The Brussels Post, 1912-8-15, Page 7-e ter ,i hh Young Folks WHEN ROB FORGOT. For a birthday gift Unole Fred sent Rob three slim, handsome Ma- lay fowls; in oolor they wore red and purple, with streaks of orange that shone in the sun like gilding. They oaane across the ooean from China, and then by express over- land. "All I ask of you is to take good care of them," •hie uncle wrote. "Feed and water them three times a day. Hens get as hungry and thirsty as you do." "Ae if I should forget that," Rob said, earnestly. The birds were so tame that they ran to meet Rob in the yard, and they looked to him for food. When they were hungry they would fly to his arm and feed from hie hand. "Greedy beggars, you oan't wait for me to throw it to you," Rob said. But he was very proud of his pets, and tended them well. One day some friende invited his father to go fishing at a place five miles distaait. "Let the boy come, too," they said. His father nod- ded, and Rob put on his camp suit in a hurry. The wild bushes were full of bloom, the streams full of ftsh, and the party full of fun. The boy never felt eo tired or so happy as when at the camp supper he took the plate of well -browned fish that he had caught himself. Butust then something said in his mind, "The birds are as hungry as you are." And then he remembered; his hens had been without food or water einem sunrise. Unless he went home, they would have nothing all the next day. He could not eat his s supper. "I have forgotten my hens," he said to his father in a low voice. "Then there is only one thing to do," his father answered. Rob slipped out and asked the cook for a roll, and then, taking a short cut across the hills, started to walk home. Ho ate his roll as he stumbled along in the cool dark- ness. It was a poor supper, and he seemed to hear all the way, "The hens are as hungry as you are." It was after ten when he trudged into the henyard. He found his fowls lying on their sides and gasp- ing with thirst. He hastened to drop fresh water from a straw into their bills, and then he fed them boiler rice from the pantry. By midnight they were as bright as ever, and they cuddled into his arms as if he were their best friend. "And I oame so near forgetting you I" Rob said over and over again as he petted them. -Youth's Companion. ORIGIN OF GLOVES. Traced Back to the Time of Amon fu Ancient Egypt. The origin of gloves is traced to the time of Amon of the twenty-first dynasty by M. Daressy in a recent article in the Egyptian Review. Mittens aro among the dress ao- oessories found with the mummies of priestesses dating from that per- iod. They were made of the same material as that of the upper gar- ment. It is probable that actual gloves were also worn to correspond with the foot covering of thin pink or red kid, which was more than a mere atooking, for it was so made as to separate the big toe from the oth- ers. This insured the safety of the white leather sandal, which was fastened by two straps, one of which passed between the first and second toe, the other going over the instep. MOON THE CAUSE OF RAIN. A new instance of supposed eon- ,nection of the moon with rainfall claims the support of highly scien- tific authority. Heavy rains are said to occur in South Africa at in- tervals of nineteen years, and this period coincides with the lunar ay - ole of maximum north and south declinations. E. E. Novill, late di- rector of the Natal Observatory, finds an explanation in the moon's attraction. The theory is that a permanent .cloud belt is drawn along by the moon, and that as the moon nears its farthest point north the mass of donde is made to im- pinge on the mountains in Natal, giving excessive rainfall. BOUND TO SUCCEED. Meroglant-"Aren't you the boy who was in hero a week ago?" .Applicant- "Yes, sir." Merchant -"I thought so. And didn't I tell you then that I wanted an older boy?" Applicant -"eyes, sir; that's why I'm here now." Husband No. 1-"I tell you wo- man is aaturo's masterpiece." Husband No: 2 -"You're quite right. She mestere me." "John, we must go bank home in- stantly," "There you go, Oan'i we stay for a couple of days in the Iountry without you worrying," Bot we have come off and left the eat and the . error with nothing to eat." "Don't let that bother yon. Maybe the eat will eat the parrot," TONIC TREATMENT FOR THE STOMACH The Modern Method Most Sueoess- ful in Treating Indigestion The old-fashioned methods of treating indigestion and stomach troubles are being discarded. The trouble with the old-fashioned methods was that when the treat- ment was stopped the trouble re- turned in an aggravated form. The modern method of curing in- digestion and other stom:aeh trou- bles is to tone up the stomach to do its normal work, Every step towards recovery is a atop gained, not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, the disappearance of pain, the absence of gas --ell are steps on the road to health that those who have tried the tonic treatment remember distinctly. