The Brussels Post, 1912-11-7, Page 5I • et BUSINESS CARDS. gee MoORA.CKEN- Issuer of Marriage Lieenoes, 01• GG O x oary,2urnborry street, Brunets,, K. O. T. M. 13rnoeels ;Tent of the Mneoa00eo, rvu. 24 bold their regular meetings in the Lodge Hoorn, .bunker Sleek, on the lot and 3081 luo,.doy evenings of 0000 month A, 80 •1 EA4iicUo e,tvnyd A MoOD1131., 18. WM. SPENCE CONVEYAIOEE AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSEbi lmee 80 the Post Wilco, Ethel. Sea JOHN SUTHERLAND 1NBUneaaai FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- i . NEIL will sell for better prises, to better men, in 1e88 time and loss °barges than any other Auotluneer in East Huron or he won't °barge anything, Dates and orders tan always be arranged at this office or by „it: mom:A applioation, ;,14iAL AMU CUNVEYAN(INU. '\I . M SLNOLAIR- Harrioter, l8olloitor, Uoaveyanoer, doLary 1'ubno, kc, tllfioe-8 lewarVo Brook 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor (or the Metropolitan Sauk. pttOUDTOOT, HAYS & ]iiLI.ORAN -IA It(title ERB 801,IUI''OE8, NOTARIES I'USLIU, ETU, W. ra000rooe, K. O. R 0, HAIM J. L. KILLoltAN Offl000-Those formerly ooauptod by Messrs Cameron de Holt, (roose:on, 08a'A1uc, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St: Lawrence Season ` M')NTREAL TO LIVERPOOL T. '2.8.8,' Victorian" end "Virginian" T. et. S. erunieten" and "Corsican" Settings every Friday MOVTREAL TO GLASGOW (e. 8, S. "Grampian" and "Hosporian" T. 8. 8. "Smmdinevh,u" and 'Protorinn" Sailings ivory Seturdny T J HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate prided one class cabin II l) steamers. 8ni111190 every Sunday Trull information A9 10 rates, .'io., on oppll :K- M= to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Ida°, Bruosels, Get the Best ! It Pays ! 6 Among the many positions nal• Col. i"t lege hes recently filled were two worth $1103 and 98500. We ere ROWtrying to fill one at $1000. Demand for our grad. eateo'is fully five times our supply. ELLIOTT - ` TORONTO, ONT. 'aiso Business Oollogo of tho llluheat q grade. Several former stud erste of Q 0 - other Oellogoo are now in attendance OA It lava to got a business etlucnthin if you got it in the right School. ;� Write for. catalogue, 19ncor now. '4dor. Young and t W. J. ELLIOTT, .6 Ais:wider Sts. 1 Principal. 'tGM-K414.12aVAT89.01V.A^avAialCAVAtaDAra rtiza WILL You 0/(i/C"7/is.ENTRAL 0 OTRATFORD.ONT, Write 01: the lenge 11 w l !mini of yoschool, and you will l the ]rote % You' yo succeed. l It will rho, Feat . Re 0110 Yon to decide if you will nuc- .p rood. Wo artlearn p A :And Mite ill ,andWWe ppayingany and 700per caions 1' d help have lame atoll 1 apply. for solep tieh. en teoourt supply. The best time to offer our ohie NOW Write enoe, Por. our free ree ontnloguo 1.t 4 D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. (, it n'E.04%Y YL7 t>Zy v,y,v 'y„'9 V55' ..t d..b�+ D A., .6vilt,, �� Winter T rm- e at The. } . p Business 0; 1 iS.li0W31� 9 Calle e , 1 W. Ha LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer I Orders promptly and care. full attended to night or Y 6 Qtty.hon 1 e 22.S. ETHEL ONT s O'mrT1"V'TTT'-,'7T• Business Oards DR. T. T, NI, RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the. College of PIly- sruians std Surgeons, Ont. • P008 -graduate Ohroo90 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Uhim,go,11L Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mich- nel's idespilal, Toronto, Olfoo over F. R. Smith's Drug Stora. Tele- phone oolmeetlon with O1•0nbrook at all hours, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London 119119.1, Now York and Chicago Hos- pitals, Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate 01 the Ontario Veterinary Oollege. Day and night calla. Of2oe opposite trlour Mill, Ethel, MA DE U C. BRYAN'S S OPHTHALMOLOGIST Porsonal gradm,to Department of Ophthal- mology, MoUoradok Medical Oullego, Uliien9o, 111., is prepared to test eyes an tit &lames at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, O'riday and Baturdny of every week, Mee hours 10 to 12 8.ln, and 1 to 0 p. m. In Toronto, at 71'' Bpnditia aye . 