The Brussels Post, 1912-9-26, Page 4fist
M13ER 25, tete
Biliousness and. Sick 1
Oalgtut•y, Alberta, July 8, 1P11
1 was a gieitt sufferer for a long.!
't forget Brus- time with Biliousness, Sick Headache i
y and .Friday of mud Livor trouble. Nothing seemed;
to clo me any good. 1 bad almost
given up in despair when I deckled to
tratford,-per- try
ony lest
hors and
would be
is a
well known
Is a
for South Lan-
usly ill at Ottawa but
to recovery now. He is
of age and has sat in the House
Svc •entis on foot directed by
ke o Sutherland, to displace the
e ahnhln fishermen of British
Ta by Highland crofters. Some
people in the Old Land are
ng financial backing to the plan
oo is the tidy stun left by Thos.
r, the catsup manufacturer, of
iti, who with his wife, was
ail automobile accident last
ew people have the opportunity
is to any such amount, $r.e2
represent the generality better,
sTON Penitentiary. OSSpiation
appear to suffer =eh by the
'ice rtet5-bjrthecensus returns.
ve�Ials Limestone cit as their
a Y
e address, zoo are out on par -
h plan appears to be meeting
enable results, A still better
be good and not get on their
,ship roll,
13 score of applications for
already entered to be heard
o' be_Senate. 15 out of 31
e . last year. Toronto bas
be0Me notoriety f the
r2 with xr entries. Since Con-
-45 years ago -26r divorces
granted. The crop is grow -
tis no credit to the kouutry.
rt among
it know -
e hit -
ac -
opposed to
iderable red
ces these days
all, &c. If some
a dose of their own
t be wrought. The
rty have lived long
•t the very plans they
a dismal failure
, g .J) 'here is more than
ttggest•f Ireland and despite
lierever rill, some day, be
lister o e, Thousands woo
all thre _ J3ritish as the ,3ag
aecor, ently wear red glass
cavo -
s a unimity of thought rela-
agricultural Fall Fairs, from the
ial to the Western and all down
t, seeing that there is a very de-
lumpthe number n f exhibits
in ,
big professional exhibitors are
-slier Ones and taking
s ; that the catering by the
s to the bazaar, Midway and
tent departments rather than the
agricultural ; that many of the
never go near the regular ex -
et spend the time with the
l•, attractions." The above may
its bat there is another side to
yaad that is the absolute refusal
lififfnlers•to':bo her" With an ex
'en if prizes are -good and who
x spend the day as a sort of a re-
Ith old friends. Many of those
uld be interested even decline
a dol r in a membership ticket.
iron ociety has no particular
> ck as the Fair bas been well
t as "the boys of the old
" dro out there is little alacrity
by their sons to step into the
In the course of a brief speech
Ifficial.opening of Woodstock's
Fall Fair, Donald Sutherland,
member for South Oxford,
criticized Toronto's big show,
g that the impression he got
risit to it that "it was little else
t big bazaar, while there was
of features distinctly
declared that this was
nd that if the rural
be Successful they
too much hippo.
ake the gatherings
ly agricultural."
rs at the outset in
griealtural Fairs
piement man ufao
been the last to
Ali withdrawal.
s at the direc-
hich has not
After taking about half a box the
headaches stopped and my appetite
improved. I have just finished the
fifth box and feel as web as ever. I
can heartily recommend Fig Pills for
stomach and liver ti oub1es ,
Ns,Maws' R 1ELL$ON
Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent
boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill 00.,.
St. 'Thomas, Ont. Sold and recom-
mended in Brussels by J. Fox. Drug.
been seen for ninny a year, should be
set in motion that will couutermaud the
present day symptoms. The officials of
the Fairs, perhaps eater too much to the
moderns but in most cases have the gate
receipts in mind and are anxious to at-
tract the crowd to do this.
A good many Torontonians think
a lively shake-up in civic management
would have a good effect on the Queen
city. Some of the city Council are
great at balloon flying but dont do the
things the people elected them to do.
If muzzles could be put an the big talk-
sres and old fogy systems of doing busi-
ness modernized there would be some
cbauce of improvement. Toronto is
not the only municipality that
requires rejuvenation as many
forget apparently, that the
world moves and that methods quite
proper 25 years ago are now obsolete
and should be seut to the municipal
burying ground.