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic medicine, every constituent of which is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and is therefore the very best remedy for chronic cases of stomach trouble. The sue-. toss of the treatment is proved by thousands of cases like the follow- ing : Mr. W. W. Swain, Grand Valley, Ont., says ; "For several years my mother had stomach trou- ble from which she got no relief whatever until she began the use of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She was treated at different times by three doctors, but their efforts did not avail. Then she was advised to try an electric belt, but it proved worthless. She auffered much dur- ing this time and food became dis- tasteful. The trouble also affected her nerves and her general health was on the verge of a breakdown. One day a friend who was in asked her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Without very much hope that the Pills would prove suocessful when other medicines had failed, we nevertheless got her a supply. In a few weeks we could see a decided change, and got six more boxes. By the time these were used mother was almost well, and she kept on taking the Pills for a short time longer and was completely cured. She is now a healthy and strong woman and is never bothered with her stomach in any way. I hope this statement will bring relief to other sufferers." Why experiment with medicines of doubtful value, when you have such positive evidence of the bene- fit following the use of Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills? Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. IT WAS BIGGER. "Is you gwine ter let dat mewel do as he please?" asked Uncle Eph- raim's wife. "Whar's you' will- power?" "My will rower's all right," he answered. "You jest want ter conte out hyar an' measure dis here mewel's won't power." -Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta POP WINTERS' WIT. Col. Fineout-"If I wore all the medals I won you couldn't see my shirt front." 01' Pop Winters -"Then, colonel, you oughter put them medals on towards the last of the week." "I understand your husband is a candidate for effice," said a suffra- gette out West to her sister in the cause. "Are you going to support him?" "Oh, I suppose so," an- swered the sister somewhat weari- ly. "I've been supporting him for the last ten years.' Miles So Bad Was Ashamed Tried Everything but Did It No Good. One Box of Cuticura Ointment Took Pimples Away. 'About seven years ago pimples broke out all over my face and neck. When they Would first come alt tlsey would bo big and red, then after a white they would turn white, and matter would come out. Sometimes they would itch so I could hardly sleep. I was ashamed to go down street, my face looked so bad. I Went to several doctors and got medicine, which did me no good, and bought ointment, salves and patent medicines, but none of there would cure my face and neck, A friend advised Inc to try Outicura Ointment. I got one box, and it took the pimples away before i had it all used up, I can say it Is a wonderful remedy. Any sufferer who has pimples should use Outgun, Ointment if they waut a sure cure. I never had any soap equal to Outionrq� Soap." (Signed) Aylmer blathers, Parkhnl, Ont.r Doc. 24, 1010. Soros All Dyer Baby's Body "When my baby boy ins six months old, his body was completely covered with large sores that seemed to itch and burn, and casco terrible suffering..' The eruption began in pimpleswhich would open and rim, making large sores. His hair came out and linger nails fell off, and the sores were over the entire body eauein little or no sloop for baby or myself. Great scabs would come on,' when I removed his shirt We tried a great many remedies but nothing world help him, till a friend induced mo to try Otalcura Soap and Ointment. I used the Cuticula Soap and Ointment but itshort time before 1 could See that ho wag mprovtug, and 10 Six weoke' time he was entirely owed. tie had nuRored about six weoke before we tried the Outicura Soap and Olntnct 1p, agileUgh Wo had tried several other things an? doctors too. I think the Cuticula B'emodlea