The Brussels Post, 1913-3-13, Page 4illrussels est SUFFERED TtHUlt'DAY, MARCH 13, 14513 Boo^T Brussels. St w elect') seed. It pays, Quiet/ nn•uiug I Will Putt make aur Maple Syrup this Sprit .g? l t G- to r no mon out of work the OWING �' Doninlnn Senate lies taken a holiday tied w r resume their strenuous labors on March 27th, Wonder if their pay is clocked abile they sport? aleenAY of next week will usher in St. Patrick's Day. All true born Irishmen will think of the Emerald isle that day and say to all other natiou- alities"Erin go Bragh." THAT Oriltia Junior Hockey team who won the champio nship is a bunch of good -ones. They did not lose a match tbroughout the season although they were often faced by hustling teams. TEMPERANCE Convention for Huron County will be held in Clinton, Thurs- day of next week, zoth inst. One prop- osition to be discussed is will and effort be made to secure the adoption of the Scott Act once more ? APROBLEM will have to be faced at the A, O. U. W. Grand Lodge, which meets in Toronto on March ugh, as to increase ot rates. Some warm argu- ments are expected. Amendments gllore are on the program. PRIMMEST WOODROW WILSON'S in- augural address is a gem of composition andwill carry no small weight with the people of the Uni'ed States and other Nations as well. The Democrats have their chance now to make their mark and leave their impress 011 the United Sea' es. THE militant suffragette has no path wav of roses on either side of the Atlantic but where sane methods are adopted an increase of interest and added strength is shown. No good can come of the crazy work put on the program by some of the prime movers in tile Old Land. It is as useless as it is senseless. Tuosz all night sessions at Ottawa are not fancied by either party but have been on the program before, some- times when the political complexion of the contestants was the opposite what it is to -day. They may be a good thing to 1111 Hansard but for utility they do n1 weigh many ounces to the pound el cost a lot of money. Do you intend entering the Field crop Competition in connection with East Huron Agricultural Society for i9t3 ? The crop will be oats again. Good prizes are offered without any cost to competitors if they are members, otherwise $r.00 entrance fee is charged. Read the terms and conditions and prove your own ability by handing in your name for the contest. A former Canadian in the person of Franklin K. Lane, of California, has bean chosen as a member of President Wilson's Cabinet. He holds the im portant post of Secretary of the In- terior. Mr. Franklin was born in Prince Edward Island in the year 1864 but was educated in California and is a barrister by profession. We wish this old time canuck success with his port- folio. THERE iS a movement on hand to chettge the head office of the. Grand True?:- Railway from England to Canada in the belief that better work could be done in the closer touch that would prevail if headquarters were moved. The Directors of this great national highway will discuss the situ- ation at a forthcoming meeting and possibly come to a conclusion. In so big a concern we would imagine it would be better managed with offices located at Montreal or Toronto. , Whit 13111ousness and SICk Headache Caigaty, Alllerta, July 8, 1911 1 was a great suifeer for a long time witu Biliousness, Siok Headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seethed to do me any good, I had almost given up in despair when I decided to try FIG PILES After taking aboutttbalf a box the headaches stopped and my appetite improved. 