The Brussels Post, 1913-1-2, Page 1r
VOL. 41 NO, 27
New Advertisements
Mestere Cards.
Oolong —ere r. Duvet) w esti,
entrust meat u 11 Mack
essait Datutston—Le 11 Fount,
Mortgagor este-11. rs. csesPrtill.
Primer's, tor ssie—J. ft, Nemo%
Orem, seesrfttois—rs. 14. sott.artehlin.
Alias Mors Forbes is recruiting at the
parental home over the holidays,
D. A.. Miceli tel, of Ntoosejaw, Sask.,
ie spending the holidays with his par-
ents iu this locality.
Captain Andrew Watt, of the
berms° Drionekon, was here on a
most enjoyable visit to his cousin,
Robert Coats. lie Nene fermi Port
Elizabeth, South Afriea, to New
Yoult and took a run up .here while
his vessel was loading- with coal oil
for Chitin. Mr. (nots had not met
him for 40 years. The two went to
Guelph together Willie Capt. \Vatt
was en route to New York. The trip
10 Mina will take 140 days. Capt.
Watt's wife and family reside in
Liveepool. MP. 001108 sailed the
51.411y for tunnya year and was con-
eequently specially interested in the
recounting of voyages by his cousin.
:rim Elliott, or Chicago. is visithig
friends 1181.0.
Hugh Elliott spent Christmas with
friends in Luck now.
L. Campbell, of Toronto, is visiting
at his home hero.
Marti 11 (1,110 MIs. Cable]. spent
Christmas at J. J, Mitchell's.
Miss Nato Mitchell is spooditig the
holidays at her Mune heti.,
Miss Etta McKee is spending a
month with friends in Petertioso.
Miss E. Oliff, of Lucknow, spent It
couple of days at J. Iftlitet's last week.
Misses Tillie and Vera Robertson, of
Listowel, ave visiting 111 J. Cummings.
M1SSCS Mabel and Annie Elliott and
Will. visited in Teeswates a few days
last week.
Airs. H. Spence and NI -aster Bert
are spending a week at her father's.
1-1. Grainget's.
Mrs. T. McDonald had the mire
fortnne to fall and react we a rib one
day last) week and is confined to bed
but we hope for a speedy recovery.
Election Cards
To the Electors of Morris : •
ran before and being tequested to
stand agaitrI am a candidate fol. your
Oonnail for 1018. I therefore ask your
vote turd influence to gain my election.
Ir elected I Neill give my most caveful
attention and endeavor to make my
services useful and. ptofitable to the
ratepayers ot one township.
W, J. Haar DERSON.
To the Electors of Morris
the field as a candidate fur municipal
honors and soliciting your vote and
influence. 1± elected it will be my 11,1111
to further the best interests of one
township. Wishing you as year of
success, I am, Yours truly,
01)0111111' rink hasn't been sleeted
yet but we hope to have it emitting 10
a few days now.
Mrs, Nephew and (1 nigh Mrs, or
Kittent dine, spent Christmas week
at 11. A Niestrong's,
R. E. alai Mee. Fiqkger 411111 Miss
Nlarjoele, of 'Dutton, are visiting at
Ocm lief 1 los 'eraser's.
Miss Florence McDoitald is home
from Benssels whet e she has been
learniug the dressmaking.
A sleighload of iyoung people took
in, the 1Vitighain—Listowel Hockey
motel) in town on Oheistinas eve.
Johit McDonald and H. McCartney
arrived home from Tngoslce, Sask.,
twit week. The boys from `Ptigaeke
tree always welcome. Aren't, they
girls ?
Sell ools 1.0-0p011 !text Moittltry.
A lively hlunieipal rut) is anticipat-
ecl in NI orris next NI mulay.
Sites Nlary 01eetisla1e iid WI 1,of
Port hilgin, holidayed in Brussels and
M iss Mi 'deed Jewit t, who teaches Itt
Newton, is home for the 01.WISI11111.4
Reginald 11110 Mrs. Watson, of
Chatham, spent. Christmas at the par -
Nita] bonne of the former, 401 line.
George and Mrs. Mai tio, of George-
thwit, were rveleome visitors at the
home of Ales, W. Michie, 6t.h 11110.
Mrs. 'Martin is a /laughter.
Wm. Clark and sister Julia, of
Pense, Sask., are het e on 0 visit to
Win. Geddes, 8rd line. They formerly
lived on the 5111 line where Jno. Clegg
now resides. It is 28 years since the
family moved away.
