The Brussels Post, 1913-4-10, Page 7r
113,12011.4gt, ea. /4,14,v alyte,
Fashion Hints
a `tier as eaa. t I► w� ��sti6�1
Jabots and Collars.
A pretty jabot oan be macre of
tulle or Brussels net cut in a strip
12 inches long by seven inches wide.
On this embroider a dainty design
with mercerized cotton. Thie can
be more successfully executed if a
piece of stiff -paper is boated under
the tulle. Whipetiteh an edging of
valonciennes lace to the edge of the
strip and baste the pleats in place.
Finally press with a heated iron
and bind the top with a bias strip
of lawn,
1f you do not embroider well,
charming collars can bb made of
fine allover embroideries. Many of
the loveliest designs are colored to
represent the old colonial needle-
work. Select a pattern which fits
well and arrange the strip of em-
broidery around edge. Carefully
miter the corners so that the design
matches perfectly. There is great
satisfaction in making one's own
collars, for they usually fit well and
are of designs and materials to suit
the personal taste.
It is an easy task to fashion a
rabat collar of ]handkerchief linen
bordered with Irish lace. Cut the
collar and rabat from the linen, us-
ing a good pattern. Turn in a nar-
row hem and slip -stitch it neatly in
place. To the outer edge of the col-
lar and rabat whipstitch an edging
of Irish lace an inch and a half or
two inches in width.
Other collars are fashioned of
black moire silk with a rabat of
pleated cream colored shadow lace,
Coiffure Ornaments.
Following the caprice of fashion,
milady must softly coil her hair at
the back of the head and use pins
of tortoise shell to hold it in place.
Should her tresses be of a golden
hue, combs and pins of blond tor-
toise shell must be used.
Among the new importations are
plain but beautifully marked
caeque combs, each one having two
square -topped pins to match. Every
one who desires to be correctly
dressed should adopt this set as a
proper finish to their coiffure.
For those who admire more elab-
orate combs, there are a number
of jewel -studded designs.
Carved tortoise shell and amber
are also much favored. The ball -
topped comb of Clark tortoise shell
with pins to match is frequently
preferred to all other designs.
Fashions in Shoes.
Shoes are now more elaborate
than ever. High boots are worn in
the morning only with the tailor-
, made costumes and for travelling or
for sport. The shoes are of an in-
finite variety. The vamps are short-
er than ever, the uppers made of
stuff to match the dress or in lea-
ther of the same shade. The newest
fastening is arranged with small in-
terlaced straps buttoning on each
side with flat buttons.
Tan shoes are having' an after-
math of success, and they harmon-
ize very happily with the chill tints
of the satins and furs worn by the
smart woman.
Tortoise _ Shell at $75 a Pound
Among Va-riei.ies Imported.
An entire floor of a huge ware-
house at St. Katharine dock has
been opened for the isalo and dis-
play of valuable shells, says tho
London (England) News Leader.
Here, six times a year, the parcels
will be opened, weighed, sorted and
lotted for the public sales,
About 25 to 30 tons of tortoise
shell reaches London yearly, the
best coming from the West Indies.
It fetches an average of $8.75 per
pound, but an exhibition lot from
Fiji recently sold for as much as
$75 per pound. Generally speak-
ing, the article tends to get scarcer
and therefore dearer.
For supplies of mother of pearl
numerous countries are drawn
upon, and it is eold at prices vary-
ing from $20 to $70 a 'hundred-
Green snail, Japan ear, bull
mouth, spicier, 'fancy cowries, mur-
ex, mother of .poarl,shells, trochns,
trumpets, helmets and mussels—all
theae, and more are brought to 'tiro
(leeks for industrial and ornamental
,.How Indians Lure Boasts.
The Indians have a call or tole
for nearly every animal, They can
br$ng a fox .right up to within
twenty yards by making a sibilant
ntoiso produced by sucking the back
of the hand. Stag .caribou are toiled
by grunting loudly in two different
ways,.a vocal effort Which requires
some little skill or pI'aetioe on the
• imitator's part. Wild geese oan be
called lvlren they firstarrive in the
spring by waving a white rug and
imitating their "honking" call, but
after the, first fortnight theytake
little noia•ce of the lti'o. •
The Russian army estimates for
the year 1913 provide• for an expert-.
ditu•re of ±+'272:500,000,• an increase of
• aver $25,000,000 on the year:.
