The Brussels Post, 1913-10-30, Page 4.w THUR3DAV, OCTOBER 30, X91;3 DONT be a loafer uor a leaner but be n lifter. MotrREAL is bidding for a World's Fair in ref7. Nothing like gettinga good start, Ier Great Britain a big question is being discussed : in the proposal to nationalize the whole rellwa}•-system, THE POST would like to see an Old Boys' Reunion held in Brussels in 59r4 if the citizens wonld nniterlly teke been ofit, Wecould hold a dandy gather- ing if we would undertake it, THAW Sava he would like to get back to Canada, Weil, Harry, we will send for yon when we require to people the Land of the Male with our kind. n y The date k not October rgrs, ALBERTA Provincial Government bas increased the salaries of the members and Cabinet in view of the increased cost of .living. There's never much opposition in parliament to such an order of business. IT is stated that the annual expendi- ture of the United States for liquor bill is sufficient to build the great Panama canal but the completed product in each case is a long way apart. In the first instance there are wrecks all along the course while the canal, operated by water, is a blessing to the whole world. A young lad named Lynch fell from a third story window at his home in Montreal and all the injuries a doctor could find was a broken arm, Had he bean India rubber he could not have got off ninth easier but he had better not make another attempt as be might not fare so well. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught is once more back to Ot- tawa and attending to his duties as Governor General of Canada after a visit of several months to the Mother- land. The health of the Duchess is considerably improved is the good news that comes from the Federal Capital. WHAT's in a name? In one news paper we read this week, in the personal column concerning engagements, wed- dings, etc., we noticed young ladies bearing the names Hopper, Ironside, Gravel and Coffin were walling to under- take to make life smooth"aud cheerful for a quartette of expectant bachelors. We hope they may all live to enjoy their highest ideals, GENERAL BRAMWELL BOOTH will ar- rive this week having sailed last Satur day. He expects to reach Toronto for Sunday and after a sojourn there will proceed to Winnipeg and then to some of the big American cities. In addition to numerous Of&cers' Councils, no doubt large gatherings will be held so that people may be able to bear the great son of his no a translated father. RUMOR sayeth that the great German Krupp gun manufactory may place a plant at Obijibway, .tine new projected steel city near Windsor, Ontario, where a big steel ccorporati so is building up an extensive concern. Steam plows and harvesting machinery, mining equipment and fishery outfits would be more in lin t e tvi h the needs of North America. SOME 0 N tv York cit lads have been Y arrested. for starting fires so as to see the fire apparatus hustle. That may be fun for the boys but rather too expensive a spirt to belong continued, hence a full sto was p ut to it E he li ' rild- P t o ce. Gl P v P hood, whether at home or abroad, re- quires a guiding hand and of sufficient firmness so that the parent or teacher will hold the helm and direct the voyage and the juniors be aware of the fact, rem Council in Brussels, whoever• may constitute it. should initiate a' pro. gram of permanent road making in this corporation as we believe it would prove more satisfactory aud less expensive, after once down, than the present or past systems. A block or two properly put down as a test would prove its value aud be en object lesson to go by until the completion of tine work. It's worth while trying and is no longer a matter 'of speculation as to its, per- manency. Nstr .year au Anglo'American• Ex- position will be held in Old London', opening with the month of May and continuing to October, 'Commemorative of too years of peace between' the two N'atlons, It will be a great celebration and should do•much toward oementiug the happy relations • between Great Britain and the 'United States. We mise our guess If the ocean stesunships wihnot have a busy time in. providing addolnmodation for' the hosts who will w nt to visit m lad ro 't' i' sI e a P n i m ns d of g the herring pond.. 