The Brussels Post, 1912-12-12, Page 71...,b,.....„.........
Fashion Hints
Seen in Paris Shope.
Small fur and velvet toques are
trimmed with broad ribbon bows,
posed at ecoentr" a angles.
Separate skirts of Scotch mix-
tures have round wooden butbuaa
for sole ornament. The effect is
distinctly eastern.
A unique and smart costume
worn recently in Paris was made
of chestnut brown velour do laine,
trimmed with tiger skin,
On some of the newest suite for
the small boy are silk sashes of a
contrasting shade from that cho-
sen kr the garment.
With the fur •bows, eilk flowers
are being worn, The bright roses
add a gay note to the somber col-
ored skunk and sable furs.
Among the new ideas in neck-
wear are novelties in which tiny
bands of fur are used on the collar
portiou, and in some instances on
the jabot.
Evening gowns have quite oor-
reat pointed Or square trains, V
shaped necks, a great deal of fur
trimming, and the most striking
shade used in apricot.
Sleeves made of soft flowing ma-
terial show decided change. The
bell sleeves is popular, but it is
much modified and not nearly so
baggy as ib once was.
Most of the winter costumes can
be made with two or more waists.
There can be one waist for morn-
ing, one for afternoon, and one for
informal evening affairs.
The woman of average measure
who does not wish to spend more
than $50 for her suit should choose
one of the new long coats, high
waisted and somewhat cutaway in
front and sloping down to an elon-
gated back. The material had best
be rough diagonal suiting.
Singing of Well -Kn- own Hymns Is
Ono of His Characteristics.
In spite of his lighter tastes no
one who knows the British soldier
of the present day will deny that he
has nevertheless inherited much of
that old ardor of our forefathers for
a rousing, godly chant; and nothing
is more soul -stirring, especially in
the field of war, than to listen to a
gathering of British soldiers throw
Ing a deep -throated heartiness into
dome well-known old hymn, like
"O, God, our help in ages past,"
which was heard in many a camp in
1Bouth Africa a few years back.
In fact, nothing seems to draw
forth from the British soldier or sai-
lor more whole-souled effort than
b mn-singing; and many will be
able to recall occasions where its
mffect has gripped the hearts of all
by its dramatic intensity, Surely
eo hymn had ever a more dramatic
netting than that which rose from
iihartoum when, with the field of
Omdurman still "white as snow is&.
Salmon" with the unburied dotal,
the British troops, gathered upoog
the scene of Gordon's heroic death,
sang that beautiful hymn, "A fat", q
more years shall roll," its finit.
pathos intensified a thousandfold by '
the sternly and associations of time 40
Ann YOV Aft WELL AS .►„!together by the combined action
YEAR A.G0 f :mind and water,
What renders the question
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Feint the more puzzling is the feet that
'Way to Health and Strength tedious of moa skeletons, ming
with those of other giant bit
Ask yourself the important quer- have been found in similar sit
tion whether you are as strong 40 tion in New Zealand,
you were a year ago, as bodily tit Students•of geology aro aw
es you should be. Many a reader that evidence is sometimes found
bas to o0nfeas "No." Some weak- the rocks of the sudden destructi
ening ailment has during the past of great numbers of animals tb
year laid hold of the system, unfit- formerly existed on the earth, a
ting you for the duties of life and the resemblance of such oases
seriously clouding the outlook of this of the New Zealand moan is
the coming days, It may be rhea- wresting.
matiam with its sharp twinges of q,
pain, indigestion, headache, nerv. HOW MALTESE W0161EN DILE
ous debility, depression and lack of _
energy, or the pains and ailments They .Are Always in •Black w'
which only common folk know. It .Bonnet and nen.