1•elllalrld• er of time. Phone 1219 GlertirnA Tomo &"f ', z Flo w a2 r BRUSSELS GOING 800081 GOING NORTH 011).81 7:07 a in Express 10;55 a m Express.,,..,... 11:2o a In 01,811 1:50 p 111 Express 2:55 p m Express 8:52 p In WAL o T N To Toronto To Godorich Exproas 7;11. n 1.1 1 Express 11:55 e m Express 2:57 p 1.l I Express ......... 8:40 p in WROXETER Going E&At - 7:05 a. ,n, and 8:55 p. 1.l. Going West - 1'2:40 and 0:47 p.m. All trains going East 001881eet with 0.2.11. at Ornn9eville for Owen Sound, Elora and 2 G. S. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. gout Reins gums Toe 1st of November gave us the first touch of Winter for this season and the fall of snow muddied up the roads con. siderably. A 65 Foos' smoke stack has been pur- chased by I. T. Wood`tor the Excelsior Factory. It costs money to run a busi- ness these days. BALANCE OF YEAR. Fa9E.-As a special inducement to new subscribers THE POST will be seat to any address in Canada or the British Empire until January 1, 1914, for fel paid in advance. The boy's apperite is often the source of amazement. If yon would have such an appetite bake 011aulber- laitr's Tablets. They not only 080111e a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. WALKERTON Herald says :- All the temperance people in Walkerton wou' 1 join the hotel -keepers in one grand rally for booze if all the beverage were put to the same use as that which John Korulann, of the Hartley House here, did with a flash of w11i9kev last week. It was while returuing In his auto from the L,iefso wedding in Brant at a late hour of the night that the lights on John's car went out for mut of water In the carbonator, As the bight was too dark to proceed and there was no 100008 to be had, the - situation seemed desperate until one of the -p88111' pro- duced a flask of whiskey ft•nte his pocket. This was poured on the carbide and pro. dueed a beautiful light that guided the party home. While booze has put many - a man astray this was probably the first time it was ever used to pilot itiln a right. "'There could be no better medicine than Ohamberlaic's (Dough Remedy; My children were all siclt with whoop- ing cough. One of theta was ill bed with a high fever g eve 881.(1 was coughing up blood. Our doctor Remedy them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the first dose eased 1110m sed three battles cured them," n edG eau • says Mrs. R, A. Donaldson, of Lexington, 1'iiss. For t sale by all dealers. Iseec FlezrATrucx 1i/he 1 :G.- The Winnipeg Free Press says of a former Brusselite, whose photogravure was also given :-"Missing slues Sept, loth Isaac Fitzpatrick, 5f Birtle, is. believed by his wife and friends to have met with foul play, as lie had i5t400 nu his parson when lie left Winai e p > for Lemberg, Sask. Mr. Fitzpatrick Was 45 years of age, weighed 16o lbs. was 5 ft. 8 in. tell, had dark hair, and sandy moustache, freckled face, and wore a dark gray suit and black soft hat and brown boots. Besides his wife be has a little daughter, and twobrothers, s one in Deaver, the other in California, ' Bi F rile friends have been inquiring all along the S.irkella branch of the C. P. R. for news of the missing man but have failed to "tree him beyond' Abernethy V V t WO stations East of Lemberg his destination, where lie intended buying out a bakery and octrfeotionerv, Ile was recognized en the train neat' Abernethy ; but io not known to have left the train be. tweet there and Lemberg, nor at Lemberg. As he had sect) a large sum of money on him, it is feared Ile has met with foul play for the was never away for so long without communicating, with his friends, He wee not addicted to liquor in any wile, and, was indus'1'iotl3 and careful of his family, For four months this Summer he worked at Rainy River for an man 'named Zwags- tra, while looking for a minable invest meat for his money. He finally learned of the business at Lemberg. and star1er! for there without communicatingwith the intending vendor. The lattewho has been ea'lori