'The Duke of Con- naught is patron of the Exposition, tt Should be a drummer: a n, NIWRREN'S IIAIR tiewp it Clean and Fres From Ritswtase by Ueing Perlelan •age If you want your children to grow up with strong, beantiful and vigor- nus ilitir, teach them to llse Parisian Sage—the world renowned Hair ToulO. Parisian Sage js guaranteed by Jas. Fox to eure dandruff and atop falling hair in two weeks. It grows new bale quickly in caries where the hair is "thin:dog out." It is positively- the most delightful, invigorating hair dt'essing ou the tnarket for family use, It is not sticky or greasy and twill make your hair soft, lustrous 'and luxuriant. It puts life end beauty into dull faded hair. Get a large bottle from Jas. Fox and' watch its rapid action, Regular price 50 cents. Tomo DAT of this week le polling day in South Bruce Dominion election for the Commons. The government candi- date is Mr.'Car ill of Car ill villa e. and g g g the Liberal standard bearer is R E, Truax. Election was cased b send - u y ing the former member, Mr. Donnelly, to the Senate, something that is con- trary to all fairness either to the party or the country, A bye election costs a t r et b -e's" heap these days as he 'cap egg t dont spend their time in a constituency without somebody putting up the coin. Conservative majority was 103 at last election. THE Australian navy appears to he all right and Admiral Kingsmill says "I cannot speak too highly of the train- ing of the youths at the Australian depot." Canada is a poor second to Kangaroo—laud in the naval business, although we do a good deal of boasting about being the brightest gem in tite colonial cot•onet. We have made a bungle iu building and manning of vessels as defen,lers of the Common wealth, If we had our way there would be no increase of armies and navies in the world, The Both century should shake itself clear of barbaric customs instituted thousands of years ago and strive to place in their stead arbitration, peace congresses, and abolition of the military. It's coming but the speed is not noticeably swift. They make You Fool Good The pleasant purgative effect pro- duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the health condition of the bod Y Y n ich he create make one a d tuiud wit t Y feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. Electric Radial Roads for Huron County In order that all parts of the country would be iuformed as to what is being done by way of collecting information as to the cost and practicability 01 a series of electric railway lines through out the county of Huron, the following statement has been given out by the committee who have opened up the matter, with a request for its publics• tion in all the press of the county and The Goderich Star has been asked to torward a copy to the editor of each paper in Hut'on. •Let us start at the beginning. Ra dial roads nad often been spoken of in private conversation aud to make the matter a public uestion several busi- ness inen of Goderich had a special meeting of their Board of Trade called to discuss the project and put it in shape to become a business proposition. 'This meeting was held about tate middle of August and before its adjournment a committee was appointed to interview the Hydro -Electric Power Commission to see how tar they would assist in the preliminary work of ascertain ing whether ch an ndertakin old e a i su u w u b a n S PY o proposition. This committee went to h it Poronto aud t e chs man of the Co m mission explained the act fully. In his ex lanation he told the com ittee tl P m tat the Hydro Commission would scud .a staff of euglueers into the county as soon. as they requested to do so. to make a survey of the proposed route, and gather all the information necessary to shothe eo le•of the count tit t w a P P Y such radial roads would be a p a in P Y g proposition or that it would not be a paying propo"ttion to build them All this work would be done at the expense of the Commission and would be dope throughly Furthermore the chairman said, electricity would follow the