1 have just finished the fifth box and feel as well as ever. I can heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles. MRS. MARY ELLSON Sold at all dealete in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Oo., St. Thomas, Ont. SoId and Peewit - mended In Brussels by J. Fox, Drug- gist. POSTMASTER JOSEPH GIBSON made an ideal President ot the Dominion Alli- auce. He was quick, good humored, a ready speaker and a bard hitter when he liked, Mr. Gibson put in 6 years of splendid service. He is succeeded by Rev. Cannon Greene, who will fill office acceptably, Mr. Gibson is let Vice - President. He was twesented with a gold watch at the Alliance meeting and s Gibson was the recipient of a fine clock. They should keep better time tilnn ever. -i 11 Stephens, customs officer, was in- anile killed Friday morning at 7 4o o`c p, Ir at Niagara Falls, beitlg knocked du.vn by a G, T. R. switc t engine as he was crossing the East end of the station. The engine which ran over his should- ers, crushed his lie out instantly. Mr. Stephens, previous to being appointed customs officer 12 years ago was editor and owner of the Niagara Falls Review. Before coming to this place he managed the Walkerton Telescope, He was 6$ rears of age and leaves a wife and two s0115 and two daughters, Alderman P. Sli shells of Niagara Falls is a Son. Thomas Davidson, of Weyburn, cask., who Inas beeu visiting his parents in Mint., Township went to Harristol Friday intending to commence the journey to his Western home and while on his way to the station fell on the ice sidewalk and fractured bis leg. He was assisted to the office of a doctor who re- duced the fracture, and was then re- moved to his parents home. SCHOOL REPORT ROOJL IV Sr. II. Examined in Hist.. Spell., and Daily work. Honore 75%. Pass 6o ". R Stewart 93 le Campbell 83 L Ament 79 L Wright ..... 77 A McLatichliu ,71 '1' S' IcLauchliu,62 1-1 Currie ......,,..6r V McCracken....56 V Sinclair 55 E Rends 53 A Thompson 52 34 McFarlane 31 Jr. II, Exam in Hist., Geog., Spell., Arith., and daily work. Honors 75. Pass 6o, H Stewart 79 E Cameron .58 H Gerry 78 W Buchanan 58 D Ross 6q L Mceracken....53 S McLauehlin 6o 34 Carter ........,.50 R Hewitt...,. 60 D. Sett•ro R0001 1I1 Sr, III. -Exam. in Gram„ Draw , Lit., Hygiene, Geog., and daily work Honors 75. Pass 6o. C Best ,-„..73 J Fox •,.,58 R Moore. ,.......73 *P Barkley . 57 B Wright ....68 J Warwick 55 F Hillson .. .....62 H James , 54 M Skelton 6t "C Moore .........48 A Fox 6o M Pawson 46 F McNaughton •59 '*A Currie ..45 Jr. III. -Exam. in Draw,. Arith , Geog., Hygiene and daily work. Honors 75. Pass 6c. M Barwell 8o V Harris......... -49 el Hoist 68 e N Harkness ..,.49 H Lott 67 G Baeker.........49 E Jameson 62 el Thompson ..,.41 5 MeLauchlin 59 W Roe...... el McLauchlin56 W Burgess.. --go M Dunfurd 55 R Currie ..39 0 Hemingway ..54 'A Drage •-•39 M Ross .53 t3 Heist ,14 M Cameron ,..,, .51 ****J Jamieson...14 GThompson 5t 'tee ill Tom linson.12 Tho"e mtuke l * missed exams, 13. II meneesON ROOM u Sr. II, -Exam. in Comp.. Read • Writ, Draw., Arith., daily work. Hon ors 75. Pass 6c. D Holmes ........85 C Anderson 6g GJarvis........... 79 D Currie69 I McNichol 78 A Stewart ........60 M Wilton 75 W Snider ....56 V Lowry .72 W J mes .53 E Burgess 71 1 Harkness .40 M Campbell 7o L Conley ...32 Jr. II --Exam. in Comp., Spell , Writ , Draw., Arith. and daily work. It Kernaghan....'7 L Barkley....... 50 i L Drage .......... b G Snider er o ("Thomson . 68 G Kernaghan 38 D Walser ........68 *L Snider ......,22 E Hollinger 64 M McCracken ,..22 F Stewart 62 M Wood 17 T Lowry ..........• 59 G Wilson .10 M Oliver ..........57 *Missed an exam. G. Ross last year will have the details in charge. ia1Y#h St, Patrick's Concert will be 51050 by the Epworth League of the Metlto• dist chinch in Industry Ball, on the evening of March llth. DIED IN HER YOUTH.