The Brussels Post, 1912-11-21, Page 5�vf6verA�rAv.� rar(smOv ubr
WinterTerm pt
T H. MaC]3kOii;GN—•
Y Y • leery, o1 Marrla a Llt, Bru, f.
Arlo at Grocery, !Tar0berryg0truety Brussels,
K. O. T. M.
lineman ,Tout ' 00t ntaecabe o Lo, :5e
hold their regular 00utln;o to the Lodge
!room. Beaker .91' o on the lot and Ord
Tuesday evenings..,,' eget! month
VleltOef always welcome,
A, BO 1 Eltfi, Oom, a, Mo(1131101, h, b
,hoe 1a the Pest Office, Ethel. O0.4
oetteSan, -will sell ler butter prices, to
r mea, in lose time and lees chargee
than any other Auotiuueer in East Huron or
he woe't charge anything. Dated and orders
Jan always b0 arranged at Ens Oslo* or by
personal epplioation,
V Barrister, Bolioltor, Ooureyauoer,
Notary Public, deo. Office—titowart'e Block
1 door North of Coo tral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bauk,
PUBLIC, 14110,
W. PaoenFooT, If. 0, 11 0, HAYS
J. L. EILL0808
Olfoos^Those formerly 000npled by Masers
Cameron h Holt,
Common, UN'ydnIc.
Royal Mail Steamers
St. Lawrence Season
T. T. 8. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian"
T. 8. 8. "Tuuldian" and "Corsican"
881/11108 every Friday
T. S. 8. "Grair•plai" and "Hooperian"
T. B. B. "Scandinavian' 011(1 "Pretoria"
Sailings. very Saturday •'
8erviee of moderate priced one class Cabin
Snilinge every Sunday
Full information as to rates, 0.0., on applt .a-
tlon .to
Agent Allan line, Brussels.
vi0drfod vb LLy1:fasA haws- ms, say 1
Winter Term from Jan. 2
is well known as one of Cnnade'e Bent
Business Schools. Onr graduates are
in strong demand beauty:* business 9,1
firms know theyrender superior
services. Satisfaction follows superior 4
training but never follows inferior
training. Get the beat, You want it. r6
We give it Wit Catalogue.
ra for new
2.7:1:42.7ua11d W. J. ELLIOTT,
Te. Princi a.
St p
-u%.,v,vg.N• PA"GitPA ar iPA'7R. •=44r,t7ay&-oa
Write for the lnege Free oatalogce of
this yahoo, and you will learn how ''t
you can succeed. It will then rest 1)
with you to decide if you will sue. <
We are placing students 18 positions
a in • 0 0 and$700 per annum nail we
y $
have many such applications Por help
which we cannot Supply. The best
time to enter our classes ie NOW.
Write for our free catalogue at
err ouoe,
D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. 37
0.04Y,Lus rasarrAv,atkeza rasatta veg&` civ, A r;,vb
commonoo0 on Monday, November and.
W rite for free catalogue nail m 11tl011-
hers to
T e [istHweI
WaaatreVATIi'RPAYara ta$d9a2LITISHOS'afar.
What about Your Kidneys?
YOU!' back aches and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
Yonr'e discouraged, but you mustn't
give up. The battle can be quickly
won When De. Hamilton's Pills gel,
to work. These kidneys special -
lets bring new health and vitality to
young and old alike. Even one box
proves their marvelous pewee. Con -
thine .this great r healer, and your
kidneys will become as strong, as
Villr,Ot'o115, a9 able to w0l'k a5 new ones.
Relnenlber tine Dr. I3amilton's
Pills are ;mealy vegetable ; they do
cure liver, bladder and kidney trouble.
They will cure yon, or your moony
back. Pelee 25c pet bole, at all deal'
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
day. Phone228 ,
1 .
Business Cards
Bachelor of Madloine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of aha College of Phy-
8101an,8 and Surgeons, Ont, , Post -graduate
Ohmage Bye, Ear, Nose end Throat Hospital,
Chicago, 111, Ex,.House Surgeon to St. Mich-
ael's Hospital, Toronto,
Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone oonneution with Cranbrook at all hours,
Phy0klan end Surgeon; Post. Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals, Special attention to disease of eye, eat',
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Honorg radunte of the Ontario Veterin r
College,Day and night calls. Oliioe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, MO(Jormick Medtont ()allege, Chicago,
111., Is prepared to testees and fit glassed 11bt
her aloe over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week. Office hours 10 to 12 n, m, and 1 to 0 p
nl, In Toronto, at 71" Spadi i% ave.. remaind-
er of time, Phone 1210
Gloo is Anwar tial Wx?