pro- posed lines and would be able to dis tributepowerand light eight miles on each side of the road, thus almost as- suring hydro to every town, village and even every Earth house in the County of Huron, at a cost within their reach, whereas without some such scheme as now spoken of it would be Loo expen- sive for a long time to come. 1`he committee said to the chairman of the Commission. "What must we do to get the machinery in operation?" He replied, "Upon the request of a munici- pality of your county that we make these surveys, we will at once despatch our epgineers with instructions to sur- vey the lines you propose, or as Pear to thein as thought advisable, for to yield the best results," •":Wesuggested that when we return- ed we would call a meeting 0f the rep• resentatives of all the municipalities and talk the matter, over•, and have the re- quest made forthwith. To this the chairman of thea Commilision replied that he did not think it necessary to have a general meeting until the en- gineers hart their report, but suggested that when we got home we Have the Council of the town of Goderich make. tife request and acoompauying the re- quest we were to send an outline of the proposed route: We did so, with tiro result that the hydro engineers were soon en the groutnd and are now busy surveying attd pre aria estimates:•, P g The route map ell, but ryas so ar. ranged as td penetrate the heart of every. municipality, el tide County of Huron„ ,Altl>;6ttgh this dries Lint hCoessarily' fittc f the liuesl they will be there oe there. abouts, After tate engineers' report is pt'e• pared we intend to gill $ public rheet• ug Of those interested, ill some cotl- venient pltice in tate cunni and have their nuclings placed bt ft,re the meet• t lug when it will be fully discussed and should the undertaking commend itself to those p,esent, the scheme will be ad- vanced to the stage of presenting it to the Cou'uty Couno1, asking them to make it a county, scheme, built by the cot n c t a d tl a cuuok . nt a ov b i A 41 e Y Y Y lite chairman of the Cammissipn plainly said that they -would 'float oto• boucle, build and equip the road and v hen co iipleied would run it, if the county wished them to do so." For Loss of Hair We will pay for what you use i! Rexall "93" Bair Tonic does not promote the growth of your hair. In all our experience with hair tonics the one that has done most to gain our confidence is Rexall "93" Hair Tonle. We have suoh well- founded faith in it that we want you tot it et our risk, If it doee ry a lar wof snt�sf ou in evaz• Iarti u e will pay for what you use to the extent of a 30 day treatment. If Rexall "93" Hair Tonic) does not remove dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, stop the hair from falling and promote a new growth of hair, some back to ue and ask m to return the money you paid for it, and we will drom tl hand it back to ou. You on'tpsiign anything, pr ronise any- thing, bring anything bask or in any way obligate yourself. Isn' a that fair? Doesn't it stand to reason that we would not snake suoh a liberal offer if we did not truly believe that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do all we claim for it — that it will do all and more than any other remedy? We have everything there is a de- mand for, and are able to judge the merits of the things we sell. Cus- tomers tell us of their success. There are more satisfied users of Rexall 93" Hair Tonic than any similar preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Roxell "93" Hair Tonia today. If you do, we believe you will thank us for this advice. Two size bottles, 50e and Sl. You eau buy-Rexall "93" Hair Tonia in this community only at our store: F. Fr. SMITH. Brussels Tits �e •:ore Ontario There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a (Eferent Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— each eepeeially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. Tho Rexall Stores are America's Oreateet Drug Stores Morris Council Council met on Sept. 29th. Min- utes of last meeting read and approv- ed. On rnotion by Thuell—Laidlaw, the Reeve Mr. Johnstonanrl AIr, Ptaser were �a ointed a connuittee to ex- amine tphe Peacock, Nichol and Magee drains now completed. At the adjourned meeting on the Potter drain it was decided to send a delegation of Councillor Johnston, Reeve and Clerk to interview the Hallett Council with a view to :tak- ing a settlement regarding the Potter benefit assessment. The following accounts werepaid 1— William Skelton, gravel $ 1 20 W. Iii. Fraser, " 2 40 James Gibson, " 8 60 Jae. Farquharson, " 2 00 Sam Vamstone, " 3 20 David Jewitt, 80 A. Pollock, '" 4 40 A. Pollock, shovelling •- 1 50 James Lawson, shovelling. 