The Brussels Post, 1912-10-10, Page 3f•
"It's because every other one of
the B's has bad a club party," Mina
ifedtb said, at last,
Her teacher, Mise Hale, never.
had seen tears in her eyes before,
and she looked. ab Nina in surprise.
"I know I can't have one," con-
tinued Nina, "because we haven't
room enough."
When any no was sad, Miss Hale
always 'thought of something dee
li htful she hada an f
and so
B ,P1
"The next club party will Dome
the first Saturday afternoon in Sep-
tember," she said. "Why not in-
vite the B's to meet in your hem-
lock grovel"
Nina clapped her hands•.
"Goody I" the cried. "Mother said
that she'd make the cake, and that
\we could have lemonade,"
It will be the nfoes't party of the
Ron," Miss Hale 'said. "And, 0
do you suppose your brother
uld — and -
-- for us to eat?"
aleaseilci the in-between
s' eery F,oftly, so that no one
else could hear. And Nina danced
about in delight. She had felt that
Mies Hale would help her.
Nines party invitations were
written on sheets of note -paper cut
from brown wrapping -paper, but
the green hemlock -tree Miss Blake
painted up in one corner of each
made them unique. Across the bot-
tom of tine invitation was written
"Tom will — — — and —
some — for us to oat."
On the first Saturday in Septem-
ber every one of the B"s came to the
grove. They played games and
romped ; the cake and lemonade
were delicious, and ,every one of the
B's declared Nina's party was the
best that any oue'hacl given.
But who are the 1i's ?
They are "The Befrienders," be-
cause they try to seek out to be-
friend every one they can who is in
"Ard what were the in-between
words ?" all the children had asked,
"Build a firer" "pop" and
"oorn." And that, done in the
grove, where the girls oou.d watch
the process, made Nine's party a
euocoss: Youth's Companion.
New Health and Strength Obtained
by the Use of Dr Williams'
Pink Pi11p,
It is useless to tell a hard-work-
ing woman to take life easily and
not to worry. Every woman at the
head of a home; every girl in offi-
ces, shops and factories, is subject
to more or less worry, These can-
not be avoided. But it is the duty
of every woman and every girl to
save her strength as much as possi-
ble and to build up her system to
meet any unusual demands. Her
future health depends upon it. To
guard against a breakdown in
health the blood meet be kept rich
red and pure. Nothing can keep
the blood in this condition so well
as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They
strengthen the nerves, reste•re the
appetite, bring the glow of health
to pallid checks, and renewed en-
ergy to listless people. Women
cannot always rest when they
should, but they can keep their
strength and keep disease away by
the occasional use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Or, if a breakdown has
come unexpectedly they can obtain
new health through this same
medicine. Mrs. M. Thomas, River
street, Toronto, says: "For several
years I wasalmost a constant in-
valid, unable to do my housework
and spending much of my time in
bed. My nerves seemed worn out
and I was so run down that all my
friends thought I was in a hopeless
decline. I was as pale, as a corpse;
I was •so bloodless that if I cut my
finger it would not bleed; my
limbs were swollen far beyond their
usual size. At the least exertion
my heart would palpitate violently,
and I frequently had fainting.
spells., I was under treatment by
good doctors, bet it did me no
good. Then one day my husband
brought home some Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and I began taking
theme. They seemed to go to the
root of the trouble, and in the
course of a few weeks the improve-
ment they were making was quite
plain. Gradually as I continued
taking the Pills the swelling of my
limbs disappeared; the weak spells
came less and less frequently; my
appetite greatly improved, and
finally I was completely cured and
able to do. my housework with ease.
Later, in daughter Elena seemed to
be troubled with anaemia, and we
gave her the Pills with the same
good results."
Why suffer in any way when you
can begin curing yourself to -day
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold
by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Rickets abtack very young chil-
dren at the very time when their
bones are growing most quickly.
It interferes with. the proper devel-
opment of the whole bony struc-
ture, and if not treated in 'time
causes permanent deformity. The
ribs and the long bones of the arms
and legs are most frequently af-
fected; and protuding wrist and
ankle bones, prominent ribs and the
so-called pigeon -breast are among
the cleformitios that result.
