The Brussels Post, 1913-9-11, Page 4t be iinx icIH ' t o t
THURSDAY, SEpTEMB1aR, it, tete
Goer le taking the place of 'Tennis on
the Pacific Coast,
cities tare complaining eSome of the et
a seal•cily 0t beef cattle,
TYPHOID fever has a campaign on in
the city of Montreal. Hospitals have
been crowded.
SRAFORTH is hot foot after an Old.
Boys' reunion in August tete. What
about Brussels putting on a program
PRINCE Arthur, sort of the Duke of
Connaught, may be the next Governor
General of Canada steceedhate his father,
After September ripe. His appointment
would be popular in the Domiuiou.
OLD London is still in the lime light
by the action of the suffragettes who are
applying the torch where opportunity is
afforded: They'll born their fingers
badly one of these days.
Now for a line up in doing a great
Fall's business and treating the public to
better bargains than ever. Watch Tee
POST for tbe specials the business men
have to offer. You may save money bv
doing this.
will tone Canada and visit some of the
more important American cities, taking
two months for the holiday. The publie
men of the Old Land are evidently de-
tertnined to be well acquainted with this
banner Colony.,
Tem big Fairs have had their innings
but many think if the events before the
grand stand were cut out the big attrac-
tion would be gone as the Fair is much
tbesame year after year. We think
more demonstrations along agricultural
lines should be undertaken on scien-
tific farming,
Cesev the track for East Huron Fal
Fair to be held in Brussels Thursday and
Friday, October 2 and 3. If you have
not received a
{I o
Prize List ca
Black. Secretary. or drop bim a postal
card and you will receive one be return
mail. It will be a dandy Show so get
an exhibit ready. Read the list of
Specials, Attractions and Concerts in
this issue of THE Poss..
IF von think Huron County is THE
spot don't he afraid to say so. While
their is a Publicity Committee appoint
ed by the County Council at work there
Iso personal work that will prove -good
backing to the former if well done.
Lambton County has made wonderful
strafes and as a result many are making
money but Hurou will take no second
place from any County and consequent-
ly should make things bustle.
leitatiee 10,t114. think teeioe lerfpfe per*
forming, Shame on the people who
want to fall on Thaws peak and em•
Mince bine, Tie wriug his neck would be
nearer his desserts if the law permitted
t a millionaire.
t and It
i Ko
were a t
Mother of eighteen Chlidran
ata the mother, of eighteen child-
ren tend have the ptv.ise of doing more
work than any young woman lit lily
town," writes Mrs, 0, J. Mattie,
Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five
ye/tee tvitlt stotnaeh trouble and could
net eat as ttfltoh as a bISOtlit l'lthntlt
sefyeriug. l have taken three bottles
of Cliambev'laiu's Tablets and tun now
a well woman and weigh 108 pounds.
I can eat anything I went to, and as
ranch as L want and feel better than I
have at any time in ten years. I refer
to any one in Boone Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I say."
'tOhatubetiaia'sTablets are fur side by
all dealete.
IT is rather amusing to note the scores
of letter boxes being put up on the
streets of nearly all the towns necessitat-
ing iug the employment of mail collectors of
eonrse. The 1I. P's, are vieing with one
another to see who can "plant'' t1,
ar -est number. Brussels has been left out
so fbut err as Bowman,M. P.will
doubtsee thatweare supplied w
it's a
a PP
half dozen or so. The one put up at the
G. T. R. depot serves a very use -
fol purpose and saves many a step to the
people in "Brooklyn."
Tits PosT hopes the people of the
surrounding country will heartily sup
port the bringing to Brussels Concert
talent of extra ability in tbe season's
Coarse arranged by the Library Board,
Object is not to make a pile of money
but to put within reach of music lovers
the best talent known and who would
only visit the big towns and cities if
bnsiness arrangements were not madede
for a series with tbe Lyceum Associa-
tion, Watch for the dates. the first of
which is Tbarsdav, September ISth,
when tate celebrated Rounds
i seight
toadies' Orcbe tra, consistingof ht e g
sppecialists appear inBrussels Town
Hall. They are worth going miles to
TAia about "batty" people living
the asyintns there is a big grist of themnot in these institutions, some whose
post office addresses are Sberbrooke,
Quebec. Manifestation was made be-
yond dispute bv tbe way they have
"slopped" over Harry Thaw, one of the
United States bad eggs, The people
nearly tramped over one another at tite
Court lactase to get a shake hands witb
Harry.. He did not like it any too web
but you know, be IS not very creep now
es ise got over it when the Stanford
White murder trial was finished. That
tnandlin sentiment that causes people to
do silly things over fellows wbo are in
limbo is thinner titan skint milk and
tonna ehatige so quick, evbee 20222 112W
type of attraction presented itself, that
the last one it was showered orf would
likely die of heart failure. Friendliness
and sympathy are most desirable traits
of character but a silly and senseless
"'gush" over sortie rascal is a job real
Win gleam
John Gotten, Wroxeter, celebrated
his 99th birthday recently and he is
hale and hearty.
