The Brussels Post, 1913-9-18, Page 74„.............,,,,..
Fashion Hints
Fads and Fancies.
Patent leather shoes, always a
boon to man or womankind, be-
muse they are so easily kept clean
and bright, are made up with kid
and cloth in many styles, Ono pat-
ent leather shoe has cloth uppers in
the form of attached spats with
»traps going under the arch of the
foot where they are fastened in
the solo, These shoes are made
with spats or purple, tan, gray and
There is a new Spanish heel in
the shoe shops. it is shaped almost
like a crescent, and the two point-
ed little tips bend in toward each
ether. The heel is scooped out so
that it is a cross between a French
and a Cuban heel, so far as its pro-
file is concerned. It is shown on
evening and afternoon slippers.
The woman who can sew or who
knows a capable and inexpensive
seamstress can have much dainty
underwear at a. reasonable price.
Wide shadow lace is now sold at
prices varying from 40 cents to a
dollar. It is edged on each side
with holes through which ribbon is
to be run, and it is designed for
under bodices. One ribbon is run
through the lower edge, to gather
it in about the waist.
Another is run through the top
edge. The ends of the ribbons aro
tied in front and ribbons are fast-
ened morose the shoulders.
Other wide lace, with one straight
and one scalloped edge, is sold at
a small price for ruffles on white
or light-colored china silk or crepe
de chine petticoats. The tops of the
petticoats are scant and are finish-
ed at the bottom with a little hem.
The lace is side pleated and applied
ender or over the little hem, and
the joining is covered with a nar-
row bias band of the petticoat ma-
Very often an old evening frock
can be made to serve as the founds,'
tion for such it petticoat. Satin
and messaline and soft silk can all
be used.
For little girls figured dimity pa-
rasols are attractive. They are in-
expensive and durable and really
‚simpler and more childlike than
those of silk.
Cretonne Slips.
Cretonne .slips to pet over.frocks
that are hanging in the closet or
wardrobe are convenient. They aro
made of two pieces cf cretoune, cut
in semi -circular outline, a little big-
ger than a dress hanger. They are
seamed together about the curved
edge, with a little opening left for
the neck of the hanger.
To the straight edge two long
straight sections of cretonne are
gathered, long enough to come to
the bottom of, the frock. These
straight pieces can be seamed (4-
gether or fastened with tapes or
socket fasteners.
Creno Negligees.
White crepe negligees, embroid-
ered with fine wool threads in soft
colers., are very becoming. A Ion
rest robe of the crepe ehows &loose-
ly arranged bunch of emoroidered
flowers at the two front corners o'
the skirt, and a trailing little streak
ef . embroidery up each side cf Olt
front. At the neck the embroidery
widens out into a yoke design. A
dainty lingerie collar falls over and
half conceals this yoke.
Is Proficient Carpenter and. Re.
placed Panel ,Ile Kicked Out.
During the recent tour of King
George and Oueen Mary through
the great industrial centres of the
Midlands (England) his anitjeety of-
ten surprised his guides and the
workmen by the te,ohnical know-
ledge he displa.yed.
In one case he took a carpenter's
plane from an astonished 'hand,"
and mucic tty.0 or .1:three "ewipes"
with is in Mullah profeseional style.
As anyone who has tried it knows,
planing is by no mens as easy as
looke, and the average novice
bungles it badly.
King Goerge, however, is no 'lev-
iers, foe. ria a boy he wait a proficient
OaPpeDber, and can still handle a
plane and chisel in the deftest
0344. Le a fit of romper in his
Younger days he once kiolted lia
'fool; through the panel of a door
1141 Oeborne, and dater on ;seized
with remorse, ho cut and planed
another panel and onado good the
One of the Prince of Waite' trona
mita; is a bookcase made by hie
father, who now seldom has time
to indulge in bis hobby,
It is well known that the MARCO
of Wales is etroegly in favor of
acme practical knowledge, with tlio
result Etat many met and women
of .note are sibudyiug arts and
omits, and there is likely to be a
great revival of the craze for poker
work, wood carving and enamel-
OnlY e fool girl believes that
Proved of Great Value to Mo'
There is only one explanation for thi
numbers of enthusiatine letters that we
receive praising Na-Drii-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets, and that is that these tablets
certainly do cure any kind of stomach
Here is a typical letter from Miss
Eliza Arinsworthy, Canso, N.S. :
"It is with pleasure I write to inform
you that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia
Tablets have proved of great value to
me. I tried remedy after remedy but
without any lasting good. Having heard
of your tablets curing such eases as
mine I decided to give them a fair trial.