is well to know that all these weak- The dress of the Maltese is ve
ening disorders arise from an -singular nd that af the wom
poveeished condition of the blood, strikingl, .a tht extreme. om
Renew and enrich your blood andin
all your troubles will cease. This abroad, they are all arrayed
is a strong statement, but it is made black, They put on over their Otis
on the testimony of thousands who dress a robe or loose skirt of tis
once suffered, but who have gained color, brought breis on the bistro
°health and strength by the aid. of and in place of bonnets their hea
the new, rich blood supplied by Dr. are covered with a black silk ma
Williams' Pink Pills. We can quote. tie, .which invests their shoulde
thousands of cases similar to the and descends half way behind,
following: Mr. Jos. Grandmaison The part which covers the bead
is a young man well known in the furnished with a piece of whal
town of St. Jerome, Que. He says: bone, inserted in the hem, whi
"For a couple of years I began to keeps it in position and preven
find my strength. failing, but did the silk from dropping over tl
not dream that the trouble was' eyes. One hand, placed inside,
serious. As I grew weaker I began always necessary to hold togethe
to doctor, but it did. not help me, the sides of the scarf in front, an
The least exertion made my heart the other only a forefinnger bei'
palpitate violently, my stomach allowed to appear through the open
seemed out of order and my whole ing left for the purpose. Of tours
system became so run down that I under such mufflers little can b
was finally forced to quit work. I seen of the beauties of form or fea
had now been doctoring for almost ture, if a Maltese nympth happen
six months and was very naturally to possess them. The eyes and
growing' discouraged. At this moving, pall -black fieure are a
juncture I read of a case similar to that can be distinguished.
mine, cured through the use of Dr. But some times the fair on
Williams' Pink Pills, and decided deigns to exhibit her face to a cur
to try them. I took the Pills faith- obs gazer in place of engrossing ho
fully for about two months, grade- self the privilege of seeing, and tea
ally growing stronger and at the tures good-humored, rather pleas
end of that time I was as well as ing than handsome, and irradiate
any man could be. I shall always bq a pair of fine, sparkling eyes, ar
praise the medicine that raised me displayed to the beholder. Th
from dispair to the blessing of good complexion is a dark olive, partak
health." ing a little of a sort of mulatto
Sold by medicine dealers every- tinge.
where or sent by mail at 50 cents a The mantle is obviously borrow
box, or six boxes for $2.1-0, by The ed, or rather, it has descended from
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- a distant age' and people. It an-
ville, Ont. swore to the veil of Eastern ladies,
e Such figures, thousands of whom
EXTINCT BIRDS. are abroad on the Sabbath, give the
--- streets a funereal look, It seems as
Skeletons of the Giant Mons Un• if all Malta had gone into mourn -
covered in New Zealand. ing.
of Are You Droopy,
Tired, Worn Out?
00i -
led Here is hoed Advice to AA Who
de, Feel as if Their Vigor and ,Life
us&- Ilad All Oozed Away.
are This Condition pan. be Quickly Cured by
in a Coed Cleansing Modloln0, "
on ^—
at Your experience 'is probably
nd somewhat similar to that described
to by Mr. J. T, Fleming in the knew -
ins .izig letter from his home in Leban-
on: "I think I must have the meat
sluggish, sort of a liver. In the
se morning my mouth was bine!, and
that foul, soft feeling that tells you,
Itb 'No breakfast needed here this
morning,' A cup of coffee ;meld
sort of brace me ' up, but in two
ry hours I was dieposed to quit work,
en all energy having oozed oat of me.
en Supper was my only good meal, but
guess I didn't digest very well,
er for I dreamt to beat the band. A
ab friend of mine put me wise to Dr.
m+ Hamilton's Pills, I think they
ds must have taken hold of my liver,
n- perhaps my stomach, too, because
re at the very start they made things
go right. Look at. me now—not
is sleepy in the daytime, but hustling
e- for the mighty dollar and getting
ch fun out of life every minute,
is That's what Dr. Hamilton's Pills
10 have done for me—they have re -
is built and rejuvenated my entire
r system." •
d To keep free from headaches, to
g feel young and bright, to enjoy
- your meals, to sleep sound and look
e, your best, nothing can help like.
e Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box,
- five for 81.00 at all druggists and
s storekeepers or postpaid from The
a Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,
11 and Kingston, Canada,
James Kent of Montreal is well
i'- known in all circles as the mane,-
- ger of the 0.P,R. telegraph ser-
- vice. At a gathering one evening
d the conversation drifted to the tele -
O graph system, and one of the party
o asked Mr. Kent if the small birds
- alighting upon the wires did not in-
terfere with the message when
sent, and if the electric current
- would not kill the birds. Mr. Kent,
Much interest was excited amonge'
students of natural history by thA the
announcement of the discovery in Fouad He Had to Leave Off Tea
New Zealand of an extensive depo- and Colfee,
sit of the remains of the gigantic ex-
tinct birds called meas. Many persons do not realize that
The discovery was made in plow- a bad stomach will cause insomnia:
ing through a alight depression in a Tea and coffee drinking being
field, where a bog containing sev- such an ancient and respectable
eral springs had evidently ones ex- form of habit, few realize that the
isted. Here, buried in a deposit of drug—caffeine—contained in tea
peat, at depths of three or four and coffee, is one of •the principal
feet, the skeletons of 800 or 900 causes of dyspepsia and nervous
moas were found packed and inter- troubles.
