The Brussels Post, 1914-1-1, Page 1w Advertisem
—9. wiI oil.
eel , E Brown.
anuary talo—G N. Mel -Ares
Boob, and shot+s—I, Richard
a O.
HattPM1 av C;ro ale-
D t
annual meet' nQ—A grlettl tura l-0
Farmers' Institute meet it
14th. The Women's Inca to
meet on game date.
Don't forget the annual
ing in the MethodistOhurcl
o i New Year's night.
Oangl•atubLtinns to Reeve
lock, of McKillop, and Livill
Grey, over aoclarnatiol elect
Mies Tillie Dundas was h
Toronto for a shot time.
Miss Bessie Davidson is e
visit with fi lends in Alicltigs
Mts. D. Crawford spent
with her parents at Canine
David and Wesley Hat
visitor at the parental hon
Miller's clover 1hrashin+ mill is
doing up the odd jabs In this Iteighbor•
Mrs. Herman is epen(1hng the holi-
days with her mother., Mrs. 51eN{ihol,
121h con
• Win, MaGevin sr. has not. Leen very
well lately brit is around igain we
are pleased to state.
on Jan.
vill also
>1 meet.
;even -
ton, of
le from
eying a
well a1 c
en the
'HURJDtJY. , ANU.4RY 1, 1914
W. FI, KERR, Prof5zrelto
McKillop nominations resulted in
the following names been put for-
ward :---Reeve J. Al, Goveitloai (Acct,)
Oou i iillors—Robert Archibald, john
Balfour, Convect Eckert, Joint Gavel'.
lock Flank Ac m t'1,
Mon oriefr
Miss Annie McKay, of Brussels, is
visiting friendsIu this vicinity.
Will, Hanley, of 'Toronto, spent
Ohrisl tints uncle,. the parental roof.
Miss Al,K. McNair, of Toronto, is
speeding the holidays with 11 lends in
this Locality,
D. K. turd Mrs. Livingstone and:
dant htei Marie, spent bChristt las:
with friends inrTeeawater.
MissLiiy 1•lanrison is spending the
holiday season with iter brother,
Evank, in Werst. Montrose..
,Mules McKay and family have
t0nved to theh new hoillo on the
18t.h. We are glad to welcome Ihem.
We are glad to know that William
Schnook, who has been suffering
quinsy this past week, is better tuagtLuper'
.We S. S. of Knox Oh•ch litth a
very 9t1CMpe6f111. Dulei•t aiui?tRit Ott
Tuesday, Dec, 23rd. 1'I�te•proeeeda.
were $30 00.
Misses Pearl Alattireivs, and Lena
Griffin, of 'Toronlea. were guests of
Will. and Mrs. 'rrl'ison over °Meet
A. tion 61 }• tines sermon was
preached 13j the pastor. lust Sunday
afteutoot'owing to the eancellatlon
of thast+lrviee the Sabbath previous
iiccomt of the antrivet'sary at
11.1. and Mrs, Abrain spent Sunday
under the parental roof here.
Miss Bella tied James Mann ale
home on a vied. froul Saskatchewan.
George 1)JcKay sr,is very poorly.
butt o hope ti c r the heft
v change fo
will soon ensue.
Mantic. 'Jamison and Messrs.
Letson, of West Montrose and Shaw,
1 last
or , )1 0 ) I7 l IdlL l
Gutll. i, tiptoed cin Salinity
The annual 0ltr;8t111te entertain-
ment was held here on .Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 231.d. A. splendid progr2m
was rendered by 1lie children nft[T a
noticeable feature was the Pet_, ',sting
of diplomas by Rev-rltlr. Lull tq the,
children for reciting vete%%, atftee
which everyone was trea> d to randy,
The Ladies Mis lonsory Society of
Knox church 15101./fold their next
meeting, on l ed,'esday, Jan. 7th.
Mrs. Thos. Inglis bits give the Bible
Readings ; Fraser, 11 paper 0n
"A meeting place of nations" and
Mrs. Pgyf. a paper 011 "Missions in
Tri__n,lr'g'iil." Meeting will commence
!kr o'clock.
Additional Oranbtnok news may
be read on page 4.
