The Brussels Post, 1912-11-21, Page 11.4
VOL. 41 NO, 21
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
New Advertisemonte
Ohocolstes-Jus. J'o .
Sepnrators-S Garter,
l,oenl--G, A. Dendmsn.
n`eetion Hale -•1, Addle.
once to rent -D. Lwsn•
r ronnty Council -W. 11t14ne
Winter goods—(4. N, u Ls ron.
FiRr-Etu'ly Sunday morning
smoke was notiued in David 13rowns
general store. The alarm being
sounded. the firemen made a quick
response. Very little damage was
done by the fire, but owing to the
difficulty of heating the seat of the
fire greater damage was caused by
water. The .stock was covered by
$3,500 insurance, which will likely cov-
et. all damages. The cause of the fire
was a defective stove. A. very high
wind was blowing at the time and if
the fire had broken through the whole
block would likely have goue.
WEDDING. -A quite wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mrs.
Martha Speers, of 131nevele, on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 13th, ab 11 o'clock a. in.,
when she was united in marriage to
(,Ieorge Balkwill, of Toronto, who for
the past season has been engaged in
butter -making in Bluevale, The
bride was neatly attired in a creat i
silk lace waist and navy blue eerge
skirt. Ceremony was perl'oemed by
Rev, J. E. Cook in the presence of the
immediate friends of the bride. Wed-
ding march was played by Mies
Margaret Irwin, of Lucknow, After
a the wedding breakfast the happy
couple left on the afternoon train for
London, Toronto and other nieces.
TimRNBERRY OOUNOIL.,-•Connell poet
on Nov. 17th. Members all present,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted on motion
of Wheeler and McEurnie. Ruther-
ford -Moffatt, that Local Option By -
Law No. 16, 1912 for the Township .of
Turuberry be read a first time and
submitteci to the electors of this rnuni•
cipality at the several polling sub-
{ divisions on the 6th day of January
1913. Carried. Wheeler-McBurnie,
that By -Law No. 17, for the holding
of a Nomination meeting of tlfe elec-
tors in the Foresters' 13x11, Blnevale,
on the 30th day of December, 1912, for
the nomination of candidates for the
offices of Reeve and Councillor's to
serve inal ithe Council it for the
year 1913, be passed. Carried. Ac-
counts were passed and cheques issn-
ed:- n Bnrgess, Revision Voter's
,Ioh B tt
List, $5612 • Thos. Bold inspectinglectin
Bolt's bridge,
312.62 ; Geo. Under-
wood, tile for toad, 38.82; Ben. Ring-
let, gravel, 31.92 ; lalliot.t Bros,, tile,
$4.4u ; John Smith, inspecting Badie's
In edge, 310.00 ; McKinnon Bros„ part
payment lead le's bridge, 3100,00: pelf
Bolt, piling Imubrr Hladie's bridge,
$3.00 ; Thomas Weir, piling ltuubrr
M1cdli"e bridge; $1.50 ; \Van. Campbell,
draw ng sand Ladie's bridge, 34.50 ;
Wm. Campbell, repairing road lladie's
swamp, $18.00 ; John Rut hetfor'd, in-
specting l.adie'e bridge, 31200 ; Isaac
Wright, culvert 0th con , 33.00 ; Jas.
McTavish, tile and wont, $27.10 ;
Doff & Slewal't, part payment ne
abutments, 3100.00 ; 11. Shorten, in-
specting bridge, $9-02 ; James On,
repairs Tuenet' drain, $1.50 ; S. King,
timber, 32.25 ; 13. Wheeler,
enrol' dog tax, 31.00. Meeting ad-
journed to meet c,n Dec. 10th at, 10
o'clock a. ni. JOHN BURGESS,
People in this tootle are busy tatt-
ing up their turnips.
Mrs. DoekeLt, who is engaged in the
store is boarding with Mrs. 1•1 Vlore,
J'. Jackson our genei id Merchant, is
doing a gond bushtees in the dry goods
and erocery line and we hope to see
Mr. Jackson do well.