- Thele died at the horde of her parents, lot 37, Con, 2, East Wawatosh, 00 Friday Feb. 2810, Margaret Jane Patterson, beloved wire of Thomas Henry Jack- son, of Wiwa Hill, Sask„ alter' an illness coverilig but three weeks Roil pulmonary trouble. Deceased was a daughter of Alexander and MI'S. Patterson, of East Wawanosb, and was born in that township in the year 1885 and had resided theie all her lite. She was married on Christmas Day last to Thomas H. Jackson and it was their intentions to have left for their home in Saskat- chewan when he was stricken 111, Mrs. Jackson was of a kind, loving and jovial disposition and had many warm friends who deeply regret• her dentine. She was a menthol. of the Peesbyte'itin church and took con- siderable interest in church work. The funeral which was largely at- tended took place 00 Sunday to the Union cemetery. Standing Field Crop Competition East Huron Agricultural Society effete $75 to be divided as follows :- $20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $6, and $4 for the beat Field crop of oats. Ontario Department of Agriculture will furnish the judges. Nature of Competition -Each So- ciety will be limited to one crop. Fields entered for cornp etition must consist of not less than 5 acres and not more than 20. Competitor's -Competition will be limited to members of the East Huron Agricultural Society. Competitors can only enter in one Society and but - one entry can be made by each compe- titor., Any individual can make entry for this competition by becoming it member of the Society. All competitors must be within 15 ruffles of Brussels. Applications must be in by April 15th, so don't de- lay. Entry forms may be had by apply- ing pply ing to MALCOLM BLACK, Secretary, Bt'ussele, A Hard Case Overcome No longer necessary to suffer from luusculat• rheumatism. Every case Can be cured. Ferrozoue is unfailing as proved by Daviel Johnston of Ormond, Ont. "My wife was a dread- ful sneerer” he writes. "For two years she could scarcely do any work. Her knuckles and joints shelled, causing torture. To get up no down stairs was impossible. She took box after box of Feerozone and rubbed the sore places with Net•vilihe... Iut- provement started and she mended fast. Today she is quite cutt,d and we thank Ferrozoue for her re- covery." No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozoue ; it does cure. 50c per box at all dealeve. Huron County. DWELLING BURNED.- The brick house and contents of Samuel A. Calmachim, a prosperous young farther on the 2nd con, of Tunkee- sntith, were entirely consumed by lire Sunday, 22nd inst., while family were at church in Egmondville. The flrawaa noticed by Miss Jessie Martin, who lives opposite, and the alarm given over the rural phones, but un- fortunately most of the neighbors were attending church also, and whenhelp arrived, only a couch and a few chairs were gotten out. The chimney had been on fire on Wed- nesday, and it is thought fire must have been smoldering between the ;oiling and upstairs floor and burned through the dining -room below. Mr. Oal'nnchan cat'lied an insurance or $1,200 in the McKillop Mutual Com- pany, which will pay about half his loss, the house being a handsome two story brick. Goderich Mrs. Legear, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting hersistei' Tells. (Dr.) Whitely. The old St. Andrew's Ward school house is being divided in two, and Mr. Doak has purchased one of the parts to fit up for a residence. - It is uncleratood that Capt. Dan. McKay has been relieved as officer in charge of the life boat service here, and that Capt. Malcolm McDonald takes his place, A canning factory proposition is un- der consideration by the town Ito• dustrial committee, therincipals, therein having been here for a day and conferred upon the matter. At the last, meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society is was decided to offer prizes again this year for pttn• ales grown by the echool children, 'Pile stint of $10 was Yffea�.1 foe this i,lu'pose, ntld the sure stonTentttee as 1913 Catalogue Now Ready 50 pages brim fuel of good things. Con- tains valuable information for the farmer, market gardener end private ',hinter. 