The Brussels Post, 1912-9-12, Page 1VOL. 41 NO, lx
New Advertisements
Notion -7', 6. Scott.—
Notice-A, Mu fiwan.
Loonl--Ernest G. Plum.
Kodakory—F. R. Smith.
Notice—A. H. Macdonald,
Plums for sale—.M las Belly.
New ooata—G. N. Motoren,
Boy wanted—Geo, Thon,00n.
To nontraotora—A. MacEwen.
Millinery opening—Miss Ross.
Apples wanted—J. Weymouth.
Beef, Iron and Wine—las. Fox.
Millinery opening—MISS Inuit.
Men wanted—Dominion Grocery Co.
1i tr .tt` :.eft
London Fair is the drawing card
from this locality this week.
John Scandrett, who was i11 is im-
proving we are pleased to report.
A delegation will go to Jylaitlrand
Presbytery Young People's Uonven•
tion at Lucknow on Tuesday next.
Po ii ntY wmLL nu TRH'TOPIO.-Next
Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, Prof.
W. Graham, of the Ontario Agricul-
tural College, will address Belgrave
Farmers' Club in the 0. 0. F, Hall, on
the interesting subject of "Poultry."
As he is an expert in`this line his lec-
ture will be well worth hearing. The
members of the Women's Institute
have been invited, to attend as the
topic Ilea e105e 1,0 the household,
Last Swiday afternoon Rev. Rector
Parr was at Fordwich conducting an-
ti veestary se evices and E, Jacques, of
Howlett, a divinity student, supplied
for hi in,
The Women's Institute will meet
Monday afternoon of next week in-
stead ol. Tuesday, on account of Far-
mers' Club invitation. Ladies will
assemble at Mrs. George Procter's, 4th
line, at 2.80 o'clock. Topics for dis-
cussion will be "During meat in Sum-
mer," and "Making Pickles."
Council met last Monday.
Harvest, although long delayed, is
well nigh over.
John Engle, of Paw Paw, Mich., is
here on a visit with relatives and old
Robert Davidson; of. Toronto, is
spending to few weeks visiting his
brother, Thos. Davidson, lith con,
FArtM SOLD.—Eli Smith has sold
hie fine 200 acre farm, Lots 4 and 5,
Con. '7, to Richard Armstrong, of
Morris township, for $11,000, possess-
ion, to be given next March. The
purchaser has now 400 acres on the
same line in addition to the home 100
in Morris. Me, Smith will probably
remove to Toronto, las will hie mother
and sister, on account; of having rela-
tives there. In addition to the loss to
Friday and Saturday
September 27th & 28th
We have assembled a collection of Millinery this
season which for novelty and completeness is un-
We extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies ,of
Brussels and vicinity to visit our Show Room on • •
a o
ve dates, also to those attendingthe Fall
one week later.
••♦••••••0♦0•0.0•♦0ome+ACh 0.0000.0.0.0••0••0009••000 •
real. quality
of the..
leather .an
workmanship in
• "Canada's Best Shoemakers
Sold only by-.•.�
Tailor and Gents' Furnishers Brussels
the community the Methodist church,
Brussels, will soiree by their removal
tie they vera loyal to all Phases and
were splendid workers in nnnlerone
dope etni en 1,8,
Alex. Brewer and Dnnealn Mc-
Kinnon were among the young men
who noticed how the nuptial knot
was tied at the Wheeler' -Wright
weddin1, in Turnbeery hast. week.
Rev. ltobt. Pearson, B, A„ of Red
Deer, Alta., was bottle to see relatives
and old frieids and his short visit was
greatly enjoyed. He is prospering in
the West and is an enthusiastic up-
holder of that put of this glorious
Township Council will meet on
Monday 281c1 in the Township Bail.
L. Morris, of Blenheim Tient Co. is
visiting this week with his sister-in-
law, 4th line Morris.
Thos. and Alrs, O'Laughlin and son,
of Ek1t nontou, were visiting at the
hone of Jahn P. Kelly.
