The Brussels Post, 1912-7-18, Page 1VOL. 4.1 NO, 3
W. H. I ERR, FroptieNr
Now Advertisements
Western Fair—A, AQ..Bunt,
Watch lost—Robert Tbuoll,
Canadian National Exhibition,
Holiday Advioe--F. E. Bmitb.
Voters t.lxt—A. E, Macdonald.
The Metropolitan Banh^F, H. Gilroy.
Rev. W. 3, West, M. A,, and family
are enjoying Huron's breezes at Bruce
Beach for four weeks.
The following pupils of our public
school passed the meant Entrance ex-
amination :—Mabel Raby, Louie .Pat-
ton and Ethel Jewitt. We wish them
continued progress in their studies.
Weare pleased to notice the names
of Miss Mildred Jewitt and Charles R.
'.Purvey in the list of successful Notarial -
ties at Stratford. The latter has
.been engaged as Principal of Oran -
brook school at $575.
Man.—The beautiful home of `David
Oantelon, Reeve of Olinton, suffered
considerable damage by fire Friday
morning caused by the cooking stove
in the kitchen. The house is solid
brick, but the frames and woodwork
of the rear part were badly burned
and the contents of the entire house
considerably damaged. Ptompt at-
tention by the fire department, which
had two streams on within a few
minutes, alone saved the borate from
complete destruction. Mr. Oantelon
wits unfortunately away from home,
being in Toronto.'
Miss Edith Ferguson is holidaying
at, Kincardine.
Other Ethel news may be read on
page 5 of this issue,
Noxi Winter's supply of coal Is oorn-
InOtICif1t to arrive.
Our Orangemen won a prize at Mt,
Forest for the lodge membership.
Williiun Slemmonhas been on the
sick list but is now about as
well as ever.
Alex. and Mee. MaAllistee and sons,
of Toronto have been .visiting in Ethel
and locality.
Monday Vance aud Mrs. Dane were
at Gerrie attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Jas. Perkins. Deceased was
an aunt to the former and a most es-
timable person,
We congratulate •Pearl Bateman
and Roy Dunbar in being in the list of
snccessfnl candidates at the Entrance
exam. Some of the papers were of
the stiff variety.
• Onin or' THAxxs.--Mrs. Graham
and family wish to express their sin-
cere thanks to the many kind friends
who by word acrd deed did so much to
aid us in our time of sadden bereave-
ment.We hope they may be richly
The 0. E. Society of Ethel Presby -
Levier) church purpose having a
Garden Party on the evening of July
With on D. W. Dunbar's lawn. A
"Secure the shadow ere the substance fade,"
A motto trite but well and aptly said ;
And oft recurring, aswith anxious eye,
We gaze on forms which bloom, alas ! to die.
Be wise in. time ; improve the present hour ;
Pluck while we may the rose of beauty's bower,
And from its bloom, an evanescent joy—
Extract a balm, a sweetness to destroy
The poison minglings of the cup of life,
And soothe the anguish of its parting strife.
ErThere is a Photographer in your torn !
The Maitland Studio
JULYt,llih, 1912.
prove_ the
q Y
of the
leather and
workmanship in
cleaNG he
Fit EL/F.a It'1 ON. NM LI MI11'h .
"Canada's Hest Shnrmal.ers ..
Sold only by-,mdagm •.
Tailor andentsFurnisher
Cil Brussels
first class Dress Band will be in attend-
ance, Supper served from 0.80 to 8.80.
All welcome,
Miss Alice Davies, of Toronto, and
Nit's, Ferguson of 1•larr'ision, are visit-
ing at Dr. Ferguson's, The former is
Mrs, Ferguson's sister and the latter
the doctor's mother.
Miss Mina Dunbar. spent Sunday
with Miss Fern Eckntier.
Miss. Jelin ie 13ilier, Prince Al bort,
Sask., is the guest of friends ip this
1'Iiss Agnes Snell, Toronto, is enjoy-
ing her holidays with her cousiu,
Miss Gwen Snell,
Jno.' and Mrs. Stewart, Neepaw,
Man., visited last week at the home
of Peter and Mrs. Scott.
Miss Lents Snell entertained a Bom-
ber of girl friends last Friday after-
noon. A good time was enjoyed.