David Smith, who is the' Govern-
inent Employment agent has sent foe
37 men and women to help supply the
needs of the 00011011111 1)'. He ha
.thout 50 calls for help and will make
tr push to seem 0 them.
OARD OF THANKS.—We wish to re-
cord one best thanks for the favors so
generously bestowed in outtime of
bereavement and appreciate very
highly the woelc of itll who had any
share in it. Yours gratefully,
Sinreis, Dec. BO, 1912.
CHINA WEDDIN0,—On the evening
of December 20111, the home of Alex.
and Nies. Nichol, 61b line, was the
scene of activity and rejoicing, the
arorementionecl date being the 20th
anniversary of Eisele wedding. At the
appointed hour relatives and friends
to the number of 25 or 30 assembled
to pay their respects and hearty 00 11-
gratulations, also to compliment Mr.
and Mrs. Nichol npo n the at tat 0 m en
or their20 years liand-it1.liandR0i0111.11.
After congratulations and presents-
tations of china -ware, that Neese nnin-
erous, valuable and useful, the as-
sembled company repaired to the
dining roorn, where a botietirul sup-
per 0 cluck and turkey, accompanied
by all the goodies that tempb and
satisfy the hotel -man, were set in
array, to which the entire company
did ample justice. The table was
presided over by Miss Annie Steele, a
-professional cook and intimate friend
of the family. After supper innsic,
dancing, speechmaking and singing
engaged the attention of the guests,
while the happy hours slipped quickly
away to the one that masked the
leave-taking. The guests one and all
enjoyed themselves and SAT unani-
mous in pronouncing Mr. and Mrs.
Nichol an ideal best and hostess.
When may we all come back again ?
We wish hir, and Sirs. Nichol the
pleasure of celebrating their Golden
••••••••0•••••••98000900000 00•000000•0000000004000044r 0
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Si M plex
Link -Blade
What it is and the
Benefit to the User
O 0
• When we tell you that the Simplex a
10 has a RESERVE CAPACITY of fermi
• ''..s's.,,. i to i we mean that it will skill) clean s
- under like conditions, this aitionnt 0
• more than will others of equal adver- y ro
O trisect capacity. 0
O . 0
B . - 0
o The advantages or Irtryitig this Simplex Reserve Capacity are. that, 0
o perfect skimming is assured 01)0111' adverse conditions snob as :— 0
O 0
O Skimming cool milk.
• Taking 0 very rich meant. a
es Slack speed of the crank and bowl. 0
O Milk naturally hard to skim on account of the advanced period of tit
O lactation or, ne the kind of food fed the eow.
• Or on unt, accoof the bowl being slightly 001 0± 511,1110151',a, which lest 0
8 tit ouble cao itot be ±00110 111 0 Simplex on account of its Self- to
• Balancing Bowl and Self-Oentring Beat.ings.
• 0
a 0
• 0
O a
s To avoid Cream Separator Worry buy a Simplex
O 0
• *
0 •
• II a
i N 5 McLauchlin
. BAgsesnel s
. ; Impor............,—
• f
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,00ts ato••••••••••••••••••••
1111es J. Ellett Mime, of 15 ight, spent
the holiday with friends in Bvessels
loni4Illy, She a, sistee to Sirs, James
Beet, Colo, who for the past 1,011
ye,It's has been head operating tingles!.
et. at, the Genteel light and Power
station, Regina, Sask., is 81)0(1(111(5 0
vavatiou at his home, Oth
At the school meeting In No. 5,
Win. Watson occupied 1110 chide with
\V 11011(41111
0801.50 W. P1011.erdontitioti
ation its trustee eller putting in 6
70)14 n. ltieluted Proeter wide his
place, \\Food will be supplied by
Jas. cedar by Jas. 114185011 and
seined cleaning to Jas, Anderson.
School [fairs are in good shape and
the teat -het doing fine 001k,
MONOil VMS at London this Nevelt.
(1, 1). le. Assembly Thursday even-
ing or next week.
Air. mid Mts. Naylor, of 8earmilli,
are visiting ,t 1. C. Settl'S,
Jas. Ilitd has vented the field West
or his ram r1.0131 Me. Prase).
Orantwook Public School will open
for U71,411018 MI tittry 6111.
A. Sic Dimalcl and family spent New
Yeate's D ty ((1.1)19. °Litt's, Myth.
