The Brussels Post, 1913-10-30, Page 8Paper Sale The Indoor's Dave are here when the greater part of the time must be spent reside, and it is necessary to have the surroundings as cheery as possible; Does your house need paper 2 Fresh paper makes a won- dental difference.on a room and NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SECURE WALL. PAPER AT VERY MUCO REDUCED PRICES We wapt to reduce our stock of Paper and are determined to clear out a number of patterns if a cut in price will do it. Among 'them are those suitable for • LIVING ROOMS, PARLORS, HALLS, DINING ROOMS OR PARLORS Conte in and see what we have, It will pay you to paper that room now instead of waiting. Hallowe'en Novelties in the form of Pumpkin Lanterns 10e and 5c each. Post Cards 2 for tic. The 2e2cate,Store mesatrasmil F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. i rd getas cit, r GRT ready for Winter. COUNCIL meeting next Monday even- ing at 8 o'clock. DREssEn poultry is making its ap- pearance once more on the market. CHRISTMAS begins to loom up in the distance. Watch THE POET advertising columns for bargains. HORSE FAIR. -First monthly Horse Fair for this season will be held on Thursday of next week, Nov. 6tb. At - .tend it withyour equinnes. De. W, L. Heise s purchased the Shetland pony, dog cart. &c„ from John H. Galbraith and Miss Dorothy Holmes now holds the ribbons. 6o DAY Sale of I. C. Richards' stock of Boots & Shoes, rubbers, &c., will cont. mance Saturday of this week at his old stand. If you want bargains dont fail to attend. FRIDAY evening of this week will be Hallowe'en. The key of the "Cooler" will be bandy for youths who have eny notion nE disporting themselves at somebody else's expense. Tela Amen tfactory. has finished turn- ing their stock of heading also that of Jno, McDonald, of Watton, which was ot the destruction rhe . worked here owing to the latter's mill by fire some months ago, r el i list of Brussels IN the Fall Fair Prize s Show Thomas Bird, Cranbrook, should have been credited with Ist prize for Heavy Draft team instead of and. Toin usually draws the lines over a good team and is often a prize winner. FRIDAY evening n a miscellaneous neous "Shower" was tendered Miss Gertrude Ewan, in view of the near approach of her marriage to F. Davidson, at the home of D. C. Ross. Numerous gifts were made, largely China, and a first- - class time was enjoyed. TELEPHONE, -Commencing on Sat- urday of this week the opening hour of the Central Telephone office, Brussels, is changed to 7 3o a. m, and the closing hour to so 3o p. m Wilt the subscribers make a note of this and govern them- selves accordingly, This change ap- plies until the return of the Summer schedule. A NUMBER of Liberals went to Teeswater on Tuesday to attend the Political gathering addressed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon, Geo. P, Graham and others. Meeting was held in the akamt'rink andwas in the interests s of g R.. E. Truax, ' a the Liberal nowtsee South Bruce. Thursday, of this week, ek, is polling day. THE Pryne Ivtilling Co. is having a great rush of work these days. Lase week I. C, Richards gathered ripe raspberries in his garden. TEE Pos'r telephones are Nos. 31 and 32. IE every subscriber sent a newsy item each week there would be some- thing doing. THE heavy rains last week supplied the needful supply of. water 10 the mill dem to permit of the Pryne Milling Company utilizing water power instead of steam. Sum team- Sum PER MONTH, --Railroad work of- fers splendid opportunities. The most recent graduate of Telegraphy depart meat of Stratford Business College is now earning over SIIo per mouth. We advise our readers to get the free catalogue of lhat splendid school. —0— s GENTS per pound Will be paid et Brussels Evaporator for home dried apples. Reneen lap rug found on North gravel road, Owner may have it by proving prop- erty and paying tor. this notice at TaS POST. I will gum Circular or any saw now with latest saw gummer. T. McGregor. Bruseela Ont, Bos wanted to learn the baking. Apply to GEo, TaotisoN. COsLToaTABLE house to rent. Apply to W. Oakley, Brussels, GOOD building lot for sale, corner Queen and Albert streets Brussels, containing p- pore. Will sold et reasonable a flSnre. Ap- ply to Bert Lott, or TEM POST. adder for sale,22 teat longwith Iron l o CEDAR Erooks on one and. Will be sold at a bargain. nquire at TEE POST. g FOR SATE.