The disease is easily recognized
after it has become established, but
in the beginning the diagnosis is
not so simple. Before the bones be-
gin to beaffected the child shows
other signs of failing health. It is
feveri,sb and restless, throws off the
bedclothes at night, and screams if
touched; an•d one very significant
symptom is profuse perspiration,
especially of the head, so that the
pillow is always wet. A rickety
child learns, to walk very late, and
teething is delayed. In some cases,
children grow very thin; in others,
they are fat, but the flesh is flabby.
Much can be done to prevent de-
Cormityby keeping the child very
quiet. If it is allowed to creep
aaout or etand, its bones will cer-
tainly become crooked, for they are
not strong enough to do the work
deananded of them.
• An attack of rickete may be so
rtiild that only an inetructed and
watchful mother would notice it,
or so severe that the child is left a
misshapen dwarf. It is more com-
mon arming the poor, because it is
cauecd by insufficient or improper
diet, and made worse by bad by
giene, conditions and lack of care.
When it occurs in aohild of well-to-
do parents, it can often be traced
to the exolusive use of some patent
The first question in any case
must always be, "On what is the
child being fed?" If a good wet -
nurse can be obtained, she will.
work the cure, If the child is al-
ready being fed at the breast by an
overworked mother, or one who has
nursed it long, it roust have a
change at once to properly diluted.
cow's milk,
A rickety Child cannot have too
much open air. If properly'protect-
ed from damp and cold, it may he
kept outdoors both day and night.
The sensitiveness of the body may,
be relic ed by warm baths and rub-
i,ng w th oil.' Any change in diet
fed.` 4 '.cone;
if some day or other we succeeded
in discovering fish in the abysses of
the ocean we should find them blind
and devoid of color. As a'nettor of
fact, says a writer, they are neither
one nor the other.
Of all the specimens taken /corn
the depths of the ocean we know
only one kind which leeks oyes, and
that privation is atoned for by an
organ whose function has not yet
been determined. All the res have
eyes winch are immoderately urge.
But if they have eyes it is to help
them to see, and yet what can they
see at the depths of 5,000, 8,000 and
9,000 meters where light never pen-
etrates? Such is the problem
which recent sea ,soundings have
On land main exhausts bus re-
sources and his intelligence to sup-
ply light in the darkness of the
night when the sun has set, and
after inconceivable efforts he con-
siders ifh•ec
an et
siders himself h B
s h happy
2 per cent. of the power at elle dis-
posal to produce purely luminous
rays. But by means of a mechan-
ism so far inexplicable animal life
transforms vital and muscular en-
ergy into light without chemical or
calorific rays, and obtains 98 per
cent, of the farce expended, It is
an ideal illumination, the true cold
light that physicists are seeking.
It is true that in the depths of
these caverna light does net pene-
trate, but what docs that matter 1
Like the 'glowworm or the myriads
of animalcules which make the
ocean phosphorescent on certain
nighbs, the fish of the sea produce
of themselves the light of which
they stand in need.
The scene there must be entranc-
ing. Some fish, like those of the
class of-Scopelidae, have luminous
organs on the belly and sides,
Others are still better provided.
They have projectors which are like
magic lanterns, with the power of
throwing out rays at will. Often the
apparatus has a reflecting mirror
which increases the power of the
lens, and its certain species colors
throw themselves athwart the rays
and vary the effects.
In one place we might see a fish
gliding silently above the ooze.
Like most of his epodes, he needs
only the ventral fins as he travels
on, a legless marauder arrayed in
b]ack, Thanks to his sombre attire,
he attracts no attention. But, as
on shore one does not travel on a
dark night without lanterns, this
prowler does likewise at sea. You
might, if you were there, see him
swinging his lantern at the end of a
string. Around him float myriads
of little creatures never dreaming
of any harin, and they hurry to the
light. Alas for them! the light is
a hook, and under its glitter is the
open maw armed withpointedteeth.