Mrs. Cunningham and Miss Annie
left this week for Wingham where R.
Cunningham is working in the foun-
dry. We wish then success.
Mr. Lambert, wife and family mov-
ed from Henf1'yn to Palmerston last
week where Me. Lambert has a job in
the G. T. R. shops. We are sort y to
lose Mr. and Mrs. 'Lambert as they
were up-to-date citizens brit what is
Henfryn's loss is Paltuerston's gain.
D. and Mrs. Richardson and Miss
MaggieSnnchtyed at P. McDougall's.
Keep the Woman's Institute meet-
ing in mind for Thursday afternoon
of next week, November 28tH, at the
home of Mrs. John McEwen, Grey
township. "Christmas Dinner" will
be the topic for discnseion, and all are
requested to bring a suggestion foe
Christmas gifts. •
BAD FALL.- George Johnston,
Grey township, got a bad fall at
Samuel Burke's barn and is only now
feeling like moving .abort. The trap
was somewhat obscured by hay and
Mr, .Johnston fell 10 feet alighting o,
itis head. He gena very severe shalte
up bpd will pull round all right. Me.
Johnston is too good an Irishman to
turn uphis toes yet a while.
folks of Roe's Epworth League are
P g
givin' poverty overty Social at Roe's church
on November 26th. Rules and Regu•'
lashuns :-(1) All gulls to were home-
spun dresses an aprons or sornethin'
40 •ntF World's Createst•
• i1 •
The• Standard ••
• • `'^ll ll "STANDARD'S" IO•W
e supply can, high .crank, •
Il closc slipmol l (in
cold or arm•
• milk), easiness to wash and turn, •
•• and self -oiling device, which on- $
lY requires S minutes' attention ever)' four months—are
features which make the "Standard" the decided favor- s
ite among Cream Separators. •
• ,,.. •
OW -Call and see "Standard" at my witremones, •
• ♦••••••••••••••••♦••••.••• •i•♦•••••♦•••••••••••••••♦
• •
To our Patrons
2 On account of the increased prices of labor, plates,
belting and other material: used in coflnection with our
♦ machinerywe have been obliged to raise the rice of
• g p
Chopping, which will go into effect on and after Nov. 11
Chopping per er bag, 6 Cents
per sack, '7 fi
Pryne Milling Co. Notice
Rolling per bag, 5
" - per sack, 6
....::::mss ZOOOO:.O.
• S the ar draws to a close wealso take this opportunity f thank- •
• Y.e
o have turned our-andtt•ust the
r the usnialae you
• in ort fat L b
• beneRts thei'efeotn }Moe been mobilo), anti. 'INC therefo'esobrita •
coptinnanoe of same. We are here to emote you and if you at any •
4 trine should have cause for rouplulnt do not hesitate to lot us knew
• and we will d0 our beat toreatifY , Yours Teuly, •,
Pryne Miffing Co •
y g
• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••a a••sH••••••••••i►•♦••!•••i
ekally gond. (2) Boys in second best 1
suite, tie lvl1110 ebil•ts or 81,41111 nth,
eollitrs allowed, (8) Anyone breaking
the'r'e regnlashune will be fined it
donna, Ki Ili', knke and sandwich 10
routs. P. Si. Come at kautlle Instate'
and stay 'tit bedtime, Good program
of old lime songs, teadiugs ttrlll music.
Alfred Stafford was -ei' the Stone
oily ou tt business trip one day hist
Rev. \1r. Kirkpatrick. id 14e1giave,
preached blissionery sermons on the
Walton citron last Sunday.
hlrs. \Viii, lhu;k well has been under
the donors core but ie snnlewhal iut-
provrd We toe pleased 1n state.
Wn1. Kiteehlel i'epreseuted the
Walton Public Library at the District.