Misses Carrie Baines and Stella
Labarr, of Hamilton, who arc visiting
at R. Ourrie's, 4th line, visited Grand
Bend this week.
AL's. Wm. Wheeler, of Alma, was
here last week attending the \Vheeler
-Wright wedding and visiting rela-
tives in Morris and Grey townships.
A holiday visitor dropped in to see
his old home, 9111 line in the person of
Manson Taylor, of Daysland, Alta.
It was a flying trip. Mr. Taylor went
West 7 years ago and is greatly pleas-
ed with the country and its prospects.
The iron work of the Clegg bridge,
5th line, will be completed this week
but as a cement floor bas to be put 00
some time will necessarily elapse i
e : se be-
fore thebridgewill
be open to the
travellingpublic. It:cannot come any
100 500)1 as the high water made ford -
in prohibitive for a time,
Jno..and Mrs. Bewley and son, of
Wooisely, Sask., are here on a holi-
day visit with relatives and friends.
The former is a son of Richard Bewley
7th line. It is 18 years since Mr.
Bewley went West where he has suc-
ceeded well. We welcome them to
Anniversary day was observed at
the Jackson church last Sunday after-
noon. Rev. Mr. Wren, of Ethel, was
the preacher and gave a fine discourse
on "The elasticity of Truth." It was
good. Special 1510810 was provided.
The free will offering amounted to
about $40.00. Rev. Mr. Jewitt preach-
ed on Ethel circuit.
Miss Lula McDonald is hblidaying
at Londesboro'.
Rev. D. B. McRae is visiting friends
at Kincardine.
Mrs. Garfield Long was visiting at
Jacob Long's this week.
John McRae and wife, of Vancouver
are visiting et the Manse.
John Rams and R. K. McDonald are
attending the London Fair this week.
John Helm and wife, of Wingham,
cveee visiting at A. J. Helm's for Sun-
Miss Jean 'Armstrong, of Brussels,
was the guest of\'Iiss 'Viola Long last
Geo. Campbell, and wife, of Car-
mnn0ck, were visiting at Mr. Ray -
mann s this week.
Jas. Crere.e is having a new sheet
tern roof put on his lxouse this week
by Wilton ck Gillespie, 13rn55els. -
Oif a piece of land 80 x 50 feet Mrs.
J. J. Gorsalitz had 300 lbs. of large
onions and 830 lbs. of top onions.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
.Dilling is able to be out of the hospital
and will soon be back to our burg.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr.
Wishart, of Brussels, preached in
Knox ell 117011 and Sabbath morning
next Rev. Mr. Wren, or Ethel, will
conduct the service, in Rev. Mr, Mc -
Rae's absence.
Uncle Peter Blair :las arrived from
Long Beach, Cal., and i5 returning of
Friday of this week accompanied by
his sister, bliss Jennie. We ale sorry
to lose such gootl neighbors and we
wish then) a sane journey to their new
memorial se eviee was held in the
M0111011ist 711111 ch dere last "Sunday
afternoon bear: ;g 011 the recent death
of George Spieling, who was an
official member, Rev. Dr. Oaten
preached it most suitable sermon from
the text "In my Father's house are
many mansions, etc." The special
selections of rria15ic were "Face to
Face," and "Saved by Grace," two of
deceased's favorites,
GARD OP'1'HANT/S.—We wish to eon-
vey our heartfelt thanks to the many
friends for apicis sympathy and kind-
ness during the illness and demise of
our husband alld father. Words can-
not exp7ese our gratitude but we pray
that they may have their reward.
(Intended for last week)
Mies Calder returned to Toronto on
A. Reymann and Earl spent the last
few days in London.
Mrs. C. Raddatz, of Detroit, visited
with F. Raddatz for a few days.
School opened on Tuesday with
Mr, Turvey and Miss Houston teach-
A. J. Helm visited friends in Brant-
ford and Woodstock during tate past
W. and Mrs. Huether and family,
of St. Malys, took in the Grey and
Elora Old Boys' Reunion,
John and Mrs. Ritchie and family,
of Galt, and Mrs. Johns, of Allegheny,
ate visitors with Mrs. Gramm.
