The Brussels Post, 1912-6-6, Page 7Sestasesessesetaaseetwasse F ashion Hints seaselsseasetessee waste es THE TAILORED SUIT. In spite of all the predictions about the descent of the waistline, there is not a doubt but that the line reinafns high in the back in the tailored suits. It may find its ,odd place in neatly belted dresses, It may slide toward the knees if it will in fanciful gowns. But in the smart) little coat and skirt of serge, or silk, or wool, it exists only in the back, and there it is distinctly high and marked by a strap, a belt, a gathering, a line of piping or a row of buttons. From the high centre of the back it may curve downward at each side, In, front the °oat is pretty sure to be cut away in a etraight or round or zigzag line be- low a pointed crossing at the bust, so that it cannot be said to have any waist -line there, Of course the absolutely practical mannish suit beloved of so many basiness women and others may have an uncompromisingly straight. jacket with pockets and no effort at individuality, but the French tail- ored suit of the .season has many little prebtine•::ses that do not de- tract front its usefulness. The skirt ie sure to havo a tunic or at least the effect of a tunic obtained by means of trimming er slashing or a panel inserted at one side. SLEEVES FULL BELOW. There is a tendency, slight at pre- sent, but likely to assert itself and be accentuated as the season wears on, towards sleeves fuller below the alb ow: Perhaps the large cuffs are partly to blame for this, for one meet need have sleeves to fill them out. But it is difficult to place the lat- est sleeves in any one period, since many individual ' models combine points of fashion from two or even more periods. There is one sleeve, however, which has not been copied or adapt- ed, and that is the "leg-of-mutton," for one thing at least is certain— the fashionable shoulder must slope unimpeded by gather or tuck into the arm, in a pure outline to form. Thus the fashions are easily and quite naturally slipping from ono extreme to another, from the very scant frocks devoid of trimming to more voluminous styles in which the trimming is the feature. BUTTONS OF SOUTACHE. Buttons in all varieties aro enc- tremely popular trimming this sea- son. Scarcely a frock appears un- adorned by buttons. Very attractive buttons may be fashioned of narrow soutache braid. Purchase a piece of the desired color and tie knots ,through the en- tire n-tira length one inch apart. Now these together, gradually turning the button around to shape it. When, the required size is made, cut (he braid and fasten the end. These buttons aro a most success- ful trimming for any fabric. Silk, linen, scrim or wash materials of any variety afford backgrounds on whirnt soutache buttons can be planed with great effect, Three strands of aoutache can be braided and formed into balls that hates a very loose effect, yet are solid. "NO GLOVES" CRAZE. ".Clse "00 gloves" craze is making Iisible headway. It is a reason for many and very large rings on the Sneers, while more than a few smart women are just now oultivet- ing the jewelled epider web, fasten- ing from rings worn on the thumb or index fingers and little fingers on to a narrow, rather tight bracelet. All these hand ornaments, toge- ther with the several bracelets it is now modish to wear at Intervale up the arm, render gloves difficult to wear fromthe practical tical point of view, while there is always the rooted objection in human beings of hiding their light and jewels un- der a bushel. DOMESTIC TROUBLES. Husband—"What's the matter, dear? Why do you Iook so wor- ried?" Wile—"Oh I've just got every- thing all ready for Mrs. Meatleigh's visit. I've done up all the cur- tains and pillowsharns and bureau - covers and centre -pieces, and they're all spick and span." Husband—'Well, if everything is in such apple-pie order, why look so disoonsolate about it 1" Wife (bursting into tears)—"Oh, I just knew, as soon as sho sees them, she'll know I cleaned everything all up because she was coming!" A POSER F01, RA, It was a dull, wet evening, and little Vera was in one of her worst and most inquisitive snoods, Father, busily writing at his desk, had al- ready reprovedherseveral l rie times s for g bothering himwith w th useless ques- tions, "I say, pa, what*" "Oh, ask your mother," "Honest, pa, this isn't a silly one this time." "All right, this oxide. What is it?" "Well, if the end of the earth was, to some, and the world yeas des etreyecl while a man ;AY i1 in an aoroplane, whbfewound he land when he ensile doom?" TWO YEARS SUFFERING Brought en by a Severe Strain— How a Sure Was Found, Mr, Joseph Stephens, Rosemount, Ont„ is one of the great host who continually sound the praises of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he has much reason to do so as they brought frim from . suffering to health, after be had spent much money and two years of time ex- perimenting with other treatments. Mr. Stephens tells