The Rimantclopus also fishes with a
line, or several lines. It is a ten-
tacle whose branches expand like
luminous fuses.
The Linophryne has a double lan-
tern under his chin. The Onoirode
improves on that, and illumines his
pathway before and behind by
lights •from the barbels. There are
besides the 14Lacrures, whose eyes
are huge beyond all proport]oa,
buried in the mud and looking out
on the world around them through
telescopic beacons. Then we have
also the Eurupharynx, an eellike
creature, supplied with a covered
platter and in his enormous jaws
piling up food as in a stomach. The
Melanodetus enjoys the luxury of
an enormous pocketlike abdomen,
and the Ohiasmodushas no difficul-
ty in disposing of prey three times
the size of himself.
Often these denizens of the depths
are all aglow with the most bril-
liant colors: there are azure hued
Bah clad in velvet; orwsteceans
whose cuirasses are opal and emer-
ald; sea, urchins whose tints are
warm and golden . or translucent
vermilion. All these gems grouped
together give us but a faint idea of
the fairy scenes which we might
enjoy in these abysmal depths.
where a marvellous life is swarm-
ing utterly unlike what we. know on
Hope for the Chronic Dy.epeptic,
—Through lack of consideration of
the body's needs many persons al-
low disorders of the digestive ap-
paratus to endure nntil they be-
come chronic, filling days and
nights with suffering. To these a
comae of Parmelee's Vegetable
Weird Prowlers in Black Depths
Make Their Own Light.
Prior to the theme marvellous
discoveries of oceanography no nate
uralist could conceive the possibil-
ity of life in the depths of the sea.
The reason is that as one of the
principal. factors of life is light and
as the rays of the sun do not pene-
trate very far into the waters of the
ocean life was considered esimpos-
eible, and since experiments have
shown that no ray of light continues
its passage through a liquid medium
after 1,700 meters have been reach-
ed, the inference was that further
down light fails absolutely and
there is eternal night.
What beings, it used to be said,
could live at such a depth? Appar-
ently none, and hence naturalists of
the first rank used to assure us that
Specialist Did Skin
Trouble No Good
Very Itchy and Disfiguring. Got a
Little Cuticura Soap and Oint-
ment and Was Cured.
"Por two summers 1 suffered with
skin trouble on my arms, and on my
lege from my knees down. My arms
were badly disfigured and I kept them
covered. It came like the hives, and
was very itchy. I consulted a specialist,
Lively Air on Harp or llinndolln
Will. Stimulate Muscles.
A medical journal Inas recently
announeed the restate of some ex-
periments made to ascertain the
relation of nnusio and medicine.
One curious piece of news obtained
is that if a lively air is played on
a harp or mandolin a man's tired.
mueele, regain their original vigor.
The music of a violoncello, on the
other hand, has a precisely -.opposite
effect, in temporarily lessening the
usual strength and vitality, of the
hearer. In nervous and impres-
sionable people sad music in a mi-
nor key, such as Chopin's "Funeral
March," actually weakens the pulse
and makes the beating of the heart
feebler and more irreBular,
A doctor caused some amusement
a little time ago by suggesting that
almost every mental trouble could
he cured by suitable selections of
classical music, regularly adminis-
tered. Jealousy, grief, overwork,
homicidal mania, nervous break-
down, all had their corresponding
air. The medical world is taking
the idea seriously.
Orabshaw—"If you ineist on this
new gown, I'll have to get it on
credit !"
Mrs. Crabshaw—"As long as it's
going to be charged, dear, I may as
well get a more expensive one."
Him—"I don't know how to tell
you how I love you."
Her—"Don't worry about that—
I'll take it as it comes. What you
want to get nervous about is how to
tell papa about it."
Even When the Facts are Plain.
It is curious how people will re-
fuse to believe what one can clearly
Tell the average man or woman
that the slow but cumulative poi-
sonous effect of caffein the alka-
loid in tea and coffee—tends to
weaken the heart, upset the ner-
vous system and cause indigestion,
and they may laugh at you if they
don't know the facts.