upon f n' information stud 1101 hoard of Mr, Fitzpatrick et a11.'1 8. eommencesoa Monday, November 2nd, Write for free eatnlo9ue and portion- bs 1(0x0 to EDWIN O. MATTH.EYl 8. Prin. A %a1- ..,,,,,,+>n.mAvAgavg/p74,4<avAe�w,cevRUAe Just Where Tho Danger Lies In 318188y catarrh snuffs, chorine is the largely flood 988gtedieut ; i11 colse- 8 ((u0e.th88 dente habit may be formed, C0 tie Leanly nosed of cm Uteri), Lo do 80 quinIt1 $Itft•ly and lel eltsllntly, doctors Day (Jatlyrrh82on0 1$ superior' to any oth01L'Oined.y. It heals sore places,' stops disohetge8 pl'events hawking, spieeing and had breath -doth$ this by firstde0teoying the causeof the dis- .r Ct tatldlozone isle 0 Ox )01'11118 I( 1 t , 111 8i°d l it is t and tl$ II'nVa rill Bl that 1 al is gear'tttlteed foe (>ronr.uiol, throat, nose and lung cateterh. TWo slzo0, 2510 and 81.00 at all dealers, It 18 to be hoped something will occur - poli ick family was well kocwn here and to clear up the mystery, The FitzTwo the boys have visited in Brusseis singe the faintly ed Y ra 1n n v System Roquirea Frequent Cleansing 1 Y Not only , ,l t outside h1. . 1 . 114 a sldu as vc Y t 1 your body whet befvequeul.ly e100ne1 Otherwiee it heroines loaded with 'Wa$004 that clog 11p the wheels m health, Much better to act in time '(]so Dr• 13auliltnu's Pills ; the strengthen and regulate the, bowels assist digestion, 0)81'Jch Ihe. blood (tut thert'by fortify the nerves mid lay the fouud8Lio11 18I' lu0tiug good health, 1)8', Hamilton's Pills bring vile and vitrtlil.y so !ouch sought for today ; they infuse a feeling of reeshnees and spirit in those tv110 have been ailing for years. Really uu medicine s1. potent, Priem 25a et till dealers. Morris Scotto', 114eon.T.-Foliovieg is the report of 5. S. No. 8, (Morrie, I'or Octo- ber :-Ste iV.-Ooum., Hist., Gram., G t+t' � Total }„ 1 lel 466. Pass 240. C. 1(1(0sl0)1 317, 1.. Terve), 301, G, Ague 250, .I, 13'5uran 211 11• IV,--Ouuip., hist., (.nue„ Gen, 1'o(111 400. Pass 200.-L. lirewel', 210. Jr. 111. hist., Ari 11., fieog., Spell. Total 400. Pass 200.-1: Sel le, s 831, le. 'J'm'vey 200, 8. \IeMichf,8 205, (i Brewer 258, (1. South '2'21. Sr, 11. Lit., At {lb , Qin, C,1., nod tinily work. 'Pol(rl 000. I'1. s 31111 -C. Sou( lt 42(1, °I:, \Vttr:vie 415, (1. 13ontien 275, G. AIus- 10111 3(16. Ir, 1f, 1'"t al 600. P,Lss 250.-0. Pell 874, It Gm;Liss 11(80, F. Gaieties 815, elf. (31uo,ies N. Pert. 1I. -D1Llicl woi lc, 'Point 300.-A. Gal- lagher 27.1, 1'.. Forbes 328, L Gallltghee 201, 14. 51(81iehuel;]06. Pet, I Sr'. -Doily 10(1 It. 71811(1 288 --J. Purvey 245. A..Inhnstnn 183. Part I .)r.-lf. Ineevct 00, el. \Vartviclt 7'03. Peinarv. -H. Hanes 217, L. Garnier 184, W. Seller's 180. Average attendance 20. 1. 13. FRAIN, Teacher. Seaforth Dr. H. 1-I, Reiss attended the West- ern Medical r Alumni heldn ut London. 1. chs. West muse t' n Buffalo, w1. s r 1811ed 00 tow111use n to nurse 1191. sister-in- law, Ales. Gen. Oardno. Mrs. Howe, or Wlllarebnrg, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Barker, for about throe weeks, passed away on S ineley evening, Oct. 27818. aged 78 yelp's. Alis Hove de- veloped typhoid fever shortly after she arrived in town and although carefully nursed by 11 loving daughter 91(0 passed to the Great Beyond on Sunday. A brief service was con - chivied by the Rev. F. H. Larkin et the Parsonage, Wednesday me:ening. after which the remains were taken to London and placed in a vault tem- pnrtuily. (I.a owing t° illness of the 8liss,w Tlnwe with typhoid fever, it (way impossible to 18500 1110 f11neral Prow the family residence, \Va)lace- hnrg. Although ailing for some time, ArrhiO SnuunervilI,'s death, 'Thurs- day, Oct. 241 h. ('881110 quite suddenly and WAS 11 00(8(80-1'111 surprise to his many• friends in S0088'nrth locality. Air Stommeville was well Itnnwu in McKillop, having been horn in Rox- llnso 01 years ago and only moved to town a couple of yetu's since. Ile leas 'i- + + + • . + T i' :i. + 4. A + t• and Y' nth .p o AT HERO PRIM . + For 30 +ways " •A E have an over -stock t wir of Boys' a13 d +F Youths' Shoes - good, + 3*• strong ones f01' the wet * Fall weather - and will +w + allow off them for cash + 15 per, cent. which means to you less than present wholesale prices, BIMto 5 In Boys Sizes it to 13 Inout V hs •i• Our Huroess De t + is Toady with 'Cupn told Site gi o Harness or excellent quality. Also Plinth .rind.:,E, \Vnol Dugs, Blankets, tem. 