The Brussels Post, 1914-3-5, Page 6Fashion flint 11111.41.41alseeteeNbareaelealle For Women of Taste, iteve y•ou. notleed the ,tiny, %ream buttene weskit axe wed or trim- ming time of the newest frook These Ii1e buttons are merle over lath wooden forms and are lees than hale an ineh square in come (,ases A long row of them, covered with the in/aerial of the frook, is very effective on the akerb of a deep zed crepe de opine model seen re- eently. One of the pregiest fashion for ate fulalength negligees is this: athere is a foundetion of blue silk, loosely draped and gathered about the figuaes. It is quite plain awe for its own met folds. Over this is warn a jacket of lace that reaches to the hips. The edges of this jack- ek, are ilaished with a little lace Some of the new blouses of thin etuffe have a little gilt or linen cord, ending in tassels, run in a Tittle oseingaeound the neck. When at te blouse is adjusted, the oord is drawn up and the ends are tied in loops. The gag is very good and very easy to produce and a little silk cord slipped into a casing about -the neck of a homemade blouse of chiffon or crepe de chine or silk would do away with many a the difficulties of the neck line—a fry- ing matter for the home sewer. Camille is used somewhat lavish- ly ea the new parasols. One effect- ive model is made of dark blue taf- feta silk, with a fine -in& border of light green. Over this border there is a network of laced ohenile threads in dark blue and the re- sult is aha,rming. Some of the new handbags made of velvet, in panther shape, have velveaeovered frames and velvet - ribbon handles. To carry with a velvet costumes such a bag is most harmonious. Plaid designs are surely gaining ground as the season vantes. One of the most interesting uses of plaid is in a Panama straw hat, a broad - brimmed model, turned sharply up the left side and banded about the erown with a rope of Irish crochet. square ornament of Irish crochet holds the turned -up crown in place. Brocaded elippens, in silver and gold as well as in colors, with pat- ent leather heels and vamps, are among the attractive offerings of the boot -makers. Some of the new straw has show huge bowers out irom brilhiantly colored velvet, fastened flat against the gowns. Their edges are sew- ed down under narrow braid or else left raw and sewed down with col- ored silk. Suspenders of various sorts are in fashion. There will be many skirts this spring ending in sus- eenclers to wear with separate blouses. Some of them will be made of the wonderful new plaid taf- fetas. Sometimes the suspenders are wide, and worn quite at the edge of the shoulders, and some- times they are narrow. Sometimes thee are fastene,d to an odd little waistcoat belt—a belt like the low- er part of a waistroat, including, eomeames, two diminutive pockets well toward the front. e, NEW ROADS COST $406,000. Over 1,250 Miles - :M- ilt Up North Last Year. George, W. Bennett. Superinten- dent of Colonization Roads, in his report to the Oaterio Minister Public Works, states that during the peg yeas 1,250 miles of high - ab a cost of 8406,341, have been constructed or improved. The roads iu the northern peg of On- tario have been fame' to cog con- saeiclezably more than similar works in older Ontario by reason of the Government hexing to maintain camps for the woekens. In the district comprising Fort Freneee, Rainy Reser, Kenora, Port William, Port .Arthur, Al- goma, Sudbury, and Manitoulin Island, 292 miles of colonization roads onmpleted, and 205 mules' of wads under the by-law system. The total met of the latter was $32,000, of which. the Province bete $45,000. In the western diseriet, Parry Somal, Muskoka, Sirnme, Baum, Sturgeon Falls and Nipissing, the colonization road mileage is 116; by-law roads 80 miles. The cost of the latter was $15,000, the province paying $11,000, The eastern division, which in-. cludes the remainder of the wale ern pert of old Otterio, has now 292 miles oP now ooloniathion roads, The by-law roads, new and •im- proved, amount to 344 miles. The expenditure for thin section Was $542,000, of wine& $32,000 was pealed by the Gevaament. In the Tirthskaming digest 113 mike of by-lew toads were built 4 thlgt of $17,,e00, of which the Gov- ernmeat ,pa.4 810,000. The Sao - rod vat pushed &head for a coneidereale -distance, and 18 miles of this now reniaies bo be completee. • "Doing it now" is the root of SOO- THIN-BLOODED