—A roadster filly rising 0 years, broken to harness, cheap or exchanged fora Milch eon, as part pay. R. HENDERSON. Brnesels, REP Alae for the Fleury. rost & ' Wood Wilkinson and Osold Oliver,$Iowa a !d by E.G. Plum, Brussels. AFTER BIG GAME, -Wednesday of this week Robt. Nichol, Jno. Lawson and Fraser Embury, of Morris ; Walter S Scott, of Brussels ; and Jno. Melville and 1. lirown, of Londesboro', left for the North to the haunts of the deer, moose and bear on a hunting expedi• lion. Some of the party are old heads at the business. A HALLOWE'EN Social IS on the pro- gram under the auspices of the Venlig People of Melville church for Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, to which all the young people of the con• gregation are invited. There will be a short program and a debate, Scotch vs. Irish. Any nationality will find it v orthY of attention Light refresh- ments h- ments will be served. A new Telephone Directory for the Brussels, Morris and Grey Company is in course of preparation and will be ready before many weeks. It is grow- ing to quite a book giving the lines with which there is an exchange of service in addition to the long list of subscribers of . .Brussels Co. The "system is well managed all through and people wonder how they ever got along without tt. There are still numerous additions being made and all who are intending to have a 'phone installed should apply before the Winter weather comae. TUESDAY of this week T. Ritchie com- menced his contract of plowing and 1evellieg Victoria Park. The past rains put it in fairly good shape for work and Mr. Ritchie's span of grays walked the plow along in good style, plowing right round the square. It must bewell up toward 40 years, if not mare, since furrows were plowed there last when the late Tno. N. Kneohtet had a claim upon it, The chances are next season's sports will be played on the Agricultural Park to the North of Brussels. Victoria Parkin a most copvenient.playground but it got So rough breaking it up was considered the only way to mend it. PUBLIC LIHaARY BOAHD.--Last Mon- day evening the Library Board met in the Board room, Present, T. F. Row- land, F. S. Scott, A. C. Dames, F, H. Gilroy and W. H. Kerr. Minutes were adopted of last meeting and a couple of small accounts ordered to be paid,. Report was presented as to Concert Course of a satisfactory character. Librarian's report was read sbowirig an inpreased interest in the number of readers. Ou motion the salary of Mrs, J; Kerr, Librarian, was increased to ;i$tso,00, per annetn. Librarian was named as delegate to the Library In - b ' e Stratford on Nov. t}titute to e held at i3th and tent, It was decided to make another psrchaee of books and Secretary was asked to procure new catalogues from supply houses, The question of chargingfor nee of rooms for meetings was discussed and it was agreed that so (eats be levied for each eveniug meeting and when a fee is charged $0.00 be tine rental. This ap. plies to all iestitutions excepting the School Baird, which isa municipal organization, Caretaker Oliver ill collect the levy on date of meeting, the Same to be applied towardrunning expenses suet as light, beat, &o. Ap- plIcatiets for use of room8 must be Mr, Davidson and bride tb'r a long, Made to Mr, Oliver Who keeps the key, happy, useful and successful life. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid up - Roeorve Fund - Undlvidod Profits S1,000,000.00 1,260,000,00 ,iai,ea8.2e HEAD OFFIOR , . TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or witlulrawnby any of the parties in whose names the account is opened, $h00 OR MORE OPENS AN AODOI-INT BRUSSELS BRANOH F. H, GILROY, MANAGER Hume your apples to Bressels Evaporator as the season is getting late. RECEPTION today (Thursday) bv Mrs. (Rev.) Page at St. John's rectory from 4to6and8toInp. m, TER County Council of Essex has decided to submit a by law for one mil- lion dollars on January Rst for concrete roads. A FINE PAIR. -This week Anderson Bros , liverymen, received a fine pair of gray squisrels from Tavistock. Their quarters are in a roomy one where they can disport themselves, I'r is not the purpose of T'HE POST to dictate to people what they should pur- chase but they could invest in many things tint would do them more good than Pastor Russel's sermons and hooks the sale of which is being determinedly pushed in this locality. BRUSSELS Electric Light is in charge of Chris. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, at the present time. He was a former resident of Brussels autl worked for some time in connection with the plant. During his absence Ise was busy with electricity and telephone con- s'ruction work, Mr. Grimoldby is still in the ranks of bachelorhood but we hope he will sisortly secure an A r housekeeper and homemaker and make Brussels his home once more. SURVEYING PARTY.—A company of surveyors have been working in connec tion with a proposed radial Electric railway. They bore to bare their report ready for presentation to t :e December session of Huron County Connell. The Hydro -Electric slower is expected to he called into requisition. 'Tits PM -T thinks such a road properly massageded and run on a time table suitable for such a route would prove a good revenue getter but it should serve uarepreseuted centers as well as those already possess- ing steam railway facilities NOTICE.—For the benefit of. ladies in Brussels and vicinity who were pre- vented witnessing the demonstrations givenen bYime of a simple le labor- savin g device in the Eot mof "Vacuum Washer" I wish to state that although I could not remain longer in Brussels at preseut the "device" rernaius and can be seen and proven to your own satis- faction by applying to Mrs. Jessie Kerr, at the Public Library„ or by letter. I have several orders for Brussels which I am holdiug over until next week so as to give you an opportunity of placing your orders so that as many as possible can be sent at one shipment. You do not take any risk In placing your order for the reason that if you are not satis- find after a month's trial the Company guarantee to take back the washer and refund your money. Kindly place your order with Mrs. Kerr as soon as possible if not this week then as soon as is con- venient. JOAN Ross. A DDR85a AND RESR P TATION. A fter a N residence in Brussels of the ast zo yeses p M. 14. Moore, V. S. and family removed so Listowel this week where they pur- pose making their home A social gathering was held at the home of Druggist and Mrs. Fox Wednesday evening and advantage taken of the occasion to presect Dr, and Mrs. Moore with a fine gold watch and chain and a gold brooch, respectively. ..as parting gifts in the way of remembrance of old associations in Brussels. The following address was read by Mr. Fox and the gifts were preseuted by Samuel Carter and Walter Lowry. FRIDAY CDMPLETEs THE ROUTRs.-The Brussels -Wroxeter stage route that has been open for the past 4o or more years ceases on Friday of this week, givine place to the newer methods of Ruth' Route service. Edward Lowry, who has run the stage for a number of years, has given the best satisfaction and the public will he sorry to miss him on the old route. Mail from Brussels to James- town and locality will go to Bluevale and thence by rural delivery, The Cranbrook stage and the veteran mail Wrier, George Reuther, wit' also quit their job. Brussels will be the distributing point for the gth and xoth, xith and reth, I3th and [4th and tsth and rath coucessions in Grey township W. Oakley will be in charge of the old Cranbrook route, coming back by the gilt con. and Ed. Pollard, of Brussels, will take the more Southerly lines Mail boxes are, being placed around this week and the new con tracts will go linto vogue Saturday of this week, if boxes are ready. It will take a little while to get everything adjusted. Other routes are not ready yet, HytrussAL,-Wednesday of this week at high noon, the hone of D. and Mrs. Ewan, Market street, Brussels, was the scene of aninteresting matrimonial allienee when their eldest daughter, Mies Gertrude A., became the bride of a well known young mats of this locality in the person of Frank Davidson, recently of the Metropolitan