The Brussels Post, 1913-8-21, Page 14.
VOL, 42 NO. 8
W. H. KRRR, Pro/5tietor
New Advertisements
Strayed—R. rstr. or
Notice—Rohn ?ottoman. n,
8eduoedPrices—b, Ewan,
The Regina Watch—L, Blake.
Rotel for gale—Thos. MoEwan.
Farm for Falo—W, G. Nicholson,
Court of Revision—A, H. Macdonald.,
Rouse and Lot for sale—Richard Roe,
Mistri.Ct Ztetas
Miss M. Petrie visited last week at
the horse of Thos. Inglis,
A. L. Postliff, of Winghant was a
visitor in Oranbrook this week.
Anniversary services will beheld in
the Methodist church on Sept. 14th.
Miss Jean Armstrong spent Sunday
at the home of Jacob Long last week,
J. Ziegler, of Heidelberg, and Mr.
Fidel, of Waterloo, are visitors at V.
' Foerster's.
Mrs, Wm, McDonald and son Scott,
of Calgary, are visiting her mother,
Mrs, E, McKay.
A. black sow is in the pound here,
Owner may have same by paying ex-
penses to Jacob Long.
. Rev. Mr. Thyne, of Palmerston, will
be the minister in the Presbyterian
Regi n... -
How about that rid watch ?
Is it not giving satisfaction ?
Have it exchalgetl foe a
REGINA and you will always
be sure of the right time. They
are sold at the following prides :
7.jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - -811.75
15 -'Dwelled 20.year Banner
Gold-filled Case - 13.75
17 -jewelled 20 -year Banner
Gold-filled Case - - 18.75
7 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - 8.20
15 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - - 10,20
17 - jewelled Waterproof
Nickel Case - - 13.20
These Watches are all guaran-
teed for three years.
Walton Ontario Y
church until the return of the pastor,
Adam O'oerstee, eon and daughter,
of Detroit and Miss Millie, of London
ere visitors at the home of thein
setter, V, Foerster,
NOTES...- Mrs. Menzies is visiting
relatives in Stratford,—J. M. Hulght
has erected a flue driving sued. --Miss
0, McCracken, or Bi useele, spent a
few days this week visiting the Misses
Menzies,— D. and, Mee. Campbell,
Geo, D. and Mrs, Campbell and
daughter and Atte, Long visited at
the manse in Arinvw last iveek,—
Rev, R. Cameron is visiting relatives
here.—Thos. Brown, wife and family
Iof Manitoba and Mise SAdie Blown,
of Nlonkton, visited friends in this
vicinity last weak. ---Riles AGCtidgs, of
,Flint, is visiting Mrs. M. Reamer.--
(Jamos and Mrs, Nicholson, of Monit-
#ton, and Jae. Waters, of Bay City,
Michigan, spent Snndayat the home
of George Baker.
There will be a barge contingent go
to the West next week.
The now brick residenoe of .lfnocb
Clark is well on toward completion,
Miss Minnie Sherr•itt, of Geared
Bend, is a visitor with Mrs. W. Neal,
her aunt.
Two rural routes are operated from
Walton and a third will be establish-
ed before long.
Miss Maud Ferguson and Miss
Nellie McArthur enjoyed a week at
tnm t
heSun e• School 1 ab eui Gnd c h.
Miss Jean Ferguson, tubes, holds a
good position at, the Sanitarium et
Byron, near London.
Miss Mabel Haycroft, of Poet
Arthur, and PXiss Lizzie Downing, of
Brussels were visiting Plisses Fergu-
Divine service will bo held. in St.
George's Anglican church at 8 p. m.
Sunday School will assemble at 2
o'clock. Op Thursday, 21st inst,
there will be a'1'eacher Training Claes
to be followed by choir practice at
John Bn.lger's. Teachers and ofiicet•s
or the Sunday School and members of
the choir are requested to be present,
Miss Mae :Ager, Mount Forest, is
enjoying her vacation with her
cousin, Miss Mary Wallace.
Mrs Mary Gibson, of Wroxeter, is
visiting with relatives and friends ;In
this vicinity during (he past week.
