The Brussels Post, 1912-12-12, Page 1ti
VOL. 41 NO. 24.
New Advertisements
Xmas sine -James Pox
Uorn-Prytte Aftlifin( no,
No Ivor/hie-P.11 smith.
Auction Wile -Thom. (4 c»ft h.
Spectacles found -To e Poles,
monolklas-A lox. St reeltm
Reduced priceEl-W, 1 strotton.
To ow nAando-Koi Geo Whitfield,
Pot/1101V Af000lablon-Jos Mitchell
istrirt news
John and Mrs. Comes were visiting
relatives itt Seaforth,
A. J. Hahn was at Godeeich this
week serving as a jamat the 0o.
There Will be service in the German
church a week from next *May,
22nd inst,
John 1410 Mrs. Fischer and femily,
of St. Thonuts, were here for a short
visit with relatives and friends.
The furnitme, eta., belonging
Rev. D. B. McRae was shipped last
Tuesday and the family will follow
shortly. People in this locality say
Goodbye to them very regretfully,
Rev. Mr. McRae and his good lady by
Weir geniality, hiendliness, hospi-
tality and kindness tilled a large
place, without making much foss
doing it, Few families go out from 11
manse or parsonage to do more credit
to the home training than the ,aleltite
boys and girls. We wish all con-
cerned Godspeed aml hope to frequeet-
1 y have them bark as v isi t ors.
Armow is to be congratulated.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, Me.
Hat vey, of London, will occupy the
pulpit of 1 be Method is t chtiPell,
Ji41111S1 ;fr. of Myth, was visit-
ing his cousin, R, McDonald. Mr.
Out bite been botheied with Owe -
mullein for some time past but is im-
proving we are glad to state,
Rev. 511'. Mahn will be the preacher
in Knox (Morel) neet Suably morn-
ing, Last. Sabbath service was con-
ducted hy Me. Douglas, a student.
The pulpit was dealared vacaot.
Mrs. MeEwan and Mrs. Outt were
visitors with Godeeich relatives.
Jas. Cott of Blyth, has been visit-
ing his uncle, J no. Outt, of this lo -
ea ty.
Keep the Sabbath School enter-
tainment in mitel. The date is Dec.
201b. Interesting program.
Last 'week Miss Jennie Simpson
did the annual Bible Society collect-
ing and made her returns to the
Miss Flossie Seote who has been
melee the doctot's cave for some time,
is improving her many friends will
be glad to hear.
The Auction Sale of taten stock,
implemeets, etc., takes place at Thos.
Smith's, 1.j mites East of Jahriestowe
Friday of next week. F. S. Scott, of
Bruesels, will wield the hantenee.
Wednesday of this week Jno. E.
and Mee. White moved to Listowel
where they purpose making their
home. They were good neighbors
and many old ft ,ends here hope they
will find themselves very comfortable
in their new location,
•••••••••••••4.•4.•••4.••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••i
Re uced
• •
. •
What they Mean to Christmas Buyers
WE have a Holiday stock that is first in Variety
and Quality and Fairest in Price. During the
month of December we will. give great Bar-
gains to our customers on all cash purchases.
This is the largest and most complete stock of the
latest in all lines that are to be found in an up-to-date
Jewelry Store.
Watches Watches
of every description hem
$6.00 up to $75,00.
