The Brussels Post, 1913-3-6, Page 4r07 he &undo past
'PHUR :,: Y. MARCH 5, 1413
J1, `Meek eve hag ' eenf• riveu to the
tnilietry camp canteen that has relegated
it le "te past, The youth of Canada
Witt p ofrt by Thi' forward Step
By the latest moments it would ap-
pear that the dove of Peace is likely to
brood over the turmoil in Turkey and
the Y a') Sates Go, d v i'.1 come out
of the war.
Goo) news comes to hand from the
Millinery rooms for loug suffering i
humanity viz that the new styles of
hats ate to show considerable edu rio
ill size, although the price may not be
pared d .wn very much,
Tor: •voman who attempted to smuggle
liquor euto Cobalt be a recepticle in her
bosom did wom'Inhood no credit in
violating law and catering to man's
depravity. Suppose she understood the
goods were likely to get other people on
a "bust,"
Some people appear to be right down
in earnest in a demand for a reduction
in duty on tractirin ditching machinery.
We think they are on the right line
both as to money saving and securing
better and more satisfactory means of
doing important work that will bring
speedy returns.
ALREADY over so postofHces have been
closed by the bringing of rural mail
delivery. The introduction of daily
m.til to many country localities will
introduce a vital change in
the question of newspaper and
magaz,ne literature as well as corres•
penitence. Daily market reports will
put the farming community into posses-
sion of the latest information along
these lines and post them as to selling
raid buying. We live in a going age.
S•rANn by the butter and cheese
factories and secure the best bred miich
cows. 'Phe monetary consideration to
payment for these products is only a
portion of the value being derived from
dairying. Many a farm has been
changed from 3rd to 1st class by such a
process. A scrub will not take the
place of a good cow, however, unless in
the quantity of feed consumed fol
which a very low rate of interest comes
hack. Build up the herd
liVA'rcu out for the real estate fakir
and if desirous of investing deal with
responsible men. Investments have
been made by some folk that sill
possibly never be realized upon as the
i• ,on bubble burst before they
uutosd upon somebody as green to real
v Ones and situations as they were
There is q lite a movement in Outarii
properties in both farm lands and
village and roan real estate which shows
a renewal of coufi kn e i:: this gra d •.:d
f•r looks as if food products would be
put on the free list by Uncle Sam there-
by opening up to Canada a nearby mar-
ket of very considerable value. A high
protection fence between two countries
as closely allied is about as nonsensical
its adjoining farmers putting up a
to foot tight board tine fence. No law
should hinder people selling in the
dearest st marks
t and buying i
g n t e
cheapest, High tariffs may do for a
catch -penny political cry but it is not
good business.
A great way to boom Huron County
is for every property owner to do a
cegtain quantity of improving about
their premises or business and thereby
greatly assist in the aggregate a Build
Up movement. Many farms and
urban properties have been mucb in-
hauced in the past few vears by better
buildings, improved methods, and a
general tidying up but there's plenty of
rot,m left for recruits to this brigade.
What will you (lo to help the situation ?
lemcA'ttoes p0iut to a hopeful and
treasonable tntprovement in Misfiles:*
circles in tete, Manufacturing concerns
are busy and in many cases under en
larged and improved auspices. Less
credit is asked than in any past period
and the bone and sinew of the land
represented by the' farming• community
—are broadening out and. are more
progressive than ever. Canada should
thrive well this year but let us not lose
sight of the fact that wilful waste means
woeful want and measure up to this
tact by economy and renewed energy.
Laser weeks Dominion Alliance Con
vention took advance ground and is
fitshioning a program that will do
to 'lis. They apparently dont tare
w , ch political party rules and reigns 80
19,,; as they help in the work of
stn eic:pating men and women from
temptation and bondage. Of course
the party who ie determined to stay on
the wrong side of the temperance fence
need not be surprised if the ballots of
electors, who plate priuciylee before
party, are marked with an X for their
opponents. 'There is A noticeable and
growing indepeldeuce among the
people that must be taken into the
If you have dandt tiff get rid of it by
!intim; the germs,
If your hair is falling out, stop it,
There is nue sure remedyLha w
remedy these nrisfortuues nti and you
to keep young.
