The Brussels Post, 1914-3-5, Page 5iW
41130. SU rHERLAND 16 SOU
' 11. I500T'X A$ AN AUUT1UN-
. slut, WI11 null :or butter prices, to
,n140, .lou, in lase tone 01114 lent unurgee
cnaa any ether A8ottl.,ou, lu feast stun.. ,.
de w 41'0 utl11rga aiyt/llug, Oates sad order
-au •l ways lie arran,(ud at the; intoe or n
•.rt .In! application
Yf * M d1N(J1,A1U—
Isarrlutor. Holl„11er, 0Iuveyanee
rotary,'ohlio, eta. • IWuo—souwart's Hh,,'
•loor No, nl neutral 11000
4nlloitur Por the Metropolitan duel,
IA113113114R8, b ILFOtt'„Ra NI 'reit+
OIJHId . 1,1141
W Paou00ooT, H C. R 0. RA5'
J, L. BrLL60Ai
")48004 --'!'boas formerly mainland by hens,
(talneroa dC non.
nna0l0n, UTI ARI
Largest and
fastest steamers on
the St. Lawrence route.
For information apply
13 agents, or
the Allan line
W. 14. KERR.
Agent A Ilan Line, Bruase10.
e'- 6'til)'N v(✓A1i raanni.t kV! .V. AtEivAti;rpr„o myAr`i
aY(nr success in 13nd naafi Illi will de•
N peed almost entirely noon the school attend and. Ho ability to start you
right. 14
EL ..iOTT ,--7,
)0. 21abi
has n recognized atnndiug for 0410artor
be+lnesa training end for nasi+tan¢ stn.
.a dents to good p;101ti0ns A Il bra -inane
fi aehoolo are not .Jain. Write ln•dny for 1,
4 nor ;solo lets Ingots and see 400. adv,,
tone this Behnol offers. Open all year
4 Ester any time I
(Int Yonne and 3 W. J. ELLIOTT.
Alexnndar ata. Principal.
. ` P62ai34tgVA^ATO.a F?A DATAA, V.MATA'a re?avrr'(
00At 1trrili mATA1 WSO,, rAl rtRP:ow:AV:a V:a'4,
0044/1100 Best. P,,.oticot 1 raining
14th .1. Tit e,- den • tee .nt- - Com-
mercial, Shorthand. and Tcleara- 'a
.pay. 01 sea 11 a1,11,taiga silo ,0,- -
46y3 4,1111 In twinned, Iran 00'101 1 g
by a .r, c4 ex.u•11110ed .inti lin j7
440111104 t--. stleaeod, 0111110ot 111111, 011- P.?
for ,I r a i 01111, 114.•1 1111• r1.',, IN 111„ E
0110 and re• what Wo unit do fo Son J
D. A. M0LACHLAN, Principal.
' JFybYt VYAVISYA'c iYAtli! rilY/•i1Y>q1Y+Ci YM@iY'giYe:
?y4irhvt;YAGV , %.14J tar.waamseaaru, \vGYA ,,
Listowel Business`
Any time f
Grow with us.
1 11;01• particulars i1ddra01,— r�
,374ess rt>av eAct'aTAt'115:'R'A',n AvaANOV. Tatty 1>~ciVr”ft'
Best Brains
in Canada 11,1041 pnl•tiofpntsd iu the pro•
!titration of o111' aplonIliol glom, 41 ody
(11111418. III H111111100, Rontlonlies. Hlulvr
A000rtaing. Ginn nm offal Art, chow
lard writing. Photoggru9hy, Jou'isn. short Story Writing, aha•thn"d
. and Bookkeeping 4eleet the work
40111041 meat interred* yon nod write ns
fon' pa 1'tlelilare. Add rens
391-7 Vongo *'o 8t. Toronto
Buy Your Seeds
From a House
There's a big difference Ile-
ween seeds bought from.
established, reliable Secdmen'
told those bought from a
house of no particular pros
Sow to growl Use our,
tested seeds, Write for
k,indsoalc ellea100ed Ode—
lope A post card brings
it by retain moll.
Valuable b Premium Free
With your first Order we"
send you. absolutely free an
attractive premium Ste
nage one 6f our catalogue
Dar'ch &11ialter Seed CO:
Box 1224 Ltd
London, Ont, Gonad&
811141401444 Cards
+lnuoox000 10 M ft Mucro Odl1a lit Ander.