Long Chains, ft 071) 2.50 up
Neck Chains and Lockets 2,00 up
14k Pearl Brooches, 1.75 up
Bracelets, 150 up
Collar and Belt Pins, 25e up
Solitaire Diamonds -
12.00 to 225:00
Pearl Rings. 4.00 up
Signete, 1.25 up
Opals and Olusters, 1.25 up
Rat Pin's, Umbrellas, Plush
Purses, Necklaces -
1.25 up to 20.00
Watch Ohains, gold filled --
2.00 to 16.00
Fobfrom 50c up
Cuff Links from 25e to 500
Scarf Pins from 40c to 10.00
Tie Olips front 25c to 1.50
Signet Rings ft otti 4.00 to 7.50
Stone set, Rings, 4.00 to 125,00
Military Brushes, Umbrellas
Smoking Setts
Ladles' and Gents' Gold tind Sliver
Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas
with detachable handles, Snit
Case Umbrellas from $3.50 tip,
which are an improvement on '
the old style Umbrella as they
can be used on any detachable
top, as 11. 18 a well known fact
that the handles are Os good as
• • new %Omit the tops are worn out,
• Fancy China
+ • A large assortntent of Fancy
• China, consisting of open stock
Haviland hand-paittted and
.1white and gold ; fancy pieces in
• 13,,t, -bons, OVenla and Sugar
; Setts, Fancy Vases, Cups tuid
Clocks Clocks
Mantle Clocks in oak and black
finish and imitation nimble, •
6.00 up, ;
Giend Father Clocks, 05.00
8.50 up
Chime Olocks, 5.00 to 75.00
Kitchen Clocks
Gold Clooks, 2.00 and up.
Cut Glass
\ Vatee Sets, Buy Bowls, Cream
and Sugars, Spoon Trays and
other fancy pieces. •
Brushes and
Manicure Pieces •
Sets of Brushes and Manicure
Pieces itt fancy cases, for men •
and women, at prices of 3.00 •
and upwards.
Optical Goods
We have completed a course
ie Optics and are eble to test the
Imperfect eyes mei give glasses
1.0 give perfect vision by the
wonderful new:way-the Shad-
ow '1'est,
Try our Fit -17 Mounts, 4.00 up,
guaranteed for 20 yews.
Or Comfort Cables, 4.00 up,
guaranteed for 20 yems.
Satisfaction gement teed.
Musical Goods
Violins. Guitars, Autoharps,
Mandolins, Accordions, Mouth
184/ Roger Bros.'
knives and Forks
50 doz. Spoon, 4.00 doz. up
Fancy Serving Spoons,
Meat Forks, Knives and CCialtitel 50:
Forks in Cominimity Silver. 4:
silver and noisy
Ole per pait and up
Call and inapect the class of got ds we haticile. It it not a long
way off to the gift -giving day. Now is really the time to make your •
Jewelry selection and have the articles laid °AMY until wanted.
W F. re St tton jellr 84
op 'clPlean
Nlarrlage Licenses Issued. Try one.
It is said a goodly share of Limb
on the farm recently purchased
Mrs. King has been sold to the Iliti
vole sawmill owners 1*01. $1400, Tie
were allot. it before but Ale. livya
dell iIL(1t.1I sell.
Jamestown Manch of the SVornen's
Institute held there regular monthly
meeting on Tlitieschty, Nov. 28111, al
the home of lIlis, .1111 111 all:teem
Mrs. A. Bryant.; rend an address given
by MI'S. Ptirsons, of Foust, at the
Annual Convention NI Tot onto, which
was much enjoyed, A liew sugges-
lions 111 the form of 1114s girls
7081-0 hi might -mid added interest to
the NeXt, meel log will be
held at the home of the President,
Mts. I), AI. '11111(1, 071 latinat y 901.11
MC/did/4mM leitties.- This wee
Thomas Smith, 1.,t01.0y 11)0')
Ship, his 10 1(7 ('17 1110111 13r,ek vidge jr. kw hie 1
acre 1117 11) 111 1 kV .1,4. line. Aforris, ti
inoviug in 0, clone show the ist (
January Mr. Smith wtts ct form
resident of 1 lie David Miller farm o
the some line (111(1 will consequent!
be 71(0010(1back to his 01(1 twighbo
1100a or nearly 80 yeties ago. 5(1110(1
to retitle Alr. Breckenridge l'oviclevl
resided -01 the same community to
w hich he will bo moving as 1.174' family
W11.0 10110(.1.1y 10CAM(1 on the Rea
farm en the 2ed con. of Grey. Both
(nen will probably be better suited as
Mr, Smell found himself with more
Maul hail
he wantod Marin Mr.