PARISIAN Sage, the great hair re-
storer, is guat'auleed to permanently
remove dandruff in two weeks, or
Jas. Fox will give you your stoney
1 PARISIAN Sage stops falling hair—
it prevents the hair from fading.
It is the best beautifier for ladies'
hair, es it makes harsh, lusterless
hair liulfy, soft aud beautiful,
PARISIAN Sage is sold and rigidly
guaranteed by Jas, Fox. 50 cents a
brittle. Canadian makers, The R. T,
Booth Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont,
count and it very proper that this long
delayed condition of affairs should assert
PassiDENT Wt1,sos we greet you and
hope your term of office will prove a
great National blessing to the United
States We hope the friendly relations
that exist between Canada and our
Americap cousins may not only be
maintained but that they may broaden
in so far as both peoples may share in
conditions mutually helpful and
generally beneficial. Great things are
expected of the new government and
no doubt they will do their best to be
true to the trust reposed in them It is
no Small chore to be President of the
Uuited States.
Diet not The Whole Thing
Yam• table is loaded with food—
digestible and wholesome, yet you
never gain strength. What's the
trouble P Look within, and what do
you find ? A lazy liver, stomach over-
loaded with work—useless work be-
cause the bowels and liver are not
sumeieutly active. Relief is quickly
supplied by Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
They make weak folks strong by re-
lnoviug the cause of the weakness.
Digestion improves, constipation
leaves, liver takes new life, kidneys
wake up,—the whule system is er-
Iiveued by De. Hamiltons Pills. No
better medicine for the sick or well,
25c at all dealers.
Pat 'lament Buildings, Toronto,
Feb. 28L1, 1915.
Any person who likes spectacular
situations and exciting times should
visit the Ontario Legislation thin ses-
sion. Itis several years since there
have been such stirring scenes in the
local Assembly. Scatcely an after-
noon has passed without a sharp de-
bate and it is noticeable that the
Government has been on the defensive
practically all the time. The Whit-
ney g
oVe(•ntueut have
hours already and it may.
safely be expected that *till greater
trouble awaits.
The third a eek was marked by much
itnpurlatit business. One of the out•
standing feat wee was the introduction
by the leader of the Opposition, N.
W. Rowell, ofa resolution renffilming
policy f Abolish the bat. T
a. he
policy is identical with that of last
session. The actual resolutions in-
cluded details which fntnterly were
part of the policy and which were ex-
plained clearly by Mr. Rowell but
which were not actually included in
the foimal tesolutions, for example,
the point of abolishing club Licenses
and the method of maintaining Local
Option a8 a means of wiping out the
residue of the retail sale where the
electo,s so decide are as.
The resolutions follows :-
1—The immediate abolition of the
bar including therein the abolition of
all hotel and club licenses and thet•e-
with the treating system.
2,—Such other restrictions upon the
residue of the Liquor traffic as ex-
perience may show to be necessary to
limit its operations and effective to
remedy its evils, Local Option to be
maintained a9 a means of wiping out
the residue of the retail sale where the
els for decide.
s au del de.
3,—The strict enforcement of the
law by officials in sympathy with law
enfot•cetoent and the elimination cif
political influence from the adminis-
tration of the law.
Regulation and inspection of all
houses tit public entertainment so us
to ensue reasonable accommodation
for the travelling public.
As a contrastto r
t the constancy of
temperanceeratics policy
which is a clear cut, straight Forward
issue, the Government this week
showed how vacillating they ales.
Last session they introduced a motion
to abolish treating bunt nothing has
been done to put it into effect. This
week in defeating a motion expressing
regret the Guverttmeut had taken no
forward step in temperance, Hon.
