The Brussels Post, 1912-7-11, Page 1VOL. 41 NO. 2
W. H. KJ RR, Pr%yietor
New Advertisements
Cow for sale -John LOWS.
Pure Parte Green -Jas. ESA,
Photography -C+, P. Maitland.
MxstriZI INj' sues.
The local: Orangemen will go to
Blyth on Friday.
Joseph Wilkinson, of Hensel', was
calling ori old friends and attended
the big Garden Party at Garner
There was a slight mix as to dates
of Farmers' Institute Club meeting
last week. It may be that a recess
will be taken until after the rush
of harvest.
The Strawberry Festival at the
Presbyterian church Thursday even-
ing was a decided success $160 being
the receipts. Whig/lain band sup-
plied, a good musical program.
Belgrave Women's Institute will
meet on Tuesday after noon ,of next
week at the home of 'Vire. Chas.
Procter, at 2.30 o'clock, Deport will
be given by the delegates to the Dis-
trict meeting.
Belgrave school did well at the
Entrance. Out of 4 pupils who wrote
all passed 8 taking honors. The
names are :-Honors, Bessie Wight -
man, Bella Simpson and Norman
Wightman. Passed, Greta Alen -
strong. They wrote at Wingham.
We congratulate the scholars on their
success and also throw a baguet at
Mise Rands for her painstaking work
in preparation,
Despite the great heat last Sunday
afternoon there was it good turn out
of Orangemen to the service held in
Trinity church, Rev. Me. Farr
preached a very appropriate discourse.
The brethren marched front the lodge
room to the church. -
Oharles Wilkinson, a well known
farmer of the 4th ]hue, Morris, had
the misfortune to lose a splendid
registered mare. He found her lying
(lead at the driving house door in the
morning. Indigestion was tbe cense
although he had not noticed anythieg
the matter with her. She left a colt
7 weeks cold. Mare .vaewalued at
anti was a good. one.
Miss Laving Alderson spent Domi-
nion Day at Hamilton.
Mrs. R. K. MuDouald is visiting
friends in London this week.
Vasty 13alloif, of Michigan, was
•visitiug11. Snutlldon this week.
til r. and Mrs. Naylor, of Seaforth,
west: visiting in the burg this .week.
Jas. Bird and W. J. Palmer have
filled in• the washout at the North
bridge here. '
The trustees of our public school
are adverbieing for a Principal whose
duties are to commence on September
Mr. and Mrs. Piggott spent Domin-
ion Day -with the Misses Switzer.
Mr. Piggott has returned to. Sarnia
opmemonza..vii �e,
"Secure the shadow ere the substance fade,"
A motto trite but well and aptly said ;
And oft recurring, as with•anxious eye,
We gaze on forms which bloom, alas ! to die.
Be wise in time ; improve the present hour ;
Pluck while we may the rose of beauty's bower,
And from its bloom, an evanescent joy=
Extract a balm, a sweetness to destroy
The poison minglings of the cup of life,
And soothe the anguish of its parting strife.
VP -There is a Photographer in your town
The Maitland Studio
JULY lith, 1912.
prove the
real quality
of the
leather and
workmanship in
"Canada's Best Shoe'rnakert.,
Sold only by -..arra
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels
but Mrs. Piggott will visit for a couple
of weeks longer. •
Heuther Bros, had a very euccese-
fol barn raieing file week. 'There'
were upwards of 200 sat•down to well
filled tables for supper.
Additional Blyth news on page 5.
Big preparation for the Celebration
on the 12th in Blyth.
Frank Metcalf, a well known resi-
dent of Blyth, has been appointed
Fruit Inspector in the \Vest by the
Dominion Q overntueut. He should
fill the bill to a nicety.
Rev. Mr. Cloak and family have gone
for their vacation.
Miss Black and sister have returned
from Blyth for their holidays.
Frecl Ma0racken has been papering
and painting in Titusville, making
homes more beautiful.
Aclani and Mis. Reid, of Wingham,
are visiting with Mrs, A. Bruce and at
her friends at Bluevale as present,
The bricklayers are pushing the
work at A. Gardiuer's new residence
and will soon have the walls up. Mr.
Gardiner is asking for tenders for
lathing and plastering the building.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held on
Wednesday, July 17th in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall. Mrs. Berry will be in
charge of the meeting and will give
an address on "Woman's Rights."
