The Brussels Post, 1913-1-30, Page 4k'1 c b ettsseIs last
IURn 1Y. JANUARY 3o, 1913
ARP; tout hens laving ?
',ring busy business booms in
GOOD Moruing 1 We think Tile
POT is a fairly live local newspaper.
Do s,•
Whatu t vt
1 u suggest
that weed be an improvement,
APPROPRIATIONS for the eoutetnplated
improvements of the C, P, R. in the
Gree' iVvet show that something will be
doing next Summer. Over 50o miles
of new lines will be built and Soo miles
of double tracking put down to facilitate
the immense trade of this Company.
DON'•t you think now that butter and
cheese are such a good price and much
of the raw material sold by the percent-
age of butter fat. that it would be a good
idea to weed out some of your non•pro-
(tuctive bossies, who may only be star.
boarders, and invest in the best milk
producers ?
A TIDY cement building well situated
with requisite machinery to operate a
good machine shop is unoccupied at
Brussels on which a real bargain would
be offered by the Council. Do you
know anybody interested ? Particulars
may be secured by writing or telephon-
ing Reeve Leckie or Clerk Scott.
THE annual Convention of the Ontario
Branch of the Dominion Alliance is
called to meet in Massey Music Hall,
Toronto, on Wednesday and 'Thursday,
Feb 26th and 27th, Among the topics
to be dismissed will be Provincial wide
legislation ; laying plans for future Field
work ; strengthening of law enforce-
ment, &u. A big rally is expected.
ENVER Bay, the young Turk, who
disrupted the peace uegotiations end
says "Let the war proceed," may be
sorry he stopped the funeral procession
as the Balkans will likely trounce them
to a finish. It is to had that the con-
flict is to proceed but that may be the
only way to teach the lesson and bring
Turkey to her knees. We believe the
Turks will have many tt bitter pill to
swallow before atonement will be made
for the long years of oppression and
bru'ality in which they revelled.
WE don't have to go to New York or
ober American cities to get a glimpse
Or sky scraper buildings any more as
'1 ,ronto is setting the pace with a 20
loamy building for the Royal Bank on
1 ,e Northeast corner of King and
Yonge streets. It will be three stories
higher than the new structure erected
by the C. P. R. on the opposite corner.
The work will commence in the ensuing,
Spri..g. It will be practically fire proof
and fitted up with all the modern con-
veniences and comforts. Cost is esti-
mated at $1,400,000, a sweet old price
you will well say.
Were horse flesh on the bill ot fare in
France and dog meat catering to the
epicurean taste Lf Germany we are going
to be very common folk in this country
to eat just common beef, mutton, pork
and poultry, True we mix in an oc-
casional slice of bear or tickle the palate
with the hind limbs of a good frog but
h•lw pleased we will be when we can
invest in a can of old Dobbin or a few
pounds of Collie or Rover and know
that they are genuine. The world cer-
tainly moves and our forefathers hardly
knew what it was to be alive compared
with our privileges. Bow -wow.
Neigh 1 Neigh 1 dont be too sure Mr.
YES 1 It makes a difference. When
q lestion of Reciprocity in natural
products was before this country Sir
Wm. Yee
Horne to
uk it anon himself to
. v that he was sick and ashamed of the
loyalty of the farmers in desiring to deal
with the United States Well, let us
look a little Further, This same gentle.
man is a stock -holder lin a big paper
mill in Quebec. These paper manufac-
turors asked the Government to cut off
the duty on pulp wood to the United
States and they did so and now these
manufacturers are said to profit by mil-
lions a year. Sir William's health does
not appear to suffer by the move al-
though,he may still be ashamed. It's
funny, isn't it that what was a sin for
the farmer is a sterling virtue to Mr,
Van Horne. We have not noticed any
0' the newspapers who were so ready to
grate this millionaire's opinion a couple
of rears ago have much to say when the
b 1 it is on the other foot, We believe
in the old adclage "What's sauce for the
goon: is sauce, for the gander." Cana-
dig( farriers were not going to annex
themselves to the United States because
they could secure $3 or 014 a ton extra
fir hay, ;eninoreased price per bushel
grain, or a d or two more a
head tor cattle. They are just as loyal
hg men who talk more loudly and still
pocket the additional profits of freer
GUaranteod by Joe Fax to Step Fatting
Hair and Dandruff
Itching scalp, keeps you scratching
ani feeling Wiselable all the time.