Mrs. Geo. Eckmier is visiting with
relatives in Stratford this week. She
was taecotnpanied by her sister-in-law
Mrs Menzies, of Cranbrook.
There was a large attendance front
this locality at the Excursion to Kin-
cardine Thursday of last week.
Last Sunday evening R. McKay,
of Ethel, took the service in. Victoria
Hall herr. James Pearson, B. A.,
will supply next Sabbath evening.
Heduced PricesFo
Prices on Buggies down to cost ; all home
made and up-to-date.
Farmer's Wagons, all •oak, medium height,
244 Tires—a Bargain. Also a light one-horse
Wagon, just what farmers.require, cheap.
A few Second-hand Buggies in first-class.
repair and painted. Call and get. a bargain,
Sale reduced in price for three weeps only,
Call and get•a snap. Everything our .own make
and warranted the best. •
Get your Buggy re-rubberedat
D. Ewan's Carriage e S h o
We are '
sole Agents
for Walker's Overalls
Made in Walkervillet Ont.
• e guarantee e 10 cont8 for every, button that
eOfne9 off. ;;and 26. :cents for every rip, and kW
every 6 stamped pockets east froth worn garments
we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock
Get the
Save the. h Packets'
Sold and guaranteed by;
/Trio. ti ,..
Also by the Waikervilie Pant and Overall Co, Walkervile t
i ,Ont,
The Jamestown SVx)nep's Institute
Will l l 1of t1 their 1+•
ext lneetiu gust 2B r g on
August; LI at the horns' of hlrs.
Peter Scott. Meeting commences at
5.80 p, m. The topic ''Physical cul-
ture" is to be taken by Miss Eva
The property of Thos, McEwen, an
old resident of thee locality, is offered
for sale, It will be sold as it stands
or the buildings and land will be sold
separately, Timber frank in the
barn and drive shed. Me. end Mrs,
McEwen will likely reprove to Gode-
rioh if they sell, See advt. in this
The funeral of
the late Mrs. John
White. of Listowel passed through
here on Saturdayfrom Listowel where
Mr. anlci Mrs. White had been living
since they left the farm here last Fall,
Deceased was one of the finest of
W0)11013 and lead always been held in
the highest esteem. 010 friends here
will be a unit; in their sympathy for
Mr. White. Mrs. White's ruaiden
nacre was Adeline McOntcheon,
whose parents were old settlers in
Grey. Abort 10 years ago 3lr. and
Mrs. White buried their only son.
In selling their .faun and retiring
from it the hope was that Mrs.
White's health would be improved
but it was willed' otherwise and she
went to hoe reward Thursday even -
lug of last week, aged.51 years, 1
month a.nd 14 days.
81u le
John i and ,119. 1Vllbiar'u spent a few
days in Montreal. Mrs. Wilburn's
mother returned with thee),
Jas. Masters, who has been on the
sick list, is improving and resumed
duty Wednesday of this week.
S.I•roor.n NOT nta.-A temperance
worker feels greatly humiliated to
think that the temperance people of
Blnevale will allow each actions as
have been taken by some of
our young men of this vil-
lage in the breaking or the.
Local Option By-law that was carried
in this place, without taking proceed-
ings against them. Monday of this
week a few young then journeyed to
Wiugham and procured such liquor
as intoxicated thein, they returned to
our Local Option village in this condi-
tion which is both degrading 'and
disgraceful not only to themselves
but also to the .temperance people
who have worked for its abolishment.
Stich violators of the law ought, I
think, to be punished and not only
would it be a lesson to these yow gg
men but also to others Who would,
try the same thing, If it occurs a-
gain 1 for one will be ready to take
action against the oifeudees. 'I sound
this note as a warning.