Will. and Mee. Hunter, of Oshawa,
wero at home for Olirietmas.
Miss Stevenson, of Clinton, is visit-
ing her aunt. Mrs. G. Spalding.
Misses Beatrice and Susan McNair,
of Vancouver, were calling on old
friends in the. bora.
Miss Julia Baker, of St. Joseph
Hospital, Ahuthlun 1 speeding the
holiday with her' aunt, Mrs. Geo,
••••04•6•••••••••••00•11"Ides •0•••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦••v♦••••••0••••••••e•••• e
We tit
. f.
tock fir•! H.., .,.
e Sacrficed in 1
Dollars Worth of the Entire Stock must be Slaught-
ered in Fifteen Days.
I clear out the Entire Stock regardless of Cost. Everythipg goes at a
vely No Reserve.
Sale opens Saturday, Jan
3rd 1014
Whole Stock Must be turned into Cash
by January 18th
This will he one Sea of Bargains
EAD every word of the Bait>a,ins in ••
E people of this country have nev-
er heard of such a Sale as'we have
planned for these 15 clays. We
of only one way 'to turn this stock
nosey in this short time. That's
we havegot• it 1 we have cut
todoa c
rices to less than half'. One $ will
good-as'tw•o. Everyone from far
ear will get this chance of a •life -
to buy at your own prices. We pos-
will not .reserve one $'s.worth of
tidies' WhiteWear, Collars, Gloves,
Corsets, Hosiery, Underwear,
r ki
s tilers, Rain Coats, Flannelette
ets, Wool Blankets, Cottons, Sheet-
Lawns, Curtains Sweaters, Shirts
hirtings, Tickings, Wool Sh'eetings;
s and Ties, Silks and Satins, Mil -
Groceries; Boots, ShoeS and Rub -
a thousand other
a rho d r thingsgoing
g g
olesale Prices.
this Advertisement and come here
.expecting to find ten times as
many, You will not be disappointed.
Chase the hens around. Eggs gg'5.40c.
Bring in all the Eggs you can beg, , bor-
rowY g
or steal. They are worth 4oc a doz.
here, and with goods almost given away,
can you afford to miss this chance ?
Dig up your $�they will make
you rich now. Gef your supply of goods
pp Y goods
for less money than it cost the man that
made them. .
Churn twice a day anti
,,. a on Sunday--
25c for your Butter and Bargains like °e
these. Did you ever hear of ANY-
Store open every Night
tit a -Team to the Sleigh and Bring the family But, Get i That Means, You !
9 G Y � Busy
Take Warning', Come Early and Often, Everything iV1UST go, 13e
here nt1xt Saturday morning, January grd, when,, the c tck strikes 8,3o,
Mrs'Tt, Onsteiid and her brother,
Fred, inter, were in Toronto this
We tt�'e wlttd to reporC thatcAnile
5111 l(1r tg 1)115. ,to iettelidchurch
LH l
test, her•nlg illness,
1 t ,
!•Ijahe ssie Switzaf'" of Ekfi•id,
Pnicc of.Beigden and andMrs.
rd are visiting the fornier's home
tfolrth holidays. ltteh dys.
The annual At Horne of the Ostia -
'than Order of Foresters will be held
in the Long Ball on Thursday, Jan.
15th. No gentleman udtnitted with-
out presentation of ticket.
Misses Switzer have returned hone
for the Christie's vacation, Before
leitving Ekfrid;Miss Switzer was pre-
sented with several pieces of cut glass
by the pupils of her school.
School re -opens next Monday.
The Sabbath School entertainments
of the Presbyterian and Methodist
churches went off with a gond swing.
They wet e held in the U. 0. F. Hall,
. Rev. 1111. Kilpatrick gave an excel -
t, discourse Sunday evening at Bel -
grave; the subject. being"Om op-
portunities in the corning' year, Bis
sermons are eingnent and practical.
A Lel-mans' Banquet tv111 be held
in connection with the Presbyterian
church Tuesday evening of next week.
after supper addresses will he given
t,y 1t. D. °aliment)of Lurknow, and
Rev. Mr. Edmeston, of Toronto.
