The Brussels Post, 1912-7-11, Page 5cs BUSINESS CARDS, 3c\-Ar/T H. Mo0EAOKEN— T L. • Ieeuer of Marriage L1800681, Of. Bee at Cirooery, Turnborry street, Brussels. K. 0. T. M. Breuer)la'feat of the Alucaabeee, No. 2t hold their regular meetings 1n the Lodge Room, beaker 131ook, on the 191 and gra Tuesday eveniu08 el each mouth. Viultore alwayu iveloores. A, SOMERe, Oona. A. MPUUIR2g, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISS1JER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Poe} Wage, Ether. 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND rsineuaes, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -L. • ERB, will sell for better prices, to better men, is less time and lees charges than any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or b3 Personal appUoatfon. LEGAL AND COI'IVEYANCINS. '(U bt. k3IN OLAIIt— YV Barrister, Sollaltor, 0onreyan000, Notary Public, dc. Office -8 tewart's Bloob 1 door North u t Central Hotel. Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank. P110UD1?OOT, HAYS & HILLORAN BARRIST14110., USNOLI2001'1a,Ut US, NO'1'ARlile W, Pao, nyeow, X. 0. 11 0. HAYS J. L. KILLO1AN OUloea-1'b008 formCemh occupied cuSolfed by Messrs Gonanrca, 00188ie, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season A • A-�s��.d.�m®.�0.� o W. H. Lova >a Funeral Director1 and Amba 1 Embalmer Orders promptly and cava - fully attended to night cn' d _ Y Phone 228. u ETHEL. ONT. 1 Business Oards OR. T. T, M' RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Temente Lioontiote and Graduate of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont.. ' Poet•t6,'raduate Uhiott o Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mioh- ael'e $Capital, Toronto. Office over P. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with Oranhreek at all (wars. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tmaaian" and "Corsican" Sailings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW - T. S. 2. "Grampian" and "gosporhnt" T. S. S. "Scandinavian and 'Pretorien" Sailing»every Bnturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service of .moderate priced one class cabin (ill steamers. Sailings every Sunday 21u11 Intoniflablofl 88 to rates, etc., on appll -`a- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent A1hu1 LSno% 130111:03e10. Fell Term from Sept. 3rd Di Arrange now to enter the 1- DR. M, FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Phyeiolnn and Surgoon; Post Graduate coureos. London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals. epeeist attention 10dieeas8 of eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses. TORONTO, ONT. 'o The sahool thathas a grant reputation for giving superior business and 8hert- hand training. Graduates get and Bold good poaltimta because they are titer. mi hl prepared. Write t nr catalogue. Open allyear. Enter any time. > 000. Young and2W. J. ELLIOTT, ri cI al. P n e odor B ta. Cgs Til xa S i�,7� fSAVita'Pt3a'yrt'A. UAV4sa�4�PA'C�:a At2 k ..n CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our graduates are np-to•date and practical. Wo have large sten of ex• peri0need instructora and our grade- Mee more r Mull gradeua100 it to . we do.more for our graduates than. does ,• airy 010811ar unmet, We have three de- pertnlonte — Commercial, Shorthand ' and. Telegraphy. Yon o)vo it to your- 0 Solt to know what we are doing. Got our free 001910gne at once. pa D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal, - tad �raS3'-bv ,r,,Spl>,r8yt etkPAvllvOUVAVIVM v74J OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night cube. Offloe opposite Flour M111, Ethel, MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal eradaate Department of Ophthal- mology, pl0Cormick Medical Oollen., Chicago, ill., is prepared to teat eyye0 and lit glasses at her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels, Wednesday; Thursday, Friday and Saturday every second week. Office hours 10 to 12 a, in, and 1 to 0 p. m. In' Toronto, at 710 Spadini ave., remainder of time. Phone 1210 `a04.>r1) err'•' wars am war BRUSSELS GOING SOUTH GOING NONT8 Matt 7:07 a mExpress 10:55 a m Express 11:25a m Mail 1:59 p n, Express 2:55 p m Express 8:52 p m CeCxaP5"lla Jv ?SWAN' AL w ON r To Toronto To Goderich Express......... 7:41 a m I Express 11:87 a in Express.......,. 2:57 p m I BuPresa 7:120310 WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. in, and 8:55 p. n1, Going West - 12:40 and 5:47 p. m. All trains going East conneot with O.