1111 drat. la Ye.y 80x1110, Hru.uulu. '10le111am/,
Ne, kV,
,uohelor of Medicine,. Unlvor14y of Toronto ;
.400ntlate and Graduate of the college of Phy•
410111414 and Surgeons, 004, ' Peat•gradnnte
tlhleugo 4ye, hug. Nona nod 'Throat Hospital,
Anoint, Ill. Nx•13ouae Surgeon to St, MBAs,
eels l0Oupltel, Toronto.
011ioe over N, S. smith's Drug Store. Tele.
.Mona commotion with Orunbruok et nil hours,
tuu4wlur of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
.luentlste of College of Physicalism and our.
.Doom, Oil Ohio ; ax.arnl011 171011a0 iturgeoe 01
Vesture tleapdtel, 'Toronto Ofllees of lata Dr
A. MuK.vnyp, Hunch Slunk, Srusoala,
Rural phone 46,
M.B., M.C.P.&S. O.
108 Blair *11'aot !Gnat, 'Toronto
Diseases Ear, Neee and Throat'
•'11111091 nm-Istant 1st Her, 1110111011n• and 'I b, out de.
41110011141100111 Ni x• Oenernl Hnspitcl. Toronto
da Gredu1101' Harvard Medical school, R1,•
'm hits 4,•nlor Ita1Ideol Nurgenn Maas,
'1 ,du,' Infl^wary ; lata Rllnleel aarlataot i1,
insr and $braatdepertmenl Mara 0, 11 He.
„til: Tate Hoc -e ltnrgeon Toronto Ganera'
1041110111 L "In Rrnosolw by appotntnient.
ova 4
lolan and ,n1. an '
n Pkat Graduate' Hop.
-g t
.nfl6n (Eng ), New York 4411 fhinnv0 Hos.
itnla 'menial attention to rliseaee of eye, ear.
Par end throat. Rven totted for seaasen,
Graduate of novel nonage of Dental our.
Dime of Ontario and Graduate University of
'r, morn F0011'1 11 of Dentistry
Office In Ward Block, Winlrham
Phone 11414 Poo nm,•ebua 270
Painless ax*raotlon, Plato work and
Bridge Work a api :laity
loner gradustr of the Ontario Veterinary
,I1ege. Da, and night call, OI5or oppoalta
lour MI11, &'+het.
-'nrsonal graduate Department of O btb'ul.
!logy, M,,lormlok M,dlo„1 College, Oblongo,
11: , is prepared to toast eyes end Ht 44190,104 rat
1..r ktflo0 over 13rewar'n Re'tnurant, Brueselx,
,0 Thursday, Mrlday and Saturday of every
reek Ghon Insure Ito a p. m. Forenoons
,+ywppofntnlent, Phone 1210.
WIII give better oatlefeotlon to both buyer and
.,eller than tory other Auctioneer and only
'Sorge what 114 reua0nable Sales conducted
1lywltere in Ontario, Pure bred stock sales n
Write or 'Aeneas Wroxeter.
B.istrict Edo
SCHOOL REPORT.—Folinwii,g is the
mport. of S. 4, N'. 3. Grey for mouths
,d' Jan tin y 41111 1?0lunlu'y, 00% Dnxs,
7•i% Malts. Sr 111 :—Exa,lil',d 411
vup -114111, Sp. 11. Grow, Rend,
a 'tool 01 •11111 1 W irk -(7 8 11•t•1
i \ l o d if 71. .1 11, F.0 lam, 02
if. IExnuunld 111 A1it4,, Spell,
It ,!I, •\,I at•+d tlelllul•v \Vork —\\
111011174. \\' M 'Ih'ual1173, 04 Y.910,4
19. A 1)1'4 old 63 Jr Ii t Examined
1 4 one -object 1 114 411 Ii.. -13 41114111
il, k %Is/Fits lune 69, 0. Die! nel 57. R
1.1,4Ile 511 Sr. I:—I.xaminr'd in
0,11 1,., Spoil., 4-arl, Alen .1.y Werk
cul Close \V„1.!: —t(. 4111111, 833." (1
041411191' 8111.0 eats 1.41'73. \\' R4shop
73, W. M.l) i,>,ld 55. PIimloy
Niro boll, fair.