Elaborate preparations are being
made in Mount
Forest for the great
meetiugto be t he
the evening of Monday, October 7th.
Additions have been made to the list
of speakers which now comprises Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. Geo. P. Gra-
ham, Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Kiug,
Hon. Charles Murphy, lion. Rodolphe
Lemieux, Hugh Guthrie, M. P., and
-Feted F. Pardee, M. P. The promise
of such an array ofotators of the first
rank has excited intense interest
throughout the district which covers
the counties of Wellington, Grey,
Bruce, Huron, Perth, Peel, Duffet•in
and Simcoe, so that a mouster at-
tendance is certain, the weather
being at all favorable. The rink and
Town Hall have both been engaged,
and they will hold between four and
five thousand people. An outdoors
meeting may also have to be organiz-
A Daae In went Arlchat
MIS. A. P. Ferguson a well known
Cape Beetouer, has cured asthma by
"Oatarrhozone." Her statement is
convincing : "Although 1 was
troubled for years it was only recently ,
I tried Catarrhozone. When an at-
tack started 1 got out my inhaler and
invariably got quick -relief. lief. Feelin
z would cure I
satisfied Catarthone o
continued the treatment till one bottle
was finished. 1 didn't use more be-
cause I was cured and the asthma
has never returned." Catarrhozone
is sure death to asthma and bronchitis.
Try it and be convinced. Two sizes,
25c and $L00 at all dealers.
The Chatham News of Septembet
17th speaks as follows of Laurent, the
clever Magician who appears in the
Skating Rink, Brussels, Thursday and
Friday of next week, the evenings of
the Fall Fair : •
Laurent, the world famous magician
with bis able company, appeared in
Chatham last night for the third con-
secutive season and was greeted by a
packed house. The entertainment
was under the auspices of Trinity
church. No more delighted audience
ever left a hall in this city and it was
the universal opinion of those who
heard and saw Laurent last night that
no magician worldtoday
iin the excels
him in his magic art.
A special feature is the beautiful
stage setting composed of red cm -
tains and draperies, which with the
shining silver tables and accessories,
turn the stage into a, veritable lnagic-
iansalace. Laurant certainlyne-
glects feature that will make his
performance brighter.
The show -a clean one -runs a little
over two hours and is divided into
three acts. It would be impossible to
describe everything that happened.
From start to finish the audience was
convulsed with laughter. All classes
of people enjoyed it. The children
were amused, the man in the back
benches demanding an hilarious time
certainly excelled himself in deafening
applause and the refined, quiet person
appreciated Laurant'e manner and
warmed up to the occasion. The two
assistants were also very clever and
Mr. Gradolph provided appropriate
The outstanding feature of the first
act was the Mystic Chapeau, With
but the brim of a hat and an opera
cloak Laurant realistically presented
a score of characters well known in
history. The last character disappear.
[het• in full viewofthe audio
enee. This illusion is one of the best
ever seen in WS city.
The second act is called the Wizard's
Supper. In it all manner of curious
dishes were prepared, The experi-
ences of the canaries, the bottled
guinea pig, the white rabbit and the
ducks furnished no end of merriment.
The last act was very clever and in
it some Very scientifl'0 feats of magic 1,
were shown, Tho program ended
with the disappeaaanve of 0 great
quantity of silks, oat of which carne
the blended flags of Canada and the
United States, covering the whole
Pity The putty Office Man
He Nola half dead, a sense of nausea
headache and nerve strain. 3 -le is on
tate verge of breakdown through over-
work and lack of exon vise. These
difficulties are best ovexconie by Dr,
Hamilton's Pills, which make the
bowels active, stimulate kidneys and
liver and thereby free the system of
To revitalize and stimulate your
whole being, to shake orf lethargy and
tiredness, nothing compares with Do,.
Hamilton's ilt a's Pi s t
o, 11 which do ngood
looks, good spirits, gond health,
Hold everywhere in 25c boxes,
Wingham District S, S.
The S. S, Convention of the Wing -
ham District of the Methodist church
met in the Lucknow Methodist church
on Wednesday afternoon of last week,
Rev. Mr. Wr 0, of Ethel, presiding.
Devotional exercises were taken by Dr.
Oaten, of Brussels. Mr. Wren gave an
address on "Sunday School Work, Re-
trospective and Prospective," which
was very helpful, Supplemental lessons
in the Sunday School were dealt with
by Rev. 1, W. 1. Kilpatrick, of Bel -
grave. lie recommended it especially
since it affords au opportunity to get a
general knowledge of Bible not obtained
by using the International lessons. F.