Last Sabbath evening J. '1'. Wood,
of Brussels, took the service hi
Victoria Hall- and gave a good ad-
Peter Scott and brother, John, of
Balmoral, Mau., attended the funeral
of the late Archie McTillawee, Ham -
stead last week.
Wortass's IteseemirrB.—The regular
meeting of the Worneri's Institute
will beheld Thursday July 25th, at
230 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. D.
Miller. Subject will be the "Gona-
dial) Poets," to be taken by Miss Elsie
Straehail. Each member is to come
prepared with a abort sketch, or a
biographical note on their favorite
poet. A Large' attendance is hoped
Miss Mabel Bone and Miss Florence
Sonch were at Seaforth and
Beech wood.
Miss Myrtle Wheeler, 4th line, has-
asgone to Alma, Ont„ for a few weeks
visit with bee cousins.
Mrs, Wm. Johnston and daughter,
Misses Clare and Margaret, of Port
Moody, B. C„ are the guests of the
formers' sister, Mrs. W. H. Arm-
strong, 5th line.
We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Alex, McNeil, 5th line, is home from
the Clinton hospital where she under-
went an operation for appendicitis.
She is making a good recovery and
will soon be felly restored.
Everett Walker is home from
Regina for his vacation. He is prin-
cipal of the Albert school with a large
stab of assistants, Me. Walker re-
lates many
elatesmany interesting stories of the
cyclone. He says the rebuilding and
reconstructing is going ahead with a
Among the successful Morris town-
ship pupils who wrote at the recent
examination were Gertrude Arm-
strong, Roy Gray, Clarence Martin,
Ernest Michie, . W. 3. Passmore and
Jennie Scott, Freda 'Purvey, A. D.
Anderson, Annie Davidson, Janet
Herr, Stewart Procter, Irene Scott
and Gerrie Wilson. We con-
gratulate the young folk, and their
teachers also, on their success.
291.11 there passed away to her reward
Kate Stewart relict of the late Alex.
Forsyth, formerly a well known resi
dent of the 4111 line of Morris. De-
ceased was born in North Easthope,
Perth Co,, and was a sister to Alex.
Stewart, Queen street East, Brussels,
and Mrs. Jas. Menzies, Brussels. She
is survived by an adult 'family. Mr.
Forsyth is dead some years. It is a-
bout 25 year's since the family moved
from Morris. Mrs. Forsyth visited
here 3 years ago. Interment was
made near Brandon. The subject of
this 'notice was a true wife, an af-
fectionate mother and one of the best
of neighbors. She was a devout
Oitristuur and esteemed by a wide
circle of relatives and friends.
Mies Laura Andrew, of Toronto, is
visiting her mother.
18d. Lambkin is seriously ill, and lit-
tle Hope is entertained by the doctors
fur his recovery.
Quite a severe electrical einem pas-
sed over Gorrie accompanied by heavy
rains. Never were pains more aeeept
able, Tilt.'crops were helped greatly.
.Miss Leech, who has been visiting
her parents, Rev. ttnd Mrs. W, Leech
left for Penet;,ngnishene, where she
has been appointed matron of, the hos-
The service on Sunday evening in
enurectien with the MethodistChnrch
was held on the lawn on account of
the intense beat. The change was
greatly appreciated.
Five pupils from the local public
school wrote upon the Entrance
examination. Three passed, as
follows t—Norrua Ribbert, with
honors ; Wilfred Irwin and Elliott
Au old and well known resideut of
Gerrie was called
to her • .eternal home
oo July 12111, in the person of Mrs.
Perkins. She had been mak-
ing her home aviLll her daughter,
Mrs. (Dr.) Williams, of Woodstock,
and went to Brantford to' visit het
sister, Mee-. Streets. While 5Irs.
Strong, Mrs Peek ns, Mrs.. Trotter,
Miss Aggle almit.6nutei'y and it daugh-
ter of Dr, Williams were ens for 0
drive the rig was timet on the street
and Mrs, Perkins' head injured from
which she died as above stated, De-
ceased's maiden Hartle was -Miss Betsy
Dane and her age was 72 yaws. Her
husband was drowned in a freslzet at
Goals 18 years ago. The surviving
ehildreti are t' -Row. R. 1d., of Inger-
soil ; Joseph, Grand Rapids, 14fidit. .
