The Brussels Post, 1912-9-26, Page 6ung Folks atereeeset TLE 'BROWN MAST, 1Vlarjory Russel lay out of the nursery 'het rain, which oon; and even , it showed no TIIE 'TUE )CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM flue to soil in the Blood--Oan Only be Cured Through the Blood Not many years age even doctors thought that rheumatism was only a local pain caused by exposure to cold or wet. Now they know that the trouble ie caused by the blood becoming tainted with uric acid. cry busy that day, This condition o£ the blood cans - had been left to ,amuse es the mueelesto contract, stiffens the joints and irritates the nerves. :reel of playing with If not promptly treated the stiff - felt very cross. nese spreads and the pain grows uorrid old rain 1" she worse until you are a helpless orip- rily. "I wish it would go ple, tortured day and night. If the ' and never come book." disease touches the heart it means se as she said this a big- piece sudden death. You cannot cure gal in the fire cracked loudly, rheumatism with liniments, plas- looking up, Marjory saw a tors or hot cloths, as so many try e crowd of little brown men to do. You must go right to the fling out ofthe grate. root of the trouble in the blood. fey hopped down on to the rug The scientific way to cure rheuma- faced Marjory. tism is to take Dr. Williams' Pink ?his is the naughty creature," Pills, which make new, rich blood the leader, "she wants us to that goes right to the root of the sf hunger and thirst." trouble. They sweep out the pois- ndesd, I don't want any one to .nous acid, loosen the aching joints said Marjory. areedom where beforebringd muscles and habeen pain ease and Nell, why do you'make such f wishes, then?" he asked. "Yon and misery. ed' the rain would- go away and ' Mise Beulah Sheppy, Morpeth, s come back." Ont., says: "Following an attack to I do !" said Marjory crossly. of measles I took inflammatory :"like to know what business you rr��hieuseatism- My joints became i vfitji that." r -swollen and the pain was almost )hot you would," choruaaed the unendurable. I doctored with two e brown men. es."- ' doctors, but the pain was only re- Phen we'll eotli teach You; lieved while I was taking their me - id up herek' dicing, and soon returned. For six tIlrarttris dragged up from the months I continued to suffer in add made to stand in front this way. Then I tried electric rile Vie. pads, but they failed to do me any 'he little brown men scrambled good. Finally a friend persuaded on the table; then the leader me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Ike. and I had not been taking them m Seeds, before I t relief. the Vegetable Kingdom,he longned using thePillsfor a time , "and we think you need a and soon found myself in perfect health and feeling like a new per - on need food to make you son. I never lose an opportunity ciem't you ad o sayenoughwin fa - s' Pink Qh, yes:1" replied Marjory. Pills as 1 ca hiict nobody grudges you your ver of them." I suppose?" Sold by all medicine dealers or ertainly not; I always get by mail at 50 cents a box or six gh," she said. boxes for $9.60 from The Dr, Wil- 1\l/ell, you're a selfish liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, g 1" they , d. _;po lot g` Ont. ou don't care the rain is the mole - ere were et very Mg year a sinal, !aotury Was open- ed. This method and another whioh Krupp tried with a now (=opiate proved esoleas, Krupp then deter- lieeret self,and learned ined to diseoverthee method a of casting steel, but could not develop it owing to lank elf means. In 1817 he employed only seventeen work- men, and his difficulties ,never .eased until his death in 1898. His son Alfred, although only fourteen years of age at the time, resolved to continue the business, and struggled hard, under the, di- rection of his mother, He wander- ed among the valleys of Ruhr gath- ering knowledge, and then restart- ed the works, He constructed ma- chines on his own ideas, and al- though these were necessarily prim- itive—for he, too, lacked capital— they worked satisfactorily for a number of years, and by 1848 he found himself the sole owner of works employing seventy men. From this time the firm's efforts were eucoessful, and it has now over 71,000 persons in its employ, who took part in the celebrations. To -clay it has its own coal and iron mines, and builds its own ships. On