12 Pages of the latest and beat, world-wide introductions. Valuable premiums. Your choice of 6 new varieties still unnamed (not for sale until 1914) absolutely free with every order, large or small. Don't delay writing. Mail this with your name and address, Your request will receive special attention. State if you grow vegetables or flowers for market. as we have a special price list. Write to -day while it's fresh in your mind DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Limited Dept. B 4 LONDON, CANADA Mortgage Sale of Valuable Farm I In the Township of Croy Under and by y virtue of the Powers eontaht- (Wind aortobi nuef sale li a ill tl he pro. for atthe1Het0 atilOo, ton Will huolt•011 Pur sole ht uhai h, 101; on N'edue hour t th,. 211111 day of 3l the 1010, tit 110 hour t i; Villak nada, al lit( Aans 10,11 H,+t"I, in rhe Village of It+ nnvldsl)y_0' H. Srnit, An(.ti0,1 rr, the follow tn1 property, namely ;- Lotnumber Eighteen in. the Eleventh Con• 05511011 011 Ire township of Grey, oleo 111111 part of Let or tuber Eighteen in the Tenth Ooneen-. aloe or 14 o Towitslti 1 of Grey, lying South of the Maitland River, eottandng together One tl a •,died end Tlth•tyonit 110108. 'linter 0 n large brink e110010 with Idtelten, oleo nd/ barn and siloontheprgopertyingThe `propertydriving- shed 10 about three miles from Ethel Terme of Sale; -.10 %of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale end nmol. (tent therewith to make up one•thlyd of the purchase money within ten days thereafter, end the balance may remain on mortgage at 6,'% Per ennnm, or the pnrofmser may pay all cash For further pa'tionlnre apply to MOPBERSON & DAVIDSON, Vendor's Solicitors, Ont Dated at Stratford, March 5E1,1918. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Alexander McKelvey, late of the Village 01 Brussels, in the Comely of Huron, physician, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pnrsnent to Sec. 55, Chap, 26, of the Starut, a of Onto] lit, 1 Geot'ge V., that all creditors and others having elanix a allveyert the essate of the snhl A h•xender Mit- Ke, who died ail or about the 28th day r December, A.D: 121'2, are regal; ed m1 or before the 1001 day of March, A.1), 121:1, to Rend by. poet prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Ad ministratrix of the estate, their C'liriHthttl and Hlumattlee, addresses end & totiptio'p and a statement of their accounts against the said estate and also the nature et the eeourity (if any) held by then, duly verified by it statutory deolnrndParthntion. Aer take notice that after such last mentioned dine the Adminietrntrix will pro• coed to distribute the newts of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, haeing regard only to the chills of which she shell then }rive got notice, end that the field .Admin.lotratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any parent) or peso tt of whose claims notice shall not have been reeel,. ed by her et the time of sorb distribuErin. Dated this 14111 day of Februn rv, 1911 MRS. CATHERINE MtKlvl VF,T. 84.1 Br11ete1. 0, Adnlinistretrix of the Est ete. George Campbell, aged 54, for many years 11 resident of Luck now, hanged himself at his home on Saturday evening of Feb. 22nd. Mrs. Campbell was away at the bedside of a dying nnele, and on recut uilig home in the evening missed her husband. Site went to elle barn, aid fennel. 111111 hanging fruit a beaus. That the suicide was a most deliberate one was shown by the fact that Mr. Campbell had tied a haudkerehief around bis nock before placing a half -incl; trope over his head, Jie then stood upon at barrel and kicked it away. He had been crippled by rheumatism and was subject to fits of melancholia. Be was 54 years old and is survived by his wife only. An inquest was held Monday morning. ,li'itOzeR To DEATH. -Airs. Neil M c- Oorvie, aged 74, a widow, residing (tear Lnckuow. was frozen to death, while trying to walk seven miles to the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Kennedy, at Whitechurch. The body was fotutd in a field neat G. T. R. tracks Saturday, lot fust., A rubber found near by and Mrs. Mc - Om vie's con tinned absence caused it