Harvest'Thauksgiving services will
be held in St. Georges church next
Sunday afternoon by Rev, Mr.
Richardson, of Lucknow.
David M. and Wesley 0. Hackwell
have returned to College in Rochester,
N. Y., after a three weeks' vacation
with their parents,
It is reported that Joshua J. Pollard,
who recently disposed of his farm in
McKillop, bac purchased the 14 acres
belonging to the Wetlaufer estate at He will n
vo there
hore clleav
m the fun. \e hope he ivill to
well with hie s (1015P oasession
BABY' 13 DIED. -
Mrs. Duncanson re-
ceived the sad news of the death of
Robert Elmer, the 16 months' old''' son
of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Duncanson,
of Kong Moon, South China, who
died in Toronto on Aug. 26111.
Funeral took place on Aug. 281h from
158 Dowling Avenue, Toronto, the
home of Mrs. Duncansori's parents, to
Mount Pleasant cemetery. William
and Miss Mary Duncanson, uncle and
aunt to deceased, attended the funeral.
The parents will share in the sympathy
of many friends.
Mrs. J, Armstrong, of Gorrie, visit-
ed friends here
on Friday.
Thos. Edgar, of Edmoton, visited
with Robb. Black last week.
Miss Gladys Govenlock, of Forest,
is the guest of Mrs, Lackland.
Rev. and Sirs. Lackland returned
from Waterloo, Iowa, on Friday.
T. G. and Mrs. Hemphill went to
London in their auto 0n Tuesday.
Miss Jeannette Black entertained a
number of friends Wednesday even-
W. Sharpin and bride, of Pem-
broke, called on friends in the village
013 Monday.
Roy Hamilton returned to Detroit
on Saturday after spending two weeks
at his home here.
We are pleased to learn that Miss
Ellie Brown is still improving after
her serious illness,
bliss Alice Hamilton returned on
Tuesday from a few days Visit with
friends in Listowel.
Nelson and lyirs. McLaughlin, of
Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of
Robert McLaughlin.
Reeve Reis was in London this
week having taken a party of four
from Brussels in his auto.
Mrs. Geo. Harris and Misses May
Davidson, Elda and Kate ;Hazlewood
have returned to Toronto,
Mrs. Johnston and two children, of
Ninga, Man„ are guests of theformer's
sister, Mrs. W. Rutherford.
•' Miss Davidson left on Thursday on
her return trip to Scotland after
spending three weeks with relatives
in tills vicinity.
Amongst those who are attending
the Fair in London this week ere Geo.
and Mrs. Leckie, Hugh and Helen Mc-
Lean, Sirs. M. McLellan, Miss Jennie
Town, John Town, Mrs. A, Miller
and John Goftol.
School re -opened last week with
Miss Dell, of Thorold, as principal of
the Continuation Department and
Miss McLeod,- of Goderich, assistant,
Miss B. McLaughlin, of Fordwieh,
has charge of the Entrance class and
5Jiss Martin, of Exeter, the Primary
r-seIs Evaporator
will be open to purchase and receive
Apples on and after September x3th.
20 Cents per Bag
Will be paid for good paring apples.
J. Weymouth, Proprietor
Mrs, Cameron, of Grand Valley, is
the guest of her daughter, Mre, Fred,
W. Cochrane is relieving station
agent, Geo. Allan who is enjoying a
two weeps' vacation.
T. B. Sanders, of Vancouver, has
been renewing acquaintances here
during the past weep.
Henry Sanderson, of Toronto, visit-
ed his brothers, D. D. and A. Sander-
son, of Rowick, recently.
A touring party consisting of eleven
people and two autos from Ailsa
Craig, among them , being M. S. and
Mrs. Aikenhead, of London, motored
to the home of J. ancl Mrs, Mac -
Naughton, "Woodslee Farm" last
week and spent the holiday. bliss
Lillias returned with them to visit a
few weeks with friends around Craig
and London.