They proved' satisfactory in my case."
The remarkalle success of Na*Dru-Co
Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as
can only Come to an honest remedy,
compounded according to an exception-
ally good formula, from pure ingre-
dients, by expert chemists. If you are
troubled with your stomach just ask
your Druggist about Na-Dru-Co
Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the
National Drng and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, and sold throughout
the Dominion at soc, a box. 142
Paris Architect Says Most Marvels
Originated There.
What nation has created most of
the marvels of modern science 1 A
French architect, M. Manin, replies
to this question in the following
The first practical automobiles
were built by Serpollet and Levas-
sor, about 1889, both Frenchmen.
The first dirigible balloon able to
resist the wind was built by Geffart
in 1885, In 1883 the brothers Tis -
sandier and in 1884 Renard and
Krebs built balloons which could be
steered perfectly. All five were
Another Frenchman, Ader, con-
structed in 1897 the Avion, the first
heavier than air machine to leave
the ground, This was built On the
same principles as the aeroplane,
which was later transformed eom-
pletely and made practical by the
Wright brothers in 1804.
A Frenchman, Adler, built the
first practical submarine in 1897.
The telephone was invented by a
Canadian, Graham -Bell, in 1876,
and the phonograph by an Ameri-
can, Edison, in 1877.
The elements of the cinemato-
graph were discovered by a Belgian,
Plateah, about 1866. A French-
man, Marey, photographed the
movements of living creatures about
1877, and an American, Edison, in
1806, invented the modern moving
picture camera.
Lippman, a citizen of Luxemburg,
discovered a process of color photo-
graphy in 1891, and the Lumiere
brothers, two Frenchmen, invented
a practical method, which was en-
tirely 'different, in 1904.
A German, Itoeitgen, discceiered
the X-rays in 1895.
Another German, _ Hertz, dis-
covered in 1890 the Hertian waves,
which a Frenchman, Branly, about
1900, utilized in inventing wireless
4 Frenchman, Meissen, Mann*.
tured diamonds and rubies in 1893.
A Frenchman, Pasteur, in 1885,
discovered and applied successfully
vaccination against hydrophobia.
A German Behring, and • a
Frenchman, Iteux, discovered and
applied an anti -diphtheria serum
and other serums.
A Frenchman, Carrel, who settled
in America, kept animal tissues
alive after separation from the
bodies in 1912.
This list, drawn up by a French-
man, therefore mentions thirty-two
names (counting those mentioned
twice as two), of which nineteen are
French, seven American and three
German. • '
Food Worth Its Weight In Gold.
We usually expect the doctor to
put us on some kind of penance and
give us bitter aneclioinee,
An Eastern doctor brought a pa,-
tientsomething entirely different
and the results are truly interest-
"Two peens ago," writes this pa-
tient, "I was a frequent victim 'of
acute indigestion and bialeasness,
being allowed to eat very few
things. ' Ono day our family doc-
tor bronght me a email packaeoe ,
saying he had found 'eomething for
me to eat.
"He said it was a food called
Grape -Nuts and even as its golden
color inight suggest it was worth
its weight in gold. I 'was sick and
tired, trying one thing after an -
altar to no avail, but consented to
try this new food, •
"Well 1 It surpassed my (looter's
fondeet, anticipation, and every day
Since then I have blessed the good
doter end lohe inventor of Grape -
"Iinotioed improvement at, onee,
and in a month's time my former
ape/le of indigestion/tad disappear-
ed. In two manilla 1 ke,11t lilce a
new man, My mind much
clearer and keener, my body took
on the vitality of yeeth, and this,
condition has westbound."