Bank staff. As the strains of the Wed- ding March were played by Miss Nellie Ewan, sister of the bride, the bride leaning on the arm of ber father, took her place alongside the groom 'under a floral bell and era in the parlor when Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A.,i spoke the magic words that made them husband and wife.' The bride wore a becoming costume of ivory brocaded satin, The principals were unattended, After. hearty congratulations were over the company, numbering. about 40, took their ) iAOea at ell spread tables in n the dining room. Before the company rose the oti'teiatiug clergyman proposed a toast to the bride in felicitous terms Mr. and Mrs. Davidson took the After - boon train on a honeymoon trip to Torooto and otherpoints, the bride trevellinig in a suit of blue serge with hat to match, The wedding gifts were numerous, Well chosen and valuable and bespoke the popularity of the con. Iractin>i couple. Many good wishes from friends and relatives were tendered NNW hands and singing "Should Auld ac- quaintance be forgot," "Phe National Anthem," and "He's a jolly good fel- low." Dr, Moore was a very useful citizen here. He was a member of the Public School Board, on the Board of Managers of the Presbyterian church ; an office bearer in the L. O. L, and on the Executive of the Conservative As- sociation, Mrs, Moore and family were ever ready to lend a helping hand wherever it was needed and the. young people tvece valued members of Mel. ville church choir, the Endeavor choir, Mission Band. etc. Listowel is to be congratulated. Wm MILLOY MEETS WITH FATAL AC- crDHNT.-Thursday evening of leek week Wm, Milloy, _ vouugest son of Neil Milloy, of Brussels, [vas struck by nn auto as he attempted to cross a street its Detroit and was thrown violently to the pavement, crushing his skull, He was hurried to a hospital where he died shortly after. His brother, Paul, of Memphis,• 'fent„ was communicated with and Ise accompanied the remains to Brussels where tutermentwas made from Walker & Black's undertsiking apartments Tuesday, Rev. R. E. Page conducting the service. Mr. Milloy had lived its Detroit for the past 6 or 7 years and was a barber by trade. He was born in Amaranth, Grey county, and lived here for a number of years. Ills wife died 4 veers ago leaving two daughters, who are now with relatives in London and are 23 and Ir years of nye respectively. Mrs Coleman, of Weston, Ontario. a sister to the subject of this notice, was also Isere for the burial Mr. Milloy [vas 38 years of age a aboutY and it is 20 ears since he lived in Brussels. It is said the occupants of the auto whirled off in such a hurry discovered but theiridentity not des o es ut was t Y owing to the too 6equent occurrence of such accidents the police will take the matter up d or to ferret out the and willendeavor culpable individual. Mr. Milloy did not return to consciousness after he received the blow. To M. H. AND MRS. MOORE. DEAR FRIENDS. --It is with feelings of sincere regret that your many friends in Brussels and locality learned of your in- tended removal from us. During the years you have lived here you have wou many friends and conduced yourselves as good citizens. May we assure you that we will miss Sou very much and especially Mr. Moore's smiling Irish face and friendly personality. We are pleased to know you are still to live. People We Talk About D, B. Moore has hardly been as well as well as usual, Bert Lott spent a few clays at Kincar- dine last week. Mrs. F. S. Scott was a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Santis, at Claremont. Mrs. J, Leckie has been, on the sick list but many old friends wish her speedy restoration, Alex. Smith, John street, has been. on the sick list but wehope he will soon be as smart As ever, Jno, Harris has been quite poo!ly for, the past week but we hope he will soon regain old time vigor. James Sherrie was visiting Walter ri and Mrs. Sharpe, of Goderich. The latter is Mr. Sherrie's sister, Miss Ethel S.tarline of Toronto, was a welcome visitor with her many old friends and relatives last week,' Joseph Thomson bas been on the sick list, at the home of his brother, Robert, but we hope he will soon be