Wash your hat' tootight with soap
and Ivaco., rub on a goodly quantity
of PARISIAN Sage and the distress-
ing itchiness will be gone in the
PARISIAN Sage is a pure, refresh-
ing and Invigorating hair dressing.
Besides putting an end to scalp itch,
dandruff and falling hair it nourishes
the hair roots and preserves yea the color
of the hair, and puts a splendid
radiance into faded and unattractive
hide. It should be used by every
member of the faultily to keep the
scalp free from dandruff germs and
prevent baldness. Large bottle 60
cents at Jas. Fox and druggists every-
SOMEBODY says John D. Roc kefeller's
income is $26 8o a minute and we sup.
pose he might well say "Time is money,"
A. mathematician has figured out that
there is only room in Uncle Sam's do -
Main for about 130 of J, D's, size, sub•
dividing the total wealth of the U, S.
out oo the above basis and we guess the
rest of the citizens under the stars and
stripes would have to go without even
the silver cartwheels. Many a man
would be glad to have the oil magnate's
share for even 24 hours. Some of the
men of wealth are limbering up and not
a few Canadian cities and towns—Brea•
sets in the number, have reason to thank
Mr Carnegie for his generosity. No-
table examples are on record where
Canadians who have obtained a super-
abundance of the "long green" have and
are making bestowments to churches,
colleges. schools and institutions for the
relief of the poor and needy so it is not
best to be too pessamistic over the mat.
ter. There's many a fellow who would
be a very off -hand disburser of other
people's money rarely ever is in the
mood of testing the principle with his
Another Groat Discovery
A. well known gentleman in Black
Bay, Ont., £1i'. John Cowan, has dis-
covered an absolute specific for
Rheumatism, and writes : "I was
affected with Sciatica land chronic
Rheumatism which I contracted
years ago. The disease had a great
hold in toy blood, and it was hard to
snake any impression on it. Reading
of Ferrozune I was convinced of its
merit and it's certainly the best 1
have ever tried. Why it just drove
away the Rheumatism. Even stiffen-
ed old sufferers will experience quick
results. The reason is that Ferrozoue
acts through the blood and therby
destroys the cause of the disease.
Price 60c per box at all dealers,
DEAR SIR: lu renewing my sub-
ecription I must say that we would
not like to be without THE POST, as
it keeps us in touch with the home-
land. We are having a little cold
snap just now, 30' below zero but nice
Winter weather with just enough
snow for sleighing. All well.
Yours respectfully,
A. Fox.
Jan. 22nd 1913.
W. H. Marta,
DEAR. SIR.—Enclosed find Postal
$1.60 for renewal for THE POST and
Toronto Weekly Globe addressed the
same as usual
I would
feel lust if I
did not get THE POST. Oh 1 but we
are in the throes of an Ontario
Winter, the first since I came to B. O.
Snow is three feet deep on the level
and air quite frosty. It is a much
larger Alberni since January 1911.
Our first Municipal election was held
this week and it certainly did make a
move in the town. This place will
not be killed with big tax rates like
Port Alberni and it is a far more at-
tractive place than the Port. I re-
main in the meantime,
Yours Truly,
Alberni, Jan. 18, 1913.
Mrs. Wilkinson is a daughter of Mrs.
Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels,
and was a former resident here.
Note by Editor.
.—This 18o'n
g r g to be
a large city as it isgrowing
last and property advancing
very quickly. I could easily snake
$2000 on , our house. I may say
was offered it but will not take it,
We have bought 14 lots lately which
will do well for us before Spring.