"Tlteteiti a BOI10001," ',llama given
by Cenaclien Postman Co., Windsor,
Oa, Bead "The 'Itoad to Welt-
yilIo," in pkgs,
ever/ unmarried raen she meets ie tt ever road tno above tottort A now 8016
Department of Agriculture Tante of Digestion Restored,
Egg Laying 0Ontests.
The Department of Agriculture of
New South Wales, Autitrelia„ in one
of its bulletins, has the following to
say relative to egg laying contests
"Truly, it can be said that the com-
petitions have proved the greatest
educational force the Australian
poultry world has known. The in-
dustry has been revolutionized and
placedon a sound remunerative ba-
sis, with every prospect of further
advancement in extent, stability
and profitableness. The o]4 -time
query, 'does, poultry pay ?' is met
with a chorea of affirmative voices
in actual results. The competitions
have set a standard' and provided
an ever present incentive and stim-
ulus to progresg. EferyWhere we
find better feeds, better cared for,
reamed mer strength 80 that I had to
giving better monetary returns. Tho abandon them.
1 friend who had bAete the euggee"" °Z
spirit or rivalry and emulation ahnas.
n cured of blood and
infected hundreds, thousands, and'
skin trouble, I began the use of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. The difference I first
noticed was, that while they eleansed the
system, inetead of feeling weaker I felt
better after taking them. Indeed their
activity was so mild it was easy to for.
Health Renewed
Here Is. More Proofo Quick Cure
for All Folks That are Weak,
Ailing, Nervous.
Moro Praia, for Dr. Hamilton's PINS.
"For a period last. slimmer the thought
of food excited feelings et nausea," writes
0�i'. (I. A. Dodge, of Bloomsbury. "Tee
heat had made me listless and the die -
taste for food reduced me to 8 condition
of somi-starvation and brought rae to the
Verge of nervousa
collapse. onics wore
ucelese to restore an active desire for
food, The doctors told me my liver and
kidneys were both at fault, but the rued'.
clues theym
gave e were too severe and
the constant study and striving to
secure and breed fowls of higher
productivity has inevitably borne
good fruit, and is reflected in bal-
ance sheets of the poultoy farmers
"The whole history of livestock get I had taken them at all; they seeraed
to go right to the liver, and in very
breeding bristles with proofs that
man cannot concentrate effort, skill
brief time not only did all source of nau-
and intelligence upon a higher ideal 1" disaPl'oar- but I began to orave food
and I digested it reasonably well. Then
I began to put on 'weight until within
three montha I was brought to a con-
dition of good health. I urge Dr. llama.
without ultimately making progress
in the direction of fixing and en-
hancing desired ehaeacteristics.
This is as true of the hen as it is of tone Pills Inc all who aro in poor health.
the race horse or the merino sheep. Got this beet a all modicinee to -day
In the process breeds and strains and refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamilton's
Pine of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold
and types that did not conform to
by all druggists and storekeepers, Mo. per
the objective have heart east aside ocr live Inc ll"°a° <'" 81.00. sent postpaid by,
by the progressive in the quest for 'Buffalo, N.Y., and
better and better layers. Naturally Rie C
Viten. ()allude.
Grains of Gobi.
many have met with disappoint-
ments and contradictory results,
but this has not affected the general
average in the forward. march."
The summer months are the most
dangerous to little °nee, The eon -
Plaints of that season, which are
cholera inaantum, olio, diarrhoea
and dyeentry, come on so quickly
that, often a little ono is beyond aid
before the mother realizes he is ill.
The mother must be on her guard
to prevent twee troubles, or, if
they do come on suddenly, to cure
thorn. No other medicilmi.s of such
aid to mothers daring het weather
as is Baby's Own Tablets. They
regulate the Dbomach and bowele
and are absolutely sale. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 215
cents a box frora The Dr. Williams'
Medicine 0o., Brockville, Ont.
Get It At Once.