Leadb u ry
NOTES,— Mrs. Will. Backwell and
children, of Stratford, are visiting in
this locality.— Miss Jean Moore, of
Brussels, was visiting Mrs, Walter
-Davidson and Miss Jennie Knechtel
this week,—Mrs. Percy Little and
son have left for their home in Tor-
onto after spending
weeks wih
her father and m
olhet 00 the 12th
con J. H. Young has-refttened 10
Port Simpson, 13, 0., after spending
his holidays at his home here, He is
engaged in Educational and Mission
work among the Indiana mid is a
highly qualified and efficient man who
will make a su0cess of this great
,work. --The farmers around here are
enjoying e Rural mail delivery
which brings the daily paper with its
budget of news every day to the gate.
TW'nlg we are living in an advanced
NEWSY Nomas,= -Robert and Mrs.
Hupfer, of Turnberry; ere at present
in Toronto- where the forint is ander-
going treatment for one of his eyes.-
Monday was Civic Holiday in the
village and was very quietly observed.
—Miss B. Wallis, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. Thos, Brown,—A quiet
wedding took place ab the home of
Ben, and Mrs. R,ingler, of jIowick, on
Friday. afternoon when their, only
daughter, Jean, was netted in tea'-.
riage by Rev. R. S. Lacklald to D,
Krug, of Tilsonburg. The young
couple left for their home on Satur-
day horning followed by 'the best
wishes of many friends here, --Mrs,
P. Sanderson aou returned to her horn
in Toronto on Tuesday.-3fieses Jan
arid Beatrice Howe and Mrs, A.
Robinson, have returned from a
weeks visit with their brother, Merton
Howe, at Dunnville.— Mee, Geo,
Leckie is visiting her parents, Jno,
and Mrs. Morrison in Hanover.— 3110.
Rutledge returned on Friday from a
seven weeks' trip through Saskatche•
wan and Alberta,—Mrs. Sam, Willis
and Dirs. jos, Barnard send daughter.',
Mise Gertie, are visiting with
Mrs. John Gibson,— Mrs. Henry
Sinith and Mies Etta re.
turned from Ohesley on Tuesday,
where they hevespenb a month,—W,
Wendt, of Milthnay, spent last week
with his brother, J. R. Wendt.—Plus,
Knight, of Goderiola, visited recently
at the home or George Paulin.—Miss
Jeannette Black is spending two
week's bolidays 111 TIatrieton,—.Mlles
(Cate Hazlewood returned from Olir.
ford last week.—C. D. Simpson is
a few days with relatives at
Moorefield.—Albert Paulin and family
of r\lildmay, Balled on 010 friends here
m, Sonilay.—Mise Victoria Sirnmons
spent Sunday in Brussels.
F, Next Sabbath Robert McKay
r condi et the services
e i hl tiro P'Iet
ie dist churches in the pastor's ubsen
\V, Miss Verde Pollard arrived leo
tt4Xortdayy night from two weeks vi
io Rocbester, N. 'Y,, Niagara F
and Hamilton, g
IL and ,Mrs. Wanner, of Hewitt
and two sous from Toronto, w
here attending the funeral of tile la
Mrs, I•tolltley,
MMiss Jennie Henderson, of the
ary's Journal staff, is bolidayi
with Mrs, Irwin Raynard, of t
place. The ladies are old friends,
A baby daughter has arrived at t
Parsonage, Ohatharn, who will
trained up in the way she ought to
by Rev, and Mrs. Armstrong, form
ly of Ethel, Congratulations.
Thos, Brown and wife and 2 clang
tees, of Humbolt, Min,, and 3li
tReetie Beotvu, nurse, of Sarnia, ha
ebeen visitors with J. K. and Mt
',Brown. Mr. Brown is a nephew.
J. S. McIntosh, sou of tut: late Jol
McIntosh, of Ethel, who was with t
bank at Penetanguisbenehits gone
Stratford where he holds a position
the,Bank of Commerce.
Mrs. Will. McDonald and $o
Scott, who is 14 months old are vial
lug relatives and friends in this loca
ity and at Cranbrook. They will r
turn to Calgary about the middle
the next month, Mr's. McDonald wi
be bettee' known as Miss Lizzie ill
Kay, formerly of Oranbrook an
sister e LgPI'
lere. R L.