newel; to he made, She left home Wednesday Feb. 10th Luta nothing was heard or lieu since. -When site did ant, hlra ell at ,41 PR. Kennedy's, it 40a0 thought she might have slop- ped at game place ou the way, as the weather was bitterly cold. Besides Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. McOot vie leaves four sons and one daughter in the West. ALLEGED BRIBERY To BE. INVESTI- GATr9D SOON. -A sarong deputation from Exeter altd Centralia appeared before Hon. W. J. Hanna at Toronto and claimed empliatically Hutt briber Y which took place in the recent local option campaign, should- be 1 cvesli- gated at once. Five specific cases were named. kite Hanna said the facts would be laid before Bud Saunders, chief officer of the license branch. Should the department find that the by law had been defeated by fraud, the will of the voters could be put into operation by a refusal to Make Us Prove It We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and confi• dente. We make the following statements with, a full under- standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you believe in these statements. For the Bowels If you only knew as much as we and those who have used them know about Rexall Orderlies, you would be as enthusiastie about recommend- ing them as we are. They taste just like candy.' They act so °amity and so pleasantly that the taking of them us a pleasure. Even children like Rexall Order- lies; and you know that if a medi- cine appeals to a child, it will appeal to grown-ups. help chase gloom, dispel blues and make you feel happy by their splen- did tonic, cleansing and strengthen- ing effect upon the bowels. - They ant to free theystem - and keep it free -from the distress and ill feeling that naturally results from irregular and inactive bowels, Rexall Orderlies do this quietly, without griping or causing nausea, purging or excessive looseness. They ant to overcome and remove the cause of bowel ills and fa a short time usually make unnecessary the con- tinued use of physice and purgatives, thus tending to etop such unhealthy habits as may have been formet- Make us Prove 'Iritis We do not ask you to take our word for this, We want you to make us prove it, and et no cost to you. • Buy a box of RexallOrderliesat our store. Use them once, or use up the whole box. Then, if you are not thoroughly satisfied, just tomo back empty handed and tell us, Without obligating you or question- ing you we will return the money you paid us for theta. Doesn't that indicate that Rexall Orderlies aro at least worthy of trial? Doesn't it prove our faith in them? Doesn't it merit your confidence/ Could any offer be more fttir to you? We particularly recommend Rexall Orderlies for children, delicate and aged persons, Itoxttll Orderlies come in convenient vest-pocket size tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; 36 tablets, 21n; 80 tablets, 60e. CAUTION: Please hear in mind that Fexall Orderlies aro not sold' by all drug. gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at tho Rexall Storm, You can buy It exalt Orderlies in this community only at our storet F. R. SMITH Brussels The store Ontario There ie a Resell Store in nearly beery town and elty in the United States, Canada and Groat Britain. There in a different Retail Remedy for nearly ovary ordinary human i8—• each eepeoially designed for the partiedar ill for which it is recommended. The Rexall Stores aro America'( Greatest Drug Stores re -Issue lioenees for the distript, Local Option in Stephen Towusitip was defeated by but eight votes, ;oust the tetuperauoepeople contended that the use of money by the liquor ;:cresta was t esteem'ble foe the by Ism not carrying. lope, ,Ali.. Powell, lege- tee declared that. to county constnhle there had evidence that five young noon lutd been bribed and had turned this over to the crown attorney, bol. no notion hull been letken. "He (Wel refuse to preseente," said the reverend