The Brussels Post, 1914-4-23, Page 4iiirrosseis goo
eteUR Sl)AY, APRIL 2y, tele
Winter did you g'o to church last t
Now for a regular brush -up looking
toward 1110 eomi ng, school exam1o11tiens
11 eenelo of 10011111s hence.
• Wa1AT about that letter yen owe to the
absent relative or friend ? If you don't
-write oftener you should at least send
them 'lulls PosT. 60 (eels, in advance,
1 gets it 10 anyCatenh,lu Dost office, sip to
January 1st 19)5
Peeseecrs are. good lor a etter bust.
nese outlook i3) Canada than has existed
for the past year or more. No one will
kick much about that unless official
assignees anti men whose profits come
1 (diet) by the disasters that befall others
ONE thing is certain the uew rest -
1 deuce of the Lieuteuaut Governor of
this Province located at Toronto, is
going to cost a pretty penny by the time
it is completed. So long ns the country
is;paying for it some folk seem to think
there is n1) need of practising economy
but somebody hits to put up the coin
just the same
"DADDY" Huerta of Mexico, will wish
a thousand eirneshe bed complied with
Hee', S, • quo' ':, 6 -ea eaten- Of
20 gulls; ia 000xu'',•o of the American
flee, if he gets t.t:e U S. uavv and
Artillery (bitting daylight through the
big leafed hats of himself and his sol-
diery. It's a dangerous thing some-
times to carry a joke loo Far.
PEEL •Cocnty, which curried the
Canada Temperance Act the saute 11(5 y
as Huron, only by a much smaller
majority,'ee to go 'Irv" after May 1st.
Three months extension will be granted
to clear out stocks. We do things
different in Huron Co, It's up to Mr.
Hanna to rouse himself and make some
official announcement so that the people
will know where they are at.
A youth shot his sister, causing
serious injury, if not death later, while
fooling with a "didn't -know -'(was
loaded" gun " Any person who points
firearms at another, loaded or unloaded.
should be sent to the lunatic asylum
forthwith, without even bothering with
the usual medical examination. The
crams act should be sufficient to prove
"wheels in Ibe.head."
IT strikes us as we read the daily re-
ports of the troubles in the Emerald
isle, that if Sir Edward Carson 'went
away back and sat dawn" satisfactory
arrangements• to alt parties, wont('
be arrived at ,onner In days of old
people who talked reel hot stuff against
the powers and defied civil authority
were often snapped up for high treason
and dealt with sltmmertiv.
Deans the fact of delegations wait
Mg on the government asking grants
to assist in building radial electric rail.
ways there is no provision in the
estimates for such work, consequently
this will mean the municipalities will
have to put up the coin if they want the
radials. $5,000,000 was included for
hydreeelearic work row under way.
Sottanonv has said there is one of
two ways to get from a government
what you want. Tne first is to peck
your trunk and go personally to Ottawa
or Toronto and stay there until request
is granted, supposing it takes all session.
Other plan is to charter a train and take
e delegation numbering hundreds,
thereby making a wholesale appeal,
Sometimes neither plan works.
Thlolo Pott, Fluffy, ono no Dandruff.
use Parlelan Bwa e
If your hair la lushlg its natural..
color, (online; out (mid splitting,
lacus that enviable softness, gloss and
beauty, do 1114 despltir'—pretty hair
is largely a Matter of care. 11it m 100
thin make it grow. 11' 11 10 harsh and
brittle soften it up—lubricate it, If
you have dandi nil! it is because the ,
scalp is too dry and flakes off. Freeh
en u3 the scalp with Patisiau Sage—
ell dandruff disappears, ftitliag 131lr
and Robing, head oetuse, your hair is
doubly beautiful.
Parisian Sage told by Jas. Fix and
at all drug counters, is just what yeti
need—a large bottle costs but 60 cents,
It surely makes the hair lustrous and
seer) twice AB abundant, You ealtt)01
bo disappointed in Parisian Stage.