BrenIcenvidge was seeking increased
acreage. We wish both ef them
many peosperous years on their (Inc
e -
(1(1)11 Ethel
Several from this locality were at-
tending the Winter Fair at Guelph
this week.
J. K. Brown was at Guelph this
week attemling a DailV11011'8 meeting
and the Winter Fair,
Peactiees for big and little are on
the ;migrant hu S1111(1 ay School
Christmas Tie% Enteetaininent.
The young melee elude will lead the
siegitig in the Endeavor service 117
the Presbyterian church next Sun.
day evenitig.
Last Sunday ENV. Air. Douglas, a
idrulent front Toronto preached in the
Prembytet hut church and read the
decht: at ion es to the vacancy. Rev.
Mr. 11117111 will cohdnet the 801•0100
next Sunday.
Melvin Slemmon visited 711 Wing
ham over (117)1(113)'.He attended 11-
meeting of the District Epworth
Lettgue Executive Monday forennon
o the Ratite town. De is one of the
vice Presidents.
PINE '1'),t. -Dee Sanders has a
Very tidy team. Wednesday they
were put tin the settles when the
year old mare weighed 1070 0101 the
note. a four year old home, sealed
525, a total of 3105.
WOMEN'S INsTITUTti -Thursday of
text week, at 2.80 o'clock, the regn-
or meeting 1)1 1)10 Women's Institute
vill he held at the home of Mrs.
Archie 'McDonald. Topics- E. San.
0)8, of Ethel, is to address the meet -
ng on Institute work also Ides. S. 8,
Cole nii the place our Institute may
11 in our lives. Plans for a social
evening in January.
A Sorer:env'. TSSIONAnY INSTI-
OTE.-011 Wednesday afternoon and
vetting of hist week a very soccess-
ul and peofitable 111 iesionaey Institute
0101 held in the Methodist chnech,
Ethel, under Lhe auspices of 7 he Ep-
emelt Letigue. The'afterimon session
egan at. 2.80 o'clnek with <laved ional
xercises, comittcled by Russel Love,
liseionaey vice -P1 esidc»t and presid-
it over by R, -v. David Wren, the
astor. First address was delivered
y Robert McKay on "The Bible OS a Book." He gave a very p011013-
0) 11)1(1 well pointed address develop.
37(1 five points as yollnws r-(1) 'The
ible 118 the world's 13ook of Light ;
2) the w01.1(1s Rook Of Faith ; (5) the
• 13nolt of Hope ; (4) the world's
ook of Pence altil the world's Book
f Love, Mr. McKay lead the LeagF-
rs (:0 11 very high plain of thought in
he development of his theme and
aVed the way fee a very pleasant
ticl helpful aftertioon's study. Rev.
E. ltioeislionme, or Monkton, Mi-
med with an address oti "Inteeces-
wy prayer AS it 0001.1d niece." Re
ticl special emphasis upon the fact
lat God's eedeniption of the world is
trough the redreunkt The redeemed
e liar endowed with power sufficient
1 meet the tteete assigned. In every
fe there are live millets of power 1,-
)What toe ; (2) what raw ; ($)
hat I do ; (4) Aly money ; (5) My
•ayers. The greatest of all is preyer.
rnyee goee everywhere, 'Through
rayer we navel any -whet e mewed
10 world. The greatest serviee any-
te can do for man is to pray. The
eople who are ehangiug the world
-day (110 1110 people who 1(7 11 taking
me to peay. .10110 Pearson followed
discussion, laying stress upon
any of the splendid thoughts (16.
loped by the two previous speakers,
ev. J. A. Missett, of Whiteehtwoh,
Lye a very, bright and inspiring ea-
ses upon erhe Leaguer's Missionary
111ga0on." In opening his address
stated that We word obligatioe
ight to appeal more strongly to
ery Epworth Leaguer than that, of
portunity., The world today has
11 06)0 head, and titot is Jesus Obilet
rl God wants to 'Ilse us to supply
is need. He wants today a service
Beart, Read and Hands, for world -
de conquest, for the (Theist. A most
cellent, paper 00 "Our ditty to the
dittn," was given by Melvin Sleet:
on. In this paper the speaker trac-
tile history of the red man from
r earliest seconintance with hint
til to arty ; pointing his virtues as
11 45 his Vices; mei in a vely ?twee.,
manner beotight home to the
egueee theie duty to the Indian.
se Very Johnston tend a very
•efully prepared peper "Our
71 er
Admission 15 Cents
Popular Lecture
English, Irish and Scotch
of Hamilton
This Lecture is strong, enter-
tainiug and grips the tuelletwe
from start to 01(180.