Four new Elders were elected in
connection with the Presbyterian
church in the persons of P. W. Scott,
A. Taylor, Jas. Nicholson and Jas.
Michte. They will be ordained a
week from next Sabbath morning by
Rev. Mr, Boyle, the pastor.
THE PosT gives the news. - -
Mise Addie Granit is house feorrt her
school, near Gorrie, for the vacation.
Miss Laura Speiran is away on a
two week's vacation with relatives in
Mr. and Miss McLeod, of Ripley,
were Christmas visitors at the home
of Mrs, Dickson, s• E. D ekso , 11th con.
The Globe Furniture On. of Water-
, tA6 secured the contract for the
seetting of I he new Union church,
Miu•ray and Stewart McNabb of
North East nolle, were visitors at their
uncle's, Duncan MoNab, 13th cur,,.- .
Ott Christmas a sleigh load of young
folk on the 3rd line Grey, was mak-
ing short culls on some of their neigh-
Gordon and Wilfrid, sons of James
and Mee. Cameron, 11.11 con., were at
81. Marys on a visit with relatives
for Christmas.
Chas. Hannah, of Stealer, Alberti',
is visiting at Jas. Denman's on the
12111 con., and with other friends in
this neighborhood.
We cure s0lry to state. ex -Reeve
Thos. Strachan bite not been in good
health of Mite. He is in his 84111 year
but has been very smart and active in
getting about.
Ben, and', Mrs Dark, of Galt, have
beep visiting • at the home of John
Hollinger. 101.1e con., and with
ith other.
relatives and friends. Mr. 'Dark • is a
faithful member of the Galt Fire
Chas. Love,11th cot., is home riot
the West and will spend the next
couple of nmonths with his family
here. NII'.- Love says1 hadfairly
1 e a
cod crops L well saved but the market
is not as good tis some years. He
looks asif the West agreed with hila
all right. '
Peter McDonald arrived here from
Plenty, Sask., last week for a holiday
vi8it. Ile 1s a 8o1 of the late. James
McDonald West gravel toad and has
not been hofne for 8 years. Mae. is
still a bachelor but tvitll broad acres
i11 Saskatchewan and it good hundred
stere farm of the 12th of Grey town-
ship this condition of affairs should
not he long. continued, M'r. McDonald
says' the slump in the Western.' mat,
ken is hard on the farmers especially
when tides are on'the'quiet.
]Lu,]t.r GA'rticRrNG,-'On Christ-
mas Day a rt:nttion of the . various
members of the family oteThos. and
Mrs. Lott, 011 con„ was bell when
the 5 sons and 8 daughters were all
able to be present.. and with other
relatives totalled 24, It wee,' a
reminder. of• bygone days as they
took their places around 1.110 festive
board and enjoyed the day WO their
patients and pee another. Me, and
Mrs, LOLL although bath past the 80
yea, rrlat'k 1u•e.wmn ofullyactive anti
regarded 1 he family gtttheritig as one
of the red letter. days.. With very
few families could 8111111 an assembly
be possible as in tno8t hones death of
residence itt long distances world
preclude such a happy condition t,f
affairs. The event well be a pleasant•
n10)110i y Ln all eine+erred. We cotl-
gratulale the Lott family and hope
the same h,appy,tningliug may be re -
neaten for several yeses to come.
9onoor Itaronr,—FttllowViitg is the
report of S. 8, 1`7o. 10 foe the months
of Novembev tild December.ber.Pupils
were rxan{e in Atilt'Read. \
ing Spelling, i1, Lit., Gong„ Comp.,
Ginn), and 1.1151, lionors 75. and pass
00% ;it. 1V --Maggie Love 08, Leslie
Lake 811, 0etogo fleet 58, Stanley
1Iwhit n 37. Jr. 1V•--Lawreiree Whit..
field 70. Colwell Speiva i 88, Selwyn
lbilt-or 0.1, Jean Love 47, Jt -rt)
t'(7ln11lie Neither 70, Bernina Whit fitsig.
12' Alfred
lf edNrabelry6,itve giill7 Gladys
',Whitfield 76, Lenore Piettarsnn 76(
,ti?ttllanr'r In{;its 70, iV1arV itVtard tit
tens. \Viti1fhhl 60. t
till Dieabei' 03, lldgar W
Pt 11--Go'10n Spelvan, ,V
t 1, 11n Patterson.'