IT is said to be fashinuable pow to
color your bait to tuateh the trimming
of your hat or the costume. Green,
purple, tango, core yellow, etc., are
among some of the new shades, subject
to change, of court -e, as uew milliuery
or dresses come 131 100ne:
RILEY, the brakeman, who .shot and
killed a Loudou barkeeper, got 15
years for manslaughter. Barrister
Meredith in making a plea for the
prisoner said "The real trouble in this
0.351 was the aeeilsed liquor." Thi -
was no temperance story but the tesnit
of a long ex'erience in dealing with
criminal cases Rti,.y was immune, d
when he fired the fatal shot.
Standing Field Crop Competition
East Huron Agricultural Society
offers 876.00 to be divided as follows :
—, 20 $16$12,$10 $8, $6 and $4 for
the best field rop of Oats,
The Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture will furnish the judges,
Nature of Competition — Each
Society will be limited to one crop.
Fields entered for competition meat
consist of not less than 5 acres nor
more than 20.
Competitors—Competition will be
litnrteet to member's of East Huron
Agricultural Society. Competitors
can only enter i1, one Society and but
one entry can be trade by compet-
itor. Any individual can make en-
try for this competition by becoming
a member of the Society.
All competitors rnnst be within 15
miles of Brussels and will have privi-
leges of exhibiting sheaves at Toronto
Fair and oats at Guelph Winter Fair.
All applications must be in by Mon-
day, 27th day of Arnie
Entry forms may be had by apply-
ing to MALcener BLACK,
Secretary, Brussels,
EnrI Switzer, Woodelon Robb anti
Stanley Denbrook left for the West.
T. (4. Ballantyne has gold his
grocery business to Mr. Brooks, of
Paltnerston, who took possession Last
Henry Roseman, of Hanover, who
purchased Jas. Ellacott's farm on the
Kith eon., has moved to it. Mr.
Ellacott has gone to Listowel,
Monday of last week the Elena
Cheese & Butter Mfg, Co., commenced
manufacturing cheese, the price of
nheese being higher than butter.
SPRING reale—Good Friday after-
noon a urge gathering of Wren were
present at the Spring Show that was
field at the station yards under the
auspices of the Elena Agricultural
Society. The horses shown in the
different classes were of good quality,
moat of them being new horses to this
community, Mr. McDermott, of
Luoknmv, did the judging and his
work seemed to be satisfactory. Fol-
lowing are the awards :— Irnported
Clydesdales, aged let Integrity, B.
Bender, Gowanstowu, 211d, Prince of
Aden, McIntyre & Gabel, Listowel.
Imported Clydesdale under three
years, 1st Dunure Lucky Star, Ben-
der & Walker, Listowel, 2nd Alert,
Walter Bros., Listowel, Canadian
Draft, 1st Royal Netherlea, W. C.
Wilson, Atwood. Percherous, 1st
ALREADY the excursion season is be•
Y e ``
• in}; tooted incl at01105 mens made m t I
for mer outings and popular re- YBU
f, L P
5)(9, Ofei if people only
thoughtht so
the 3110at ueaithlul resort is to stay right
' al home and slack Op on work for a
month or mo. Ot course it (toes not
sound -as -good but it don't cost nearly as
nub either: We base no fault to find
with en outing; with change of air anti
scene, eepecielly if it mills you to prox
entity to aline bods of water,
F;. ToaONTO School Trustees are enforc-
ing 111e Superannuation law on teach -
ors of the Queen city 1 ch0ols. The sge
for retirement 134 6e years for orales and
60 for females after which retiring al-
' lowaneee is paid, Some of the "old
boys and giris" did not accept of the
notice with very good grace. We dont
see bow they arrived at the age of the
', ladies 25 it is not very 0fton a spinster
Ili gets to be 6o. Perhaps she recorded
fr leer birthday when she first went to
(• : work,
'Themes some excitement in being
Meyer of New 'Stork. Ie au attempt to
assassinate Mayor Mitchell as he was
leaviug the city hall the bullet went.