Contract for building new tu•mntu'y
iu Winghaus has been awarded to
Mr, Mille, of Kincardine. Contract
price is $11,1055.
Fred. Orr, who has been for many
years clerk at the Queen's hotel, Wing -
ham, left for Saskatoon. Friends pre.
settled hied with a gold watch chain,
locket end tie pin.
John Jackson. who left \Vinghaut
for the West, has accepted aood
position with the Oockshutt Plow
0o., with headquarters at Sasktttomt.
Vinghani is sorry to Mae Joseph
Stalker, Principal of the Public
School who left for Ingersoll, where
he takes up siusilar work,
H. Davis. Winghnm, stet with ti
painful accident. While going into
his hen -house he stepped on a box
which tumbled over giving him a fall
and breaking one of his ribs.
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured
"I was taken with diarrhoea and
Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, per-
suaded me to try a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, After taking nue dose of it
I was cared. It also cured others that
I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart,
Oriole, Pa, That is not at all unusual.
An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can
almost invariably be cured by one or
two doses of this remedy. For sale
by all dealers.
There is some talk of a local bowl-
ing tournament being held nn the
fee n.
Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Toronto, con-
ducted the services in St. Andrew's
church on Sunday last.
Dr. Auuie Ross, who has been in
attendance at the World's Sunday
School Convention, at Zurich, Switzer-
land, returned home last week.
Misses King, who have been on an
extended visit with their grand-
parents, Gen. and Mrs, King, left fat
their home at Saskatoon. They went
by way of Lake Superior and Duluth,
Is often caused by indigestion and
constipation, and quickly disappears
when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken.
For sale by all dealers.
The following are the teachers now
in training at the Model School, Clin-
ton for this term
Daisy Copp, Clinton.
Mary Reynolds, Olinton,
Manley A. Shipley, Clinton.
Albert F. Cooper, Clinton.
1 ton
C iu
o R.Oantelon,
Elizabeth Ford, Ulintou,
Jean Wylie, Clinton.
Y ,
Gladys, Draper, o
Henderson W. Forrest, Clinton.
Flossie Brown, Londeaboto.
Emil P. Law, Dranbo.
't ham,
Charles Fowler, \Vis
, gg
Emma E. Stewart, \Viuglutul.
Robert I. Ferguson, Belgrnve.
Nellie C. Moffat, Teeswater.
Lina Martin, Teestvater.
Lorne S. Farrell, Teeswatet.
Isabella W. Potter, Blyth.
Cora M. Schroeder, Dashwond.
Matilda. M. Millet-, Dash wood.
Floreuce M. Lewis, Clandeboye.
Toho P Gook Belfast.
Vera A. Atkinson, Luean.
James 0. Walker, Exetev.
Pearl 0. Mackenzie, Dungannon.
Lanza Griffin, Kintail.
Anna E. White, Redeekville.
Elva R. Watson,
to h,
VIl n
Hugh A..Ic ra Holy
Smith, Si, SfIofelena.
Grace Schram, Parkhill.
Ewart D. Cameron, Lueknow.
ndnuaid Ripley.
Annie Ma p . y
n Ripley.
Annie O. Curran, . p y
Kidney, Ripley.