'd• + SET Snnnl Hated u! Sit t + 11111'l88'04 on hand- -• r 11 t Nirkls. pet set, $3,00 8' Geneine. Rubber, 0.00 'i Pilchards s+ SII + 4.M4„y.1,4• ,4„1,,,,,,.,9.;,1.,(,.;.4,,;,4,4,4,0'" 4''1.4' MEN TESTIFY What Lydia E. P'inkham's V'eg- et e abl _Compound Did For Their Health -Their own $tatements Follow. Haliburton, P.E,I.:-"I had a doctor examine me and be said I had falling of the womb, so I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has done me a lot of good. All the hearing -down pains have vanished. I have gained ton pounds in weight, the discharge is all gone, and I feel better than I have for a long time. I think any woman is foolish to suffer as I did for the1- sa.a of a few dollars. "You can use my letter as a testimo- nial. It may encourage other poor women who suffer as I did to use your Vegetable Compound." - Mrs. GEO. COLLIctT2, Haliburton, Lot 7, P.E.I. Read What This Woman Says: New Moorefield, Ohio. --"I take great pleasure in thanking you for what your VegetableCompound has done for me. I had bearing down pains, was dizzy and weak, had pains in lower w back and could not be upon my feet long enough to get a meal. As long as I laid on my back I would feel better, but when I would getup those bearing down pains would come back, and the doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was the only medicine that helped me and I have been growing stron er ever er since I commenced to take it. I hope it will help other suffering women as it has me. You can use this letter." -Mrs. CASSIE LLOYD, New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio. 111 son of the late \Vin. Sommotville, and is survived by two sons, and two (111ught0(5, Elliott, of Edmonton, who gut home too late for the funeral; William, or \Vaternns, Sask. ; Amite, 9. teacher in tlhe Public Schot>i and eliunie at home. The fnnel•10 services were conducted by the Rev. F. H. Larkin, on 81onlity p. m„ after which the entermenI. took place at Mait- htndbltnk eentel(ry, To his brother, \Vmu. Soumneryille and his family we extents 0iuceve sympathy. Your Wisest Course If you are caught in the !vet, get sore throat, ' neuralgia or muscular pain, dont wait foe worse trnnbles. Begin prompt t10a1u1ent with Netvi- liue. It delves away all trace of cold, eases l'heutnntism, neuralgia and pain, saves you from ti, lay -1.p it; bed. No 25c purchase CLLII being more comfort 1.111011 81bottle or Nerviline ; it's the Cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. Listowel The young woolen of the Dletliodiat el8ur011 had charge of the serv{ce 8011 - clay evenhlg. The Poultry Association will,.Unld their annual exhibition op January 1st and 2nd next. Danford Roche & 0o., of NewnmLrlc- et, have pnrmhased the Vepcleicic- sluck of gl oceries. . bliss ,,\I110g1Uet Jarrett, who has been employed at the Listowel- post ()Mire I'ot' the past few yettes, hue resigned 11e1• position and purposes leaving for the West in 1he near I'utilte, Jas. Boyd has sold. his residence to 111. Ducker, of %Vali/lee, who will take up his residence in Listolvel. Mr. and Ales, letycl rue moving then. fuelR ule to New,n-Lrkel whet,: they pltrpuse residing. Atwood Silver Corners cheese factory ship- ped front 13;eufryn the first half of October make at 13gc. James Outhbeetsn1, of town, has bt't.n V ell Y ill clueing te a p1Lst week but is gradually improving 111 health, A new mail $eevi0 started on. Mon - (ley 181' last week, the 10.25 train from Pelmerston brings mail from -''Toronto and Ea5tev11 points now, The fullovin g hunters s teff• for Mus- koka ;-Jno. Valance, J. Qnipp, ,S. Strifill81'0, 13•. \Vl1l1101•, .1 no, Sandets, 8, Ford, 1.). Graham, IL Walker and \Vol. Kindel'. Anniversary services of the Metho- dist