T. ARMSTRONG, 'I'euel lel .
fire ti decidedly inlet eating re-
turn voyage ow111- I$ulinesti of 1301-
tiu, A. N. Bradford, 1st 001111eamio11
'T Grey, 11.111ruetl nu \Ve.l11tsd,ty,
Frl. 18 l, from a six weeks visit to
'tis 11,1 bottle 411 Oanlbeitigesl,ile,
14'glit11(1I'n11411vii g al) >,, of 23
, -ins II was Ililigh 10111(014. 1 h (m-
iletime of the 14111111 trip .alai the
eat 4.1 p1Mi(n> or the 11V0 weir .ick"
aid ;\h•, I3rn1Ford. "Tilt• diad W9,9
1)l0wing>1 Ht 4111118>, clip 141041 fur Iwo'
11v1 We Wel Wil 1141111. Wireless 2.11411111 1.
4 hrtvitig been hlilw'l' dim duels g
hr -'afloat Third *Iles poi4eugtl$
4411111'1 *1104, lite (leek for fent of
leheg swept ,,veetuao'il_ 1\ 1104 I left
l0'iglt,d they wire amo iug their
'4411•ilig (111(111 11.11 ellnMiditable of Lite
, .Allen elellf already in."
Your wisest Course
IF you are eaugbt in 1 Ile Wet, get
sore throat, 1101ldgbt lir 111118 11de
�4)1.411, (Inlet Wait for \v11'9e trembles,
1end I pl (mi1,t treat 11111114 1y4411 Poison's
Nervi4111*', it. (hires away all trace of
bull, ruled rhl'utu,u 18111, 111111 1 1011 111111
114111, 40,V1''a 1'111 f11111 11 bay -up 'Ir, heti.
No 2511 purchase (411 Iasi, ar 1m1111 raps
f,trl than a lad 1lt1 Id' Pulontee Nervi -
lino : It's the 01041110sl, al lv,uge9414n1-
u11'nt made. 311,1 everywhere 111 large
25e 11011>18,
'pito' 1)1.11. 11/1111 N. -,vs, of h',•h, it,. 0
19014, gives tin... following ltilinnl•
.4' all ai,nl•11t Mutt befell L{.•v. .I. F
[(night, tnmeely of (Inns I,ealdy.
:eh., is tory stub' Ln balk alter his
wlt1k again 1 -Rev. Air I{ ugbl, •.f.
011101 lug (ruse, 111141 to ntm'Ii11V ((Sm111a
from e»l anus ininry last 'be1r91)t
ovel,irtg 1111011 1011 aleLleyl - lamp he
wasusitng 1,4 0111111011 11111 with 1011 41
1u4614tted Ie1Lnre it: Peovide,re
1 hmmiIi, Raleigh. exniod01 4511.
((night, was severely horned about
the face, 11111111 IUNi 11111>44 101111 41 watt
dePmOd ltdvisnlile to In ins ilius 1m -1110
1''1111111 00044111 Hr.44o1h11, Ileo,. 1,
tomes pilu'ed it> Care an, hien) pin,ir4ru,.
lie is reported 11111117119 090914,991119'
111191 P,>Vlll'nhly 44,111 111111 lWM 10111 IP,
are Ilallif4,) but 11„1 (tang. 11118, Wit'
will likely go hot,te today 414' L11
hlorrn1V, 1414814 Alive Irw 4111, 401111 w140
8r!ttrd near I la hip :vas limme1 b11t
not, sa11o vlv �111 teem I1
tI w ,
(Ion GI all b Mr. Kew::
I sal
j1, I nicely toeel 1 1 IIIII, his I1(Iort un
11f, ni,1 %Val( 11f Drovi,l I11ins
>111ttu' when. the 14111144
Ali hough 1111 flame al, twit the speak-
er full in U)0 fr1'>' 111 ,'bi11 .18(11 Ales
ellen 11f 14111111 ((toted 1.4111 valve and
Anil on 1ht flowof 44100, it. tide waypreventing. 10 aeri401s aoteidelI to 1100
nonlien1'e ilial• toe 1his IIler* wnt9hl
44roh->hly have Ip+, a en, rmIhl'44' dif
l'14r>411 >4111y 114,14, )1-'v \h' I(nigit
1144444 IJ4rm1 (64414llf 1160 3aat1111ie 114
question for anent' length of lithe and �,'
hl'>14ofnla.114>14 but) uu 141111(1111 401111(11:(14: {
,144(1 1111 Isle 11101110111 110 one seems
aitlu to 1.x gain the 0x11114 coulee u e •
dlil4)ul4 If
Y. 1'110 physie4aws stale Ta
nniujl>1'y >0!1411 has hr,•n 1111110
f{l'1 ht a e es and that his '11 u STATE
K Y I j 1400
will 801114'AI
11 het.