wide and•
ltiking Corporation oration Coun
Polk seriously injured him, nenrlV
;liie teeth bein.e knockeci out. The
` Mayor was pluckto the
euaugh 5
nliscreftut with the smoking rovoiger
fore 'eel, We
tl ,1101
0011111 be 01
ore a
SE1Cbq ,
a bink
da t
1e of Lan
suppose the people p
Mayors anti Reeves of the respective
5 p
dor porationa .get "hot eh0t" enough
C1 frhttit the taxpayers( tongues Without
etley int then) With 51101 end 9158111
There are a lot of people in tide
I:0w11 who taunt afford to be sick,
Perhaps none of you feel that you
can, but certainly some of you cab t,
for as soon as you are sick, your
tvage8 stop and worry an(i debts be -
gid to pile up, The sensible thing
for you to do, as soon as you feel run-
down and worn out, no matter what
the eactse, Is to take something just as
quick es you cite to build up strength
and health. Make yourself more
comfortable and provide against
serious sickness.
We don't believe there is any other
tnedicine made that will do as mueh
Cowa1'aa saving your health and thus
helping you gave y0ttr mbeiey as Rex -
all Olive Oil Emulsion. It is a inetli-
eine that gets right at the trouble and
relieves it by toning the nerves, en-
eiehing the blond, and giving new
strength and health to the whole
body. It doesn't do this by means of
alcohol er habit-forming drugs, be,.
0anee it contains none. Its strength
power i due to
health - giving s
g g po
pure Olive Oil and the Hypophosphites,'
tang endorsed by successful physicians,
the one for its food value, the other
for its tonic value, 'fete for the first
time, they are combined, and the re-
sult is a real nerve, blood and body
buildin medicine --a real strengthen-
er that we are pt•nitd to tell you about.
You don't need top hesitate in using it,
' doesn't, 110
all we say it
because if it y
t n every way,it
'6 you t e a
Will and stet f
8)l Y
vvi11 cost
yell nothing. I1 it doesn't
make you strong and 8)511 again,
mune bark and get your money, It
will be given to you without ward 0r
qquestion, Sold only at the more than
7,000 Rexall Stone,. and In this town
Only by Its, 11.00, FI 't, Smith,
jOt'tr3glst;l Uftt cele,
Hobberlin Made -to -measure Trousers are always
well made acrd honestly tailored. They hang well and
retain their shape. You can choose from several
hundred patterns In fancy and plain elects:: Worsteds
-'—Cbeviotsr—Tweeds. Every stew stripe, check;
plain effect. To measure
W. P. Fraser, Agent, Brussels
Kioeque, Thos. Vodden, Ethel, 2nd
Mirilton, Wm. Fisher, Britton, 3rd
Sontrepokds, Steven McLellan, 1\111-
verton. Hackney, lst DeWiltorl,
Robert Semple, Milveetn". Seapdard
Bred, tat Widower Peter, Greece)
Bros„ 23111 Cherry Worthy, Grosch
Bros., Milverton. Sweepstakes, best
heavy hotse, Iutegeity, 13. Bender.
Sweep+takes, best light horse, De
Wilton, R. Semple. Fourteen horses
were entered.
Centre Huron License Commis-
sioners meet at Goderich
and Granted licenses
for next Year,
Despite the overwhehling vote in
favor of the Canada Temperance, the
theme of'which was to have made
Huron County dry on May let, Lite
license commissioners of Center Hur-
on inet Friday granted fourteen
new licenses, twelve hotel and two
shop lieeuses. This decision to grant
new licenses for a year to all wino.
were holders of licenses at the close of
the present license year was t'eached
it) private meeting within half an
hour after a deputation of the Hut' nl
County officers of the Dominion Al-
liance had presented a plea that there
should be no extension of licenses and
no renewals. When 80luinate1 after
they had presented their case, the
depntltets were informed of the com-
missioners' decision,
some ve e d1
and others nodded knowing -
"They are just unloading back no-
on Hon. Mr, Hanna the responsibility
he loaded upon then)," said A. T.