Miss Annie Simpson will introduce
the topic "How to make the best use
of the Summer holidays." Lemonade
and cake will be served by the young
ladies and a largecompany an
c coo is invited.
Meeting opens at 3 o'clock.
Quite a crowd went from here to
the Pearson garden party last Friday.
A gond time is reported.
Miss Mina Elliott is home from
Thornhill for her vacation. The
climate there evidently agrees well
with her.
Connell met here Monday of this
week. Next meeting will be on
August 5th when the rates for the
year will be struck.
Rev. Dr. Legear and family, former-
ly of Ethel, are holidaying at Kin-
cardine for a month. Their• home is
at Lansing, Michigan.
WOMEN'S INSTIruTE.'- The next
meeting of the Women's Institute
will meet at the home of Mrs. Peter
McKay, Thursday July 18th at 2.80 p.
m. Subject "The art of being
merry ;" "How to manage a husband"
to be taken by Mts. Geo. Addy and
Mrs. 0. Raynarcl.
SUDDEN Dieersa-The death sum-
mons came to Wm. Graham last Sat-
urday very suddenly when at his
home he passed away without many
minutes warning. He was 75 years
of age and is survived by his wife and
adult family. Mr. Graham was form-
erlya resident of Howick township.
Funeral took place to Dime cemetery,
Rev. D. B. McRae conducting an ap-
propriate service. The bereaved are
sympathised with in their Budden
sorrow. Mrs. Alnnza Heath, of Grey
township ; Mrs. Ballantyne, of Wrox-
eter ; Wm. of Vancouver and George
of Elma, are the children absent from
the banquet 141r. McDonald rendered
a number of bagpipe selet•.tions that
were greatly enjoyed and his daugh-
ter, Miss Vermt,ltlanced several High-
land dances most artistically.
Miss Pearl Ashton, of Gorrie, will
teach the Boundary school -Grey and
Howick-for the next ter'rn, succeed-
ing Miss Evans. Salary is $525. She
has completed iter Normal training
at Stratford,
Miss Marion Smith was visiting
relatives in Morris.
Last week Oliphant and Mrs. Smith
called on old friends at Bluevale and
Mrs. John Lake was called to Wing -
ham last week owiug to the serious
illness of her father, Edward Bosman,
who died Saturday morning,
The Sabbath School meeting in the
school house of S. S. No. 1 was re-
opened last Sunday afternoon Miss
Bobz, the Superintendenthaving re-
turned from her holiday.
S. R. Creme and son Ross, of Toron-
to, were renewing old friendships dur-
ing the past week. They came up on
the annual excursion of Huron Old
Boys from the Queen city.
DRarxs LET. -The Council last
Monday let the Smillie drain to W.
A. Stevenson, of this township, for
$4,000. Connolly & Nicholson were
awarded the Grant drain at 112,9$7.75.
Both contractors have had experience
and will know how to tackle the jobs.
The remains of Gus. A. Schmidt
were taken to Sebringville for inter-
ment. Deceased was 33 years old.
He came here some time ago and
bought the hardware business from
Mr. Stuart. He had only been in
business a short time when the Beav-
er block in which his store was located
was destroyed by fire and Mr. Schmidt
lost heavily, Besides his wife lie
leaven a family.
Before one of'bhe largest crowds of
the season, Wingham foot ball, team
applied the white wash brush to
Goderich at Victoria Park, by a score
of 7 to 0. Play was fast throughout
and the game was one of the cleanest -
ever played here. P. Mc]wen refere-
ed. The.teams lined up as follows :-
Goderich-itic.Dnnadd, goal ; R..Bate-
man and J. Oreddocic, beaks ; 3. Dabbs
and G. Nesbitt, halves ; Vallelle,
Hawkins, Hunt, Townsend, Leach.
and Martin forwards, Win harp-
Alderson, goal ; Reddick and Parker,
backs ; Huffman, Jones and Brown,
halves; McKercher, Geddes, Telford,
Day and Pollard, forwards.
The members of L, 0. L. No. 704,
marched to St. Pants church Sunday,
and heard a ver eloquent amnion b.