3 10 Alex. Nichol, digging drawn 14 00 Greenway & Breckenridge, Magee drain balance 816 60 Greenway & Breckenridge, • Peacock drain...... .. . 650 00 Geo. Johnston, lamb killed by dogs ................................ . 4 00 Geo. Johnston, filling at bridge 5 00 Ohas, Agar, making tile ....,.... 23 20 Municipal \World, supplies 2 09 Alfred Ooohranecleaning drain 4 00 Jas. Peacock, culvert and tile;21 80 +•+•+•+♦+•+4144+•+•••+•+•+• Jeweler ;Repairing • • Have your Watch, Clock and Jewel- • ry Repaired at J, R. WENDT'S, Wroxeter, and you f. will g et satisfac- .� g + tion. + + All Wa k r + r .Gua anteed + p a f Je eller and inn g raver. by + ' •. f'... . .. :SA/raxe,�er' ' � cwt111Ylelld �T a n rant a ter i , it., 1.41 g tt, � !j �!. T fi: 8 ♦ ! F! N♦t1.l '� Fr h +,.t4+ h♦ �, Ifok Ds ul§gi� G', ;5,, , .. THIS UEAUTIFV[ NEW YUUH MNK Possesses abundance of 'beautiful hair and says : My hair was thin and ra ed an ver dres d I ccuhT i e s it to �rok nice in any style until'I began treating it with Segelne. Sagein g y l i d d it e g few m la r an Ina e soft and thick. Sageine is the only dressing I ever ase. Mr. Fox in Brussels, Ont., is agent for Sageine and he says; If Sagieue will not make the coarsest hair, clean, soft, fluffy and beautiful and add inches to its length, bring it back and I will re- fund your money. Retnernber t -.o go to James Fox's. chug store as other stores cannotsu ply you with Sage- ine. A large shake -top bottle costs only 50c. 18. Jaeltlin, filling at Ruttau's bridge 253 50 WVm. kllston, putting in culvert 4 00 Joules Scott, drawing bridge material . Jtunes Scott, finishing Phelan's bridge Win. Abratm, drawing bridge lumber li, K, Taylor, cleaning out drain Brnt:e Brown, light' on 131yLh Oreek drain 8 60 Luxton Hill, posts and scant- ling Blyth °reek bridge 1 75 R. rear, poles for railing Blyth Oreek bridge ,..., . ,. .......... 75 L, O. (nlarlesworth, spikes Blyth Creek bridge 40 G. T. R., 9 rails 20 fl long (4420 lbs,) . Geo. White, drawing irot rails John Brown, farm bridge Blyth Oreek drain James Grttsby, North approach Sunshine bridge 87 00 R. Oo kerline work on 'Tia for c Y bride 131 tin Oreelc drain „ 87 50 Betrcl Alcock, Niclhol dr•icin 700 00 Wru. Cooke, gravelling at Clegg's bridge .... 31 .Toltu Hopper, Hopper' drain,,,400 ,Tarmes Olatke, gravel .......... 4 Ed.,\Vard, cleaning Cole drain 200 Philip Ameut, plank 6 Geo. Kerr, top and rails on culvert .. .... 2 50 Wm. Smith, 4 anchor posts,,,- 5 00 August Ghur, Blyth Oreek drain 286 00 Oliver Campbell clrawing plank 6 00 James Kelly, pittling in cement tile Blyth Oreek drain , 12 00 A, MacEwen, By-laws, Bowes drain 9 67 Cleric's fees Bowe drain 15 00 Clerk's fees Inglis drain,,,,,6 00 W. I3. Herr, By laws I3owes drain 9 68 W. 13. Keir By laws Inglis drain...... ..... 8 00 Winghaul Times, advertising,,, 1 00 on in outha - R. Y t n ravelln S proachgSnnshine brridge .... r, 30 16 Robert Young, er. refund I taxes (1912) ,,,,., ..... 1 00 Joel Henry Sellers, gravel . 4 50 Wm. Ferguson, filling at Bel - grave bridge, (County) 5 00 Counciladjrourned to meet Octobe' 27th. A. MAo111WEN, Clerk. I II _ ...._. Y -.'