Go180 Selma 080180 Nowell
7:07 n m Express 10:66 a m
Express 11 :25 a in Mall - 1:50 p
Express 2:55 p m Express 8:52 p m
CaNi2 zisav Psict rte,
To Toronto To Goderich
Express,.,. 7:11 a m I Express 11:50 a m
Express 2:07 p m�Express • 8:40 p 10
Going East - 7.05 a. m. and 0:55 p. 111,
Going West : 12:40 and 5:479. 10.
All trains going East conned with C. P. li, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. 13. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Loon! Agent,
:lsttirt ritti)
Lead bury
BEEF RINa,.—The annual meeting
of the Leadbuey Beef Riug was Held
Tuesday Nov. 12th and Lvas well at-
tended by the patrons. Business was
to settle up the accounts for the past
year and to arrange for the coming
5eas011. Beef consumed was 14,080
pounds and average was 440 lbs. per
head. The heaviest animal was mit
in by Juo. G. Grieve. Officers elected
were John MtGavle, President ; I•Ingh
Alexander. Secretary ; and John
R. Bell butcher. The Ring will start
again on the first Tuesday in April
SonooL REPORT.—Report of S, 5,
No. 0, Grey, for the month of October,.
Sr. IV.-111xaulinecl in Reading, Geng.,
Arith., Onlnp., and daily work.—Get,
brittle Ames 70. George Hall 05. Sr.
III.—Stanley Hall 91, LililOni Jacklin,
65. Jr. TII.—Edith Ames 75, *Eat
Lowe 37. Sr. IT. Examined' in Read-
ing, Geog., Arith., and Baily work.—
Wilfrid Hoy 65, *Bobbie Jaoklin 00,
Llvlven Somers 41. Jr. II.—Lennie
Sinclliir 89, Cecil Hall 66, *Tommie
lacklin 54. Pt. IT. Examined in
Reading, 81(111ing Arita,, and daily
work. Viola 10111/1011 64, Joe "Martin
03, Lawrence Lowe 03. Se. Pt. I.
Good.—Lyra Ames, -Jr. Pt. T. Gnod.
—Harvey Rose, Gordon Lowe, Maly
.714ci(lin, Average attendance 14.
13. M. CURRY, Teacher.
Why Romain Thin and Pale T
Pule people have pale blood. The
stomach is wrong, assimilation is
poor and fond is not ehauged into
blood. The system hacks vitality and
reconstructive power which can be
supplied by Fel'l'ozone. It brace the
appetite, digestion is stimulated,
what you eat is transformed into the
kind of mitrinllft your system re-
quires. Vitallife-giving blood that
mttkes rosy cheeks, strength that
defies weariness, spirit and amhitiol
all come from Fol rezone. Nothing nn
the annals of medicine so share to
build nil and strengthen as Fero.
zone. Try 50c box. Sold Everywhere.
Presbyterian Sunday School will
hold their annual entertainment on
Thursday, December 12111.
Lyle Patterson has taken a Bank
as junior in the Imperial Bank
here 111 Misery has been transferred
to Galt.
W L. McMano, teller Ill the Bank
i1 o 4 1 resigned his position
of Hamilton, It, ht s tslg d 1 t
anti is leaving the bank in the near
future. INr. McMane is giving up
banking on account, of his health.
Division Court was held on Tiles -
day of last week, Judge Barron (.are:
aiding. There were 15 cases on the
docket. .Tnclgments 1001'0 given in 13
cases, the other 2 cases being ad-
Numerous complaints have been
made shout buys and young menannoying eitizens after night by 'raap-
ping on windows OP kuoekittg 00
floors, especially et places where
women are living alone.
It is reported that J. 11. Gunther
will shortly be appointed Trade Com-
missioner to Germany. In 611011 an
event, Mr, Gunther will have to move
his family and "take up residence in
hdr. Stedelhaner, of Berlin, Was in
town inspecting the machinery re-
maining 10 the old tannery. A.11
Machinery of' value will be removed
13erlin. Itis to be regretted that
the buildings which were formerly
lased by the Breithau;t Leather. CO.
silt! temaht uuoceupied,
During the past eight or ten days
some party . al ,til ties e
L t a lett taken the
p y 1
trouble tou 04 diamond et. *!.flet lug
cttanneit and cut and 011(11 eh Many
of the plate glass windows in Gown,
' and also the glass I i •h' sales-
men1 n 1) l L(.sUeutsales
men iii some of the stores.