Rev. E. B:. droll. During the service
Mrs. J. 0. Smith rendered a solo
most acceptably and Mr. Willis at the
organ played a fine program. A mem-
ber of members of outside lodges at-
tended the service, together with
some of the Loyal True Blues, Orange
Young Brittons and inertly of tire,
'Huron Old Boys. The parade was
marshalied by J. Guest. Among the
visiting brethren were County Mas-
ter Stewart, of Blnevale ; Past Dis-
trict Master Beck, of Goderich
Secretary, .111111 Robertson, of L. 0.
L. Nri. 207, Toronto and Roger Orock
er, of L, 0. L. No, 479, Toronto.
A most enjoyable celebration was
held at the home of David and Mrs.
McDonald, Ftrancis street oil Satur-
day evening when they celebrated the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
A large member of friends from the
town and district• were present and
extended the most hearty congratula-
tions to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
Among the beautiful presents they
1 purse and
i.eot.tved were a wetI•fit edu
several handsome nettieles of cut glass
and silverware. Fifty guests sat
down to a splendid banquet, which
was served rn the drawing room
which was most attractively decorat-
ed as Well as the tables, with roses,
atnilax and 00 dowers. Following
nesietetl by Rev. George Jewitt, of
Blyth an old friend and a former
neighbor, Interment was made in
Bluevale cemetery where the children
were buried. Deceased was very fond
of company ;• was a Methodist in reli-
gion and a Oouservative in politics.
He was the soul of hospitality and no-
body ever left his home bungry.
Widespread sympathy is extended to
the bereaved, especially to Mrs.
Busman who performed her part as
wife and mother so loyally. A fine
man passed away when Edward
Bosman died.
Goon Train. -A successful Garden
Party was held at the home of'Jno. R.
Bell, 8th line, on Thursday evening of
last week under tbe autpices of the
Jackson Church Sabbath School.
Ohair was occupied _by A. Howlett,
Suiierinteuden of the school and the
following program was well rendered
-Instrumental selections by Mr. Wise
Newark, N. J. ; addres Rev. Dr. Oaten,
Bruseele ; Zonophone selection by Mr.
Parr ; song Jno. McArthur ; address,
Rev. G. Jewitt, Blyth ; solo, Albert
Payne, National Anthem. Proceeds
were over $44.00, which will be devot-
ed to school purposes. Mr. and Mrs,
13e11 made first-class host and hostess
and did their part splendidly.
Miss Grace and Elizabeth Ferguson,
of Niagara Falls, Ont., are home for a
The new bridges will be pushed a-
long so as to be ready before the Fall
rains set in.
Miss Irene Olegg, who has beeh
teaching at Troy. Ont., is enjoying a
holiday at home. '
James and Mrs. Ireland, 3rd line,
were visiting relatives and friends at
Seaforth and Clinton.
Township Council and Court of Re-
vision on McGee and Bird drain By-
laws will be held Monday, 29th fust.
Miss Carrie Jackson is home from
Brigden, where she has been filling a
millinery position, for her holidays.
Mrs. S. Dodd, of Barrie, is a visitor
at the parental home. She is a
daughter of James and Mrs. Davis,
511i line.
Trouble is brewing over the rough
handling of a Oth line youth by some
of the young man of the community.
It will be ventilated before Police
Magistrate Morton at Wingham.
.4. large number of old neighbors
and friends attended the funeral of
the late Edward Beeman, of Wing -
ham, formerly of this township, on
Wednesday. He was one of the
The attention of License Inspector
Johnston is called to a Sunday beer
keg display made on one of the side
roads. It is said the beer came from
Brussels. This is paving the way for
Local Optiou in Morris all right.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Jewitt, the new pastor, preached his
introductory sermon at tbe Jackson
church, His theme was "Ambassa-
dors" and WAS well handled. We
wish hint success in his labors.
FARM BOUGHT. -The fine 100 acre
farm of Samuel Jordan, Si Lot 7, Con.
5, has been purchased by James Miebie
of the same locality, the price being
$5,700. Possession will be given next'
January.. Mr. Jordan will go to Van-
couver, B. 0., for a trip and may make
his home there, We wish all concern-
ed success but hope Mr. Jordan will
still continue to live iu Morris.