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEC. ALLAN, Local A gent. RU'BER-01O n M I,K KR01 L C A rime: Wee. gives longer and more �tEAtlti. ` gilt completoproteotton,12er dollar of Dost, than metal roofing, shingles or any other ready roof- ing, With < over 300 imitations, Ru-ber-Did is still the best. Made in 3 permanent colors-- Red, olors—Red, Brown, Green— and natural Slate, Look into it before you decide on that new roof. 00 Sole Canadian Mfrs. �r.^ TUIlSTANDAHDP/11NTC0, Js,,sr w• p(Qanada, f,imtted,ste0trealr Leh t Brtxs. P. Amen t, l•, istri.Ct ; Tans Grey SCHOOL Rn2011T.— Following is a report of the standing of the •pupils of U. S. S. No. 12, Grey and Mc- IEiilop, foe the past term. Nettles in order of merit:—Glass V. Total 400. Ada Fulton 214. So. IV. Total 400. Donald Buchanan 195. Sr. III.— *Ella Oaso, *Geo. Ramsay. Jr. 111.— Total 600, Gertrude McKenzie 401, *Nelson Fulton. Sr. 11.— Total 660. Lisabell Salter 532, Jimmie Suiter 509. Jr. IL—Total 500. John Pepper 346, *Earnest Pepper 105, "Viola Clark 159. Su L—Total 350. Luella Fulton 279, Nettie Pepper 209. Sr. I.—Jennie Ritchie, John Salter, Gracie Pepper, Primer—Katie Williamson. J. B. ROBB, Teacher. NEGLECT able to accomplish what he set out to do, and when lle retiLed from the watt acres which he lilted to till he vt possees931 of a snug 0Umpetellee. Two brothees and two sisters aur- 'h D H.B viva him :--Jan)r s Marshall, , L. and Robert of East Wawanosh t Mts. I Rothwell and Mrs, Warren, of Lau - ark 1 r h i h m weir s JrMnsallnte 1 ttrk Oo, A , g an Auglicau, and in politics a Lihel'1t1. Wants Other Women to Know 1Ie will be kindly remembered by the 1 How She was Finally few surviving old neighbors of 4 years ago who labored with (tire in Restored to Health. the arduous work of elearillg their Mes, W, F, Forrest and family left for Saekat0en, Seek,, where they in- tend to make their future home. r have llea;sre„ 13auceltnd Woodond ha been Fon outraged in building w driving shedt� i AR airdsng3arAageinrlaL iroksNLewuoaYsoI )l1ft00fu12r farms, making toads and in other ways matafully did their part in lin- Hammond, Out. — "I am passing proving our country. through the Change of Life and for two • Goderich Buss fishing in the Maitland is 00- ported very good just now. Win. Proudfoot; jr., has passed the aee011d year exafuivati0al of the On. [ark) Law School. The building foe the new elevator leg le now over 00 feet high, and the work is going fireweed rapidly. 0, 0. Lee and Bev. Jos. Elliott are the latest pn0chassre of eutoe3lobiles. Both are Ford machines. Sir. Lee's is a live -passenger touring car and Mt'. Elliott's is a runabout, Crown Attorney Seeger ilas had to elnual10ti his trip to the Pacific Ocntet, the (babies of his office peeseubing tniny demands which he thinks must be given preference. Mrs. Seager, however, will likely go. There are no new developments 103 connection with the rabies outbreak in G0derieh township. No further cases have developed and though due precautions are still being observed the excitement and alarm have sub- sided. 11. R. Sallowe returned last week from strip through the fat ming dig trleb 111 the vicinity of Tillsonburg. He wenb there under the direction of the D01111uion Inlrnigration Depart- ment to secure photographs of farm- ing and dairying scenes, farm build- ings, residences, cattle, and mops. These views will be used in illusteating new immigration litera- ture which is being prepared by the Departmen 1. Does Your Heart Flutter 7 You know heart fluttering means you've not as well as you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power. To obtain caro, try lrerrozone ; (1 has a apeoial action on the heart as seen in the case of Tilos. Grover, of Cole harbor, N. S., who says : "10 I exerted myself it would bring palpitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs completely knocked tree out. When bird attacks carne nn I lived in fear of sudden death. Ferrozone gave my heart the very assistance it needed, and now I am quite well." For heart ne nerves it's hard to excel, Ferrozoue, 50c. per box at all dealers. Listowel Chita. Walker has shown The Stan- dard another large egg, it being 7i inches by 91i inches mad weighs '7 ounces. A. St. Gen. Hawkins, Dominion Irtlmigratiou Officer for New Ontario,. left on a two weeks' trip to New Ontario. Miss A. H. Clayton and Miss Vivian a{a 10 left on a trip to England, Feature, Spain, Italy, Egypt, and the Holy Land. The many friends and former parishicuees in Listowel will hear with regret of the death of Rev. H W. Searles, former ' rector. of Ohrist C huLct which occurred in Hastings, , England, on Sunday evening, Jute 9. 