Airs, (Dr.) S. S. Hackwell, of Michi-
gan, and 1VIrs. Wart, Hackwell Jr. and
family of Stratford, spent the past
week visiting Wm. and Mrs. Rock-
Miss Mabel Lamont was a visitor at
Toronto last week.
Mrs. John Slemmon is back from
an extended visit to the West.
A series of sermons on the Lord's
Prayer will be commenced next Sun-
day by Rev. Mr. Wren,
D. W Dunbar, daughter and three
sons were taking in the Toronto Ex.
hibition and en oyed a good time.
Miss Ella Hansuld has taken a
position as teacher in the Charing
Cross school c ool g n
e t Co,for1
tl a ensuing
We are sorry a Mrs.
state that Ir
Bray is not enjoying very robust
health but we hope a change for the
better will soon ensue.
Mars, J. A. Cole, Miss lmlay Mrs.
John "Sanders and Miss Lucy, Miss
Bertha Cole and 5178. Ed. Fletcher
were visiting in Toronto.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr,
Bell, of Molesworth, took the service
in the Presbyterian church. Rev.
Mr. MoRae was away for his vacation,
Rev. George Jewitt, of Blyth, and
Rev. Mr. Wren exchanged work last
Sabbath, the former preaching a
practical sermon here last Sunday
James Pearson, B. A., is back from
the Old Land where he was taking a
oatrightP radcourse. tna a coe
s . He is a good
student and will climb tbe ladder. all
A. D. and Mrs. Lamont and daugh-
ter, of Olds, Alta., are here on a holi-
day visit at the old home. Mr.
Lamont went West 5 years ago and is
now engaged in the real estate and
automobile business, He owns shalt
section of land near Didsbury which
is leased. Crops are looking good in
Alberta and prospects are bright.
Mrs, Lamont is a daughter of Mrs.
Jno, Slemmon•
bliss Annie Strachan visited at
Mildmay 011d Hanover for a week.
Miss Penelope Brower spent a few
days last week with her aunt, Mrs.
Peter McDougall.
Mrs. J. 0. Knapton and children of
Parkhill, who were visiting Wm,
Moses and family, have returned to
their home.
Rev. Mr. Cooke, of Bluevale, took
the service in Victoria Hall here last
Sabbath evening and gave an excel-
lent discourse.
CONCERT.—Friday evening of this
week a fine Concert will be given in
Victoria Hall. In addition to a
choice program by local talent, Jock
Glindloy, the Guelph Harry Lauder,
will be here. He comes highly recom-
mended as a fun artist and imperson-
ales the great Scotch humorist in A
1 style. Proceeds will be applied to
running expenses of Hall. Concert
at 8. Plan of reserved seats at D.
McDonald's store. Dont miss the
concert. They always have good
entet tai laments at Jamestown.
WOMEN'S 1NSTITUTE.—Tile regular
monthly meeting of, the Women's
Institutel was held on Thursday,
August 29111, at the horse of Miss
Jennie Simpson. As Mrs, Moses was
not present to take her paper bliss
Jennie Simpson read a paper on
"Hospitality" which1 was much enjoy-
ed. Next meeting will be held on
September 26th at the home of Mrs.
Alex. Bryans. Subject chosen for this
meeting "Mother's Sabbath afternoon
with tine children," to be taken ;by
Mrs. John McEwen and Mrs. Geo.
MATRIMONIAL.'— On Wednesday,
Sept. 4th a very pretty wedding toolc
place at "Kelso Farm,"' Tut•nborry,
the home of h. C. and Mrs. Wright,
when their youngest dtaughter, Miss
Mary Stella, was united in marriage
to H. Benson Wheeler, a prosperous
young farmer of Grey township.
Promptly at 5 o'clock, to the strains
of the Wedding March, played by
Mrs, R. Wheeler, of Southampton,
the eonple took their places on 0 rug
of alta lawn and Rev. Mr. West, M.