Instil tile held at Stratford Thursday
and Friday io lest, world.
A new rem mit bridge lite liven
built, et .J 'e- li [ewe's. 7'he dredge
gni u;; through necessitated Gm re-
move! of the old one which had served
its day, hence the new one.
John Rutledge visited Wiiighanl
friends last week.
Mrs. John Sanders returned to her
home la Toronto this week.
Editor Nash has Moved his printing
office front the Sander's block to
rooms in the building formerly known
es the King Edward Hotel.
OBIT--'I'lte funeral of the late Thos.
Pope, whose death occurred in Shakes-
peare, on Saturday, took plane from
the residence of his son, Donald Pope,
on Wednesday, afternoon to the
Wroxeter cemeteryy, service being
conducted by Rev, iM e. Wesley. Mr.
Pope was in bis 94111 year and had
been geadniLlly failing for some time
so that his death was ani unlooked
for. He was a resident of 'Trrnbetmy
for a good many years until the death
of his wife, when he made his hone
with his son here. About two years
ago he went to live with his daughter
at Shakespeare. Mr, Pope was at
quiet man, of a kindly disposition and
will he greatly missed by the surviv-
ing felony. Chas. Pope, 01 Brussels,
is e, son and Mre. Gen. Tank, of this
place, a daughter of the deceased.
The Sienton Cider twill is a busy
spot these. days.
D. eicQnairle, of Brussels, was call-
'), on old friends here.
George Baker has built two
chimneys on his house..
Mrs. 1. Menzies is visiting b > relatives
in Ford wich and vi, illy.
Mrs Hamilton and baby, of Edmon-
ton, are visitors:tt;liIC011 Long's.
Mise Viola Long toot in tike \Vood•
glen Wedding party at Joe Long's last
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Sohn Dining has returned to
her brother's, 6111 con. Grey, after a
visit with friends here.
`- sermonRev. M • an . t
The a of 1 t. L Fu d
of Kincardine iu the Methodist
climate; lost Sabbath, was much ap-
Will. 011410 is home from the West
after it 8 rotes' stay and will rain
is stillbacheloro
noxi Spring. lIe a s
get busy gils
Rev. ll r. Ferguson, of Belgrave,
preached in Knox church last Sabbath
.Lnd next Sunday Rev. Me. Bell,
of \ ls wih will officiate.
evening a score o' stere of friends of
n ., u
JsehandMrs. Ln 11L•h col.
called upon thein and spent a very
enjoyable evening. It was the 518
anniversary of their marriage and
occasion was 1iticen to express con -
pat ulatioris accompanied 'by presents
of a leather cushioned easy chair',
centre table, etc. The host expressed
thanks for the good wishes and choice
gifts. The evening .was given over
to social chat, music, games, claiming,
etc. A. flne$upper wits served and the
company separated wishing the genial
host and hostess long life and prose
peri ty.
31.00, in advance, gets THE POST to
Jan. 1914. Dont borrow any longer.
Harvey Henderson and Kell
Forsyth, 8rd liar, titre back from the
West. I
James Bollman M. P., left for
Ottawa this week to attend to his
Parliamentary duties.
Township Clerk 1eic]rwen has been
away on a 11001c shooting t'xcnt'sirnl in
thelen flats and bad an A 1 time,
StC i n
Diming the
past week Lorne Nichoi
0th line was ill with pneumonia but
hope bewill soon be 1l restored
tveh bs ifa e
to hisusualgood health. Y
Local Option discussion is arousing
considerable interest In various sec-
tions of the township ns the time fot
voting draws one' In the locality of
the writer a large vote will be polled
in favor.
Auction sale of From stools, it(-
plemenLe. etc., at Geot'ge Robb's ad-
joining Brussels, Saturday of this
r. Robb r
week, at 1 p. �I m 1 poses
removing front Brussels and corse-
queltly the sale will be mireserved.