"oat Whore The Danger Mee. ^-�
In many cm unit snuffs, cocaine 4,
Ill• largely used ingredient 4 411 ('>141'
segl,ttee tit• drug habit p)ay tie f01.111-
11 '1'o b,• really cured of catarrh, to
do so- quinkly, safely Itlid pleasantly,
doeiorsarty Coitalrlozone is sup>'t'lor
10 9,11y saber ri'flledy• 1i heals sure
plates, 141>1p4 disohnrgr, prevenl8
loon king, spitting and bad 1)01,11.01—
'los9 11140 by first destroying Ilse ('411180
ul' the disease. Catntrhfz,lh, is no ex-
Illl'iu11'nt, it is to tried 11111 proven
'due that is gnat w'tlrll for Ill ou,l >14,
1111•''4.1, nese 10111 lung yid nevi). '1'wu
ivies, 250 and $1 4)0 all all dettlrl0.
i4CHOt1L Ih4P(IRT.-1'11l1ntl'iltg is the
..pori 11' S 1, N•- '0 1lot ri, far the
woo hs of ,1wlu>ry nod B'ebrnary,
1,, o>. 75% Puss 614% 1 xao,ite it 4,,
111111 , 01.11111 , Spell., (Wog., Goons ,.
111, plead , nod daily win k Sr. IV.
*I reef. \\'!Ik411sn, 02 .111 117
m Yo it l 70 1141117' Bon toot, 69,
...leo lie Rant 07 John Bowmen 57,
1l,tk Hb,ns 47 111 III,— 1loid
s e
>rtI ,62,V”
Miura \ 1lkinen
n4 6 Ex-
x-...Med 4n 10>1111, (1"cap, tipelk,
4'.g, I.n1'g, AN, 1{1'111 ,old daily
1 "1.k tit 11 — N1, 111111 Stunt' 82.
Ir 11.—*(Jeei1 B.1,,' 78, Lillian Sell -,e
17, Earl Sellers 55 *Jimmie Hogg 42.
v 1 — Examined ho daily walk
1'`rhuk Sl.11r'IH 54 .111 I,—S,1u1 Herr 1
19 'line,- Mork ea * tni.4e0 •xutuhl(t-
Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink -
ham's 'Vegetable
Cape Wolfe, Canada,—" LastIlarchI
was a euntplete wreck. I had gi, en up
all hope of getting better or living any
length of time, as I was such a sufferer
from female troubles. But I took L as
E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound, and
today I am in good health and have a
pair of twin boys two months old and
growing finely. I surprised doctors and
neighbors for they all know what a
wreck I was.
"Now lam healthy, happy and heart
and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham s
remedies. You may publish this letter
if. you like. I think if more women
used your remedies they would have
better health."—Mrs, J. T. Coox, Lot
No, 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada.
Becau se
our case is
Y adifficult one and
doctors having vmg done you no good, do not .
continue to suffer without giving Lydia .I
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a
trial. It surely has remedied many
cases of female ills, such as inflamma-
tion. ulceration, displacements, tumors,
rregularities, periodic' pains, backache,
and it may be exactly what you need. 1
Mrs. Will Elliot t was viaittng her
-biter, Ale's. Hie[Abetter, 1f13eolin.
00111iw11 \inuniu44. A144004411' flet'
W:111 We, is looking after 1111* dui l -s.
‘Villi too o4op1>. held the contract, for
111011islliog Irl• f. r the t'leese elm y,
1) 11011 Mrs, Mel stirs, Std inn.,
Walleye, visited under the parental
Gro. 1>11(1 Ales 111We, Pala4'i9t1,11,
11.1•,'1' gtiesi1111 MIP l,>,iit' of D. Bowe,
R, ,>, i1ary East, m
The Pinkham record Is a proud and
eerless one. It is
a record of constant
victory over the ob-
stinateillsof women
—Ills that deal out
despair, It Is an es-
tablished fact that
Lydia 1y. Pinkham's
as restored health
to thousands of such suffering women.
