The Brussels Post, 1914-2-5, Page 4the itirxtsoels 03st
'1~HUR;4DAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2934
Annual congregational meetiug of
St, Andrew's Presbyterian church was
held in the lecture room, Wingitam
011 Mondayeseniug
of lest week vi'
pestor, Rev, D.Petrie presiding.
The meetiug w7s lamely attended and
1 history ) I
the es in the 1 1s f he
wee i b
{ al. 1 t
congregation. After devotional exer-
cises the regular business of the even-
ing was proceeded with. 'Treasurer's
statement showed receipts from all
sources for 1913 amounted to $2745.03,
compared with $4544 22 for previous
Year. The `contributions were divided
as follows:— Envelope, $2lgo 53 ;
plate collections, $391 48 ; Church debt
contributions, $383 30 ; Sunday Scl ol
Chu; schemes, '1026W
$288.o8 ; C s t . $
Mie , W,
Soctet • t i.b sou
F. M, S t, $ d 9.
Band, $32 et ; Ladies' Aid, $90 78 ;
Bible Class collections, $73 6o ; Lied's
Day Alliance, $2o.47 ; other sources,
•57.45. $t1 was given to Upper
Canada Tract Society and $55 to
Dominion Alliance.
Session report showed 57 members
had been removed from the roll, leaving
membership of 416. During year 8
mecnl:ers were celled by death viz;—
Samuel Gracey, Edward Haines, May
McPherson, Mrs. Hannah Morrow,
John Stela, lames Thomson, Mrs. Paul
Powell, and James Weir,
Rev. Mr, Perrie spoke highly of the
good work done by the Sabbath School
with Dr Irwin, Superietendent and ins
able stag. Dr. Irwin praised the good
work done in the school and ueartilt
thanked his assistants and urged upun
members of the congregation the nted
of more male teachers in the school.
Members of Session are Rev. 1
Perrie, Moderator and Clerk, Lawrence
Fere, John Agnew, Dr, A. J. Irwin,
Alert, Campbell, W. S. /Anteater, Rubt
8osrd of Managers is as follows l --
D, Cerrle, Jelin Ritchie, John McCsl
Itern, Peter Deana, dir. H. Rintotte las
Hamilton, W. A. Currie, T. A. McLean,
W. A. Campbell, T, ensure'
T. C Icing and H. 13. Elliott were
elected Auditors.
Geo. W. Cline was re-engaged choir
leader by the Session and Miss Eva
£Tracey ss organist.
At the conclusion of the business Mr
Perrie was asked to vacate the chair and
Cleo. Spotton was voted chairman. A
stele by Mrs. Donald Rae followed
Mr. Perrie having completed almost 20
years as pastor of the church, Mayor
Irwin w o called on to read the follow-
ing address ;--
On tbi, the Goth anniversary of your
induction into the pastorate of St.
Andrew's church, we desire to as;urr
you of our unbounded reverence and
esteem, and gladly' take this opportuuitt
Of 000gratelati'ig ion upon the comple-
tion of so many years of faithful service
as minister and friend,
We realize that the responsibilities
incumbent upon every man are sours
but also the dignity of your office has
imparted a greater solemness to your
life. In your early life, you resolved
God beeping you to serve the sacred
ministry of His Church, and through
evil, as well as through good r.porl,
you have leen faithful in the per
formance of all your offices. You have
regarded the words, "No man having
,pot his hand to the plow and lookine
back, is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven."
We have ever been conscious of soul
secret walk with God, and have felt the
beneficent influence of the Holy Spirit
in all your work, drawing us nearer,
and holding us more closely to His Holy
In your daily intercourse with the
world, and more especially with your
congregation, your life has been
emplary, and worthy
of our imitation,
for you have ever striven to ennoble
and enrich the lives of others, by your
consecration to all that is highest and
best in life. You have risen to the
ideal of giving- all in.your powet
and beyond our ower, as free) as
the occasion your
thus copying
the lavish profusion, which distinguishes
more of the bounty of God, good meas-
ure, pressed down, shaken together
and -running over.
As a preacher of the Word of Life.
o aeelit remarkable
y u h v x1hexhibited talon
and rare skill In these clays, it is o11
of the ordinary for a man to stand be-
fore the same congregation for 20
years, yet during all these years, you
have presented the deep truths of Scrip
tnre and the matchless Love of God tor
man in forms ever fresh and Lull of
inspiration, adapting them to the varied
needs of your hearers. ' Your ripe
scholarship, your chaste and fluent
lieu, your breadth of mind and large
ness of heart, have won for you a pre
eminence in theul ,it which we pray
you may be long spared to enjoy, nd
use for the blessing of others.