LOCAL' OPTION.- A Local Option
meeting will be held in the Anderson
school hoose, 8rd line, next Monday,
evening at 7.30 o'clock. All will be
welcome. Addresses will he '5iven by.
several speakers and questuivs re-
garcling thelaty answered.
D. M, McCall, of Edmonton, spent
a few days at the parental home, 8th
line, and calling on other relatives
and. old Friends. Ile came East. with
his sister, Miss Annie who was in the
West and whose health has not been
gond owing to ,nervone exhaustion,
Miss McCall tvill take tt coarse of
treatment at, the Guelph sanitat'innt
and many friends wish her speedy es-
cnvery. 141r, McCall is ggt'eatly taken
up with Edmonton and looks as if it
agreed well with slim, He returned
home on Tueerlay, •
On the night of October 26th tonne
Petro), with wagon and team. took the
plonk of the lop of It rulvel't in front
of A. T. Cole's farm. Uele,s slut
heel: le piece Air, Oele ititends to
prosrrute at ire follntyed the death
Ibu oext 1.1101lning and luunv+ where
they event,
J)amt U ITNTJ.RS -A party of five
hntlei8 were in Parry Sound District,
27 utiles Nen lh of Sandridge for to
weeks met enjoyed a fine time, They
were Fraser Millbury and Robert
Nichol, of 'Motels ; Bert, Allain and G.
L,ungtou, of 111u•lnck ; and Jou.
Melville, or Lnndenhoro. Each seenr-
ed his quota of viedeon, handing some
Hite deer. The It111115111011 tory they
had a No, 1 time.
Atm Aso 1Br,feirl'iON,-The underrignrd i+
prepseed to gl ve lost( ucti,,n lo Art nod itis.
cation, For further psrLionhors ran phone
No. 884 or add rocs Diss Inn Co Le, Ethel,
THE POST gives the news.
Domicil meeting December 9111.
Will, Cardiff and It. .1. Hoover ane
back £roma holiday visit to the Great
Howard, son of John and Mrs. Bal -
em', 16th Con., will attend Business
College at Wingham. We wish him
On account of selling his farm John
Bolger, will dispose of his stock, im-
plements etc„ at Lot 4, Con. 10,
Thursday afternoon al' next week.
He has a lot of gond stuff.
Councillor told 81is. P. A. McArthur
were in Toronto for a few clays dur-
ing the past week and They took in
the Woolen's Institute meeting and
the Horticultural Show,
An auction sale of Orono, end farm
stock is announced by L. Addie, Lot
4, Con. 18, for Tuesday, Dee. 3rd.
Mr. Addie purposes giving up farming
hence the reason for the sale. Farm
is well located and in good shape.
'We are sorry to hear that Lachlan
Mt.Neil, 14th con., an old and well
known resident, is not having very
good health of late but we hope he
will soon he resto'ecl. 181e. McNeil
has been a very active man for his
biontlay Isaac Clayton, who has
been employed with Ernest Rozeld for
tine past season, left for Orfllia, where
he has accepted a position as barber.
He is a steady going youth and takes
with him the best wishes of many old
friends ]sere for his prosperity.
FARM SOLD. -The 100 acre farm of
the late Peter McNeil, being Lot 23,
on. lute een. of byexecu-
14 pl s b a d the.axe n
tors to Wilson Evans,12th con., for
the sum of $4,050. It is au excellent
farm. This purchase will give
Fens 225 sates and we trust he may
do well with his accumulating proper-
DIED AT RIPLEY,-Last Thursday
there passed away at Ripley one of
the pioneers of that locality in the
person of Donald McLeod, aged 79
years. Funeral took place Saturday
afternoon' conducted by
Reeds. s.