Why don't you try it if you need such a
edicine ?
H. Reoth•a, who has been engaged
with H. Slowtut for the past year,
11118 gime home,
A number from 111da locality net
tended the ftme1'„l 1f the late Mts.
.inn Overlie, 110111' 13111991.1110.1 $alnr-
The 11111,- dmighlet of R'nl, and
Alva. Mal sli, 13otuulu•y Wee!, who
wits severely inched, is atatedily re -
rove> ins at the \Vingl,lr,, hospital.
11"hrl l (511111phell had at bee rerently
a. nrnlber of binds of wort] being
111aaiw11 11, his ration's phove in List''.
:vel No rlltoltlii111'd a uutuler to u
the year 7914. A. G. Calder agreed
to tnanufkt•Itue the btu ter 1'4,1.8 1-4c
p,1• pound for the coming 901181111.
a ,I, Align n11111 and Adams Dickson
were appointed auditors.
14Ir. and 611.8, Porterfield ar., yield-
ing to the persuasions 1,1' I;tele fa41nily
that th-y tyre hr0ouling too feeble to
live alone, moved their household
effects to the 13th coil. where they
will reside with their son F k
System Requires Frequent Cleansing. Porterfield
Not only outside but 1119111e 1101 we11.
rout bnd'y wusl he h-, (1111ly ('1,44001
0 I, , w)so 11 111rami•• load, d with
404.1, • 111111 r•I,g up 110• to heels 1,1.
lean h. \furl, better 1st 11,1, 411 time.
Use I)e. 1•bu11i11,01'. P4114• hey
44I 1011 hen 111111 1.•11111110 1,1111hen t•1,.
9,4•d4 11111:9.1 41111, enrich the 1>11,d nnrl
411,4,44 4'.> 1 i4' Ihr 19'1.0148 1111(1 lay the
foundation of honing good health,
Dr Hemiltion's Pills hying vino and
vitaalily 911 tomell 'sought fol toiler ;
1 hey 11(1090 at feeling of fre-31,103N and
spirit in those who have leen 44141,4
years. RI4lly m11 medicine so
patent Price 251' at nli dealers.
The e(uuly enure openPd 1111 1'40'S-
day with tt 611,111. 'locket.
illi 8 (•11 ace Seeger has gone 00 '1'or. '
1111111 t1 1st r' 1t V11111'441 of Sandy In the
Iinmh0u,g (toliervatnry.
A x1111,11 Orr in 111e eviler of C. 3.
lino per's stove and plumbing store
(>o \\'est sl reef, mulled out Ihr fit t' (le-
plu•tu,ent on Sal nighty Feb 21st,
ahnot 8 n'lderk, but fort111111,1y file
I1.11uhle was rheckr•d just 414 the Hi
111111 go> a lino of hair ready for
11111i1111. 3('111' 41111111441• 40'118 01111111.
'1'14. 1.1111.01.4 of last y'ral'e Rana d of
Trade were re-14110yd its f11)1'1111
Preaidenl—AI. (. (14III4rnu 4 Vipa,
president—(1. .1.l, Ai lore 4 !Rrllrllll'y—'
lulu's Alii ehell ; X14Iltattret-,-A. G.
Nisbet. The omelet) for 1914 is eon).
posed 48h/teen mem here, as follows :
to, Parsons, R. .I. Mo1aw, H. 141,
Hnilgwlo, J. 00'. Kitts, .1. \V, Fenner,
Oben K Snuudrrs, A,nl>ro' Pi11.1111',
1) Ir H,ouliok. Wtt> Campbell, O. C,
T.PP, W. H Rx'bel'4stn• li A blah- 1
Ewan. k' .I. Peidhmu, \V. 0. Plhi-
h+uu, 13. 0. \Inuminla ,and ,los, 1144111,
111 rereirnlg to the I'u111'raI of 1.1111
Late J. A. )h'uglerly I he !Hume of N.
Forbes should have beet: ti stated its
pallh-nn•1 1,1'l std' I'.1. I ave.