Prove it by science or by practi-
cal demonstration in the recovery
of tea and coffee drinkers from the
above conditions, and a large per
cent. of the human family will
shrug their shoulders, take some
drugs and—keep on drinking tea or
"Coffee never agreed with me nor
with several members of our house-
hold," writes a lady. "It ener-
vates, depresses and creates a feel-
ing of larger and heaviness. It was
only by leaving off coffee and using
Postern that we discovered the
cause find way out of these ills.
"The only reason, I am sure, why
Postum is not used altogether to
the exclusion of ordinary coffee is,
many persons do not know and do
not seem willing to learn the facts
and how to prepare this nutritious
beverage. There's only one way—
according to directions --boil it fully
15 minutes. Then it is delicious."
Name given by Canadian Postern
Co., Windsor, Ont. Read thelittle
book, "The Road to Wellville," in
pkgs. "There's areason."
Ever read the above letter? A new one
appears from time to time. They aro
genuine, true, and full of human interest.
Dealing with the evils of blas-
phemy Barrow has pointed out that
swearing gratifies no sense, yields
no profit, and procures no honor.
Therefore, he reasons, of all dealers
in sin the swearer is the silliest, and
makes the worst bargain for him-
Pills is recommended as a sure and
who gave me medicine, as wen as an !stench- way to regain health. These
ointment, but seemed to do no good. It pilins ars spec]a11y compounded to
was on
" ]xixi ottnag to aA ear ur my ace.
I got a little �lutienira Ointment combat dyspepsia and the many
touch of f BOintment seemed to believe,
and before the Cuticura Ointment was
finished I was cured. I have not the
least sign of trouble. I think it would
have spread over my whole body if
Cutioura Soap and. Ointment had nob
cured me, I am delighted with them,.
and do feel pleased to think 1 have some-
thing I have confidence in. I tell all
ray, friends about them, and I think
Cutioura Ointment is the best. I ever
,saw," (Signed) M, .2. Beddy, 73 McCaul
St., Toronto, Dec. 22, 1910.
Cold -Sore Began to Heal With First
Use of Cuticura Ointment.
"Outioura Ointment cured a very
bad eold•sore teat, gave me. hours of
Ion , tried
ills that follow in its train, and
they are successful always.
Every man has a job lot of rela-
tives be doesn't like.
Mtnard's •Linlritent for sale everywhere.
Hunger is shortly to be abolished
by electricity. Such is the pro-
phocy of Prof.Ber�gonie,who has ex-
plained the method to the Coangrets.
of the Society for the 'Advance-
ment of Seienoe, ireceetly held at
Nimes, France, Bergonio recalled'
the experiments of Prof, Berthele
who claimed that within a ge
titin steaks and other fo
,be re 'Med by small
1{r; t,a L1eeaSsary
Sardincsl Cel'tetnly; they
aro always ncooptablc if
they are really Sardines,
If they are
you can be quite sure of a
tasty lnnoh.
Cot Them From Your Grocer F
Trade supplied by
John W. Sickle A nreenlna, Hamiltonmansamsntpanampautratetssa
A pleasant'medicine for children
is Mother Graves' Werm Extermi-
nator, and there is nothing better
for driving worms from the system.
Little Freddie having reached tho
mature age of three andbeingabout
to discard petticoats for manly rai-
ment in the form of knickerbockers,
his mother determined upon mak-
ing the occasion n memorable one,
and the breakfast table was laden
with good fare as the newly -breech-
ed infant was led into the room,
"Ab," 'ed thed moth
"Did you ever tell that young
man that late hours were bad for
one?" asked the father at the
breakfast Mable. "Well, father,"
replied the wise daughter, "late
hours may, be bifid for one, but
they're alright for two,"
Little Willie, a alum boy, on his
first visit to the country was greatly
excited on seeing a cow grazing in
a field. "Oh, what is that?" he ex-
claimed. "That is a cow," was the
reply. "And what are those
things on its head?" ``Horns,"
They had. proceeded but a little
farther when Willie was startled by
the long, loud bellowing of the ani-
mal. '`Which horn did it blow?"
lie asked excitedly,
Sing a oong,of cldldren,
And especially the boys,
A pocketful of odds and nide
And bits of broken toys!