A solo entitied "Star of the East"
lvus sweetly 'sung by little Miss
Edythe Love at the Union Christmas
Tree entertainment.
The e t b ntel r
t Cu Gt 1 cut i 1 S. S. Na.
Greyi I v
at the coin of 19 i '
e I t mat.
was largely attended. Program was
splendid, The Christtnas free' was
laden with gifts and Santa Claus
acted his part well. Among the
presents was a pretty piece of china
to Miss McNair from the Section,
which was touch appreciated.
There is trouble ahead for some
Greyites who made too free with live
turkeys belonging to other folk and
took there off to Listowel where they
were sold. The owner got on the
ecentand claimed the birds and set
the wheels of Justice in motion to
punish the night hawks:
Iehar-.—While returning from a
neighbors about midnight Tuesday
evening a bright light VMS noticed in
Roe's chinch by L. Oraiu and family.
Prying off 11e lock and investigating.
Sundy and Lorenzo Frain fonnd the
stove door open, a lot of trials scatter-
ed about and thechnrch filled with
smoke.' Itis supposed that the wood
had fallen back and pushed the door
open. The Cranks of the community
are due to the men for thele tiwely
At the Christmas gathering held in
the Turnbull school house 15111 eon., a
Progrant of no small interest was
presented; Miss McNair is the teach-
er. T'he chair was occupied by Rev.
Mr. Lundy. An address was given
by Rev. Me. McCulloch, of Oranbrook,
on a live issue. Some young people
who attended should read a little
booklet entitled "How .to behave
when away from horse," When a
"kid" cuts up shines his another sone -
lines takes him -outside and applies a
shingle. Similar treatment to those
of riper years might be .wholesome if
put on with •vi or. g
SCHOOL ORT. Fnll0 ill
li&P — w g is re-
port for November and December.
Those marked " missed exams. En-
trance.— Spell.. Hygiene, Grand.,
Geog., Spell., hist., Arith. Total
650. 'Pass 390. G. Ames 623, G. Hall
374 .1r. IV. -Spell., Hyg., 131100.,
Germ.,bell 'list. Atnth 650.lotus
Paas 825.—S. Hall 67b LJackson 310.
Si 111. --Spell., Geog:, Arith., Comp.,
Spell,, Arith. Total 800 Pass 380,
L. Lowe 430, W. Hoy 388, "14. Jttcklm
247, '"Al. Rose $8. Sr. II.—Spell.,
iVtit., Geog., Comp., Arith„ and
daily work. Total 700. Pass 420. L.
Sinclair 689, E: Somers 580, C. Hall
504, T Jacklin, 638, of. Rose 377. Jr.
It,-Wrdt., Geog., Comp., Arith.,
and daily work. ork. Total 800. Pass 360.
—L. Lowe 402, Part II.. Daily Work,
Total 300. Pass 180.—L. Anes 265.
Sr. I.—Daily work. Total 600. Pass
300-13. Rose 638, S. Raynard 401,
F. Flood 321, M. Jrteklim 296, *G. Lowe
86. Jr. L—Drily work, Total 350.
Pass 175. E. Hay 287, A. Martin 227,
L. Rose 180, J. Raynard 130.
I. B, FRAIN, Teacher.
ENTE1)TAlxMENT.—The basement of
the liew Union church was crowded
,Monday evening of last week when
the S S held their
Christmas enter
taimnent. Following was the fine
program :-Opening hymn prayer,
Hey, I. A. McKelvey ; instrumental,
Selwyn Baker ; recitation, Velma.
-MMlichel; Iiwderge,rten chorus, "Grass-
hoppers Green dialogue, "Scene in
1t Photograph Gallery ;" solo, Robert
McDonald recitr iot Her un Whit-
field ; solo, Edith Love ; recitation,
Eunice Richmond ; chorus by Glee
Club; dialogue, "The Quack Doctor ;"
solo, Bertha Speiranrecitation, Sel-
wyn Baker ; doll [frill ; duet, Miss B.