TOWNSHIP HIv\NOL48 Armintiillg
I1 the O,aull•i.11 '411'' 111 *11 11' 11He
105vt.illp 114 N'i{i1lI )4 for 1111 ;nod
%foie, Ilt,o 111111 teveinl4 all''flnl• 11 11
4189,1145.95, 10,8 11 Int 011,0 of 413.422
1.14.1141 nVII, 1911 II all,' 11-v4'11- year.
0401 1 1, Ili x''. owhim,. 111,,,nol-d
to 4180'1104 .1:+..11 s Iu14n.r•r• 1,4 11851 111
1111. 1 t 14 r
+ n,y ,11 Ihr 1.l ase , I' the
, opal I n-
44,40, in the >Peel)) ip a ,t l I, 4t1rn111s
$1.1111 tleheillorns, $2826 1 111' eel.
lotn,llta $1271 1 how es., :148111
d11,i114 $1,5891 bnnwv 4,hn•,01418, $804:
11101111.91e Ilrxra, ;12 1170 1191 101519111/'
In7ae I
, '11'10,010. The 111 10010,1 5(49n,9
it rxp 1911,1We 11111444,441.44¢'11111;
1.44'14 1111.1 lu 1114.44. 441 2115: ,•,111„1
11.1 t e $5,089 ; •p4) , Is ,9 478: •• 1 1 11+
414 d h 111ittir., :PR 118: JS i .She,
$1,047 lrr.4v1 I 11698: In,niulnr4l s:
1142 270 s, 11 11 I1441111 I $2,520
(IILIIAM4(RY \I KITING —•.'1'111! annuat.l.
twitting nl'lhe p,llrnp9 144)140 \\'ie.
tbeet) el-amerr Ivu4 'heli 4) ('alQrr'9
hall in n 1110' /1 \V
V , i 11f1,1 1 n 1i ,
s ti (1
int! out 11f pmts, 114 a, 4 0111114 111'
L)'l'eoIeil >4 I he hlsinema Ih1'nndi-
Uqv Ilp 11, nn,44 ih,l1 2171884
4111011» .>f hal I.ahq• 1,1401 levy, Pooh• till'-
int 11)1' 814 mouths (1P 19111 anti (1411 it
sold fin $52471117,.401 averages 4f 24
114lenls per ;snood. 8)1110411111 lel tai,
0111(1988 f>0)44 yes4 In yet1 111--f11'e (lilt -
tont of tleis'rt'4t.We,•y she\vs 1141' Inn,
fidtenm(' the pro 1.0114 love 1t' iln
u1, naci 111", 1. I2 1411,11•),•)) tea eat
civet e,1 Presides(, ani- 111. /A (34111111
l61444101114e(1 lief111414ot yt,terunsttrul' for
The grist milt here has rballged
ownership, the pan'('basee being bred.
Gedek1', of 4)18 village, formerly of
!aikido -1, 01 gets posseeslt401 this f cet
of r1n41144.,
A eh(mkpr 11111011 Wan pllt3'e11 be.
tweeil O1,ffn)11 411,11 Poi dt111•11 l0 1110
44>84110111011 pine. the result blelog It
Will 101' MIR p1)4y-1'1 by Dile game,. (.110
wore being 11.-10.
Plitt. towhee and 11108, McCormick
alai children, who Iutve 11111.14 ap0o11h,g
it pleasant ihur Pill. thei( parents,
Re t1'. and .Ales Andreas, have
etur1,r11 10 th0i homes ill the \\ eat,
IRev. 13,1111111 Robb:him, 4r Gerrie,
Int, 8e(.t i,lvtl >w iiyh>tt4on IT' >>, the
J"ou1nieb.11ethnd14t!I'or'Mu,el ci•Ihnt to
be>'tione their pesto4' 11111 40x) (Ion -
fel cure yea:, anhjlet to the ttp-
prmv,tl111' the fi1tu 11U11lg 0>H1t11)0tee,
Greatest female strengthener on earth
Thousand,. of wno>en >u•e 041111, pallid
rundown nod dl.pi>311•d. What they
stead is that menis114(44 Ionic. Feld o-;
zone., Boon 1 hey veglti11 those h,ugh-
log ryes, 111.114144 spirits and rosy
ell>'eks Fit rozeue dors I hie anti
nerve a. 11 is. I. 14'- .A>h'ia,,a11n, of
'With n1'y P4,.,, O. 13, 1oo4,Hes. "My
rhutuh4er 01 as vele nwr'h run down
alltl ha11 enlsid,rltble troubles al, .
those. Often 1 was al a loss to know i
Moto to do, I Was advised to give
G I r•
r-.. .
i l i I troll 1 did No, Fera n.
zone clew clew )n
t II U,1. rouble, )nbla mottle
01 hen1111y stud well. feel,
r, 211111' gives gond II; mei Be, regulates,
sh(mg;hens. I emedilol' lI a mr,lleille
n'omen should tons regahl'ly if
aha ug111x 10 feel list boon." Rebuild .