Plisses Oats ie 51c(bsick en and Jean
A ri psi 111(15 visited Miss Viola Long,
W. Id, Long arrived home ±11,01
MiLSISIVIP; 811.14k, this week for a short
ltev, Ill'. Smith, of Olanbrassil, Ont.,
will preach in Knox ehriech, Cean-
lustok, next Simla)! et 11 0. tn. .
MISSOS 'ressie and A live Switer, or
Ek ±rid, and Mr, and Mrs. Pollard, of
Listowel, are spending the holidays
Rev. Mr. Patterson will conduct
Prayer meeting in Knox clitmett,
Ceanlirnok, 011 Thursday evetting, Jam
2tl, commencing at 7.80.
The sad news was recei vett here last
week of 1118 0110151 or Ne. Omstead, of
Webstee city. Iowa, son-in-law to
John lionter, of thanbrook, following
su operation. Mrs, and Mies 11 0)110'
vent to the 8,1.
OFFICERS tilLECTED,-0011et Wood-
bine, No, 100, C. 0. F., elected the
following officers for the cureent
term :-0. R., Ed. Ful 1(1)1 ; V. 0. R.,
Jas, 5, Brewton ; Jim. Me
Nabi ; 1/et'. Sec., Robert McDonald ;
Jas, D. McNair ; Anditor,
Allen Omicron ; S. W., Wm. Ziegler.;
J. W., R. Houston ; S. 13., .Trin.
Shiels ; J. 13., Geo. Dunlop ; Trustees,
:inn. Forrest, Jno. Sh leis and Allan
Camel on.
Sltred(1pt1 Wheat, riancieet under
auspices OF Methodist church next
Monday evening.
Next Sabbath Rev. Me. Smith will
conduct the services itt the Presby-
terian reh here.
Saturday evening- of this Week a
01011)1 ((g will be held to re -organize
the Ethel Debating Society for this
011 Sunday evening the pastor Nviil
begin it short series of sermons in the
Methndist. chtivelt on "80th century
types or Bible men,"
The annual meeting of Ethel, cheese
factory will be held on Saturday, 11th
inst. at 1.80 p. tn. All interested
shritld make a 1)01111 to attend.
R. Neale, of Edmonton, Alia„ is
renewing old ft ienclships this local-
ity. 11' 19 in the real estate business
in the West, and is plc -tapering and ex-
pects to do better.
1 K. and Nies. Brown 00116 0007 for
a holiday visit, with frie1015 at Toyota
tn, 'Woodbridge and railer points. The
former has been laid nir with the
grippe since he girt back.
At the school meeting j. K. Brown
was elected Trustee instead or D.
Onoper, whose term bad expired.
'Phe brew 0011001 proposal was voted
&twit by a large inajoeity.
George and Andrew Dunbar, rif
and James Dunbar, of Sun-
chiclge, have been visiting their broth-
ers, John and D. \V. INtithar, and sis-
ter, Nits, R. Laing, during the past
week. It is over 40 wears .ince the
five blethers have been together.
There was a gnod attemianne at the
Municipal Nomitiatine 171st Moliday.
With Clerk McDonald 171 the chair a
program of speech making was in
nrdee and thee° wits a fairly thorough
threshing out, of the affairs of the
township. 1Ve heist a good year is
ahead of the eaten:types and that pro
mess 71171.7 bp repot t rid along all lines.
Dosro,—The 1,011010),Ig candi-
dates foe examination 011 "The
Teacher" of the Teaches Training
Class were successful in the recent
examination, the resnit being as fol-
lows Nr. (1010 94, IV1, 1 Slennnon
96, Christina Etinieston 09, Mrs. Wm,
81enttnon 97, hiss. S. 8. Cole 89, Rus-
sell Love 8], Ohas, Hanstild 65, Bea-
trice Bateman 98, Edith Milne 98,
Pearl Bateman 01, Robert McKay 67,
This is a fine record and the class has
received special nnegiattilations from
Rev, S. T. Bartlett, Gen. Secy. or
.Epworth League e and &relay Sellouts
for Methodist 01101011 of Canada.
lweek 11701. Pawson, of this
About 11.90 Thlitsday inoeniniiglaeoef
ast ,
passed over 10 Ow great majority,
aged 76 years and 11 -days. Ho was
born in 811011101 0' township arid ellIne
to Grey townshiP when 15 years of
age, locating at Ol'all brook and after-
ward lived at Heavy» and Teow-
bvidge before moving It) Ethel. Ile is
stuvived by his wire whose maiden,
name was Miss ' Catherine Gordon,
one son, (Wm., of E)1ussels) and 5
dangliters(Mrs, Alex. McDonald,
Mrs. Wm. Hodson and Mrs. Wm.