Cooper, of 0lirlt011, President, of the
Huron County Branch of the Domin-
ion Alliance.,"They • were . never
officially advied that the Canada
Temperauee Act was passed or that
there was an understanding, to which
Mr. Hanna wag a party, that if the
Act cereie(1 i33 January it should be.
come law on Slav 1, this year instead
of a year hence."
The situation in Hnron County is
peculiar. North 1{nrou is likely to be
made dry on May 1 by the refusal of
1 any licensee, In Lite latter part of
March the Noted) ]duron 00enkiiessinn-
era passed iL resolution that all licenses
should cease on April 30131. This was
forwarded to Hon. Me. Hanna,. 11318
acknowledged tend filed with 110 Com-
ment, So fan as is known the tom-
m.iasionets have not been advised
against their resolve and North Hur-
on will likely go tlry.
The Center Hnron comrissionets
have granted licenses for a year to all
hotels and shops in 1hei1 jurisdkmtion,
The Commissioners of South Huron
will meet in liensall on April 22nd to
settle the' )13113 issue.
The melee ' of the commissioners
affected tlI0 following :— Gode
rieh,— Five hotels, one shop ; Sea-
forth—three hotels, one shop ; Brus-
sels, two hotels ; 131cl(illop, one hotel.
The Commissioners are :—R. J.
(Muff, Chairman, Clinton ; Alfred
Baker, Brussels ; and Geo. M. Elliott,
Goderich. Itis understood chat 141ti.
Elliottopposed the issue of licenses.
The depnl1(inn comprised J. H.
Colborne, chairman, of Clinton ; J. A.
Irwin, of Clinton ; R, A. Pryne. Brus-
sels ; James 13eatt:ie, of Seaford) and
A. T. Cooper, of Clinton.
Each of these geutlerrren addressed
the board, dwelling np011 the fact that
the temperance fotcee of Mann have
been prepared to halve the referendum
upon in November, had fully
signed petitions and all tidolieetises. Tharrangedis ds0as to within the
ptesaiberl time hrnil ;tithe the vote
was recoede(1 to peripil (he act becom-
ing operative 031 31ay let, its 1110 ('i1d
of the precept license year. They re-
counted, linivever,'of having yielded
to the ilnpot'ttinitiee of James Haver -
son, 1i. 0, who represented the liquor
News to most women!
Oven -tested flour is for
sale. Instead of buying ordin-
ary flour you can buy flour
whose baking ability has been
proven in an oven:
A ten pound sample is
taken from each shipment of
wheat at the , This
L :millrThee flour round i)Yto fro 1
is baked into bread.
If this flour bakes into
% bread high inquality and
0 large in quantity we keep the
1 whole shipment of `sheat and
0 grindOtherwise ewe11.
it. 0 u s
0 More bread and better
bread from this omen' is a
t. '1111
talit 1
14 "More Bra and. Bette Bread" and
"Better Pastry Too" 621
Paper Hanging tggs for Hatching
mismoisemoseen usesisseselermined
John Lunn
Painter, Paper Hanger
Grainer, and Decoratgr
P. Trial Solicited Fiat -Class Work
Phone 41x
Thomas Street, Brussels
epee•• il•••••>i•d3e a0sie•e•ev 8)0
• Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks
and White Leghorn
• These bir(ls have proven to be - 2
e Winter layers. Eggs from any r
•e of my pens at o
0 $1,00 for 15 or $5,09 per 190 2
® Chao. Oraeefleld, AIR Backer, •
Brooder of
Ow ofer.
interests for a delay in the vote until
January, to give many 803101s an op-
oportunity of going to the polls and
to insure it larger vote generally.