will do all that IS claimed for them and a great deal more." (Signed) Mrs. Noble Tubman, Daemon, Mont„ Jae 20,1011, • Cutleura Soap and Cntteura Ointment mid by dre gists and dealers everywhere. Send to Potter Drug es more Corp., 8e Oolnmrus Ave.,, Beaton, U, 8 A., for a liberal free sample of each, with '32-p. booklet, THE JEALOUS NAN. He Makes a Fine Lover, But a Very Bad husband. A jealous lover Is not the worst type, by any manner of means. True enough, he ties a girl down, She dare not glance at other young mon, or trouble ensues; she may eat speak in praise of a member of the opposite sex, also the jealous man raises a fine to -d9, But he is certain to be amusing, is the jealous man, A girl can tease him and torment him -up to a cer- tain point -and undoubtedly a girl enjoys so worrying a poor male. In the hands of a smart girl the jealous lover is as play; she can do as she likes with him, Re may have faults -she can sure him, How? By drawing hie attention to Mies So-and-so's lover -how nicely groomed the latter is, and so forth. The jealous man hears, and takes the hint. He may have been slov- enly before, ho won't be after. He will not have that other man oast in his teeth, .And he makes a first -oras slave; he will do as bidden in nine oases out of ten. Why? In case another man is given th'e chance of obeying the young lady! No fear of a girl being without an escort if her lover is a jealous man, Why? He won't allow her to visit unless he wore - ponies her; he goes to fotoh her home if ib is imposeiblo to accom- pany her to the houeo she visits; he 1s always on the .spot, ready to do anything rather than have his lady- love attended to by other males I And love I Well, the jealous man loves violently. If a girl is fond of being ardently loved, a jealous man is the ono for her; no other man loves eo fiercely as dons the jealous type. But --why is there always a "but" 1 -he must not be too far pushed ; he will stand a great deal from the maid he admires -more. by far, than will the ordinary man -still, he can turn, and when he does bo quite certain' that within but 41, short time he will hate as fer- vently as before ho loved, Of course, as a husband he is not all that might be desired. His jea- lousy does not die at the altar rails ; it is a perennial evergreen, and in married life may bo a factor pro- ductive of much miachief. The pea- lous lover, in short, develops into the jealous husband, and he is a trial, of that thorn need be no doubt, His wife is provided with a keep- er and a guardian. She may not do this or that without her husband's permission, else great bother is sure to follow. She is then really tied down -as a sweetheart, she could dictate; as a wife, she is dic- tated to. And there is no escape. The mere sweetheart is free; the wife is in bondage. Briefly, then, the jealous man makes a fine lover, but a bad hus- band -unless, of course, bis wife humors him, and by so doing sinks for good her individuality. The jealous husband; indeed, is a des- pot, unless carefully played up to. FAMILY BUNT. Kansas Man Says Coffee Made Him That. "Coffee has been used in our family of eleven father, mother, five sons and four daughters -for thirty years. I am the oldest of the boys and have always been consid- ered the runt of the family and a coffee toper. "I'oontinued to drink it for years until I grew to be a man, and then I found I had stomach trouble, ner- vous headaches, poor circulation, was unable to do a full day's work, took medicine for this, that, and the other thing, without the least benefit. In fact I only weighed 116 when Lwas 28. "Then 1 changed from coffee to Postum, being the first one in our family:to do so. I noticed, as did the rest of the family, that I was surely gaining strength and flesh. Shortly after I was visiting my cousin, who said, 'You look so much better -you're getting fat.' "At breakfast his wife :passed me a cup of coffee, as she knew I was always such a coffee drinker, but 1 said, 'No, thank you.' " `What 1' said my cousin, 'you quit coffee? What do you drink 9' "'Postum,' I said, 'or water, and 1 am well.' They did not know what Postum was, but my cousin had stomach trouble and could not sleep at night from drinking coffee throe times a day. He was glad to learn about Postum but said he never knew coffee hurt anyone." (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "After understanding my condi- tion and how I got well he knew what to do for himself. He disoov ()red throb caffee was the cause of his trouble as he never used tobacco or anything else of the kind. You should see the change in him now, Wo both believe that if persons who suffer from ooffeo drinking would stop and use Postum they could build back to health and happi- ness, Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." Read the little book "The Road to Woll- ville," in pkgs.. Direr read the above letter? A Mery ono appears from time to time. TWO FA11ROE'S BANDS. Are Coming from England for the Canadian National Exhibition.. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attractions at the Canadian National Exhibition this year something long to be re- membered. The Scots Guards Band from Buckingham Palace, the third of this famous brigade of bands brought aoross the ocean by the Exhibition people, will alter- nate on the main band stand with the Beases 0' Th' Barn, which all lovers of band music recognize as Britain's best brass band. Two such musical attractions have never before been brought together on the continent. • EVERYONE TO HIS TASTE. Mr. Scudalong - "When I was your age I went to bedwith the chickens." Young ficudalong-"I don't see how you managed to stick on the roosts." Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, eto. These persons aro not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure for all summer complaints. And pride sometimes gives the truth a severe jolt. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. When a man is down and out his friends are soon up and away. The Pill That Brings Relief.- When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fulness and pains fol the etomaoh, he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can bo taken to bring relief. These pills are specially oompounded to deal with dyspepsia and their sterling qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users, When you are offered anything free, look out for the string. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. From deep water in the Atlantic to deep water in tho Pacific the Panama Canal will be fifty miles in length. A Powerful Medicine. -The heal- ing properties in six essential oils are concentrated in every bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, forming one of the most beneficial liniments ever offered to the use of man. Thousands can testify as to its pow- er in allaying pain, and many thou- sands more can certify that they owe their health to it. Its wonder- ful power is not expressed by its cheapness. s HERR VON BIIGIIERSTEIN. German Ambassador to Great Britain. SIMPLE HOME REMEDIES. Stranger in Town -"Say, what's good to take for a oold?" Native -"Oh, quinine and whis- key, or quinine and brandy, or qui- nine and rum, or quinine and gin and, say --you want to be careful about the quinine -it's powerful stuff." NO BOSS FOR HIM. "Yes," said the, dotermined-look- ing woman; "I might rnaliego to hand you a bite to eat if you'll saw and chop a good pile of stove -wood and bring in a few buckets of water and chop the weeds out of the gar- den and fix up the foneo," "Lady," replied Meandering They are cern.,,...' true, and frill of Niko "I'm only a'hungry wayfar Inlnlan interest.. er.- I ain't yer husband." RAVE XOU A BAD SORE/ If so, remember these facts—Zam- Buk is by far the most widely used balm in Canada! Why has it be- Dome So popularl Because it heals soros, cures skin diseases, and does What is claimed for it. Why not lot it heal your sore? Remember that Zem-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and antiseptic, Kills poison instantly, and all .harmful germs, It is suit- able alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic) soros, ul- cers, oto, Test how different and superior Zane-Buk really le. All druggists and stores at 60o, box. Use also Zam-Bute Soap, Relieves suinhurn and prevents freckles, Boat for baby's bath, 250, tablet. NO HOLIDAYS, Puncher Pete -"What's your un- cle dein' these days, sonny?" Sonny -"He's 1 in' 'round when he ain't tradin' hosses and when he's tradin' hones he's lyin' just the same," Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them and restore health, HAD BEEN SCORCHING. The Cannibal King -"See here, what was that dish you served up to me at lunch?" The Cook -"Stewed cyclist, your majesty." Cannibal King -"It tasted very burnt." Cook -"Well, he was searching when we caught.him, your majes- ty." It takes an easy-going man to make a successful angler. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, -In June, 98, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffered greatly for sev- eral days and the tooth outs refused to heal until your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I began using. Tho of/cot won magical; In eve hours the pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds had completely healed and my hand and arm were an well se ever. Yours truly, A. D. ROY Carriage ROY, St. Antoine, P. 0. A TRULY FAMED ONE. Mr, Rigley-"There goes a man with a famous ancestor." Mrs. Risgley-"Who was he ?" Mr. Riglcy-"Tile man who de- creed that choose should be served with apple pie," A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. -The most delicate woman can un- dergo a course of Parmolee's Vege- table, Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, a,s thou- sands of women who have used them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men who are prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men, IMPRACTICAL. "She is very liberal in her chari- ties," said one woman. "Yes," answered the other; ''liberal, but not always practical, For instance, she wanted to send alarm clocks to Africa to aid suffer- ers from the sleeping sickness." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eyo Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Pine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyee and Granulated EyelSds. Illus• trated Book in each Package. Murine is nomppnndoa by our Oenllste—not a'Batene Mod - the •—bot 0001 1n 0n0ow dedicated Prao- Elco for old y Years. Now dedinated to the Pub- llo and cold by Salvo In s at 200 and 5002 00r Bonin, Marine Moripyo Salvo in Aseptic. TubeO, 250 and 600 Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Boiled potatoes contain 75% per cent. of water. Minard's Liniment Cures Carnot In Cows. For the twelve months ending May 31st last, 817,460,537 lbs. of tea were imported into London, Corns and warts disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a :scar, EXPLAINED. Seaside Boarder -"But why do you call the house 'Marine View?' There isn't a glimpse of the sea to be had." Landlady -"Well, you see, sir, my late 'usband 'e was a retired sergeant of marines and 'e was very fond of looking out o' that win- dow." _ Ell. 4. ISSUE 32-'12 DANGER IN THE DIST{. Next time you shave east your eye along the edge of the razor. It appears to be a perfectly straight lino; but look at it under a micro- sco e, and you will see that it is really rough and jagged like a fine- toothed saw, In the same way a dish Naomi to preeout a perfectly smooth, unbroken surface. Through a microsoopo, however, you will see that it is really rough and jagged ]ileo a fine-toothed saw, In the same way ib dish seems to present a per- fectly smooth unbroken surface. Through a microscope, however, you will see a multitude of tiny credos, little hollows in the surface, and minute flaws where a bit 3'as been chipped. Those flaws are the home and incubator of disease germs, A chipped place, only one- hundredth of an inch square, will harbor many hundreds of typhoid bacilli. Cracks in dishes or glasses that are so large as to be visible to the unassisted eye harbor thou- sands of all kinds of germs. Orna- mentation an the handles of cutlery provides the same breeding grounds, and this is why it is better to have only perfectly plain knives, forks and spoons. Disease germs live .through anything except poi- sons or a long immersion in boiling water. They are not much disturb- ed by freezing. PA DUBBER Tread – Step safely. CAT PAW RUDDER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Paw heels, iso "INTERNATIONAL FLT WAY" Preveats the Trenaendeos Loss from Flies glee cont the Farmers of Caen& merlons of dollare.enuollssby roteMing6the growth orNltonlna rowmale,ndbyy greotyrouuetnn 1001 ucegn ar milk bf rmetantly ylieer knnlm.bal ,ommer. Every termor or sown e4 er ecce ods sfatemant to Mt teu0 from his ore experience. Flies also atom m6�00a lea 01111. by Spreadingae.room ace to form. ',International rip Woff ay.' 'Btr ret from t ee°yourper nimbi and glue them Perfect rest you mere 'tarn yInaferau. harlots, 00100 nntmalcoyoumomm000wth o hilaripmral. on 01 tock or much golaker 00,02, of all animal. SAVE YOUR STOOK Cy Using "IMTER5ATI090AL FLY WAY"' 000101011y guaranteed to be eirectiIn Drirleg Away 01101, bionqultnr, and other ineeot. wbleh worry.Loekeud reduce their eandn capacity. It is barodens to the lair and skin and will be found perfectly 'ugaractory when ,,..d according to auctions. We place our twenty year, or reputation back of 'International lyway; and ask you to test on ouryositivo guarantee. Fan 6.040 AT ALL DEALER,, ISTEBNAIIOIIAL STOCK FOOD CO. Limited,TORONTO Roo TA COW COMFORT Is guaranteed to keep Flies eft your Cattle 80.