Mr. Hanna forecasted some sort of
legislation. This is much more in-
definite than their policy of lust sea-
son and is It definite proof that the
Whitney government have no settled
ideas tit• principles about temperance
legielation but are simply looking
around for some policy with which
they can ,Hake some show of interest.
lite apectacltlar event of last week
was the admission by Pi'ernier Whit-
ney that it was he himself who had
sent the Ilk Lake telegram only two
days before the lust general election.
stating that the. Government was go-
ing to build a brurlah line of the T. &
N. O. Railway to Elk Lake. IL was
this announcement that assured the
election of the Conservative candidate
in Tamiskanti ng.
Last session the Opposition tticd to
find out who had sent the telegram
signed "J. P. Whitney." '!.'he Feline
Minister at that time said the tele-
gram must have been a forgery and
that, he would not be aur'prised if the
man who had scut it was riot far
awtty..7.hin *easion the Opposition
again brought, up the anfljent and for
several (laye the Pilnie Minister re-
fused point black to answer the clues*
Hon. Finally after over a year'e de-
lay, he did bring down the telegram
and admitted that he had stent IL hint -
self after 0 o'clock in the evening of
Decenhber 4th, 1411. 't'he General
Elections took place on December 11th,
1911. I
In Canada, the land I knew, when
upfrolayilfancy I grew, they're ehop-
pttg down the nobe trees, and using
all the inland Sens for waterpower
for Nett/lies, 0 Canada, fair Calacla 1
In Canada, where roamed the bear,
jay villages pollute the alt• with smoke
and germs and things like those ;
whale once the unstained forest rose
the housewife's hanging out her
clothes, 0 Canada, my Canada 1 Ii,
sylvan groves where once the owls
where frightened by the grey wolf's
bowie, 111e whiskered farmer builds
his shack and shapes his ugly forage
stack : the frontlet's driven further
back, 0 Canada, sweet Canada I Yon
see It all, and nothing math, you talk
about your greater growth 1 You
see your beauties fade .away, the
prairie flnwets give place to buy, the
waterfalls grind wheat all day, 0
Canada, proud Canada 1 In time you
doubtless will invade your Acetic
legions with a spade and shovel all
the snow away so that the greedy
grangers may plant squashes to the
fertile (day, 0 Canada, swift Canada]
You'll manufacture bricks and tiles
upon your famous Thousand Isles,
and harness down the scented breeze
that used to wave a million trees, so
it will manufacture cheese 0 Canada,
great Canada 1 The dear old Canada
of yore 1 No man shall see it ever-
more 1 The Canada of fine romance
of woodland pomp and circumstance
of mighty deed and parlous chance, 0
Canada, old Canada 1
good Reasons For Its Success
The uiajitity of camel' remedies
are useless. But nue that docs cure
is "Oatarrhozone." It cleats the
head of all mucous discharge. Putrid
twitter in the nostrils, phlegm in the
throat, and disease germs are corn•
pletely swept away. The cause of
the disease is destroyed, it's results
are destroyed, and the system so
thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal
poison that cute is permanent. All
types of catal eh, throat and bronchial
trouble, colds and roughs are snore
certainly cured by Cater'hoznne than
anything else. Two sizes, 25c and
$1.00 at all dealere,
From Remidgi, Minnesota
DEAR SIR,—I am writing you these
few lines in regard to THE BRUSSELS
POST, Would you please send it here
instead of Nokomis, until further
>,otice as I am visiting here now for
the Winter. Mrs. Mooney and Lisle
have been here since last August
visiting her people and I came al
Christmas. We will he here until
Spring and probably all Sunnite!.
This is a fine little city to live in and
is booming, with lots of 51ir and
amusement eu to be 'her had. '
a There
of employment theyear round
as thele are several large twills and
Factories that employ hundreds of
man. They run day and night (torn
Spring to FIJI and wages eine very
gond. There is lots of lumbering ill
this part the whole year round
Betsridgi is a very pretty city to live
in, especially leriallY
in Summer
with its
lakes and pine (tees and shaded
streets, which make it very healthy.