Annie M. Macpherson,
A Obatey Lotter by A. Raymann
tletter I wee
,SIR —111 Ill ere
DkAR 1
Southern SS
'n ts ienu but now t kaGc i
I o
auiuoot 1Eastern A
11, titt
leaving Swift 4utreut nexe atop ryas
Medicine Hat, It very nice city with tt
good many industries, There is quite
a boost here owing to the natural
gasthere butyou fled gas iu
Youud hr e },
everyplace in large quantities and no
digging or drilling, ie is as free as the
air, especially in the new towns that
are jest budding. On the lith of July
I left Swift Current and the harvest
was started between this piece and
'Medicine Hat, It did not appear a
rely heavy crop its . this distriet.
Prue the "fiat" we went through the
dry belt and sate very little crop.
Here is where the C. P. R. system of
irrigation is being put through. It is
a great scheme and Will bring a 'large
area of doral under cultivation.
riving at Calgary I met 11. R. raid
Mrs. Brewer, also Willem) McDonald,
a farrier Oranbrook boy, through the
kindness 01 whom I saw the city as
Nell as it sight of the mountains.
This is certttiuly a very fine city and
1.1.24 S0120 10 or 12 very huge schools,
all built on the utast• modern plans.-
lans.The churches are numerous arid are
Rue steuetutes. There are also a
ntiniber of vet y large stores. Hntlentt
Bay On, have a store, 1 undetsland,
eoet ley million dollars just opened.
There ave many more very int ge con-
cernsbere. I left this city Aug. 8th
for alone/ton and travelled through
a very fine country, not so bald Inok•
ittg as entakatehewan but lucre bluff=
of willow anti poplar. Harvest bad
not begun yet in this disndet and
el ops looking fine but quite green yet,
It no frost comes they will be good,
Owing to the bluffs you can not 5, e
so much of the fields of grain from
the traits. 1 arrived at the city of
Edmonton at 10,55 p. ut. Here tise
Exhibition opened Tuesday, Aug.
12tH which I attended on the 14th and
loth. There was te grand display of
horses, cattle, sheep and swine. A
splendid exhibit of horses of every
class front the Olyde down to the
very small pony about the size of a
Newfoundland dog. One breeder of
Suffolk punch horses had certainly
very ane class of equines. These are
owned ill A.lberte and were admired
by everybody. Are finely built and
very evenly colored so that there
would be no trouble in getting a
perfectly matched tetras, in fact all
the horses showed were of the best
quality. Cattle of every class were
well represented and wete so tinnier -
nes there had to be a number of
temporary stables put up for them.
There were herds from Qttebcc and
Ontario shown. Thane was also a
fine class of sheep of various bleeds
as well as hogs. Per kindness of Salm
Perrie, Deputy Minister of nnulini-
palities, myself and nephew, Wal.
Campbell, reeve shown through the
Alberta Parliament buildings. These
are built of a grey stone which came
from Calgary. Steps up t0 the
entrance are of grey granite, inside
finish is of white marble and a dove
blue with reddish east bete and there
alt through and the priunipal stairs
are marble. Walking through this
magnificent building you feel as
if you were walking through a
structure hewn out of solid rock. lir.
Perrie also took us through the dif-
ferent offices and gave us an idea of
the work done in each department as
well as maps of Alberta and districts
that hare a Council and do business
similar to ours in Ontario. Also
Showed the districts still under the
government control and how they are
conttolled from Government. He
gave us a grand view of the city of
Edmonton and Strathcona now joiuecl
together as one great city as well as
the Saskatchewan river and the high
ravel bridge which joins the twin -
cities, On this bridge are three
t useof the O. One for P.
tracks, centre
c ,
R. and Gltetsvo
tracks for the
electric: c
'ars. nude toart theses
tracks 1
- st11 e eaa and
roadway for t
font passengers. In those two cities
are also a large cumber of schools,
t ion al l
ehneches and other educational e 1 build -
legs, such as colleges, tc. Some of
the chnrehes are very large and
magnificently finished inside as well
as outwardly. This is certainly a fine
city but I can not see what is going to
keep it up as there is veep little utagw
teetering trnne and not likely ares
will be. What has kept it so far
is people coming in with money
buying lots and building but this is
pietrtically coming to an end as things
are pretty flat just now. Real estate
men ate trying to boom places further
West such as Fort George in 13, 0.