Messrs. HardieLnd McLean. Deceas-
ed had been in failinghealth for some
time. He is survived by his wife and
an adult family. For manly years he
was a1 member of the Presbyterian
church and Y
enJ o ed the esteem of the
community. Mr. McLeod was a rela-
tive to Mrs. E. Dickson, 11111 con.,
Grey township, and she and her son,
James attended the funeral. Became
From Aachen, Scotland, when a boy,
and, although not one of the first set-
tlers of Huron Township, Bruce Co.,
came when it was still a wilderness,
and helped in clearing the dense forest
to make a horse for his family.
Last Sabbath Rev. 141r. Kirkpatrick,
of Belgrave, preached in the Metho-
dist church here. His theme was a
Missionary one.
Nurse Ferguson was home this week
Inc a few days from Victoria Hospital,
London, where she is in training, and
attended the marriage of her brother,
Last week W. Knechtel, Ohairman
of Walton Library Board, went to
Stratford to the Library Institute for
the Counties 01 Beton, Bence and
Perth. It was a good meeting,
On Sabbath, .December 1st, Mrs.
Margaret Blaine, Dominion Organizer
for the W. C. T.i U., and a talented
speaker will deliver an address in
Duff's church at 11 o'clock a. in.
The new Presbyterian church is
being pushed forward toward com-
pletion and will be ready for occupa-
tion before the close of the year.
9a th December 22nd, is spoken ars
the opening day.
The funeral of Mrs Enoch Clark,
last Saturdayafternoon was largely
attended, ppropriate service was
conducted in Duff's church by Rev.
Mr. Lundy assisted by Rev. 141r.
Edmunds. Burial was made at Brus-
sels cemetery.
LOCAL OPTION. -Friday evening of
this weep a public meeting will be
held 9n the A. 0. U. W. Hall, 'Walton.
at 7,30 o'clock, to discuss the question
of Local Option. Addresses are ex-
pected from Reeds. Messrs. Jetvitt
and Turner, of Blyth ; Reeds. Messrs.
Lundy and Edmunds, of This place,
and several laymen. All will be wel-
Bone RING, -The aminal meeting
of Walton Beef ring was field at the
home of John Bennett last Friday
evening, Joo. 311111110 an the chair and
.Tames McFadzeatt Secretary, 82 head'
of cattle had been butt.he
red clueing
the past season, averaging 450 pounds
of dressed meat, and totalling 64 tons,
111 woes exchanged tet 8 cents. Fol-
lowing officers were chosen for 1013 ;
--Dit'eetors, Jno, Srnillie, Jno, Ewen,
Jas, Lawson and Jno. Bennett ; Jas.
McFadzean, Secretary ; ;foo, R, Hell,
butcher. A committee, cnnsistitlg of
D. Johnston and Jno. Bennett, was
appointed to *decide as to fitness of
amoral offered if any doubt existed,
Steers or heifers under 8 years are
usually supplied. The Walton beef
ring has done business for a number
of yeses. and manage everything a-
long business lines. Mr. Bell attends
t0 his work in first-class style.
St. George's Sabbath School will
hold tL Christmas entertainment in
the A. 0. U. W. Hall here on the
evening of Friday, Dec. 20th. Watch
out for further announcement.
Rev. Mr. Lundy was at Brussels on
Tuesday performing the marriage
ceremony between George Ferguson
of Toronto, a well known former Wal-
tonian and idliss Margaret Brown, of
the carpet town. Hearty congratula-
tions are extended for a long. happy
and 'prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson sr. and daughters were
guests at the wedding.
Charles Draper, who has been em-
ployed nn the farm of 3. Ewen, 15th
con., Grey, this is week on a visit
of a few months to his old home in
England. He sails on the Allan
steatnship, Ioniatn from Montreal on
Satnrday and teas ticketed by W. H.
Kerr, Allan Line agent. Brussels.
We wish Mr. Draper a good voyage, a
fine time and a safe return.
Wednesday afternoon of next week
F. S. Scott, auctioneer, will coriduct
an auction sale of farm stock, imple-
ments, etc. for Jno. Osborne. His
lot is No. 30, Con. 15, Grey township.
He has sold the farm and is remov-
ing to Ethel.