A watch spring and shingle nails
And picture cards and string,
And rubber bands and wire elipa,
A whistle and a ring;
A tin box, an iron bolt,
Some round and shiny stones,
A buckeye, a golf ball,
A pair of rattle bones;
A skate key, an empty purse,
Some old pipe atoms,
And every one as precious
AB a king's crown gems,
An eminent scientist, the other
day, gave his opinion that the
wonderful discovery of recent years
was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just
single 1 thin
As on as a e
think ! so
layer of Zara-Buk is applied to a
wound or a sore, such injury is in -
"now you are a little man!" The sured against blood poison 1 Not
fledgling was in ecstasies. Dis- one species of microbe has been
playing Hs garments to their full found that Zam-Buk does not kill!
mThen again. As soon as Zam-Buk
is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to
skin disease, it stops the smarting.
That is why children are such
friends of Zam-Buk.
Again. As Boon as Zam-Buk is
applied to a wound or to a diseased
part, the cells beneath the skin's
surface are so stimulated that new
healthy tissue is quickly formed.
This is why Zam-Buk cures are per
Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of
101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal,
called upon the Zam-Buk Company
and told them that for over twen-
ty-five years he had been a martyr
to eczema. His hands were at one
time so covered with sores that he
had to sleep in gloves. Four years
ago Zam-Buk was introduced to
d f months it cured
advantage, he edged closer to his'
mother and whispered, "Mumie,
can I pall pa Bill now?"
A clergyman on his way to church
one Sunday saw two lads with their
lines and rods by the side of a
stream. The good man was fond
of sport, but true to his creed and
cloth. "Boys," eaid be in a stern
tone, "do you know what day this
iso lave you not been taught that
it is a sin to—" At this point
down went the float with a jerk.
"Pull him up! Pull him up I"
broke out the parson. "You
young fools ! don't you see you've
get a bite?"
A clerk in a bank appeared be-
fore the bank president with three
days' growth of beard.
James," said the president,
"you will have to get shaved."
"But, sir," replied James, "I am
growing a beard."
"You may do what you like at
home " snapped the president,
"butyou must understand that I'll
not. :have you growing a beard dur-
ing office hours."
at Bids Pain Begone. — When
neuralgia racks the nerves or lum-
bago cripples the back is the time
to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas'
Eoleotric Oil. Well rubbed in it
will still the pain and produce a
sensation of ease and rest. There
is nothing like it as a liniment for
its curative properties are great. A
trial of it will establish faith in it.
"Have you anything to say be-
fore sentence is pronounced against
you 7" asked the judge. "The only
thing I'm objecting to," answered
the convicted burglar, "is bein'
identified by a man that kept his
head under the bedclothes the
whole time. That's not right at
Low Colonist Rates to Peale Coast vin
Chicago and North Western Ry., Sept. 25th
to Oot. 10th from all points in Canada to
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, viotoria, Vancouver, Helena,,
Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello,
Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand
Jet., etc. Through Tourist sleepers and
free reclining ehatr care from Chicago.
Variable routes. Liberal stopovers. Per write rite or pall on B. H. Bon.
nett. General Agent, 46 Youge 8t., Toronto.
Lady—"You say you have cuts to
suit all purses. What have you for
an empty purse?" Butcher—"The
cold shoulder."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Maud—"I've just heard of a ease
where a man married a girl on his
deathbed so she could have his mil-
lions when he was gone. Could you
love a girl like that?" Brother
Jack—"That's just the kind of girl
I could love. What's her address?"
Revive the Jaded Condition.—
When energy flags and the cares of
business become irksome; when the
whole systems is out of sorts and
there is general depression, try
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They
will regulate the action of a de-
ranged stomach and a disordered
liver, and make yon feel like a now
Shan, No one need •suffer a day
from debilitated digestion when so
simple and effective a pill can be
got at any drug store,
Mother—"Why, Bobby, you are
very late from Sunday School; did
from the
cou come directly
hurch I"
Bobby (with oonseiees rectitude)
-"No, ma; the teacher told us that
cleanliness was next to godliness,
se after Sunday school was out
some of the boys went in swim-
ad softly ,–
;Ste . s y.