Letiving Pf,d,tiontnu 1 came to Ver-
million, on the Crtnttdiap Northern,
130 util
s Rest, w1, l
e 1
entertained by \\sllianRaddatte )
fin mer Clem brook boy, who drove
ase alum( 2 Miles to his bottle where
I met his genial trite and little son
Ferdinand, whole William says is as
good as any alarm clock and will be
much more valuable to hits lit the
The t lOthel' tlsdnka
•e i spat d, 1 1, i
future f
tbrre is no artier child in the tvori(l
like idle. He is certainly a lusty
voting \Vestet•ner. Left about 1 n. m. l
for Kitssenty where I arrived about
4 it. m , and was metmy nephew.
when we drove
Wm. 'n •la er r
r., k t , r
Noatlt to his farm, about 18 miles.
This is a vet y fine farming country
and as far as the eye can reach you
gee the crops ripening, a grand sight,
as use were elevated above the sue.
minding conni•ry. Qu air.
later's fat et we sat) see a 4ietulgee cl
[roils 12 to 15 utiles, I am leaving for
icy Eastern trip homeward this p. Jet.
Brandon will be my next stop wben
you nifty hear from me again.
Respeetftill y Yours,
faswayne, P. 0. Aug. Stith 1913.
This Tonic Halide Up.
;Many medicines stimulate, break
worse than ewer.
down Ina
you w
ve s
s different—it's a bin
od -
former, a narye-strengthener, a body-
builder. Pale anemia ggins are given
colour and vigor:. The :eyed and
sleepless are strengthened and re-
stored. "Better than all tomes 1
found rerroznne" writes Ails. E. F.
Castleton of Woodstock. "I was ewer.
pletely tun down, cheeks were blanch-
ed, lips white and had every sign of
anaemia. Ferrozone added to tuy
weight, gave me strength, ambition
slid good health." Nothing better,
try Ferrozone yourself, 50e per box
at all dealers.
J. J. O'Brien, Stratford, was fined 33
and $2 costa for selling cigarettes to
No such crops have been seen in
the district atrouttd St. Marys in niauy
long years.
The Seivation Ailey of Stratford op•
erred their hall in Mitchell. Their
fine band was present.
William Gleason, 7th con., N3ssouri
tut 18 acres of oats iii ieleeen lours
With a Deering hinder Mite season,
*aught a 13sd Cord
it "i,ast winter my son caught a very .
bad cold and the way he coughed was
soneething dreadful," writes Mrs.
Salah Q. Demean, rif 1ipeon, Iowa.
11\\'e thought surel;e 'was going into
ermettntption. We bought jest one.
bottle of Chamberlain's Cnngh Remedy
and that one brittle stopped his comb
and cured his cold completely'." For
sale by all dealers.
and Friday
T. 2
?,1 9
1 3
Speeding Contests
st - 2,30 Class
Tint or Pace. Ilobbies allowed,
Mile heats, 2 in 3 $20 $12 $8
2nd - 2.40 Trot
Mile heats, 2 in 3 $20 $12 $8
3rd - 2.30 Race
Tint orPare
Hobbles barred
Mile heats 2 in 3 $20 $12 $8
Special Prizes
The Peo lets Column l5^ 51)Alt LAWN r"AtItl IiiR Ftli.ra—
(� Fd The undersigned utters for lade Jus flue
lUU Kora farm, bents, North flail' Lot 28, Con, 0,
Alt [ PCB )tA 111. -.'1) 0 undersigned offers
Maris tow/lee/1o, Huron Cu. Perm ix Inn good
his nee farm t ,!tel t)ng of about 136 mug,.
iidjoluing the town or O1lotun, for sale. 3)''
nt rlli b ilditi •s, !oleicc house, hank lain!, tht'ir
ti b
Ivo! Hort
i s till u a u Y.
t els ,1 tut tt I
1 house, a
i til
b 1
,In• all
, < rontaft
obi It! 6
A 1 Ixl•ttlll H young t y
kiwis or frill null ill a rain fruits, 2b,
farm is well funned nerd it 'luned and lsn very
d slimble home. la, further pit rtionls,i 1,14
on the premises or address
28 -ti JOHN TORLt.lWtti annum.
FAa61 NOR SAl,16, being 'South half Lot 28,
lion, 4 M. orris towitl, p, Huron Co., (mu-
tntnitiglee wee Mere orless, On the prom.