church held Sunday and Monday evening, Oct. 271.11 and 28191 proved to be a grand success. The p10oseds 1111101111 11.01 to $135. Is yam. hlisbo.l,d Cross and 8819111131109 An Irritable, fault flndi8g dispnsiliou is often due to a disordered stomach, A loan with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have heel: er' > tnanetltl tie et 1 C o q1. - I y f.l tYl er11 trouble by taking 0lutlobet'ain'0 Tablets, Foe stele by ali dealers, Godericii R 10, Rev. Dr. 1lt.dd Sand. \Vtcric and Lawrence \Vat'k are away to the North 011 LL hunting trip. TI1e ninny 4'1 {enols of W. K. Bates will be pleased to know .that Ito 1104 ittipeoved greedy after his long ill- ness, and is able to be about again, Lh'. W. S. Tnrnb1111, lath of town alai now of Vlplcnmver, 11119 beet; melte:going an attack of ltppendicbLis, but his111. f Ids lu re. will be glad tis 1(110W that, he 19 now 1.00091)108 and not of the ht>s11it1yl, Mrs, P91011ms Videan, who has been in poor health for tL long time, had the misfortune to adtl to bee tronbio by a. fall 091111ih brekebet thigh bola., and in• consequence t 111.0, ata (. 1c is 17 q 1 a 01 11.11111 061010. (3('n1gl 13 11,18nslon, (1 foimser well knew)) Godt'ric'h men, but who rot' 26 0eate 8181 so has been sheep :smelting in Texas, hap moved to Vancouver, B. 0., and 1081105 that he likes the new count IT very well indeed, so much sO that he will make it his permanent 111.1110, Jr, \V. F. ()lark, V. 8, WAN notified front the Provincial Depltrtnent of Agriculture of his app ointn ent as an 1ns ec or undo the Ontario Sta io 41 11 Ave. The Province has been divided into eight (11988X10, With three in. speetors for each district, The Ms. trim, to which Dr. (lurk has been ap- pointed, 8tlong will: Dv, Jas, Sinelttim, of Cauuiugton, unci Win. Moselle of ht. Mars, 1810181(109 the counties of Elgin, Ji000,x, Kent, Larnbton and Middlesex, Blyth SUING THE G, T. R,-Fetlnl( E. Rousseau, a oolnmereial traveller, who had bout legs crit off when he fell under a Grand Trunk paseengel' twain at 13Iyt11 on October 4, 1911, has through his solicitors, Messrs, Price, Gtavey 811 Co., of Toronto, co,nmenced Ito 110818,111tgainst the company, Fol- lowing the accident, 1SIr. 1i.nlsseaux was for malty weeks in it vets. 11'itical condition 11. \Vingham b ep.tel. WEDt1ING.-At the residetwe of the bride's parents, at London, on Oct, 250, Miss Tema E. Powell, daughter of E. J. alltl Mrs. Powell, was wedded to Jainos DI, Barr, teller of the Bank of I-Itmlilton Here, Rev. J. E. J. lel ill. yard wits the officiating clergym'In. The happy couple returned bets Tries - day morning of last week and at present are boarding at Jus. Cunning - ham's. The bride who has been the principal of the Blyth Continuation sctcap1ool.acity. intently continuing in that Why Burn Your Toos 7 Strip using Acid Corn Salves, use Pututun's Painless Extractor ; it costs a little more, but it's far the best. Use nnly "Putnanl's"-250 at all deal- ers. Trowbridge METHODIST 00IIIR013 RE -OPENING SERVE ` as.- T91e re -opening services have b eu e fixed fol Sunday and Mon- day Nov. 17811 1811(1 181h. On Sunday Rev. Samuel Salton, former pastor will have charge of morning and even- ing services. Siontlay evening sup- per will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock and for the subsequent Meeting an excellent program Ils8 been prepared. Dies. (Rev.) llihbell and Miss Con- stance Dunnage will recite ; the choir will render duels, quartettes and choruses and t•he Trowbridge Orches - tea will provide instrumental. music. This peog1atn will be interpersed with a(idl'esses by the Revs. S. Salton, of Arva, and J. \V. Hibbert or Gerrie ; 13. 