twined together fn a remarkable Without their usual portion of tea
manner, or coffee, the caffeine topdrs are
It was evident that these great nervous, irritable and fretful.
birds, which were much larger than That's the way with a whiskey
tihmodern ostrich, varying in drinker. He has got to have his
k*tl?ght from ten to fourteen feet, dram "to settle his nerves"—habit.
jj.uatdd perished there by wholesale. An To leave off tea. or coffiee is an
esesternous quantity of smooth easy matter if you want to try iti
because Postum gives a gentle but
natural support to the nerves and
does not contain any drug—nothing
but food.
Physicians know this to be true,
as one from the South writes:
"1 have ' cured myself of a long-
standing case. of •Nervous Dyspep-
sia by leaving off coffee and using
Postum," says the doctor.
"I also enjoy refreshing sleep, to
which "I've been an utter stranger
® for 20 years.
,��'�5°e�� , "In treating dyspepsia in its
6 of •various types, I find little trouble
Disfiguring Pimples
when I can induce patients to quit
� � � coffee and adopt Postum."
The doctor is right and "there's
a reason."- Read the little book,
"The Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
Postum now comes in concen-
trated, powder form palled Instant
Postum. It is prepared by stirring
a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot
water, adding auger to taste, and
enough cream to bring the color to
golden brown.
Instant Postum is convenient;
there's no waste; and the flavor is
always: uniform. Sold by grocers -
50 -cup tin 30 Cts., 100 -cup tin 50
A 5 -cup trial tin mailed for gro-
cor's name and 2 -cent stamp for
postage. Canadian Postum Cereal
Co,, Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
Erdr road the oboes letter? A now one
appears from time to time. They nee
genuine, true,, and tu11 of human Interest.
The Home Library.
Knicker—Have they a library 1
l;ocicer—Yes; a check book, a
cook book and a dictionary for the
baby to sit on.
The police often get those who
help themselves.
When a man tells you that his
word is as good as his bond it
doesn't necessarily itnply that his
bond is any good.
"1 don't believe Solomon was as
rich es people think," said a small
boy 'to hie teacher, "Why not!"
.r "Oaueeit sage be tient t with his
Where. If he was really awfully
rich ho'd hove had a bed of hi
ellatz pebbles, which they had car -
Mt in their crops, was found with
bus .skeletons. There were also
'tntt the remains of extinct species
f aa' er large birds,
Various explanations have been
suggested to account for the de-
struction of such an army of power-
ful birds. One theory is that they
were overwhelmed by a great storm
and that their remains were heaped
and place. Every heart was pro-
foundly stirred, and the eyes even
of the iron -visaged Sirdar were
moist with tears.
On one other occasion the singing
of British soldiers will long be re-
membered by those who heard it.
It was after the review at Delhi, at
the time of Lord Curzon's famous
Durbar, when night had wrapped
the huge plain and its assembled
thousands in deepest shadow, star-
red by the yellow watch of the silent
and waiting army, Suddenly from
the summit of a lofty, invisible plat-
form an electric baton waved, and
there rose and swelled' •up through
the darkness from the lines of all
the British troops :—
"Abide with me : fast falls the even-
The darkness deepens; Lord, with
me abide,
When other helpers fail and com-
forts flee,
Help of the helpless, 0 abide with
After the Imperial pageantry of.
the day, it fell upon the ears of the
intently -listening 'multitude with
the solemnity .of a great Reces-
' Bank Notes in China.
Bank notes hate bean current In
Europe only within the last three
aentnries; but the Chinese have:
used them for over 4,000 years. The
,tlaiatio museum at St. Petersburg
has acquired a bank note issued in
Pekin in year 2800B.C., in many re-
epeots timilitr to those now in use.
t' Is of think .white paper, Inscribed
In blue ink, with the number of the
Rote, the name of the bank and date
the .cashier's signature
gad the value in words as well as
figures. Tn addition the following
age oatmeal ie engraved round the
l "Rollover much you may
mentees, attire tit be thrifty,"
By Cuticura Ointment. Broke Out on
Face when Twelve or Thirteen.
Were Most
Had Tried Everything.