Straight •aud Simple Statement
Tells of Another Grand Cure By
the Olt! Canadian Kidney Rent.
edy. •
Springhaven, Yarmouth Co,, N.
S., March 31 (Special). --Simple and
straight to the point is the state-
ment of Mrs: Erven C. Trefry, of
this place, but it tells of another
grand cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"My fifteen -year-old son, Angus,"
Mrs. Trefry states, "suffered from
pain in his back, headache, and a
pain over his eyes,
"He was so bad he could not
walk across the floor, My friends
advised me to give him Dodd's Kid-
noy Pills.
"They cured him."
That young Trefry's kidneys were
wrong. is evidenced by the cure.
Dodd's Kidney Pills only cure dis-
eased kidneys. They never fail to
do that.
The reason they cure rheumatism,
backache, gravel, dropsy, Bright's
disease, diabetes, and kindred dis-
eases, is that these all spring from
disordered kidneys.
If you have. any of these diseases
you haven't tried Dodd's Kidney
Pills. Ask your neighbors. They'll
tell you Dodd's Kidney Pills always
cure them.'
Not Convincing.
She—Anyhow, you must admit he
is a well-bred man. Did you no-
tiee'his knowledge of Aristotle?
He—I did, and if you want my
candid opinion, I don't believe he's
ever been there. ,
To whom it may concern: This is to
certify that I have need MINARD'S LINI-
MENT myself as well fie prescribed it in
my practice where a liniment was re-
iul ed effect.
avenever failed to get the
C. A. KING, M.D.
"Captain," said a wealthy pas-
senger who was about to take his
first trip across the ocean, "I un-
derstand this ship has got several
water -tight oompartments]" "Yes,
sir," was the reply. "Captain,"
the passenger went on decidedly,
"I want one o' those compartments
—I don't care what it costs l"
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast
Via Chicago and North Western Railway.
On sale daily. March 16th to April 15th In.
elusive, from all pointe in Canada to Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt
Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver,.
Nelson, Roseland, and many other points.
Through tourist sleepers and free reclin-
ing chair ears from Chicago. Variable
raves, Liberal stop overs. For full in.
formation as to rates, routes and liters•
tura, write or call on B. IL Bennett, Gen•'.
oral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto,
Five-eighths of the surface of the
earth is covered with sea to an av-
erage depth of 214 miles. In the
open sea the rise and fall d tides
is less than 2 feet, but, where the
water is narrowed and shallowed by
land, the rise and fall increases
Mtnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
fust It. -
"We all make mistakes." ,
"Yes, and, thank goodness! the
other fellow's always looks worse
to us than our own."
Look for the signature of D. W. QROVE.
Cures a Cold in Quo Day. ,Corsa. Grip in
TWO DaYe. its,
The average strength of a woman
compared with that of a man is as
67 to 100.
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows,
A Co'ineidenee.
Georgia Lawyer (to colored pri-
soner)—Well, 'Ras, do you want me
to defend you? Have you any
money 7
'Rosins—No; but I'se got a mule
and a few chickens and a hog or
Lawyer—Those will de very- nice-
ly. Now, let's seewhat clo they
accuse you of stealing?
'Vastus --Oh, a mule and a foto
chickens and a hog or. two.
A lord succeeds a lord as chief
whipper -in of the Unionist party in
Great Br;tain, for Lord. Edmund
Talbot steps into the position vaeat-
ed by Lord Balcarres, He has
plenty of experience for the post,
seeing that the has been associated
with the Unionist whip's office for
many years.
Lord Edmund Talbot is a brother
of the Duke of Norfolk; He is
fifty-eight years of age, and prior
to entering politics served for many
years in the lith Hussars. He took
,NMen Who -
Don't Exercise,
Suffer From Indigestion, Ilead-
Aches, Poor Appetite,
Nothing so Sure tq "Sot U;I" a Man,
Make Him Fool Brisk and Vig-
orous as Dr. Hamllton's P11i0,
Lack of oxerciee and overwork were
the causes that combined to almoot kill
Samuel ii, Stephens, Jr., ono of the bust
known citizen', in Woodstock.