Ohre o• 1 '
, and Mf'a
ag , Dr.
i 3
Williams,tWoodstock. Funeral took
place last Monday at Gorr(e Conclud-
ed by Rev, Rector. Kinder and Rev.
Mr. Moo. Pt
libeaterwere thw •
three sons, son-(nJaw, A. Welsh and
W. J. �
Rer tri t s vets taken
the it
k to
out of the 1
M sae Perking
� s i on
rival from Brantford and then to the
English church, for which the Porkies
family Ped so faithfully for Many
years aided in the work, Mee. Per-
kins was a most excellent rvoutau and.
general regret is expressed rivet' her
unlooked for demise.
Rev. A. L. Russell left last week for
a trip to the West.
Mr's. Ansdale, of Lang, is the guest
of her sister•, Mrs. W. J. Mather.
Fred. Davey spent last Thursday
and Friday with relatives in Grand
P. Davey, of Shelburne, is speed-
ing a few days with his uncle, Fred.
John Rae, of Eady, is the guest of
his parents, D. and 14).i.'s, Rae, of
Mrs. Joe. Morrison. of Hanover,
visited her daughter, Mrs. G. S.
Leckie, this week.
Miss J. Stewart, of Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Harris
and other relatives in this vicinity.
Misses Dorothy Dickson, AunIe and
WiitnHeed Munro have gone to
Cleveland where they, will spend
several weeks.
Mrs. McKee, who has been the
gnest of her niece, Mrs, Harry Brawn,,
left on Friday to visit friends in
Harriston and Palmerston.
At the Methodist Parsonage. Wrox-
eter, Wednesday July 10th, Miss
Margaret A. Rose, daughter of John
and Kate Rose, was married to Robert
Harrison Ogram, son of William and
Mary Ogtam,'by Rev. R. S. Lackland.
The bride wore a travelling suit of
navy blue silk. They were unattend-
ed andit
Ireside W 48 d in Wingham.
r g It.
Charles Love is hone from the
West but will return later.
Miss Mary Fear was visiting Miss
Hazel Rozell during the past week.
Mrs. Alex, Bremner, of Astoria,
Oregon, visited at Alex. Stewart's
lOLh con.
Robert Rae; of Toronto, is visiting
at the homes of J. Douglas and 3.
Lorne Taylor entertained several
friends to a tnusical treat one evening
last week.
Master George McCall of Toronto, is
spending itis vacation with his uncle,
George bpeiran, 14th con..
Frank Clark, of Auburn. is spend-
ing the vacation with his cousin
"Jim" Armstrong, 12th con.
John McNair is getting things in
shape to build a silo. 0. Turnbull ex-
pects his to be finished this week,
H. and Mrs. Last have returned to
their home. ie Galt, after visiting at
the home of the latter's parents, Jas,
and Mr's. Oleic, 10th con.
The Grey Voters' List 1912 was first
posted up on July 18th. List con-
tains 822 names in Part I ; 244 in Part
II ; and 17 in Part III, a total of 1083
in all. 553 are eligible to serve King
George as jurymen.
Mrs. Thos. Alcock, 14th con., is
back from an enjoyable trip of 8
weeks to Manitoba, her old home.
She visited at Winnipeg, Delot'aine,
Hat•tney and Belmont and reports
(be prospects for good crops fine,
PASSED.—Following Grey township
pupils wrote at Brussels at the En-
trance examination and were suc-
cessful:— Payr) Bateman, Mamie
Cameron, W. L. Campbell, Andrew
Coutts, Lia Cunningham, Henrietta
Denman, Roy Dunbar, Lorenzo
Frain, Della Harris, Katie McDonald,
Victor Mcsay Pearl Payn, Earl W.
Rathweli, Noble Schttock and Gordon
Whitfield. Nantes are given al-
phabothioaliy here but the manes
they received may be read in another
R. A. McDonald was at Toronto
this week.
Bay and Mrs. Feat Suudayed at
Geo. Sperling's.
• Walter Pennington wears a smile
these days—another .boy.
Miss -Mabel Menzies visited friends
in Molesworth last week.
Geo. Davis, of Brussels, spent Sun-
day with Oran brook friends.
Mrs. J. Ferguson and family, of
Brussels, are visitors at the manse.