Now as to the weather it was very fine
up to after the New ' Year, ranging
abont zero and no rain since early in
the Fall nor mud. I cannot tell you
how people are so- much taken up in
real estate but its alt the talk. No
doubt some are making money, quite
a few are millionaires in this city and
made it all here in a few years in
property. Just to let you know how
property is' selling our church is on
the Main street, 2 blocks front the
station, and it has got too small so
they are building a new church Cost-
ing $175,00 and have an offer of
$200,000 for the old church but did
not accept it. There is not much
ground in connection with it but its
on a corner. New church le going to
be seated for 1,400 people. We have
over 200 adherents. I have seen
Rev. Mr. Salton your former minister
who is here but I hear he is leaving
for Winnipeg. He has a fine large
church. We have a splendid minister
one of the best speakers I ever heard
and good man
out of
Ile has an assistant at present who
molds evening service in one a the
theatres on Sundays, What do you
think of that P Whet] I tell time Of
my old friends that T go to the
theatre on Sunday night they will look
tr•••••••••••••••••••••••ti8 ••••••••r•••tr••••••••••tM•1 held the seat ever since, On the ae-
• gumption of the WhitneyGovernment
A • to power in 1905Ise was called to the
• • Owbinet as l'ruvinrial 'Treasurer and
• enjoyed the distinction of havingbeen
rets r
a nod b ' nrcl n a
mato 1, a
1 1 n 11 y t
Cutters• 3 ,
• electron abate..
• The surviving members of the
• family Etre the 1lisees Anna, Eliza and
•Joanna, sisters and A, 0. andOtt pt
A. F. Manager of the Mete:balite Bank,
Mot hers, all of nylholta u t'sltle 111 Per th.
11111121111111111111111111111111111111111.1•1111111 1111111111111•11•09.1111111=111111511111191
Just a few Cutters left
Reduced Prices for 2 Weeks
Very best of Style and Comfort. Must be
sold to make room for too Buggies which are
now building at the Ewan Carriage Factory.
Don't forget the Reduced Prices on Cutters
for 2 weeks only. Call at once. We will sat-
isfy you in Style and Price.
DE Ewan Carriage Factory
Brussels, Ont.
••••S•••••••N•••••••••tN• ••••••••••••••••••••N•N•
at me. Well Mr. Kerr, how is old
Brussels ? I am pleased with the
West and have one of the best gtrocer
businesses in Mooaejaw. Wishing all
old friends a Happy New Year.
Yours Sincerely,
Moosejaw, Jan, 20, 1913.
DEAR MR. KERB.—The following is
from a Oranbrook old boy in Illinois.
We ate having fine Weather here but
quite a lot of rain. It is just like
Spring. Have not had enough snow
to cover the ground this Winter.
High water has done a greet deal of
damage in the South us the rivers are
all out of there banks. Thousands of
families ate homeless, Where we
are high water ,does not bother us
but the mud does aa roads are almost
axle deep. We are all enjoying gond
health at present ourselves but there
is quite a lot of sickness of one kind
and another as the weather is so
changeable. It is fine here but yon
hardly know how to cloathe yourself
as it may be down to zero in the next
24 hours t,ut hope not. THE POST is
like a letter from home so enclosed
please find a year's subscription for
vane. Yours Truly,
Jan 24, 1913.
Here is a remedy that will cure your
cold. Why waste time and money
experimenting when you can get a
preparation that has won a world-
wide reputation by its cures of this
disease and can always be depended
upon ? It is known everywhere as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is
a medicine of real merit. For gale
by all dealers.
Hon. Matheson, Provincial
Treasurer Drops Dead,
Col. Hon, A. J. Matheson, K. C.,
Provincial Treasurer, died suddenly at
his home at Perth town on Saturday
night at half past ten. He seemed in
his usual health all day, going from
Toronto in the morning for his usual
week -end visit and spent a social hour
at the Perth Club during the evening,
leaving about a' quarter past ten for
his home.While he was moving
about in the hall ofthe house he ex-
pired suddenly, where the members
of the family found hint The doctors
who were called quickly, stated that
death was altnost instant.