Ia his oonvinclug letter, Mr. Stephens
"A year ago I returned home after a
Lord Talbot.
part in the South African cam-
paign, and was mentioned in des-
patches, Lord Edmund has sat for
the Chichester Division of Sussex
since 1894. In the last Unionist
Government he was private secre-
tary to Mr. St. John Brodrick (now
Lord Middleton and was after-
wards appointed a Junior Lord of
the Treasury. Ho cannot boast of
any oratorical gifts, but he has a
very genial manner, which serves
him well in the lobby, and is popu-
lar with politicians on both sides of
the House.
The Effect of Tea and Coffee on
Highly Organized People.
"I have been a coffee user for
years, and about two years ago got
into a very serious condition of
dyspepsia and indigestio . It seem-
ed to me I -would fly to pieces. I
was so nervous that at the least
noise I was distresbed, and many
times could not straighten myself
up because of the pain."
Tea is just as injurious, because
it contains 'caffeine, the same drug
found in coffee,
"My physician told me I must not
eat any heavy or strong food and
ordered a diet, giving me some
medicine. T followed directions
carefully, ,but kept on using coffee
and did not get,• any better,
"Last winter "-my husband, who
was away on business, had Postum
served him in the family where he
boarded. He liked it so well that
When he came home he brought
sumo with him. We began using it
and I found it most excellent.
"While I drank it my stomach
never bothered me in the least, and
I got over my nervous troubles.
When the Postum was gone we re-
turned to coffee, then my stomach
began to hurt me as before and the
nervous conditions came on again.
"That showed me exactly what
was the cause of the whole trouble,
so I quit drinking coffee altogether
and kept on using Postum. The
old troubles left again and have
never returned."
"There's a reason," and it is ex-
plained in the little book, "The
Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
Ever road the above latter? A new one
appears from time to time. They are
genuine, truer and full of human Interest,
Mike came to the doctor about 9
o'clock with information that their
month-old baby would nob sleep a
wink. The doctor gave Mike sleep-
ing powders for the baby. The
next day he met Mike on the street.
"Wall, how did the powders work Z"
asked the doctor. "Them powders,
Doc," answered Mike, "sure did
the trick." "Made the baby sleep,
did they?" "No, that they didn't,
Doc, We gave the darlint a dose
just as you told me, but it wouldn't
shleep at all at all; so we just
took a dose o' thim powders our-
silves, we diel, and went right off to
shleep and nivir heard the darlint
cry one bit any more."
Minard'sLiniment Cares Dlphtheela.
Foot and Fancy.
Joy coaneth in the morning, pro-
vided you haven't been making a
night of it.
French railways are fined for late
Eggs, milk and fruit makes the
best diet for brain workers.
Science now declares that fish
don't sleep. But why, then, river-
The Sultan of rebore on &tiatte
occas!ons wears $12,000,000 worth
of jewels.
The well-to-cla man is generally
hard to do.
Walipe become intosioated on the
fermented juices of rotting fruit.
title bad feature about liquor is
long trip, .completely worn out. I was so
badly aifeeted by chronic biliousness, eo
much overcome by constant headaches,
dissineus, that I despaired of ever gutting
"It was a blessing that I used Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills. 1n one week I felt Mice a
now man. The feeling of weight and
nausea in my stomach disappeared. My
eyes looked brighter, color grew bettor,
and, best of all, I began to enjoy my
meals. The dizziness, langour and feeling
of depression passed away, and 1 fast re-
gained my old-time vigor and spirits, To.
day 1 am well—thanks to Dr. Hamilton's
For health, strength. comfort and good
spirits thorn is no medicine like Dr. Ham-
ilton'', Pills. 25o. per box, five boxes for
61.00, at all druggists and storekeepers,
or by mail from Tho Catarrhozone Co..
Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada.
Mostly Memories of Yesterday or of
Years Ago.
Almost all scientific observers
agree that the materials of which
dreams are imado are memories of
past experiences of the individual,
Curiously enough, the memories
that occur most frequently are
those of the previous day and those
of early childhood.
In many eases where the inci-
dents of a dream seem to be entire-
ly unfamiliar it has been shown by
careful investigation that they cor-
respond to actually expernenced
events that have escaped the mem-
ory of the waking self, Delboeuf
records an interesting example of
In 1862 he dreamed that he found
two lizards in the snow. Ho took
them up, warmed them, and placed
them in a hole in a wall, together
with a small fern, which he knew
they liked to eat. The name of this
fern seemed in his dream to be As-
plenium ruin muralis.