"Would I describe a preacher, such as
Where he on earth, would hear, ap-
prove, and own,
Paul should himself direct me. I
would trace
His master -strokes and draw from his
I would express him sim;.le, grave,
sincere; In doctrine uncorrept ; in language
plain, ;
And plain in manner, decent, solemn,
And natural in gesture ; much impress'cl
Himself, as conscious of his awful
1; ,
And 1111x10118 mainly that the (lock he
feede -
May feet it ion; affectionate in look,
And tender in address; as well becomes
A messenger of grace to guilty men,"
Yam iuflluencc e in 001town hes et.
ttined a remarkable eminence, ' and
your judgment upon public end moral:
questions, measure far beyond the pale
Of yoerowu congregation. atioi, W
ill You ac•
cePt our happy
felicitations, therefore refor
upon this aa 00rasion and we pray
you and 7)11good wife Ivey be
long spared to 70 in and out among 1111
diiug the Loid'ld work and feeding H1s
Oak, over whielt ire hate ple604 you ret
b &meet', We trust that 1310 grace end
ogee nifty 6011)8 Mete 11114 Mute 10 yalt
IPour bowels are out of order, in-
harsh salts
teall l nf using solu a iu Q
other physic, take a Rexall Otdl IIie
tonight, and tOltiorenw you will feel
great. They taste good and act so
easily that there isn't a particle of I
griping or purging, nor the excessive
looseness btot follows the taking of
salts and most pills. They soothe
1 .l r1' t
INII the bowels, 8 Irl 1
aL1Nt1 t H
and P P Y
cc st' ata
u, making
unlikely to occur
We don't believe there is any other
bowel remedy anywhere near as gond,
and at the same time an easy and
pleasant to take as Rexall Orderlies•
tVe knew you will agree with us and j
believe you will thank us for telling
you about thein. If they don't satis-
fy yon ht every way, wine back and
tell us and we will give back your
money without a word or question.
You have no reason to hesitate when
we give you the opportunity, as we
hereby do, to try them at our own
risk. In vest pocket tin boxes, lOe.
25e 50c. Yon can lily R'rx•tll Order-
lies only at the Rexall stores, and in
this town only of us, F. R. Smith,
and that your secret walk ,with God and
in your intercourse with man, and in
your hely ministration of God's Word
and Ordinances, you may realize the
power of Him, who hath said, ' I will
not leave nor Forsake you," With
Goldsmith we could say : •
•"Thus to relieve the wretched was his
And even his fallings leaned to virtue's
side ;
But in his duty prompt at every call,
He watched and wept, he prayed and
felt for alt ;
And as a bird each fond endearment
'Po tempt It'• new fledged offspring to
the skies,
Hal tried with ort, reproved each dull
Allured 10 WOW lvnfles es4 led the
'1'o them hie heat", hie griefs Were given,
But all his serluua thoughts )lad rest 1n
As some tall cliff that lifts its awful
Swells from the vale and midway leaves
the storm,
Though round its breast the rolling
clouds are spread,
Eternal sent.hlue settles on its head."
Winghatn, 27111 day of Jan, 1914.
Signed on behalf of the congregation
of St. Andrew's church.
For the Managers, David Currie
For the Session, L. Fyfe.
In replying Mr. Perrie said the happy
event was entirely uuexpeeted and 11,
eineerely thanked the members of the
congregation for the kind expressions
of appreciation, Mayor Irwin delivered
a short addiess in which hepraised Rev
Mr. Perris as pastor. A solo ea -
elven by Weir Elliott. Refresh
meats were served 1 y the ladies
of the ct.ngregaliun followine
.shish the most ,uccessfnl meeting was
brought to a close by singing "Au!d
Lang Syne" and the National Anthem
The traveller entering the port of
Copenhagen discovers that the Duties
mean to at least stand a fighting
chance of retaining their great city
and county f101n the covetous Ger-
mill, beiug the key to the Baltic
which means Russia and St. Peters -
burgh and also controlling what
would be a great Getman port, she
is naturally situated in a very pre-
carious poattion, Get tuany intends to
some day own it, because given Co-
penhagen she is as ilnpregtiable as
Gibraltar and could dictate terms,
perhaps to Europe. Russia does alit
intent to allow Germany to set foot
In this place, not Great Britain
h will
allow such a thing to happen if
she can avoid it, therefore Denmark
continues to be a bone of contention,
but very little is openly said. I was
surprised to fieri tide matter to be the
nightmare of Danish statesmen and
a d of the Nation even the big
majority of Copenhagen residents are
fearful of so great a calamity and they
mean to die in lite endeavor to rotate
their indeILity. Far out frntu the
city great fortresses are erected, sup-
posed to be powerful enough to pre-
vent almost any brat paa5illg and all
round the great harbour is a second
set of defences, so that it will take
some men to capture it.