This took place at a conference wide
Ilan. George E. Foster, acting premi-
er of 0unada ; Hon, Mr. Oodorre turd
Hon. W. J. Houma, Proviucia;l`Secre-
tary for Ontario. They declared that
m promise was then given and natural-
ly agreed 11 by the official representa-
tives of both sides, that should the
act receive ai majority it would be-
come law on May 1st, whereas tech-
nically, o3) 110rnu111 01 the wording of
the act, requiring 150 days before the
beginning of the new license year, it,
would not be effective until May 1015.
"We believe in a fair fight and no
favors," said .T. A. Irwin, of Clinton,
en the cnulnliaeinnle's. "We also be-
lieve in a ural fighting for his lmst-
ness, but when a clean -cot bargain is
made, we believe it should be adhered
to. Had we lost the vote, we would
have abided by it. North Huron's
co711missio11ers have taken a stand
that 110 licenses shall be issued. and
we think it is in the interest of the
(emney that the whole - county be
Iteate1 alike." '
'Jas. 'Beattie said that in Seaforth
11101.0 had been all agit1Ltion for an ex-
00151ml of lignnr licenses because of
the approach of the Huron Old Boys'
conclave and tite firemen's tunrna-
'Rte feel that Otis is no argument
fur an exLetielen," said be.
Chairman Chuff spoke very cnenrte-
on51y to the deputalnn and assured
thein that their plea would re(leive
careful anilsiitertl.tion, '
After 1110 COltlilliSeiOliera luted an-
nounced their' decision to grant
licenses, A. T. Oonper,' of Clinton,
president of Herron County section of
the Ontario branch of the Dominion
Alliance, said.
"It is now sip to the Ontario Gov -
element to see that no iloones shall
be granted in Huron County as per
the understanding entered 13110 hast
November between lion. Gen' le, Fos-
ter, Hon. Mr. 0oderre an(1 'Hon. Mr.
Hanna, provincial .seeretai•y, provid-
ing the vote was fay()) able to the
Oan•tda Temperance Act in January.
"The action of the Center Huron
license commissioners -indicates
Lent they will accept no responsibility.
for the discontinuance of the sale of
liquor its Center Huron after April 30,
and the reason they granted licenses
to the fourteen supplicants was be-
cause no communication had been
received 11.0131 the license department
as to what authority they had for the
coining year. That is, having had no
word t0 the written) y,they proceededeeded
on the lines of former years.
eutlyLhe3expect from the public ut-
terances of Hon
tt1antasnflnn j J. Hanna that
those incenses %vitt be vetoed. Ao-
coeding 10 the act, the coruiniseioi1038
had pewee to getup ao extorsion of
licenses for one, two or three 11010313s
1)311. they did not care to take this
t'espousi1illey, uwiig to the feet that
\Vhal's the use of suffering from
heart -burn 0101 the ()thee thurgeeenble
things caused by Dyspepsia and In-
digestion, when we Meer you the
privilege of using Rexall Dyspepsia
11)1110ts entirely at our eislee with the
distinct understanding that, if they
don't relieve your Sto3na0h trouble
and make your stomach ecnnfoltable
and your digestion easy, they will
cost you untiring, If they don't do
all you expect there to, we want you
to tell es and let us Sive back your
3110310y. 'Ctrs 1(11035 what they have
(1011010v ethers, aidwhat; they curb
8)a hast, con-
of, That is why.
in theta.
Among other ':hinge, they 4011131 31
Pm11810 11(3(1 f3laltrnth, 2 of the great-
est digestive aide known to Medical
science. They overtire and comfort
the stomach, relieve hearL1)urn and
aisle promote the se'rret.io11 (11
gastric juice and help maize the
bowels regular. We believe 113ent to
be. by
ait otitis the beet remedy for in-
diKeet'mr or dyspepsia tver eoatle.
/ e
r will say s
rr tat once
Wo believe you ,..