MEN AND WOMEN Need the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Ac- tually Make Thin -blooded people do not re- made so from acme, but from in- . differenee; in some eases from de- spair. People who are pale, laze guid, with palpitation of the Iteere, some difficulty in breathing and a ter:de-nes, to bo easily ered are :suf- fering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to take t -ho right treatment and stick rto ib un- til cured. The remedy that am be relied upon ia Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. With every dose they make new blood, and now blood means health and strength, The red cheeks, good appetite, in- ormsing weight and strength that follow the use of these Pills prove their great value to thin-blaoded people. Here is an example: Mrs. R. Steele, Afton Road, P.E.I., says : "Following ohileibirth I took a pain in my head whieh grew so bad I had to call in a doctor. He told me that my blood had turned to water and that I was in a serious condition. He treated me four months, but still the pain remain- ed, and my condition was growing pitiable. I lost my appetite, and was so weak sad run dawn that I could no more than -walk across a room. I was as pale as a corpse, and the doctor told my friends ho had but little hopes of my getting better. A cousin who came to see me urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 Gent and got a supply. In about a month after beginning their use 1 had much re- lief, and by the time I had taken six more boxes I was fully cured and felt as well as ever I did at ney life. I have never had a twinge of the pain since, and feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they cured me after the doctor had failed." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 89.50 by The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE PAY OF DIVERS. Contractor Says Two Experts Get $100 a Week at Work. A romantic and, in many cases, highly lucrative career is suggested by the interesting statement made by Alfred Gann, famous marine sal- vage contraotor of 1Vhitstable, England. Whitstable, though celebrated for its native oysters, has alt equal title to fame, according to Mr. Gann, in its divers, and a good diver is alwaya assured of work. "Our divers are, or, at all events, used to bo, the finest itt the world," said _the veteran contractor, who has raised, salved, or surveyed nearly 200 vegels. "Our own men are as well known at Lagos as at Colombo and Montevideo. "Two who were with no are now earning about $100 each week in South America A good mem ought to be always worth his $15 a week, with perhaps $5.25 a tide and a commission an the cargo he salves. "Foremost among the things a diver has to learn—and with fewer wrecks this takes him maw years nowadays—is the knack of finding his way about inside a ship under water and in the dark, "The difficulty is accentuated when the diver is worlcing under the hatches •of a submerged ship, He has to see then with the pal= of his hands and the tips of his bare fingers for eyes. A single slip Speaking Of Lunch the wife said, "Bring home a package of Post Toasties —Sure 1" Toasties are wonderfully good at any meal, and somehow seem to match the appetite of both Mine folks and oests. Bits of selected Indian Corn, delicately seasoned, cooked, rolled thin and toasted to a rich golden brown — that's Post Toasties. Fresh, tender and crisp, ready -to -eat direct from the package, With cream and a sprinkle of Sugar— "The Memory Lingers* Toasties sold hy grocers —everywhere. Cereal Co., Ltd. wadar, ontsrei, oamisealonlation nervy mean tle fouling of his, liSe line, air tube, or both, tiud them -goad byel "The prowess of tiro Whitstable divers recalls to MO the waving of the cargo of the Ornen, from North Ameriett, laden with walrus :skins and oil, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands, "Divers previously in charge had broken -the Omen's rudder, thrown its anchor and chains in the sea end even constructed aetiactial ecuppers on •the dock, eo that the 'water from the pumps found. its way direct to the veesela hold, "Wore still, they threatened to cut our dieers' air tubes and life Lines and we had to appeal to the addralty, which sent a special gunboat, under whose protection we sueoessfully salved the cargo. "The Darling Downs had nearly 8500,000 worth of wool on board, It took eight of our divers two months to salve it, and