, McDonald,
(Manitoba) Packet of August 711
gives the following particulars of ill
demise of Lucy Pearl, only claughte
of David Dobson, formerly of lithe
and a brother to Harvey Dobson
"The death occurred at the home
Iter' paxe1lts oil Sunday August Std o
Miss Lucy Pearl Dobson aged
years and 7 months. The decease
had been suffering for some time wit
tuberculosis and since early Sprin
las beau confined to her bed. Sir
put up a strong fight against th
dread disease, but was unable to with
stand itravages. Miss Dobson wa
a young lady of exemplary charade
and was a general favorite in th
comnllmity. She tetis David ant
Sirs. Dobson's only daughter. Th
funeral was conducted on Monday b
Rev. R. W. Murchie assisted by Rev
Campbell, of Heaney, and Rev
Nixon of Elgin, A large number o
feieds attended funeral to pa}
their last tribute to the remains of th
loved one. The family have the
sincere sympathy of all in their ham
of bereavement." Ethel friends evil
deeply sympathise with the bereave(
Dam IN ToBONmo,—The news of
the demise of"Yles. W. H. Routley,
at Toronto, on Wednesday of last
week, paces -lotted no surprise as it was
'expected, The remains were brought
here Thursday afternoon to the horns
of Mrs. John Sanders, aunt to de-
ceased from where the funeral took
place Friday afternoon to Brussels
cemetery, the service being eon -
D. Wren �
rI A
Brussel in
Brussels, theabsence
+Lha local
asters. Deceased's p D cased s maiden name
was Rachel Green, second daughter
of the late Henry Green, who lived
on Lot 22; Con. 10, Grey township,
where Mrs, Routley was .born, She
was married to Mr. Routley about 25
years ago, he being in the employ of
Wm, Milne and Jno. Caber, both
former residents for years. Mr. and
8lrs. Routley removed to Toronto 11
or 10 years ago. The subject of this
notice was ill for about a year, colter,
being the trouble, from which she
suffered sorely at Gimes,. despite all
that could be done to relieve her.
She had no family but had devotedly
cared for her two nephews, sons of
Mrs. H. Wanner, her sister, wlien she
died. Mrs, John Sanders, of this
place, was at Toronto for some time
nursing Mrs. Routley. Deceased has
three brothers, John, Henry and
David Gree. 11*'. Rontley is deeply
sympathised With in the demise of
his wife. She was a fine woman and
respected by a wide circle of friends.
Miss Elaine Dennison has been
holidaying with Miss Rita Barris.
Monday, September 8th will bo the
date of the next Council meeting,
Miss Iva Harris, 18t41 con, is visit -
leg Hese
Campbell, of Oon-
Last week Mrs. Flood was al Bain•
ilton visiting friends aril taking in
the sights of the Centennial.
Mr. and ,Mee. Coiling, of London,
who were visiting for two weeks at
Robert Peareou's, have returned house,
Misses Anna Dunlop anti Alice ale.
Kay, of elonoiieff locality, attended
the Summer School rel, Gotierich (lur-
ing the past week.
Mrs, J. \V, McKay and daughter, 01'
Newark, N. J. are spending an ex-
tended visit with Duncan and 81t's. Mc,
Kenzie, of Grey,
The bock work of the new Union
church is well nigh completed. It is
eicpeoted that the carpenters will take
hold at once and push the work to a
The Voters' List Court for the tem'.
ship of Grey will be held fn the
Township Hall, Ethel, on Wednesday,
September 8rd, at 10 a. m„ before
Judge Doyle.
D1', and Mrs, Stewart, of Belgrave,
were visitors at the home of \Vol.
Rands, 12th con. Mimi Jennie Rands
matte her home with them when
teaching at Belgrave.
Mr's, aloes. 01•aul, 14th con., 303(5
away 10 Haiti; 11ou taking in the Cen-
tennial, Miss Jean came back with
her after a vel'y enjoyable visit of a
month with relatives.
Hugh Lamont jr,, is getting along
fairly well stone his fall. One of his
legs has bothered him considerable in
addition to. his brokers Wrist but we
hope he will 50013 be 0. k.