gentleman, "hot deleyod cluing tanyt ling until the time allowed for illstitttting an investigation lied expired." A Case in West Arlohat Mrs. A. P. Fergusotl a well known Beetalee beta cue 51,1 astlltua by 11Cetarl•bozrnn•," flet Sftt.tehleet is onuviilcing t "Although I was troubled for years it \vas only v'eoent- ly I tried Oaten hozuns, When tion 11Ltttolt started I gut out my inhaler and invat'iably got quick relief. Feel. ing satisfied Oam10 (Bozo u0 would care I continued the treatment till one bottle ;sail finished, i didn't, use more because I was cured staid the asthma bots never returned:" Otetluthozone Is shire tie.' bit IllastMint and bionehilis. `1't y it mud be 1011011116,41. 'two sizoa, 26e and 51,00 at all draltte8. Will Give $500 to Sick Readers of The Post Famous Scientist who Originated the Now Wonderful 'Home Treatment' offers $1.00 Package Free to Sick and Ailing. In order that every reader of 'Tar POST ,oho may not have heard of this wonderful "Home Tceatmel t may have an upporennlby to test this cele- brated Med lei lie, the now famous scientist, 'Dr James W. Kidd, offers to give absolutely free aL full size $1.00 package to five hundred readers of this paper, to prove the wonderful claims w have been made for it. lit 1111(1:. 11)5 tilis offer the scientist said: "I kuow that there are many people who have been suffering for years with seine (Anemic diseaseand many of them have spent large stuns of money seek- ing a t.'ure, I know that these people hesitate about investing money in lnedici le becttnse they have despaired of ever getting well. Thousands have told ute that, story and many thous- ands of the stone people have told ole afterwards that my treatment Intel curet) them after dot•tnrs and every- thing else had fulled. I want to prove to a limited number -elm matter what Lhe disease, no matter hon Inn they nay lutvesnffered, no mat tet•how blue tad discouraged -that, ley treatment really and d actually does accomplish .he wonderful restate that have been event•ted," People who front Itheutnatisut, Kidney Trouble, Slow/Leh 'i'runble, Liver or Bowel Disorders, 13r'uchiLis, °attt11•lh, Ast1111111, UIIII<: Ut tt l Weak Lungs, Luulbago, IOIPiles, Uliois.- ary Disorders, Female 1Vealtoesses of any Idttd, the weak, worn nut, Weikel) down etu(1 despohdenI. Will lie delight- ed ut tile effect or a few doses. This wonderful treatment creates a fine ap- petite and helps the digestive organs ro carry on their fnnetrtuts as they sbonlcl, It strengthens ,the kidneys., loo, and drives rheuutlttisut poisons front the blond as if by magic. That is telly people who Lry it become St; ellthusittstic. Any reader of Ter POST who will try this extraurdivatoy medicine that has created so much excitement by its crapes can obtain absolutely free a Pull $1,00 teentuteut by simply filling in the coupon below oe writing a letter dee- m ibing their ease in their own words, if they prefer', and 1ttaliling it to -day to James W. Kidd, Tot (into, Canada. No money need be sent and no charge of any•ltind will be made. As this offer is limited, you should write at once, in order to be store to receive your free treatment. eoupon CSB=99 For Free Dollar Treatment Dr. Jas. W. Kidd, Toronto, Canada: fle,aesetd me n Pull $1 00 Course of To ntment for my en0e, freo and postage paid, just ns you promise, , Name Poet, Office .. Province Street and No...,.. . ,. Age.,. . . . How long afflicted P .. . ..... . .. ...... ...... Make a cram 1301 before disfneae you hove, Two orosses (71X1 before the one front which you suffer most. ,,...Rheunlatlam .. Kidney Ti outdo -.Impure Blood ,,,-l,ntnhngo .... Bladder Trouble Asendin „,„.(in Larrh .. Weak Lunge _ Pin. pies .,,..Oonstipatiot .eh fume Cough .,, Eozeett ,...,Leese 2tn la rte - Neuralgia DtaC'r hnea Asthnut Headache Top hlLaves nay Fever ... DzzintlNe ndt• srimrt ntble Nervousness ep e ..... Shonmah Trouble __Poor Urenlnmm 111 Obesity Lencorrbor•a Give any other symptoms on 0 separate sheet, Correspondence In all languages, ..... Female Weeknees Womb Trouble ..,- Ovarian.Troable ,,.. Pelnfnt Pet lode Hot Plashes ,,,Bearing Down Pails A "Feed" that adds 26% to the value of Stock in a very a.