It is the County seat and has many
fine buildings, several large schools
and churches and gond stores. Liv-
ing is very reasonable. The Winter
has been very mild and pleasant au
Par and not much snow. Mrs. Mooney
has bettee health here than in the
West, and her sisters all live here
which means a Jot to her. Lisle is a
big buy now and goes 1;0 sr:hool steady
and 18 doing well as thele are good
schools here. er . Nokc 141 ,
Nokomis, one home
town in the West, is a good smart
little town arid is still going ahead.
I think it will be a big place sorer
day as it is quite a rained centre
now and a good distributing
point. It is nn the train line of the
Grand Trunk Pacific raiieoa(t and the
0. P. R. also goes through there. I
think there will be another road nr
two go through Nokomis in the near
fututa which will make it divisim.,al
point. Good farming country all a-
round it. Land is good and is held al
a high price. Our home there is only
2 miles from town and is in tt good
locality. Since cording here this
Winter I have had an offer of $36 00
an acre for it but as it is a gond plates
Lies nice, with gond soil and close
to town
and is all under (IIII,i 11111
it well worth CheP rice been
I have en
L 7l I1ave it ren n
ted t a
good termer at the present time sub -
1913 Catalogue Now Ready
80 pages brim full of good things. Con-
tains valuable information for the farmer,
market gardener and private planter, 12
pasta of the latest and beat, world-wide
Introductions, Valuable premiums, Your
chafe, of 6 new varieties still unnamed
(not for sale until 1014) absolutely free
with every order, large or amo1L. Don't
delay writing. Mail this with your name
and address. Your request will receive
sPectal attention. State if you Brow
vegetables or flowers for market, as we
have a special pried het. Write to -day
while lt', fresh in your mina
Dept. 84
For Loss of
We Will pay for What yea t
Reza!! "93" hair '1,w :
Promote the growth of ; • . e
In all our "(1)c', 1, • '
tonies the one v. t 1 a
gain our com''r':,, a is H tial tri"
Hair Tonle, t; .r have s. s '1.
found:4 f u t i:, it tl --s
you t'3 try it • '. our risk. If .1 40,,
not sats fy t.. in ever:. •
we wid , t t n ),hat y.,- ,
extent A t v treat
If li.. all "..s1- flair does
not leince d, nLufr 1 ., 111 scalp
irrit Mon, the hair from falling
and promote a new growth of hair,
(n hack to us ant oak t, to reulrt
1 money you paid for 0, ,1 nr, v,,,l
pri haler 0 back to 70.1. You
don't sign anything, pronri,e• any-
thing, bring anything back, or in any
way obligate yourself. Isn't that fair?
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
would not make such a liberal offer
if we did not tnrly I .'^re that
Resell "e3" Hair 'fm:. tn $; nil
we claim for it — that is nal do all
and more than any oth.r remedy?
We have everything there is a de-
mand for, and are able to judge the
merits of the things we sell. Cuss
touters tell us of their success. There
are more satisfied users •.: P,exall
"93" Hair Tonic than any similar
preparation eve sell.
Start a treatment of Resell "93"
Hair Tonic today. If you do, we
believe you will thank us for this
advice. Two size bottles, 50c and 51.
You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
in this community only at our stare:
Brussels The Ya.P,e acne Ontario
There is a Recall Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain, There is a different Reran
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M—
eech especially designed for the particular ill
for which it is recommended.
The Rutin Stores are America's Greatest
Drug Stores
ject to sale. We like the Nest fine
and T think it is the country for a
poor Wall to get hold of a, pipet. of
land for a start, The Government
offers gond inducements to Nll Well,
Mr. Kerr, since leaving Bimtels and
coming West we have ulct nonny
people we used to know in the least.
TER. BRUSSELS POST is alwaya a wel-
come visitor and we look for it every
week as it gives all the news. I world
like to take a trip back East and see
the old town and the people t used to
know. We may do so before very
lung. If we do not make one home
here we will go back to Nnkmnis and
live in town and as We have Levo good
town lots there we c•ul build on them.