13. Mot phy K. 0. N. P. and James Torrance M. P. P. Dir. Morphy will take the Muth.. Fordwich Miss Norma Lowick, of Sul ton, was the guest of Miss Elsie Hutchison and °thee friends, Thos. Bu1Ht°u went to Brantford having received word of the selib05 illness of his brothel, who died on Tuesday of last week. PostInasterl Gibson is seriously i11, and little hopes are entertained for his recovery we are sorry to hear. `red S1lherlul is slowly recovering from his recent severe attack of pneumonia and we hope he will soon be o. G H. Jefferson, principal of our school, has decided 1G stay in Pot d- wich and has been engaged for 1013 at, an increased salary. Postmaster Irwin, of Gorri0, is re- lieving Mrs. Willis at the p001nfiice, owing to the very serious illness of her fat.hec', P,te t llltl$tel Gibson. The fine brick residence on Main street, rornweily awned and occupied by .Fred Adams, has been purchased by \Vm. Goggin. Sir. Adauns and t'a11111y removed (•.his week to Guelph where we wish there the best of every- thing. POSTMASTER (1I13SON DEAD, - Thomus (411)0011, who had acted as postmaster hie more than ten years, died Feeley Fit 3 30 ,,'clock. • 1`1+i 1011.0 in his 71st year and was one of the Fenian raid veterans to receive u giant from the Goveturnent last Snniuor. D . i t. Gibson was a member of the A, 1t'. & A. NL He leaves a wife, three sons and five daughters. Itlsa pleasure sure to tell yon that C)hlLlllhtl')t6111'$ Cough Remedy ' 19 l g the hest cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonil0, Go, "I have 818Od it 101111 all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory;" For sale by all dealers. Huron County. John Joynt's apple evaporator plant Luckuow, was burned to the ground. The lire originated in one of the dry kills and spread up the walls to the roof and along the dry pine portions with a rapidity which nothing could check, The loss is about $8,000 with no inslura,nce. The eVapOt'1Ltot' was one of the largest of the kind in the pt evince and employed nearly forty bands. A ONee9 SNOT. -Ralph Dise11er, of Dungannon, the 14 -year-old lad who 11111de such remarkable high scores at Long ]3rluIeh during the 0. 1)e. A. rifle meet this year, hue further dis. till Tulvll , tc himself 11111Helf b winning 1, t the Y 1 Government s'lvt r sLlvcr, This is trophy offered to each Civilian rifle as sociatiorl, and cotnpeted for by in- dividual members, Tile eon test covered three days, and the shooting was at .200,600 and 600 yards. The boy's wort: was 388 out of a possible 420, 01.12 points ahead of any adult marksman in the conipclitime Disch- er is the son .of a hiller at Dtinge:mon, Perth Oounty I. 0. Monteith is n0tw Postmaster at the G: T. R. postnffice, Stratford. Jobe Cited well, aged 2, died from bursts received 01 his father's dome in South i • , , YL , t si 111 )( in ' the Stratford 1 t tttfr ld e h p s 181111. T1. a) , 1 r rpt. manner, while piayilrg about the stove, the child's clothing caught fire and before the mother wits able to reach 111111 the baby Was terribly burned about the' 1 body, All older boy gave the alarm, but :the clothing of the child bad burned so quickly that nothing could could t d be dg110. J, .1. llislop, Church street, Stmt. ford, of the r9., Beattie & Co. grocery 1. st he'a (vas confined eft d to his bed'o' f t a few days as the result of a (painful accident which occurred to hitt 081 Thanksgiving Day. Mr, 1Ji8lop was in the cellar cutting so8n0 kindling wood for the fits when a piece of wood, from which he (vas chopping, flew up and hit hint on the face injuring one of hie eyes quite seriously, the white of the eye being pierced, The doctor was called and the eye dressed, At the .I pwol•t11 League Convention of Stratford 1)ietrl0(8 the slate of offi- cers for the ensuing year was named and returned t . 1 the following -hat 1 1.e ':--• o l d I;I Ptesidont, Rev. W. 131, Millson 1 P9091.' deet, R. 13. Hamilton, Millbank ; lab `Prow. Vic Ru A,' M }ielv'e ro Vice, v.0 1 1 W bridge ; 2nd Vice, ltiiss Avon Payne, Stratford ; 3rd Vice, Miss H. Baker+ - Ennui ton ; 4th Vice, Rev, 7, W. Baird, Mitchell ; 5811 Vice, Dliss Gilles- pie, Millbank • Secretary, Mrs. J. Darling, 81. Marys ; Treasurer, Miss A. Purcell, Llstowol ; Representative to Conference Executive, Rev. A, 131. Moorehouse, Monition• A1ma College Summer School Secretary, Rev. F. 111. Malta, St. Marys. ••••••e•tr•••••••••••••••••'a•e•e•••••••••••••••••••••• • • REGINA PRICES • ® S e o BESIDES being a high grade wares o in evel'y resper.t Regina Watches • • • e scene of the popular grades are sold at; : are sold at pri• ces that aro within p 7. •..1..n..,. .,A all. >1 -..