9.45 last Saturday ' morning Edward
Bosman, an old and highly esteemed
former resident of Morris township,
passed peacefully away at his home
at Wiugbaro attended by his faithful
wife. Deceased was born in York-
shire, England, and came to Canada
in 1884. He spent some time at Lon-
don and Clinton before locating in
Morris where he purchased 100 acres
on the 2ud line from a Me, Fenton.
On the 21st of March 1800 be took as
his life partner Miss Mary Stephenson,
of Clinton, and with her settled on
the newly purchased bush farm. By
industry, thrift and economy suc-
cess crowned their efforts, as it de-
served to, and prosperity attended
them so that farm was added to farm
until 500 acres carne into possession of
lilt•. Bosman. 11 years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Bosman moved from their com-
fortable home on the farm to Wing -
ham where they spent the passing
years enjoying the respect of all who
knew thou. The subject of this
notice was bothered for the past 20
years with rheumatism and 5 years
ago had the misfortune to break his.
ie g The last illness was very brief.
While sitting waiting his breakfast
Friday morning' a pool of blood was
noticed on the floor and upon in
veetigation it was found to be caused
by a bad hemorrhage 011 his leg. A
doctor was speedily • called and tine
bleeding temporarily stopped but later
It started again resulting in Mr.
Bosman's death. He was conscious
to the last and conversed with those.
at hand. Mr. Bosman is 'sur-
vived by his wife, beep eons (John a
0. P. R. engineer•. at )3,randon, Man.,
and i:tarty ie Morrie township 'on the
homestead) and daughtefs'(Mrs. Robt,
Vincent, of Alberta ; Mrs, Jno, 13,
Lake, Grey township •;' Mrs. Robt.
McGee, Morris 1 Mts. I, Pepper, and
Mrs. James• Leishman of Sasicafche-
wair.) . Mre. T. Campbell, of '4Vinni-
peg; Misses Jennie. and Ida and au
mfrenb'sotn are deceased. A brother
and sister live in Yorkshire and a
no phew, Harry .Bosman, in Toronto.
john ' Stephenson, of Clinton is a
brother to Mrs, Bosman. funeral
took place Wednesday, conducted by
Rev. Dr. Rubledge, deceased's pattor
Extensive preparations are being
made to aceotnntotiate the crowd on
the 12th of July.
Mrs, George McMoran, of Chicago,
is the guest of her slater, Mrs. John
R. Ilenkirk, Market street.
The band and firemen are making
preparation for attending the fire-
nien s tournament in St. Marys on
Aug. 7th.
Miss May Wightman, nurse, has
gone to Broderick, Sask., in response
to a telegram from a friend, who is
seriously i11.
Misses 1yicGuire and Hughes, of
the Mcleaul millinery staff, have gone
home for theholidays, the former to
Wallaceburg and the latter to Inger-
W. O. MacKay, Dr. John el, Mc -
Paul and Thos. McNaught, who came
up from Toronto on the Huron Old
Boys' excursion, returned last even-
C. H. Broadfoot, of Broadfoot Bros.,
Moose Jaw, is home on a, visit to his
family. Before coming East he ran
up to Regina and says one must see
the damage to fully undersband the
force of the cyclone.
T. G. Shilingiaw and daughter, of
Egmondville, Geo. and Mrs. Douglas
and daughter, of Blake and Norman
Boyce, Mrs, James Laurie and Mrs.
Margaret Wallace, left for a trip
through the West.
The first good rain for a month
came Monday evening with a fierce
thunder storm. Several telephones
were put out of business, and the house
of G. M. Chesney, on Goderich
street was again struck. This is the
third time this house has been struck
by lightning.
Jno. and Mrs, Walker have received
word from their daughter, Miss Mary,
her narrow
'n of
in Regina, telling g
escape during the cyclone. Never
thinking of the danger, they had
watched the peculiar cloud coming
up -the queerest cloud ISiss Walker
had ever seen. Her uncle, E. 0.
Walker, formerlyof Brussels, was
saved by the wals forming an arch
over his bead.
was visited by an electrical storm
Tuesday, June 8th, about 9 p. m.
The flashes of lightning were vivid
and the peals of thunder loud and
long. The residence of McD, Fleming,
Wallace street, who is lying ill was
struck. The lightning struck a
chimney on the Sonth side' of the
house, knocking the bricks compos-
ing part of the chimney loose and
causing themwith to fall a crash on
the roof and ground. The chimney is
in Mr. Fleming's bed room, in which
there is a stove -pipe hole, closed with
a tin stopper, directly over Mr.