by then the wool was worth more than when it went down, Wool had risen in price in the interval. WIT../D PONIES NEAR LONDON. Estate of Lord Lucas in New For- est Contains the Breed. In New Forest near London, op the estate of Lord Lucas, British parliamentary secretary of the board of agriculture, there is a breed of wild ponies that lives as free and untrammeled as an the prairies of South Africa. These ponies are small and abso- lutely wild. At about five months the foals are old enough to be cap- tured and taken to auctions all over the country—an unpleasant change for the little wild things. They hero first, however, to be "rounded up," and this is done by their owner and ,his friends, and it takes a great deal of doing. A particularly lively colt may take two or three hours before he can be got into the fixed enclosure. Thus the pleasures of wild riding in the bosh are brought th within fifty miles of Landon, says the Bos- ton Transcript. Riding in the New Forest in this wey is dangerous on account of the 'bogs, and it takes a clever rider and pony. Lord Lucas is a tall man who carries the mark of adventure Of a mare dangerous sort in a slight limp brought back from South Africa. • BABY'S OWN TABLETS CUBE SICKLY BABIES If your baby is -sield.y, if his little stomach is out of order or his bow - ole need regulating, no other medi- eine will have such prompt or bene- ficial effect as Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands of other mothers use no other medicine for their little ones. Concerning them Mrs. John G. Crockett, Glenberrie, N.S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomach troubles, vomiting and eonstipeti•on, and in every instance they have proved successful. I would use no other medicine for my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box 'from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Angeline: "I won -der if I shall ever each Edwin flirting?" Mabel: "I always thought that was how' you did catch him, deer." files Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro Itching. Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief, 50c. If a man admires a woman she should ab least admire his good errata glnard's Liniment mares Cargot ft cows. CONSUMPTION IN ENGLAND. Report on Nation's Health Shows It Is On Decrease. A wonderful hope that same time the terrible plague of consumption will be vanquished in England is held out by the report of the Local Goverument Board, Quetta read- ing of this reporb—it is over 400 pages long—makes it quite clear that tubexcelosia is decreasing in the country. Even in tame groat Centres of tuberculous disease— Liverpool, Manchester, Birming- ham and Sheffield—the izotrge is dying. Modern sanitation may pore Gaily amount for it, but it can only account for a very little, Tuberculosis kills men in prefer- ence to women. The report says :— "For males at mese ages Liver- pool has the highest death rake, Hanoltester ecaniog next, For fe- males Liverpool agein has the high - ea: death rate, the death rates in Manatee -ter and Birmingham hay- ing a similar course that of Shea field being somewhat lower, It is eat unlikely that some of the ex- cess of both Maticheeter and Liver- pool is caused by. the immigratior4 of casual laborers, This would in- clude the immigratiort of natives of Ireland, among whont the average tuberculosis death rate is high, The total share of migration In produc- ing Came high /*Maris dealt tete eannot be determines./ at present. The a:beret:thole death rate of these cities has shown groat, reduotion," Just Om Here Woman Rises TO TELL HER SISTERS THEY CAN PIM) RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Hrs. Jahn Cabot, After Six Years' Suffering, Tried Dodd's leidney Pilitt3t,.n..d Found New Life and Eg White Head Perce, Que„ Feb. 23. —(Speeial).—One more woman hes risen to tell her Buffeting sisters they can find relief in Dedd's Kid- ney Pills. That woman is Mrs. John Cabot, well known and highly respected hero, and she expresses her enthusiasm in these words: "I certainly reoommend Dodd's Kid- ney Pine. There is nothing bet- ter." Asked to give her experience, Mrs. Cabot continued: "My trou- ble started in a cake and I suffered for six years, Rheumatism, neur- algia, stiffness of the joints, cramps in the muscles and heart finger- ings were among my symptoms, and finally Bright's Disease developed. It was then I started to use Dadd's Kidney Pills, and they helped me almost from the start. After tak- ing four boxes 1 feel like a new wo- man." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid- neys. Healthy kidneys strain all tae impurities and poisons—all the seeds .of disease—out of the blood. Dedd's Kidney Pills not only cure rho disease but by ensuring good blood give new life and energy to every part of the body. BIG COTTON CROP IN INDIA.. Increase of 14 Per Cent. Over Last Year Is Reported. India promises to have a bumper cotton crop this season. The latest estimate places the area under cot- ton at 23,000,000 acres, or 3,000,000 notes ahead of last year's figuies, which means an increase of 14 per cent. On the other hand the total outturn is expected to reach 4,900,- 000 bales of 400 pounds each, against 4,300,000 bales last season. The increase here is 15 per e,ent. The latest report an the crop in the Punjab is particularly gratify- ing. It shows the area, sown as 1,799,100 acres, being 25 per °eat, more than lag year. The yield is estimated at 490,051 hales of clean- ed cotton, compared with 297,016 bales estimated in the correspond- ing forecast last year In the me five States the area returned as under cotton is 236,800 acres, an increase oi 84 per egue. The out- turn is estimated at 76,185 bales, or 52 per cent. more than last year. In the Umballa division the area under cotton has increased by 61 per cent. and the estimated out- turn by 97 per cent'as tempered with last year. In jullundur the area has inoreased by 44 per cent. and the estimated yield by 175 per cent, In Lahore the area, has increased by 25 per Cent. and the yield by 28 per cent. In Roeval Pindi the area has increased by only 4 per cent., but the yield is estimated to be 22 per cent better, while in Multan, with an increased area of only 7 per cent., it is estimated that the yield will he 100 per cent. better than last year. You May Have Catarrh And Not Know It HEAD AND THROAT. BECOME DISEASED WITH CATARRH FROM NEGLECTING COLDS AND COUGHS.. Catarrh is Treacherous—When Fully Developed Is a Horror—Note Its Symptoms. "Is your breath bad?" "Is your throat sore?" "Do you cough at night?" "Is your voice ram?" "Have you nasal discharge?" "Do you spit up phlegm?" "Has your nose an itchy feeling?" "Have you pain across the eyes?" "Is your throat irritable, weak?" "Do you sleep with mouth open?" "Are you subject to sneezing fits?" "Do your ears roar and buzz?" "Are you hard of hearing?" If you have any of these indications of Catarrh, cure the trouble now— stop it before it gets into the lungs or bronchial tubes—then it May bo too late, The remedy Is "Catarrhozone," a direct breatheole atm that places antiseptic balsamst and healing medi. eation on every spot that's tainted by catarrhal germs. There can be no failure with co, tarrhozone—for years it has suopese. fully cured caeee that resisted other remedies, "No one can know better than 1, the enormous benefit one gets from the very first day's use of Ca- tarrhozone,' writes T. T, Hopkins, of Weetvale, P.G, "I had for years a stubborn case of Bronchial Catatth, ear noises, headache, sore eyes, stop. ped up nose and throat, it affected my appetite and made ,my breath rank, Catarrhozone cured quleklya Get Caterrbothee, use It, and you aro sure of cure—beware of imitation,: and substitutes, Largo size Catarrh - ozone, 'with hard rubber inhaler, lasts two mattes, and is guaranteed. Price OA, at all dealera, or the Catarrh, cage Co., Buffalo, MT., and Ring. sten, Ont, F POrk & I :'" Ems Highest grade beaus kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. 3:savored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. 4.. IS USEFUL. -- Italian Savant Finds Organ Ilas Special Function. Is the appendix after all to be - eerie a useful organ, and is appen- dicitis soon to go out of fashion? These questions may well bo asked when one reads the report of an Italian savant, Signor Morgera, who tells the French Academy of Sciences of his experiments with dogfish in ,the Bay of Naples. Signor Morgue found that these marine animals possess an organ whioh would be analogous to the appendix in man, After taking out this gland Signor Morgera discov- ered that the contraction of the in- testines and its neceseary fun -diens were disturbed. He found that a certain kind of sugar was secreted by the appendix of these animals, and that if he introduced four or five drops .of sugar into the intes- tine of an animal whose appendix had been removed the action of the intestine was perfectly normal. Several Preach savants, Dr. Rob- in,son, Prof. Bla,noloted, Dr, llrumpt, and others., seem also to be of the opinion that this much maligned organ of the human body has a particular and very impor- tag function which has been long ignored. An Old Offender Caught Por.year;s he has caused endless tronbla, but when Putnam's Dorn Extractor was applied, ho came out roote and all. Any corn or wart cured in tw,snty-four hours by "Putnam's Extractor." 