the death of Alfred Krupp, in 1003, the property was turned into a, com- pany with a capital of £8,000,000, all in shares, with the exception of four, at ,£50 eaoh, which are in the hands of the family. The centenary celebrations were attended by the Emperor, Prince Henry of Prussia, the German Chancellor, the Secretary. of Sate for the Navy, the. Prussian War Minister, and a large number of other Ministers, State officials, ad- mirals, generals, and captains of German industry. The present head of the firm is Alfred Krupp's eldest daughter Bertha, who in 1900 was married to Dr. von Helhlen Halbach, then member of the Prussian Diplomatic Service, who has assumed, the name of Krupp. To celebrate the centenary the Krupp family has given a donation of £700,000, part of which will be devoted to jubilee presents to the workmen and officials, and part to benevolent institutions in Essen and soldiers' and sailors' institutes. The Kaiser has conferred on Herr Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach, Councillor of Legation, the rank and title of Minister Extraordinary and Envoy Plenipotentiary, and on his wife, Frau Bertha Krupp, the Luise Order of the Second Class. Japan, which a few years ago ex- ported no cotton underclothing at all, now has practically the mono- poly of the Indian market, and has greatly encroached on the trade of the United Kingdom. he ar- Cholera morbus, cramps and kin - that dyed complaints annually make this their appearance at the same time } as the hot weather, green fruit, cu - cry, by cumbers, melons, etc., and many le brown re , persons are debarred from eating ce and not cruelty these tempting things, but they ish that, we for- need not abstain if they have Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial aid Marjory. "I'll and take a few drops in water. It you have told me." cures the cramps and cholera in a ble array of Seeds remarkable manner and is sure to into the grate, and 1check every disturbance of the bow - up in the fire. t up, rubbing her eyes ng if she had dreamt Dr. 0, Gordon Howitt, Dee minion Entomoio1;tats says, referring to the lufaatile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarrlima spread by the house Sy, be believes that the harmless fly is yearly causing the death of thousands of infanta, as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever, are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. Sallosssassessa*saaosearnossmessaasssessoss* s shining into the tier - has stopped .ining 1" lined, "I do hope the had enough food before it I St then the nursery door open - anima looked in, "Come arjory, girlie," she ex - teed cheerily. "We'll have time a. nice long walk before tea." ey had a lovely walk, and a explained to Marjory how e fees'�"'.atiie flowers grow, and sow necessary the rain is. No that Marjory knows all heat it, she never grumbles at the 'sin. TIGHTENING THE BELT. Remedy for Hunger Head Broke Out, Spread to Arms, Test. Legs and Entire Body. itched So _"1c 's for hunger He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran. t mag his belt—bas One Box of CutcuraOntmentand ientiflo teat by Dr. R. Nearly One Cake of Cuticura Soap German investigator.Cured Him. Has lead No Return. olid food were mad. opaque by the addition of a metal- lic salty and the effect of swallow- old, hila nem bee o was about three months `n ese aitioes was then watched •w„5 vary itchy and ran a watery fluid. We yme of X-rays, It was slhown tried everynling we could but he got worse ire le act of swallowing all the time, till it spread to IIs sot so bad lilac tht. ,ai p and then to his entire body. g ,"Used. the stomach to contract by that he came near dying, The rash would *flex nation, thus hastening satia- ltoh so that he would scratch till the blood ion. When solid food was swal- ran, and a thin yellowish stuffwould be alt ,wad tho contraction of the stem - over his pillow in the morning. I had to put mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing i<Ch. was seen, a relatively small his skin. Iia was so weak and ran down that amount being needed to satisfy the lie sae aimost a skeleton a and aitiswi ere Hands setite'; the swallowing of liquids re thin lost claws. -s leas contraction, a we larger ' i3e was bad about eight months when we natty bf such food being »Bees- tried Cuticura Remedies. I had not laid hIm nd when the