A Nova Scotia girl, Mics Mabel Morash, of
Dover West, writes: "When. I. was about
twelve or thirteen yearw et age, my .face
broke out thing to get itrid' of pimthem, bei/
failed. nd tried Tverhe
pimples were the worst o•, n,,' forehead and
chin. They came out m gronpam;d developed
later into sores, Being en my taco they
caused groat disflguremeat, rug were most
After trying to many inrediee without
success, I saw the Cuticae' Ointment edvera
Used, and I sent for a hots. I Mtten applied
It to the pimples, and fa a week 'I saw a
great change in my face. I kepi- using It,
ed in a few months It rendered a'aetaplele
cure. Now you cannot tell I ever had
pimples, thanks to the Cuticura, Ointment.'"
(Signed) Miss Mabel btorusil, km. 31, 1011,
Baby's Face Eike Raw [lets?
"My baby boy had is lanes pimple come
en his forehead. It burst and spread at:
e ver his face which soon looked Ike a piece_
o f taw beef, alt smothered wit.'1 bad pimples.
It was awftd to look at. The poor little
thing used to scratch 18 and ory terribly.
I took him to a doctor bat ho only got
wore. until Iwas quite frightened 'that ha
would always be disfigured. Then t got two
tins of Cuticura Ointment, together with
Cuticura Soap, and in two months bad gt1lte
cured him. Now of course I use Cuticura
Scop for an my children (Slgnod) Mrs,
1i, ferry, 09, waterloo Std„ Aldershot, Eng-
land, MO 21, 1010,
outicure Soap and Ointment aro sold
throughout the world, bet to those who
have suffered much, fest hope and are with -
Mit faith In any treatment a liberal sample
of each with a s? -p, booklet on the skin
and snip will 10 mailed fico, est epltrtncation.
Address Potter Drug b Ohm. Corp„ 50
Qolumbud AVO.. Boston, "Q, s, A.
Mr. James Kent.
with perfect gravity of look, re-
"Well, • no, ,it doesn't hurt the
birds much, but they are apt to
pick out the little words in a ones-.
sage as it goes• along, and that
bothers the operators a good deal."
Fair Play.
Fair play and the square deal are
modern watchwords. We all like
the sound of them, and glad they
have come to be common in the na-
tion's vooabularly and the nation's
thought. Now the next thing is to
translate them into the little every-
day acts of private individuals.
They are just as good for our rela-
tions with our employees as for our
relations with nations; they are no
more necessary for dealings with
great trusts than for dealings with
little distrusts by which we fail to
give our neighbor his rightful dues.
• Hay, Food fog Humans.
M. Effront, the distinguished Bel-
gian chemist, who successfully
manufactured a substitute for meat,
composed of refuse from hotels, has
now turned his attention to the uti-
lization of the nourishing elements
which form the basis of hay and
forage. M. Effront's argument is
that it is unnecessary that, sheep
and cattle should transform 'these
into meat, which is only of nutritive
MG to MID after it has been digest-
ed and split up into its simple con-
ED. 4.
ISSUE d0-•-'12,
What Re Owes to Zauti.Ruk,
Mr. O. E. Sanford, of Weston,
Iiingir Oo., N.S., a Juetioe of the
Peace ler the county, and a dea-
cpu of ;the Baptist Church in Ber-
wick, says; "I have used Zam-Buk
for piles and found it a splendid
remedy. :It cured use."
Mr. Thomas Pearson, of Prince
Albert, Bask„ writes; "I meet
thank you for the benefit I have
received from the uee of Zam-Buk.
Last summer I had a fever, which
left me with piles, I started to use
Zatn-Buk and found it gave me re-
lief, so I continued with it. After
using three or four boxes it effected
a complete cure."
Zara-Buk will also be found :a sura
cure for cold sores, chapped hands,
frost bite, ulcera, eczema, bloods
poison, varicose sores, scalp sores,
ringworm, inflamed patches, babies'
eruptions and chapped places, cuts,
burns, bruises, and akin injuries
generally. All druggists and stores
aoll at 50o. box, or Zam-Buk Co,,
Toronto, for price. Refuse eubsti-
Charmed Napoleon,
In'fhe winter of 1851 and '52, Eu-
genie and her mother were in Paris
and it was there she caught the
favor of the very man who had
warned Jerome against her.