• • rt period Caldwell's Mo1assete L.:eaal It does more than that --it also in tires the health of your cattle besides reduel. general feeding costs by a substantial margin. It is 84% pure Cans Molasses and 16% edible moss selected for its unique digestive action. You - know the feeding value of pure Cane Molasses. Caldwell's Meal is the only wasteless form in Which it can be fed. It's always palatable and dry to the touch. Takes the place of an equal amount of other cereal, makingit more palatable and digestible. Moat ikely your feedman handles it, but Write to us at any rate for the facts, THE CALDWELL FEED CO., Limited, DUNDAS, ONTARIO. ax NERVOU 1»BILXTY OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of you. Under its influence the bran becomes active, the blood purified ao that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up the nerves become strong as steel so that nervousness bashfulness anddespondency disappear; the eyes become lirlght, the face full and clear, energy returns to the hotly, and the morel, ph teal and mental systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system, You feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot be a failure, Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. WITHOUT NO NAMES USED WI T WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility formanyyears.- Ravi; to Indiscretion and excesses in youth, I became very despondent and didn't caro whether I worked or not. I Imagined everybody who looked at mo guessed my secret. Imaglaative dreams at night weakened 105-207 pack ached, bad pains in the. head, hands and feet were cold, tired In the morning, poor appetite, back of m fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, heir loose, memory poor, eta Numbness in the fingers sett in and the doctor told mo he fearedparalyels, I took all kinds of Medicines and tried many first.clasa physicians, wore au eteotrlo belt for three 0051100, but received little benefit, I "` =' ••• t across TREATMENT was induced to consult Drs. leeanedy& AFTER TREATMENT Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in aavatre. Like a (1110owningman I commenced the New Illtunoo TREATMENT and it saved my Rte, The ireprovomon was lll:o matjle-1 could feel the vigor going through the nerves, Ilene Cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many patleuta and continue to do ao, CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We trent' and cure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases pectdhar to Man. CONSULTATION FEES, HOOKS PREF. IF usable to call write for a Question Blank for Nome Treatment Eins.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed V to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ;Millie meat in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor officers which are for Correspondence and Ioaboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont, Write for our private whiten, Stock for Service BULL NUR tiltltVlC1i —The utldernlgfed will keep the the'o'•bred llolstelll•R'rir. N11811 ball, Allred Ykena, (5218, 101' eel vice on Lot 18, 000. 10, (grey, The bull Wes bred I _8 litabard. l251111, n well known 1,51 It r and pi int. whiter of 11111111, Biro of Allred Thiele' Is Maple Bill Allied, No.6080, and dent Cart-bit Yketnn of Elia. Na 188111. Teen., .5ISO 1,16 t,1j185t0and .rJ,UU (1r LI. KNIGHT, Proprietor, The People's Column - PAHTUlt1G TO .RENT, -- The 01,15 farm,, being Lo18, Oen, 5, Monis, to ntlered p u uiy oiiibe me nlxey to tubs . 