liquid was pass- down In his cradle in the daytime fora long and stomach through a tube, while. o eaappllc etlon shed him lot Oaticth luira Soap ent allowing twice ae much and he was so soothed that he enuld sleep. y as Leforo. It was It took one box of dui vra Oihntmenttand axtifieial pressure on pretty near one cake of Outlenra Sep to cure est have the same him. I think our boy would have died but wing. Further ex- for the Oaticura Remedies and I ehalt always nod this, and in all xemain a firm friend of them. He was cured mare than twenty years ago, and there has ting as they pleased bean no return of the trouble. I shall be wearing a tight bent afahls cure," you 5 publish 115111s. S 0.s e atonn 1 L than when without Jasper, Ontario, May 27, 1010, n, however,: liquid For marc than a generation mothers baud )duced through a found a speedy, 85teeabid and economical d no effect what- treatment for their Ala -tortured little one% e appetite, se In Outieure Soap and Ointment. Although. they aro sold by druggists and dealers every - aided vidently playa where,allberalseuiplenfeachinayboobtalned A ,�,in�g to the lags', census, aided by arty fret, Prem the Potter lIrug tc Chom. doi'P.6 there are 147,000 foreigners in solo preps., 13 Columbus Aie.,I3oston,O.s,A+ Egypt, els. HRUPP'S GREAT STEEL WORKS Centenary Celebration by 71,000 Essen Workmen. The centenary of the establish- ment of the great Krupp works at Essen, Germany, was cele- brated recently. The history of the Krupps is a romanoe. Towards the end of 1811 Frederick Krupp associated himself with two retired officers, who claim- ed that they possessed the secret for snaking cast iron, and in the follow - RIGHT HOME. Doctor Recommends Postum from Personal Teat. No one is better able to realize the injurious action of caffeine — the drug in coffee --on the heart, than the doctor. Tea is just as harmful as coffee because it, too, contains the drug caffeine. When the doctor himself has been relieved by simply leaving off cof- fee and using Posttun, he can re- fer with full conviction to his own case. A Mo. physician prescribes Pos- bum for many of his patients be- cause he was benefited by it. He says: "I wish to add my testimony in regard to that excellent preparation —Postern. I have had functional or nervous heart trouble for over 15 years. and a part of the time was unable to attend to my business. "I was a moderate user of coffee and did not think drinking it hurt me. But on stopping it and using Postum instead, my heart has got all right, and I ascribe it to the change from coffee to Postern. "I am prescribing it now in cases of sickness, especially when coffee does not agree, or affects the heart, nerves or stomach. "When made right it has a much better flavor than coffee, and is a vital sustainer of the system. I shall continue to recommend it to our people, and I have my own case to refer to."Name given by Cana- dian Posture Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A now one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. 'WILLIE'S • ESSAY. BASH SO ID 1JBY CASE KERN WING AWEL "PURITYFOO ii CUTTER is entirely different from the ordinary food chopper. The barrel 13 in two closely fitting sect,eas clampedtegetlter by onset -screw. Canadian made machine. Better is quality, capacity and price works better, better finished, lee. to price. Five different cutting plates, 'etexwe,i,a 21101`1" is the only food cutter made in Canada— • Adila ease, convenience, perfect - cutting anddurability —i. oa Drier to anyy-- thing »imported. your dealer does not handle Maxwell's Purity" write no. DAVID &AXSONSWEDt, St. Malay., 0tat. Tho Tragedy of the Larne r-•-naexneeted guests anti no K ff C 1, SCAR SAR NES Cot Them From Your Cr000r Trade supplied by Jahn W. ItIokle et Greening, Hamilton guns which eirs5lips themselves are able to carry to fight a swaluu of hostile flying machines 7" The article points out that no air- ship is worthy of serious considera- tion for purposes of war unless it fulfills the following requirements: Radius of action, thirty hours with a minimum speed of fifty miles an hour. Capacity to sail safely to England and back. Capacity to sail at least as fast as aeroplanes carrying several pas- sengers. Carrying capacity for two and a half tons of explosives. Sleeping room for crew. Complete searchlight and wire- less apparatus equipment, with life- boat for sea cruises. Ships with these facilities require a volume of 30,000 cubic meters of gas, or 10,000 more than the largest Zeppelin now in existence, The Rundschau estimates that a fleet of ten such vessels would provide Ger- many with an effective fleet. The German national fund for the promotion of airmanship has al- ready far outstripped the French, having attained a total of $1,950,- 000. Denmark exports the greater pro- portion of its butter to the, United Kingdom. The Best Liver Pill.