A pompous ladyenquire.; the
teacher how her girl was go ting on
with her education. "Oh, well,"
replied the tutor,. "I think. if any-
thing is wanting in your daughter
14 18 capacity." "Why, then,' said
the purseproucl dame, • 'let her have
one. Her father does not need to
let his daughter want for anything,
so you can get it at once !"
A naval seaman has moo every
day to salute tha quarter-deck of
his ship, even if no Officer is upon
it, "Salado," Tea is in awl popu-
lar favor that naany people feel like
saluting a, paoket wherever seen.
She—If Pd known you'd be such
a brute to poor Fido, neve e have
married you. He—The anticipated
pleasure of kicking that miserable
little beast was one of my chief
reasons for proposing.
Minard's Liniment Cum Dandruff.
Greater Number of Old !Yemen
Than Hen.
According te latietic.s just pub-•
lielled Berlin (Gerinany) appeals td
be an extraordinary healthful place
for the aged, who live there he re-
markably large numbers. A feature
of the figures is the much greater
nienbe.r Di old women in propor-
tion to old men, and with evety de-
cade above 70 the proportion in-
ereases astonishingly, In Berlin
the number of men between 70 and
80 is 12,989; while the number of
women is 05,204. Foe Greater Ber-
lin the figuree are 20,049 and 37,520
eespeetively, O poreons.' between
80 and 90 women aro in an enor-
mous majority, For Berlin the fig-
ures are 2,030 men. and 5,371 woe
men, and for Greater Beelht 8,189
men and 7,810 weenen, Berlin hue
a large number of nonagenarians,
and of these three out of every four
are women, Itt Greater Berlin
there are 364 Women 'who havo
passed their nittetieth birthday, but
only 111 men.
Wonsan Cab Driver's Go,
Women cab drivers siee filet dis-
appearing from 1lie streets of Paris,
France. Six yews ago they mime
hem'. fully 100; now there are only
six or seven, and of theme all but
one will ,soon givo up the °ailing.
A13 first men mailed for vehicles
driven by women, and .1,ippeel gen-
erottelye but that, was when reviews
and songs were advertising the new
&Tar tura.
Many ft mulls success le dos to
lois ability to obtain five by adding
mars Iron; tints to lees. they At9
bolting 11)'' Wif ...Mullane, true, stint full of numan interimto o ","'" two vOnvvirvi,
At war with ourselves means the
truest happiness eve elm have.—
What your heart thinks great is
great. The sours emphasis is al-
ways right.--.Emereon.
The less money a man has the
more perfectly he reenembere how
he .spends it.—Lord Kennedy,
Labor to keep alive in your
breast' that little spark of celestial
fire—eonecienee.—G. Washington.
The groat thing in the world is
not iso much to seek happiness as to
earn peace and eelf-reepect.—Hux-
Wherever the search after truth
beginn there life begins. Wherever
that search oeeses lite ceases.—
It 14 a great step in the interpre-
tation of life when we hare &secy.
&reel that all events are ultimately
Minard'a Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear fillrs,-1 had a Bleeding Tumor on
my face for a long time and tried a num.
ber of remedies without any good results.
I was advised to try MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, and after using several bottles It
made a complete cure, and it, healed up
and disappeared altogether.
Belleisle Station, Hinge Ckt, N.B., Sept.
19, 1904.
The Great General . Has a. Soft
Lord Kitchener is by no meamt
the oold, unemotional man he is re-
presented 'to be. In action he cer-
tainly is, as tho lake G. W. Stevens
put it, "A brain working in at b,ox
of ice"; but he coat shed tears.
`Once in the final Soudan O&M -
patio, when sudden and torrential
rains .swept away the labor of
months, he broke down, wept, and,
like Job, asked •why he should he
thus al:Rioted.
Again an the final enema at Khar-
toum, whin a thanksgiving seevice
was held, the tears Dolled down his
face, and he made no effort to hide
Ab the Durban there appeared
200 old race, all that was left of the
Sepoys who remained loyal in the
filet/My, to be reviewed by the
Duke of Connaught and the Vice-
roy. Lard Kitehener, of emus%
was there, and he gazed in. silence
.at the lino of quavering veterana.