'Po cleaner) the system of undigested food, foul gases, excess bile 131 the liver and waste matter in t1138 bowels will 511(19100r y0ue health. The best system105010to1' is FIG PILLS. A all dealers 25 and 60 cents of The Fig Gwen 217011elilin1n7.3sirssseisby Ic1 Poe Druggist, The High School Board have en- gaged four teachers, Miss Small, B. A., of Toronto, arts and Commercial ; NIr. Morrison, B. A. science ; Miss Gillespie, 13. B. n atheutatics ; Mr. Whitten; 13. A,, moderns. Right hi your busiest season when you have the least time to spars yon ane most likely to lake diarrhoea and lose 0500401 days' time, unless you have Ohatnbeelaiu's Colic, Oholetaanci Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of Lhe di- sease Foe sale by all dealers. years had hot flushes very bad, head - ashes, soreness in the back of head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ings. The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me, but I have been entirely relieved of the above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills, and give you permission to publish my testimonial,"—Mrs. Louts B1o,ncAGE, Sr., Hammond,Ont.,Canada. New Brunswick, Canada. — "I can highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's VegotableCompound to any suffering wo- man. I have taken it for female see:ar- 7/ nese and painful tr '',1.�1,ff�,:j�• �ll(iPa3'if., i menstruation a d it me. Mrs tl" DEVIRE BARBOUI ' '_!1„• J . Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, Canada. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to -day holds the recordof being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab- oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound a trial advice rite to ant g vee w Ifyou w special n Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (coufl• dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict eoufdenee. • Blyth Miss Eva Stothers, who is re-en- gaged as teacher at Elmira, arrived home foe the holidays. T. W. Wright, contractor. and builder, of London, spent the holiday renewing old acquaintances in Blyth and vicinity. A Concert will be held in Industry Hall on Ole evening of July I211. 13ert Harvey; the noted comedian of Canada, assisted by othet'a, will give a fiesr-class entertainment. 'Pupils of 14Iiss Thoni,son's room presented their teacher Wlth a sterling silver MA1110111.0 set and read an ad- dress. The address was read by Mists Jean MeiVlnrchie and'L•he presentation made by Miss Annie Taylor. Robt. and Mrs. Oat'ter and baby, of Gowgancle, are in town the guests of the for:ner`e mother, Mrs. W. A. Carter, Diusley St. Mr. Garter and his partner have -disposed of their cling stores in New Ontario, and will enter the same line in the West. North and South Baron and Nest Brace Orangemen are invited to as- semble at Blyth on. July 12th, to com- memorate the 2921(11 amliveesary of the Battle of the Boyne. Procession will form cm the A.grienitus1tl grounds at 1 p. in. p. In. and 'proceed to the grove at the South of the town where be given ) the follow- ing ve l h• es t addresses Y R ing gentlemen , Dr. Milne, Reeve of 1317111 ; T. Stewart, County Master of North Ilu0011 Rev. Mr. Oroly, County Chaplain, A. H. Musgrove, 11. P. P. ; James Bowman, M. le. ; Mayor Spotton, Winghntn t Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Milverton ; Revs, Messrs. OsLerhout and Pearcey,�Londesboro, and Rev. Farr, Blyth. the following prises will be (Moved :—Locig0 coming greatest (listener, $10,00; Best Ben- nett $5.00; hest Irifet' and Drummer, let $5.00; 231,1 $3.00 ; best dressed lodge $10.00; Lodge with greatest 5)0011bee Dig lull and in procession $10.00; best fife and drum band $10.00; oldest Oraiegeneati in pro- cession $2,00, Morris OBIT. -4.11 old and respected resi- dent of Morrie for a long period in the person of Wm. Marshall who passed away at lot 39, Con. 7, East W1LWalosh, Tuesday, ,Tune 25111, in his 76th year. Me. Marshall hadn't enjoyed good health for consider- able length, of lime being troubled with asthma, which gradually Wore out whet was once a 101121st constitu- tion. He had been outside walking around < the- previous evening a Was preparing for hod, when he was suddenly called away. The funeral took place Friday to Blyth 'Union eemetery where his remains wore in. Correct beside those of his wife and eon. Rev. Mr. h'au'l. 0ondneted the services, D leeas011 Wats born in the township 7)2 taussay, Lanark 0o., in Oct, 1530, living his early life in that part of the Province. In 1880 he was. married to Miss Rachat.l Code, of Beckwith township, in Lanark Co,, havingpmi'chased lot 10, con,:7 Mortis, they settled there, remaining cent'in- ltonsly tali the dearth of his wife 10 1004. Since then, lie has lived with hie son-in-law and daughter Win. and Mts. Rath, East 1VeWranoelt. Ae a fart -nee cleansed met with , 0300eea9, as he employed good methods ill handling the land so that the best re- sults might be obtained. This Intel.