—The notion of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over -indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, are a Mw of the causes, But whatever may be the cause, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can be relied upon as the best corrective that can be taken. They are the lead- ing liver pills and they have no su- periors among such preparations. zt is useless to take. a vacation if you are weary from over -rest. Minard's Liniment Cures Darns,. Eta. Enthusiast (at musical recital) -- "We shall hear more of this youug man." Sufferer—"Not to -night, I hope!" CONDEMNED TO DEATH, "Waiter!" The voice of the elderly gen'tlo- inan rests in aoeents of auger and, wrath from his table by the window. "Yes, sir," replied the waiter, bustling forward. The enstamer ,wallowed several times quickly before he could com- mand his voices "Here, takes—talcce this egg away 1" be reared, with an effort. "Yes, sir," said the waiter oblig- iogly, es he approached, the offend- ing article,"And—sand what shell i I do with t, sir?" The elderly gentleman rose men- acingly in his chair. "Do with it?" he bellowed. "Do with it7 Wring We nook." BRITISH DEATU DUTIES. Why the Hon. Irene Lawley Can't Live in Iter Father's Rouse. The Hon. Irene Lawley, who in- herited the estates of her father, the late Lord Wenlock, has address- ed a letter, accompanied by her framed ptotegraph, to each of the tenants on the Escriek Park estate, near York, England. In the letter she says: of I am sending you this photo to myself, which I hepe you will like, and I trust it may serve to remind you of me during those years in which I am most unfortunately pre- vented from living at Escriek ow- ing to the heavy death duties which have to be paid oitt of the estate which I have inherited from my fa- ther. I cannot tell you how sorry I am that this should be the case, nor how much I desire to live among you and to be associated in all the work of my estate; but I have no choice but to let Escriek Park and live somewhere else, unless the standasd of efficiency at which the property has been kept in recent years has to be considerably low- ered. So you see that my absence is forced upon me through causes which I cannot control. The receipt of this letter has awakened profound sympathy among the Esorick tenantry. CHILD COVERED WITII ECZEMA. Znin-Bak Wonted Complete Cure. Mrs. A. J. Cameron, of Melita, Man., writes: "When my little boy was six weeks old he had eczema. The sores simply covered his face and head, and I had to tie his hands to keep him from scratching and making them bleed. The doctor gave me several kinds of ointment, but they did no good. I then,tried fourteen boxes of an advertised re- medy. Still there was no improve- ment l I tried another ointment, and several medicinal soaps, but the poor little fellow still continued to suffer. One day a friend said, 'Why don't you try Ze-Bak?' "I began with this balm, and a week's treatment made a great dif- ference. I persevered, and within a month every sore was healed! Thanks to Zam-lank his scalp is per - .featly healthy; and his hair has grown again." For all skin diseases, cuts, burns and blood poisoning use Zam-Bill` and Zam-Buk Soap. All dealers and stores, and Zam-Buk Oo., To- ronto. AFTZFi THE IR!J:V'S WO.lRI what's snore refreshing than a cup of Toa? Bo sure We Li 9 Goes f rtheat for the money Aa,. "'+'•f'l;d` eteset' mozzczazt The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggist's. A good cure for children's weak ankles is to bathe the ankles in salt and water, or, if possible, in sea- water. GERMANY'S AIRSHIPS. Expert Declares They Are of Small Value for War Purposes. The belief held widely both in Germany and abroad that the Ger- man airships already represent an invincible force is contradicted by an article in the military and naval organ Taeglidhe Rundschau, "It