Then he turned to a brother-ofil-
eer of high rank 41,11(1 •paid: "I my,
old chap, let's give these men a,
'cheer I" AU responded the call,
and &moment later it was seen that
the tears were standing- in Lord
Kitehener' s eyee.'
If:'ma.ny people were to think be.
fore they speak they would forget
what they were going to say, ,
ED 4.
ISSUE 137 '113,
Formed Watery Pimples, Itchy and.
Had Horrible Burning Sensation.
LostSomeof Finger Nails, Could
Not Open Hands. Cured by Cuti-
cura Soap and Ointment.
235 11, Mow 51,, Toronto, Ontarlo,-.
**For seven years I have been troubled with
emit -rheum. It came out on my hands and
,.,s- firmed kind of watery pimples
0137.1 -1) all over them which became
itchy and it had a horrible
burning sensation which
caused me a good demi of
pain, It came out on ray
, hands in the fail and remained
them 1110 after spring. I
might mention that I lost some of my
Anger -nails by the disease. During this
length of time I was utterly useless, as I
could not open my hands. I tried several
other patens medicines without a bit of
relief. Some of sur friends adllsed me to
. try Cuticura Remedies so I sent for samples
and by using them there was a great kn.
provemont. Then I wont to the druggist
and bought ono cake of Cuticura, Soap and
two boxes of Ontioura Ointment; after using
them X am glad to say I am comPletelY
cured. X bad given up all hope of being
Cured. / can say to all those who have
suffered as I havo, not to lose courage but
to give Outicura Remedies a, falr trial.'1
(S'elled) Miss Lillian Irwin, Oct. 13, 1011.
Por moro than a generation Cuticura Soap
and Cuticula Ointment have afforded the
most economical treatment for affections of
the sick and scalp that torture, {tell, burn,
scale, and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere.
Sample of each mailed fres, with 32-p. Skin
33ook. Address post card Potter Drug do
Chem. Corp.. Dept. BED. Boston, U. S. A.
Used Salad Oil and Beef Tea, In
Treatment of Woituds.
A strange story of salad oil and
beef tea being treed for the cure of
wounds by a Bavarian "wonder
doctor" was related the other day
14 the Police Court of the Bavarian
highland town of Kerapton. The
defendant was a oheesemanger
named Ulrich Wiedemann, who, as
a matter of. fact, abandoned his ori-
ginal calling a quarter of El, cen-
tury ago for one that brought him
more money and fame, and ulti-
anately into the Police Court, Ho
was sentenced te three years' hard
labor for his misguided, "medical
attendance" on a woman who died
as the result.
The patient had just been oper-
ated upon; and the man promised
to be able to eicatrize the wound
more ra,pielly. The Wal.1241 was,
therefore, taken away from the
nursing home in a motor car, and
the wound was treated with salad
oil and beef tea. Another prepara-
tion used was IL compound of bees-
wax and powdered, bone, It ap-
peared from the evidence abet the
man also professed to be able to
ours eatible jest as readily as hu-
man beings. He impressed bis
tients very much by calling OM
them in a motor me and by his pro-
fessions of supernatural powers.
His fee varied from $2.50 to $30.
Chest Colds, Wheezing
Cured Over Night
Yon Can Break Up Cold, Feel Fine
Next Morning, by Following
the "Nerviline" Method.
Every mother knows how difficult it 10
to get a young child to take it cough mix-
ture. Seldom will one kelp unless siren
in largo closet, :snit the tenet is to eene
eletray upset the stomach and make the
child sick.