\V)b r
you have 3380(3 mien).y If you don't,
they will 000t you nothing. Sold only
at the torr(' than 7,000 Rexn.11 Stnees,
and in this 11,113111 only at, stir store,
11300Maes 2,55, 50e, and $1.00,: h.1'ar
Begat strata White Wyeedottes
Pee., Nee, 1 R 1 eeeeie of 12 peille18
('0011, seleete(I 1.1(111 11 flock of 8U 11,)11
ll need IMO 1(n 1,11111( 111 11(1 1111d vn1kerel,
Creel 22(1 lend 212 '3;g teemed hens,
• P its Nee. 3 ee 4 role:ho e of 12 mil -
.01e le 1 1,•11, 1319111 fileln 11131111013 of
ply .I.nrli 11ni1 1nn1ivl With cock bird
411(1 (Awls, I 1.1 i tutu 200 hitt 190 record
111'0 .
Proaidelei farm Strain or
Breit to toy Barred Rods
'1'11'0 In•u+.--2I m el e (el pallets—from
110( el 11111 ,11,(1 110(1,11 t1•i111 ti eoekel'-
1 els of heavy hlyieg 0 (nine.
Eggs per setting of 15
Pun 1 \Chill. \1'7itll(ltlttes ,,,,.,.,$2 60
Pen 2
Pen 8 " 1 1 GO
Pen 4 " " 1 00
Pens 13arte(1 Rocks- 1 00
75% fertility turd ag11111•e deal g1aratl-
teed. Only a limited quantity (1f
llryandotle eggs foe sale up to May 1.
Riverside Farm
Phone 66 or 24x R. THOMSON
Pluton Connty had spoken so strongly
at the polls on Jan, 29, when the
tnitjnrity for the wet 351(8 2,008.
Tlie county executive of the alli-
ance will do all i1, (heir power to
have eife11t given to the mandate 01
tate people. I feel that Hon. Mr.
Hanna will clot shrink from the re-
sponsibility that is now pot upon
lei In,"
A good supply of 3, 4 and 5
inch Tile still on hand.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ileufry n Brick & Tile Yards
Attention of the
Farming Community
I have full lines of the emulous Ag-
eiculein at Implements in stook and
urn able to supply the needs of all
on short notice. See mu.
Steel ` Low
Hay Down
Loaders Spreaders
They can't be beaten.
High Grade Pianos Phonographs
Sewing Machines
Stock of first-class Buggies
• is the best on the market. ( Get
your supply now and be ready for
Spring sowing.
If you requite anything in my line
ring phone: 82 or calf at my wareroom.
You are always welcome.
S. Carter, Brussels
is prepared' to simply the hest
goods to Windmis, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fiteings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls foe stock, &t..
etepail's to Pumps promptly
attended to,
Give the a call.
A.IIAYMANN, Cranbrook
Thousands of tun bltiou9 young nee.
3110 ore fast preparing in their 9(11
1101508 to 00011333' lrleraLtye 1100108119 118
stenographers, boolliloepera, Iclegr.n•
pliers, civil s'1(vattw 1n fact every
31(1(81'0 of aettvlt.ieA, f'olt may finish at
college If you so wish, PosiHan5 guar•
enleed, Enter college ally day. Ind*•
dualinebruetlOn. I9x er
t,a her
Thirty ylexperience.
'Mainersill O t S08mcolleges,
special cous+) for 3nohe
ABilleted with Qommu0r lel
'tor e A suointlol 0f Unnndn,Hun
s 1080 mer
School at ramous tete) 1
S BI a{110'0 ' 1•
P L0
doe London.