A., of 13luevale, performed the in-
t 0 in celemon in the presence
ea st i c of
g Y 1
about 00 guests. Beide was prettily
P y
gowned in a dress of cream uneesaline
sills and carried a shower briquet of
white roses and ferns. After the
Wedding supper Mid the usual toasts
a very pleasant evening was Vent in
games and music. Durin
g the signing
of the register Miss Jessie Strachan
sang very sweetly "The Voice that
breathed o'er Eden." Friends Were
present from Brussels, Wawanosh,
Southampton, Wroxeter and other
ppoints. The gifts were numerous,
beautiful and useful, Among then,.
were several cheques. Gram's gift
to the bride was a set of Western
sable furs ; to Ms. R. Wheeler and
Miss J. Strachan gifts of China. M.
anti bins; Wheeler left Thursday top
it trip to Totonto, The bride's going
away dress was a suit of navy blue
sere with silk waist to 0101011 and a
pink and white beaver hat, Tlie
ba 1p couple have taken uptheir
residence oil Mr. Wheeler's finfarm'
an con, 8, Grey where we wish tlreixx
many years of happiness anti pros-
WEDDING.—A quiet wedding was.
solemnized on Saturday, Aug. 81et, in
Toronto, when Miss Jeannie Miller,
became the bride of Sydney A. Mar-
vin, both of Prince Albert, Sask., Rev.
J. A. Mustard, performing the cere-
mony. After luncheon the happy
couple left on the 4.40 train for
Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other
points. They purpose spending a few
days in Toronto before leaving for
their phone in Prince Albert. The
bride is 0 daughter of the late
William and Mrs. Miller, of Prime
Albert and niece of John R. Miller,
Jamestown, and Robert Miller, Toron-
A Very Successful Anniversary
Sept. 1st and 211d, 1912, will be mem-
orable days for the congregation and
members of the Union Methodist
church, 12th con., Grey Township.
The Committee in charge of the "01cl
Boys" Reunion worked very hard to
make their anniversary one to be re-
membered. Wet weather militated
somewhat against them but despite
the unfavorable conditious the anni-
versary was a splendid success.
Three large and enthusiastic con-
gregations gathered on Sunday to
listen to the various speakers who
came t0 preach to
them. Lt the morn-
or -in Rev. R. J. McCormick,
0or l
ek M. Alof
Holmesville, delivered in $ne style a
very classical sermon on "The great-
ness of service." His breadth of vision
and depth of thought, combined with
a genial and commanding personality.
enabled him to strike a high note for
the services of the day. At the after-
noon service a very large congregation
gathered to listen to Rev. J. E. Hunt-
er, of Dungannon, a former junior
pastor of tbe Etbel circuit. Mr. Hunt-
er preached a very thoughtful and
well prepared sermon on "The philoso-
phy of roan," "what he is and what he
may be." In the evening abort 800
people assembled to listen to Rev. E.
F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D., of Obat-
ham, a former much beloved pastor,
who gave a very eloquent sermon on
"The principle of Reccr
ver ." Rev. J.
0. Reid, B. D., of Wallaceburg, spoke
briefly also at the afternoon service
and in the evening Rev. Rubs. Pear -
80n, B. A., of Red Deer, Alberta, gave
a short address.
Monday afternoon and evening.
about 1,000 people gathered to enjoy
the aftex'noou sports and the concert
in the evening. In the evening ad-
dresses were delivered by Revs. J W.
Hibbert, Gorrie • Robert Pearson, Red
Deer, Alta, ; and E, F. Armstrong, of
Chatham. Music was given by Miss
Spence and bars. S. Kreuter, Ethel ;
Mr. Jones, Chicago and the Young
Men's Bible Class and orchestra,
The proceeds for Sunday and Mon-
day amounted to $500. Union con-
gregation now entered very enthasias-
tically upon the work of church build-
ing and everything points to unbound-
ed success in the enterprise.
POLLARD—STATION,— In Logan township,
Perth Co„ on September 24th, 1888, by Rev.
Mr. Evans, Mr. George Pollard to Miss
Urania Stetson, both of Logan township.