Buchanan, of Wiugban, led the discus-
sion ou the preceding subject. He was
in favor of the Snperioteudeuts of the
Sabbath Schools taking up the Supple
mental lessons before the thole school.ool.
delegates s
Several of the ga oke on the p
twitter. One difficulty seen with it was
that the teaching of two themes in one
lesson period would not permit treating
either one properly. The lack of geuer
al Bible knowledge in this clay was coin.
stented upon. . The How 7 Why 7 On
Whom 7 of Evangelism in the Sabbath
School" was dealt with by Hartley Men-
zies, of Cranbrook. He emphasized the
fact that Evangelism in the 5. S. is
not your business' not' nine, but our
business. It it every man's job.
Melvin S
lemmon front
Ethel spokeoke
cm 'reacher Classes, He nnt-
lined the course taken rip in the Train
ing Course and strongly advised each
school to organize one, even at the secri
lice of something else, es the teachers
have but half an hour a week and it
ought to be matte the hest possible use
of. Rev G. W. Rivers, of Ripley, led
the discussion on the last subject, but
the time was too short for the delegates
to discuss the interesting points be
brought out. Rev. Mr, Brace, of Tor-
onto Conference, then led a Round
Table Cooference on the work, discuss-
ing what the S. S. is the S. S. building,
furniture and class rooms. He believes
the lantern to be a very useful adjunct
to S, S. work. He touched veru briefly
on the importance of keeping the School
evergreen or open all the year ; of Cradle
Roll ; Home Department and Teacher
Training Classes. These may be sue.
cessfully conducted' even in rural
schools. The type of teaching [vas an-
other of his headings, discussing what
should be the qualtdeations of s teacher.
Some of those mentioned were i --Tact,
punctuality and regulnrlty In attendance
previous preparation, most esseuhal that
the teacher be Christian. Great need
is to awaken h1 the scholar a ueed of the
Divine 511[1 in satisfy that soul hunger.
The evening session of the Sunday
School Convent ion met n' 7 3o, Rev, W.
J. Hibbert, 1'•,tliug. Meeting opemd
with a service led by the excellent choir
of the church. Mr, Hibbert spoke very
highly of the royal entertainment t1 e
Lucknow people were giving the (hie.
gates and of the generosity of the 051 it
in favoring them with so ninny splendid
nurnhers. Rev, A. J. Laugturd, of
Kincardine, was introduced to speak
upon "The problems or the Sunday
School "etcher." • methods in prep
tlou The reverend gentleman temalk-
ed that, while Christian life is one great
essential to a teacher. to be successful
this life must be expressed in a definite
method, Not all of us can be ideal
teachers. Most of us are the two talent-
ed folk. These are the three main
points of his address : i -Know your
scholars, their temperament, likes and
dislikes, that you may be able to give
them the message best suited to them.
2 -Know your lesson. Keep individual
needs of scholars before you in prepare.
tion. 3' -How to present the lesson.
Get at main truth end make the class
grasp at least one or two points
thoroughly, rather than trying to cover
it ail and leaving vague impressions.
Prepare your list of ciuestions. Let the
scholars talk. Dont spoou feed the
boys, they don't want it.
Duet -"Forever with the Lord,"
Rev. Mr. Brace, of Toronto. 'Home
side of the Sabbath School Work."
God's ideal method of teaching is the
home. It the home had done its part
the Sunday School would not be organ-
ized and carried on in the same way it is
to -clay. Parente, do you care what your
boys do in Sunday School 7 What do
you tesch him ? Do you ever pray
with him 7 Men will raise horses w h
must have specihl trainers and a boy
who will be a disgrace to his father and
the community. Begin early to train
your children, No time is lost which is
spent in family worship. Begin at the
home to solve the social problems It
parents would say COMB to Sunday
School instead of GO more good would
be accomplished,
Rev, Mr. Laciclaud, of Wroxeter, Sits -
missed the meeting.
A Hard Case Overcome
No longer necessary to stiffer from
mnsenlar rheumatism. Every case
can be cm•ed. Ferrozone is unfailing
as proved by David Johnston of Or-
mond, Ont. "My wife was 0 dread-
ful sufferer" he writes. "For two
years she could scarcely do any work.