.....1'11 e1 N'etnle1 CfplNr►'rw.. AIttfthanSAfl9..j8tettwierrigned offers - his lino fart, ooftalstinI', of about Its am•.es I� adjehting the town of Olinten, fm' sale. tl'lte C I i,9 h h i n� L� 1O.OVeI( and lot for. sale, tsruenels ,snit. form 1s ht It good sirithO at', a nk ba and Lae 5t H , nigh hue, pig p n, et house, baulk barn, s ew. Umntortable lnm,te good etabla, rrliat i,n house,.71 •psn,015,,alteomparetivolysew. of n t I r f. t - to la osa ion B ! g it o, n d i o e o h ndufot i d top Ox l ilrstfnlnas young orchard conte 1,ng all 1813-14 sae her ivun, llareapply to' ap HANDy. Oar form of frnte n nd ennt0 fruits, The farther'eo tlhrueeot ply Uo 1i10HAltin RUIDr 11 ,,i, is wall fenced and d,o' env and i' n very John Street, Seussele, + desli•ablehome, IPor further partienlarsapply '1r Tlf.0 Pow'J: ltas :mule at t'autgenit'nte to clnli with the followiing papers and will bt 00ut 10 ally address(except the United States 60 reins extra) fit t'lte fn lon'i l 1 le I t sah�u H u n 1 *leas '--- g 1 Il Weeklies POST and Toronto Globe $1 00 ' Mail and L'ntpiro .,, .... 1 00 Loudon Advertiser l (10 London Ftee Press. 1 80 1+ ttrmlil y Herald and S ttu' 1 80 lllontreal Wittless 1 80 Parole's' Advncttte 2 35 Northern Messenger.,., 1 35 Dailies Pos' and' Toronto Star $2 85 " Toronto Neu's 2 35 " Toronto Globe 4 50 - Toronto Mail-Empife4 50 Tot'onto World 3 50 London Advertiser 2 80 Call at the offloe of remit the amount by P. 0, Order•, Express Order or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont, sung with hat'ntony, a Bible t'eading by the honot'ed and venerable past President, Mee. S. G. E. McKee, of Not'th Bay, was the progrant. "Fellowships" was Mra, McKee's topic. There is nothing on earth rno'e beautiful than the bond of Oln'otian fellowship, she said : The liquor evil and white slavery were touched upon. I do not hold Oltristians responsible for the latter, said Mrs. McKee, but I do fol' the liquor evil and thelattter is the result of tity former. 11 the Christian people said No ! to the liquor.' evil there would be nn liquor evil," far God's 2 50 people can do anything, Yes ! any- thing. The department reports, 88 1 00 1 in a 1, showed splendid work done during the past year and touch 5 00 activity along all lines. 3 00 SVednesday morning session was taken up chiefly with the hearing of the ° President's address, Mrs. Stevens gave a full account of the year's work, cotumenting on the century nl' Peace between Catnada and the United States, She took occasion to contrast this condition of affairs with a period of war aud blood- shed. If war is hell what must the 53 50 liquor leaffic be, she asked. It destroys 4 00 Store human beings, soul and body, ruins more of the nation's hotttes, 15 00 bt'eaks the heart of more wives and mothers, and CLtttses mo'e poverty and degradation 'than war hits ever clone or .lease G od ever will n , P . I nttr' O t 1c) nndmibtedly Lhe majority of the voters are on nue side anti we would fain believe the jnajo'ity of 50 the \I. P. P's. also, but unfortunately 00 they are tied to party and will not 00 cotue nut autd be saptu'ate. Whole 00 their leader asserts that be is giving 04 as large at measure of temperance as the Province demands his sitnilatr de- claration regarding Wonan's Suf- frage -causes most of us to discount his version and it is just possible he nay find himself in the.positiot which a recent administration did in the -not very distant future, Il.. E. Irwin, 0. 0. of Toronto, was the speaker at the mass sleeting held 'Thursday evening. Rio subject was "The significance of Oht•istian in \Votuan'a Christian Temperance Union." Space forbids giving the address in full but sorte of his re- marks were :— That the nartte Christiaun should for all time be kept in your o'ganigatiot for it keeps von in touch with the soyrceof all power God not man. The speaker instanced a Local Option victory which was won by women's prayfel efforts ae proof that the woven, though with- out the franchise, are a power ht municipal and practical life. I have, more confidence in the presence of the nante Christian in such organiz- atiotl as the Womana Ohriatian' Tem - Barely Lived Through It. A terrible ex eriersce had Ddty. J, O'Ootnor of Sault Ste, Marie. ""Frorn „ bo hood he t Sites I have boeua y y cdnatam u fferer from asthma and t al catarrh My twee and throat was always stopped up aancd ]'-bad drop-' pings in •the throat. When attacks cams on I thought I couldn't live through the night. I woald sit ul, It ath and eucipi rat dis- s t b e e g4 P f ft g 1 tress Oa ar ho one made me en- t 1 � 1 ttrely well No strouget proof is re- quired Asthma is unable so is catart•lt. TTse "Oatau'lt,zone" and recovery is' guaranteed. Ttvo sizes, '�5o and 1.00 tit ltll dealers. 