The city itself not only occupies a
commanding position, but because of
an arm of the sea passing
through it and with channels leveling
up from the harbor in many places,
gives the port facilities for handling
freight and merchandise as no other
city enjoys, Thede channels about 50
to 150 feet wide have all been walled
in so that both small and great ships
pass along them and are unloaded
direct into conveyances in the streets.
Along the main artery is Lhe fish
Inu'ket, where hundreds of boats dis-
Menage oaegoes direct to the house-
holder. These channels and donka ate
not to be compared to those of most
Bride's polls or American, but, when
you t°averse Copelthagen's harbors
and docks y0tt marvel at their mag-
nificenee. Taking the sea front you
find great vessels from every lunch,
many with unmistakable Russian
names, many sailing ships with sever-
al gun and battleships kept always
ready to protect the city. These
vessels are not tied up to rottengnarl
and tnnulde'ing piles but to quays end
unloading platforms, which resemble
first-class streets about 50 feet or move
in width, Miles of these beautiful
quays windround the city front,
while splendid walks fianit their road -
o tams tackle buildings are
wa s.. N 1
y g
here used for waveh(,usiI1 but bea nti-
I r
' 1 e of immense cal a lG are
fall st t slur a m c
everywhere to he sett, which gives to
the visitor a neW view of these people,
showingg what splendid taste the vest -
dents have, 0ompaved With Angle
gaxnn hl generals
Who is 80ntellt with
i r,trPltt pad ,
laatiligi Ali Id killer Ul6 Stitt.
•0••••000•00••••oeseseeese ••••••NN••••••••••••••••;
• •
EWAN & Co. - Brussels s
Cutters and Sleighs
Second Nand Cutters
N g
p •0•••••050•••••!,'•••••00009.00000000.0.0000000••••••0
front to be the most detestable of
places. Along with these beautiful
drives and walks, to the Nest, an. ex-
tensive parking system has been
cati'ied out and on every pleasing
eminence monuments to the memory
of Denmark's great men are placed,
not only simple pillars but splendid
works of alt, 111 many figures, the
favorite of all here being that of
Christian IV, who 80011 250 years ago,
led Denmark to her highest pusi1llu
as conqueror, taking both Norway
nettMweden, Oht'lsthut IV luta left
his luhpl'esslou on all kicaudlnevla. A
great soldier Brat, but an equally
great areltlteet, ho 191(1 nut tinea hi
all parts of the °enguered comity,
erected splendid Municipal buildings
tvihee required and 111 all platten pelt•
Oiled open.equures, wide streets and
parks. This is why these Northern
couitta'ies look so modern so far in
advance of many English cities and
Irish, where mu+r(W lanes with ill
devised sanitati'ou are the bone of so
runny .British towns. Denmark has
since lost all that territory {sou at
than time but the glory of Cht•istian
IV never will fade.
Lt architecture, you find here some-
thing you are 1101 famiiitit' with, per-
haps because Canadians have not
yet reached the state where art is 90
well developed as in Germany and
Scandinavia. By some its claimed
that Denmark is over educated but
such is not the case. She is provided
with schools innumerable, i\itu'tual
and High schools, Colleges and it Uni-
versity magnificent Art Gal ler
versify and a u g nificent Y
and an uneducated person in Den-
mark would be to curiosity. Above
all the institutions of Science and
Education Agriculture stands fan and
away ahead, just simple Agriculture.
Almost every man 111 Denmark lends
assistance to it, the countrymen tak-
ing to it as keenly as the city resident.
It's not the intention of the . farmer
hereto make some money, then shirk
farming forever but Lite Nation be-
lieves the land gives best returns,
both coliifurt and peace, tied also
believe that farmers should be pro-
ciueers, as a consequence every I
grooety store in Great Britain sells'
Danish products+, it halving complete-
ly displaced Canadian and Amerman
products ars the choicest.
1 dict not intend saying anything
about the country's products, but the
fat is the leading topic in Copenha-
gen and you become interested in it.