Arnold Rabhwell and Victor Sper-
ling took in the Orange celebration at
Lynn Evans' and Miss Amelia Me -
Innis visited at the home of Deputy
Reeve Brown.
Della Kaiser took the scholarship
for the city of Stratford in the En-
trance exam. and Ora Kaiser passed
with honors the Model Entaance. . alorPAL ENGAcian,—Tile trustees
have engaged Chas. R. !Purvey, of
Bluevttle, as Principal of Oranbrook
soltool•for the corning year at a salary
of $575. Mr. Tnrvey - has just com-
pleted his coursese at the Stretford
Normal school and should fill the bill
to a nicety. We wish hien success,
Duties b s wiit commence at
the close of
A Seaforth report speaks as follows
of a gentleman well known- here :—
Principal Naylor, of the public school,
and Mrs. Naylor aud child, left on
Saturday evening for their Slimmer
holidays. .Before leaving Mr. Naylor
was the recipient of the hearty cou-
grabulation of the school board and
citizens on the magnificent showing
his pupils made at the entrance ex•
amination -28 trying. and 27 passing -
7 taking honors. Mr. Naylor was ap-
pointed principal at Easter', and the
examination took place much earlier
this year.
Athol Mo aerie is borne from'
Glodericlt visiting n
l oder the parental
fi tal
roof. The Gaderich Signal makes the
following complimentary reference
concerning, him t Athol McQuarrie,
the last t e had y ars. beets
With The Signal as t•eperter, left
yesterday for hie home at Oranbrook,
and will devote himself to studies its
preparation for a university course,
Mr. ,Mcfltraz'rie will be greatly missed
in Goderbeh, not only in the 'Signal
office, where he was a valued member
;,f the staff, but in many other circles.
,Ge Look an active and intelligent in-
terest especially in the work of Knox
ohttt•eb, and was identified with other
organizations in town which will miss
his zealous efforts. His many friends
while regretting itis departure from
town, wish trim the best of success in
his life work.
Rev. and Mrs, Lackland, of Wrox-
eter called here last Friday.
Mrs, Henry Clark, stepped on a rus-
ty nail, which has caused much pain.
Mrs. Fred. Bristow, of E.tst Orange,
New Jersey is visiting with Mrs.
Albert Cale aud Mrs. Hood.
130 tickets were sold at the C. P, R.
here last Friday for Blyth whe.e the
Orange celebration was held.
Miss Flossie Murray, of Guelph, and
Miss Ada Spiels, of Auburn, are visit-
ingl, with with J. and Mrs. Smillie.
Samuel McCourt, of Lodi, Cali-
fornia, was visiting his sister, Mrs..
Wm, McCallum during the past week.
We congratulate Miss Della Harris
on passing the Entrance examination.
She wrobe at Brussels. She also took
honors in a musical exam.
The illustrated lecture held in Duff's
church, Friday evening of last week,
was full of interest, Mr. Taylor, a
young collegian from Wycliffe, Toron-
to, was the speaker showing a number
of views concerning the work of the
Upper Canada Bible Society. Rev.
Mt'. Lundy conducted the preliminary
services after which President McCall
Drn WELL.—We are pleased to hear
that Miss Maud Ferguson's music pu-
pile did extra web at tate recent exams.
The result is as follows :—Primary
piano with honors :—Misses Della
Harris, Jennie Kneehtel and Florence
Staples. Miss Tillie Dundee passed her
Junior Exam, with honors. Con-
gratulations are extended to all con-
Frank Hackwetl has been under the
doctor's care the past week but is im-
Rev. Mr. McLean, wife and child-
ren are visiting at John Dundas' and
other friends.
Wm. Hackwetl has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
Stratford and Rochester, N. Y.
Isaac Bolton had a barn raising
Monday afternoon and is rushing it
along so as to be ready for the season's
Richard Cardiff, from Grey town-
ship, has been on the 14th doing con-
siderable ditching with his machine,
He is a 'good hand with it and has
given good
g n satisfaction.
The Ladies' Aid of Duff's church,
Walton, held their monthly tweeting
on Wm. and Mrs. Knechtel's lawn,
Thursday last. A large number of
ladies were present and spent an en-
joyable time.
McFarlane ' Bros. have their new.
residence veneered with brick and are
busily engaged with a large new barn.