Dt'. and Mrs. 13hr1ee entertained
the members iers f G1)* Young News
13ible Class at the Parsonage on
Pnosclay evening of last week. .There
Was a good attendance of the yoking
men and a very pleasant evening was
spent. After Inutile anll games light
ref)eeh/llents were served and at an
early hour the youg men went to their
several flumes feellng that it had in-
deed been good for them to lame been
Don't wast* your money buying
strengthening plaster's. Chani be-
Iti,i ti's Liniment 10 cheaper 1111(1 better.
Dampen a piece of flannel with it and
bind it over the affected parts and it
will relieve the pain and soreness.
For sale 1)y all dealers.
(Intended for Inst week)
W. M. 1!:*Motion spent two clays of
thin week iu Stra)fil'd.
Miss Corn Shr'reiff, of \Vingllunl, is
the guest of Miss Mary Barris.
Mas, (Rev.) \Vesley is .pending a
week at him iu l:annblgL011.
Idltrry Ilw'diug has purchased Gen.
Barlun'l's residence on Sanderson
Thos. Savage returned from
Coronation, Sask., on Saturday where
Ile has spell 1the Summer.
Mrs. Hen. Jack left for Shakespeare
on Satnl clay to attend her father,
Thos. Pope, 1111,1 was seriously ill.
Mt 4. .101)11 IW nreisoo rein erred to
Hanover 011 Monday after spending
49001741 days with het' daughter, Mrs.
G. S. Leckie.
HYMENEAL.— The following item
from Che Toronto Daily Star of Nov.
51111'9.1115 to a sou of Mrs. al. Mc-
Lennan of this place :-0o Saturday,
in old St. Andrew's church, the mar-
riage took place of Miss Elsie Louise,
youngest clamghtee Jun. E. and Airs.
Morrison to Alexander x r Wilson Mr-
Lentem of Toronto the Rev. A J.
Gray officiating. The 1111110 who
was attended by her sister, Miss
Cecil Morrison, ware brown velvet
with mink furs, and hat to match.
W. B. Aster acted as best man.
Mr. and Mrs, McLennan left on the
afternnol train for the States and on
their return will reside on Sonnyside
That Dry Cough as Bronchitis
If neglected it will weaken the
throat mild finally emelt the lungs.
Nothing simpler than inhaling the
healing vapor of Oalxu•rhnzole. Its
action is like magic, so helpful, tin
'easy to apply. Be clone with Bion.
child trouble for all time 1 Oaten 11-
0y,011e does cmc the worse eases, will.
cure you ton. Sold everywhere, 2511.
and $1.00 tinder absolute guarantee
of satisfaction.
• Atw d
George Bodge, 17(31 col., is very ill
at present,
Maw. Alex, Simpson mitt daughter
left of Wednesday of Inst week for
Detroit, where they will slake their
*0)111e home, Ala'. Simpson having
secured a splendid situation there.
On \int day, Nov. 32111, a large num-
ber ditto ladies of the 4th and 6th
Oou, AuaiI,i,u•y of the W. F. & W. H.
M. S., met at the 1101119 or Mrs. Alex,
Shmpsan, 1141.4 presented her with a
h1,,i1ll'ul silver mild meat fork and
mend all ,tildr•ess. Mrs. Simpson made
an appropriate reply.
FIRE BRIGADE —The following nffl-
cers were elected for theeusuiltg year:
—Chief. John Roger : Deputy Chief,
Wm. Robb ; Oaaptaain of Fire Engine,
David Hodge ; Captain of • Bucket
Brigade, H. Porter ; 011ief of Hose
De arLuent t
his. Dickson ; .Assis-ants, 3. P. 3l'eensides, F. Brown, Jas.
Benny ; Chief of Hook and Ladder
Departloent, John Banclet's, Assist-
ants, Wnl. Shetet It. J. Walker,
Dennis B01 toil Serretary-15'easur91',
'r, G. Ratcliffe ; Auditors, E. 13.'
Swing, Geo. Lachhend ; Ttastees, 31,0.