Col. Matheson suffered a collapse at
the 'session of the Legislature last
year. After an ' absence of a few
weeks he resumed his duties at the
Treasury Department and then took a
six weeks' vacation in England and
Scotland, returning quite refresh-
ed. But be realized that he alight not
live long, for his heart was weak and
expressed the wish that death would
cotne quickly when it was due. With
the knowledge that be might be called
at any moment he devoted his time
and thought towards completing as
many undertakings as possible and
leaving others in snob a way that they
could be straightened out if lie was
summoned by death before they were
Oficial business kept Col. Matheson
in Toronto until Saturday morning,
his usual practice being to return to
Perth un; Friday afternoon. Before
abandoning work he gave instructions
fol• calculations to be made to be ready
for him on Tuesday morning. The
department is in thennidst of prepar-
ing the estimates and accounts for the
session of the Legislature, which
opens next week, and the Colonel was
giving personal supervision to the
preparation of the statements. The
news of his death came its a great
shock to the members of the depart-
ment, many of whom regard his
death as their own loss.
The funeral was at 1 30 on Tuesday,
under military auspices.
This is the second vacancy in the
Cabinet to be caused by death. Hon.
Dr. Willoughby, Minister without
portfolio, died several years ago and
was succeeded by Hon. I. B. Lucas.
Lieut, -Col. Arthur James Matheson
was the son of a•family Long honored
and esteemed in the town of Perth.
He was a son of the late Senator,
Roderick Matheson and Anna D.,
daughter of Rev. Janes Russell, of
Gairloch, Scotland, his. -second wife.
Born in Perth, December. 8, 1845, he
was educated at Upper Canada College
and Trinity University. He graduat-
ed in 1865, and was relied to the Bar
in 1870. He practier ! law in Perth,
being seui0' tiretinber of the firth of
Matheson & Balderaon. Proust 1886 to
1898 he was Leut.-Col„ commanding •
the 42nd Regiment when he retired
and was transferred to the reserve of
officers and was Brigadier cormnand-
ing the 6th Infantry Brigade at Kings-
ton camp in 1900. Colonel Matheson
saw active set vice during the Fenian
Raid and volunteered .'for service in
the Northwest Rebellion, A member
of the Town Council of Perth for three
years in 1884.5 he held the office of
Lieut. -Col. Matheeon'wits first elect
ed to the Legislature in 1894 and has
- i
t 9
Link -Blade •
The Cream •
for You
s oaaeoes0000••••••••soo00.0 000.0000000•0000,0000*0060
LEARN` why you should buy the Simplex and no other, of its un -
rivalled close skimming ; of its sins licit and ace0uae. of con-
struction ; of its freedom from Trouble and Repair Expense ; ot
its Ease of Turning and Cleaning and of its Record as a Time and
Money Saver.
As "Seeing is Believing" and "The Proof 'of the Pudding is the
Eating" come and see "The Favorite Everywhere it Goes," Be seized
of the opportunity, which is yours, to taste of the sweets of operating
a Simplex and you will be a Simplex Booster like every other user.
This is no empty Bluff but the fruit of matty,years experience with
this and with many other Create Separators.
The annual meeting of the members
of the h•IeKillop Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company was held it the Town
'Hall iu Seafnrth alt Friday Jan. 17th.
There wits a good attendance of mem-
bers. The director's and auditoes',
reports were read and adopted. Both
were very satisfactory to the meeting
and there were no complaints. The
retiring directors, John G. •Grieve,
James Evans and John Benneweis
I M. P, P., were re-elected. Year cow -
1 neared with a surplus of $2,011 in the
t,easury and was closed with 'a
' balance of $4,460, The 11)8508 for the
1 year amounted to $4,118, the largest
,loss that of Charles Rogerson, of
Buffett, barn and contents. $1,895.
The assessment collections for the
year amounted to $7,122. During the
year 59L applications for insurance
were accepted rostering property to
the amount of 51,198,965 with
premium notes to the value of $48,-
651. The assessment in this company
is very light being otily $2 per
thousand insured, which covers all
losses and expenses.
At the close of the annual meeting
there was a meeting of the Board of
directors, when J. B, McLean, Tucker.