An .6.11 Hotne wasre
held at the si-
der. P
n'e of Mayor Spate') on Shuter
street Feiclay evening,when about
fot'ty invited guests of the town ae-
D9rs. Dlolt'sBecilc met crth whth a
painful aocident while attending to
her household duties. As she was
getting dinner she stepped on a piece
of hard coal and fell heavily striking
her head on the door knob.
At a special meeting of the council
held onpThnrsclay evening arrange-
ments were made for selling the
waterworks debentures and also sub-
mitting a bylaw for the Jackson
Manufacturing Company who are ar-
ranging to place a branch factory
Mayor Spottou and Oouneillor Bone
went to Detroit and Wayne County
to inspect and get information about
street paving and if all is satisfactory
on their return a by -Law will be
drawn op and submitted to the peo-
ple at the January elections and no
annht it will pass.
Last week Miss bIallory, of Platen,
was a visitor at the Parsonage. She
and Mors. Wren are relatives.
HIoTHL CLO5mrG.-Om and after
December lst, the hotel here will not
be open for tike accommodation of the
public and this notification is given so
that people unity govern themselves
aceorcl gly, THOS. VoDDEN.
Mrs. Conrad Bernath has removed
to Waterloo where she will make her
home with her nephew, Allan H.
Cochrane and wife. We wish her a
eomtiuuance of the good things of
life. She w111 beY
kindly remembered
bythe people of this .
P 1
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Ferguson,
of Belgrave, conducted the sere 0e ori
the Presbyterian church and intimat-
ed the proposed possible removal of
their old time faithful pastor, Rev.
D. B. McRae. Next Sunday Rev. Me.
Bell, of bloieswortii, will preach.
The trustees of Ethel public school
have engaged the services of Miss
Danbrooit, of Newry, as teacher for
the coming year. Salary will be 3600.
the new year there will only be
0115 teacher instead of two as has
been the case for many years, There
has been such a falling oft to attend-
Atlee the two teachers are not con-
sidered necessary.
Wednesday Mrs. G. 'W. Pollard, of
Ethel, )'000ived the sad news of the
death of her brother, Jarnes Driver, of
Rochester, N. Y, He was 80 years
pool 4months of age, Funeral takes
place on ,Yut . Mrs. Pollard will
t)rda y
attend. It is 16 years sinc0 Mr. Driv-
el: removed from Brussels, Sytn-
tath Y is extended to Mrs. Pollard in
he demise of her brother,
PANTO) Exerts. In connection
withi tine examinations of New Testa.
moot history ins the leachers' Train-
ing Claes of the Presbyterian church
here there were 8 candidates writing.
3 took lst elites helms and 8 2nd class.
Following are the eesulte :- Mise
Edith Vergesott.05, Mra. Fergnson 98,
Misses Mabel Lamont 78, It. Spence
08, Mrs, Geo. Kramer $1, Mieses Stella
Dunbar 65, Elsie Dunbar 68 and Alice
Barr 111. Title is a good record and
should n no small
1 ]ld d the participants
good. tVe congratulate them.
'I'Ax reform 1s deeded,
« «
THURSDAY of next week, 281,11 Met.,
will be Thanksgiving Day in the
United States.
« * *
1IUN. BIR, (ODERRE, Secretary of
State, weer the bye election in
Hochehtga, Quebec, last Tuesday by
a majority of about 2,200. A Labor
Nationalist imposed bier and lust his
p «*
Stec u.Faru Laurier, the well
known leader of the Liberal party in
this Dominion, celebrated his 71st
birthday on Wednesday and received
hundreds of congratulatory letters
and messages. We wish him many
happy returns.
SHORT, sharp and dreadful has been
the sanguinary struggle between the
Balkan allies and the Turks. An
armistice is sought for by Turkey
who 00 bended knee pleads for peace.
The mighty have fallen and their
doom as a great power is sealed.