his experience as follows: "In the month of Janu- ary, 1908, while working in a log- ging camp at Creston, B.C., I got my back injured. I suffered a great deal of pain and was almost helpless. I tried plasters, think- ing they would help me, but they were of no use, I took several me- dicines, equally without - benefit, Then I was advised to try electri- cal treatment and did so for a time, but without getting any permanent relief, and it began to look as though I was going to be perman- ently crippled. Then I was advised to undergo treatment with a speci- alist at Spokane, Wash. After ex- amining me he said I was in a 'very bad shape and that the trouble was likely to, result in Bright's disease. However, ho told me that he felt sure he could cure no. At a heavy expense I was under his treatment for three mouths, but slid not get the least benefit. I was almost in despair ; work was plentiful and wages good, but I could not work, as I was quite unable to bend. I was in this condition for about two years, when my brother, who was with me all the time, came across one of Dr. Williams' pamphlets and read of the groat work Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were doing. Re urged me to try them, but I thought it woitld be useless to spend more money • after all the other treatment had failed. He insisted, however, and got a dozen loxes of the Pills and I began to take there. Before I had used half a 'town boxes I felt relief, and T continued taking the Pills until every vestige of the pain was gone, and I could raise my hands above my head and then bend until I could touch my toes with my fingers, something I had not been able to do for over two years. My cure was a great surprise to my comrades, and you may be sure I told them what brought it about. I am now as well and strong as any man in the country and I owe it all to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills;" Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at SO cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 'WORKERS OP 400 YEARS AGO. Life Was Extremely Simple for Laboring Class. The laborer's house was of very cheap construction; one built in 1305 for two laborers by Queens College, Oxford, England, was probably of masonry, of good lum- ber, but cost only twenty shillings. The goods and chattels of such a laborer in 1431, says a writer in the National Magazine, consisted of a dish, en e,dze, a brass pot, two plates, two augers, an axe, three legged stool, and a barrel. The common people slept in a huddle on the floor, with or without straw, and covered themselves, if cold, with their cloaks and outer clothes. Their flood oonsisted chiefly of grain, the average allowance to a servant being thirty-six bushels a year. Salt herrings and a modi- Treat ent Warm Baths with Cutin. Stara Soap and Gentle Appel- cations, of Cad- e= Oint- went TorAll Kinds oi cum of beer or milk, and in some looalitios fresh fish and email game were accessible to a favored few, but poaching was severely dealt with by most landlords, A WALKING SUIT FOR COOLER DAYS. This smart suit is made of grey cloth. Tht oubaway coat fastens with two large buttons ; similar but- tons of a smaller size decorate the 'sleeves and skirt. Three broad folds on skirt. 1 WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she would not be with- out them. They are the only medi- cine for little ones guaranteed by a Government analyst to be free from those opiates and other harm- ful drugs found in so-called "sooth- ing" mixtures. Concerning them Mrs. T. C. Wood, Underwood, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the last four years and would not be without them, as I have found them beneficial every time I have given them to my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. ae TREASURES OF THE SEA. Gold and Silver Go to the Bottom With Sunken Ships. The poets need not exceed the terms of their lioonse in order to say that the floor of the ocean is littered w ith gold and silver and precious stones. Indeed, the state- ment is a:most permissible in sober prose, for many and manly a trea- sure -ship leas been lost since men first began to go down to the sea, in ships. Only last month the steamship. Oceans was sunk by a collision off Beaohy Head. Ton lives were lost, and five million dollars in geld coin, advanced for the uses of the new Chinese govesndnent by European bankers, went with the wreck to the bottom of the English Channel. Another regent ease is that of the Merida of the Ward Line, rammed by the Admiral Farragut,' fifty-five miles off Cape, Charles, May 12, 1911, She had on board seven hun- dred and fifty theme 1 dollars in Silver bars, and about thirty thou- sand dollars in coin, The ship to get away safely in the boats. Where the Merida went down the water is two hunbclrod and ten feet deep, and until there is some im- prevement in diving devices, the shill must make one of the company of irrecoverable wrecks that strew the ocean bed. Saeoessful work has never been done in the water at depth greater than ane hundred and eighty-two feet. At this depth a Spanish 'sliver, Angel Erostarbe,t recovered forty-five thousand dollars in silver bars from the wreelc of the steamer Skyro, sunk off Cape Finister're, Alexander Lambert, a British'. diver raved three hundred and �ty thousand dollars from the .ngh mall -steamer Alphonso XII., is one hundred and mitt -two t of water, off Las Palmas, Grand Canary, Another English- man, W. Bidyard, brought uptwo hundred and fifty thousand dllars e0 Amoco 1Gq 006tvs¢istuiend trite ts itsc osefnywbitfalee i (e0 sue imonoowen 1psie to�ooM Oe is eft a e t t t e Al , w b 6s 50*1 tss s elan etttldur o tire, e oa td t, -poet DD O. pop 011. 