Stock 8z Poultry Specifics
FREE We will send absolutely free, for
the asking, postpaid,• one of our
large 64 -page books (with in-
sert), on the common diseases of stock and
poultry. Tells how to feed allkinds of heavy
and light homes, colts and mares, mtich cows,
calves and fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It contains 360
recommends from all over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specifi,, than you' could possibly do without it,
ti:erebv so,ing a month's feed and labor and
the cost to you will not be more than $1.60 for
six pies• or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed. If you have n poor: miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try it on this one
first and see the marvellous result which will
be obtained Our Stock Specific wit' increase
the milk flow three to live lbs. per eow per
day, while being fed in the stable. A 50c
package will last a cow or horse 70 days,
will make your hens lay just as well in the .
winter as In the summer, and wilt keep them
free from disease. These gooda are pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler
to make a large package, entirely different
from any on the market at the present time,
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pckga. ; four
60e nckgs., in an air -tight nn, for 51.60.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 20c and 55c
pckgs., and SEGO air -tight ttna that hold
four 50c palms.
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 26e and 60c tins;
30e by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 250 and 50c tine; 20c
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 60c
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin; .60c by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26c and 50e tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 26c tine; .30e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 22e tins ; 30c by
Manufactured only by
TheW.A.Jenkins Mfg. Co.
London, Canada'
Royal Purple i'npplies and Book-
lets may be obtained from
A. C. Baeker, Brussels
Multi), was re-elected President end
.lauaes Connolly, Goderich, vice -Presi-
dent , '1 E Hays was re-elected
Secretary -Tree -111'1..1., This is Illi.
111 cLt an s 11th year lie President, and
i111 Hugs has been Strtetaryy, rcae-
tire1' for shout 20 yea's, Board is
composed of J. B. AloLeat, President;
.11111190 Ootintoll y, thea, President ; T,
I,. Way 5 Seceetai v!1'reasurer, and
Alalcoliu .Iicitwuu Johtl Watt, Jas,
Evans, John Benneweis, D. F, Mc-
O'egnt', John 0, (sieve end Willie')
A, Denny aud C. Seveet cut 201
((.1115 of wood In three days for Jas.
(leo. Audrewa, who frits been visit-
ing his palenls, lieu. and 1511.0.
Andrea's, here left for his home in
Three Hills, Alta.
At a meeting of Lite subscribers on
Fordwich Rural Telephone Co. line
connecting at. Corrie held at Harvey
Sperling's it was decided to have the
Ootnpaty connect their line to the
Ford with Centrist, an that Lhey might
have erne service with the rest of the
Coss. system, also Springbank, and
have a night service.
- JUN. A. Sanderson has decided to
start a sawmill in town. Be has
secured Mr. Cole, sawyer, of Ethel,
and his outfit, and intends having
everything in readiness for operation
in about a week or two. He will do
custom pawing, aud will also buy all
kinds of timber.
The election of officers of Howirk
Royal Scarlet Chapter was held on
Jan. 14th, and resulted in the follow-
ing staff being installed for 1913 :—
Conlp. in command, John Mont-
gomery ; E. Comp.., Reuben Balding ;
Comp, Chap„ Geo. Hubbard ; Comp,
Scribe, Win. H. Hays ; Comp, Treace,
John Dane ; Sir Herald Kt. at Arms,
J. Harper ; Lrside kieruld, Finlay
Lynn ; Outside Herald, Isaac Gamble.
Auction Sales
PLRMENTS, GUJIN. &0.-F, S. 800tt, 000.
tloneer, has been instructed by the undersign.
ed to sell by public auction at Lot 0, Con. 9,
Grey, on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, at 1 o'clock, the
following valuable property :-1 mere 8 year'
old, 1 span mares 6 years old, 1 Hackney mare
4 years old, 1 driving horse 8 years old, 8 year-
ling geldings, 2 Spring Milne, 1 horse colt, 7
cows supposed in calf, Mailer supposed in
calt,1 farrow now, 7 yearling steers, 2 yearling
heifers, 14 Spring calves,1 brood aow, 20 young
pigs will weigh about 75 the each, 1 Oell,e dog,
(*hone, 1 two.furrow riding plow, I set dia-
mondharrows, 1 bone grinder, 2 dozen sap
pall', 800 bus Bumper King seed oats, 150 bus,
barley, 200 bus, feed oats, quantity of hay and
other articles. Sale unreserved as the propri-
etor has leased his farm. Terms—All stone of
05 and under cash ; over that amount 8 mhos.
credit will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes ; 4 per cent off for cash on credit
amounts. Grain and hay to be cash.
JOHN LOWE, Proprietor.