If we dont sell out faro) we will keep
it rented for awhile yet until Lisle
gets big enough to work it, if he wants
to but we want to keep hits to 801)001
and give him a gond education. Hop-
ing this will find you all well, I w1)1
now ring off with Mrs. Mnnney join-
ingme in sending our kindest re-
t t sls to you all and t o all 0111 a e-
quaiutanees. Yours Respect fnlly,
HARRY lye ooNEY.
Bemidgi, Minnesota, February 10th.
Yon judge a mall not by what he
promises to dn, bot by 0vbat he bus
dints. 'Phut is the only tree test.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
by this standard bus no superior.
People everywhere speak of it in the
highest te•nla of praise. For sale by
all dealers.
Morris Council
Council islet in Township Kroll on
Monday l+ebrnttey 10th, lleiubere
ire est Reeve it tl 'r \I I. 1 •s e
1 s )i(1u1 ,i tit f
hist 1,151111,g item) and arm ((((1.
Auditors' presented their rep(" t at cl
nu motion by Fraser—Thuell ,t port
was accepted. On rem ouumend ittiun
frnm the Board of Health, on *notion
by Thuell—Fraser•, the salaty or the
Medical Health Oinne.r• was fixed at
$50 00. Juhnstnn—Lttitllaty—That we
advance to Arthral Cronin $100 to
secure tile foe the Bird druid,
Oat Teed, An application f) lir A et low
Ovotiiu asking to have N l Lot 4,
One. 7 taken out of S. 5, No. 5 and
added to S. S. No. 3 of Melees
and Wawanish. On model
by.lohnntou—Ft•aset• the application
was accepted and the Clerk lest rum ed
to notify the tt•natees of each Section
to appear at the next Connnil Meet-
ing to give eettsuls for or against the
prospnaed change. Carried. Thrall--
Fraser—that the tender of A. Bill &
Co, he accepted for the snpergta net the
of the Sunshine bridge, the stone to
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
are not a new and untried remedy—
our grandfathers used them. Half a
century ago, before Confederation,
they were on sale in nearly everydru
general ore in the Canada othat
orat f
day and were the recognized cure in
thousands of homes for Constipation,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism
and Kidney and Liver Troubles To.
day they are just as effective, just as
reliable as ever, and nothing better
has yet been devised to
Cure Common Ills
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
McKelvey, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Hume,
physician, deceased.
Notlee is hereby given, pursuant to See, 66,
Chap. 211, of the statutes or Ontartb, I George
V„ that all creditors And otbnr9 having entitle
against Ihu entitle of the ootid 4lexanderMc-
Kelvey, Who tiled on or about the 28th day or
Deeemiior, A D 1012, are, equlred: on or before
the 10th doyy of Marek, A, D, 1018 to send by
post prepaid or deliver to tbo underpinned Ad
mintatretrix of the estate, their Christian trod
surnames, addresses and descriptions, and o
etpben,ent of their memento against the said
estate and also the nature of the security (if
Any/ held by them, duly verified by n statutory
Andfurtherte theAdoe thattratrir ill pros
need to'di date thhAdmtntstretriz.W111 pros
need to dfetributo the ascots of the dmoased
amongst the parties untitled thereto, havin
regard only to the eleime of Which she 1.111111
(hail hove got notice, and that the sold Adtn h,•
lsttretrix will 1101 he tinblr• for the said eeeetp
01any port thereof to tinypartial) cep 00,01(0 tit
whose.Ilaime entire shell not have here reeeiv'
pd be her st the time or Purls ritatenin inn.
betrd lh 1,8 htla8•pti , ng
MtRsia'O4tAT11i kflTNnrPaIE Mrlir71111
84.4 Rrnvvele P O,
Adminjstratrix of the Estate.
cnnelst of a two span bridge, 12 ton,
85 feet each spun, 14 fte roatlway,
built to stilt cedar, pier at $4,800,
Carried. Fraser'—'Lhuell—'''hat Clerk
beillstiucted to cell for Tenders for
ennetrlletioo of abutments and cents)
pier for Suus11iue bridge also foi
snpet•structtue of J'uLtan bridge,
1W ft, span and a 30 ft. *pan, also
$upel'ttti Ltd 11)5forBlyth Creek )rain
31) foot span. All three to be 12 ton
ellpel'ateuet 1111 8. Johnston --Laidlaw
ilei( \\•In. Ferguson be ills eeLor
1 C•.• pp
n 1 hent week at Stulpiline ilridge
at 82 0(1 per 1111)', 0/Wiled. Laidlrtw—
Fraser—That Hy -Lau' an Local Option
that received the assent of the late -
payers be finally passed, Carl led.