Speaking of the promptest euro for chest
troubles and children'e colds, Nurse Car.
rington saYst "In all my experience in
nursing I haven't met any preparation
so dependable as Nerviline. 35 is the
ideal liniment. livery deep 700 rub on
is absorbed eetekly; Make through the,
pores to the congested muscles, eases, re-
lieves, and (lures qulokly. Especially for
chest colds, pain In Min side, stiff neck,
earache, toothache, I have bond Nervi -
lino invaluable. In treating the minor ills
of children Iforviline has no equal.
think Nerviline should bo in every home."
hundreds of thousands of bottles of
Nerviline used every year -proof that it
is the ideal liniment for the home. Re.
fuse anything your dealer may offer in-
etnad of Nerviline. Image family size
bottles, Mk., trial size, 25o, All dealers, or
the Catarthozone Co., Buffe,10, N.Y., and
Ifingeton, Ont.
Plenty of Time.
"Papa, I want an ioe cream sun-
"All right, dear, .remind me of it
again; this is only Tuesday,"
But the men who sings lois own
praise'seldem gate a curtain call,
Many a good man is married to
his Voss.
,hays found by experience that
.nothing is M0170 11313f111 to a man
than a. spirit of mildness and ace
eonneodatio n • Terenee,
It is alvietya a pleasure
when two of mer friends like each
other, jltat as I An llaW4V,T41 glad
whew two of my maornies talto
fighting with oteeh el/owe-Xebecs.
Wealth of One Alone Is Estimated
at $325,000,000.
The hoarded wealth of the Rus-
sian monasteries and convents is
certainly immense, although it ooay
not reach the fabulous aggregate of
$4,000,000,000, at which popular be-
lief persists in estimating the gold
and jewels which the 873 recognized
religious establishments in the em-
pire have amassed in the course of
The Diana when considering this
year's budget of the Holy Synod
insisted on an inquiry being made
into the resources of the religious
associations. The results were sur-
prising, for according to official re-
ports the private movable property
of all these institutions only
amounted to $30,657,600. Their to-
tal annual income was placed at
$10,000,000 and their expenditure
at $9,000,000, $3,500,000 of which
was put down as the cost of main-
tenance of the archbishops and the
monastic fraternities. The value of
the land owned by monasteries and
convents was estimated at $101,-
It is hardly necessary to say that
no one believes these figures to be
anywhere near the truth. It is
pointed out that a great number of
richly bejewelled saints' images
which are well known to the public
W. CLARK, It6tPr., Montreal.
Pull flavored and
perfectly cooked
make delichana
Pa's Sympathy.
"Is the man your sister is guin"
to marry richl" "Naw ; every
time the marriage is mentioned pe
says, 'Poor manl'"
Minard's Liniment for sato everywnere.
Explained. •
"Is that your ladder I"
"It doesn't look like yours."
"Well, you see, it's my step-
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids, Doesn't Smart
are worth upward of $500,000 each.
—So.Eye ain. Druggists Sell
Common report places the wealth of -Soothes
Menne Eye Remedy, Liquid 25c 50c.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail.
An eyaaTorda Goad eat 100 eyes that Need Owe I
Murillo Rio Remedy Co., Chtoospa
the famous Trootzka monastery at
$1325,000,000, and its possessions in
diamonds alone aro estimated at
Tried to trim a wart with a razor and
severed an artery. The only wart cure
is "Putnam's." which removes warts
amnia, callouses in one day. Insist on
getting Putnam's Corn and Wart Extraot.
or, it's the best, Mo. at all dealers.
Rare Cleverness.
"Why don't you buy something
at my table 7" demanded the girl
et the charity fair.
"Because I only buy from homely
girls," said the man. "They have
a harder time making sales."
The girl was not offended, and
he worked this right down the line.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
No Time For Play.
Ten -year-old William came home
ono day in a regrettable state of
disorder, and a somewhat bruised
face. -
"0 Willie ! Willie!" exclaimed hie
mother, shocked and grieved. "You
have disobeyed me again ! How
often have I told you not to play
with that naughty Johnson boy?"
"Mamma," said William, in utter
disgust at this feminine reprimand,
"do I look as if I had been playing
with anybodyl"
It Didn't Help.
"Why don't you try dieting for
your trouble "
"I have tried it. All last week
I never ate more than twice a day "
Low Colonist Rates to Paciflo Coast..
Via Chicago and North Western Rail.
way.On sale daily Sept. 2.5511 to Oct.