050110558, bUilNITUIta, &o,—F. 8, Scott,
Auctioneer, has been instruoted by the under-
signed to sell by public auction at Lot 5, Con
1. Grey, an Friday, Jan. 8ixt, at I o'clock, the
following valuable property ;-1 Clyde horse
7 y cars old, 1 Clyde mare 7 years old supposed
in foal, 1 general purpose more 7 yearn old, 1
gelding ming 2 years bred by Admiral. Vne-
sey, 5 Down supposed in calf, 1 farrow eow, 4
heifers rising 2 years, 8 steels tieing 2 years, 8
. °°peilves rising 1 year, 1 Yorkshire brood sow, 9
Barrie mower old,
Massey-Rarrixa binder Nessay •4
6 footout, l Massey -Harris cultivator new last
Spring, 1 seed drill, 1 hay rake, 1 set diamond
barrows, 1 set 2000 lbs. yyilson', melee, 1 rub-
ber tire top boggy, 1 open buggy, 1 Brookville
nutter, 1 Walkervilte wagon, 1 wagon box, 1
pi box, 1 hay rack. 1 turnip pnlper, 1 fanning
mill, 1 atone boat 1 grindstone, 1 set double
harness, 1 set single harness. I robe, 1 string of
bells, 1 two -furrow Coekohutt plow, 1 Finale
Wilkinson plow, 126•foot ladder, 1 amen -out
saw, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 sugar kettle. 8 or 10 tons
of hay, a quantity of ante, a quantity of tor-
nipe, 1 New Scale -Wil Menne piano nearly new.
1 Grand Jew el coal range, 1 Favorite allure
No. 8, 1 De Leval cream aeparntor nearly new,
1 Royal washing machine, 1 kitchen lounge, 1
wardrobe, 1 kitchen eupboord, 2. oak barrels,
forks and other articles ton numerous to men-
tion. Sale unreserved tut the proprietor ham
Fold hie farm, Terme—A11 aims of 55 and un-
der cash ' over that amount 10 months credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes 5 per Dent allowed off for cash on credit
amounts. s JOHN O N QIITTra n•
P rotor
Receipts and'Disbursements
Brussels Morris & Grey Telephone Company
Cash 011 'Mild 1911 ....... ......$ 179 68
Rent or 'Telephones ...........59500
Rent of Extensions .........37 50.
1 Moving 'phones 18 50'
Tolls .76 87
Rent of rooms 36 00
1 leawo tl
n account. u 1 paid
152 02
James Sheep account 19 60
Deberttin , 8.01,1 • 8934 55
Interest tend payment deben-
tures unsold 940 73
Interest on debenture auconnt 70 13
Leen from debenture account 1000 00
To balance ... ..,...... 351 92
Capital rte., poles, woe, elo $ 8048 04
Maintenance supplies ....... 603 39
Office salaries 800 25
Oilicere and
Directors' e sal-
aries 188 00
Livery and 'Teaming 451 75
Weight., , LR leas and
postage 73 47
Puutilg ,•. 33 70
Legal and t a;lroacl expenses 558 95
Fuel and light 67 64
Taxes and Iosuranoe 47 71
Labor construction :. 069 65
Foreman's salary 688 86
Miscellaneous 207 26
Interest on overdraft .. 10 85
Telephone rebate 11 98
$7412 40
Debentures on hand and ass -
creed interest ..,,.. ....... $ 8460 46
23 'phones installed. deben- -
tureS not issued 2017.56
Stook on hand 762 95
1211240 97
Overdrawn accolmt from
debenture account , ,.,..,$ 1351 92
Accounts unpaid 143 10
Amount of balance 9745 95
$11240 97
51. I3LACK,
We, the undersigned Auditors, having examined the acoonntsof the; sec,
rotary and Treasurer for 1912, as above, beg to report the same correct,
Annual Meeting
Tho Annual Meeting will be held in tine Town I1a11, I3tnot'1s, pn TUES-
DAY, FEBRUAiRY. lith, 1913, at 1.30 p. m., whon repot to will be presented,
Directors elected alai other necessary business transacted,
F, S. SCOTT, President. M, BLACK, Seoretaey,
1913 Catalogue Now Ready
80 pages brine full of good Mega. Con.