Weil ozone. if is the King of all
run's. Price 50e per hex at all drat.
0. 13 Hark),g was 011 a business
trip to Plmetlplue last week.
1'110 ,.thiels al 0111 181 011111Th are ar-
ranging an HOPI v Alewlmr'utthday, to
S1(1107, 31110eh 81 h.
A. WV. F,414heralone, Reeve, Lista.
wel rued 8. 3), Sinn 11, Reeve, 'Wallace,
attended the Good Roads Convention
1st' or into lust week.
John Watson has completed his lee
harvest Par thla Winter. He has
801.1'ed 4'Vet. 2000 11411N of 6r8t-Uhtaa ire
in his ice lionsea In 'doing so Mr.
\Vttis11u grave en:ploy:tient to 80 amen
(1111 10 tenons,
List towel's depart mental st0> 0, which
1 the peat has been conducted by J.
M. Srhinbein, will be run 04118,1• new
mat: agenne110 Aerial Schhlhein has
Laken an interest 111 the store anti in
fuitne the firm will be known as J.
JI, Sehiubein 8s Sun,
\Nord was received in Listowel last
week of the death of Rubel% Hay
0liul4',,u Oa40er, Alto, on Monday,
Feb. 23rd. Deceased h(ta heel' serious-
ly ill for a11u. 41441', suffering flow
rhruuullo roves . '('hr late 114• CI hole
who was 111 114-' 5714, year, was horn 411
Listowel, where he resided until 21
years of age when he went \Vest and 1
1111., since been engaged 4n ranching.
R. A. Clhuie, who was called U5 Cas -
)on at month age, btnught the
rein/tille 10 Lintuw-1, whet* 1114111'411eu4
look_place In Fairview ('enn'tery,
I'11e os/eased 4, survived by bit wife,
t WO sistars turd I u u lrol bel e, namely :
Miss J. 0411114 - and Alias 1.. (11111110 anti
R. A. Cliude an(I 1'V, J, 011ode, of
Low 14.
annual Al Hume of toe i1)1011 Oki Bo, '
Assoc'a'inn of'1'orooto Ives held 01 Ilse
Iles' Oddfr bolt's' '1'rnlp a 141 ((i'r•ge
steeel 1'oron0 on F'idla). ev.Ding
Fehru,ery vane 'law gun 4444 weir rroi.
eved ht >4,,- 1ffce,s of Mt. Aaor'aton
mod .heir wiles trod ,he alwendance as
0111' orthe 1111gest iu the hnlrl.y nl Ise
A0,110111 1(111. Grperal-Sir Vi'hhem, O'lel
attend, 43 the gathering for a oho' 4 while
slid vein:roeftlated 1111' 01es,de9t, Rohl',
140'noes, and the other officers, (rat 1lie
pr(nll•r44s the Ass( elation has made,
Entrrtninnent was provided by Mts.
Len's Hoinneh, Miss Bell Thompson
\lila Ellen Ferguson and Bert Lite it
A most. rttj.' ",hl,' even'ue. was suint ly
al' pars nl. Phe fo'nw111e were ,,moue
141 these present 1 Si W D Ouer, H
and Mrs.. (Duties. Robert and M.'s
10 car., ll, a: Mia Strulhera, E
and M,s Flodtly, 12 S and Mrs
(',o0ker, I,!in Rid ertson, J. P. Martin
F 00' and Mis McLean, W G and
4 W
M„ cI's
wart, MejeraudMrs. Reck.
v 13 end MI Cobh
Vic t•Lr„1
and Mrs Statiho'y, F.IN T and
Mrs, Hodgson, T. G. and Mrs. Soule,
au' Mrs Scott, 0 0. and Ure,
Rano, W F Hod Mln. Cantel11,4, W,
P and Mrs Priollu 111, W vi' and MTs,
4 fin, Mr, and Alia Vaustoor, F, S.