o. k. Mrs. P. D. McKinnon left on Wed- nesday for her home in Winnipeg, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Leckie, . Division Court. Clerk S. C. Wilson has not yet regained his usual health but we hope Isis restoration will be speedy. Joseph A Killough, of Dun- gannon, was a visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs, Marsden Smith. Ile was a former resident of this locality, Ell Smith went back with Mr. Killough for a short visit. Miss Hazel Lowry, who is a student at the Stratford Normal School, has been having enforced holidays at her home here owing to an attack of erysipelas. She was able to resume her studies this week. Peter McMartin and daughter Hazel, IRE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 'leder the protection of our good old of Geor¢etown, were here to visit the Union Jack and your new home will be 01 Geo is mother, who has {ecu poorly. so near we may hope to occasionally 'see The visitor's drove to Seaforth to spend you, We wish you and your estimable a:while with Robt, and Mrs. McMartin family good health and a large shote of ,The latter's health is not neatly as good prosperity. As a small token ot our as Fomnerly, esteem we ask Mrs. Moore to accept this gold brooch and Mr. Moore this gold watch acid chain, with onr very best wishes of your many friends for future Improvement fs noticed in the condi- tion of A. Stewart, Queen st. East, who has been ill for the past month. Mr, happiness and welfare. Signed fn be - ] e• Stewart is petting up a good light fora half of our Brussels friends. person of bis advanced age and THE Y Pnsm Hnnac he will anntt he Able t0 be S CARTER,H L Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTBBN PBR CBNT, PFR ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st of October, 1913, and that the save will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Saturday, the first day of November, 1913, to'shareholders"of record of 23rd of October, 1913. By order of the Board. GFO. P. SCHOI,FIBI,D, General Manager. Toronto, .16th September, 1913. les Druggist and Mrs. Fox spent a few days visiting old friends at Stratford. Miss Walls, of Fort William, is a visitor with Mrs. (Rev ) A. J. Mann at tete manse, ex Warden B. S. Cook, of Fordwlclt, was in town last Wednesday, He does not appear to grow any older, A. C. and Mrs. Dames are back from a short trip to Winnipeg and other points, While visit was short it was busy. W. H. and Mrs. Prime were at Tees- water ees water on 'Tuesday and heard Sir Wil- frid Laurier and Hons. Geo. P. Graham and McKenzie King. Mrs A. Sinclair, Mill street, was away to Parry Sound District attending the funeral of her brother. the late Hugh McNeil, formerly of Grey township. Wilber Baker, of Granton, a former Brusselite, was in town last week. He came,to attend the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. Luke C. Speiran, of Grey township. Mrs Gordon McDonald arid daugh• ter and the Misses Hirons were visitors at the parental home of the three ladies last at Blyth week. Miss McDonald thinks Blyth isa veru nice place although she has not slid touch about R. W. Wilson and son, George. got back to Brussels last Saturday after en absence of several weeks at the .home of the former's father, in Parkhill locality, where they were owing to the old gentleman's illness. He is about go years of age. This week the family of M. H, Moore, V. S. removed to Listowel where Mr. Moore has been for the past couple of months practicing his profession. While to see them O w e heartily commend [hero to the good fellowship of Listowel people. We hope many happy prosperous years will be. their porton and that the children wiiI grow up to fill places of usefulness and trust in the world. Last week Chas. W. and Mrs. Jack- son. ot Kincardine, made a brief visit k- D H. L. .and Mrs. Jack- son.o the home son, Brussels. The gentleman are brothels. The first mentioned is just back from a business trip to the British Isles and the Continent. Mr: Jackson is a keen observer but is too modest to be a good story teller. There were many pleasidg featuresabout the visit which occupied about 4 months. s" about once more, W. A. Lwey, JAS. Foox.x. Although taken