Mrs. R. W, Burne, of Paisley, and
Dr, and Mrs, Jackson and two sons,
of North
Satinet ol'
t wel-
at Sohn
Jackson's, ns I
con The fot•rner is a daughter and
Dt. Jackson is a 90n.
Mr, PecOowal, M. P. P„ for East
York, a cousin of Robert Davidson,
11th Con., has been appointed Sheriff
of York bounty, having resigued his
seat in the Legislature, Nomination
for the bee -election will be Sept, 1st.
Marion Smith, 5th con„ made a
rather unusual discovery a few days
ago. She was picking berries and
hearing a humming noise near her
she looked about and found the nest
of a wren. It contained two eggs
which Miss Smith judged would be
about half the size of robin's eggs.
She purposed watching the nest 11111.11
the young appeared but on going to
the nest a, day later the eggs had dise.appeared, Evidently mother wren
bad'grown suspicions as to her inter.
Miss Pearl McKee, of Atwood, was
holidaying here for a couple of weeks.
.plisses Evelyn and Winnie Sleigght-
ltolm were visiting relatives in 'Ethel,
George and Bliss. Myrtle' McKee
were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Boyd,
40,060 FA
Pine aalfeet% per mile from Winnipeg up Plus half centpormilefrmt, all pointaonat of
to MacLeod, Oalgarr.or rsdmanton. D1aaLeod,Calgary orladrnonton to Winn/pug
AIIGUS2 18th —Onlamptario•ail stations rtlngstoa to Renfrew.iaclusive and east, thereof in
AUGUST 22nd . —Front Toronto and West on Grated Trunk Main Line to Sarnia McMillin
and South 11151(06
AUGUST 25ibrFrom Toronto and North-Western Ontario North of but not including
Grand Trunk bine Toronto to Sarnia and East Of Toronto tb ltingatou,
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, includingthese paints.
SEPTEMBER $rd^—Prom Toronto end an acidotic in ntario East of but not including
Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay.
SEPTSMBEB 5th—From all stations on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive,
and West thereof in
Ontario, o including Budin ,P R
q'rr eC ,Lilt Sudbury to Sault Sic,
Matic, Ontarto�.but not including Azllda And West,
One-way Second class tickets to Winnipeg only will bo sold, Erten ticket will Include a
•erlScrttion Certificate, witli an extension coupon, Wleu extension coupon has been signed
at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged. Um holder to work as. a. fault laborer, tun
coupon will be honored ID tp. September OOth for ticket at cote of one-half cent per mile
(minimum fifty cental to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, C,u.adiau
Norther r
Northern o Grand Trunk k PaM M c
Railways a in N•fanitoSaskatchewan
Y ba
o AIG r
,r ¢ to but not
was or .,
f Edmonton,
Calgary ga or Mac
v lks ca:
A certificat•e ` I
wll he issued 1 nllHg Purchaser Cyr to n Horbbain, Herat good to Patin,
Rom any 0 Albs on the Canadian Pncific, ob a cast Northern, or Grand 1,1Trunk Pacific
Railways in Starting pint by the s and Manouts as rave lofe i,on goin Colliery and et' 00 010
November e 10131 1rs 3, o p alt¢ Coma route as tof 0 led 10 going in, 311t c 10) beforo
Wiadded to 81 06 prom Winnipeg, of peg half dad her old (rdepimam floc cents, 'el 111
Winnipeg agentl.n atEv l 0t destination,
n, work tate .holder thirty,
days the rvestcn , MO •
Ws ticketVas' 1 rte on late m at ar st C.P,R,andAworks at least thirty days at harvesting,
Por rul�parttaulsre sec nearest C:P,1't, Agent, or write—
Oil. O, MUit'iIY, D.P.A., C.A ft., heoronia
Cu'r e e the weds.
Az,L the Latest in Ladies And Misses
Fall Coats received. Priees the lowest.
G. N. MCLeazN,
PLEASE call and settle accounts of
Estate of Dr, McKelvey early as books
will be placed in other hands for collec-
tion after September t5t0.