51 Provincial Convention of Woman's Christian Tem perance Union Smiling skies welcomed -the 260 delegates to the Provincial Oon- vention of W. 0.'1'. U. held in Strat- ford ou October Z, s, it and j0. °antral Methodist church was the place of meeting and it was aun in- spiring ,gathering. Earnest. woriei, th.e roajority of them with silvered hair, a sprinkling of young ladies; whose zeal for the cause was equally.; ___ _ _._..__.� _..__ tvai'tn n ase o ten ex re9sec - atnc ' SlOREL10U'E JPOR SA his 011. TO1;10N'1',— No, 1, t?roduee welohotse 'at Bruesele station G 0.' R 1Por Particulars apply to J, Llnextn, Brussels. VALUABLE 2'AitM 120E 14AL10,--d'lte south lI art 1 n d oo ru 10 'n 'tle I I I t2. O 9 G y el n! and S dtt b, well eB wtitered, here )wlso sad Kana barn, wall et"is l d, 1 hero 2, 11111 offered for sale lap :moa bring I of 02, 0th U 'n, OfGrey. 00 of withal are °bored, Ooth properties to be sold to alone out: estate, Apply to alas. MAIN ti t iit,'tute 101 P. 0, or W, M, b160LAot, Barrister. Ornaeels, 0111, If, �'1.R"1' ULASS 1t'ARhi 1POa SALE, --The nn• der tl ill a 1. . 1e 1 Half of steno 0, x , U boats 1 D4uvn Lot No. 10, rll the 9th Ugai e, to t of the buye .hlp theffrta, is a g oci u, to the dint boner. On ilio -el,, t n good. vwdar9 L•vin l house and drat -obits hunk beim is n well fenced farm, eonslate of 109 aeras eund le well situated. for markets, Owner now in west ie the reneon for sale, Apply for further par. tiaulers to.F, S. SooOT, Bruseela. P fi EDAR LA lAR ' t 'ALR: WN toes b C M The , beinignedtitrera for sale lCo . e loo aero farm, geln6• o., 0 Half Lot 20, c go 0, .Morris township, Huron Co, (farm is ins good state of cultivation, well fanned, and las on it a Rae brick house that cost $0,000. Good lawn surrounded by cedar bodge. Barn e2 x 60 feet on stone foundation. ' Good orchard and 10 acres of hardwood bush, Fern is only a mile from the splendid inerltet town of Bruesele and is 14 miles from suhool, Good comttiun• ity. Possession at once. P'or farther pertica- lees, price, terms, &o.. apply on the pratniea or to JOHN MOONEY, Proprietor, Bruseela P. 0. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE O1P Jl'ARM STOCK AND 20 OottDo al'ova w000,—P. 0, Scott, Ano- tloneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public motion et Lot 10, Oen. 10, Grey Twp., on Friday, Oct. 01, nt 1 o'olook, the following valuable property: 1 aged draft mitre, 1 carriage horse 10 years old 1 draft horse tieing 1 yeare, 1 draft horse rte• ing 4 yeare, 1 draft mare rising 0 years, 1 draft horse rising2yeare,2Springoolte,1cow due to calve December 2nd, 5 cows supposed to be bi calf, 1 Hereford Hull rising 0 years, 9 steers rising 2 years, 0 Spring Delves, about 20 cords20 inch stove wood, Sale without re• serve as the proprietor la over -stocked, Terms:—All euros of $2a 00 and under cash; overthat amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts, Wood to be cash., ROBT. HOUSTON, Proprietor, perance Union than I have in any lacy or stattute or anything man can prepare in his own strength wits Dir, Irwin's declaration. Miss McLeod, of Catinaville, Snpc'iu- tetdent of. Juvenile work, addressed the Convention on the importance of Loyal '1'etnperanee Legion work a- mong Lhe children. She stated that in foreign countries the children are t neglected but ill this greatt colllitl'y the children an•e Lhe fit' st Ln be enn- sidered. She explained how int• portant it was that the chilch'en should be trained along temperance lines if we would have them grow up to be on the aide of temperance. During the dinner hour greetings wete extended from the Mayor of the oily and aldermen also from the Ministerial Association, Yotung Men's Christian Association, and SupIerin- tendent of Children shelter aucl the different women's Societies. The visiting delegates were most hospi- tably entertatined and carl'ied away many pleasant remembrances of their stay in Stratfo'd, Avoid Bedatlye Cough Medicines 11 you want to contribute directly to the occurrences of capillary bron- chitis