On awakening he could not re-
member ever to have heard the
name of the fern of his dream, al-
though he discovered that a fern
called Asplenium ruta muraxia
really existed. Sixteen years later,
however, he. happened to be turn-
ing over the pages of a friend's al-
bum Of dried flowers, and to his
surprise came across the very fern,
with the Latin 'name written under-
neath in his own handwriting.
He then remembered that in
1860, two years before the dream,
he had met the sister of this friend),
and to please her had written the
Latin names under the various
plants in her album at the dictation
of a botanist.
Innumerable cases of a •similar
nature are on record, and go to
show how remarkably heightened
the memory may be in dreiauus.
They also warn us not too rashly
to believe that incidents in a dream
which means entirely new are really
so., 64 -
A prominent merchant was discovered a
few days ago brandishing a razor at mid.
night. His wife palled for assistance, but
found her Hubby was only paring his
come. Far better not to risk blood pose•
oning—use Putnam's Corn Extractor, 25o,
at all dealers..
hall Debility.
"You say your husband contri-
butes nothing to your support,"
said the lawyer, "No, sub, nary a
•:oent. , That niggah fest naehaliy
won't work,: An' he's got plenty
of debility, too, if he.could only Use
the peculiar power it has to con -"P"' P"''1"etnical co 00write ito 54 commalton5*p0rtfdt
ED. 4. ISSUE 14—'13. vino tWlne men $Its they can sing. Toronto.
Nearly Impossible o Heal Skin,
Badly Hurt, Sore, Red and In-
flamed, Could Not Sleep, Cuti
tura Soap and Ointment Healed,
Bowsman River, Ivlanttoba,--"When I
was thirteen years Of. ago I got my shin.
badly hurt and when healed the skin was
zap, attached loth() bone. The
least bruise would injure
It and 1t was nearly Im-
possible to heal, The sore
would be very rod and
Inflamed round the edges
aud had a burning sendL-
tion. When extra sore I
could not sleep at night on
account of the pain. I al-
ways worea cotton bandage on it from the
ankle to the knee. For a number of years
I used sticking plasters, then got a salvo.
I saw the advertisement offering a free sam-
ple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sunt
for a sample and purchased some more and
in six days the sore was healed completely.';
(Signed) James Edwards, Juno 21, 1012.
Treatment: Gently smear the affected
parts with Outicura Ointment, on the end
of the finger, but dont rub. Wash off the
Cuticura Ointment is five minutes with
Cuticura Soap and bot water and continuo
bathing for some minutes. This treatment
is best on rising andretiring. At other times
use Outicura Soap freely for the toilet and
bath, to assist in preventing Inflammation;
irritation and clogging of tho pores. Sold
throughout the world. Liberal sample of
each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
gloat card Potter Drug Sc Chem. Corp.;
Dept. 47D, Boston, U. S. A.
Noted Men Attest to Its Very Great
The value of a good-natured
laugh may be rated low by some
people; but many writers have at-
tested its worth in no measured
terms. It is not surprising that
Charles Lamb should have said, "A
laugh is worth a hundred groans in
any market;" but from the lips of
the sombre Carlyle one is scarcely
prepared to hear, "No man who
has ()nee heartily and wholly
laughed can he altogether or irre-
claimably bad," It was Douglas
Jerrold who boldly stated that,
"What was talked of as the golden
chain of Joys was nothing more
than a succession of laughs, a chro-
nic scale of merriment reaching
from earth to Olympus," "I am
persuaded," wrote Lawrence
Sterne, "that every time a man
smiles—but much more so when he
laughs—it users something to his
fragment of life." Last of all may
be cited the verdict of Oliver Wen-
dell Holmes, given with his own
inimitable humor, "The riotous tu-
mult of a laugh, I take it, is the
mob law of the features, and Pro-
priety the magistrate who reads the
Riot Act."
A man is never really clever un-
til he learns that he isn't clever
enough to get along without work-
"The Family Friend for 40 years." A never
failing relief for Croup and Whooping Cough.
An average of 186 earthquakes a
year has been recorded at the seis-
mological observatory of Rocca di
Papa, near Rome, during the past
twelve years.