'WHILE the snapverdict on the
Home Rule question in the House of
Commons in England gave a tem-
porary black eye to the question, a
full house carried a new resolution on
Tuesday by a vote of 318 to 207.
They have many ups and downs in
their parliamentary affairs across the
« « 4
A Legislative Oominittee is meeting
in Toronto proposing revisions and
improvements in the Provincial As-
sessment Act, to be submitted at the
coming session of Parliament. There
is room for improvement. ent. A. H.
Musgrove, M. P. P., for North Huron
is a member of the Committee.
Six Santa Claus Senatorships have
been presented during the past week
by the powers that be. One pleasing
feature in these rewards is that one
of there is put in the stocking of Bro.
Wm. Dennis, proprietor of the Hali-
fax Hetald. Many a fellow who look-
ed in vain for such a snap will take it
for granted that his name is ',Dhotis."
« «
SASKATCHEWAN Provincial House
hasvof down to business this week
and is in session at Regina. A note
of interest in connection with the
session is that a former Huron County
school teacher, Sam. Latta, who
carried off the honors in Last
Mountain, moved the address in
reply to the speech from the throne
and made a good job of it.
* **
THE doctors say Schrank, who at-
tempted to murder ex -President
Roosevelt; has "rooms to let in his
upper story," eo instead of paying the
death penalty will be sent to an
asylum. If his name were spelled
"Crank" the real situation would
likely be described in a word. Too
many people fail to get their deserts
through the plea of lunacy, either
real or imaginary.
« e
81 brand flew doctors have passed
their final exams, before the College
of Physicians and Surgions in Ontario,
This addition to the ranks should
makelthe supply equal to the demand,
Among the number THE POST is
pleased to notice the name of John
Fleming in MoOtackeb of Brussels.
We congratulate Dr, McCracken on
his success and wish him 'a progres-
sive career in his profession.
You dont have to fly in an air ship
nor ride with a feel -chauffeur in an
auto to shake off this mortal coil. A
report from Raleigh, North Carolina,
says a elan, 70 years of age, was
killed in an undertaking establish-
ment by the collapse of a casket - case.
He had gone to order his wife's coffin,
Itis not supposed for an instant that
the undertaker seta trap far the old
Tao Ontario Provincial Wintet
Fait' will be held at Guelph December
911 to 131.11. A. P. Westervelt, Perlia
meat Buildings, T0r01410, is the secre-
t ey. In connection with the Fair
p re
two special prizes aoffered for
Huron county exhibitors, as follows t
Eor the best beef &),tonal, shown been
amateur x'xhibi103' resideet in the
n of Huron 315 • for the secontl
comity ,
best,310,' The alone. for these prizes
Y 1
is donated by the Thome County
QUITE a bootie is being made over
Local Option contests.. The 3/5 clause
of the Act ie a great prop to King
« * «
"Ifow are your potatoes keeping 1"
is the interrogation these days. This
is a more important matter to the
homes than the Naval bill.
Holum County has a live Child-
ren's Aid Society and G. ltf. Ellioh,,.
of Goderich, snakes a first-cldss travel-
ling representative. It is a work that
appeals to many and has a strong
bearing on future citizenship.
Aaboutmuddy SAV 1 Talk lk r udd streets,
Brussels is not in it for a second with
Listowel and Stratford. The day of
permanent toad making must soon
substitute the "mortar beds"' of some
towns. Stratford's streets that have
undergone these improvements are in
fairly good shape.
Perth County
There is talk of a new 0. P. R. sta-
tion for St. Marys.
Tillman J. Gotby, of Stratford, has
been appointed organist of the Metho-
dist church, Mitchell -
An American adze, axe and steel
tool factory in the States have been
corresponding with a St. Marys busi-
ness man regarding starting a branch
of their factory here.
R. Birch, of Fullerton, shipped a
Yorkshire hog to Jos. Featherstone,
of Streetsville, who is the oldest breed-
er in Canada. The hog was 8 mouthe
old and weighed 400 lbs.