25o. at all dealers. Exceptions. "Seeing is believing," quoted the sage. "Olt, I don't know. I see men every day whom I wouldn'e be- lieve under oath," To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money 15 it fails to curs 131, W, GROVE'S signa- ture Is on each box. 25c. And Jam. "How does your little boy take his emulsion?" "With compulsion." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mall. An Eye Tonle Good for All Eye. that Need Caro Morino Eye Remedy Co.. Chicane If mirrors portrayedus as others see us, we would never use them. litInard's Liniment Cures Ellatempor, THE HUNGRY HAT. How a Doctor Got Even With an Avaricious Ilotelkeeper. A °again Doctor Heim, a Ger- man man of edema, once stopped for luncheon at, a hotel in Wies- baden. The Moir next to hive was unoccupied, so he put his hat upon it, and sat clown. When he came to settle his account, ho was sur- prised to find that he eras -charged for two plates but the head waiter insisted that he had reserved a second place, because no one could sit where his hat lay; so Dootor Heim paid without a word, The next day he returned to the hotel, sae at the eaanc table, and put his hart, as before, on the ohair next to him. Ho ate a, hearty meta, and as the waiter was about to clear away the dishes, he said, "Wait a minute, friend. My ha here, thee, is ale° paying for a din- ner, is very hungry, as you may euppose, sines it paid for its dinner yesterday, but didnt eat anything," With these 'words, Heim lined his hot with a newspaper, and filled it up to the britn with bread, cookies, fruit and all sorts of good things. Ho then placed the bulging hat carefully under 1ii arm, and walk- ed out in. triumph, The leen had a good effect, for since that time no one in that hotel has had to pay for the seat that was occupied by his hat. Stinted Do Not Pay. Aoc,ordingt tt report issued by the British Board of Trade, sup - rime -need by data supplied by trades unions, organiv,ed workers in Great Iltitain have lost nearly 800,000,000 in wages from stop- pages duo to trade disputes during - • the last ton years, Ageing this the net gain ie wagon resulting from disputes is reported OS $13,000,000. In the same perjod the working °lasses da a ehole have secured ad- vanees in wages estimated at 876,- 000,000, -.X, The millionaire railway king had a brother who was hard of hearing, whilst be himself was known es having a very promineut noso. Once when dining at a friend's house he stub between two young la- dies. They persisted in talking to him very loudly, mueh to his annoy- ance, but, wise man, he. said no- thing. "Did you ever," remarked one of them to the other in an or- dinary tone during a hill in the con- versation, "see such a nose?" "Pardon me, ladies," broke in the "ie is my brother who is dea." Will Quickiy Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. B. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion, Nothing helped me until X used Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Instead of lthrting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To -clay I am well—no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can eay Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pins, and my letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills of mandrake aud Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone co., Kingstou, Ont. ./4 • No Interruption. "Mr. Wombat says she loves to commune with nature." "Ian nob surprised at that. Nature will 14 you do all the taking, and that makes an awful hit with hen." Fain/111e, Sept 30, 1002. Mhutrd's Liniment Co„ Limited, Dear Sirs,—Wer wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not bo without it if the price was ono dol- lar a bottle, I mean it, Yours truly, CHAS. 1P. TILTON. Protection. "Madam, the feather in your hat is gabbing in my eye," exclaimed a