Tour drugglet will refund money if PAZO
OINTMDNT fails to cure any oaae. of Itch.
log. Blind, Blooding or Protruding Plies to
1 to 14 daya. 60o. -
Shorthand was practised by the
ancient Greeks and Romane, but all
knowledge of the art was lost from
the tenth to the sixteenth century,
Isaac Pitman gave his "Phono-
graphy" to the world in 1837.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murillo Eye Remedy- No Smartln6 Feats
Fine—Acts Quickly. liry it on. Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes aud Granulated Eyelids. Il1ns-
trated Soolc in each Package. Marine 1s
campo,hdod by cur ooullsls—net a'lp,uent `,red•
bolus"—Ut,t need in sucoesslul Peysicfans' Prno-
tioe Sor many rears. Naw dodloaton to tko Ptml-
110 and sold Uy Druggists at 260 had 570 ),cineole.
Moira `lye $valve-tn Aseptl0 Tones, leo and 500.
Murine Eye Remedy co., Chicago
Suffrage was granted to woman in
the Commonwealth of Australia in
Minard's .Liniment mass Distemper.
Women in German Industries.
An interesting reflection on tate
social devslopm•ent in the German
Empire is had when tato mmmber of
women employed in production is
considered, Of the betel inusuber of
wage earners counted in 1907-281-
000,000—one-third are female, their
number leaving inorea'sod from 6,-
500,000 in 1895 to 9,400,000 in 1907.
Tho chief dominion of woman
agriculture, there being 4,500,000
females engaged in these healthful
occupations, while in twenty-eight
groups of 'the var'iou's industries
2,100,000 are engaged, and in com-
merce and trade 930,000, Of the
higher offices in Germany, SGqu,iritig
scientific training, only 2.0 per pent,
are held by women;
Curious Things Ilappon li'Juen Cer«
talo Substanocs Are United;
Everyone knows that the diamond
is only charcoal oryatallized ; but
there are a great many other things
in Nature that, though possessing
widely different properties, are
otimposod of exactly equal quanti-
ties of the same elements.
The white of an egg and rattle-
snalco poison aro formed of identi-
cally the same amounts of tine name
The oil of roses and common coal
gas are each formed alike, both be-
ing composed of four autumn of hy-
drogen and four atoms of carbon.
Sugar 'and gum &rabic are like-
wise brothers of the same weight
and texture.
All the hydrocarbons, renown to
science as a combination of sixteen
atoms of hydrogen and ten atoms of
carbon, are alike in their composi-
tion, To enumerate some: Oil of
orange, lemon, cloves, ginger, and
black pepper.
The suggested explanation of
these peculiarities is that the atom',
are placed differently towards one
another in the molecules of the dif-
ferent substances.
Other things just as peculiar are
evident when certain substances are
united chemically. Thus hydrogen
gas, which is odorless, and nitro-
gen gas, which is also odorless,
when united go to make ammonia,
which has a very strong odor. Cop-
per, whieh has no odor, and zinc,
which has also none, when melted
and mixed to give us brass, produce
a substance with a characteristic
The .World's Bost Liaimellt
Noeded 1n Every Family
From Iafaacy To Old Ago
I1 Your Home Is 'Without "Nervi -
line" Read the Following Closely.
The high cost of living to -day demands
economy on every side: Sickness is ex-
pensive. Far better to treat little ills
before they grow serious. For this •roneon
every home should have handy on the
shelf a good remedy like Nerviline, which
cures the minor ailments that occur in
every family -
For example, when the boy comes in
with wet feet and a alight cough, Nervi -
line will cure him. If a cold has settled
on his chest, rub on Nerviline and the
cold will go.
If something has been eaten that causes
cramps, naueea, or diarrhoea, just twenty
drops of Nerviline---that's all and cure is
As a liniment for outward appliratlon
in case of Neuralgia, Lame Back, Sciati-
ca, Lumbago or Rheumatism, it's really
hard to imagine how Nerviline relieves,
and how soon Sit cures.
Nerviline is something new. No, it's one
of the oldest and beet known remedies.
Used in thousands of homes by the Peo-
ple of many nations, simply because it
stopsrain, cures sickness, and rids the
family of ilia before they become time.
blesnme. Get the family size bottle,
price 50c,; •trial sine 25e., at all storokoop-
ors and dinggists or The Catarrhozone
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Many Fatalities During. Year of
London Men in Blue.
The recent death of a London,
England, policeman, who was
knocked down by a motor -bus and
killed, brings to mind the risks
which the man in blue has to under-
According to the last yearly re-
port, twelve were knocked down
and injured while regulating traffic ;
runaway horses took the attention
of forty-six; twenty -coven were in-
jured by horses falling, and eighty-
four were bitten by dogs. No fewer
than two thousand seven hundred
were aasaulted, and the victims of
various accidents totalled over se-
ven hundred.