Her knuckles and joints swelled, cans-
ing torture. To get up or down stairs
was impossible.. She took box after
box of Ferrozone and rubbed the sore
places with Nerviline. Improvement
started and she mended fast. Today
she is quite cured and we thank
Ferrozone for her. recovery:" No
remedy more popular with doctors
than Ferrozone ; it does cure, 500 per
box at all dealers.
Stephen Kyoshk, the young Walpole
L laud Indian wasacquired
c tt of the
Charge of murder at his second trial,London City Council finds that it can-
not how obtniu the site selected for a
City Hall and other options have expir-
0+•4•411+404.4t+.4.0+04.04-0.14-1.04.04 O4.<0.1-6+04.0÷.÷•••••••40+4114.0-1.
I �,
C .
Friday and Saturday
• September 27 & 28
First View
Begs to announce his first showing of Fall Millinery
Models from Paris, London and New York, and invites
every woman in Ethel and vicinity to have the first
view of the new and
Authoratative fashions for fall of 1912
Dame Fashion was never more Fickle or Whimsical
in her choice, but if partiality is shown in any quarter
tisize she bas no
it is only i1 her choice of color. 11s for
favorite -all sizes are shown which mattes it an easy
matter for all to have a becoming shape. Came while
the display is at its best.
MISS A. NODWELL, Milliner.
Highest Price Paid for all kinds of farm Produce
fi 1Q,O00 Head of live Poultry Wanted
• to be delivered on Monday of each week, commencing
• We mean business. Call and see our Bargains
• e:• . ry 'ache!!
Sept. 9th, All kinds at highest market price.
* 4404444+ 0+414.0444•••• 4444+414.444114.•
Phone 2215
Merchant, Ethel
Milverton. ,.,.., , :Shpt, 26, 27
Wingham ....,,,,,,..,.,.,.....Sept, z0, 27
tl'lesherlon.. ,•,•..,..,.,• ,,,. ,..Sept. 26, y7
Blyth...... ............ . ..... ,....,. Oct, 1, 2
Drayton Oct 1, 2
Holstein ,..,, .,",,,, .:pct 0. 2
Teesweter ... ........ .... ...........Oet. 3, 4
Brussels Oct. 3, 4
Fordw!eh,.,.. ..... ........ Oct, 5
Notate le hereby given that a Co,trb will be
held, pursuant to The Ontario Votelw' Lists
Act, by Isis Honour the .nudge of the 00010
Court of the County of Huron, at Indnabry
1317,55, on Sn5ardey, the 28th day of
September, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. to., to hear
f 18nlons 12 the the
Lint of theMunlolpe1'
ity of the Township of Mo„rls. for 1912.
Clerk of Morrie.
Thursday and Friday
3 &11
1 91 2
Speeding Contests
1 st 2.30 Class
• Trot or Pace. Bobbles allowed.
Mile heats, 2 in 3 $20 $12 $8
2nd - 2.40 Trot
Mile heats, 2 in 3 $20 $12 $8
3rd - 2.30 Race
Trot or Pace. II -lobbies barred.
Mile heats, 2 in 3. $20 $12 $8
Special Prizes
RYRIE 13R04., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronto,
offer a Silver Medal for the best 3 year old Heavy Draft Dolt and a
Bronze medal for the best S year old
Agricultural Colt.
BEST PACIING ROADSTER, attached to buggy ; style, conformation
and speed to be taken into consideration ; straps not allowed. 1st,
$5.00 ; 2nd, $3,00 ; 3rd, $2.00.
LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE• -For the best writing clone by a
Public School Student or an Entrance graduate of 1012, prizes will be
awarded by the.Listowel Business College as follows :-lst Prize -3
mouths tuition in Listowel Business Oollege, value $25.00 ; 2nd, 2
inoutbs tuition in Listowel Business College, value $16.00-; 3rd, 1
month tuition in Listowel Business College, value 58. The matter to
be written consisting of thefollowing sentences :-(5) The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog. (2) The boy was not lazy and jump.
ed up quickly before the box gave way. (3) Whenever the black fox
jumped, the squirrel gazed very suspiciously. (4) We dislike to ex-
change job lots of sizes varying frena a quarter up. (5) The judici-
ous advocate will never forget that a good cause may be quickly lost
by too much zeal. Also one set of small letters, one set of capital
letters, two sets of figures. Contestants are required to write their
name and address plainly on the back of the sheet an which they
send in their work and also notify the Prindipal of the Listowel Busi-
ness Oollege b
latter that they intend to compete. ate. The contest t at
the Brnssele hall Fair will be open to residents of the Townships of
Morris, Grey and Last Wawanosh and all the towns and villages in-
cluded in these townships.