Whitfield and Roltt. McDonald ; reci-
tation, ' Gordon Speiran ; dialogue,
"The Train to Munro ;" "Tile Snow
Brigade ;" dialogue, "'laking the Cen-
sus ;" quartette, "Mortgaging the
Faint," The proceeds were $32. A
pleasant feature iu convection with
the evening's entertainment wtrs the
presentation to Mies Laura Sodium,
the church organist, of a stun of
money by the pastor on behalf of the
conggtegatinn. Miss Speiran is a very
faithful and efficient or atiist and het'
services ace appreciated by the entire
congt'egatiol. The gift of 100 chairs.
by 1 he Ladies' Aid for the S. S. vomit
of Uttiou church was gratefully ack-
nowledged by Hugh Eiohuio1d, the
worthy Snpeiinteudeut of the school.
.'1nnday evening of last, week about 80
members Of Rite's church congrega-
tion gathered at the home of John
Jackson, 0th line, to spend a social
vin In the midst. of a most in-
teresting litevary, and musical P10
grain 151158 Lottie Jackson was attired
to titice a prominent position in the
0ttvrpany and Anse Mary Johnston
read the follow nlga[kiress, while Miss
LonPrla Frain presented a well filled
purse of gold: - Mlss L. JACRSON:
DEAR oTrno, We, yotr Mende of
the surrwuldiug cot1nuonity, have
gathered at your home this evening: to
express aur warm affection old our
high regard for you. Since coming' to
our Midst you have proved faithful
end an nscientt ns Werke', v,
rker hl the
0st sPhet's ,f rued) life.
As a zeal-
ons President of our E. L., it valued
choir member, an earnest S.•S. teach-
er, strivitig to,1ouid 11he lives of your
pupils both by precept and worthy ex-
1Lmple ; 1111(1 118 am effective helper' int
thw S .,•i41. S. yon have at all threes
u^` O11ii part w111)lgiy and most a0'
ceplahl3". Moreover, we felly appre-
c{aLa I,he far ,t, that nn mluhy necirsI0110
"' Il 1111. li welcome has heel • deem
and the ba
1i11parly w.
of gold. May God's richest blessing
go with you to' yap! new home, Sign-
ed in behalf of the •ISooieties and con-
gregation of Roe's 'cbunchi — Mary
Johnston tit and Lorena Pt '
ate Miss
Jackson madea def re all
a .bt 4
the company for the gift 11110 fol'•their.
good tvieltes, After a tasty luncheon -
was partaken of the company left for
their several homes •leaving' their
heartiest good wishes with Mies Lot-
tie who left on 'Wednesday with her
husband far their home in Toronto.,
Ethel '
School reopens next Monday.
Miss Danbrook is holidaying at her
horse at Donegal,
Mrs. Wm, Kreuter and family are
spending the holidays at Walton.
Irwin and Mrs. Raynard are
spending New Years at Mt. Forrest.
Geo, and Mrs, Kreuter, of Brussels,
speneClu•istmas with relatives here.
I. 1. Lewis, of Atwood, was a visitor
at J. K. Brown's during the holiday
A. and Mrs. McKee and family
spent Christmas with friends at At-
Miss Ella Hansuld, teacher of Char-
ing Cross, is spending the holidays at
her honrehere.
Fred. Triebel, of Montreal, spent
Christmas ivith his daughter, Mfrs.
(Rev.) McKelvey at the Parsonage.
Miss Mina Elliot, who is teaching at
Thornhill. is here for her vacation at
the home of her uncle and aunt, P. J.
and 1Vh's. McKay.
The Misses McDonald, of Brussels,
enjoyed Christmas cheer at the home
of Archie and Mrs. McDonald on
Thursday of last week.
George and Mrs. Colvin' and family,
of Brussels, spent Christmas at the
home of Geo. M. and Mrs. Mitchell
here. The latter is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Colvin.
The annual meeting of the stock
scales at the .,GG, T. 1t. will be held
Saturday evening of this week at 8
o'clock, at W. B. Love's store. Those
interested are asked to attend,
George and Miss Sarah Hutchinson
were away for Christmas to Ripley
where they visited their cousins Jun
and Mrs. Breckenridge and family.