Roger, J. A, ,'toe and Thos. Dieksol.
were empowered to secure
new hose, ,t hose reel, sleighs for en-
gine and ,any outer necessary appara-
tus fit' lighting file.
The annual meeting at the Mount
Pleasant 13eef Association was held
at the Secretary's residence, on the
evening of the 71.11 inst., When it was
shown by the reports than 22 beeves
had been slaughtered during the sea-
son, *11101tlltg 14n nggrrglltd amount of
30,905 lbs. of dressed meat, an average
of 49515-22 lbs. per share and an aver-
0,ge of 221. lbs. pet share per week dm,
ing the. seam1), The following offi-
cers were appointed :-Thos. Smith,
Presidout : Thomas Hammond, Secre.
tart' ; Wut, 13e11, Treasurer; Goo.
Riles and Frank (Reath, Inapectnl'e ;
Thos. Hammond, butcher ; Jos. Hotel,
H. Rooenberg and S. Love foe busi-
ness committee, Jno. McKenzie,
11.11d11(11'. A. large percentage of the
got down in its stall and was unable
to t wise and when the had it almost
up it fell balk, cruslliga i g has arm be-
-' tweet' its body and the partition,
The wrist was dislocated and the arm
TO brolc9n just above the wrist,
Itobt. Nay, Jim (3'otvdy, ,
Bennett, Archie Sturm t, and hiWfacmt
nearly all who went to the Weal, late
Thousands Have Been Heled ionn Sepmebnehe, w 41;4 h!Puto
By Common Sense Ilia typos,.
to be very loud in their'
praises, of the met its of the 00nntly,
Suggestions. There is little or no chance of them
)nakleg their fulnre home there.
Women suffering from any form of fe-
male ills are invited to communicate
promptly with thewoman's private corre-
spondence department of the Lydia E.
Pinkham M e d i c i n e Co., Lynn, Maes.
Your letter will be opened, read and
answered by a Woman and held in strict
confidence. A woman can freely talk of
her private illness to a woman; thus has
been established a confidential corre-
spondence w h i ch has extended over
many years and which has never been
broken. Never have they published a
testimonial or used a letter without the
written consent of the writer, and never
has the Company allowed these confiden-
tial letters to get out of their possession,
as the hundreds of thousands of them in
their files will attest.
Out of the vast volume of experience
which they have to draw from, it is more
than possible that they possess the very
knowledge needed in your case, Noth-
ing is asked in return except your good
will, and their advice has helped thou-
sands. Surely any
woman, rich orpoor,
should be glad to
take advantage of
1 this generous offer
of assistance. Ad-
dress Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn,
Mass. 1•(00 i •INKW
Every woman ought to have
Lydia E. Pinkham's 80 -page
Text Book. It is not a book for
general distribution, as It is too
expensive. It is free and only
• obtainable by mall. Write for
it today. .
representative tickets were drawl, and
the usual rtgree:nentsubscribed to by
pal ties 1011.1cated. all passing off in a
vert satisfactory. matinel'. The
parties elan enjoyed a treat of fruits,
candies, etc., supplied by the ladies of
the 1(1111se and the husiuess left in
good shape fir operation 'in 1913.
Daring the proceeding„ a presentation
was nettle to Mrs. T. Hammond of a
handsome rocker, to T. Hammond, a
fine pair or for driving mitts, accom-
panied by an appropriate address.
Is your husband cross and irritable
An irritable, fault finding disposition
is often due to a disordered stomach.
A mail with gond digestion is nearly
always good natured. A great many
have been permanently clued of stom-
ach tremble by taking Ohatnherlain's
Tablets. For sale by all dealers,
Fordwich '
Edwin Spelling, who has been ail-
ing for some time, is ant Much im-
W1n, Lainey, 10)11 eon., who had
his leg broken some time ago, is im-
proving nicely..
The turnip crop Is a bumper rine
runnel L14kclet. Everyone has from
50 to 100 loads and some 200
The bridge, 2i miles !'Vest of the
town, known as Earngey's bridge,
collapsed on Sunday of last week.
Dr. Stanley Mahood, son of Jos.
Malo od, 01' Ibis town, has been ap-
pointed Medical Officer of Health for
the city of Calgary at a salary of.
Springbaul( Telephone Go., have
llonght the I3ovick Co.'s lines con-
necting Gerrie. In older to give free
service neer the new lines they will
be 9111111ecte(1 al. F,o'dIV ie11.