Thursday, Dec. 12th
-410-er-mr "11"rNir
guests from the Ole East," in which
the audieuce was again reminded of
the greet home problem that daily is
becoming MOPS 110110 through the iru-
tuense army of strangers corning
within our gates. Rev. J. E. Cook, of
Bluevale, bitumen. the aftettioon's
program to 11, 0108e, With as very elo-
tomtit atlases on "The. Leaguer's sinus
in world conqaest." The( e was a splen-
did audience and all reit, nmell enthus-
ed and inspired by the sessioit of the
afternoon. In the evening, Robert
McKay presided over an audience that
nearly tilled the Church. The two 11(1-
d7esses by Rev. R. 5. Lackland, on
"The 20th centhry challenge to Bp -
worth Leaguers." and Rev. A, E.
Moorehouse on "Present day Mission-
ary Voices," were very helpful and in-
structive. spiritual note that was
sounded throughout the Institute woe
not fall in bringing splendid results to
the Bpworth Leaguers of the Dthel
circuit. Epworth League at Ethel is
a very aggreesi-ve one, and is endenvor-
ing to weet the problems conftonting
the young people of to -day.
evening (11 11181. week the members tuid
Mende of the Presbyterian church
here assembled in the Township Hall
to enjoy a social time with Rev. D.
f3. and Mrs. McRae and Miss McRae
111'f 1,1' their depai Wee tO Artnow, the
new charge aceeptod by Mr. McRae.
A splendid slipper was served in first-
class style which was heartily enjoy-
ed by ail. Afterward a platform
meeting was instituted with Rev.
Air. Bell, of Molesworth, in We chair
when short (1.13411 0864)5 were given by
the chairman, Rev. Me Wren, Metho-
dist minister, Relit.. Barr and others
expt essive of the high esteem in
which Rev. Mr. McRae and family
were held and voicing the good wishes
of the commueity for 14 happy and
successful future. Rev. Mr, McRae
was ;assented with a, purse of gold,
contenting about $80.00, from the
rongiemation, W. Brenner making
I he presentation and S. Campbell
reading an eulogistic address in which
faithfulness to duty, kindliness of
manner, unse/fishness in service reti-
deeed in all times and places for many
long years anti the wish that many
happy yews would be the (0( 013 him-
self and Ids highly 'esteemed family,
The t eply evoked many 0 kindly word
or advice and brotherliness and the
occasion will not snon be forgotten.
Seemed musical selections were rem,
deeed by the orchestra and at the
close many an eye was dimmed with
tears as the thotight, of separation in
en short a time as the farewell hand-
shake was given. Rev. Mr. and Mrs.
McRae leave many old and true friends
hem whose interest in them and,
their family will long contititte. In
the midst of the regrets a ray of
brightness centres round Lhe fact
theft their place of residence is not
very far away so that friendly inter-
eollese may still be main tabled, The
gift and address were most highly
esteet»ed by Mr. McRae and family.
An Entertainment will be held in
the Methodist church hese New Year's
night. Pettit:Mare later.
Thursday of last week an interest-
ing gathering of the Ladies' Aid Was
held at the home of Ides, J. Dundee,
A seems of cottage prayer tneetings
has been arranged by the Methodist
church, the first of which 10145 held
Wedeeeday, evening of this week,
Keep the Christmas Tree En teetai
meet of St. George's church Sabbath
13401n0 01 1116 .4. 0. U. \V, Hall, in
nntici, The date is Friday of next
week, 20t11 hist,
An Adult Bible Class has been or-
gabized in connection with the Metho-
dist chmeb to meet Sabbath after-
noon at 2.80 o'clnalc. The first meet-
ing will be next Sunday.
