'Toronto
It's a
l�I andsome
and an
Time=keeper. .tiblrr},
BLAK a Walton y
Ir!lla BLAKE a1 .1 s