Cite' DA
m, an n afew
m. To-day—over three yenra, af- CLEAN I NG LADIES'
r his cure of a disease he had for
wenty-five years—he is still cured, WALKING OR OUTING SNITS
d has had no trace of any return eve be done porfeetly by our yrenob prooenn Try it.
the eczema 1 British Amerioan Dyeing Co.
All druggists sell Zam-Buk at Montreal, Toronto, Otrawa.,and Quebec
e. box, or we will send free trial
x if you send this advertisement
d a lc. stamp (to pay return post-
ge). Address Zam-Buk Co., To-
there's Purity, Uniformity, toad
full weight guaranteed inside
every paclvego.
Goes farthest far the money
H. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne' (R,.
V' Farms in Manitob , Saskatob Tama*
and Alberta at right ree s on easy to
now I AR
ki ',
i 1
n if. ' sizes a
T f r
i Fiat o C
d t p
., .. .
Ts YOU WANT TO ,? ' ?
tock, grain of ger,/
.L s
W qA , T0 0
H, W. DAWSON, Toronto, t �P„_.
P' —Soil clay loam, good b;..
.flv mud
excellent farm. ten
e Fort
dollars. The Western deal Saute,
don, Ont.
14 work and Darn more money than
any other trade. Wo qualify fpr
Oanadian railways. Positions moo
Write for free book 15.. Dominion So
Railroading, Toronto. M1
IL) ternal and external, cured. 10
pain by our borne treatment. Wr
before too late. Dr. Hellman Lfedi•
Limited, Collinawood. Ont.
,Of der
der Stones Kidney tronbi
Lumbago and kindred Demesne.
cured with the new arm
Bane',' price 8150..'"Anc
for Diabetee•Mellitue
danol's Anti-Diabvtee." Price a 'front'
druggists or 'direct. The Sanol M once.
turing Company of Canada, Limited.
Winnipeg, Man.
"This is the fifth time you have
been brought before me," eaid the
judge severely.
"Yes, your honor," smiled the
offender. "When I like a feller I
like to give him all my business—"
"Sixty days !" roaredthe judge.
Some persons have periodical at-
tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen-
tery or diarrhoea, and have to use
great precautions to avoid the dis-
ease. Change of water, cooking,
and green fruit, is sure to bring on
the attacks. To Birch persons we
would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Cordial as being
the best medicine in the market for
all summer complaints. If a few
drops are taken in water when the
symptoms are noticed no further
trouble will be experienced.
Miss Sereecher—"I wonder if Un-
cle Jim remembered me when he
made his will? I used to sing to
him." Lawyer—"Yes; he evident-
vidently remembered you—at least, your
name isn't mentioned be the deeu-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents—A customer of ours cured a very
hod case of distemper in a valuable horse
by the use of MINARD'8 LINIMENT.
Youre truly,
He—"Young girls always want to
marry for love; but when they grow
older they want to marry a man
with money." She—"You are
wrong. Girls never grow older;
they merely grow wiser,"
Corns cause much suffering, but
Holloway's Corn Cure offers a
speedy, sure, and satisfactory re-
Some people have automobiles
who ought to have babies.
Mlnard's Liniment Cares Burns, Eto.
an is known hie
Am b y
is but a variation of the mare famil-
iar proverb, "A man is known by
the company he keeps." We might
justaswell embalm in our prover -
Val philosophy the saying, "A mast
is known by the enemies he makes,".
It is as much an kronor to have
some men for enemies as to have
other men for friends. It is as
much a disgrace to have tome then
for friends as to have other men for
enemies, The friendship of the dits-
honorable, the impure, the enemies
of God, grafters oo till kinds in so-
ciety, business and polities is as dis-
graceful es the~fr endship of good
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powder, is a life -pre-
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