91 d MI., Hltk, D. midi 14110 1410a>4,
t11.s 1•,:,hrl 'I'homnaott, MIs W E,
-or: F., Mrs G liedw1'1herick,.Mrs R.
A Ras' ill Mas J. !t' 131eWer1, +R, 3,
t,hoppind aid Mt's, 1) M. juhIIston,
Needless—Use Parisian Rage
Now 411114 l'11.1 Wan Sate can be had
at any drug counter it,, it certainly
neer lees to have this brittle, slatted,
tallowy or fluted bah.. No smatter 1,ow
unsightly the hair, how badly it is
falling, or bow 1111(4(11 dandruff, P0118.
tau Sege is all that is needed. Fre-
quent a,i>pl iel1.i11110 tial well t ublerd
31101 I he 4111111 will du Wulidel'H—it ante
14kt' magic. The hair emits are mould.
tilted and stimulated to grow new
hale, hefting avail: dandruff rtud faqir
11101' crane—your bead feels One. Best
of 4111, the hair becomes fluffy, abund-
ant and radiant with life and beauty.
You will be NM prised cud delighted
wit h
Pa 1411111 Sage. P. (rY at leas' one
fifty vent bottle from Jas. Fax. He
eefivals the purchase price if' you are
not at1Llsled.
Buy this oven -tested flour
Your oven will certainly pro.
duce more ba•z: d and better bread
as a result c 1' O : oven test.
From each o?lipment of wheat
delivered at cu: ;wills we take a
ten -pound 1.r._ r_rle. It is ground
into flour. V's bread from
1 this flour. If ttl ./ bread' is high in
-�.j�1 •: �'"' quality and 11:7,2! ;�l quantity qtywe
use the ,� -:c cf wheat from
lb which it cam.. Otherwise, we sell
% The bak:a;; quality of flour
�gld under this lemic is therefore
an' exact certainty. Buil and
t4: 'ire Bread read"1d 1.f and
4i Bettter‘itr `' cit oo" 527
Read Our
Money -Back
You Can
Try This
At Our Risk
YOU know what that means-1Vlisery—Worry—Big Bina—Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick.
Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. It's up to v' -'t to take care
of yourself. It's up to you, whenever you don't feel right, to take something to make you rii o strengthen
you, build you up, ward off worse sickness, protect you and your family! That thing \a.. have, and in
offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn'trotect
you against sickness, we'll give you back your money without a word or question. It Is—
It doe,4, •'•ely ,1t' ,111100..1) you ata
tau:,;, but 4 1)111(4 0l <b. 0rak11e8e, an+e
nut11i101 senate.,1.:
4 I ren.' 110ra'-10 '
feet good for a few
t,' y 4•t rap to a healthy,
scattily ri11'1'1.'4114,rich
.i,.lt (,. t.•
014 ''
i,nnusu,n 4414 OA: OCA me "
make t
Al L k80p you well '' ..u..
1.1 •
,511 energy,
tle. entire system,
a,e Udive Oil having been
'+-Ilown, debilitated, weak,
T3 knew
of to
- We Make Our Living
out of the drug business right here hi your town. It is our duty to give
you the best remedy we can for whatever ailment you may have, and.
business sense demands that we recommend nothing unleee we know it4e
We kno
w Re, sl
1O 1'
0 ! Emulsion is
We believe it the
best builder of health enc good.w 1
energy and strength there is made. We know Kill
greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make
you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end.
We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil
.Emulsion and get you to use it, because we know you'll thank us after-
ward for making our confidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate
to take us at our word.' We also feel sure that once
you h,vvo used 10, you'11beasenthtlsiastiioabou¢itaa
wo are
and 401111
recommend 041114o
to your friends. Read
our money -back guarantee and get a bottle today.
Sold only at the 7000 ;Tufa Sloros—the World's
Greatest Drug a Oros--
Sold in this tlwn only by us
We Guarai'ii e.,
We don't 'wan
, If it doesn't,
tett your Ili ,
rt' mec"y to !Relieve and Satisfy 'You --or Your Money Back
,ney unless Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you.
Ind ic1l:l.s, and we'll give..back your money.
_ p Y o-
, „ y y We believe it will pro-
a. it doesn't, the money is yours, and we want you to have h.
F. R. Smith