Lowe, Grey and Mrs. Clark Hayclen,
of Fergus ) Two daughters. Mrs.
:Inn. lielgIthine and Nies. Jno, Thomp-
son, both former residents of .1,1n9
toW tishi p, are deeeased, The subject
of this notice had enjoyed compares
tive good health entil about 11, year
agoswhen cancel. of the stomach set
in, did not go to heti until the
Tueeday preeetling his death, Mt.
.Pa1vson WAS (S1111e11101‘ 11Y 11.11110 11(1(1
1451 St11011181 rinoo.d 11 ha,. rot- [I no,
chomingiotio, uth eon. De 1111.8
5lktg/054 in religious belie] and eon.
salons to the Inst. ilk only brother,
Ben. PoWsno, lives at St tatford, The
futieral 40010 plaee fiattuday afternoon
to Brussels cemetery, Rev. 0. \Veen,
B. 11,, condueting an appropriate ser-
vice, Pante-tress were 5 Hotts-111-111W
410 11. fames, a, grandson. .Nits.
Pawsot) RAO nivinhet.: of the family
will share in the sympathy or the
Will, :McKay was ('e -elected Slitter!
Trustee for out. school and with W.
Schnook and A. Martian will loek are.,
tee the interests of the section.
James L. Mann, of Bengough, Sask,,
is home for 0 holiday visit after a stay
of 4 years. He was fooling Lite peo-
ple with his whiskeis 1011 15 the 08.010
,jolly toddle as evet . Some tine girl
should nab him while home.
SCHOOT. REPORT.—Pollowing is the
Monerieff school report for tel clos-
ing Dec, 22nd. *Those who missed
part of the term Ml,, IV, examined
in 101 the subjects and ulass work—
Harriette hl eQuarrle 82 pet vent, Let -
tie McKay 74. jr. IV—Viola Sehnork
60, Arnold MeKay 64, *Johnnie McKay
49, *Jim Meehan 45. Se. III—Pearl
Cummings 80, Ora McKay 74, Mary
Smith 70, *Ina McKay 66, Flossie
Meehan 60, *Howard Mardian 57. Sr.
II—Eddie Machan 80, Archie Mann
74, Willie Meehan 59. Jr. II—Gordon
Meehan 79, Mario 1,i vi ngstoite 74, Hel-
en McQuarrie 70, Katie Howard 66.
Part (I—fletty Mantle 86, Forest Mc-
Kay 86, Earl Meehan 67, Goo. Brown
65, Elijah Mantle 61, Allan Smith 31.
Se. i—Loraine McKay 86. Mary Meeh-
an 84. Jr. I—Elvin hieKay 80, Laura
Melville 78, Flora Mann 74, Berea,
Speirai. 60, Willie 'Mantle 55, Flora
Smith 51.
other of the worthy pioneers of Pei th
couit ty, 111 the pee8011 of Thomas
Kitehen, has been ;celled hence.
When those who have reached the
allotted number of years and who
have lived ,L well rounded life me
gathered home there • is sorrow,. bot
i is‘a sorrow, tempered with resigns -
tion. The man who has lived his
three acme years and ten has fulfilled
the object for which he came into the,
repent, has ceased to have any keen
enjoyment in the things or earth and
generally has 1)18 house put in order
looking forward to the day of bis re-
lease. Thus it (0113 with the passing
anory of our good friend Ale. Kitchen,
the curtain or life being rung down
on Monday morning, Dee. 1601 after
tL beta illness, the muse being a fall
received the clay berme. The subject
or the obituary was born 111 Lincoln-
shire, England, in the year 1820, and
came to Penedo with his late wife,
whose maiden name W11.0 Fanny
Lusby, in the year. 1850. He first
settled in Markham township where
he remained for 0 yeats and then
came to what was known as the
Queen's bush and settled on lot 10,
eon. 12, Elnut, when) he remained till
the 001115 0± his wire, 13 years ago.
Afterwards he made his home with
his daughter Mrs. Hodge. of Grey.
10 children blessed their union, 5 of
whonrdied in infancy, and 5 still re-
main, viz :— Nelson, of Kawende,
Man. ; Airs. Wm. Reece, of Atwood ;
Mts. Geo. Hodge, of Grey ; Mrs. Jim.
A. Smith, Ewalt, Man. ; and Wru.,
on the homestead. Although a man
of eetirieg disposition he had a warm
heart and a good word for everyone.