At the auction sale last Monday
aftetemon the old dowel) belonging
to the Presbyterian enegregation was
sold by Auctioneer Seott, of Brussels,
to George Williamson for the 511111 of
$240. The two wood furnaces be-
e/line the property of WM. McCall at
$20.00,The space occupied by the N%
church Wilt likely be utilized for in -
mimed horse shed roller.
WOzenN'S INterretnal.-The regular
meeting of the Walton Women's
'minute will be held in Ole Work-
Inell'S Hall on Wednesday next,
December 1810, at ,45 p nt. Mus-
sels Institute intend giving a mann
visit and will Ripply the program.
Annum ntime
and things they will
have to give 1011) 00 the 'sport of the
Anonal Convention held in Toeo»to
last month, Leitch will be servecl tt,t 0
the close of the meeting. A. good 0
meeting is expected.
0311/0014 OP/Minn.-Dedicatory see
vices will be held in connection Witil
the new Preebyteelan 01) (1(10 here on
Sabbath, 22nd hist. Rev. Dr, R. P,
al cKit y, ex-Moder/Gov cd the Deno(11
Assembly, will 111111? 1) at 10,30 a. M.,
8 and 7 p, nl. lie is well wolth hear-
Dhoice music will be rendered.
Special offering for the Building
Fund will be taken. Monday evening
23rd inst., a Fowl Supper will beet ved
from 5 to 9 p, 111,, followed by a spleit•
did program. In musical selections
the chow will be assisted by Mts.
MeGnil 0, of Seaforth ; Miss \VlItt, of
011)0011 ; Me. and itirs. Pee, IN, Lon -
dell ; H. Gilroy, Itrit.s. 04, and
ahem, Elocutinme emu hers by
Misses Lidu Edmunds, Ada Gtedi ner
and Lily Harrison. Shotaddresses
les expected from forme' 'minors and
visiting elergytnett. Accommodation
for 1300 1100172)3 10 shed and stable room.
On Suaday, Dec. 2010, Rev. Dr. Gan-
t119e, the well known Principal of
Knox college, 'Powell:a, will occupy the
pulpit at the three services. Special
music and an offering will also be
features. The woeltinett are busy
eompleting the work on, the new
church so that everything may be in
shape for these specially interesting
Municipal Nuattination day Mon-
day, 80th inst.
Statutory Council meeting next
ItIonday 141. 13)1101.
Council will meet on Monday 1610
inst, as per Statute.
Mrs. Wtn. Flogg, of Toronto, was
renewing old acquaintances in this
Miss Cunningham, of Rolland, is a
visitoe with her cousin, Mts. James
Sirs. obert Pearson spent a few
days with her daughter., Mrs. Vipond,
AisDenman was absent from
High School last week owing to a
sevets cold.
Miss Anna Schmidt, of Tavistock,
is the guest of Misses Mame and
Katie Dentuen.
Grey has a number of wide awake
representatives at the Winter Fair at
Guelph this week.
Charles Love is home from the
West for the Winter. He 100 return
for the Spring week.
A, good auction sale was held at L.
Addly's, 14th con., last week. The
form was not sold however.
Miss Kate McDonald, 410 eon., who
has been ill with tonsilitis, is improv-
ing nicely we are pleased to state.
The Sabbath School Entertainment
t Union church will be held on the
19111 inst,, instead of the 26th as am-
Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss
Martha, 7th can., have gone to Tor-
onto Inc)) holiday visit with relatives
anlobliclmef.riends. We wish them a
Somebody helped themselves to
Frank 13alfour's turkeys one night
taking 14 which were ready for mar-
ket. The thief deserved to get it
whets the trukeys dic1-111 the neck,
1115 stated that Rector McQuarrie
and family will remove to Brussels
and take a little leisure from active
farm operations. Mr. Meguarrie has
been a resident of the 4th con. for a
gond many years.