Thos, Lyles, 171h col., lost a fine
cow the other clay. She choked 011
a turnip incl Lha old fashioned way of
sending it down, 001111 resat ted to, viz:
using a whip stock or something of
that sorb. The gullet was ripped
open, but the 101111ip stayed where it
was and the cow died.
A petition was presented to the
citizens of this village, asking that
Mrs. Geo. Vt
, pcsLtnistress, be al-
lowed to remain in her present posi-
tion. Mrs. Willis has been assistant
postmistress ever since the illness of
her father and slime his death, has
had the )1800 entirely nmlee her
charge, and 1190 proved het'self very
eflirient and obliging.
Robert Stevenson, 91.11 eon., is mus-
ing a broken- arm, the result of an
accident which befell him cm Monday
of 1145t week. He was assisting Melvin
Stockton to raise a 1)0180 which had
o o• to0 00019&0oW
O - - 0 A pleasant ti1110 was spent by the
ESTIMES being a high grade watch
0 member's or the Ladies' Aid and Alis-
' ', in every respect Regina \Vetches 0 sionar Sncietiea of .Knox church
O within( '
are sold at prices that are 0
1� Whern MI's. J. 0. Ji)hnsion who is
® reach all. ]sere are the rricos that �• g, about Cu sever her connection with
A some of the popular grades a) e sold at : rte, 0 the societies was presented with a
• 7 Jewels, 16 size; swing ring, - m beautifully illuminated .address slid
o Nickel else $S 20 ,t,;,. 0 Hall 0100141 of Mission design. The ad -
17 Jeavels IS size sa itr win s di'ost was read Mra. \V, Maxwell
O v.. g g, 4 0
President of the byadies' Aid and the
O 18 20 0
O 7 Jewels, 10 size, 20 -year' ,ra peesetitation was made by Mee. W. J.
A d West, President of the 11, Missionary
• Gold Hilted case..., 11 75 l�XtYB •\ 0 Soriety,, 11I rs. Johnstonin a few ap-
eo 17 Jewels, 18 size, 20•year 0 1
p Gold Pilled ease—. 11 75 :) %J W' a porlpeiat(1 words thanked the ladies for
® 7 Jewels, 0size, 25 -yeas • 'their kind remetnbranee, referred to
to t • the 1 t relations al
"II le a pleasure to tell you that
Ohamherlaiu's Cough Remedy is the
beat cough Medicine I have ever
used," writes A21'S. Hugh Campbell, of
Lavclnia, Go. "I have used it with all
tray children and the results have been
highly satsfacto'y." For sale by all
W. D. altLeetu left for the West.
Anniversary services in the Pres-
byterian church next Sunday, Nov.
24111, when Professor Guild) 1.1', of
Knox College, Toronto, will occupy
the pulpit.
Geo. Patterson, who has been a
resident of Seaforth for many years,
left to spend the Wilnter with his sots
in Southampton. Mrs. Patterson
has been there all Summer.
We are sorry to hear that Will.
Scott, who preached so acceptably in
the First Presbyterian ch010)1 recent-
ly, is very ill in a Regina hospital.
Mr. Scott was going West to take
charge of his new appointment, when
he 'WAS stricken on the train, and had
to be removed to the hospital.
Mrs. Ellen Steer met with a very
serious accident at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs. I. V. Fear. With
her sister, Mrs. Modeland, of Egmond-
ville, she had driven to Mis. Fear's
who is shortly leaving for Calgary,
and had come to the edge of the
verandah to tell Mrs. Mode -
land to come hack for her, when
she was suddenly seized with a faint -
i ng spell and fell off the verandah - to
theground, striking au at l Ill t4 ladder and
breaking one 1i11 tattling a deep gash
in her ankle which was also sprained
au(3 severely wrenching her shoulder
and arm. Sha was carried in, and
medical aid summoned, and her in-
juries attended to. Her injuries were
exceecliogly painful and she suffered
considerably from theta, but she is
nolo progressing favorably.
Look Out For This Man
Tr he offer's something "better" than
Putnam's Coen Extractor, it's the ad-
tlit,111al profit oe inferior goods that
tempts him. Putnam:a is the one
sure and painless care. ' Use no other.
move than usual interest took place
in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, Fri-
day evening 81h, when J. O. 1411(1 Mrs.