0, I
Wingham Business College
0E0. StfereON, iv'. T. 100898,
Pr 5140131 Prhno*pal,
Nen nom. lade 01 the Village 01
131 unsels, 111 the Cuu110y 1,C 1118)1111
01111 Previnee of (51111,11', e(111tr'llelnl•.
Nutlet, is he t•e y gteen pursuant 10 Rue. 60,
titian. lei of the Kat nl(8 of Onto' ' to, I (Averse
V, that 1111 per001(0 1111 111111 1101 11)13,5 epithet.
the sold Themes 1{_111(0(11, 11110 11 1 111 011 011
)bent the Fourth cloy or moth 1014, 01'0
1111q1111010 10 s,nil by 1)111.03(11,1' or 11011110. 10
P. Nen1U, Brnesees ('118) ,111'I'. Agent Por
Alex. Myelin, 5/111 a le end 1012-ahr111 Ate.
(lrognr, Ilrueeele, the Bzeoutnra of the es-
tate 01 the send '1'bonnie Newsom, th,h'
lai1lee end addr,sors and .full pertieulars
in writing of illefr claim', befrao the
Twentieth day of elny. 1914, otter which
date the sold gxeevtorl willproceed
to distribute the ne, e's of the '1(1,1 de.
ceased OmOng the persons eat*tlr(1 thereto
having roan rli 01117 to the 01,05(0 of which they
shall then hove lmd notleo and that they will
not ho liable tor Ino 8)1111 A Sets or any port
110t 1lionh hero reeelve1 n(oticerbtint they.
Dated at Brussels this E15111 evetll day or
April, 1011.
Ir. N. Howell,
Agent for Execltors.
Notice to Creditors,
In the neuter of the eslnle of 1 (1war(t
13ryans, late oil 1110 'Township of
(1101, in the ('onuly of 11 Woo,.
Province of O (tato, earner, d8)
erased. -
Notice is hereby given pnr0unnt to Soo. 511.
Malt. 211, or the 1tntlttes of Ontelrlo i Geofge
V, tient ell persons hoeing any ,Imes signing.
the stud Edward B1'ynns, who died on or abort
th0 Twentieth day of March, line are recto ired
to send by pont prepaid or deliver to p', 8.
Scott, Brussels Post Office, A gent for 11'. T.
131'yttne. Brltssels (111d Alex, Iirylina Brussels,
iixeoatoro of the wide 00 Edward Br'ynns,
their 11011159 nod addresses and i1111pnrtlrulers
in writing of their Maims before the Twentieth
day of May, 1014, )fent which dote the sold
Executors will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said dscunsed ntnong the persons on.
titled thereto having regard only to the
claims of which they shell then have had.
notioe and tbnt they will not be 11111115 for
the 851111 assets or ally port thereof to any
Hperson of whose claim they shell not than
ese received notice,.
Dated 11 13russels this Eighteenth dee of
April, 1014.
Apelt for Excoutora.
M'.4rtgage Sale
Valuable Farm Property in the
Township of Morris
There will be offered for solo by Public
Altrtim,, on Toesdny. April 281(1, 1014 at It
o'clock in the forenoon, at the Auterium1
lintel, Brussels, by virtue of it Power of 81.15
contained inn 10015itt 30014813m which 8)111
be produced at the sale, the following proper'
ty ,--
The Wort 11 Ilnlf of Lot T amber Twenty-two
in the Fourth Oonces)on of the 0nid Towo-
shloof:llorris,containing ono hnndrsd norm
morn or 1e0s.
The following improvements nee said to be
on the property:—About 00 scree (fleo•ed;
nbnnt 26 nem slush and posture land; be lane,
mixedtimber; log dwelling with Prean trun-
k); frame bank hewn 011 140110 foundation;
fro ne (Idealism; 010011 orchard,
Terms: -.Ton per cent of the pnro115se
money to be paid down on the day of nate.
For balneoo terms will be mode known 6t the
For further particular, nn57dy to
Solicitors, to To•olto Street,
or to JOHN 111101102, Esq., Brussels, 001,
Bu0i for Service
The undersigned will keen for service at
Lot 22, (ion 10, (tet+y, the thoro'-bred Short
Horn Bull, 'Gordon," m911604Q. 'terms 91.60
to be p0idat Woe of service with privilege of
returning if 1)0ce00017,
Hog for Service
T11a undersigned will kaep for aervlae 0t Lot
15.0013.7, Morrie, a thoro'•bred Bsr115h11•e hog.