W. L. McQuarrie is here from
Prince ,Albert on a 1719it to the perm].
tal home and is heartily welcomed
by many old friends. Mac. has not
been idle in the West for fortune has
beamed upon him so it is said. The
country has agreed with him.
in a letter from Duncan A. Mc-
MeDonald, from Dysart, Sask., he
says he was at a box social out there
and $3 was paid for cheapest, and $11
for highest box. Girls must be scarce
mit theee. Will we send a few of the
Grey young ladies out Duncan 13
Next Sunday, I5t0 Luke
Speiran, 1401 con., will attain to his
70th birthday. Many old friends will
join in the wish that the years W
come may be crowded with happiness.
Mr. Spelran enjoys good health and is
able to get, about nearly as lively as'
he ever did.
FALSE REFORT.--It has been cir-
culated that I sent milk 013 (10 inferior
quality to the Molesworth cheese
factory during the past Summer.
This TS WI brae as the following state-
ment ttf the cheese maker shows.
/No. Iterates.
This is to certify that the milk sent,
to the Molesworth cheese factory foe
the season of 1912 by :No. A. Bryaes
was a good quality of milk.
YOUNG, cheeemaker,
Molesworth Dec. 41032.
alavattsOrnar..,- The commodious
home of Mrs, Jno. G. Smith, "Maple
Grove Farin," 8th con., was the scelie
of a lame and joyous gathering Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week when
her eldest daughter, Miss Rachel F,,
was united in marriage to Fraucis 13,
Duncan a well known young farmer of
the 4th line of Morris tewnship. Geis -
ninny was pet foemed by Rev. 1), 18.
Cattieroe, of Brussels, the bride being
given away by her brother Joe, The
Wedding March was played by Miss
Lama Caeclitt Miss Maybelle Rands
of Seaforth, dressed in °venni silk,
performed her part as ring bearer very
prettily. Bride wore a very becotn.
lig gown of white marquisette over
etite silk and carried a boqiiet of
1.080$ and ferns. After emigrate-
OeS the eompany sat, down to well
spread tables. Groom'e gift to the
bride was a fine fee lined coat, e. gold
bar pin to the pianist and a, pearl rieg
to We ring bearee. Wedding peesen tat
Were choice, useful and butneroes
chiding fernitore, eilver, 1111611)
ehequee, etc, ,After OM enjoyable
eveeina was spent the guests depart-
ed Wishing 130, Duncah and bride
many lien yeaes, The Weddle
ni1)I& trio tem to Termite an
titer pointe and OR their return will
alae op housekeeping on the groom'e
To My Friends
To my friende and others I wish to
say that rumors and etatements about,
tot? Intsband, George Whitfield, are
not true. I may havernatlestateroeute
In my delicate condition of health
which 1 now retract. I wish a kind
public and my husband to forgive and
101 (111)) the past. (Signed)
tine farm itt Morris under most fever -
able auspices. Bride's travelling suit
teas navy blue seege, Among the
outside guests were Thos. and Mrs.
Ramis, Miss Maybelle and Miss Grace
Walker of Seaforth, and Nesbitt and.
Mts. Hamilton. of Atwood.
DEATH as' klaatas Baxerstale-A.fter
suffering for over a year front tuber-
culosis, Henry Bateman passed away
at WS home on Cooper street, Hespe-
ler, early Wednesday morning, Nov.
28th, aged 49 years. Deceased was
born in Grey toweship, Huron Co.
and had been a resident of Waterloo
Tp., for about six years, disposing of
his farm and removing to tiespeler a
of the Salvation Army and the funeral
year ago. He was an earnest, member
services at the howe were conducted
by Capt. Banners, the remains being
taken to Brussels for interment, The
fuueral cortege to Hespeler G. T. R.
depot. W118 beaded by the Army Band
and many friends were present to do
the last honors. Mr, Bateman was
married twice. His first wife was
Miss Elizabeth Leader, who died about
12 years, leaving one son Herbert. 10
years ago deceased was united in
marriage to Miss Lillian Het men, of
Clinton, who survives with three
sntall children. Pall bearers at Brus-
sels were the following old neighbors
and friends '.-Jesse Wilbee, P. A.