1:::.41,0,5e. 1.•a ate h•,uss, bntlk Lura, goixl ei'uh@t'd
lt, wtndmill,.9,1 All chore`) hxcu)t:'bun,i
. Sehout 1,1 miirsde»Gt 1 . y •'In
miles u•un, 1 eons. J•, t; serve et b4111 wheat If
sad,Seam dl mites .eedeu down. 1'or price,
c, vino and other inforimiltpn apply on the
iv:111sos or if writing Brussels P, 0, Phone
iv:111J:: F. S. Senn, Brnsseln,
ti tr A 1.1(51111 Proprietor,
01t SA 1.15 '1 he ulde•srgned offers for
role what is known ns the Jautestow
Idotet. Mouse is in good repair one tit are is 11
In ode stahte and open stied with hall ups tadrs.
Thorn i< one nor. or Iona of fuelled upon vhhdt
lea good well, fruit (rtes nod email fruits.
Building nersetrnra5ieanf
' ninabtelmbrrame
in stable and driving sited, Peesesslnnitt the
Fall, For further partleulars aptly on the
premises or write to THOS, ktottWAN
4-tf. - Jamestown, P. 0,
GOOD FARM .PC/It SALR,—Farm Lot none
Per NUM h Bull 4, Slit lJonnesoltn, of the
Town -hip of 100,, Is, tor sale on rosy terms.
On the farm is a gond bongo in shape for yen
ening and a good bank burn, Parte is well
watered with wells and never falling spring
and is a'1 tvoAplbb,. Is in within 1' n mile of
the Vllln ge of Brlgrave. For fuller par, len.
12, G�Nlicrmtl90S, A lggi veBrussals P.84 t. or
OWEN SOUND BUSINESS COLLEGE.—For the best specimau of
writing by guy boy or girl etteuding Public Schou' in the Townships
of Gley and Mortis a sterling Silver :Medal and Case will be given by
the Northern Business Cottuge,,Oweu Social. Students who passed
the Entrance in .1iine. 191.3 may compete, The matter to be written
nn foolscap and to consist of the caoLtd letters and small letters anis
two verses of The .Maple Leaf." leo student can compete for this at
more than one hair.
THE STANDARD BANK offers 310 fur the. best Roadster, horse o1'
metre, hitched to a buggy, awned and driven by a farmer nr fatiner's
sun, who miist be n resident on the fist ttl. Style and speed to be tak-
en into ronsilleratinn. 1st, 35; 2nd, 33 ; 3rd, 32.
THE AlEi'P1OPOLITAN BANK will give three prizes, viz :-1st, 33.00 ;
2n1, 32.00 ;31-(1, 31.00, for the three best collections of Winter apples,
five of each mooed.
DOIVNING BROS., dealers in Boots anti Shoes, Brussels, offer a fine
flair of Empress Shoes, valued at. 38,00, for the heaviest dozen of hen
eggs eghitlitecl ttv tarnlel's wife or daughter,
J:. I ROiill , Britsoels, ofrets $ lJti for the best 30 popnds of tub butler,
tell 33.50 Inc the best 10 Donnas Tittle butte}', file better to became
the n t
n ,i•r v of the D
W. rI, IGlIl will tve 1aEPr, Freese for a weer fnthe
best tun loaves es of
e best ,ods f
t tri Pere fnr a year fur i1, be t
t bine! to 1
Home el tie >r t) .€ 111
I( t , 1I
m 1
1tlfe, hath nitiale� t
o iecrnue to ,rn eftY
or melee for
1 •i of310to ]3nvs 10 -encs , 1
special t e d
'n rats
A, C. DAMES offers P P ;•, .. } -
judging rattly to be ilistt ibuted as follows i—hirst prize, a3 00
32-00 ' and 5 following prizes, 31.00 each. Judgments to he spade by
weeds told vett-scuts for arriving at their j,tdgtuenis given in writing.
h r expert,
n winners rs to he decided a l e
p as t w l P�
Deuisinns I€ p
Three prizes will be Itwarlitt:l fin' Uiu best Olive sheaves of wheat, oats
and barley, one of each, ,tpproei,nittely 0 inches in diameter. The
plants to be selt'etatl from eliuding gietin and tenet shun' fall length
01 straw (rootsnot in•dn lnd.i A r tr,l+ Will tie' 410 Illi. tit the 55oou
131151,0 Pettilizrr, worth 52801 $1 00; 50e, O,ir0 to hp ip1sl:ilrt) 111
eaelt exhibit giving Halil:'s or varieties,
BOYS' RACK, under 14 yetu•s, 100 yards. 1st, 75e ; 2nd, 50, ; 3rd, 25e.;
4th, 25e.