Pedigree may be aeon 013 application Teems
51 00, payable at time of service with privilege
of returning if necessary, F. BEIRNE1,
40.40 - Proprietor,
The People's Column
bred Yorkshire Bowe, carrying first litter,
for Halo, Terme to suit purchasers.
Phone 100. Lot 00, Con. 0, Morris.
PASTURE FARM 'r0 31517'P.—One of the
best 100 acre farms In (Goy to rent. 1,ot
22,Ool.0, tinning Spring worm• in trougl(
thoyear round and lots of shade. w111 rent
the whole tot or keep 1.0 )ores for hay, Apply
to DAVID MI0NE; Ethel, Out,
F„OR SALE, -Phe undersigned hes o gunntity
of ants ter sale. Phone 12 on 110 Se:dem:It
central. DAVID MOOUTOB.0ON, Me-
1lllop'liwp., Welton P. 0.
FARM FOR SALE being North Eel) of Lot
20,Cer. 1.1, Groy township Boron 00.,
aont(duing Nacres, If not sold by. the lot of
April will bo rentedfor grans as the farm in
needed down On ilio ]promises 1s a frame
house -nod A good wood surd, bm,lt bon with
08005 ambling
111 1'11111'1. Id,.1
WO l et fila+
0otel end 111 8 !l'li sit the ben n, 110 e(,e o4 5100'•
ad, 200 wllas (3 church. Ethel W 10 toibo
five school Itim ,asna Possession001011a cal -he
given et r, time, a amp Por sale as the
Angus Campbell, is in the woes.
Iron P
reyrlartih)r555)O on Lot 29, Con.
10, Gros, , Alonarieanfl' , 0 1r 5 phone 47111. -
JAMES MORAY,. . 013,.
FARel 11011 SA1,91, being N14 Lot le, Cee. 0,
Mortis Township, Buren Co., containing
100 nares. On *ha: in oni000 11.11,0000 9•robrned
frame house and woodshed,bank ban-.4.91f6b;
straw shod 00x60,potliIyhouse 10n10,nod 51g
pen There la oonsid0(,(1(l0 timber on farm
Lou0tlon is shout 381111115 front Church And
oohool. 11'or farther pertlOnlar(t apply on the
premises or t0 100111'NEWCOMBE,
13Iyt1.156,01 phone 01.1 RAI. No. 2 Btyllt • .
° No, 1, Proilnoe warehouse sit Brussels
9tutionG, T,115. For partdealnrs nppiy. to.
.1 1 1110E110, 1101333e19.
311"150A11 LAWN neaten" 11'015 SALE.—
The undersigned offers fortole MB 11110
1L0 Wore farm, bein1g, North Self 3,01311, Col. 5,
Morris township, Huron (lo. F11 till isinn good
Hate of-0nitivnton, well Penned aid hoe on it
Ilse brick house that emit $0,6010 000(1 10110
sarronndod by ceder hedge Born 52x00feet
on stone foondatd0n. 1300d oreha'd and 10.
moros of hardwood bush norm is only a silo
from the npl5,14113 in 31 rkrt 1ow•n of 13ruseels
and 10 134 miles from school, Good
It . Possessionntones. V r
on the 11'(10/ 3
(ora, JOFI mo R0.- apply o the In aniees
or t0 JOHN MOON EYI Proprlotm, Iirnsnels
P, c.
® ,6, �.�� �. �►�e.� ®ate
W. . i'-7 LOVE
Flus neral Director
and Embalmer
Ceders ( (: pr(tlnptly wild cater -
telly attended to night (w
day; Phone 228.
7-1-6 EL.., ON T,
\iWt i il111111i� VI t P411 140-11"."*".0 '"(/1''.,1.'0
•1 ' •.