• ligenb mount of following his call• in ing had its reward ilnanci8l prof'- it, as well as lh the more saL59610- tory thought that be 7)005 usually the 013 Country, fie will visit Lon. don, Padste cuEdinburghtrb) for t or t time, Mrs, Nat. coghlln, 81.11 con., while tip in a lull gathering eggs, had the nlisforlune to fall through the floor tallith wee only tcraporat'y, dropping a distance of tahout twelve feet, Al, though there are no bones broken, she was badly shaken tip and wee udder the doctor's care. A.2. the Epworth League meeting held on Tuesday evening of last week in the Methodist church a large norm - bee were present and a most 1ntereet- ing tune was 01201,1. Before the meet- ing closed au address wire read by Mts. W, Boyd, and Wilbert Struthers made the presentation of a club bag and fountain pen l0 Rev. J. 0, Reid, who has been the pastor during tate past four yearn. S. and Mrs. Vanetnne, Stratford, are the guests of'B. and Mrs, Geib. Miss Lennie Holmes, nurse, of Bos- ton, is spending her vacation at her horne here. Hubert Henderson, William Matt row and A. M. Wordley, teachers, are home for the Summer holidays. Mr. Henderson will take a short course in Wolseley Barraoks, London. The dry weather has given the workmen on the new postofiice a chance to show some progress. The brickwork is all done, with the ex- ception of the t0iver and chimney,. and the carpenters are busy putting on the roof. For summer diarrhoea iu children al- ways useOhambeelain's Colic, Cholera anrl. Diarrhoea Remedy and castor nil and a speedy caro is certain. For sale by all dealere. Seaforth Ed. Webb is home from Tovoslo for a few weeks. Mlo P. Oaloy is visiting her daugh- ter near Exeter. A. X. ObiLlenden is spending his holidays in Chicago. Arnold Hobkirk has eetut'ned from Iwo weeps' holiday at, Hageesvihe. Mrs. Jas. ,Seeksotl, of Winnipeg, is the guest of J. C. and Mrs. Greig. Howard and Mrs. Hat'try have re - tweed from London, where they wove ylsiting friends, '1V. and Mrs, Winters, of Walker- ton, have returned horne after a pleasant viait to the former•'s mother. Miss iblay Carney and Master Lin- coln Carney, of Ashflel, are the gueets of their a,tmt, Mrs, James McNamara, Rev, 3, 1V. Bodging and family, of Steatfot•d, passed lhrongh Seaforth: recently, 011 their way to the lake at Bay field., S. 0, ;Tones' has left for hie home in Fool Saskatchewan, i'll's. Jones and children will retrial!! with her motherr unbil ball. Miss Murray, of Tavistock, fotenerly With Stewart, Bros. has 10tu3ued to town, leaving accepted a position with Harty Scott. ' (340 Canada'OtreniLure allnnnfaetnr- ors" plata was closed clown last week, for stocktaking, and some repairs are being 331011ed so as to get Ivhning at- geie, Firm have net as yeti ealtg1t up With orders already in and are telt. ileg'o11 More httl1C1a, Atwood • Miss M. Merle Richmond is here from Queensvife to spend the mid- summer vacation at her home, 121h eon, Will, Porter is 10013: at present being laid ap with a sprained arta 105(012 he received by falling oil a car in London while braking in the yard. TAKE A r Slue Pills No Longer Used Whets the stomach needs cleatusimg, the bowels increased activity, the liver additional power, dou't use inercural Dills, try Dr. Hamilton's, Vegetable in composition, extremely mild, yet sure to fltish out all impurities and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use. 1138100ely a cure for biliousness and sick headache, unfail- ing hi constipation and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for indigestion, no medicine is so universally needed in every home as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Good for the young, the old and the well ones, the benefits of Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills are manifold, Sold every- where in 25c, boxes. WITH YOU EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE A regular storm period covers the b central 12 the 19th to the s.itl , DEng 0e t al 