In .addition to this perilous work,
the police prevented five hundred
and forty-five persons from censmit-
ting suicide, and three hundred and
two runaway horses were stopped.
Finally; two hundred and sixty-four
fires were extinguished by police-
men in 1911.
"H'e're terribly henpecked, pa,
ain't we 7"
"Why, what do you mean, my
boy 7"
"Well, ma ,makes me wash my
hands before 1 come to the supper
table, and site makes yeti wash
yours before you hook her up the
Mr. Oliver Sims, of Purvis (Man.),
writes:—"I had an old irritating
sore on my forehead that had trou-
bled me for four years. Zam-liuk
was rocommended to me and in a
narvollously short time it healed
the obstinate sore' perfectly. ,You
nay depend upon it that after this.
proof of its power we will never be
without a box of it,"
As a rapid and curtain healer of
ulcers, abscesses, piles, inflamed
places, cuts, burns, bruises, scalp
sores, eczema, eruptions, etc., you
can get nothing to equal Zam-Rule,
All druggists and stores at 50e, box
or post free for price from Zam-
Buk Co., Toronto. Try Zam-Buk''s
Soap for tender skins and baby's
bath. 250, tablet.
Just what you need after el
hard day's work . --4 4 Refreelh,
ing cup of
Goes farthest for the money
A Frenchman earned over $50,000
last year as an airship chauffeur.
Yet some people say that a man
can't live on an,
Meerschaum literally means "sea -
foam," and derives its name from
the fact that it is sometimes found
floating in the Black Sea.
y The Year
If you want the best and longest-,'
wcartng gloves or mitts ever turned
out of a factory be sure and ask for
the famous
Those gloves are specially tanned
for hard service and will save you
money and reduce your glove
expense by the year. Send for our
descriptive pamphlet—The Pinto's
Canada's Expert Glove and 51111 Makers,
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
l71' With Three Houses: large Bank Barn.
Must Ile sold quick. Price is very low..
1.7 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan
that can be bought, Worth the money for
quick sale.
farms in different errttonn of Ontario
on my list. If you want a form consult
H. W. DAWSON. Toronto,
1 —Soil clay loam; gond outbuildings;
close to market, railway station and post
office. Would exebange for forty to one
hundred acres within five miles of Catholic
church and cheese factory. The Western
Ileal Estate Exchange, London, Ont,
Loc, Iin ra warden. Ca k. must sell; terms easy.
1� ferent Foreign Rtampe, Catalogue.
Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp
Cmmnanv, Toronto
Barber Trade; groat demand; good
wages; twenty to thirty advertised for
daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach
7011 in six to eight weeks. Send for Cata-
logue. Molar College. 221 Queen East. To-
internal and external, cured with.
out rain by our home treatment. Write
es before too late. Dr. Beliman Medius!
Co.. Limited. Collinewood. Ont.
'lX der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German Remedy.
Benet," pries. 01.50. Another new remedy
for DiabetewMellitns, and sure euro, la
Senors Anti -Din hetes." Price $2.00 from
druggists or direct. The Sanol Mannino -
'ompany of Canada. Limited.
The Heart ofa Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
Plano Action
OILERS New and Second-
hand. for heating
and power purposes. TANKS AND
SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Sturte-
rant Vonaleting and boating System,.
Engines and Shipbuilders
Maypole Soap
With Maypole
Soap there is no
trouble and no mum
in home dyeing,
Dyes cotton, wool,
silk or mixtures. 24
colors -will give any
shade. Colors 10c.
Black 15c --at your
dealer's or postpaid
with booklet "!-low
to Dye" from
Stewart Bon Ins ClippingA'i0;9iE1110
Turns caoler,cnn
p rnvfe•m 015,000001 pts1(h,rpU
10,500 than nay otter, Goole Area Ole herd and
eat from terra aide ler, sndlaand, prOlont: pq3,6a300
Od and0,101,0i1 line 015 foot Of,etc 2�r1,nue
atv10 nexffibo nbnit n,td oolohrat0d Stow• W afar,
Orb 510510 tension enppink 01O00. 000
one 0110ront 500ur dPLTaler,
503 La Salle Ave. CHIOA00, Ill,,
W ,u0 tree nowetitnlosof most nesters lino at
Lone canning de ale nI s' MON n1001'150,0