When he made himself President
of France in 1852 and declared him-
self Emperor, he set about looking
for a Royal wife, but the reigning
houses of Europe would have noth-
ing to do with him. They looked
upon him as a cheap adventurer
and his hopes of a Royal marriage
were baffled.
Meanwhile he had fallen desper-
ately in love with Eugenie. On
January 30th. 1853, lie married her
and the municipality of Paris voted
her a wedding gift of 8120,000. She
used the sure to found a woman's
college, and by granting a gift of
$20,000 for charity further endeared
herself to the people.
Mlnard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—Last winter I received great
benefit from the uee of b11NARD'S LINI-
MENT in a severe attack of La Grippe,
and I have frequently proved it to be
very 01?ootiye in oases of Inflammation.
Nothing to Go By
Tommy—"I don't think aunty
will stay.; alto didn't bring her
Johnny—"Huh I Look how long
the baby has stayed, and he didn'*
bring anytning l
Cure For Conoumptlon,—Far consume.
tion, weak Tanga lingering eongbe. Iaryn.
citta and brouchltia. Names and addresses
of those only given a few days to lire by
epeclaliet and doctors: after taking Obi,
cure are alive and well will be sent as
request. Write Wm. IL C,opotand. 6r1 Papa.
Ave„ Toronto, Ont. .
The Modern Idea.
"Going to have your bey learn a
"Indeed not, I want him to learn
how to .make money without work-
ing for it."
Mlnard'a Liniment Cures Colds, &o;
Typical Cross -Examination.
Counsel—Do you know Julius
Caesar 1
Witness—No sir,.
Counsel—Have you ever met him1
Witness—No sir.
Counsel—You remember that you
are under oathl
Witness—Yes, sir.
Counsel -Then, if you have never
met Julius Caesar, how can you say
on your oath that you do nob know
him R
Justice—I think we have had
enough of this style of examina-
Counsel—Your honor will please
note my exception to your coming
to the assistance of the witness.
Justice --If you say that again I
shall have you expelled from the
court room.
nemesia Liniment Cures .Distemper.
Familiar Proverbs.
"A man is known by his friends"
is but a variation of the more famil-
iar proverb, "A man is known by
the company he keeps," We might
just as well embalm in our prover-
bial philosophy the saying, "A man
is known by the enemies he makes.''
It is as much an honor to have acme
men for enemies as tohave other
men for frionda. It is be much a
disgrace to have some men for
friends at to have other 'men for
enemies. The friendship of the dis-
honorable, the. impure, the enemies
of God, grafters of all kinds in so-
cie ,y, business and politics is as
disgraceful as the friendship of good
men is honorable,
Both Much Better.
Mrs. Uppish—"Just think 1 It's
only six months ago since we moved
away from next door to you. We're
In a much better neighborhood
now." Mrs. Sharpe—"bio are we."
Mrs, Uppish- "Why, where did.
you mover' Mrs. Sharpe• -•"Oh,
we haven't moved at all 1"
atlienrd'a t.iaunent ouraa Uliraat leo notes,
Beauty in the Home.
Strive to make your children's&
surroundings as tasteful and as at-
tractive as possible. In these daym.
a little money combined with good
taste can work wonders. Always
remember that your 'child will carry
out into the world with him the at -
semaphore of his home. How impor-
tant, then, to have the atmosphere
cater to all that is best and noblest.
It need not savor of luxury, but it
must baste of refinements --a flavor
so pungent it will permeate the sys-
tem fur a lifetime and be a tafe-
guard against evil. Let nothing be
too' good for use—not. abuse. De
not put your books or ornaments
out of roach for fear of accidents,
but teach your child to observe and
respect your property. He will soon
learn to do both, and in his own
childish way will take as much plea-
sure and comradeship thus placed
in him—which he fails to note—will
be the first great stride towards his
appreciati'.• .0 "'nisei House Beau-
tiful" he calls home.
The little ills of babyhood and
childhood should be treated
promptly, or they may prove seri-
ous. An occasional dose A Aahy's
Own Tablets will regulate the sto-
mach and bowels and keep yuur
little ones well. Or they will
promptly restore health if sickness
comes unexpectedly Mrs. Lenora
M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Ont.,
says :—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for my little girls as occa-
sion required, and have found them
always of the greatest help. No
mother, in my opinion, should be
without the Tablets." Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Promises Well.
Intimate Friend—Squiggles how
does it seem to have ababy in the
Young Father—I didn't think
much of him at first, but the little
—er—beggar improves wonderfully
on acquaintance.