They will have a fine farm in a few
years bot ib has been pioneer work so
Misses Tillie Dundee, Florence
Staples and .Lennie Knechtel have
passed -their several exams. in music,
taking lst class honor's, which is credi-
table to their teacher, Miss Maud
Below are the names of those pupils
who were successful in passing into
Form II at recent examinations. To
'those who failed letters will be sent
with narks in a few days. Successful
ones may secure their standing upon
there-opening of school :—
Gertrude Deadman (1st class hopcys)
1V. Hoover, 141 Meehan .(2nd masa
Armstrong J.
Armstrong W.
Liallantyuc L.
Lott W.
Lowry 1].
Outten Beryl.
Roe A.
Work 11.
Oaten Beverly.
Crooks O. was successful in pas-
sing his entrance to Foi'tn III for
Pharmacy Matriculation .
B. S. SCOTT., Principal
Every day of the big Old Boys' re-
union so fru' has exceeded the expecta-
tions of the most sanguine members
of the Howie Committee and there is
no doubt whatever that the beaus.
coming of 1912 will g
odown in history
as the most snecessful of a whole long
hue of onelcessful' and enjoyable re-
Old Boys and Girls are here from all
parts of the United States and Cttu-
adtt. Many came in special terrine,
scores tnacle long automobile trips but
all etre here and having a delightful
time. many of the contingents
brought their own betide with 'them.
Ort the arrival of the Detroit amain -
gent, 300 strong with a pipe and brass
band, they aud hundreds of other Old
Boys marched to Recreation Park,
where mayor' Patterson read an ad-
dress, in which he 'welcomed all and
extended the freedom om of the toren.
Rey. Dia ur t
v M to of Termite, t lto
y, and
Rev, De, Johnston, of Montreal, re-
plied and exprcesed the pleaptua that
all feel in being bash le their old home
town anti 1
r resit old Mende
Fol of `n . g
r s again.
c 1 vl tiro e
s roceedm s the
hall was cleared acid a big dance was
engaged ip for bite'rest of the night,
an oecltestra from Detroit supplying
a tine program.
My Wednesday evening It is expect.
ed that fully 1000 Old Boys from De-
troit alone will be here, the town is
full of all kinds of attractions and the
fakirs at'e malting a roaring trade.
390 marks to pass. 487 marks for
Gertrude Armstrong 425
Jack Bellanbyise (Honors) 521
Pearl Bateman 409
Lillian Burgess (Honors) 532
Mamie Cameron 408
W. L. Campbell 485
Andrew Omuta 399
Ina Ounningbam 421
Henrietta Denman 452
Roy Dunbar 483
George Edwards (Honors) 502
Harry Fox, (Honours) 490
Lorenzo Frain 450
Roy Grey 462
Della Harris 426
Lloyd Jackson (Honors) 502
Albert Lott (Honors) writing not
included 501
Leslie Lowry 468
Katie •McDonald 470
Elmer McKay 410
John McLauoblin (Honors) 504
Clarence Martin 447
Ernest Michie 417
James Oliver (Honors) 4$6
Wm. Sohn Passmore 445
Pearl Payn 483
Earl W. Rathweli 482
Noble Schnook 404
Jennie Scott 436
Ruth Sinclair 466
Gordon Whitfield 450
Marjorie Andrews (Honors) 540
Fleetwood Berry (Honors) 542
Basil Bryne 897
Gertrude Oricb 452
Win. A. Crich 457
Annie Curtin 420
Lloyd Curtis 448
Harvey Dahill 417
Maurice Dalton 401
Alexander Dennis 403
Wm. T. Dodds 439
James Doyle 398
Veronica Eckert 449
Ella Felder (Honors) 502
Hazel Eugene (Honors) 554
Annie Flanagan 400
Bella E. Forsyth 440:
Bums Freeman (Honors) 492
Alma M. Gibson 399
Verna Graves 401
Archie Hays (Honors) 515
David Hill 445
.Margaret Ireland 422
Clara Krauskopf 480
Henry Kruse 393
Beatrice Larkin (Honors) 499
Marion Larkin (donors) 503
Oallista Malone (Honors) 488
Rhea Maidenberg 404
Mildred McConnell 440
Orden McCormick 400
Rae McGeoch 477
James Malady 432
Dorothy Monson 441
Agnes Murphy 403
Alger Naylor 438
Grace Naylor (Honors) 49a
Marjorie Nolan 427
Mabel Pinkney 414
Clyde Rankin 471
Martha Reid..51
Clarissa Scott 477
Maggie Sholdice 404
Gladys Shillinglaw 459.