His cheerful helpful life and kindness
bo alt will long linger as 0 fragrant
memory 111 the home wIlicli his pres-
ence brightened and which death has
new darkened. The funeral was 11010
at his son's residence, con. 12, Elnia,
on Thursday, Dec. 1015 to the Elute
Cemetery and was largely attended.
Rev. Mr. Lundy, ni Walton, conduct-
ed the service.
Donald Fisher is very poorly at
\Vie. Booth returned from Olds,
Alta., on Friday.
Nliss Cassie Harris returned to
Toronto 011 Thursday.
An Assembly wee held in the Town
Hall here New Year's eve.
Fred. told Mrs. Davey spent
Christmas Day in Grand Valley.
Thos. Sanderson, of Welland, was
visilov at hie home here recently.
Miss Alice Nokes, of Wienipeg, is
visiting old Mends in this vicinity.
Morley Price, of Maysville, is the
guest of Peter hicEwen jr,, of Turn -
Miss HazIewortd, of Clifford, visited
her uncle, W. C. Hazlewood, last
W. S. Ryan, of the Bank of Hamil-
ton spent Oheistmas Day 00 his home
in &man.
Mrs. Hy. Armstrong has gone to
Dorking whete she will spend the
Winter mouths.
John Patterson was in Listowel
hast week assisting to wire (hu Anti -
can church there.'
3'Ilos. and urtl. Brow went to
Toronto on Tuesday 0111115 they will
eeniain over the holiday.
Alex, and Mrs, Gibson, of Howlek,
etertained a large nundiee of young
people ott Friday eveiting.
Mus, M. Ailtenhead, of London, is
spending a week with her patents,
,1 no. and Mrs. 1VIcNaughton.
Miss Milly Harris returned from
Saskatoon last, Monday, where she
has spent the last six ifiSseths.
Anderson nitwit and Miss Jeanette
Black returned on Satin day from
Toronto where they were the gnosis
of their sister, Mrs. H. Little.
Ales, E. Griffith returned from
Manitoba On Friday end will 'remain
heve foe 0 few days before lea:Ong to
9,181)1 5181' brother 111 Cleveland.
John Moffatt made a business teip
o, Tin onto on Thutsclay,
Dr. and 13 71, .Ittekson were visitors
in Tor01)t 0 ,,vol CI) ristinitti Day,
/toy Henderson, of Palmerston, is
spouting ft, week at Iris home here.
A load or yeting people from here
;al fouled an Assembly in Ford
D. Al. Walker, of Niagara Palls,
Oril., is the guest, of his mot het. and
other telittives here.
lhincau Catnetsm, of Burk's Falls,
spent SPVVIII1dtlyS 11111I. 08010 with
514 85101, 1118, 5. Davey.
51185 Agnes Stewart, of Tm.onto,
spent Closstuets with IP t titothee,
Mrs. D, Stewart, of Tuttilrt I' V
D1'. Fred. Russell, of New thitario,
is the guest of his father, 'tee. A, L.
Russell, and °thee relatives here,
Robert Earle and two children, of
Howick, returned on Tuesday ferns] a
week'm visit with relatives at Handl-
8ewart MoKerches left for Sok A-
101111 on Monday whet*. he will take a
000180 in the Normal School there.
We Nvish hint well,
Miss Jessie McTavish, who has
spent, the last two years with rela-
tives in Saskatchewan, has returned
here for the Winter.
. One of the best Leagues in the Dis-
trict met at the Methodist parson-
age here on 1Nintiday evening, about 70
in all. Evening was spent in music
and games. Tile parttots Rev. R. 8.
Leo:Hand, has cause to be proud of
such a Leagne. Everyone left feeling
they had 896)11 )1, most enjoyable even-
Auchie Messer entertained a few of
his friends this week.
Miss Betwa Bryans is home from
Toronto for the holiday.
Piuley Feasor is home from the
Dental College, Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Fralick had a very suc-
cessful woodbee last week.
Skating has been indulged in on
the river for the past week.
Dr. James Sheehan is home for a
few days Nom Fort William.
Miss Flossie Scott, who has been 011
the sick list, is improving we are
pleased to state.
Amoebae from hen attended the
Beyans—Mclielvey wedding and re-
ported a good time.
R. j. and Mrs. Hoover and family,
of (-Ivey, ate their Christmas dinner
with H. and:Mrs. Moses.
Miss Margaret McDonald, Nebo has
been home for a few -days, returned to
her position in Toronto.