Fleming. The force of the electricity
blew the stopper out across the room,
striking Miss Fleming, but not
seriously. As good fortune would
have it, Mr. Fleming was sleep-
ing at the time. It awoke him, but
caused no bad effects.
LATE Jomc AsgIN.- There died at
Listowel on Sunday morning, July
7th, John Askin in his 79th year.
The funeral which was well attended
took place from his late residence,
Bismarck street. Tuesday afternoon
at 12 o'clock. Service was con-
ducted by Rev. D. W. S. Urquhart.
Intermeut took place at Fairview
cemetery. The floral tributes showed
the esteem in which the deceased was
held. The late John Askin was ons
of the pioneers of the Queen's Bosh.
It was his delight to relate to visitors
startling stories of the early days.
He had been sick for several months,
but was down town Friday, just two
days before he was stricken by the
hand of death. His wife predeceased
him. Out of a family of five sons and
two daughters, he is survived by three
sons and one daughter, who have the
sympathy of the community in thein
Dr. Clapp, of Mildmay, was in the
village last Wednesday.
Miss May Hogg, of Fordwich, visit-
ed this week with Mrs. Thos. Savage.
Miss Miller of Prince Albert, Sask.,
is the guest of relatives in this vicin-
itgGen McIntosh, of Stratford, was a
visitor at the home of Jno. Davidson's
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reis, of Bruner, visit-
ed over Sunday with the former's
brother, leeeve Reis,
Met. Fred, Davey went to Grand
Valley on Saturday where she will
spend several weeks.
W. B. Barton, of the Trader's Bank,
left on Saturday to spend a two weeks'
vacation ab bis home in Beeton.
Mrs. J. Tennyson and little daugh-
ter, of Toronto, are 'spending a few
weeks with:the former's parents B. and
Mrs, Henning.
Mrs. T. Coulter (nee'Jennie Miller)
of Balcarres, Sask., and Mrs, Thos.
Miller, of Toronto, are renewing ac-
quaintances here. •
W. 0, Hazlewood was called to
Clifford this week owing to the death
of his mother. The funeral took
place in Clifford on Wednesday.
James and bit's. Ireland, of Durham,
former residents of the village, spent
several days recently witlethe lattei's
sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson.
James and Mrs. Ballantyne were at
Ethel several days of this week at-
tending the funeral of the latter's
father, who (lied suddenly on Satur-
James Wylie, Allan Frralfck, R. S.
Bann, John Patterson, W. McLean,
aid Arthur Stunt, were amongst those
who attended the exclusion to Toeon-
to and Niagara Falls on Friday.
A number from here attended the
Garden Party held ab A. Gallahines
under the auspices of the Salem
church on Tuesday evening. Wing-
ing'ham Brass Band was in attendance
and a most enjoyable time was spent.
Miss Norma Dickson is visiting
Priends in Goderich.
Mete. A. E. Kinder has gone to Thor-
old on a two weeks' holiday.
Mrs. J. F. Daly and children are
visiting friends in Hamilton.
Mrs. W. B. Kerelake is in Flint,
Mich., visiting her sister, Mrs. hough.
A lame cumber of local spotty are
taking in the races ab London this.
Thomas Lockhart, Troy, N. Y., is
visiting his .brother, Wm. Lockhart,
of McKillop,
362 tickets were sold at Seaforth Inc
the Union Sunday School excursion
to (loderich.
Miss Grata T. Watson, teacher, is
irotlie from Moose Jaw, Seek., for the
Summer vacation.
The Entrance papers are generally
considered as being very fair this year
and a large number of pupils were suc-
cessful, At Clinton 70 wrote and 49
passed ; at Blvbh 22 passed out of 28.
Total marks 650 ; to pass 390 were
necessary and for honors 487 had to be
James Wylie 537.
Chester Johnston 510.
Jennie Miller 506,
Flora Fingiand 497.
Harriett Oanteion 491.
Pearl Cunningham 488.
Austin Nediger 481.
Florence Fawcett 480.
Frank Pennebaker 480.
Pemlea Ball 479.
Harvey Stewart 478.
Alvin S. Townshend 476.