Mina valuable Information
for the farmer,
market gardener and private planter, 1L
pages of the latest and best, world-wide
in trotluctions, Valuable premiums. Your
choice of 0 new varieties still unnamed
(not for sale until 1914) absolutely free
with every order, large or email. Don't
delay writing, Mall this with your name
and address. Your request will receive
special attention. State if you grow
vegetables or flowers for market, a8 we
have a special price list. Write to -day
while It's fresh in your mind.
Dept. 8 4
The People's, Column
linisE,—The house recently vacated by
John H Kerney, who inoved to Uuelph (known
as the Rogers property, Turnberry 2 tett) is
offered for sale or 1f not sold will be rented.
There is it oolemma hie house, good eteble and
acres of land with n double entrance. Fine
• imlet), &o. For further particulars apply 10
w. 11 Kerr, of 'nth PooT, who holds the key.
It is a ehoiee allot to live in and will be sold
very reasonably. 27•1f
FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers
his tine foram consisting of about 195 acres
adjoining the town of. Clinton, for sale. The
form is in a good etut8 of cultivation, and has
good buildings, brick home, bank bare, driv.
ling house, pig pen, etc., ell oomparnlively new.
A 8rst•cleos young orchard containing n11
hinds of fruits and also small frulla. The
farm is well fenced and drained and to a very
desirable home. For further partioula re apply
on the nrenitnes or odd resp
28•tf JOHN TORRANCE. Clinton.
F01( SALE Olt '1'O LET.—A good •omfort-
abledwelling and two lots iu Bruasels.
Terms easy, Apply to F. S. SOOT"1, Auction.
eery Brussels, or to B. S. Coon, Fordwieh.- 0.9m
FARDI FOR SALE. -Being South helves of
Lots 64 and 65, Con. I, Morris township,
Heron 0o , containing 100 earns. On the tarlu
in it good frame house 22x9034 feet ; Idlohen
18x2254 ; wood ahtd 20380 ; hank barn 88x60
straw shed 80x40 ; lean-to 10x8*. Stone wall
with good 'tabling under barn. 2 never fail.
ing wells and a good orchard. Only 4 mile to
drool and 1 Milo to church and post office.
Price 84,000. Deed may be seen on application
to the proprietor. WALTER L. BRECKEN-
RIDGE, JnnlestO Wil P.O. 61-3011
1 00 AORES OF LAND for sale. I% miles
North of Sen forth. (0004. clay loan,,
all cleared end under cultivation. Bank born,
cement floor,, large fl•nnle house, newly paint.
ed ; good walla at barn and 1(0,108 ; bnildinge
and fences in n8toel lent "their. An Ideal home
Mime., pasty (6118x) ,SUSIE GOVENI,00K,
CAM)! FOR SATE, being South half Lot 26,
Con, 4, Morrie township, Huron Co., eon -
Gaining 100 nares more or lege. On the (ram-
bles is a frame 1101,05 bank barn, good orchard,
well. windmill, &o, All cleared except about
en more Scheel 1%mile, distant. Only ?.'.5
mil ell from Brussels. dHere, of Fall wheat hi
and about 50 nares seeded down. For price,
tering and Other information apply 1111 the
premises or if writing Rruseele P. 0. 'Phone
126. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels.
11-tf A. L. KERR, Prowled o•.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotoh Shot Horn Belle 0 to 20 months
old, reds and reline ; big, smooth and etylleh ;
choicest breeding -Campbell R000 Finds, Harr
Rentttvo and Oampbell Beanies. None better
for milk and bare. Will be sold at any reason-
able offer an ' on easy berme,
Thousandsof ambitious young people
are being instructed in thuds llonieo by
alar Houle Study Dept. You play 811IFhh
at 0ollege it yon desire. Pay whon'
055)5011 15101,. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. . Largest trail101.8 in Canada.
Enter any day. Positdoneegaarenteed
If you wish to sive board end learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President
At your home without
pain, danger or operation,
My method will •cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter' what your age is
or how long ruptured,
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured :?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age 'l'i're Rum ..... .....
Single or Double
Name .... .... ..................... •
aud return to
88 Oaledonla 8t.
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.