must be finally declared with ruthless frankness," says the Rundschau, "that even the very best of Germany's present dirigi- bles must become something radi- cally different before we cite speak of their actual worthiness for war. "People are always talking about their capacity for strategic observa- tions on account of their radius of action. But what will become of them if at the end of the first fifty miles they are attacked by a dozen or two or three doyen armed aero- planes, having regard to the weak The shark is a large muscular fish that lives in the eon and has teeth like two rows of icicles. Its mouth is towards the front end and on the under side of the body. The shark is not good to eat. If I had been making the world I never would have made a shark, but we know not what's before us,, what trials are to come, and it is our duty to bo resigned. The shark lives on sailers, of which there are many in various parts of the world. Once there was a shark that made a mistake and bit a man's wooden leg off. The man said tho shark wonted it for a toothpick, but I thinly it was wrong to deceive any- body. We 'should always tell the trutb and be kind to those about us. When you see a shark coming after you the best way is to climb up the side of the ship with much haste. At Delhi, the new capital of In- dia, the Government buildings aro to be ereoted at a cost of £400,000, REGULAR SAINT, "He's a wonderfully kind man." "Yes, he is. He will even Laugh at the bright sayings of other peo- ple's children." is(1 ha fro a be re Pil lieh n ly c ca Yo 1' FARMS FOR SALF. H. W, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St., Toronto. Yen FIFTY GOOD IMPROVED in Manitoba, 5aslutahownn 0 and Alberta at right prima on easy tonna p.' Rd strict of Ontario THE i BEST atRr FRUIT prions. ko'daBUT Le L stock, grainfdairy farm consultm H. W, DAWSON, Toronto. omfort for the Dyspeptic—There no ailment so harassing and ex- isting as dyspepsia, which arises m defective action of the stomach nd liver, and the victim of it is to pitied. Yet he can find ready lief in Parmelee'. Vegetable Is, a preparation that has estab- ed itself by years of effective se. There are pills that are wide - advertised as the greatest ever ompoundedi but not one of them n rank in value with Parmelee's. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Tib 50110 ACIINS—JUST OUTBIDS Till J_4 -city of Loudon limits; soil clay and gravelly loam; now brick house. Will es. change for city, town or village property, or 50r London arOnm. The Western Real MALE HELP WANTED. DARN T.1I13 RAILWAY STATION work and oars. more money than i env ether trade. We qualify. forCanadian all Write for FreetBook 18. Dominion Roboof Railroading, Toronto. misoRI LANEOU9. TRAY AND FARM SCALES, Wllpsa'n ..LLA Seale Works, 9 Pepinnado, Toronto, �( ANODa, TUMORS, LUMPS, eta In. • 0.1 toriial and external, cured ettbodl Pain by our borne treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Mediae( 00. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. to TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's SS Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Mrs. Flubdub — "My heaband goes out every evening for a little constitutional. Doers yours?" Mrs. Guzzler -"No, my husband always keeps it in the house." No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. Public education throughout the United Kingdom costs the, ratepay- ers £29,000,000 annually. MInerd's Liniment for safe everywhere. There are over twenty-three thou- sand Justices of the Peace in Eng- lalid and Wales. The total number of officers, sea- men, and boys in Britain's navy exceeds 100,000. ED. 4. MSC li 38---'12 are entirely different from others both in their composi- tion and their effect—complete evacuation without purging or dtsooadert. 25c. a box at your druggist's. NnrioNAL antra AND CH0MICM. Co. er CANADA, 111.11TED. 1 r,s NOTHING TO BRAG ABOTJT. "I never hear you bragging about ur ancestors." "No. They all had to work for n wing, too." '1 ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BEAD. dor Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments poeitively oared with .the now German Remedy, Sanol," price 51.50. Another now romodi' for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure Euro, is Senol's Anti -Diabetes." Price 82.00 from druggists or direct. The Sandi Mannfae- tnring Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. St. Joseph, Levis, July 1.4, 1905. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I was badly ,r14ke1 by my horse. last May and after using several preparations on my leg nothing would do. My leg was black as jet, I was laid up in bed for a fortnight and could not walk. Alter using throe bottles perfectly your MINAS 0thatlI couldlstart was the road cured, JOS. DUBDS, CHENILLE CURTAINS mutat! kind, of Lew, !wattage. also ;L$iCE CURTtAI� eYs®L1NEO N0 S1.4AN5CO Write to as menet yours. Geld Medalist. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box 233,Montroal 1te 40a. IV GI- WE "Cr 71L 3IEIV ORBOSOTFI StIcaJ1.xos.iwitsse Proteot — Preserve — Scum utl fy Oample0 and Booklets on Application dAi1IES LiAfd1MUIR & CO., Limited 18755 Bathurot Street TORONTO When buying your Piano insist on h8,vfnt3 an ..OT`sO HIG_. �a•► Ptarso Action BOILERS New and Second- hand for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agnate for Marto. mat Ventilating and nesting System. POLSON 1R0 8WeRDKS TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders Britain's national expenditure amounts to nearly two hundred mil- lion pounds annually. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via Chicago and North Western Bs., Sept. 26th Lee ,t ngel 0 San 11 Pranoisee, in Canada tau d Seattle, viatoria, Vancouver, Helena, Butte, Missoula, lCaliapoll, Pocatello, Nampa, salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Sot., eta. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair.- oars from Ohfeao. information routes. or ,call 011 13 ll.' Por Boa nett, General Agent, 46 Tonga St., Toronto. "All peace" is the meaning of the Christian name Alfred, while Ar- thur means a strong man. Samuel means "Heard by God." Mothers Value This Oil.—Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize their children and how necessary prompt action is in ap- plying relief, always keep at hand a supply of Dr, Thomas' Ecleeric Oil, because experienOe has taught them that there is no better pre- paration to be had for the treat- ment of this ailment, And they are wise, for its various uses ren- der it a valuable medicine. disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life -pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Floors clean; car- pets bright; home fresh teed sweet. No duet while sweeping. ' Ask your Heeler for it. MaoLaren Imperial Choose Co, L mated Bole distributors fee Ontario THE SAPHO MF0. CO., Limited M ontroa1 Maypole Soap FDY� i�ING Washes and dyes at one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, hot colors, Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mix- tures. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15a at your dealer's or.postp'd with Wk. let "How to Dye' i io5 loom F. L. BENESICT & CO. Montreal The number of police in England and Wales is upwards of 49,000; in Scotland,. 5,650; in Ireland, 11,900. amerces Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ABOUT FALLING LEAVES. The fall of leaves in autumn is a remarkable variable process, the foliage of owand ing 'h hepib lo i g slowly dropped dn weeks and even menthe, while some trees and shrubs become suddenly bare in a few days, A curious re- port is made of a horse chestnut and a maple in the botanical gar- dens at Halle, Germany. Broth trees were in full leaf when a Meet, of 26 degrees Fahrenheit tame one October night,. and when the sun rose at 8 o'clock a veritable ahower bean from each tree, the leaves dropping in a great stream. The to Cider and Wilco PRESSES Best of the Kind. Three Sizes: Junior, price $25,00 Medium, 30.00 Senior, 11 36.00 L. J., A. SURVEYER, 52 St. Lawrence Boulevard MONTREAL fall stopped suddenly tet the end of an hour from the horse chestnut and in about half an hour from the maple. In the hoes the horse, obese nut lost 8,603 leaves; weighing 135 lbs„ and the half hour fell MOM the maple was 61 lbs., or 16,518 leaves,. at rho average of 9,2 per second. The last leaf fell from the horse Chestnut on Nov. 10, the total fall Mem it from Oct,7h vi gbbeen 276,'900 leaves, During the lost few years .the price of the raw produce of ferrate in the United States has' risen by 3e per cant, Tread softly - Step safely. CAT1S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Pee Reels. Iso Fa tr his las thi, we he of of 1