McArthur, Win. Hall, Robb. McKay,
Jno. King and Henry Atwood. M.
Batetuatesfathee, two sisters and two
brothers survive. subject of this
notice 10148 )111 honest industrious man.
who endeavored to aid every good
cause and Mrs. Bateman and family
will have the sympathy of many old
friends of the deceased.
BlUeyale and Eadioe Sorry to' Bay
Good -Bye
Rev. W. 3'. West, AL A., Mrs. West
and family left on Monday for Port
Petry, where Mr. West has been
called to a new charge. 011 Friday,
Dec. 6th, a farewell reception was
held 111 Knox church. A large- nun -
bee spent a social evening which was
only marred by the sadness which
parting brings. Robt, Black filled the
chair in a happy manner, Two peesentatiuns were tnade to Mr. West, a
purse of gold from Bluevale congrega-
tion and one from the congregation
of Mulles church, while the women of
MGM church presented Mrs, West;
with a handsome gift of silver cutlery.
Speeches were made by Peter Mc-
Dougall aud Mr. Scott, representing
Mulles church aud by Wm. Maxwell,
Robt. Shaw, R. N. Duff, W. H. Fraser
147(0 .4. MacEwen. expressing in warm
terms, the high opinion in which Mr.
and Mrs. West were held for their
many good qualities and the regret
felt at their departure, The recipients
made appropriate replies telling of the
happy associations formed with the
people of the two congregations and
their repel; at sepaeation.
Refreslitueuts were served. The
evening's program included music by
the choir and Ladies' Aid.
Following were the addresses t•
S111. -On the occasion of your
resignation from the pastorate of
Knox church, we, the members aud
adherents of the congregation, have
met to say farewell aud express our
kindly regard for you and ales. West.
We have natural feelings of attach-
ment to one IvIto began his ministry
atnonget us and has been our pastor
for over 15 years. During these years
you have joined in the sacred joys and
sorrows ot every family and III times
of trouble es well as of rejoicing your
paet was never a mere formal one but
one of veal help and self -forgetfulness.
Your influence on the lives of the peo-
ple cannot be measured but what you
beve dove for the church is attested
by the large increase in its member-
ship, the widening of its activities and
the more 'general part taken by the
people in ite life and wet k. Its ma-
terial progress is shown by the new
church edifice and improvetnents to
church property, to which you gave
the labor of your hands, as well as
your judgment and enthusiasm. In
your telation with the young people
of the congregation you won their
loyalty by your ever ready sympathy
with their ideas an13. vine guidance
wasalways softened by patieuce and
pleasautness. While you went out-
side the sphere of your own work in
aiding those in searth of self improve
meet yew: gettiality and interest in
the every day lives of your people
won their friendship. The hospitality
of youe home, enriched by the kind.
hese of yourself and Mrs. West, was
generously extended to all. As a tam
gible expression of our regard for you
and Mts. West, we beg you to aoeept
tide purse of gold. Von take with
you to your new field of labor the
good -will of of people hies who
wish you happiness and peaee and
that spirituel reward that is bee tew ed
otrell 0111 %time seevine. 011 behalf of
the eengregatioe of Knox 011111'011.
J. titittoese, Seere 111V
W. H. KERR, Proptietor
To Mao. Wgso,
Dnart Mao. wrzsT.-At this time of
paeting, we your women friende and
fellow workers of Knox church, feel
that we 701771(11 8117 goad -bye Witboet
trying to express by more than wore%
the regard we feel for you personally
and a sense of how we value yotzr
faithful co-operation for many years
in the women's weak of the church.
We therefore beg you to accept this
gift of cutlery. In the work of your
husband you are a true helpmate.
Yon freely offered the hospitality of
your home both for the .pleasure of
your friends and the projects of the
church and both inside and outside
the church you took a leading p148') 171
furthering the higher 111 terests of life.
It ean truly be said, you leave no-
body behind who is not your friend.