James Stewart, of Tuenberry
bought a valuable 8 year old colt
from Louis Eck 'Mee. Mr. ECkmier is
to be congratulated on keeping such
fine Stock,
Rnral mail delivery arrangements
are being pushed along and before
long the service will be established in
Howlett and the boundary of Grey.
Wonder when Grey and Morris town-
ship will be served ?
A shoet time ago Verne, son of
George McDonald, Grey boundary,
was swinging on the litter carrier
when he missed his hold, fell to the
ground and dislocated his left arm at
the elbow. He is making favorable
U, S. S. No. 16 Grey and Hotark
townships School meeting was held
Thursday of last; week with small at-
tendance. Henry Armstrong was re-
elected, trustee and will have as asso-
ciates George McDonald and Wm.
Grainger. The contract for wood was
Laken byJ. A. Earl at $2.00 per cord
and Russell Grainger will attend to
the school cleaning, Miss Ashton is
the teacher.
The annual meeting of the ratepay-
em or 8. 8. No, 4, Grey township, was
held on Thursday, Dec. 26th, and 05 1
what a ceowd, scarcely standing mom.
After the Auditoe's report was read
and adopted David Thompson was
elected trustee in place of G. Parkes
relived. The hardwood contract went
to B. Paso), 14 cords at $2.60 a cord ;
cedar, 2 cords at $1,60 per cord, to J.
McEwan. S. T. Armstrong, the effi-
cient teaches, will still be at the helm.
The Trustee Board consists of Job S.
King, Chairman ; 13. Payn, Sec. -
Trees, ; and David Thompson.
Jas. and Mrs. Wallace got a very
p111010114 8111 prise on the evening of
the 27th ult. when about 50 couples
artived at their residence heee. They
came from Wingliam, Howick, Morns
and Grey, and there were also friends
from Washington and the West. Al-
though taken by surprise we found
as we always 11080 that Mrs. Wallace
and family cannot be so numb sur-
prised as to make them forget to give
a most hem ty welcome. A very pleas-
ant night 1011.8 spent in music, claiming
and social genies.
Mr. St. Armour is not improving
very fasts
La gt tripe has a goocl many victims
cm its list.
1912 Township Correcil elected by
acclamation fm. 1918.
Miss May Oxtoby spent Christmas
at Wm. liackwell'e, Walton.
Friends Nom Winghtun spent a few
days at WillioLtfl Hollenbeck's.
Newtott 1305188 from Exeter, is visits
lug his brother, J. K. Baker.
Mists McArthur (nutse) was away
on a holiday visit to New 'York,
johrt Strati, of Toronto, was home
for a few days at the old home, 16111
Jno. and Mrs. Munitings, of Ben -
111)1161, weve isiting Grey toWnship
relatives this week.
Mise Garry and Shos, Bielby, of
Morris, \vete visitors with Ernest
and Miss Hazel Rozell, Oth 1100.
John McKinnon, of Fort William,
and son and doughtee, are here on 0.
visit at the form's patental home,
8111 eon, Mac. Wa9 a former resident
rf Grey township and is known to a
good Marry readers of Tres ROST,
Wm. Stevenson and family went; to
Toronto to spend the Christmas holi-
days with Mrs. Stevenson's sister and
Other frient1S.
Jno. 13. and Ws, Smith end daugh-
ter are renewing old friendships iu
(1107 township. They were former
well known residents.
S. 8. No. 6, annual meeting, last
week, placed Wu). Hall back into
office and chose John Mitchell as
successor to Angus Shaw, deceased,
who had served for many years.
Dr. Fred. Beyans, of Toronto, and
De. and Mut, Fetid and daughter, of
Owen Sound, web e welcome visitors
at the home of Edward and Mrs.
Bryans, 211c1 Con.
Cuthbert and Mrs. Mitchinson took
a driving tour last week and visited
friends at Auburn, Benruiller and
Goclerich eating their Christmas din-
ner with Mrs, Breckenridge, who is
Mrs. Hutchinson's mother.
In S. S. No. 3 James Grant was elec.
ted trustee as successoe to '1'. ;Alcock
and the two other members are A.
Lamont and Robt. Miller. They have
tt, fine school property now and an ex-
cellent teacher 111 Miss Booker.
Ben. and Mrs. Dark, of Galt, were
here for a holiday visit with relatives
and friends iu Grey and Brussels.
Mr. Dark is a member of the Fire
Brigade in his town which office he
has held for the past 5 years. He likes
the work.