10th inclusive, from all points in Canada
to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Salt Lake Oity, Seattle, Victoria, Van.
causer, Nelson, Roseland, and many other
points. Through tourist sleepers rod
free reclining their oars from Chicago,
Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For
full information as to rates, routes and
literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett,
General Agent, 46 'rouge Street, Toronto,
"That woman can do anything
with figures," remarked the Bob.
."What is she? A bookkeeper 1"
asked the Cheerful Idiot. "Naw,"
replied the Boob. "She's a dress.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, eta.
His Annuity.
Where He Got It.
Teacher—Now, Willis, where did
you get that chewing gum? 1 wan*
the truth.
Willie—You don't want the truth, -
teacher, an' I'd rather not tell a
Teacher—How dare you say 4 .
don't want the truth! 1811 me al
once where you got that chewing
Willie—Under your desk.
Angelic Influence.
Old Lady. (offering policeman at
tract)—I often think yon poor po-
licemen run such a risk of becom-
ing bad, being so constantly mixed
up with crime,
Policeman—You needn't fear,
mum. It' a the criminals wot runs
the risk o' becomin' saints, bein'•
mixed up with usl
Baid Blood
is the direct and inevitable result of
Irregular or constipated bowels and
clogged -up kidneys and skin. The
undigested food and otherwanternat-
ter which is allowed to accumulate
poisons the blood and the whole
system. Dr. Morse's I ndian Root Pills
act directly on the bowels, regulating
them—on the kidneys, giving them
ease and strength to properly filter the
blood—and on the skin, opening up
the pores. For pure blood and good
health take
Dr. Morse's
Indian Moot Pills
H.' W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
.1 Farms in all a00t1ona et Ontario.
Some snaps.
112 Railway trackage, - in Toronto.
Brampton and other towns and <titles.
Brampton end a dozen other Towne.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne 80, Toronto
ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue,
Albnm, only Seven Cents. Marko Stamp
Company, Toronto,
An eminent lawyer decided to ee cne‚ele,, cheaply, thoroughly and '
turn over part of praetiee te Tarnish tools free. min° , gigyien
his son. Shortly afterward the trie. ToefeLrengilege, 219 Queenra East.
young man entered the officio, and Tdrouto,
with a face beaming with pleasure,
"Father, you know that Wilbone
ease you've been trying for the last
ten years 1"
The older lawyer elmitted that
he did.
"Well," said the young man 'Lei-
maiphantly, "I've settled it"
"Settled 111" exclaimed the fa-
ther. "Settled it 1 Why, my lacy,
I gave you that case as an annu-
When troubled with fall
rashes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zam-Bukt
Surprising how quickly it eases
the smarting had stinaingf Alio
cures cuas,burns, 302'01 and piles,
Zara,,Bek 11 made fro In patellar.
hal nuances. No animal fats- no
mineral poisons. Finest healer!
Drrogista dad Shwa. Xocroolwro."
101 t
a,..) internal and external, oared w
out pain by our home trosttnent. Wr te
us before too late. Dr, Denman Medical
Co,, Lbnited, Gainewood, Ont.
11' der Stories, Kidney trouble, *ravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
eared with tho new German remedy,
"Sane]," price 81.50. Another UAW remedy
for Diabetes-11014ns, and nun care, le
"genera Anti -Diabetes." Pries 83.00 from
druggists or divan. no Sandi Manufac-
turing Company of Ghsada, theitedo
Winni peg, Man.
Pulleys & Shaftin
Suitable for Mills, Manufaoturing
Meta, Printing Houses, 810.
2 Wood Split Pniltera, 12X x 48 inl
for 8 15/18 in. shaft, •
1 Wcod Split Pulley, 12' x 48 ire
for 2 15/16 in. shaft,
1 Wood Split Pulley, 18%; x 28 im
for 9 7/16 in. abaft.
1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 30
for 9 7/16 in. alien.
Pulleys of smaller alma it
Shafting' of vaa•ione lengths a
lsizee to be eold a,t very law Agar*
Wileon DitbDelting Coe Toronto*,