14 - in silver from the Hamilton Mit- Phall, sunk in one, hundred and fifty feet of water, off Leueonna Reef, in the China flea, Tho Mediterranean sponge -fishers work at a depth of one hundred and fifty feet, and the pearl -divers of Australia go down one hundred and twenty feet but they use no appa- ratus. In harbor and fortification work, a diver is seldom called on to go more than sixty feet under water. Attempts to improve the diver's outfit so as to enable him to descend farther below the surface are con- stantly making, Dr, J. S. Haldane, working for the British Admiralty. has succeeded in getting two naval officers to a depth of two hundred and ten feet. The pressure of the water at that depth was a little more then ninety pounds to the square inch. '1 NO OPERATION WAS EVER NEEOEO [JERE BECAUSE MRS. G00DINE USED DODD'S 1iIDNEY PILLS. Doctor said she would have to undergo operation, but Dodd's Sidney Pills cured her. Central Kingsclear, York Co., N. B., May 20 (Special).—"The doc- tor said I would have to undergo an operation." So said Mrs. J. V. Goodine, of this place. But she smiled as sho made the remark, for all need of the dreaded operation had vanished. Mrs. Goodine used Dodd's Kidney Pills and is a well woman. Given in brief mid in her own words, Mrs. Goodine's experi- ence is as follows: "I was very miserable with Kid- ney Disease and unable to do my own work. The doctor said I•would have to undergo an operation. Af- ter using three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was all better and able to do my work. This state- ment 1s true, as you can easily prove by enquiring among my neighbors." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys; cured kidneys strain all the poisons and other causes of disease out of the blood. Thus Dodd's Kidney Pills are a natural cure for all Kidney diseases and all ills caused by diseased kidneys. Oswald—Myrtle, I have an im- portant question to ask you. Myrtle —Oh, Oswald, this is so sudden 1 Oswald—What I want to know is this: What date have you and your mother decided for our wedding? Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. Bleeker—'rI understand your wife used to :acture. Has sho given it up since you married ber 1" Meek- or—"Oh, no; but she no longer lec- tures in public I" Ask for Minard's and take no ether. Though fifty years ago there were only fifty miles of railway in South Africa, there aro at the present time eight thousand miles fn the Union of South Africa alone. We have no hesitation in saying that Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introdueed for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, eta. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bottle when their children are teething, YOU DON'T KNOW THE FISH. An Irishman was, fishing in a river when it began to rain heav- ily. Pat, not desiring to get soaked through, sought shelter • under a railway bridge spanning the river, and here he plied his rod with true Wel-tonic zeal, utterly regardless of the trains that incessantly thunder- ed to and fro overhead. Presently another individual appeared on the scene and politely asked Pat what he was doing. "Fishing," was the laconic retort. The stranger laugh- ed, "Pray, what is the use of fish- ing under the bridge while such an infernal noise continues1" "Oh, shut up, man," replied Pat indig- nantly. "You don't know the fish. They'll Come under hero to get out of the rain l" ED. 4 155111/ 22-12 a111INl~S>; GOAL MINES. Operated in the Way of Their Fore. fathers. About twenty miI.es up the valley from Pekin aro soave thirty coal mines, of which one is possibly worthy of the name. They are still being operated by the Chinese fm the way of their forefathers, which consists of making a slanting hole in the ground, into which a man crawls with a pick and a basket, such a method cannot carry the Shaft to any depth, end is utterly unable to cope with water. As a consequence, most of the mines have been filled with water for the past Century, and the coal is worth- less. One successful mine, managed by an Englishman, employs about 300 Chinese, who need constant super- vision to see that they do the work, to watch that they do not injure themselves in the machinery, and to keep them from walking off with the plant. The first lot of steel fittings that arrived was stolen, and all work had to be discontinued until a new supply could be obtain- ed from England. How to keep the men from steal- ing all the coal has been the diffi- cult problem. Now and then the neighbors came by night to "in spent" the works, and but for vigi- lance of two Sikh watchmen and three dogs many a morning would reveal a greatly reduced plant. Tho watchmen break their stinks over the heads of the interested neigh- bors, and the manager locates the offenders in the morning by the nature of their bumps. s A Simple and Cheap Medicine.