The annual 501)001 meeting was held
in S. S. No. 3, Thursday of last week.
After three terms Arthur Smith re-
signed and Oliphant Smith was elect-
ed io his stead. Wood contract was
let to Wm. Turnbull at $8.00 per cord.
Alex. Yuill was appointed section's
At the annual school meeting in S.
S. No, 8, Ed. Fulton was re-elected
trustee for the 4t11. term, The wood
contract went to James A. McNair,
01 57.75 per cord, It is 5 feet long.
It is the intention of the trus-
tees to put a basement under
the school this year, which would
be a decided improvement.
Richard and Ales. Patterson, of nM-
gar'Ont., are visiting relatives and
oldfriends 51 Grey township and re-
newing old associations. Mr. Pat-
terson expects to go West next
Sming. His old home was Con. 13.
Nies. Patterson is a daughter to Depu-
ty ,.leeve and Mrs. Brown, of this
SCHOOL REPORT.—The follnwing 18
the report of the pupils of U. S. S.
No. 12, Grey and hIcKillop for the
Fall term. The names of pupils
marked by an asterisk not present
for all examinations :— Class V.—
Total 600 *Ada Fulton 849, *Andrew
Ooutts 256. Sr. IV.—Total 480 Don-
ald Buchanan 298. Sr. III.— Total
500 Ella Case 311. *Geo. Ramsay 156,
*Flossie Olu.rke LW. Jr. III.— Total
600 Gertrude McKenzie 272, *Albert
Clarke. Si'. IL—Total 600 Lisabell
Souter 881, *Jimmie Souter 258. Jr.
IL—Total 500 Viola Clarke 388,
*Luella Fulton 281, (Nettie Pepper
Earnest Pepper, John Pepper, Fan.)
Jr. I.—Excellent Jennie Ritchie,
Johnnie Souter. Good Gracie Pepper.
J. B. ROBB, Teacher.
Tee following are some of the Nom-
inal -ins of last Monday as it, concerns
neighboring municipalities :—
Reeve—Jtio. Leckie, by acclamation.
Councillors—John Hewitt, D. Ewan,
Geo. Muldoon, A. McGuire, P. Ament,
A. 0. Dames, D. M. Scott and R. A.
Prylie. 51 essrs. Muldoon, hicGuire,
Hewitt and Perm were the only
nominees to qualify and hence are
elected by acclamation.
School Trustees—M. a Moore, john
Cunninglaun and M. Black. by accla-
Reeve—Rohl, Livingstone, acclama-
Deputy Reeve—John Brown, 000.
Councillors—lVna. Fraser, S. S. Cole,
P. A. McArthur and Frank 0011518.
The latter withdrew so as not to cause
an election and the other three were
therefore elected by acclarnatiOn.
Reeve—John Shortreed, Johu Me-
Oracken, Wm. Elston and Charles
Campbell. The two latter retired
hem the field leaving the contest to
Mr, Shortreed and McCracken.
0o0ticillor8—W. H. Fraser, William
Thuell, Wm. Laidlaw, Geo, Procter,
Duncan Johnston, John Watson, W.
1. Henderson and NVm. Cunningham.
The first three named and W. Elston
were members of last year's Board.
MOKILLOP—John 1N1. Govoulock, by ac-
Councillors—Thomas Purcell, Robt.
Archibald, 001111110 Eckert, Francis J.
McQuaid, John Govenlock, Henry
Barterman, John Balfour, William
Reeve—lieney Wiliest, NV. D. San-
Deputp,Reeve—Wm. Yearly, John
Councillors—Wm. R. Elliott, Mich.
Finkbeiner, Geo. Kellerman, Thos,
Reeve—J, hiallore (accl,)
Couneillors—W. IL Tubb, 0, Birdie,
Lindsay, 3, Yeo, J. Laithwaite, D.
GI id don.
liceve—.I. Leiper,
Commillers—j, Bari, J. Tomblyn,
W. Miller and .1. Vingland all by ac-
Councillors—Dever, Keys, Mustard
and bleKitilay.all by acclamation.
Mayor—W, Bone,C. G. VanStone,
Geo. McKenzie, V. VanNorIntler
Gen. Spotton and T. Gregory,
Reeve—H. 13. Elliott, J. W. MoKib
bon, 8. Mitchell and D. E. McDonald.
Councillors—Wm. Isbister, Alex.
Young, W. A. Currie, J. A. Mills, D.