Copenhagen charges but a small
license for selling liquor but, the hand-
ling of it is so handicapped that lazy
wen cannot get dell en easily as in
most eotultties. Most people here
believe t
f' . he tines is about CO end,
Pact these people are so busy they do
not have time to loaf in the bar loom,
much less the inclination. The entire
country has but two large told several
small breweries. In this city of 500,-
UUU people yet t ould see more
v not
t• four wagons Ila 1a d11
than threec 1
delivering beer, ale and other drinks
and 111 one week of residence here I
have not seen a d, auk o• heard of a
ease in 00uet. liov diffetent to
Guildford, England, a town of 25,000
people only. L1 that town breweries
are the leading works. In one dray
you can count 80 to 40 mane cars, i
heavy teams, single 11018e figs and
even a dozen push carts allengaged
ril k, until
delivering drink, d 1 r 1rink u
the air is heavy with fumes of beet`
What about the
and cigarettes. �V
contrast ? Small town devoted t0 beer
and whiskey (imita1115 more tagged
poverty and wretchedness than this
entire big city,. yet they have no
thought of stopping the bade. It
seems' one half of England is taxed to
feed the poor and build Jahns mouses
for wrecks provided by brewers, who
own moat of the9an(1, yet the fnolish
people don't see it atl(1 they cry for
freedom. Let all 131.itain's millions
pat the hard earned money to provide
Fowl and clothes for themselves, this
wili'st•ike the laud nwne•s as they can
in nnother way (10 ib, What an easy
method to win a great battle.
Although Copetlhagell purchases
all her coin and getel'11tes elecll'icit31
give the cf ti -
h is able to
by its use she 1 1
YAPS Oldie"rlight
at lc
per 1illowalt
and for p0w0•I' only } it cert. When
I was told this I .rubbed my eyes just
to see if dreaming, as W111nfpeg ,peo-
ple paybut, 8e and consider it /littlest
the limit. loos about light hl $t'ns-
sels ? Visitors to Copenhagen from
distant lands and especially New
Ynrkees of wealth, spend boon 1'e
even days at the Works and grimy
rooms of the RoY al Delph and China.
ee of olttnen
v 1'N bund ads w
woks { he
iu matt, laLtB vtlaea
r rl turd ,
aleellt e ,
engaged K
figntea and rich tlining•rootn dishes
stinal it is said, to that found in
Pompeii. In this place . (suer 800
artiste are engaged in bond pa11111rtg
A great malty plltes' ate tirade of
only one design the lnndel being then
destroyed. Vases of this particular
kind run ft'om $1 to $5. Plates of
special design $60 to $200 each, but
what specimens, any housekeeper
would tell you they're worthit. In tea
sets end beautiful dishes for special
occasions 11)81'818 no eclipsing thew.
It'e difficult for a woman to leave the
show place without going to the limit
of iter purse. .Dresden manufacturers
of chinaware have for year's endeavor.
ed to discover the secret process used
here but so far have not succeeded.
The one Min iu Detltuu'k le the pro.
duction of goods and materiel l ti11ew
celled lit any place,
As to Copenhagen streets a wise
pulley was yearn ago adopted and tiro
visitor nude at great artery rnunlng
thl'nngll both old and new Oopeoha-
gg'en, dila great tholoughEape being
from 100 to 150 feet wide, with gloat
squares at intervals of perhaps a
,g11arler of a utile. In these squares
splendid statuary is to be found to-
gether with numbers of fl ulrtai'es.
There is of coarse ample loom for the
autos in these great spoons all of
which ate surrounded with business
houses, Gave/ 1108111 buildings and in
one central sgnale the new Castle is
being erected.
Danes heaven deep and sincere love
for their ruling house and well they .
might, considering the aims of post'
kings and Lite chau•acter or the present
ruler. Walking down the anoaplade
one mnrufng we were attracted to a
distant square by llie sound of music
and tinning in we found the Royal
Guards Band discoursing sweet music
while the Guards were being drilled
in the square in front. of the ole castle
where the Royal family me speeding
the Winter. A emnside•able crowd
had (inflected as I lie day was a pleas-
ant nue and it gave r1' opportunity U,
study the Copenhagen p0nple, Pres
ently the band at Hick up a lively air,
at loud command wits heard, gates to
the side of t•ile Castle swung open mid
out swept the kill g's nolo. The kitty
ark an w l ttlged t he Hallo a of the people,
the Queen bowed and the two little
buys looked just 118 happy 11,11 011
Da 01811 boys Gln at Christmas tine,
but in as moment. they laid all gene,
leaving the eluu•ds to cheer holiday
acclamations. Just, 110RV it 1111181 be
pleasant tieing it ruler over this court-
try and its very doubtful if any fatlli-
ly enjoy the position of 1plers to the
881118 degree. Time cines not permit
on the man
aperanli to tell dv y fee-
tures of interest here bat, the condi-
tion of the eo titty relative to num-
ing ehnuld be looked into by those
interested in Canada's development.