Attractive rates will be quoted by vari-
able routes, affording finest scenery. The
Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago
daily 10:16 p.m. for Southern California,
the San Francisco Overland Limited, leav-
ing Chicago 8:30 p.m., lees than three dayd
en route, provide the best of everything
to railway travel. The China and Japan
Mail :leaves Chicago daily 10:45 pin. for
San Francisco and Lou Angeles. Illus.
tt•ated literature on application to B. II.
Bennett, General Agent, Chicago and
North Western By., 46 Yonge St., Toronto,
Ont. ,
His Daughter -"Papa, did you
know mamma long before you mar-
ried her 7" Her Father—"Just be-
tween you and me, my dear, I don't
know her yet."
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
That Was So.
She—What an atrocious necktie.
I wouldn't trust you to select any-
thing on earth. I never knew a
man with so little taste.
He (chuckling)—You forget that
I selected you, my dear.
She—That was something you
couldn't help. .
It's getting so that any woman
who bought her gown the day be-
fore yesterday is out of date.
Collsuptia$i®Ti ---
is an enemy within the camp. It will
undermine the strongest constitution
and ruin the most vigorous health.
It leads to indigestion, biliousness,
impure blood, bad complexion, sick
headaches, and is one of the most
frequent causes of appendicitis. To
neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Ills positively cure
Constipation. They are entirely
vegetable in composition and do not
sicken. weaken or gripe, Preserve
your health by taking
Dr. rbi orse5s ag
Indian Reacit Pills
Your Overcoats
and fads! $uHs would look better dyed. nue
agent of ours 1. your town write. direct to
Montreal, Box .9A Gold Medalist,
British American Dyeing Co.
Just what you need after 40
bard day's word —s Refreslit
Inc cup of
11°,,t +1� 's.
Goes farthest for the money
Marriage may either form oue'i
oharacter or reform it.
PARKS Fere Sete
N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Streets
Ji . Good House; Nuildlngat Orchard,
Chinn and on easy tonna,
t�77 buildings and apple orehardl about
ave miles from Hamilton,
H, W. DAWSON, Toronto,
0'9'' mnrlet Boil falai, loam, f aaorLONDON?'.
chard good frame hoose, frame bare.
Would exchange for atty, town or village
property or for entailer farm. Tho Weetera
Real Estate, London, Ont.
old country buyers, 3. Drummer,
18 Toronto St., Toronto,
ferent Pereira Stamps Catalogue,
Album, only Seven Conte. Marks Stamp
Company, Toronto.
internal and external, oared with*
out pain by our home treatment, Write
Limited Oolltngw deiOattn Medical
Mink, alive. Sake Vatter,Baitlni-
fad, Ontario.
'Lder Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German Itemody,
fianol," price a1.36. Anotber new remedy
for Diabetes -mellitus, and ware cure, Is
"Senol'e Anti -Diabetes." Price 8100 from
druggists or direct. The Sano] Mannino.
timing Company of Canada, Limited,
Winnipeg, Man.
Write tort'a Iday noFRrO SI, Catalogue.
The Le Roy Import Co„
13 Blnor St. E. - - Toronto.
BLANKETS Warn, aoavy,
eet[ Per Pah Government
$2.75 Delivered Mit Armyy
maded Free.Blanket%Ca 52.75with
per pair Del. -
wired anise, Oasis with order.
The General Imports o. of Oanada
14 Cartier Bldg., Montreal
Of Vital interest to Syrup
Wide-awake Maple Syrup 'takers will
consult their best interests by ordering
their supplies now instead of delaying
until Feb. and March—our busiest time,
Write for free booklet telling about our
Champion Evaporator, made hi 22
sixes, suitable for large or small proves.
58 Wellington St., MONTREAL,QQU IE•
Light Nro l i r Kitchen with a
Sometimes in'the kitchen or elsewhere you need a lamp held
high, Where it will light the whole room, and be out of the
reach of children.
The Reyes Bracket Lanip is made for exactly this purpose. It is
one of the famous Rays Family --the best kerosene lamps made.
A clear, white light, steady, diffused, A .strong, substantial bracket, easily
affixed to the wall. The lamp is inexpensive, •Economical, Lighted without
removing chimney or shade. nayo !,amps aro made in various /styles and
der sal purposes. At Deaf rt Everywhere.
COMPANY, LImtterti
YO RO NTO W r N 1v l F+Y,6ii
�t wer.�•• x -.