Johnston and son Fred, were tendered
an oyster supper by their numerous
friends prior to their removal to
Saskatoon, Sltslc. About100 sat down
to the we11-filled tables, which the
Bhlevale ladies know so well hots to
prepare. After a bountiful I'epast• the
assemblage was called to order when
Rev. 10V. J. West was appointed chair -
luau 1un1 gave a short address in his
usual taking style. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnston and Fred. were invited to
seats (111 the platform when a neatly
worded address was read by A..Ale.-
Ewen and John Galbraith, in the
name of Brussels friends, presented
each with a beautiful chair of antique
oak, upholstered in leather, while
Mrs. Harry Diament and Mrs. Wm.
Maxwell, representing the friends
ft con Wingghani, Binevalelmul vicinity
presented 1311'. Johnston With a gold
watch and 81a 10hn 011
tc s, at with a pia.
Mr. Johnston feelingly ' re li
g 3 N lad. Many
toasts were then proposed and. re=
011011(10d to and short speeches given
by many prominent citizens. One of
the 101)81 enjoyable evenings
ever ep0Ilt in Binevale was then
brought to a close by .all joining
heartily ip singing "For they are jolly
gond fellows." *Following is a4 copy
of the ad(fi1 ess ;—
DEAR FRUINDB.-011 the .eve of your
departure froth one midst to take Op
yo01' residence in the Great North-
west, we, your Winghanl, Brussels
and Blnevale l'l'iend'e, meet to express
our regard for V(101 as citizens 111 our
11 1d5 . for so many lt4tn. Bat's.
i y
manner and helpful hand has wn for
you one esteem. You have always
been read to help whew
y p where help was
needed and we will not soon forget
the interest you have taken in the
villn,ge matters. We bope that in
your new sphere you will be abundant-
ly blessed, We will miss you all, but
what is :me loss will he the gaill of 1110
people whence you go. As a token
for our regard for you we ask yon to
accept tins watch and pin and from
your Brussels friends these chairs ars
mementoes of the kindly relations
that have always existed among us.
Signed on behalf of your friends,
Jos. I3. HILLER,
Dated at Blnevale, Nov. 8th, 1912.
O ._ _ Filled t 1 ll. p saga!! 19 a !city W 1 1 members
0 15 Jewels, 0 size, 25•year 4 , epi of both Societies and closed by ex-
® , ,0.5 0 tending a hcai'ty invltlutiou to all to
p - Gold Pilled case...' 10 40 ,,, ,/, her r '*g.,,SP,o•"' visit hr r 1 her new home in Snake -
These watches tooth 1 11 following tcho aro f( I, 1 a Il 10111 assall adjusted a CO3'rf 1
rnd ar - p the
,, g py
o positions andteed for
and aro all .®-•- p hdduess 1--
gunrantbod 9or three yogis. p
• 6 To 14aas, J', C. JOHNSTON ; We the
o Sold0 oflicel's arid members of the Ladies'
rs �t .. Joweior and'Engraver lE Aid and. Missionary Societies of Knox
N by Louis :: e church, wish to ex resa't0 you our re-
pIrk, Walton p
0 w pet at the lose we will sastain by
0 & yotr departure, You have been one
tn+r0 00p00®00pe00sp(s00wpt 000004•4s000000s06406j000 fi of our most faithful 1.11embera. Col -
stent In attendance. Cheerfully
fillili the duties you called o
du 9 alvei* ea le Ill
to assume and always interested in
the ivel1aee of our spurs!. We V0.111.
ed you)• eo•operatiuu and beg you ao
acee )t this gift is p token of friend-
ship and as a 1111)0lento of your asso-
ciation with vi E
h thedies' i and
La Aid al
Missionary Societies,
lREY. W..1. WEST, Pastor,
Mits. W. MAXWELL, I'c'es,
Miss M, 0001.114, Secy.
of Bathes' Aid S0elehy,
Mats, W. J, Wass', Pres.
Miss M. Comms, Secy.
of Alissionary &tele' y.
1310evale, Nov. 5th, 1012.
The boy's appetite is often the
source of alnazetnenl.. If you would
have such an appetite take Chamber-
!sin's Tablets. They not only 010111e
a healthy appetite, but strengthen' the
stomach and enable it to do its work
naturally. For sale byall dealers.
'A briefsessiou of the High Court of
Justice far nen jury cases, was held at
the court house. Goderich last week,
Justice Middleton.
The ani/ case tried was one from
East Wawanosh—Pattison et al. vs.