Mea. A. MolfeavEY,
An Ontario subscriber writes ,—We
sppreeiate your paper very highly and
look forward to its coming every week
as a letter from hone. Long live THE
pleasure in stating that Miss Fanny
Stubbs, of Calgary, grand daughter of
W. and Mrs, Jewitt, of Brussels, was in
the list of successful candidates for ber
est class Teacher's Certificate. Site
took her end last year and did in one
year what generally takes pupils s yeare,
Miss Fanny is only 16 years of age but
bright as a dollar.
DOING WELL,—Miss javohn Nickel),of Millbauk, is receiving warm con-
gratulations on her splendid success in
the Toronto Conservatory of Music
exams. This clever young musician,
whose violin playing delighted Brus-
sels music lovers at her concert here
some months ago, won a partial scholar.
ship, value ass, awarded by the Con-
servatory "highest standing," with
first•class boners; junior examination,
theory department. We wish her the
best of
evening next a Lecture illustrated by
[tumorous stereopticon views. will be
given in the Methodist church school'
room by Mr. Hutchinson, a University
student of Toronto, nn "Round tbe
World with Bible Society Workers."
No admission fee but collection taken
in behalf of the Bible Society, Every-
body will be welcome, both young and
old. Lecture at 8 o'clock.
There will he no evening prayer at 7
p. m, in St. john's church on Aug.
241h inst. Instead the members are re-
quested to attend the Union meeting in
Melville church in the interests of Up-
per Canada Bible Society. In view of
the excellent work that has been done
the should rally together so that more
effective work may be accomplished.
Next Sunday will be the 14th Sunday
after Trinity.D. V. morning prayer will
be held in St. John's church at 11 a. m.
Sunday School will assemble at 3 p. in.
Subject in the morning will be The
man without the wedding garment."
There tvili be a special meeting of the
A. Y. P. A. Friday evening to discuss
Sunday School lesson for the 2410. All
the teachers and those wishing to be.
come teachers are urgently asked to be
present as well as the regular A Y. P.
A. members. We are glad to welcome
back to our midst our President.
THE Lucknow Sentinel of last week
says :— "Miss Irene Sherrill took a
number of the girls of ber Entrance
class and some of their friends to spend
a week at Bruce Beach, among there
are :—Misses Mabel McClure, Dorothy
Cook, Laverne Greer, Pearl Irwin, ,
May McQuaig, Clara McQuillin, Hazel•
Fit e11
Leas Smith andMargaret Mc-
They were accompanied
Bradnoch, of Gerrie." Miss Sheriff
is the new teacher engaged by Brussels
SDorschoolS,nith,Board as successor to Miss'
Ortwein proved himself a hero on Fri-
day etternoon, when he rescued Clif-
ford Brimicombe from the swimming
bole in the river at the dam. The boys
were in bathing, when Clifford who is
only xo years old, jumped off a raft in
deep water, He struggled to reach
shore, but went down. When George
NW him disappear he dove down and
brought him up and made for shore.
Gordon Powell, a lad of nine (son of
Rev. E. G. Powell, formerly of Brus•
eels) reached them a fishing pole, and
Mr. Makin who was fishing on the
dam, came to the rescue- and I pured
them both to shore. Clifford had a
narrow escape, which should be a warn-
ing to boys who cannot swim,
NJ's Monday, 25th inst., will be
the date of the next Council meeting.
Last Monday James Evans 10001 to
Port Elgin to attend the funeral of
Mr. Greenslade, a relative.
David Caution, representative of
the South Shore Lumber 0o., of Van•
couver, B C and his ,wife are here
on a visit He is a son of Arbhni
Oen tion, srcl line, and has been away
18 years, 10 of which he has spent in
Vancouver. > They•.'are . welcome
TVnn. Bennett,'111 Corrie, spent pati
of last Week at the old farm here.
Donald Pope started the season's
threshiacg at 01,,B. Moifat's on Satur-
Robb, Vint, of 131711,, is building tile'
cop�m'ete work of the "low, MCLeuu;tir
bridge this wec:k.