To very few people comes the op-
portunity of celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary, or what is
known as the Golden Wedding, but
to George and Mrs. Pollard came this
pleasaut experience at their home in
Brussels Monday of last week. Per-
haps more remarkable than being
spared to enjoy such a celebration is
the fact that. their children, (six sons
and three daughters) are all living,
six of whom were present on this glad
occasion. All enjoy the best of health
and are prospering. To say that the
home gathering was one of delight
and unmixed pleasure to the 46 who
assembled is not overstating the
case and the meeting will never be
forgotten. Mr. Pollard first saw the
light of day i.n the Emerald Isle on
January 1st, 1829, and if spared till
next January will locoed his 8411)
birthday. His good wife, whose
maiden name was Urania Station was
born in Cornwall, England, 76 years
ago last Marcie. Both found their
way to Canada in their youth locat-
ing }n Perth county, where in the
township of Logan 54 years ago,
on September 2411x they were joined
together in matrimony by Rev. Mr,
Evans. They continued to make their
home in Logan and Hibbort townships
until 1896, when they purchased a
farm in Morris township, Huron
county and eight years ago the old
font decided to take a well-earned rest
and moved to Brussels.
Their children are ; Henry, of
Colonia, o m
a Mich.; Thomas Saline Creek,
n � 1
Sask. • Geo e1
t Jose h
,Port Townshend, \NashJames
Sault Ste.MarieOnt ; Oharles of
tine homestead, Morris township ;
Mrs. Jnr.., F. Wasman, Clinton,
Ont. ; bit's, H. A. Switzer, Inwood,
Ont. ; and Mrs, Samuel McGee, Port.
Townshend, Of -07 grantiehildren, 16
were on hand oinifonday and one of
the two great grandchildren, Cecil
George, the 1.4 -months -old sou of
Albert Pollard, of Kincardine, WAS
also present. The other great grand-
eonn is John Frederick t\lltsman, of
Nolan, New Mexico whose father a
sot of J. F. Wasrnalr, of Clinton,
passed away recently of
Monday £nlel1Onil was spent in I
games and social chat anis after a well
prepared dinner Wm. Stattou, of
Mitchell, brother to Mrs, Pollard, tools
the chair and a 81101't program of
congratulatory an cl reminiscent
speeches was given. Photographs
were taken by Leslie Wa8man, of
Clinton of the grand parents, family
group, the gland children, 90118.111-111W
and daughters-in-law andpeat grand
sol and grand parents. The family.
presented father and mother with a
well filled purse, All to quickly the
day's pleasure carpe to an end and
soon the time for saying "Good Bye"
arrived with the expression of many
good wishes told the hope that the
worthy old couple might be, spared a
number of years to their' family, Mr.
and Mrs. Pollard hold allegiance to
the Anglican church and are not often
absent when weather permits. Many
relatives and old friends join in best
wishes to Mr. and Nes. Pollard 00
this glad occasion.
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery will meet in .
Lucknow Tuesday of next week at 2.30
p. in.
Rev. A. C, Wishart preached in the
Presbyterian church at Cranbrooc last
Sabbath afternoon.
A Banquet is being tendered `the
young men of Melville church Thursday
evening of this week by the Young
People's Society.
The Adult Bible Class of the Metho-
dist church Sabbath School will bolda
class social in the school room df :the.
church Friday evening of this week. A
short program will also be given dealing
with class topics.
Rev. A. W. Richardson, B. A„ of
Luckisow, will be the special P
at St. John's church next Sunday, Sept.
I th Ixend also at Walton m.
for the annual Harvest Thanksgiving
services. The rector of St. lobo's will
conduct similar services in St. Peter's
church, Lucknow.
The annual Thank -offering of Melville
H. M. S. was held on the eveuingof.'
August 28th. Rev. Mr. Duncan, of
Lucknow, gave an inspiring address on
the Home Mission problem in Quebec,
Ontario and the West, It made 'one al- -
most tremble to think of the work tbere
is yet undone. The collection amount— -
ed to almost No e°. Next meeting will
be Sept. 18th when Mrs. John Robb will
give 8n address on the much talked of
mission work of Dr. Grenfell, of Labra-
zoth inst., the Women's Missionary
Society of Brussels Methodist church
will celebrate their silver annisersary.