Yt,u1'N tl'1117,
n ling of Lhe parties
The )1 NSetlt eta <
1 f+ 1
1 o' nmmonsisasfollows,
in theRouse t
H s C
nn Nat. Lib. '
On Gari o ...... ........ 72 14
Quebec .............. 6 22 87
Nova Scotia.,.,..... 0 0
New Brunswick.:, 6 8
P. I7. Island 2 2
Manitoba 8 -2
Saskatchewan 1 9
Alberta....... .. 1 0
Beit ieh OolUmbfa,, 7
Yukon 1 0
112 22 87
There has been no change in the rela-
tive strength of the parties since last
eessione the Liberals staving gained one
seat (South Deuce) in Ontario, and the
Oonse•vatives one (Chateauguay) in
Quebec. Whatever ill luck thereteat-
Laohetl to the number 18 it has been
disafnaled in Ontario by the increase
of the Liberal reptesentatiot 10 14,.
Mr. Borden has with the support of
the. Nationalists, a majority of 47, and
without, them would have a straight
Conservative majority of 25.
Keep it Olean and Free from Dieoaoe
by 'Using Parisian Sage
IP you want your child Pell ur grow
ops. ng, bcttIlIfni and vigorous
r ei an Sae'
them Pa e
' teach that
bait, g
--the, world t•euowned H(ur Tonic.
I'ail:dee Sage is giett•aLoteed by Jas.
Fox to cure dandruff and stop fulling
bah• hi two weeks. It grates new
hair gttiekly 111 cases where the haft
fd "tllinohtg ant"
Itis positively the roost delightful
tr ..h1 1'l the
in bah t tett' t
till invl Dial
a g
g g
I i not
food use, t s
market fn 1
stinky o, greasy -awl will matte your
ham soft, Instsnit1 and ltixurfalt, rt
puts tiro nod beauty into drill, faded
loth., Get at large bottle from las.
1i'olt mei witttih its rapid aetioih,
lieytilar 1311/10110 onotst
Hallett Township Clerk Bartle age and some few yeal•11 befmle
that l had another soot ab 30 emu d
old, and that, one 17td never 010(1 but,
mice—that, was at S years old. But
what may let considered 19111111 halite
my falulingc.ueel id the fare i hat
le all those 41.1 ruostlutht ylals hu
u ,a he death
the 'n •m aIle n !t l
1 I 1 1 t
1tteidetll a single horst or •(111 steer
ul betfi•r, or even it grown tip pig.
Of couese the Mewls kept eva9 1111
lege but id ways sit111cfent fit the
sire of the falai),
Tells His Experience.
, roes
JaeCampbell,11 i. and s u the
Jt t b
veteran and respected (eel k of the
tovnshfp 1'l' 11allele, In it resent lel ter
10 Toxon 111 Globe, gives the f,llowiilg
interesting - incidents < All Incident
00001.184 011 111y faun today I hal gave
lee the ideal of telling sole. of ll} ix -
a 1ni•wer. In •sola of
serielre 115a 1
i a}
n of I ehtCauadiLoassu'ot be-
Y !
, o general ova tell in
phut illi count l f I I( I s
4 I,
the colt 11ry out far J', 0111 the 0111 of
p.m.'(1 hut getlfug tilt'd of store-
keeping 1 decided to turn aI'0tuser and
go West. The going West 01' those
days meant no more than going up
10 Lal<e Baron br ther.abouts. 111
1867 1 putohased it 55 acre e farm amulet
in Elle centre of the now I'h•st-class
township of Finllett, 11av111g between
t 1
40 olid 50 tLnl•e a chewedthereof, Il t
with no buildings except a small
frame cottage, still stn(ihi r for
w111r:h l pitied nearly $2,000, paying
down $1,200 And borrowing the $800
from 111. 3141 1(11 8, of the Barna rural,
he being about the only farmer in the
Goderich district having money to
lend at that time. How different
with Lhe farmers of to -day, who al-
most every one of theta, could lend a
little sum like that of a day's notice,
I started in on my little farm deter•
mined to suecee1 fuel clear at letast
$200 a year, and that by average of
the yeltrs 1 succeeded in doing, and
more for at number of years, or so
long anyway as I kept regular ac-
count of. Those were the days of
small things. and we were contented
therewith. Very fortunately I drop-
ped Iain a fine neighbnrhood, with a
Yrn•k'hireuan in front of me and a
Yoritshireman to the left of me, by
whose advice I11 1a farm way I profited
not, a little. The incident of today
was the shooting of an old farm horse
at the age of 81 years and 6 months.