Q'ti' RAcm, under 10 ScS 80 yards, a, 1kt,
50( 20
3141, 25e •
'til L
t 0
GIRL'S 11.4.013', Hecke l0 years, loll cards jot, 75c ; 2nd, 50e ; 2,d, 25c ;
401, Rog,
GIRL'S RACE, tinder }0 years, 3l1 Fetus, let. elpe 1 2nd, 25c ; 8r(1, 25c ;
,}1113111.011.4 tutu It•isit trances in cheered er ensteme.
BEST FANCY DRILL„ by School pupils. Idnt less than 12 nor n ni c
than 21 persons iu uustlt. lst 35.00 ; 21d, 33.00 ; rte, 3200.
Pupils and'Jeaphers admitted flee 4n Iraie.
POT &TO 113:01; ON [ ORS1ii13f l'nree pgtathee for mph ontppeli-
ter Will 1' i l.teed 1)10 y.te,ls fume At tiding p lith. Dingo Aitnre etante
by hnrae, interne ride to first p,ttte, disntott i1 and pick 0p potato, re-
mount and ride r rto starting point. distemint and
pet potato i
pail repealing the ope'at ion for each potato, 1 t, 31.50 ; 2nd, 31.00
8,0, 50e. No entl•n.nre.Pee,
2 Grand Concerts 2
11itltll the Lhniigllt, of h1ei'ettsedire :nnnuncratiOn mill In avoid tinn-
ing people away 9he. 73n'ertnp3t,e tris' f1itc'Jd'eti Witold Concerts will
troth evetiltgs tit the titan' in the -The -it lIalf, 11'.eeeri <. ` . i faun!/
Iters been engaged to the persnps fir •
The fax Concert Company of Toronto
who swill pit nn n enmplete elinluge•of program fee sedanl n'ugltt,
Plan of Marl may be found at Fox's Drtig Store ht gond tlule,
Wtsti 149qurtsp I4 Cl 1tO F9E,t 'Tilly FLT1i
Fur sale on easy terms
or will rent to desirable
tenants. Write for par-
ticulars to
John E. Smith (Owner)
Box 1033 Brandon Man
How about that aid watch le
Is it not giving satisfartinn p
it excheutned
for tt
d and you will
d ways
be sere of the right time. They
are sold at the following prices :
7 -jewelled 20 -yetis' Banner
Gold-filled Case - - 311.75
15 -jewelled 20 -year' 131tnner
Gold-filled Case - - 13,75
17 -jewelled 20 -yetis' Balmer
Gold-filled Cash - • 10.75
7 - jewelled. Waterproof
Nickel Ouse - • - 8.90
15 - jewelled Waterproof
Ninkel Case - - - 10,20
17 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - • - 18,20
'these Watches are all gnaran-
teecl for three years,
Waiton - Ontario
mute,f. pl t, ion, well finned, tint u,s on
1J,„ • i /1.114) douse that cost $51i00Cloud Itttyn
Hetruuadea by rimier hedge, [10211 62 x 00 foot
un stone lunndidimi, titled orohar(1 nod 10
eL0104 of hnrdwomt burl). ?HMI is guilt' 11 attic
t1,( N
1endid wtn9
rot taws of brussels
t Ix 1!,f; tnIlex f,u mxi1lotl. U oed rm nutr
ity. Posett•bm n1 once. For pnrEicu'
Ines, pu,.u, tuftal Sze , npthty m, the pruntses
or to JOHN MOON tor, 1 r,i trti tor, iirunsotn
P. 0.
e....a A. Aad.1.d,. A,d®. 6.*
1 Brlck aand Tile
1 Henfryn
yards in abundance.
uaranteed to be First-
class. All Sizes from 3-
iitpit to 7: iich on hand.
8 and iq inch made to
No062Ir01t3'ABLS Oottageon stone fcundn.