They had a fine time
Rev. W E and Alis Lucas and
family, of Wilkesport, and John and
Mrs. Maxwell, of Winnipeg, are visit-
ng at the 'tante of C. and Mrs. Ray -
nerd. 131x. and Mrs. Raynard are the
parents of lilt's. Lucas and Mrs. Max-
James T. Davidson, wifeand family'
;who have been in the Nest are here
lin a visit. Itis 10 years since Mr.
'Davidson first saw the West. Mrs,
Davidson is a daughter of Jacob
and Mrs, Hallenbeck, of this place.
James Dotal!, who has spent the
past 2 years at Landis, Sask., 100
miles from Saskatoon, is home for a
toliday visit of a few months. He is
still in the ranks of the bachelor but
may not always be there:
Everybody should read the bargain
advt. of G. 11.1. Mitchell in til ryeek's.
issue in connection with h , •see, i e r.
sale. Bi stock to rho h' v ks ens if the Quaker cit agreed
g r' Y g
Rev. Geo. and 14Ire. Baker, and Alis
Pearl Baker, of Melbourne. spent
Chrislmae at Mrs. Baitet's pa}rental.,
beau./ Milne hfll'e: Miss Baker sang u be � ,
tiful solo lit the Methodist chii
,n w e eri a v n'n w is as 15 d e e, b h ty 1g Pate' r naMi 1 v be t e coIv x a) r tl Inr ,eYg 1�taoYY bei:' ti )t•esN Y L• .-.... • -..:
t was P 1
6 t
At Ethel, on Weduetday afternoon
Dec. 2�Itli; Miss Lottie Jack cto.
united it' marriage to Bart'
'Of Toronto. They eft on the
'idem tr1Lil1 amid. showers of tins,
fetti and best wishes Brunt heir:
,The Methodist S. S. held a
successful Cin•istmas entertains,
in the Township Hall on the eve1
of the 23rd. The following program
was rendered ;—Opening hymn ,•.
Prayer by Rev. I. A. McKelvey •
welcome, by 7 girls ; recitation, Wit- 1
CIO Keifer; recitation, Jennie and
Howard McKee ; instrumentaldnet,• i
Messrs Sleunnon and Irwin ; IYtotiorl i
song 3 recitation, Edith reci-
tation, My) tic AloKee f
dozen snow birds," by 4
by the choir ; cant'
Siding Hood ;"i
Messers Slemmon
tation, Leslie Pella
less, 8 boys ; r
McDonald • dialo
Cecil Half ; Moti
recitation, Rhea
tation, Verna McCall'
way to Hemfryn,' E
Alvin Fletcher ; cb.
Merry, Chimes," by the
by 18 young ladies ;. Sal
Mrs. Santa Claus, arx;iv
tete the presents. Pro
evening wdre $33.00.
Additional Morris new
Next Monday wil
Election ria
There weL ya great c
Conk's sale on Tuesday,
W. 1t. Mooney was h0i,t,•
onto for a short visit. with i,
Clifford Sherrie and Harr
inn, who spent the past Su
Saskatchewan, arrived home
mea o.
Miss Augusta McLeod, of
on -the -lake, waa a visitor 1
Elizabeth Ferguson, .61 ..lir. raring
the past week.
Russell and 13,17•s. Wheeler, of Sontii-
amptoh are here for it vacation e.t the,
homes of Jas. Bowman, M. P. 3rd
line, and L. Wheeler's, intOr•ay town -
Jas. and Mrs. Finch alxi slaughter,
Thelma ; Emmanuel and Alts, Pin
and 8 sons and a slaughter ; ai
Joseph Brown, all of Stratford, an
Wm. and Mrs. Davidson and son.
were Christmas visitors with Jr0.'
and Mrs. Shntrie.