Robert Sleetlt 483
Mary Srnillie 438
Mabel Senithers 429
Margrete Snell 436
Luella Strong 411
Fremoua Taman 411
H. Harvey Taylor 422
Sadie Thompson 424
Aldimet' Troyer 431
Ella'Tnrnbull 458
"Mabel Turubull (Honors) 515
Greeley Wankel 400
George Welland 402
Fred Weir 443
Jessie Wilson 403
Armour Verna Wingham P. S.
Deans Gertrude Yx
Godkin Alice No. 7, Turnberry and
E. '4Vawanosh
Gracey Nora Wingham P. S.
Henry W. J.- No. 19, Kinloss
Inglis Barbara " 1, Howiek
Maxwell Scott Wingham P. S.
McGregor Wilfred No. 11, Turnberry
Robinson Greta Wingham P. 8.
"Purvey Freda No. 8, Morris
WighttutLn Bessie No. 17, E. Waw-
wiglttman Norm. "
Simpson Delia " ,11 "
Adair Gordon W. Winghatu P. S.
Allan Irene 16
Anderson Alex, D. No. 5, Morris
Appleby Reuben No. 3, Turnberry
Breen g
Willie No. 9, Turnberry
r Ethel E. 0
Ch odic „
a t
Currie Annie No. 9, H.'Wawauosh
Currie Jas, Earl No. 7, Turnberry
Onirie Jessie " 11, "
Currie Leah No, 7, E. VVawanosh
Davidson Annie No: 8, Mortis
Deacon Florence No. 10, 11. Waw.
Gibson Ina 1Viugbain P. S.
Gillespie Paul 1f.
Gau1d 74nrold 0 •t
i! .Y
No. 6, Turnberry
Wing iia
m P.
No. '7, Morris
Lootcridge Frances Wingham P. 8.
Mercer Mindred No. 11, Turnberry
Moffatt Itt'
Ct t00
n ha
Muir Not'tnan No. 8, rurnberry
Muroll Florence Wieghatrt P. S.
'',M,,,,ppttrc11 .1Y4ta`gete Y.
MGDoirald Y ert% i1 11
Gray Howard C.
Groves Milton
Hat'rfsoti Marjorie
Hines `cella
Hinseliffe Willie.
Holmes Jessie 11.
Jewitt Ethel
Nora O.
Kerr Janet
14ICOool Willie
Patterson Eva
Patton Louie No. 4, Turnberry
Po well Robbie " 9,
Proctor Stewart " 7, Morris
Baby Mabel " 4, Turnberry
Iiichaedson Joe Wittghatn P. S.
Roth Dorothy No. 6, Turnberry
Rush Nelson Wingham P, S.
Seat Irene No. '7, Morris
Sheriff Susie No, II, Turnberry
Taylor Wilmer No, 9, 0, Wawanoeh
Weiler Nettie Winggbant P. S.
Wightptau Geo. No, 133, Li. Waw,
Wilson Gerrie No, 8, Morris
Allan Frank Wroxeter P, 8,
Dickson Noel " ,.
Hibbert Norma No, 7, Howiclt
Lovell Lawrence " 18, Howick
Adams Jennie Nu, 18, Howick
Andrew Geo. Lr. " '7, "
Gather's Alma " 18, ,-"
Doubledee Winnie " 13,
Griffith Beatrice No, 1, Turnberry
Irwin Wilfred • No. 7, Jiowiek
McDonald Robt, No, 10, Howiek ?l's
Rutherford Kathleen Wroxeter P. S.
Strong Aitreda No. 4, Howiek
Vauvelsor Hazel Wroxeter P. S.
Giddins Sadie No, 10, Howiek and
Holt Robt.
Johnston Earl
, Samuel
Ne ton ` el
w t
Spence, Ella M.
Wade, Clarence
Winter, Charlotte
No. 17, Howiek
" 12,
61 12, 0
17 s
1, 9a, .
The Orange celebration last Fricley
here was one of the largest ever held
in Blyth. Both 0. P, R. and G. T. R.
ran excursions. one from the North
and the East, bringing into the town
abbot 4,000 people with two brass
bands. Trains got herein good time.