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCK, ORiegle. solo Mfr,. The Sspho Manufacturing Co., .,,,5Jmited, Montreal. WITH COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER It Pay. to hoop your stook fro, of Oleo --contented Cows 01vo,'{i moo milk: horses work b.rilbr and 05 Iran rood. Costs loss than lO coot snood nor d y. V0, Ce.ae my 0,0,10, atld tare money, Beer ie uso- oeo , tent--eMelent-sna Quarts ltrennenl) 080; dntlon. frmpOrinn 01.00. spool l ,trehlor free -•toils what others saynbout COo00,',. Any dower or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS - - TORONTO l R (10.000 Toro;) From New YorkOot. 10, 1011 From San rrtneleoo Fab. 0, 1010 U Will Mit Madeira, 8pos Italy, Egypt, t &e Canoe, Straits Settleneenk, Jen, N Philippine, Cane, Japne, Sa dmich Irleode, with Overland Aaetrioon Tem D INLAND EXCURSIONS AND S(DE TRIPS TF-1 C OPTIONAL i 97 Darr In India t`11G TOURS ( 14Dar. in Jopoe W Duration 110 Days . Each /9 650'. heroine .1! ,,re• Vy.��$.6 up �.6aet'd Aatl ashard R" 4A arNnne who Ass sa.Za IAS LWNId ,IF.r .FJoakttt P HAMIIIIRG -AMERICAN LINE 45.45 IROAlWAY, N.Y. to msltlp A oe or Ocean S n tsa y, 63 Venae St, Toronto. fanr..fet. aereranalan TWO CRUISES —ON TILE— SA IL Sng, CLEVELAND .15 HOUSE FLIES are hatched in manure and nivel bat filth. edentists have discovered That they are largely responsible for the spread ofxuberculoeis,Typhoid, Diphtheria Dysentery, Infantile Dlscasee qf�+ the Bowels, etc. Fverypacket of ILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies tban 800 sheets of sticky paper. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. LIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL buy beautiful hundred acroji in orthnmberland Co nty, inolndi0g Steele end Implomonte. Thera is in the etoch 4 horses, 10 cows, etc. Thfa is a snap, an earl be had on easy terms. Poeoesslof at once. !'1 000 FABMB IN LINCOLN. WELLAND, .X Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North. umberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable prices. LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND LA.Manitoba lands 1n large or eme11 looks. 'Ll RUIT FARMS -ALL SIZES. IN THE L Niagara Fruit Belt. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto, JJMSPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARM Ji lands, 818 to 830 per acre. Write for list. Am. Scott, Whitewood, Sask. BONDS FOR SALE, A BSOLUTELY FIRST -GLASS 10 YEAR .ti 6 per cent. Gold Bonds at par. In. forest half yearly. Particulars on appli- cation. L. P. Snyder, Traders Bank. Toronto. MALS HELP WANTED. 4ILWAYB REgtrinn YOUNG nom for positions in stations. These mess are placed in positions as fast as we can prepare them. Railway officials endorse our 8ohool. Now is the time to make ar- rangements for Pall otodlee. Free Book No. 18 explain.. Dominion School Railroad- ing. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. TTAY AND k'ARM 80ALE8. Wtlaon'e .m.0. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.. mEN GREENHOUSE PLANTS, 600., prepaid. W. M. Earburn, florist, Ronal], Ont. !`I ANOER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc, Ise. �./ Vernal and external, oured without pain by our home treatment. Write no before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co... Limited. Oollingwood. Ont. (.2 TON SOALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's ILF Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ASH ADVANCED FOR APPROVED V Patentable Inventions. Patent:: pro- cured, bought. sold and developed. Write. for fres booklet. The International Patent Syndicate, 803 Bathurst Bt., Toronto, DY LING 1 CLEANING ! • For the very host, tend your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Co." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Quebec. When buying your Piano Insist on having an OTT II MEL" Pfarso Action, CREOSOTE 0.3172.ii.313., 3Le s2T-IbElt 1Z 5BB Protect — Preserve — Beautify Samples and Booklets on Appliontion JAMS LAIYCMUIR & CO., Limited 18745 Bathurst Street TORONTO 1028 ARUNOTON 00. 0f Canada, Ltd. 0e 0.0000 00010U0 roeoNT0 GCOLLLLARS Acleon•leddadeo 6. tb. hueatne.- coo of Water proof oadar `.f,.Ak to .e, and ax no oder. All torn or dime' for 25a. , 'KING OSCAR' SAROIES WHOLESOME NOURISHING APPETIZING For an added tasty touch to luncheon, picnic, or garden party nothing can excel these fine flavoretd, earefully peeked, delicious little fish "RING OSCAR" SARPIHES' Put up in Sanitary Packages. Cot Them F'rbm Your Cr000r fade ostppy b. P141310 tt Greealtedtnbg, BJcamiltannW.