Lloyd Rice 472.
Charles Cantelon 468.
Harold Leslie Hanley 462.
John Ross Taylor 462.
Isabel Sinclair 458.
Anna V. Shanahan 456.
Bettie Silber Rowden 456.
Gifford Beaton 452.
Francis Reynolds 451.
Verdes Asquith 449.
Agnes L. B. Allan 448.
Clinton Cook 444.
Roy Arthur Tyndall 444.
Gerbie Wallis 443.
Neil Sparks 440.
William Appleby 486.
Eugene Sheeley 434.
e Eva Garter 433.
Annie Stewart 433.
Luella F. Lobb 428.
Arnold Glazier 426.
Douglas Shipley 425.
Lavern Wm. Churchill 424.
. Foster Copp 423.
James O. Lansing 420.
Maggie M. M. Lansing 419.
Charles Thompson 418.
Wilfred Orich 417.
Olara Twitchell 414.
Ethel Gladys Orich 418.
Zerelda Churchill 410.
Walter Shier 410.
Albert Shier 408.
Francis W. Gray 405.
Austin Martin 400.
Bernie Hall 899.
Lloyd Wilken 393.
Nora McCaughey 551.
!; Y
Patience Scott 548.
Helen ()timing 531.
V. Alberta Strothers 513.
Eunice Metcalfe 496.
Robert Phillips 475.
Hazel Noble 489.
W. James Brown 468, -
Robert Wallace 483.
Effle 'Stoltz 462.
Mae Laundy 450.
Dorris -Scott 448.
Alma Youngblet 485.
William White 484,
Fern Symmington 418.
Fern Johnston 418.
Jewel Grainger 416.
Earl'Raithby 415.
Lena Plunkett 407.
Arinsteorg Snell 404.
William Ottrter 893.
Amos Andrew 392.'
notified, but after learning of the cir-
cumstances decided an inquest unnec-
eesary. For several days Mickte luta
suffered fr'oneneuralgia, and this, to-
getlter• with the torrid weather, prob-
ably prompted the deed. The dead
man was 40 years old and had a wife
and three children.
The delegation of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto arrived
at Wingham on Suuday afternoon on
their auto trip around the county.
They were islet between Winglraur
and Gorrie by deputation from the
•town in three autos headed by Reeve
McDonald, ex -Mayor Ducliey Holmes.
and others and were given au eutbusi-
astic welcome. The th'legatiou arriv-
ed in Goderich by special train Satur-
day and were met at the station by a
large number of prominent citizens,
including E. N. Lewis, M. P., W.
Proudfoot, M. P, P. and many others.
Mr. Lewis entertained them ae his
residence and grounds iu the after-
noon after which they left for Bay-
field, being joined by Messrs. Lewis,
postmaster and W. Kelly at Bayfield.
They were received by the Reeve of
the village and were met by auto
loads of Zurich residents, including
J.J. 'Verner, M. P., Dr, Campbell,
De. McKinnon, Reeve Hess, J. A.
Williams, Ed. Zeller, 3. Deichasb, A.
Neidman, W. Hoffman, W. Ruby, F.
Kalbfleisch, F. Hess, 3. Rickbell, E.
Sloshote, J. Pi'eehe and J. Constanine,
Leaving Bayfleld the patty proceeded
via the lake shore road to St. Joseph,
where they celebrated. Zurich was
reached at 6 p, m. where a public din -
new was held at Rann's Hotel and the
citizens turned out in full force. The
reachedd Exeter about
where a hearty reception wasawait
them at the hands of the citizens.
The party were met by the citizens'
band and the Orange band and stimuli --
ben of prominenb citizens, including.
Reeve Heilman, T. B. ()ailing, T. PG,
Stanbury, Jos. Senior, 3. Southcot,
N. D. Hurden and J. W. Taylor.
The two bands interspersed with Pip-
er Ross, of Toronto, kept up the music
till a late hour Sunday morning.
The party came up the London road
through-Hensall and liippen to Sea-
forth, where a call was made on Jas.
McMichael, the oldest man in the
county. Mr. McMichael is in his 91st
year and is known over Western
Ontario -as a champion bowler.. At
his present age he still takes en active
interest in this popular sport. Sun-
day afternoon the party visited Wal
ton, Brussels, Wroxeter, Gorrie and
Bluevale. Sunday night they were
housed .at the Queen's hotel, Wing- ..
ham and Monday . in Belgrave, were
Blyth, Londesboro', and 0linton.