Following accounts were paid :—
Duff & Stewart, lumber, $2240 ; tetiun*
big, $300 ; A. 1e,'litvee, express, 40e;
telepeone, 20e ; Baron Expositor, ltd-
verlising, $3 04 ; Philip Aulent, rie-
(mint, 528 32 ; Jou, McGill, stone 4111
line $10 60 ; A. Orotliu, digging drain,
8111110e, $2(1,0(1; A. C•rtnie, tile fir
l)ir(1 dt'aiu 5)01).00; Chi1(11'0108 A1(1
Mneiety 3$oderic11 grant, 596 00 ; It
13, Alcock, titling, $5.00 ; ''linen
P't•aser—that 111• grant $25.00 to the
011ildreu's Aid auei(rly, headquarters
at Gotha ieh. C':u rigid, ConucIl all•
jimmied to tn(et 11altIi 3011).
s1. ,1laol,wag, Clerk,
Will Give $500 to Sick
Readers of The Post
Famous Scientist who Originated the Now
Wonderful 'Home Treatment' offers $1.00
Package Free to Sick and Ailing.
In order that every reader of THE { People who suffer from Rheumatism,
Poser Aho may not have heard of this Kidney Trouble, SI unlash 'nimble,
wonderful "Houle Treatment" rorty Liver or Bowel Disorders, 13riuohitis,
have au opportunity t0 test this cele- Catotl rh, Asthma, CI uric (loughs.
heated medicine, the now famous Weal. Lungs, Lumbago, Piles, 11;111 -
scientist, De Jaules W. Kidd, (dere aey Disorders, Feulale. Weak ;lessee of
to give abeoluLely free a full size $1.00 01,7 kind, the weak, worn out, brokt•m-
packageto five hundred readers of this (111051 and despondent will ladel igh1-
t5 prove the wonderful chorus ed at the effect of a few doses. This
which have been made for it. In teak- wonderful treatment creates a line ap-
ing this offer the scientist said ; "I petite and helps the digestive orgnua
know 01111 there are many people who to carry nn their funetious AS they
have been suffering for years with should. It strengthens the kidneys,
'lure eht•ollic dieeaseand many of them DM, and drives rllellll)11I)8ll paia011s
have spent large stuns of money seek- from the blond as if by lungin. 'That
Ing a cure. I know that these people is why people who try it become so
hesitate about investing money in enthusiastic,
medicine because they have despaired Any reader of THE Pos'r who will
or ever getting well. Thousands have try this extraordinary medicine that
told Inc that story and 111at1y thous- has created en 11111011 exliil fnlent by its
and8 of the slime people have told mi' eters 000 obtain ,Ll)s,tlItI >'l 01 free a fall
afterwards that my treatment had
Bused them after doctors and every-
thing else had failed. I want to prove
1„ a limited number —no (natter whist
the disease, no matter holy long they
may have snffered, n0 matter how blue
and discouraged—that my treatment
really and actually does accomplish
the wonderful veering that have been
51.00 treltUneut by simply tilling in the
coupon below or writing t1 letter des -
el ibing their ease in there own words,
if they prefer, and mailing it to.d,ty to
James \V, Kited, Tut nutty Canada. No
money need be sent and no charge of
any kind will he made.
As this offer is limited, you should
write at (t0Ce, in order to he sill•* tr
receive voile free treatment.^ N y
coupon eB=99 For Free Dollar Treatment
Dr. Jas. W. Kidd, Toronto., Canada;
Please send me a Full 61.00 Course of Treatment for my ease, free and postage
pale, just as you premise,
Poet, Otilce. „ Province
Street at,d No . ...........