Trouble is again looming up at St,
Marys, regarding hydro -electric pow-
er rates, as it is claimed that the St.
Marys Portland Cement Company has
a lower rate than the municipality of
St. Marys.
Mrs. W. F. Sanderson, of Blan-
shard, left for New Zealand in com-
pany with her nephew, Captain Talbot -
of the British reserve list, who has ,
been there for some months assisting
in the winding -up of his uncle's estate.
Our Lutheran friends in Mitchell -
have decided to start the erection of a
new church almost at once. It Will
cost about 37000 and of this amount
nears 4 400 has alreadybeen sub-
scribed. $ ,
scribed. The individual subscriptions
run from $5 to $300.
Collegiate Board request the St.
Marys 'Town Council to submit a By -
Lawto raise the sum of $7600 for the
purpose of erecting a gymnasium for -
the St. Marys Collegiate Institute.
Said By -Law need not be submitted
at New Years but any time the Town
Council for 1912 or 1913 may see fit,
but not later than March 1, 1918.
Benjamin Couch, Listowel, d
manfor Pleffer Bros., millers,was m
the cooperage getting barrelto load
on the dray, when a barrel fell off the -
top tier, which was nearly as high us -
the ceiling, g hittin him on the side of
the head and fracturing the bones of
his ear. He is at present laid off
work. -
Owing to the advancing years of
Custom's Officer Cull, of Mitchell, the
Government has found it necessary y to
appoint a deputy and the office will go
topA. J. Bowles, who is well qualifid
for the position. There wilt be no
advancement in salary as that paid
Dr. Dull will be divided.
CASES SETTLED. -The Drainage,
Court was opened Thursday morning
of last week at 10 o'clock by Referee
Henderson, of Ottawa, in the Perth
County Court House Stratford. Four
cases are to be disposed of, namely :
James Hamilton vs. Township of
Elms ; Norval Hall vs. Township of -
Elmer ; David Hall vs. Township of
Elms, and Lorne Robertson vs.
Township of Elma. These cases -
arise from a dispute over the Bur-
nett Drain which flows into the
Thames River in Elma, The plain-
tiffs contend that the rush of water
down the drain is too great and the
Thames river is not a sufficient out-
let. The great amount of water
coming in the river at that point
causes it to overflow its banks and
flood the plaintiffs' property oh the
river banks. They are therefore
suing the Township for damages re-
snitin thereof. ' H. B. or h K.
g nI P Y+
0., M. P., is handling the case for the
Township nshi of Elute, and Drown At:
torney G. G. McPherson, K. C., is for
the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs with-
drew their claims and the cases were
settled at noon.
FATAL ACCIDENT. -While carrying
alighted lamp down the stairs of her
home on Saturday, Mrs. W. M. Daly
of Strafrord,fell to the bottom, where
the lamp exploded, with the result •
that she was urned beyond recogni-
tion, and the entire interior of the'
house badly demolished. The un-
fortunate lady was alone in her mouse
828 Bloom street,when the catm.
trophe occurred, before 0
o'clock. The husband, ex-Ald. Daly. -
returned a few minutes later, and on
seeing flames attempted to put them
out with his overcoat. He was soot
joined by a neighbor who had seen
the flames and sent in an alarm, and
the two of them soon discovered the
body lyin' at the foot of the stairs
with the 0lothing and hair burnt en-
tirely off. On the arrival of the Are
brigade the fire was soon put out and
the body taken to the undertaker's. -
loo inquest Wee held. Deceased Wtte
about 60 years of age and loaves to
mourn her loss, beetles a husband, u
firmly of three sone and three dough -
tors, batneiy : Mrs. Stewart, of
Stratford ;111rs. Brown, of Ottawa '
PIot•enee, of Toronto ; William, of
Chicago ; Stephen, of Ottawa, mot
Thomas, it; Mexico. .