' A welcome visitor to. tc�lativt's anti
1d friends is De. W.'R. Roe, of
iPhiladelphia, tvhn is the yet -ingest sort
of J11o. and Mrs. Roe, residents of
iMorris for over 50 years. .The Dr.
hasbeenaway^nlr to f and
u number n
1 ears
Sale commences Saturday, f/,s S`l,zh 4. 64oyrid) them.
at 8.80 a, m. and will conn uv fur .. leJ t(tl e� JRAtc+ DEAD.—Thy g 4 news,
days. Now is the time to test values• a et:ceived last Saturda the
and lay in stocks at greatly reduced ri,{�e?e of William Craig, of Saskat-
-prices. chesvau, formerly' of the- 6th line 'I
A new interest is being awakened islorris township. Typhoid fever and
't ' locality in the stud f music
in u o
y y
its a rats was the cause. ed
D e s
and both Miss Mae Willrinsorl and
ff Deceased
Hiss Annie Wren, of Brussels have a was married two ye.arsthis
ago i Iv'
Autry Gomm), of this Cotvnshir
busy time flitch week as instructors. will be deeply sympathists]. ve
Every boy as well as the girls should her bereavement. The remail,
'Benito play and sing as it is often tt being brought here for inter
passport, in later years. • Mr. Craig was a young man 15
There was not as much excitement favorably known to many r.
as usual on Nomination Day. Piss- Txry Poeir
sibly the expectation of acclamation, SAatIIEL MocvRDs BR. r
was one reason. Township Cleric wAs.—Last Saturday Sit
McDonald occupied the chair and the Curdy, an old amd wipell kt
various nominees made speeches. h''c1.
Fulton was the Only new nominee and
cleric of this townsh, pain
he declined the honor this year, . con• debt. Passing away ou Syc.
sequontly the old Council goes back the hono of ins sop,
for ID14. line, in his 80111 year:. was
Dont forget that meetings will be. torn in Ireland 1111d lived on Lot 2:
held hereinthe interests of the sat live, Moerds, 40 years :ago, and
after sellin cadre to Ile 64111
h IYY1e.. f
g ? i
Farmers Instituto and Women's Mrs. tltc0uudy dried $0 years Ytgo, 4
loon ace on Monday, Jan: 1211, after• inns Geor e John, `Robe at had.
noon and evening. The spealcMrs will g +
be A• swine, Atahee, T. Moug;„tl, Salvoes) and 2 daughters (Re `beyond
Hallett and Miss S. Campbell; of Elizabeth at 101110) suTvive,''The'
Brampton together with addleeses by funeral took pure to Rin ham m1
local wren, A. musical program will tinnda31 Rev, T. 73. Fair, f 531 tit,
be rendered at the evening gathering, rsudnetang the 08101110.. fh
Keep tab an tire, date. leas a Conservative in.," o''
MARRIED.-- Last Saturday Mrs, attendees the Anglican chore
Robert McKelvey. of Listowel, form- P1tiHTx: WEDDING. -The
erly of; Ethel, and Neil McPhail, of Jno, and Mrs, Bt•oofie,, Mo
Southampton, were united in tear- the scene of a very ptete foe
riage and visited here 101 several Cheistutas eve' when their
days before leaving for Southampton youngest daughter, Miss Gladys
where the gl•nl's home is. He is Vats united in matrimony to Neil.
1 I y g r
cut uncle ofJnhn McDonald, merchant Robb, n n•os )emus ono farrne
of Ethel, Relatives and nld fetettds the stone township. Promptly at" 81
here wish Mr. and Afies. McPhail many o'clock tlxe bride encored the par;,
happy years,
leannlg ou the 111.0101' 11ar father ani
O. 0. F.—Officers were elected for the couple tonit their pl110ra under
Court Ethel No. 281, last Friday even- pt ettily decorated bridal arch, will
ing and will be Metalled on Friday, Lcthengrill's Wedding ' Marcia 1•
Jan, 9th, 1014, The Omtrt has 118 being played by Miss T3dtle;l$o
Members in good standing and has sister of the groom. Beide
hapeel iu create silk poplin,
The offices
`s s r lit
Yl aprosperous salt 1_
th •ratio told 1 en 1
y IC's.: Ila,`
• wi Y c Y Itnots
n' 1 will he h ---O It J, i a el
for ,1,
V. 0. 1i,_Alex.. t•` " F S. and a tulle wedding veil WW1
Treas., A. 1.1• t. 5., W, olatng0 11108sotna 11111 carne
lirauter ; r 'Led ; S, of mauve clu')santhetuur
W., o..J cid ; ceremony, which was p
S. i3, 7 Rev. J. E, Coolie, of Gluey
Audios to mama thous eve
aid. e1r
held F