Age,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,, How long afflicted ? .,
Make a cross tX) before diseases you have. Two crosses IXX) before the one from which
you suffer most.
Rheumatism ...Kidney Trouble Impure Blood Female Weakness
- .... Bladder Trouble Anemia ,., 'Wraith Trimble
..•. Weals Lunge Pin pies ”
Chronic Cough .,, Eczema Ovarian Trott/11a
Piles .. Mnlarle Nenralg(e ..,. Painful Periods
.. , $PAdaall
.... Hot Plashes
3 F hes
To Ind n a .....fie
Indi •estion
9 .. Dizzinosp
t .,... Heart Trouble N softy neea •• ...Benigng Doan Pains
..... Stomach Trouble .,. Poor Circulation Obesity .- Leucorrhoea
Give any other symptoms on a superste sheet, Correspondence In all fa nun gas.
atop LI roping* Cure the Cern
guit•kly dont• by Put n m's Painless
Corn Extractor. Acts in 0116 day,
Palace ITU pale, 1'ell)0505 every tense
of ,ltn'eneSa, Fifty Years of sura.,
proves Pn01100 a is the beet, Rohlti
The People's Column
DAw1'Ua1g'20 1i1N1'. — The Clegg fait,,,
tieing Lot 8, Con, 6, Morris, le ulcered to
rent for pn.,tura. For thriller ,,aritoul,,rs 111..
bey on the premises to Mild, JOS. OJ,iiG(f,
FARM POlt SALE—West Half Lot 3, 0w,,
id 'l'ou•oehlp of Grty;ao 1Iandng Lb ecru+
46,elua•o 1, feno,ll, dl'nlurd and all u] groes. 6
acre, herd -wood bueh. No buildunte, Fur
fur her particulars apply to J. 1,11 K111,
a8 -If - 13ritaeela,
S or
114 LI, nm fur sale, part Lot 11, Cyn. 11,
Grey towuplip, ou Wtlmh is n Lome
1,0U e, bwtlt burn, driveng shed, pig pan, alto,
ovulated. &c Good drilled well, ly 1411.8
from Ura,brook. 008(8,8101, on Maroh 181,
For further partlapla•e apply to
OHAy. iW27ZEB,
Walton, 7. 0.
ltan'r.•-The home recently vnmlted 1,2
Jelin 1.1 Kerney, who moved to (dt,oh b lknolt n
a0 tJ,o1l gel,, prutau't3•, I'm nlmu•y street, is
of t•rud fur anti, m tf not 89111 tvtll be rented.
There leo nom forts bre hoaee, good stable and
13 oeres of land with n doable entrance. Fine
garden, &o. For rorther particulars apply to
0. 1.1 Korr, of Tali P01471, W Ito holds 1110 lies,
It Ian onotee sp el ti,. 1100 In and will be sold
Very ruammilb y. 1,1-15
FA1(01 11011 8A1,14,—The undersigned offers
his ane from eonsi.thIng ur abuat 185 Nares
adjoining the town or Clinton. cur nate, The
faro, Is in a good 0501,, t-1,•nn lention, and huts
good buildings. brick hou.4o bank barn, dr)v-
h,g house, pig pen, eta , all vouq,ar allvely nen'.
A at el -cress young- nrchnrd Dori anune all
kinds fir fruits and also small fruits. The
Wm Is well leveed end drained and le a 5015
,le-irnble home, 0'14• further partitpin re apply
on the premises Or add roan
28-15 JOON TOR12AN(13. Clinton.