Robe. Mal 11ilton had his new barn
raised 0n 'Tuesday of last week and
will soon have ib ready for the crop.
The most
of the
intl ,
to lo-
cality are through with their harvest
and will'be busy threshing and Fali
Thomas It. and Mrs. Bennol.t
took a run to Exeter and Centralia
trash Saturday to visit Old friends and
eeleti'eS The
trip made
in theie
Wm. Bracken, of SC. Catharines,
was drowhed while' bathing in
Welland Ganal,
20 persons were injured at Port
Dover through the collapse of an old
ab Orchard Beaoh Hertel,
People We Talk About
Bobs Campbell is visiting relatives
and friends in London,
Druggist Campbell, of Hepworth, was
a visitor in tdwn last week,
Mrs. Ira Parker spent the week end
with ber sister, Mrs. Foster. Kincar-
Mrs, Payee, and two sons Russell and
Fred., of Galt, are here for a holiday
visit with relatives,
G. Erni
T gh of Blyth left for White-
wood, Sask., where he will spend the
next couple of months with his son
Will. recently of Brussels
At a meeting of Blyth Quarterly
ofthe Methodist church the
salary of Rev. George Jewitt, was in
creased to 9ix000 per annum. This is A
good sign.
Postmaster and Mrs. Scott, Listowel,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Edna May, to W. A, liiblen
of Duncan, B, C., the marriage to take
place early in September.
Colin Shaw, of Springfield, Ohio,.
was renewing old Acquaintances rn town
on Wednesday, He is 'a sou of John
Shaw, formerly the well known Prin-
cipal of Brussels school for many veers,
now of Clinton,
Tomtits.— MRs.— u •
Co tail A. Jones
and Eileanore A. Thomas, of Chicago,
X11„ were married August tett, egr3,
by Rev. F. L. Buell. After Sept, 1st,
Mr. aid Mrs, •Tones will be at Brussels,
Ontario, Miriade, where they expect to
remain stn for
A time,Short
A from n Har
rv Qtt eui
h of
Tacoma, Washington, says be is laid up
with a dislocation of bis right Ankle,
since Atigest xont, Ile Met with a
similar accident tvith his left ankle in
tett and wag off deity that time for 8
Months. Harry is in tate Teatime hospl•
tel at present, He is the youngest son
Of Joseph and Mrs. Querlu, of Brussels,
We hope he will soon be o, k,
I)trs 54A,r a visiting P. Scott i two relAkives
g at
Mies Hazel ,Lowry is enjoying a poli,
day with Goderiob friends,
Rev, W. E. Kerr, of Welland, is here
h° ea
a shock vacation with relatives,,
Milts Pips. and Miss May Skelton Are
holidaying with relatives at Belmore.
H. L. Tsekson combined business an
pleasure in a trip to Hamilton last wee
Bert. Lott is spending a few weeks
at Creemoro and locality, Sireeoe
Fred, Aidsms, of Guelph. formerly of
s was'
town 1
brief period. est week for a
Miss Mary McDonald has beet] hav-
ing a holidey, visiting at Blyth sed
other points,
Miss Minnie Myles, of Hsileyhurv, is
a visitor at the home of Druggist and
Mrs. Fox,
Miss Dolly Seeker is a holiday visitor
at her old home here coming last week
from Winnipex,
M . R. McAlpine, of St. Marys, is
holidaying at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Wm, Ross.
A. Laschioger and Geo. Rome, of
Elmira, were visitors at J. T. Wood's
during the past week.
Mrs. J. Hewitt and Miss Rhoda were
at Avr and Galt for a boliday visit with
relatives and friends,
Hi Ma Mineie Sherritt, of Corbett, and
visitors with Misses Deadrman, were
Miss Lizzie
z of
here on
sit with
and other relatives and friends. mother
Miss Ella Inman is in Toronto, at-
'ending tbe millinery rooms and pur-
chasing stock for the Fall trade.
Mrs. Arch. McIntyre, of Teeswater.
WAS a guest et the home of G. C.
and Mrs. Manners, Turnberry Street.