A fete Vent's ago I had one shot, at the
combined lfat
The new coo ' tl 1eesaer
Montreal is to be called The 111ott t
1ealed and
DulY Telegraph
Hugh Simpson ,I Gttt Galltfralxa
and his wile Ebzabutll, were murdered
by their son Edge' whit'. temporarily de-
mented, e ho afterwards committed
is caused Erato the blond being 11111-
etisti 4491111 1(1111 11011018 oil (miming in
1t ric Y'u
the head. t u i• U Pills cute
forme of kidney frontils. They tate 80
5018 .las. Pox guarantees them, Be
sure you get Anlf-Uric Pills, B. V.
11/11/1011 on ever y box. Solei only at,
Jas. Fox's drug store.
Sick Headaches—
are not caused by anything wrong in
the head, but by constipation, bilious-
ness and indigestion. Headache
powders or tablets may deaden, but
cannot cure them. Dr, Morse's
Indian Root Pills do cure sick head.
ache in the sensible way by removing
the constipation or sick stomach
which caused them. Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills are purely vege-
table, free from any harmful drug,
safe and sure. When you feel the
headache coming take
Dr. Morse's /0
Indian loo t Pills
For ,•r t� ero
He ° da u e
Here's the Reason and the Cure
Most people at some time or :mother suffer from
headaches—disordered etoma;lt, liver or bowels is
the cause—any 0110 can be cured—one woman seyo:
Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me ata t I ever
daredhopefor--curedheadachcs—hiliousncss and
toned up my whole system—I feel like c now wo-
No case too hard for these little red health restorers. 25c. a
Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail.
Chamberlain Medicine Corapany, Toronto
' Be Particular
In Seeds—as in everything you buy—there are
many grades. And since it is impossible to judge
their quality by examining, you must trust en-
tirely to your 'Seedsmen.
You can depend on us absolutely!
We will send you, on request, our big 8D -page
Valuable Premium---FRES•--with each order. (See page
••�`" - aa. of Cntnlogue Por part]culars.) Writs for 11 Today.
''''"'" ''"'''"'''`.,1°° DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO. LIMITED :_
t4.441464::40.1)w? Box IG•04 LONDON, ONTARIO 15
40 eh•
1•M,1a0+41 0+•1'0+"
•4- 4s
• 0
r•O40+ Cold
. riNel N•
+ to _
4. •
n -;:7” „r .". 4.
• • Yieather •
• •4.
GOOdS• •
• Fina range of well made Horse Blankets at various prices
' Comfortable Rugs and Robes m
•o Sleigh Bells in variety.
• Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &o,
'Trunk, Valises and Hand Bags if you intend travelling
3. _ Our large stock gives cuetomere a gond choice. PRICES •
• ANSI RIGHT. Call in Band see our goods, 4,
HarnessNepai�log iB. F. CARR Br a N eclalt . Phone 31X Brussels
6+0+0000•4.0000•0•444.04.4s1.404. 0e444.0.1.0444.4044+•+•+••1.e4'0444.
• •••.00••••44••••!••0•••••• o s•••••.0 0••••4a .. xat•a ri'.,
• to the ro.opbhing Day of
Established 1881 • Owen Sound, Ont •p
'The practical school, regular Messes 71011ldin - inslruc1ion Land - 1
Unicits Oiled Indexing,regular
Letter O twin —Pews ( lime .y
. 1 L. R mid llnpid m
i }taller, Filing--Clhegn1, felinnnon, Do3iu'nrnoela0g1.adVpAldldriitnl g; 4911t3n1111)(07aAprahl,-
F Retail, Nenstyie, 138011 D)nplicator, 8 weitere, Remington, Wahl 1 dd1 °'icon Adding Mee:hive ( Blllin ri—ugf'n'to1i1ee{ivsriidl
i 111 )ia0ntd O1
No other school has this equipment. Get the host, rt, 1s. practical
GuadnaLHe guaranteed positions, Catalogue free. •
TO t.
0,A. i LL, I G Ot ll. 1, .C. S
11, IFNo
, G
Priucipal for 88 yraalA. .. Sco1'etaly, o
4.40444.4•444404.44.0.411.44, .. 4441041404.4.4444.4.4 .04.04•40
Auction Sales
A1111110N 8/1 1,11 OIr l A11;11 STOCK, IN
111.1010119's. Scott Aneti Ill of.