THE STANDARD BANK offers $10 for the best Roadster, horse or
mare, hitched to a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer or a farmer's
son, who must be a resident on the farm. Style and speed to. be tak-
en into consideration. 1st, $6 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd $2.
THE METROPOLITAN BANK will give tree prizes. viz :-1st, $3.00 ;
2nd, $2.00 ; 3rd, $1,00, fur the three best collections of Winter apples,
five of each •named.
DOWNING 13R0S•, dealers in Boots and Shoes, Brussels, offer a fine pair
of Empress Shoes,valued at $3,00, for the heaviest dozen of hen eggs
exhibited by farmer's wife or daughter.
J. LECKIE, Brussels, offers $0.00 for the est 30 pounds of tub butter,
and $3.50 for the best 10 pounds Table Butter, the butter to become
the property of the Donator.
W. H. MoORACKEN offers to purchasers of seed from hitt as follows :
5 Swede Turnips, 1st, 50o ; 2nd, 250 • 6 long Red Marigolds, 1st, 50c ;
2nd, 250 ; 5 Yellow Giant Mangels, 1st, 500 ; 2nd, 250 ; 5 Loug Sugar
Mangels, let, 60c ; 2nd, 25n.
W. 11. KERR will give THE POST for a year for the best two loaves of
home-made bread ; and Tim POST for a year for the beat 3 pounds of
butter both articles to beeorne his property.
THE FOLLOWING prizes will be offered to boys 16 years and under for
the beat judging of two-year olds or yearlings in exhibit of thoro'
bred cattle an grounds. Judging to be done at 1 p. m. sharp on Fri-
day. No Entrance fee. 1st, $2.00 ; 2nd, $1.50 ; 31.d, $1.00. Competi-
tors trust hand in names to the Secretary before 10 a. In. and must
not have been prize winners at former East Hutson Fairs.
Three prizes will ltd awarded for the best three sheaves of wheat, oats
and barley, one of each, approximately. 0 inches in diameter. The
plants to be selected from standing grain and must show full length
of straw (roots not included.) Awards will be $1.60 ; $1.00 ; 50c.
third to be attached to each exhibit giving names of varieties.
BOYS' RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards. lst, 75c ; 2nd, 500 ; '3rd, 25c ;
4511, 25o.
BOYS' RAOE, under 10 years, 60 yards. lst. 60c ; 2nd, 25c ; 3rd, 25c ;
4651, 25o.
GIRL'S RACE, raider I5 years, 100 yards. 1st, 760 ; 2nd, 600 ; 3rd, 25e ;
GIRLS 1•54.C14, under 10 years, 50 yards. 1st, 500 ; 2nc1, 25e ; 3rd, 25c ;
4511, 250.
OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yards for boys under 10 years. 1st, 51,00; 2nd,
76c ; 3rd, 50o ; 4th, 25c.
FANCY DRILL, by school pupils. Not lase than 12 nor m ne
than 24 persons in each. 1st, $5.00 ; 2nd, 53.00 ; 3rd, $2.00.
Pupils and Teachers admitted free to Fair.
POTATO RA0I1 ON RORSEBAOK:-Three potatoes for each competi-
tor will be placed 100 yards from stetting point. Competitors stand
by horse, rnollttt, ride to first potato, dismouutand pick up potato, re-
mount and ride back to starting point, dismount and put potato in
pail, repeating the operation for each potato. lst, $1,60 ; 2nd, $1.00;
3rd, 60c, No enhance fee•
2 Grand Concerts 2
With the thought of increased accommodation and to avoid turn-
ing people away the Directorate has decided to hold Concerts on
both evenings,of the Fair in the fine new Skating Rink, Brussels.
A 1 talent has been engaged in the person of
The World famous 'logician, laurant
the man of many mysteries, who, •ith two clever assistants,
will put on a two-hour program.