__---the ---_---.,__._ .. tire), e • • 7 Jewels, 16 size, swing ring, p is lvle..ta„ • • 17 Jewels, 18sire,kel swfngricaseu..g..., r(1 ....8 8 • ® Nickel ]case 13 20 11 • 7 Jewels, 16 size, 20 -year > y' p • W Gold Filled case.,,. 11 75 • ]O ��r�XtttX (','- • • 17 Jewels, 18 size, 20 -year • Gold Filled case11 75 : 9 3 F •• lite, 26 -year • 10 W Gnid Filled cash.... 14 40 "a • 15 Jewels, 6 size, 25 -year .8 ° .�°i ��"• • e Gold Filled case ... 16 40 '° rD• rJ • z �'r c r. ` • e These watches are all adjusted to two • ® positionsBold and tern perature and are an oguaranteed for three years. • ® �j ® by L' ;' u ii B s lake, Jeweler and En raver 14 on• • •••o®•e•••seemPe•asemeemew, e••o•••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • GOLD DUST digs deep after _germs Gold Dust not only cleans but sterilizes. Soap merely washes over the surface, leaving a greasy film behind it. Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insures absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not sanatize your home, as well as clean it? Soap needs muscle hel • Gold Dust P� does all the hard part of the task without your assistance. Gold Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil g Il soap, to which are added other purifying materials in - just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor- ously, and without harm to fabric, utensils or hand. Gold Dust is sold in 5c size andlarge pack- ages. The largepackage meansgreater economy. "Let the COLD .DUST TWINS do your work" Made by THEN. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, LIMITED, Montreal. Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake) NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure youand make a mon of you. Underitsinfluence the brain becomesactlye,the blood purified so that all pimples, blotchesand ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes -become 11019g111, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical at181mental systems Rai invigorate all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system, o11 feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. 61/' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility formanyyeara. Ilayit to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret, Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, bad pains In the back of my bead, !lands and feet wore cold, tired 188 the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Num11na45 in the fingers set in and the doctor told r to d me medicine paralysis. r I took all kinds sof o mediators and. tried many firsl'thros physicians, wore an electric belbforthree months, but received little. benefit. I was induced to consul r BEFORE t D s. Booed ffi RE rasa e TM NT Y AFTER TREATMENT Rennod y, though I had,lost Nl Mons doctors Like The improvement man I commenced ng lc- Now Monson igor going then my fife, Theuredm ntaU waslikemalls. 11090fselthtvigor,Ony phrouggh� and nerves. to de so. ,lneatally and physically. Ihave sent them many paElentS and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NA PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEiNS NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Dittman. peculiar 8o Mao. CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. Jif tumble to call write for a Queatfoa Blank for Homo Treatment. DRsKEVINEDY8tKENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit Mich, NOTICE C All letters from Canada must be addressed a �a toot= Canadian Corres ndenceD. rt ap a t, marimmemoso men" t in Windsor, Y Ont. If ort desire 4 0 See Its personally ally call at our Medical I sfl tute 111 et see Detroit c and ea I we treat no patients ` Incur p Windsor offi res which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian btlsinoss only. Address all letters as foliowa; DRS. KENNEDY Be KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write ter one private zdclreso.