1 14 d Prop, lei,, to sell byttl ublio Anotis the on tit too Ih�ont
Monday, Inb
I Town -hip on ton 1't
1 t
Oan, i' . I,t1
0th 1'tIoNo k the following 1153141 1'opP11
+ i , I p1' y,n4e. main s } 1 a r 111
reel to Li•tteni 1 Illy 1,014 (( d 1 Iden
tad 1e,ow 11 in toen1vnbuy ;gl,1CMV hu ns
'hive Anx 28110, 2 geeseand 1 gnlde1'. n1n11G
40 9 0,1 thatkolnal hinder 7 ft rut. 1 Cock•
phut 115di08drtll new, 1 11nPPey-Hnrr)N ,now•
Pr 3 f l nub, 1 uly ,'0111 4 (),
tDlrrls swot I'UI1Irr new, l Robl1111w8ogs, and box
complete n a\ fawn-fnrrnly plows, 1 Anglo
plow. y 1
mitten tor. t fanning 111111.
1e18NPPier unw.] set 101115 t05t11 borrows
tw, Ist diamond tooth 1mlea1Ir veIPd
rh 1rNrilhamld
' I ,In r I set n l u
'Podiums Ovum t, e I
In 1 7`.
11 ,II )i
hox I lav Pork sot double rot r 1
litttir(, 11414. t art 11IIPban s. 11.4 singly
bei"rtinim,110 1 .,' ,Inn lin ill ii, 1 levy rank. 4 heavy
pion doors with Irr4w 1 sin'•ln whin utrrfrhnr,
1 W55181 wi,'a 111 14r11r, 1 Numd Ind rr, nm
senioratnl' now, 1 No. 0 range with worming
rinsnt rnnu4eie " WWI; 111(1 1 Ped 41ring•, 1
sideboard I table, n quantity of hayDrain
.111 .h„w, Pini 511,14 10 111111 5111 1.5 50151P5
ton'ontonsionln to 1a1en Finn Sale unreserved
as rhe nronIIet"r is giving 11(1 fanning.
•1s(»ns —011 s11 els 00 (11) 0) 1 t Will 115"1/38);
,03) 1 nvnr
ntnt 0 01411111, 1 orwt,t s'II1 he 11111',, on
1,, '.ishiuronnroveAjoint 1,0(318 5 Ch1' 140111
nit Pm•nnsh nn 01•(1,409 1!1)8l(.Rrnort eta r.
The People's Column
Tenders Wanted
Tenders 17111 be rereh'ed by the under-
olgiled, up t., Febrnnry 14(11, for the plrrhase
f th Ethel Sohnol 1101140 0114 woodPhrd. to remove t111-11' when. no longer
regairl'll roe Pohn01 ptil• Joint and
01355/108 tenders are salted for the two above
mentioned buildings. A.ply or address
A A 002000(11180
Secretary or School Board, Ethel
Boy Western farm Lands Now
To investors and others coning West W0
have 100 net o form listed from 11, 00 op, in the
hest parts of gust; Mattawan. Easy terms.
Write for our list. its free.
28.5 Box 240, Young, Sask.
FARtt FOR SALE—BefogLotls b1theN34
of 110 01,11 Con. of .,lorris, aurae Co , oda•
intents leu acres. On the premises ix a Som•
rortnile trnme house with kitoheu and wood.
shod, hard and soft water -indoors • balk Lion
with Ntabh11g and hen house, also Clone driv.
ing house Sub() (1, with horse N l able and pig
pan nndal»mmi h, baton st one well sod cement
doors 1 01,1 other outbuildings 'There la 1
Inrgo orchard had 7 aero. to iintdwood 1511911
nt.1 n Diem, of timbered lots land A windmill
4,10881 (811111111 house and stables. 141ure91
and Sohn, l half n nolo distant, Possession 011
1l11r511 1001. tt0a40111 for offering to sell lo poor
llenith of proprietor
Also properly h1 i31•uo'Mls known 139 the
131nshili properly, now oreapieil by Bnekur
Brother. and B I. ;Neilson, 01rn Rt, acre of
11111,1 with 9l01,00st' houseadjoining the vit-
t'g' or Iiru.Pe1N. For reru , p ilimila'e so-
oty nothe premix, sarwrite lilylhP (1 R 1{,
No. 2 tr phone 1714 (EO JACItS0N, Prop.
=A1211 FOR $ALE, 1.eing Let 12, Con. 0,
they tnlvnxiap, Huron Co., containing
WO acres. On the !whoosh. 1515 eanlforl111118
. frame bon -e. new boll lc hn, 11 cement st,blln g,
y0n1'g orch0rd. silo, drt ilea well, lHe.; h0 5511,0
len d, balance in Past no n, tiger es 01 hal 1-
w,nil bush and 12 acres swamp. 238
from Rth. 1 and 4 ends,, te. I<I•aoselx Posses.