Miss Irene Cavanagh is back from a
holiday of several weeks at the beach,
above Owen Sound, with old friends.
Mrs. Lundy, of Rockwood, an old
friend of the Bailey and Wood families,
was here renewing old acquaintances.
Mrs. J. A. Falconer and children, of
Chicago, are visitors at the home of
Mrs. Tas. Wilson, the former's mother,
d yttend ng the fnee ailest
of hisbrother
Thomas, who died Wednesday morn-
Miss Margaret Hirons has returned
from a three weeks visit with friends
end relatives in Blyth, London and St.
Mrs, Lorne Dnnford and little daugh-
ter Margaret, Portage -la -Prairie, were
visiting with friends in Brussels for the
past two weeks.
Alex. and Mrs. Ross, of;lottawa, are
holidaying with relatives and friends fn
Brussels. The Capital evidently agrees
well with the visitors,
Miss Edna Carr, and Miss Pelma
Bnnstnn of Wroxeter, were here during
the past week on a visit at the home
of Ino. and Mrs. Harris.
Misses Florence McNaughton and
Myrtle Carter were holidaying at Ford-
with. Miss Sara Spinks came back
with them for a visit here.
Misses Kate and Edith Deadman are
relatives alive
s a
friends at
aware, . Mis
s Gertrude dei
s enjoying n her-
selfself g
at Hamilton mdto
Rev. and Mrs. Wren and son Stewart,
are away for a couple of weeks vacation
at Belleville and Toronto. The former
city is Mrs, Wren's parental home.
It was Tames Thuell instead of jets.
Sburrie who was at Belleville attending
the Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows
as the delegate from the Encampment
Miss Beatrice McQuarrie, of Winni-
peg, is here on a holiday visit with
relatives and friends She is a grand-
daughterBrussels, of D, and Mrs. McQuarrie,
Mrs. E. T. Greensides, of Atwood,.
and Mrs. W. Greensides and Hilda, of
Brantford, were visitors at the home of
S. and Mrs. Wilton, Flora street,
Miss Hattie Downing is home for a
visit before resuming teadbing at Tor- r'
onto, She took a very enjoyable trip t
California, returning by British Colt]
bia and the West since vacation cora- 'e
Mrs, Edward Grundy, of Cleveland.
Ohio, lies been renewing old Asso-
ciations in Brussels and locality. She is
a sister to Mrs. R. T. Hiugston and was
a former Brnsselite, Mr. Grundy was
in business here for several years,
Mrs, James McLauchlan, a former
resident of town, who has been making
her home at Toledo, U. S., for some
time, is renewing old kinships and
Friendships in and about Brussels. The
passing years are dealing very kindly
with Mrs. McLsuchlin.
Congratulations aro extended to
Charlie Leckie who passed Part' II of
the Faculty Entrance exam. and also
won honors ine Mathematic and science,
taking k ng tom tete honor p matriculation.
standing for Toronto University, He
will go to Toronto this Fall,
Rev. Dr, and Mrs, Rutledge and
Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Clinton, and Mr.
and Mrs, Shiilingtou, of Windsor,
motored to BrusseLs Oh
visited at "Riverside villaFriday
foe a ffew
hours, Mrs. Shillington is a daughter
of Dr, and Mrs. Rutledge and a cousin
to THE Posr editor.'
Mrs. jno. Hill is back from au ex-
teuded stay at •Pipestoue, Man., where.
she kept house for Rev. R. Maunders.
The reverend gentleman' was married a.
short time ago. to Miss Lothian, and is
now stationed at Holland, Man. Mrs,
Hill visited at Winnipeg, Regina,
Kihistino, Stonewall and other points
on the homeward tri She
about a year. p was away
1 write
. from
B r s
u sets
Belgium, g m, on August xst, to his brother,
H, L„ of town. Ile had been over the
battlefield of Waterloo, which is it
miles from 13ruseels. Mr. Jackson hopes
toget back about October, HO ist, bey -
lug a fine trip and is combining an in-
spectorial visit to teal (state offices
breeches of incidental to a trip yth oughtht the British
isles, nelgIusii and France.,