That the future Yeats of yourself and
children may be crowned with bless-
ings andguided by Divine favor in
ys ofjoy and peace is the wish of
the women of Knox church. Signed
on behalf of the women of Knox
Mae, War. IllaxwEnt..,
REV. W. 3. WEST,
with feelings of sincere regret that
the congregatinu at Eadies face the
situation which now awaits us of
parting with our beloved pastor. For
over 15 years you have ministered to
us and we aisure you that, your minis-
trations have been appreciated and
helpful. Your expositions of the
'Word will 11117 80011 be forgotten. In
your pastoral work you have been
diligent and faithful and the families
of this congregation have been helped
by your presence and kind sympathe-
tic words. The young people of the
cougregation found in you a true
friend and willing worker and we
trust the years to come Iva! reveal still
more of the resblis of the seed Bo
faithfully sown. We ask you to ac-
cept this purse of gold, knowing that
you will look beyond its nominal
value to the living spirit which
prompts this memento of our esteem.
Vile trust (hat in the larger sphere to
which you are removing you will find
a congenial field of labor and that
with the Divine blessing your labors
there will be abundantly successfully,
We also remember that in Mrs. West
you have had a true fellow worker
and we trust that your entire family
may constantly live under the care
and smile of Him for whom no labor
is vain and whose reward is sure.
Signed on behalf of the Bathes' con-
• Lanes Score,
On Sunday mottling and evening
Rev. Mr. West preached his farewell
sermons and the church was crowded
at both services to hear his parting
words. Mr. West 01 a manner touch-
ing to all, referred to the experiences,
and events of his pastorate ; to the
children be bad started in the way of
life; the marriages he had solemnized,
109 11481 hours of earthly existence he
had consoled and to the bonds of affec-
tion that had been formed in this way
through a relationship almost as in-
timate as that of a family.
At the close of the services all re.
maimed to give the departing pastor
and his good wife a farewell greeting
and wish them future success and
Mrs. T. Knight, of Goderich, is the
guest of her tnother, Mrs. Wilson.
Miss Edwards, of Fordwich, was the
guest of Miss Kate Kazlewood recent-
Colin McNaughton, of Turnberry,
has tette» a position in the Royal
S. Jackson, of Toronto, spent part
of last week with his son, Dr, G. P.
Fred. and Mrs. Davey entertained a
number of -their friends last Friday
James and Mrs. Harris, of Asquith,
Sask., are visiting with relativein
this vicinity.
The M. M. M. Olub have made ar-
rangements to give an Entertainment
the latter part of Januaey.
The Sunshine Club of the Wroxeter
Methodist chtusch will have a Christ-
mas Tree on Monday, Dec. 23rd in the
Town Hall.
Thos. and Mts. Appleby, of Glen -
femme, former residents of the vil-
lage, celebrated their diamond wed-
ding last Friday. Several friends
from here were in attendance.
Statutory Council meeting nod
Miss Spoil*, 4th line, has been visit-
ing her titter, Mrs; 0. J. Denhobn, of
Thos. Garniss, au old resident, of
the 8rd line, is spending part of the
Winter in Wingham.
Loeal Option canape..4n goes quietly
on but 1115 interest, it Increitstng as the
date of pulling draws nearer.
Jame s Bowman, M. P. for East
Huron, took Lb run home from Ottawa
for Sundry, returning on Monday.
Henry Mooney and daughters,
Misses Clara and Minnie, of Weyburn,
Sask., I'm inerly of this township,
purpose spending the Winter in
California., We wish them aT1 enjoy.
able time,'
'Henry and Mrs. Bone, Ard line,
spent a few days at. the Inane of 3.
Ei'b, of Teeswatee l000li1y, las t week.
Mrs. Erb wee formerly Miss Martha I.
ingrain, of Morris township, and is a
niece to MM. Bone.
Rumor has it, that Cooncillor 11318.
ton may nepils to the Beeveship of
Morris. The name of ek-Oottnclikw
Oempbell is also mentioned, In all
probability the present Occupant of
the elude, Reeve ShOrtreeti, will limit
10 let tem,