.1,,,could 1,.glven o, Natoli 1st. For 1or-
t her pa rf len In apply ,n the prelaites,
Ethel P. 0 , or phone 2410
00.11 1750. A. LA 510NT.
1 Alil. 6 It -t , v 1
•a .0 e A 11'1, BATA—The Sou 11
prt,•i led 21 (ban U, lirey, 10 udrnx, ell
r.L•nn ,1 end 11111 Lud Nlull.mro u the Louro
1111 I,1 b1', it \Voll n lalel 111 l Ibbs ,n al -0
tie re I f at• 1011 He,. beim IAA 55, fhb
11 I (4 1v is. 00 of 1111th to cleared Bot ti
oopr, h,x 10 Ir .Mn 11, rhes out relate.
A ppnc to 11111 :11A 1111 (1111.. El 1131 Y. 0 or W.
,1. s1 N01.910, llil'l•jot,•i'. Lit 011,1+14 Ont. t8,
Ftl(,1' ((LA1'41261 1''011 BALE, --The un•
drr.trlord n't11 4.11 111,' soul(. Bolt (IP
11 1 1l I.51 No 10, In the 0111 0onaesston of the
1' o n..h'p of Alums, tit it bargxlll to the atdt
el' 011 the ftu•ol n. 11 good 111 1,1v111 111 telt
l nl.o ted dr-1•ota, bank 1191 and iN 11 nett
11,1 04 0.u4 1 1111151111 01 1111,111•)1-5 at (1 1H Well
Niton ted'nr markets. Owner now in West is
the lea -un tor MOH. Apply for further par-
tiontnre to P. ti. boner. Brussels.
No. 1, 810,11108 wooelunuse at Brussels
atatiun G. T. R. For ppnrtleula•x apply to
J. Leoata, Brussels.
Er ARM FOR SAfat. —The node sign ed offers
1118 ane frim consisting of about 100 acres
adjoining 11
the town
of Clinton,for sale. 77111
fawn,1141 11, n good state of cultivation, and hon
pea buildings. brick house, bank born, cb'iv-
nl r. house 1i • m1' e a 111 1• i
!. house, , etc: o pa nivein new.
A first -11585 111 young orchard coldinning11ll8
kinds of Fruits ,'tl also small fruits. The
farm le well fenced and drained and iso very
do+irnhie home. For further portionless apply
vn the premises or address
iOHN TDR12A OE Olinton.
N ,
The undersigned offers for sale his flno
100 sore Pero,, bottle Neet11 17011' Lot 20, 0011 0
Morris t0WuslOp, Huron Co. Perm is 111 n goof{
state of onittvatfon, Well fenced, and has on it
n Rol brick house that soot $0,5011 Good 1(W11
surrounded otitnded 11
andira' hedge 11 He
v Bn 552x004 0
ne.tone hardwood
Good 'o or ahodald 10
nese. of hardwood buHL ram 1 only n olio
from the amoeba m1,1,01 town of Blnosele
and is Ig, toil WV from school. (food eo0ll111U11•
ity. Posse:44enl at mune For furl her parildle-
1hrs, price, tarinP, ,to apply on the 111•misea
or to J011N MOONEY, Proprietor,.. Brussels
P. O.
• sl ..+h..a®,.ete.dis-.®e-,dLects..(4...A-. Ili
and Embalmer
Orders promptly .011(1. care-
fully attended to night or
day. Phone 225
AT 11 M E
T111,11K11.1108 11111hd10 U5 70u11 g pew
pin -'aro fest preparing 111 their' own '-
betties t0 0eoipy lumv,Live positions Be
etiuo 1 ,I 'r
' (. H bookkeepers,
$ I
pliers, `
f 1 1
, 1V I servants,
I 1
i1. Chet every'
sphere al' uoaivitlms,Y(111 may finish 1't' r�
10110e011700soW1011, ('(1811 lots Sll11l"
oiteed. Meer eoilegeally day. -Indt•
411111,1 1110, iatton.. 59(1111 (1 ncho•0.
t• Flirty i ears' axperten<'e. largest 1
trainers in (''018,1111 Seven coinages,
S eolnd course for
A then 1f11 with ,llo5nnni'elnl Edotlm•
ter's Assonmtla0 of Moeda. Sunnier
H wtI an
01-loNs,q,n tdc1,
t Business. College
Liso.,•'(8(rmmnr4,. - W.7', M 544(1
Prash1lntt. Pr10.10111
i f