— A simple, cheap and effective medi- cine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, thoy can be anywhere, and their beneficial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the medi- cine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will de well in giving them a trial. THIS ADVENTUROUS LIFE. "Are you going abroad this sum- mer 1" "I can't tell. Every time we get the Titanic on our minds and de- cide to go out west this year, a train rolls off the track somewhere, and goodness knows what we will do," iinard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Gents, -1 have used your Minard's'Lin1- ment in my family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medi- cine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAV, Proprietor Norton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. She -I know, Alfred, I have my faults. He—Oh, certainly I She (frigidly)—Indeed1 Perhaps you'll tell me what they are! When Your Eyes Need Care 'rrry Marino Eye Remedy. No Smnrtin,t 5oc1a Fine -Acta Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book in each Package. Morino la 0omponn000 by our Ooullsts-not a"Patont Mod.. Mine- but used In successful Physicians' Prima tico for many roars. Now dedicated to the Pub. Ile and sold by Druggists at 25o and Aso row Bottle. Merino Eye dalro In Aseptto Tubes, 250 and 60a Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chioago The man who hesitates may win by watching others lose. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. "We've got a brand new mahog- any n ," said Mr. umrox. "But nobody in your family can play it." "Yes, that's the best thing about it." A Ready Weapon Against Pain. —Tharp is nothing equal to Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric 011 when well rubbed in. It penetrates the tissues and pain disappears before it. There is no known preparation that will reach the spot quicker than this magie Oil. In consequence it ranks first areong liniments now offered to the public and is accorded first place among all its competitors, There are 88 towns in the United Kingdom -including London as ono district—which have a population exceeding 50,000. Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children.. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. A true friend is a person who lis - tons to your troubles, Minard's Liniment d by Physlclane. New Maid --"Would ye mind giv- ing ,me a rikemmendation, mum?" Mistress—"Why, you've only just " ew Maid-- But come 1 N ye may not want to give me wan when I'm lavin', mum." In New South Wales, Australia, any person taking part in a strike is liable to a penalty of 55,000, or to imprisonment for two months. Be wiser ohen ether people if you. eau, but do not tell them so, lj care` any beVeragv that :els 1)011 less pot.. c uta burn GOES F.ARTfiE5,T FOR THF' M COLT DISTEMPER Can be handled Tory mai t The Wok ore cured and allotherm f a .mo stab10, no matter bow "exposed,' kept from baring the discorn, by veins SP'OIIN'S 14QUI 1ll15Yl5M1'E:8 0i)it15 0558 on the tongue or u feed. cum on the blood and expels. gorme of all forma of dlato0Der, hest remedy eve, known Dor maro. In foal, 60, and e1 a bottles 66 and 511 Boron of Oruro/We and harness dealers. Out shows bow to ponk'l00 throats. Our free Booklet sires everything Largest moiling home romo0y In exlstaneo-16 years. Distributors -A. waOLnseen .OnessusT5.. SPORN MEDICAL. CO.. Obemtam and iiaotortologista, Goshen, Ind., U. 8. A. FEATHER DYEING Gleaning and Curling and rad Glove. cleaner These can be sent by post, le per 0.. The beet place 1s BRITISH A]VIERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL. The etea,rt o4''a Plano ie the Action. Inelat on the '°OT A O RIGEL," Plano Action 3Ln izer c31. Zig 17 3E M CREOSOTE) Protect — Preo ,nrve — Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 18741 Bathurst Street TORONTO A 0 N D THE 0 R TWO CRUISES -ON T118 - VICTORIA LUISE (10,000 Tom) From New York Nos. 12, 1912 From San FranciscoFeb.27.1913 Will tilt Madeira, Sado, stair. Spot. India, Ceylon, Straits Settlement.. Jen, Ftiapoiwe, China, hem, Sandwich Wanda, with Overland American Tao. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 1 17 Days in India TOURS 14 Days in Japan Duration 110 1t 0 Daya 0 s Each aocroh $6 50aupdod: o..1111ones "Ask moon. who ham mad. the Crane. Write for , 3sokfet. HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE , 41.40 BROADWAY, N. Y. or Ocean Staamshlp AgenOy, 63 Yonne St., Toronto, Canada. COw0C i2 'fort 6s positively guaranteed t keep Flies off your Cattle. WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO MaoLaren imperial Cheese Co., Limited, W00DSTOCK, ONTARIO HE UNDERSTOOD. "You must always be nice to your little playmates." "I know. I've got my lesson all right, ma. I'm just beating them around a bit trying to teach them that they've got to bo nice to me, too." Away 'With Depression and Mel- ancholy.—These el- ancholy.—These wo evils are the aecompaniment of a disordered sto- maoh and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they surest a speediest way The s est nd s v P to combat them is with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of eases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. A man may not know who his friends are, but he usually has his enemies spotted. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friond. WHAT SHE WILL SAY. Little Willie was playing one day with, the girl next door when the latter exclaimed, "Don't you hear your mother calling you? That's three times she's done it. Aren't you going in 1 Won't she whip you 1" "Naw I" exclaimed Willie in disgust. "Selo ain't gain' to whip nobody. She's got company. So when I go in she'll just say, "She poor little man has been so deaf since he's had the measles.' " T P erne RUBBER EELS Tread softy Step safely. CATS PAW RUIBFi' SOLES Embody the pafeefed features of Cats Paw tIeeesseeteesessese seetees FARMS FOR SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. lfils IGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL hay beautiful hundred acres In Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stook 4 borne,, 10 tows, eto. This is s snap, and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. et 00D FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLAND, '7r 'Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North- umberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable prices. LBERTA SAaRATOBSIWAN AND Manitoba lands In large or small blocks. 1 RUIT FARMS -ALL SIZES, IN TEE Niagara Pratt Belt. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 1, 0 AORES IN PERT_ COUNTY - O) Soli, 01aT 10am; A acres timber--; brick house- good ontbuildings1 school en farm: rural mail delivery. The Western Real Estate, London. FOR SALE. PAR - t..,7 TRAWBERRY PLANTS -EARLY PAR - sons and W))liame, arsat cropperet carefully propagated Order at once. 64.00 1,500, 02,50 600, 02.00 300. L. M. Bonder, Southend P. 0„ Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS $) and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario .and North West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Mail courses. Positions secured. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion Behool Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. T IvE FOXES WANTED -YOUNG OR Yl old. Wm. Pearson, Guelph, Ont.. •CTAP and FARE SCALES, Wtteon'v 5.5. Rollie Works. 4 Esplanade, Toronto. Gt ANOER. TUMORS, LUMPS. Oto. In. tergal and external. oared without Pain by our home treatment. Write at before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co„ Limited, 00 -Ringwood. Ont. 6s T0N SOALE GOARANTEED. Wlleen'5 V 6011, Works, 50 Esplanade, Tfiionta THE ARLINGTON CO of Canada, Ltd. 00 rn0000 A01n0e TORONTO CHALLENGE COLLARS Aek ,,. b the I n,,, eWtc.ea- doe 1 w.ter- pta.r Collars ever made, Ask to 000 cod buy no other. All t ,,a or direct 1 250. Maypole Soap THE CLEAN HOME DYE Gives rich, even colors, hes from streaks andabsolut- ely fast. Does not mtninhaade or kettles 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c. black 15c, et your dealer's tis port - paid with booklet "How to Dye " from 107 F, C. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal 1 1 ARTS, The Arta cour0O may o taken akett Y correspondence, but students graduate lag to attend 00 must attend ono session, Short Canvey gen- eralTea students and en- eral students July seth to sot, For calendars write the Registrar G, Y. CHOWN Kingston, OdL EDUCATION, THEOLOGY, MEDICINE. SCIENCE, including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session July 3 to Aug. 17 UNIVERSITY IV BIT K1NCISTON o m a ONTARIO zezeossatazsasseeteasa For Picnic Nothing can equal the deli- ciously dainty, appetizing and nutritious "KING OSCAR" Sardines. Caught in the cold, deep waters of Norway, and packed in the world's biggest factory, they. are an absolutely; safe food. Alone, or in combination, they will be found a welcome addi- tion to the lunch basket. Try thea for Sandwlohost wish "Ii:1NG OSCAR" Rardtnen nil* one tenevoo0tul of vinogar, pepper and salt to Mete, ennui place of. green onion and a pinnl, or step. d thin 1 buttered broadtween s Or toawo st. ia Oft, with lettuce leaves. FROM 'OUR GROCER ASK."FOR "1(1550 OS0AR" BRAND SARDiN08 3011g w15.012RI(reL� ?tWi nvtto, ria.nl Ilton, Can att.