and pneumonia ase cough medicines that contain• codine, snor- phine, heroin and outer sedatives when you lave a Dough or cold, An expectorant like OltUnberlain's pough e ed is It m at ie e wit n eded. lla cleans out the euittn'e beds or breed- illg places for the geruta of pneumonia and other germ: diseases., That is why pnenmonia neva[' results from a cold when Chamberlain's Uough Retnedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It ooltable no morphine o• other sedative. For sale by all dealers. e e . La ie b... f '. � s ens g� b _ Y this oven �s 4 I allow ou se e t s ton issfio y Ul. ry or onl flour that make s more Y read and atter rc ,- b b ad in ot:r c �e,l test is offered Yefl1 i•roln ggeh silipmept Of \\ ��r, t delivered at our mills we ta7� a L',�,'1 s�'•. ten pound sample, The sample is t ground into flog' in a tiny mill. The flour is baked into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the sl.lip- ment from which it came. Other- wise, we sell.it. uo your benefit from apurr bearing this' name is sure. ®® �' "More l3read and Better Bleed" and "Better Pastry' Too" 1.') 'f 1 f p 1, 1 line old tentpe'ance pioneers 'gave the meeting an appearance of stability and as the President, Mrs. A. E, Slovens, of Toronto, raiolat'Iced gave het at real sctee of :9ecut'ity. 1'IieOonYention opened littingly, with alt inspiring consecration service; led by Miss A.gnee Sputnik, Fort William, Prayers brief aud. earnest, hymns 1 WE- NAVT THE AGENCY FOR - • ,Sttgeille I- air'Posse, ti,nti=Uric'Pille, Renin r ,h o int leu- aLiarn. • Al ret l ggenuine B.W $ •11Marion pt'epat'atione Iiiiui; that name ariel,we pan gladly tie'. o••••♦p•••♦O♦••♦♦��•♦♦♦•••♦o♦N•••••fiA•aPP^ Aeon,.{.oa 33 SUCCESSFUL YEARS . _' (,t trantee Lite ilei o'ongh Dom les of Oanada's , • _ let 1in.g.Sthool of T3usiness • e• '. s • to ..The Nor rn h usin . B ees Co Ike p ♦ Y 2 •, 36 ;ticropo etroot, Owon Bound - • Largo staff of speeialiste, oue'r,e building, i, of an acre Of Hoot' spars, + • Otily'Schonl tvitlt.Praou.icul Dcipartrnant• • • ITIOIVS•, GUARA-A!'S"EE'D TO G. RAbIATES Ir'O'S i . ol4rA1.eSa1UE FREE t �'G 0. C.: A, L 11 N A; , � r G. D', FLEM ' l terittcipal for 88 yeare. Seclie nry,, i• ♦♦♦♦:.,,, • '♦♦i• '4 i on t le1 imiaes or midreeil i P JOHN TOURANON (Hi t 2tft. .. ami, Wd.H.LOVE , a Director. j Fuller i � 4 . P' and Embalmer Orders pt otuptly told care- fully attended to night ctr [lay. Phone 228. 1 ETHEL, ONT. s s eri� end T�Ie C At Henfryn Yards in abundance. C Guaranteed to be First- class A]l S izes fr - Sl ole 3 • inch to 7 -inch on hand. . 8 and Io -inch made to ` order. PRICES RIGHT e $. Cole Manitoba Improved Farms For sale on easy terms or will rent to desirable tenants. Write for par- ticulars to John E. Smith (Owner) Box 1033 Brandon Matt, RAYMANN is prepared to sup�ply the best ggoods in \$ritidmills, Iron and i•Vooden Pumps and Stable: Fittings, suoh as Piping,- Wat- er Bowls for stock, ,Ec. Repair's to Putnps promptly attended to. Give me a call. Ar HAVMANN Cranbrook COLLEGE A Ilea 1p t k p sphere of a anteed R HOME Tho nds of ambitious young peo- 1e aro fast preparing in their own homes o °croupy lucrative popitiotra en steno ra hera, bookkeepers, telegr•e- phers, civil aervante, in fact every otivitiee, You luny finish at college if you so wish. Posittone guar. :ter college any day, Ind!. vidual'instruction, Rxpert-teachers. Thirty' yeare'' experience, Largest trainers in Canade, Seven. oolleges. 7ecial °0 S ups with tea hm' , 1 0 6 A0011ated wit R uca- t01', a A69 °fall 7 Y ° o t S Otetad , e - a summt School at Pomona Spotton Business Col- . lege Eondon, Wingham Business College P it t Oso,Sroe,oy, W. T. Mouse, Eos r en . Prh1M al. P e®® RIIPTlIRE Cured At your hone • without pain, danger or operation. My nlethocl will cNre a�- paeefltly hopeless case8 na :latter what your age is or how `long -ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes stratlgulated when you Gap be cured-? Do not wait Fill incoupon Age Thne Rup , ..,. ,.. , , Single c' Double y`. Name ,,,.,.. ,, y. .Address_ f , ettd returni to.. ._G,,, ;r. JAS.S _ SMM"'i'.W 96 al ' c pd4hra�#r ,.,,. a,, bept, A S r�,ttG1rct090 . i '1 I '7