• Morris Council
Minutes of Council meeting iheld in
the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon-
day, June 17th. The members were
all present' the Reeve in the chair.
The mimrtes of last meeting were
read and approved. At the Court of
Revision N. D. part N. 4 29, con. 5,
and N. 3 lot 29, son. 8, was assessed to
Alfred husker, owner'; J. H. Bryans,
N. i lot 30, con. 5, owner R. H.
Garniss, N. 3 11, corn. 3, owner ; Ru -
beg Garniss, N. 4 11, con. 3, dog struck
off. Laidlaw --'Fraser, that we ex-
pend $100 on the West gravel road
provided East Wawanosk ex-
pended a Tike sum. Carried.
Thuell-Elston, that we expend $100
on the East boundary. Carried.
Elston-Thuell, that we finally pass
By-law No. 4, 1912, for the purpose of
borrowing $23,000, to be expended in
buildiug bridges. Carried. The fol-
lowing accounts were passed and •
paid.: -John Parrott, repairing bridge
58,50 ; Wni. Abram, rep. bridge,
$7.00 ; Roble Smith, gravel, $7.00 ;
Margaret Shedden, gravel, 88 30 ; Ed,
Pollard, repairing a washout 3rd line,
$30.00 ; T. D. Mcleweu, Returning
Ofcer, $4.00 ; D. Laidlaw, R. • 0,
54.00 ; Geo. McOall, R. 0., $4.00 ; Situs
Johnston, R. 0., $4.00 ;' Wm Fergus-
00, R. 0., $4.00 ; Thos. Miller, R. 0.,
54.00 ; A, McEwen, By-law and elec-
tion, $10.00 ; Beach Alcock gravel
and shovelling, $8,20: 11. ' Vint, bal-
ance culverts on McCall drain, $634.50 ;
Wm. Ferguson, inspecting 20 clays,
$36.00 ; Thos. Clarke, fixing crossing
on river, $7,00 ; Ingot Iron Co., cul-
vert, eecOall dr., 890,00 • 'Ingot Iron
l'.)o., culvert, McCall dr„ '563,51; Ingot
Iron Co.. culvert, Township, $45.90;
Thos. Marshall, temporary bridge,
Murray -Lamb drama, $4.50 ; Wm.
Taylor, putting in culvert Me0all
drain, sideroacl lots 20.21, 515.00
Peter McArthur, iron culvert, con. 9,
lots 21-22, $10.00 ; Solomon Shannon,
ligghts on culvert, McCall drain, $13
Wm, Taylor,farm bridge, McCall
drain, $15.00 ; H, Kirkby, contractor
Smith drain, $200.001 Jas. Wells,
temporary culverts, $8,00 ; Wm. Bern-
ard, shovelling gravel, and repairing
fence, $2.00 ; Bell Telephone Oo,,40c
D. Jordan, fence deviation road;
$5.00. Council adjourned to. meet on
Monday 29th day of July.
A. MACEWEN, Clerk,
SAD DEATH. -Crazed, it is believed,
front the efleots of the terrible heat,
WillianrMickle, a farther of Malden
Township, uearAmherstbierg, comm
ted sou'he 50155 time Sunda 1shang,
ing. Body was discovered supend-
from therafters of it small out-
house some Imre later by Mickle's mtr-
thor, who was searching for her son.
Ooroner Parke, of Amherstburg, was
Miss Annie McQuarrie is home from
her millinery position at Blyth for a
few Weeks.
Chas. and Mrs. Layton and chiidree
of Seaforth, visited at the homy of Mrs,
D, Robb Sunday.
George and Mrs. Pollard were he
Clinton this week visiting at the home
of J 8'. and Mrs. Wssman, The latter
is their daughter.
What might have beau a set•i005 fire
wes narrowly averted in the restaurant
Of fl, Rogues, Luckeow, pa Saturday
eight. While all the' employees were
busy in the main part of the bui
the gasoline stove in the kitelree by
some means started a blase 10 the rafters.
The fire was just getting into the roof
when it wee disooverecl. Willing hands
helped to put it tut, and no datnage
was done.