0 2ibt. Felling barometer, high tem- perature and electrical storms wilt develop in Western sections at the be- ginning of this, period. The Venus is licence, and the moon being on the equator on the 19th, will berme thun- der storms on and next to that duty. The rind1)'il1 and 23rd and 24th, will ) R a culmination of blustering, ominous storm clouds, with violent summer gusts or wind and local showers in scattering I localities, A reactionary storm period rroter» on tine eeth and 28th, the moon being full and in apogee on the 28th. black, threatening; storm clouds will return at ibis time, with thunder and bluster and light scattering rains, The Venus period being centred early in August and extending ids intlneur0 over the most part of both July and Auguste the probabilities are increased for rainfall ; but, at best the prospects fora sufficiency of well chifused rains are not fa,vo'able. Dt0uth will prob ably be serious in all central to West- ern regions, Doctors Change Their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by in- ternal dosing. They saw this ruined Win&ham S. Bennett was in Riclgetown en business. Mrs. Wallace Hough was the guest of friends iu Hensall over the holiday. Mayor Spotton Is still confined to his house, but his condition is report- ed favorable. The Thirty-third Regiment is horne again, and the leen all report an ex- cellent outing. Chief of Police Allen has a clue to the verandah thieves, and an arrest will likely follow soon. Mrs. Wm. Sneath, who has been lathe General Hospital for the phot Live weeks, has been removed to herhome and is much improved. The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Jack- son, who recently died. here, were shipped on the 6.35 train to Oeledonia for interment. Deceased was in her 67th year. Wingham Foot Ball team played a tie game with Brucefield Tuesday of last week at the latter place. This the last game in the District. Brus- sels are the victors, Salvation Atmy pic-nic, held on the fiats of Lower Town. was well attend- ed. Games and amusements of all sorts were enjoyed by all the young- sters. The Army band gave a line musical program. • Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0. F., met 111 the lodge rooms, and after con- ferring the second degrree, adjourned to Johnston's.eafe xoud had refresh- ments. All had a splendid time. Brethren were present from Brussels, Lucknow, Teestvater and Blyth. Abe Riutoul, the local horse buyer, was badly shaken up when as he was driving down Josephine street the bit in his horse's mouth snapped when the animal shied at an auto standing beside the curb, and he was thrown out. Mr. Rintoul weighs about 200 pounds and fell ,heavily. He was rushed home in t an auto and a Dr, found that his back and arm were baldly braised and that he was suffer- ing from the shock. No serious re- sults are anticipated, A peculiar battle between two swarms of bees occurred at the apiary of Edward Lewis and resulted in the death c,f one queen and a large num- ber of bees. Mr. Lewis was watching some ofhis own bees which were a- bout to swarm, when he heard a buz- zing and noticed that strange lot of bees were making for a hive in his yard. Soon after he "noticed a ball in as bigas LL of bees cloutteacup front of the hive, ad on forcing the beee apart'With a knife discovered the queen stung to death, In the mean- time a fierce battle was being waged by the rival bees, and before it was over heaps of them lay dead ail about the hive. J. WENDTr a JWI±,LT,l2i1 81)11 ENG1AAVISli_ If, Wroxeter " �wI reb the stolnech and changed to the erne. orated air cure better known as ',Cat- a18'h0zo1e," .Chis treatment is time to titre, It goes to rho snru'ct+ of the dia. ease I it (19slrays the causes that Lb II the 100111CCR r8 maintain and even i pertnan0ut cure 10 guaranteed. Irai1. ore with Catarlh0fone is impossible. Autisieptic, healing and lar-reae1sl1lg, ' e it's bound to cure every sr Y tau. Enders sed by more than twenty thotteend physicians in America oleate and sold 11120o. and $1.00 sizes by all dealers, Kidneys Wrong?....- 0 ro , ?If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood trouble comes atone. Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some off the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do thein work thoroughly and well. Try Dr. Horse's " Indian ?' oot Pills - 044.441.6.4004.44644049.044••4446.4044404♦044440.94•'•. • 4 6 • 0 • 4 •4 4 • • • • 4 • • • • ••4 Why Cheat Golds aro Dangerous They lead to pleurisy and pneumon- ia. Follow the advice of W. IL Fowles of Potvle's Corner, Ont.,• who says :—"l used to be subject to attacks and although I used most everything nothing relieved quickly till I discov- eted Neevlliie .L have used it foe pleurisy and sore chest and found it ;lust the proper thing. For Lumbago orNem algia it's its quick as IIghbliing, I oheetfully recommend Neevilino.' S.)tLlgeet, cleanest mostpain destecr - nglimineut Oearth is Nerviliee, 26c. bottles sold everywhere. WEATHER FOR JULY • • e • O • • • • • • • • 4 •• 4 • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • 4 • • ♦ • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • 0 4 0 • 4 high temperature may be expected for the first week iu iuly, with thunder- storms in many sections about, the 6013, on which date Ole moon crosses tile yele0tial is:pater. A regular storm period iscedtral on the 9111, involving the 81(1 to 12th inoltiSiVe, The centro of "a mercury period falls on the 12th, extending from about the 5th to the 19,th, and this fact will 11Crense proba- bilities of rainfall during this period, Ori and about the loth, 11th And 520, ti 'series of sharp thubdel• gusts, with black, blustering elontls, will be general over m0St parts of the country. Sotto localities will get heavy downpours, but We figure that moisture will fall short et the general necessities of growing crops, Tee moon is also at perigee endnew cu 11)17 140(1, Very wart/ Weather, 10W berotneter end blustering, ntemming storm clouds will result et this time:. The hygrometer will indicate un- mistakably whether much rain will fall during these storms. A, few thus pa01181 relief from summer heat win come, with rising barometer after the Eastward passage of these storms, The t4111 is 1110 central day of is seitur 10 period, eft- olidhfg irollltho 11111 to the r;lth, 0 . andie • • • • • 4 • • Krau• • O rauter • • Ethel, Ont. • 4444.44•••x4.44.4••64444.64400. • • O 4 • • • • s• S. f 4' 4, •. 4. 4 y • • • e• • • 4 Frost & Wood, McCormick, Cockshutt, John Deere, Dain, Fleury, Wilkinson : and Percival & Kemp Plows and all kinds of Farm Machinery. 4; Louden, Beatty, Workman & Ward and Preston Hay Tools and Stable Fittings. Barber and Brantford Buggies, Carts, etc. o. Adams Speight and St. George Wagons, ti 1 a .• etc. • SingerSewing Machines. De -Laval and Empire Separators. All kinds of Wind Mills, Gasoline En- u gines, Washing Machines, Wringers and. Coal, Wood, Gasoline and Oil Stoves. a Roofing, Evetroughing, Hardware, Tin- : ware, Paints and Oils, Paris Green and Poultry Fountains. s The largest variety of Plow and Machin- r cry Repairs in this vicinity always an haled. • 4. 4, Bell and Rural Telephones. Give us a Ball • 4 40311:111h4.1.141444,' ,1 .naa1;" .'w.0 "h="Ct&.a,a:r: :.fi*h:.;4 ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desiroto call the attention of all those afflicted- with any Blood or Shin Disease to our Now Method Treatment 110 a guaranteed Duro for these complaicts, There 15 ne ex- cuse for any person having a disfigured face from eruptions and. blotches, •Ivo matter n eci10 ra r r 1,Pacquired,O • eft r hereditary tta aha o Y rli all poi- sons and 011 and exp neutralize z1, P syst in thebloodand expel a to from Ilio system. Our asst experience iu the trent- compitcated Cases 1,e the ustoperfecttlydt cure without experimenting. Wedobn81ne13 on the plan—Pay Only for tho Benefit You Dorive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Fret of Charge and let us 120050 to you how (trickly our remedies will remove :all evideeces of disease, Under the !Patience of the Now Method Treatment tial skin be- come Blear, ulcers, pl1Ples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands ora reduced, fallen bright, ambition and again. ret1, 00, and the victim realizes a new life Las opened Up to .him, 7011 CAN ARRANGE TO FAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSIJLTAT1oN .1)14352 "end for OLDEN o090517OR of RC7•,G "THE GOLDEN I0 unable, to cell, write fora flotation 511 for Homo Treatment ID0s.KENN I, �z': 101" f; k i �r KE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. . , q• ��+,rY,, ��+na 015 totters front Canada m1101 be addressed "N ®®' 111 N:, to ottr Canadian Correspondence; 5lepart- italiage 1)10110111 Wittclsor, Out. If you desire to see lis personin call at our Medical Institute in Detroit 40 we see turd treat al a• petiont• n our Windsor" offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters 110 follows: DRS. XENNED"t & KENNEDY, Windsor', Ont. 01.4 ofun n"rnrrvnlnn,idroNd.