The procession started at 4 p. m. and
marched to the park. at the South of
the town, where addresses were deliv-
ered by Dr. Milne, reeve of Blyth ; T.
Stewart, county master.: Rev. Groiy,
of Wingham ; James Bowman, M. P. ;
A. 11. Musgrove, M. P. P., and Mayor.
Spotters, of Wingham. In the evening
a splendid arancer't was held in Indus-
try Hall. ¶there were 25 lodges in the
The Orange demonstration at Sea -
forth on the Glorious Twelfth was fa-
vored with ideal weather and the at-
tendance was good. It Ives it gala, day
for the town, the streets beiug alive
with color and thronged by thousands
of people. The procession was formed.
in the afternoon ill Victoria Park, and'
led by County Master Wm, J. Kenny
wended its way to the grove on the
Northwestern edge of the town -
There were 24 lodges in procession and
7 bands -those of Seaforth 28 strong,
St. Marys 24, Mitchell 26, Stratford 25,'.
Clinton 22, Summerhill 18, and Varna
18. County Master Kenny presided
over thespeaking exercises which were
conducted from a platform in the
beautiful shaded grove, The first
speaker was Mayor J. C. Greig of Sea -
forth, who offered a cordial welcome
to the Order. The other speakers
were Andrew Joynt, J. P., Settfoib5 ;
Rev. Neil Shaw, Egsnondville ;
A. W, Barker, Seaforth ; Rev. John
Berry, Seaforth ; E. Watson, Clinton;
Fred Welsh, Seaforth, secretary of the
Celebration committee. Prominent
officers and members of the Order wins
were present were County Master 8.
L. Ireland, ,.Stratford; R. W. Switzer.
D. D. G. M., of Blanchard ; John
White, Director of Oeremouies, Strat-
ford ; W. 3. Thompson, Past Grand D.
of 0. of Ontario West, Toronto ;David
Bonis, Past County Master and former
Warden of Perth Ooonty, and many
others. Stratford Lodge No. 759 won
the first prize for the best dressed and
largest lodge in the parade ; Winthrop
won second, aud Logan third, In the
brass band competition, Mitchell won
1st, and 9t. Marys and, St. Marys got
the prize for the best banner in pt'aces-
sion, .In the fife and drum band com-
petition, Clinton gob 1st and Stratford
and. For best fife and drummer the
award went to Messrs. Rand end' Lelfp-
er, Seaforth, Francis Boyd, of Lo -
gam No. 908, was recognized res theold-
est Orangeman in the parade joining
the Order in 1842.
Huron County.
The following is Lhe result of candi-
dates writingon the Lower School ex
ons fr entrance into the Nor-
mal School
and Faculties
tion :—E.
Beaeonr (hon,), P. Brown,
L. W. Boyer, T. G. allanbyhe, W, T.
Bolt, M, re. Carling, B. Case, O. P.
Cowan (hon.),. I. G. Currie, J. M. Cott,
M.. E. Clarke, E. S. Copeland, J. G.
Davis, M. R. Durst, M. Dorrance D.
Diekeon (hon.), 1, Elliott, W, xi. 'Far-
rest, It. Gray (hon.). E. L. Greig. 151;
M. Gibson,M. L. I3aplon, 11. Hallman;
L. Holmes, E. Jamee, R. L. Jackson,
3. Johnston, M. 0. Johnston, ,T, E.
Belly, J. W, .Kehl, M, 717. Kennedy, H.
Lowry, A, M. Landesboro_ugh, H. .
Mti,cArtlsltr, M. McGowan, W. 111a,
Gregor (hon.), A. M. Morgan, G. C.
Mao wan, J. IticKenzie, S. J. MoOloyy,
C. McKay', W. A. McKay (hon.), 0, .
Marti) qq
R. G c
. M Kernho
r S.
(Pan.), E, Pnllaek,l}, L. Pearen, J,
Ross, K. Reidy 141, Rogerson, J. Robb
(holt.5(, A. G. Rinioul, F. A. Smith
hon, , G. Sheriff E. Sander ,.
f� ,. con W. �.
11, F. L. 'lriebhet' X.Wilton, V1iT
II. 'Wellwood, 24. M, oWi'll ate ori, \b.
It, Venus.