Who perforin at the Fair, will also d
acrobatic feats at both Concerts,
itir-Plan of Rink may be found at F
evens of their daring aerial
s Drug Store in good time.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Salo
Seven. Scetuh Short Horn 'MIN 0 to 20 months
old, reds and ream • big, einootlt and 5tylith ;
,Lolsest broe4ing dnnl ball Bose Bode, Marr
13eantys and Campbell 13wNaies, None better
for milk and beer. Will be mold at any reason.
utile offer nu.t on easy
DMILNE, label,
The People's Column
FOR SALE Off 20 l.ET,-A good eomrort•
able dwelling and two lots in Brussels,
Terms eusy. Apply to F. S. SoOtse, Auotten'
ser, Brussels, or to B. S. 000g, Fordw'leh. 9.0m
FARM FOR SALE, --The underaigned oilers
him well loon ted farm of 86 am es for sale
All under crop There is a rine brick house
barn and storehouse on the premises,
Mon c adjoins the l [Mate of Brussels, further
Mon could be gi Veil bile Fall,For fm then ru
Haulms apply on the premises or address Brus-
sels poetolhoo, JOHN GRAINGBat,
811 Proprietor.
HOUSE AND LOT for sale or to rent. --As
I purpose leaving Brnssele shortly my
house and lob on Turnberry street, South, is
offered for dale or to rent. Possession can be
had April let. Apply et once to
• Phone No. 80 Brussels,
FARM FOR SALE, -Estate of late James
(Mennen, being Ili Lot v2, 0011. 0, Morris
township, containin • 100 norm, 8 aures of whirl
Is bush. Good bael Good bank barn and 110051 failing
spring close to barn, Good stool, farm. Must
bo sold at once. For terms apply at o&oe of
Tan Pass!, Brussels. 84.4
FARM FOR SALE, -Situate oil Con. 1, Wel.
Inca Perth Co., part of Lots 49 and 95, con-
taining 90acres, with good bnildinga, drilled
well, 66 norea cleared, balance mostly timber.
Orchard of25 apple trees, 10 plums, 00 cherry,
2,000 strawberry plants, 000 raspberry bushes,
Free daily mall and telephone it wanted. don.
verdant to churches and schools. 8 miles from
Listowel on good road. For quick sale can be
bought for 35,800 on easy terms. Call on or
9.4 MR. No. I, Listowel,
iiCHDlhe undersignedLN offD rs for oslFOR e ilia fide
100 more farm, being North half Lot 28, Con. 0,
Morris township, Enron Co, Farm Is in a good
state ie tow O
state of ick house
t well Raced, and ,er on it
n ane brick downs that crit 50,500. end wire
Your roans downstairs and kiEoLen and wood.
shed; 2 bay windowe le parlor and dining
[room respectively, verandahs, 4 large bed-
rooms npatail•a with closets, halls and two seta
of stairs, 8 large millers and stone foundation,
& a Good lawn surrounded by cedar hedge.
Barn 52x50 feet on atone foundation. Good
orehar and Nacres of hardwood bush, Farm
le only a mile from the splendid market town
of Brnssele and is 13{ miles from sohooh Good
community, Fossedalon at one. For further
particulars, price, terms, &e., apply o1 the
premises or to JOHN MOONEY, proprietor,
Brnssele P. 0.
WARM FOR SALE. -Being South halves of
▪ Lots 54 and 55, Con. 1, Morris township,
Baron 00., containing 100 acres. On rho farm
is a good Lame house 22280% Peet ; kitchen
18x2235 ; wood shed 20280 ; bank burn 118260
straw shed 00x40 ; lean-to 10200. Stone wall
with good stabling under born. 2 never fail.
Ing wells and it good orchard, Only 3: toile to
eohool and 1 mile to church and post office.
Price 49,605. Deed may he seen of application
to the proprietor, WALTER L. BREOKEN-
RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 51-8m
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, 1% miles
North of Seaforth. Good clay loam,
all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement Moore, large frame Louse, newly paint-
ed; good wells at barn and hoose ; buildings
and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home
eheap. Apply MM1851 SUSIE GOVENLOCK,
Seaforth, Ont.
FARM FOR SALE, -Tho 100 acre farm, be.
ing the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, Oo1. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There are 88 acres cleared bal-
ance well timbered. On the farm there is a
good bank barn, large driving abed and a com-
fortable house. Mee in good condition and
well fenced, For further particulars apply to
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isee le a frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
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