5'0113 011500", nl . F016h1 FOR, HALE -West Half Lot 2, Dos. r- 12, Townsh it) u f Gray, containing SO acne. 46 elenren, fenced., drained and all In.grees, 5 n0re-t herd -wood bush. No bwldtngs• For fur her perticelars apply to J. J.E(:K111, 1116(0 13rtle ole, SMALL Porn) for mall, part Lot 11, (Ma 11, (0.1' 100001111n, on which iR n frame lou -e, bank barn, del vale shed, pig pen, Allo, orebn4 rd, &e. Good drilled well, 1 miles from Gratlbrool,. PteR001Ie11 on tt,treh 101, leer further particular"; apply Go CHAS. SWITZIC11, Walton, P, 0. FA1tM 10015 SA L10, -taring North mule et buts 5 end li, Lion, 12, Goo, contenting 1.11 pure. more or Inc,. Om Lot 6 lo 11 peed b01(•1. 110,00 ; 2101115 born, 011 low wall, 05x70 Pett Dunk barn with stabling ander nate feet Creme stable 86280 0ait ; small t{riving shed good well. Perm seeded in grass ; geed el. nttnrd ; school nev081 the Load; 23,,4 miles from 'rowels 0,11 sell lots together 01' serearately. Easy terms turd i nun edln t e possesel ol,. 1f n c. t sold will rent. Apply to 11, J. SHINE, V. S., West cion kton, Ont, 864 E1=1.1(.4I131,111PI50PERTY-FOR 8ALE OR 7O tteN'e,-The Mime recently vacated by John R Kerney, who moved to Guelph. (known no the Regale .property, Turnberry sl teat, is offered for sale or if not sold will he rented, Metre is n comforts hie house, good stable and leeeeres of laid 151111 n double entrance. Niue 411111011, 00. Por further pa•ticulirs apply to W. Il Kerr, of Ton P0411, who holds the key. It is n choi-(rspot t0 live 10 and 5(111 1.10 sold very reaHuaably. 27-11 FA1551. FOR SA 1,1e -The undersigned offers his fine farm eonekting of about 185 acres :djolning the town of Clinton, for little. 'I he farm is in n good state of eultivel ion, and hoe good buildings, brink hones, bunk bero, driv- tog homer, pig pen, etc., all compel a lively new. A Brat -elites 7011115 orahnrdeonlan,ing all kinds et Prelim end also small frtits. The omni le well fenced and drnlned amt 14 n very de.h•n the home, For farther pertiolbn•0 eppty nn the premises or add rota 2840 .10034 TORItANCE. Clinton, FOR SALE OR TO 1.ET —A good 'omf0rt- ebtedwelling and two lots ie Brussels. Tanen easy, Apply to F. S. Mao',.', A octlan- eer, Brussels, or to S.S. (LOOK, Fordwivh. 9-8111 1 00 ACREN our r,AND 00, nnb':111.1 1. 1 ;odes North of er cultivation. lt. toed oto loan, all aleored tad under otlilvntlot, 11,,lc bon,, cement Reeve, lento frame h0nae, newly paint- ed; good wells at burn and home) ; bnildlugs and fences In excellent repair. A n ideal hone (hens. Apply (Mies) HUSIIC GOVENI.00K. Sm arse c, Ont. FARM. FOR SALE, being South Mitt Lot 25, Lion, 4, Morrie township, Hinton Co., con- taining 1UU tomes mm•o or less. On the prem. loos IR a frame house, brink barn, good oruhard, well, windmill, 00. A11 cleared excel! about an acre School 114 miles distant. Only 214 11111a, front BruosrIR. 6 tutees of Pali wheat in andabout50 ae•es seeded down. For price, berme and other information apply on the promisee or if writingi, Brnesels P.O. 'Phone 121. Or P.14. Scott, Brltsselo. 11.tf A. L, KE1RR. Proprietor. Thousands of n110,iEi0118 20110g people are being instructed in their homes 1,,v.oar Home Study Dept. You ,nay 8ni,h. at College If you des Ire. Poo a hen- eve'yonwixh. '!'arty Yra's Exper- icons. r.m•5est trainers in Cmuubm, Enter any any. Poottlona guaranteed If you wish to nave board dud learn while you earn, write for lurl'tiellers. NO VACATION HOME STUDY Wingllam Business College QEO. SPOTTON, President IIIIMMS99219391205=1121/ME 11181111111911111111111.1111111111 TUY i �AT NOME Use your snare 1: me end hewn( n good ilookkeePer, el n Stenographer, or learn to Draw and Design, or take a Course In Story writing or Journaliatn amt enelify to earn a eo,.d eatery. We mon give you lust the right oourse. W, ite es for Catalogue. W, H, SHAW, Presld oat, Slaw's Hn,vsla, 'Toronto. RUPUJ qE cared At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Vt7hy wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wa11 it - fill iu coupon Age. „ Thee Rep Single or Double Name ...... ....... Address end return to J. S. SMITH 118 Caledonia 9t, k, Dept. A Stratfor ea, Ont. F: osiseisesa— G!t