Elliott et al., an action to prove the
will of late Ann Jane Anderson. !'here
was a fashionable array of legal talent
connected with the case—R. Vanstone
(Winghani) counsel for the plaintiffs;
L E, Dance]' and Dudley Holmes
(Wiugbam) fur some defendant; W.
Proudfoot, K. C., for other defendants,
and Chas. Garrow for infants. Evi-
dence was taken Monday afternoon and
when court resumed 'Tuesday morning
the counsel had arrived at a settlement.
The plaintiffs; Wesley Pettison and
Joseph 1. Kerr, of East Wewanosb,
are the executors of the last will of the
late Mrs. jane Anderson, of the same
township, who died February Lyth this
year, the will being dated December
13, reit. The defendants are relatives
of the deceased and others who claimed
to be entitled to certain legacies eerier
Il previous will, dated Tune 6, 1910. It
was claimed that when the later will
was mode the deceased was "not of,
sound di d memory antid und-
11"anNei unduly influenced
by one
Wm. M. Antlers,n, brother of deceased
and others. Win: Anderson ht the
reuidusty legatee by Ole later will.
In aceordaooe,'with ' die settlement
t'( 3, Y1 r, h
reached,the will of Decem
i'111) ti,, but certain of the defendants`
are to he paid s portion of their claims,
The total assets al the estate are valued
At $3,570.
Another ease—Baechler vs, Rech
'er et al,—was on the docket hot was
postponed to the next High Court sit.
bugs ler Huron. The potion Is to ' re.
cover the amount of a legacy of $1,000.
Don't Envy a Glorious
Head of Hair
Yon'' hair' may not be as heavy' as
other women's. Young. Lady; it may
not radiate its lustrous splendor ; it
may not be free from dandruff • ut
thal's no reason why you sli0uld
In Paris all women who care have
fascinating hair ; in Canada all wom-
en, young ladies and girls who know
about PARISIAN Map have a wealth
of brilliant hair and give credit where
credit is clue ; to wonderful, delightful:
PARISIAN Sage, the ideal hair tonic, -
g1.otye).', dandruff zemover and beano-
Sold by dealers everywhere for only
50 cents. Jas. Fox sells it on money
back plan, It stops scalp itch instant -
1y and preserves the natural color and
beauty of the hair.
Help Naar At Hand
Is what you want when - sickness
happens at nighlt. Can yon possibly
find the equal of Nerviline ? No, for .
it stands unequalled in curing pain.
I taternal or local. Earache, toothache
and ueuralgia disappear in a jiffy.
Rub it on and away flies the pain.
For cramps, vomiting or indigestion,
all you need is ten drops in sweetened
water. Sick or well you'll find Nervi
line invaluable in your house. Get a
€ 25c bottle today.
digs deep after germs
GoId Dust not only cleans but sterilizes.
Soap merely washes over the surface, leaving
a greasy film behind it.
Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insures
absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not
sanatize your home, as well as clean it?
Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dust does all the
hard part of the task without your assistance.
Gold Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil soap,
to which are added other purifying materials in
just the right proportions
to cleanse easily, vigor-
ously, and without harm
to fabric, utensils or hand.
Gold Dust is sold in
5esize and large pack-
ages. The large package
means greater economy,
• =a►
r J
do your work"
Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake)
How many young men
m,,,,•,•:! can look back on their
early life and regret their
misdeeds. "Sowing their
. wild oats" in various ways,
Excesses, violation of na-
ture's laws, "wile, women
and song"—all have their
victims. Ylou have re-
formed but what about the
seed you have sown—what
about the harvest? Don't
trust to luck. If you are
atresent within the
clutches of any secret habit
which is sapping your life
by degrees; if you are suf-
fering from the results of
past indiscretions; if your
blood has been tainted from
`= • • •• any private disease and you
dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking
out and exposing your past; if you are suffering at the result of a misspent
life—DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before
them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable,
eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseeses of Mon. If unnblo to call, write
for a Question Blank for XU018E10 TREATMENT -
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE All letters from Canada roust be addressed to our
t✓ ones onsets Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor,
Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical institute in
8etrolt as we see and treat no patients xtf our Windsor ofuces Which are
119ed for correspondence and Laboratory for 'Canadian 811810009 only.
Address all letters at follows:
DRS. KENNEDY es KENNEDY, 'Windsor, O;a1;
write for our private address! - - ,