014 SA I,E 013 '1'O LET.—A good comic t•
IE able dwelling end two lots in Brussels,
Terme envy. Apply to F N Soomx, Auctions
eer, Brussels, or to B, S. Coos, Fordwleh. 9.814
100 ACMES Ol0 LAND for sole, I04 miles
North 01 Seelor•tb Good clay loam,
all cleared and ander en Iti re tion. (tank barn,
cement floors, Targe Lome house, newly Vint,
ed • goon wells at barn and hoax,, ; buildings
into helves In excellent repair. An id0n1 110100
cheap Apply (Miss) 808161 OOVoNLOOK,
tearorth, oat
FA 1101 FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26,
Con. 1, Morris township, Hard Co„ cons
Mining 1011 Bores more or less. On the prem-
ises Is It frame house, honk barn, eocd orchard,
well wind mill, &e. A11 Glen red except abou
an acre SOhnol I% miles distant, Only 234
miles f,•0,0 Brussels. allures or Fell whet 1,1
and about 60 acres seeded down, For price,
terms and other Information apply on the
penises nr it writhlg Brussels P C.'Phone
120. Or P. S. 8eo51, Brussels.
Il-tf A. 0,-101eRR. Proprietor.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns 'for Sale
Revco Scotch Short Born Rolls 9 bo 20 n)ontlte
old, reds and 1001)0 t big smooth a,,d stylish ;
ahni,e•t br•e,.dtnu—CAmpbell Rc8p Auds, 111arr
Aenntvs and , `A,Itnl eII Rppe,P,, Netto Netter
for milk 91,11 beef. Will he sold of any reason.
able offer an on cos' t. rmo,
Reduce Your "Feed" Bills by using
Molasses Meal
The quantity an animal eats counts for very little
—it's the amount it digests which tells in class
andvalne. Caldwell's Molasses Meal lowers"Feed"
Bills. It takes the place of an equal quantity of
cereal—makes other "Feed" more palatable and
digestible. Molasses Meal is 84% pure Cane Mo-
lasses -16% an edible moss selected because of its
known digestible action. You
might t ae
well save
moneyand increase the value of your y
using Caldwell's Molasses Meal. If your feedman
cannot supply you—write to us—write anyhow!
Thouenods of ambitions young people
are being instructed 1l their homes by
r Home Study Dept You ay aider.
at Uollego it yentlesbra. Puy when.
eye,. 1,10 wLvh Thirty Years' Export
times. La'geot t,nble1a In Uflneda,
Iilnrer an. day Pesi11004 guaranteed.
15 y0,1 wt.. to !MVO board Lind lean•,,
,t title yon earn, write for particulars,
VJinglium Business College
0E0. 0POTrON, President
rizazzameserseraziressmitat 1328181111:1=o16
The nerves control 1 e
o all a tfone of the body so that any
thing that debilitates them win weaken all organs of .'
the system.
Early Ind etrodon►and Excesses
ruined thousands of promising young men, Unnatural .",
Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop r;
to a proper conditioner manhood. They remain weak- .,,
Bogs, mentally, physically and sexually. Hew you feel? i.
Aro yon nervous and weak,, despondent and gloomy,
specks before the oyes with dark circles under them,
weals back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, s;
bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples i.,
on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ext ?.
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy
and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change-
able moods, promaturedecay, bone pains, hair loose, etc.. •
This is the conditionour New Method Treatment is
We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life. %.
time and do not have to experiment. Consult us,
and wo will tell you whether you are curable or not,
We guarantee curable metes of
Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. - If unable to call
write for
Wonderful Nervous System
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
All Ietters from Canada must be addressed
NOTICE to our Canadiah Corres p ondence De p art-
. c3, ••.:' _ _., . p P
weesumensme ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
+: see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat '
1 no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows:
Write for our Private address.
Use your snare time and beoodea. good
Idooliknoper, or a Skenngrupher, or
1 Draw 11
a1 nod Des
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Uourvs In Store Writing nr donrnaltam
nod quedify to 011r11 0 go d salary, We
can give yon just the right Course.
Write 1151 for Catalogue W, H, SBA W,
President, Siulw'e 9nnuolp, Toronto,
Cu redt•.
At ,your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless calces no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why want until your rup-
ture becomes c rnus strangvltltt,(I
when you can be cured !'
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
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Neale .
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noel te*turn to
88 (taloa onia St.
heal A Sti-otfo• ti, Ont.