There will be a short session in the after-
noon to be addressed by. Miss Wellwood,
followed by a tea. The evening session:
will open at 7.30 p. m, and program will
consist of addresses by Miss Wellwood,
returned missionary from China Mrs,
Leech, of Goderich, county organizer
and Rev, D. Wren, M. A.; vocal selec-
tions by Miss Whitfield and others and
reading by Mrs. R. Strachan. ' Greet-
ings from the neighboring auxiliaries
will also be given. Invitations have
been sent to all the former members of
the celebrating Society, Mrs, A. J.
Lowry is the President.
TION.—Wednesday of next week, at 2
p. 10., a Sabbath School Convention in
connection with the Wingham District
meetiug will be open in the Methodist
church Lucknow, when the following
interesting program will be presented
with Rev. D. Wren, M. A., District S.
S. Secretary, presiding ;-Wednesday,
commencing at 2 o'clock p. an. Devo-
tional exercises, Rev. Dr. Oaten Sun-
day School Work -Retrospect and Pros-
pect, Rev. D. Wren ; Supplemental
Lessons, Rev. I. W. J. Kilpatrick ; Dis-
cussion, F. Buchauan ; Music and offer-
ing ;
ffer-ing; Sunday School Periodicals, Rev. -
R. S. Lackiand ; The "How 7" "Why nor
"On Whom 7" of Evangelista in 1110.5
School, Hartley Menzies ; Teacher
Training Classes, Melvin Slemmon ;
Discussion, Rev. Geo, W. W. Rivers ;
Round Table Confereuce, Rev. F, L.
Farewell, Field Sec'y, 1 Adjournment.
Evening session. Chairman -Rev. J.
W. Ribbert, Devotional Exercises,
Rev. Geo. McKinley ; Music, Lucknoty
choir ; Address -"Problems of the
Teacher ; Methods in Preparation,"
Rev, A. T. Langford ; Musin and Offer-
ing ;
ffering; Address, Rev. F. L. Farewell, `
Field Secretary. Thursday. 8.45-
Io,3o-Financial District meeting,
Spiritual Conference, 'rinerue-"Soul
Winning Our Essential Need,"
Rev. W. 1. Ford ; "Co operation by the
Laymen.' F. Buchanan ; "Conversion,"
H. Richmond; General conversation on
subjects presented ; Adjournment,
Each School is asked to send two dele-
gates also a contribution to aid in de-
fraying, expense and carrying out the -
program for the year, Rev, J. W.
Hibbert 1,- Chairman of the District and
Rev. Geo,' W. Rivers Financial Secre-
Ts8 POST isg lad to know that flat Charle<
and Mrs Sager, of London, formerly of
Brussels, have purchased a cosy home
for themselves at see English street.
We hope they may enjoy many prospen•-
Otle years 10 it,
M1LTA NERI'. --Miss Ionian and Miss.
Ross have announced the elates of the,'r
MillineryP g
0 u s for tide season.
Read theiinr advertisements and wben the
dates toner let
ci 1;„4. Heel see the elegant
headgear to be found on display at their
respective stores.
W. Ci T. U, -The regular Meeting of
the W. C.' 1`. 17, was held Friday after-
noon Aug. 30th, in the Public LJbrary
audience roots, A large llurnber of
ladies were present from Walton and.
Belgrave. The regular business was
taken up atter watch bars, S. Walket•
roan a well prepared paper on "Tem-
perance in the Sabbath Schools," Ant -
interestieg editference of Temperahco
workers was held after, Mrs. C. Prom
ter, Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs
W. Ferguson, of Belgraye • Mrs, A,'
Gardiner and Mrs. Neal, a Wa1100 ;
and Mrs, Deadman, Mrs, A. Lowry end
Mrs. Rancl , of B7059818 taltibg part