Bell, Gem ge Seaton,' Wen. 1101m08,
Dr. Redmond, Robb. Day, C. Barber,
D. E. McDonald, NV, J. Boyce, A. E.
Lloyd, V. VanNorma,n, T. Gregory,
John Glenn.
Reeve Milne and Council by accla-
Reeve—H. B. Webster and. Pd.
J. Colqulioun was elected Reeve by
Reeve—James Moffatt 0114 John
0ouncillors—E. Gill, Peter Gaffney,
John Monk, Fred. Wood, ;Julius Mil-
ler, Fred. Bach and W. A. McKenzie.
Reeve—John Hamilton, NVilliarn •
Scott, Jas. Donaldson jr., and Samuel
Corry, (John Hamilton, . and Jas.
Donaldson, resigned.)
Deputy Reeve—Alexander Struth-
ers and Samuel Smith.
Councillors— Win. ()crates, John
Dimon, Thoe. E. Hammond, NVm.
MeClory and Robert Burke. (Robt,
Burke, resigned.)
The entire Wallace Township Coun-
cil was re-elected by acclamation as
follows :—Reeve—S, E. Smith, Coun-
cil—Ezra Arnold, Joseph Grosb, John
McKnight, Robert Ellis.
Reeve—R. Armstrong and Deputy
Reeve Geo. Ehgoetz were re-elected
by acclamation. For Councillors
there are six 01 the field (three to be
elected) as follows :—Jacob Litt.
Obas. Quipp, Geo. Jundt, (the olcl
councillors), Jos. Quinlan, John Dell-
steadt and Geo. Cook.
Reeve—T. K. Powell and John
Comicillors—A. NN'heeler, J. Ruth-
erford, J. 31 Moffatt, J. McBurney, P.
McEwen, J. Wellwood.
Reeve—P. W, Scott anil J. N.
Councillors—J, Stonehouse, R.
Buchanan, R. Henry, Wui. Robinson,
Rich. Irwin, H. Deacon, NV, J. Ourrie.
The following facts from l he finan-
cial lire of the 'United States may in-
terest those who ate trying to
determine heNV they should vote ou
Local Option. Figures indicate what
an enormous toll the liquor business
is collecting from the Nation when
the amount spent for liquor is shown
in contrast. with other items of ex-
penditure. The annual expenditure
for liquor is $1,833,653,420.00.
The following items do not equal
this appalling amount :—
Returns from Post Office $287648926 00
" Onstonas 314497071 00
Value of.coalmines 554902000 00
Oost of Army and Navy 280078620 00
Oost of Panama Canal 400000000 00
$1,787,121,617 00
By 856,531,808.00 less than the a-
01011111 1)11105 for liquor.
Add to this Liquor Bill the direct
and indirect financial loss resulting
from orime, disease, poverty, idletiess,
etc., and five billions of dollars will
look almost small beside the stupend-
ous Liquor Budget.
The facts may more easily grip you
in the following form
13 days of liquor b11010088 exceecle
value of the Fisheries, $67,898,859.00.
25 days of liquor business exceeds
value of gold and silver mined
48 days of liquor business exceeds'
returns of Post Office, $287,648,926.00.
56 days of liquor business exceeds
Cost of Army and Navy 5280,073,680.00.
62 days of liquor business exceeds
Customs Returns, 5314,449,071.00.
81 days liquor business exoeeds cost
of Panama Oanal $800,000,000.00.
911 clays Liquor business exceeds
wine of ivon mined $419,175,000.00.
110 days of liquor business exceeds
value of coal mined, $554,902,000.00.
125 days or Liquor business exceeds
value of wheat $621,443,000.00.
202 days liquor business exceeds
the national debt, 81,015,784,888.
And what also of the tremencluous
moral issue involved ?
RLY. DR. OMAN' has baptized 17
children sort 2 adults in the past three
weeks and he says still there are more
to follow.
A note from George Dobson, of Tes-
sier, Sask., says :--Just a line to let
you know we are enjoying lovely Win-
er weather, scarcely enough snow foe
sleighing. Mercury bangs around
zero. Tnrs, Pen., which is always wel-
come, has been cornieg regularly,
having only missed one copy in 1912.
Kind regards and best 'Metres for a
happy and proeperolasNew Yeal: to all
old Mende.
If your ehildren are subjeob lio ats
locks of moor, watch for the Hort
system. hoarseness, Give °heather.
lain's (lough Remedy as soon as the
ehild becomee hoorsse and the attaelt
may be Wattled off, For sale by all