Iron for gale, Turnbsrry Street, North,
Good drilled well, emal1 nteblo and garden,
Will be gold nt very roasonabto Nano. 11 not
sold, privately it will ba offered for gale by
Auction on Saturday, September 1011,, . at 2.00
i, v,. Per further pnrtleularx ns to price,
Wins, tiro, Apply to . A. P. JOYD1'.9.h,
S. S. Cole t.
Order your
Fits Right,
▪ W ol<kman hip Right
and PrlCpps` 10ht
.'(Yl'' a.., . 1i.. • i y '.
$+ 1'RA'VW on t11' premises et the undersign.
ea hot 11, Oen. it, Morris, on or shout Aug.
ur4 lath, three rod Icer de's and ane grey steer,
Owner may linos Hanoi by louring property
see paying 01(110011131). ALBERT JACKSON,
44. Blyth. Out,
• Paramatta Rain Coats
ftn(td 'Venter, in
O:tll end sec them.
* W. P. Fraser
STItAYEDfrom Lot 22, Con. (1.,.Howiok, 7
yearling sal Vee, Ameilg them one grey
heifer, 1 rid sleet" with white spots, the others
chiefly red ». polar, Ne horns. Ae y•ono find-
ing thorn please notify 1t. IORAIN(IER,
W roxettr.
SIX YOUNG cows in good condition for
side. 2 with pelves at foot and others to
come In soon. Aleo several head of heavy
cattle for sale, Lot 24, Om 4, Morris. Phone
514. ALLAN SPF.IR, Brussels, P.0. 24,
(11813) 13070
win spina for the improvement of
stock et his own stable,
Lot 22, Con. 18, MoKiliop
Gnits ori this horse have won lst•prize
for the last three yearset Brussels and
Seam lh Shows in the homey draught
rtes. `Pet nts--:18.111),
JOIIN ,I. 11(•011 VIN,
Le/Whnry P. 0,
enrolment No see. Not Inspected. Form 5
Under regale fleas Ontario Stetutc,
2 Gco. V., Ohspter 07.t
Outprto Stnl)iod Enroln,onBoard
Certificate of Enrolment of
The Sntlltim Eurolmett hoard of Ontario
eertaltes that the name, descriptitntand pedi-
gree of the Olydeedsle Stallion, J.ondonle Yat'-
orate (Tutu ) IRegistered hl the Clydesdale Stull
Boalc es No 11512, owned by John J. ill e(ovht,
or Lendhory , and fasted In 1204, Iles been en-
rolled in neem'dttnon with Chapter 67 of the
Statutes of Ontario, 2 Geo. V,
This Certificate must borenewed on or be.
fore 11051st day of December, 1918, end within
tttlrty days after a change of ownership of the
sold stallion anew certificate must be obtain -.
• Merchant Tailor 2
A. P. Westervelt, Secretary,
Slur.-} John Bright.Obeirmnn.
J Dated nt Toronto, Ont., the 1411.
day of April, 1015,
is prepared Co supply the hest
goods in Windmills, iron and
Wooden Pinups and Stable
IP; Clings, such 158 Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, Ste.
Repair's to Pelops promptly
attended to,
Give nte tt call.
At HAYMANNi Cranrook
Thousands of ambitions yu gp eo-
' } 'le are Cast Otero. g is t
stenographers.,bookkeeper e t o1\ion es to occupy thele 4
phe doll servants, 1 rations
sphere .of noriY1L1ra In teaynisxT
college If you au with, Positions gu;tr:
antesd Beta college sup infIz
viaunl inshuolAn.Esier,aches.
Thirty years' eapetlpnc p. Laprgest
• trnhtcrs
in Confide. Sayan collpgl5.
Speolal eotu'sefur touchers.
AtTlinted with domnteoial acloce•
tor's Association of Canada, 1.1.11111101'
School a1 femoris Seett0,1 385113110 Col:
logo, Londpp.
Wiitighapi Business College
GatO, nn'rmon, W. T,otintu,
Presidoul, rlucip@l.
'7 t
At your home will
pain, danger da e' ciqpid4iil
e 1' `fl .
My method. will cure -ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter Whet' your age ;is
Or bow long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
tut-ebecollies strangulated
when you can be cured ?
go Rot wait - Fill in cBupap
Age Tillie limp ., a•
Single or riotlhie ., „or,•• it;'t,:,.,
Name , ,. , .11 ,. ,.
Ad ss
and return to
eh, S. SMITH
aa Caloden)a Sl',
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.