bysurprise. Mr. Moore'l Miss MienHU liter Ilea taken a post - t n the trstford postofloe and teen' behalf of himself and wile and assured to the Classic city last Monday: She is an eslperienced young lady in the postal service and will, no doubt, do her work competently and satisfactorily We wish Miss Hunter An enjoyable residence in Stratford, the company that he valued very high ly the friendships of this community and the many pleasing evidences of good fellowship stat had cotne. to than in the past score years, The beautiful and valuable gifts received would' be treasured both for their intriusio worth is as well as for the good wishes Iles behind them, Brussels would always hold a warni place in their hearts and they moved from it with many regrets, Short eulogistic, humorous and reminiscent speeches followed by H. L, Jackson, 1. F, Rowland, W. 1, Mc- Crackeu, Jas. FoX, D. Ewan, Mrs. (Rev ) Mann, as, Ballet] ne and Rev, A, J. Mann. Pietro solos were reader• ed by Mise Nellie Fox ; instrumental duets by H. L. Jackson and Miss Fox and the company sang a chorus. W. H, herr officiated As chairman, Mrs, Fox served a very tasty lunch and a most en• Joyable time wag concluded by joining Mrs. Percy Robert, nee Miss Gui•sie Smith, is here on a visit.at the bonne of her mother. She and her husband re Gently returned from a Mission field in Northern Ontario and Mr. Robert is now pursuing a course its Theology in McMast,et• University, Toronto, intend, ing to become A Baptist minister. Mrs. Garfield Long and baby, Florence Elizabeth, have gone out to husband end father to their homeo its acrorie Saab . Mrs. Long had been very ill at her lar- autel home here.. with anaemia, but has recovered het good health, we are pleased to state. Her sister, Miss Florence Thorneon, Went As far as Tor.onto with her on her long homeward journey, J. T. Wood left this week on a busi- ness trip to Winnipeg anti perhaps further West in connection with the Excelsior Knitting factory. He is well up to his business and we hope Itis Westerly visit will mean a livelier run than aver at the mill here. SIR WILFRID AT TI:LSWA'rtiR,—'fife greatest gathering held at 'Teeswater in 36 years took place Tuesday ill honor" of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's visit. The Liberal chieftain was fu his best forth, ain't delivered a fighting speech, which time after time elicited rounds of applause from the big audience. Notwithatand- in¢ the drizzling rain electors from alt parts of the district came in hundreds, a d at the mass meeting in the rink there were well over 3,000 people. The streets were gaily decorated Upon his arrival Sir Wilfrid was cheered by a big crowd and to au address of welcome read by the reeve Ise replied graciously. A procession was then formed, headed by two bauds, proceeded to the rink, where Sir Wilfrid was presented with an address of welcome from the South Bruce Liberal Association. The ad- dress was read by 12. E Little, anti Sir Wilfrid After replying suitably, et once plunged into his political speech. BORN EAKET.—At Edam, Sask., on Got. let, to Mr. end firs. Ohne, W, Eaket, formerly of Wroxetor, n eon. (Robert Norman Dnn°d Sire 8 Dnrdie, a d ugltteGth, to Mr, L1�rro Aylmer o,a0on 1711i, to Mr. and e,O MARRIED DAYIDeON—SWAN: At the re ideiu0e of the bride's parents, on October 20th[, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A. Mr.Frank Davidson, to ndsr'eldofrussof Mr, Mrs. Gertrude a., Bel. Peen[-axesercoNO.-At the home of the bride on October 22nd, byRev. R Prieeund, of Wroxetor, lip, Thomas Pries, of McE!llo township, to 51105 TeresaMatthewldest Armstrong� , of Hulr of a tt and 1E D O h tl to infant on Oot. 16 tr. aD daughter Exeter, DU ic L daughter oP tit• and Mrs. F. Dm•die. M1LLOY.-In Detroit, on Oet. 28rd, Wm. Mil, loy,.formerly, of Brussels aged 88 years. T t O i 22nd Rev. John 80•0•00•00•••••s•e•••••••0• • • e • •• O • • • • • • s • !Wail e !Paper . Remnants e • 0711e.e Waawll aApts'Bsoono k otvaers »co have Made up some very to • nice pareela of Remnants 1 eel table fou NItchens,0loa- w • eta, .CO. In many of them wo have the J3o'devs to • mate's. These we oilier at • : • Greatly Reduced Prices • •• • AT •• • IF E• •e x' :