man in a oroivel. The woman tura- ed around, looked him over add then enqthred: "Why clon'E yeu wear glassesl" Minard's Liniment Cures Colds', Eta Returning re Favor. "It's going to be war to the knife," declared the suburban man, who was feeding tie chickens. "Mae now 1" asked the friend. "Why, Blake sent me a box of axle grease and adeised me to use it on my lawn mower." "Well?" "Well, I -ma it back and told hint to use it an his claugheer's voice." Experienced mothers say Zam-Bnis is best for chi/. dren's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal—no poisonous mineral coloring. It is antiseptic—prcvente cuts and burns taking the wrong way. It is soothing--cnds pain' qu ick ly. It heals every time. Just as good for grown. tips. Sold at cat afore* and' druthiat ISSUE *—'U, LTR 1 With Daily Use of CUTICLRA SOAP And occasional use of Cutis Ma Ointment. No other emollients do so much to prevent pore -clogging, pim- ples, blackheads, red, rough hands, dandruff, itching scalps and falling hair. Outicura Soap and Ointment:we sold threlleheEt the world. A liberal sample of mei, with at -page Skin Book, soot p00000 Address BotterDrintdi Chem, Corp., Dept, 41C, Boston, 0.00. PASHAS POR SALM. H. W. DAWSON, ktinets Colborne Street. Toronto. TP 1011 WANT 1.0 BUT On 52101. A • Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Perm. write H. W. Dawson, Brampton. or 01 Colborne Pt.. Toronto. N W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronto. ANKATOMMAN IMPROVED FARM Must Sell. Small. payment -aced water, Windmill. Stable. House, Granar. Summer fallow, Market five miles. School on farm. Write owner. 626 Wilton Avenue, Toronto, Canada, WANTED. A %TINTS WE WANT YOU. Wit= .t9k, Dominion Shade Adjustor Co., Wind, cor, Onterio. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, • OOD wunKLY IX awn Towle IN aer York County. Stationery and Book Business in oonnection. Price onlY 54,000. Terms liberal, Wilson Publish- ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. NURSERY STOOK. QTRAIVBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, mare 5 Varietiee. Pion Catalog. McConnell & Son, Gravesend. Ontarie, MISCELLANEOUS. Tur Alia] YOUR WILL WIPEOUT LAW. o. yer's fees, Your family insured against expensive lawsuits. Code Will Form peetpuid 25e. Griffiths, Browne Bldg„ Montreal, CANGER, TUtiORS, LUMPS, GTO.. internal and external, oared with. out pain by our home treatment Writs he before too late. Dr. Reitman McNeal Co„ Limited, Collingwood, Ont. PARTNERS WANTED We are (moiling branch (Tithes "through. out Canada and the States and want man. agora to handle our branches, who can invest 81,000 to 55,000 Salney 6160 and up. 'wards monthly, and your share of the profits. 300 per cont. profit in our businese. Address, Post Office Box No. 206, Station "B," Montreal, Canadian flair Restorer Before and After thing. R stores Grey Rail to original color. Two rale* e from same bottle, hair of one becomea black, the other blond or other color ea they were in youth. Stops Falling Nair, Dandruff, Itching. C ,res ell Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Price 75 cents or two for Deo Dollar (postage paid.) Not mid in stores, address Canadian Hair Restorer Oe., WINDSOR, ONT, Let us help you to get more ITIOnsy out of your bush The question is: Are you malting good enough syrup? Aro you mak- ing all you can? Are you losing any sap, .whioli is real Money? race a •-caanieten" In yoUr regar camp, and you will obtain the very beet results with loss work, Write for free book- let. eorn annenit MPG. CO., X,IEUTED 50 Wellington «t., Montreal, QUO, PoTtisH For in crops On Ail Soils • 1°OTAS1T is an Indispensable PLANT FOOD. No soil will raise a ltioximum Crop that Oats not contain en AVAILABLE sup- ply', • Sufficient for the oren's needs, MITRw IAT11 or rowas end 0T/I,P11A.3011 05' POTADM ten be Obtained from the loading fortillsee dettlees and eeedselen. Btlyertt of "ready -tithed" fertil- izers should Insist on brande ot IITON POTABX ClONTIONT. WRITE for out. FREIE, etitiettUvo btillelitis on the Inaportant subject of PERTIL I ZING. • WOMAN POTAISU 1010 Temple Oldg,, TORONTO, Lore in Alaska. Itiondike Bride- And -do you aMil *think / am worth my weight in goki,' love? Klandike Bridegroom —' aVorbli eater 'weight in gold, peel Why; Mame sny oyes if I don't 'think aentere worth your tve6g10 in canned. goods!" • ' MIna,tl' linimetit Outn tilphttisrlo.' • 40'