The Brussels Post, 1912-5-23, Page 4b c Z runs Zs
THUR,3DAY, MAY es, 1912
QUERN VICTORIA'S isFll]. ever-
ev r
green, emphasised by the public holiday
on. Friday of this week,
REAia the practical suggestions to be
found on `page 4 concerning road mak-
ing, as outlined by a former well known
expert end if you govern yourself ac-
cordingly the sample of Statute Labor
for Igr2 will very likely be the best
that has been performed for many a
year in your beat,
Tun Borden political tomahawk con-
tinuesto scalp Liberal officeholders one
of the latest to lose his job being Joseph
Haycock, of Kingston, inspector of
binding twine for the past to years.
We suppose it was considered he was in
clover long enough and it would be
better for him to .be uncoiled and let
some other fellow in at the party rack.
IPTHE Pos'r were giving advice on
the initiation of the bydro•eleetric puwer
into municipalities. we would say dont
jump at conclusions for fear you are
designated old fogy, nor tie up to a
scheme that may prove a sinker to you,
Get after the necessary information ;
count the cost carefully and be sure be-
fore you are sorry.
FREE and compulsory education is the
watchword of the new government in
Quebec. Free text books are among
the probabilities and everything else
possible will be done to wipe out illiter-
acy which bas held sway for many years.
The Tetnperance question is one of the
live issues also to be dealt with and
close fitting amendments to the License
Law are to be considered.
"I bated work and so became an
anarehist" is the testimony of one of the
Paris bandits who died fighting the
police who were attempting to arrest
the gang. Some people in tbis
conntry, while they may not be anar-
chists, appear to have the same loathing
as far as toil is concerned forgetting
that honest labor is the highest form of
the throne of Denmark owing to the
sudden demise of his father, King
Frederick VIII, The latter while
travelling incognito all on the street
with apoplexy and was taken to a
hospital where his identity was discover.
ed. He died shortly after the stroke.
Many of the crowned heads of Europe
are related to the late King wbo ruled
for the past six years,
kr is the intention of the Provincial
Government to lay out part of the North
Ontario Experimental Farm at Monteith
on the Temiskaming railway, for testing
the growth and development of various
lines of vegetables and roots as an object
lesson to the incoming settlers. Po-
tatoes do well up there and no doubt
numerous other products, of similar kinds
for which a ready market can he found,
will thrive equally well in the Northland.
W. R. names is a record breaker in
the holiday trips be is getting from
Kingston to Toronto in retailing the
chapters of the Farmers' Bank rascality
for which be is incarcerated. Many a
good dollar is being Wasted in the
devious paths of law to punish a con.
tingent of crooked goers who "feared
not God nor regarded man." The
worst feature Is that the people who
were duped are still out of the. money
they entrusted to the Bank.
A warning note is sounded from the
West relative to the purchase by
Ootarions of inflated real estate. Some
of the lots are located in a swamp and
others miles distant front business
centres and will probably never be
worth the price asked. While no doubt
many men in the real estate are as
straight as a string" it is stated not a few
of these gents are as crooked "as a dog's
bind leg." What is true of Westerners
applies with equal force to boomsters in
Eastern cities. Keep tab on your coin
and dont buy a pig in a poke.
IN the
Provincial Quebec al e1e ti s
C On
Premier Gouin and the Liberal party
were re-elected by an increased majority.
Liberals won 6a Seats and Opposition 27
with 2 elections to be bald, 8 new
seats were added since previous election.
Despite the fact that the Dominion
Government lent a hand in the contest
the people were so well satisfied with
the record that they gave Gouin a
majority of 41: It Was a bad blow to
Mr. Bourassa's platform and shows that
often more importance is placed in an
election cry away from hone than in
the locality chiefly concerned. Premier
Gouin has proved himself to be a man
of no small ability.
E. R, CASE, Toronto, hag put it up to
the Ontario law courts to decide wheth-
er the crowing of roOstere is a nuisance
that should and can be ptobibited, He
has issued a writ for injunction and,'ilgoo
damages against a fellow citizen and
neighbor whose cocks crow to badly
that they disturb his slumbers. This k
a test casefor all til nein
inhtruCtiefl to Pathmasters Ilan Life Butldlog ; K, McLeod, 814
g r , Queail at.
+East ; HatOn's DI ug Store, 163 Dun
By A, W, Oampboll, O, E, forinorly 1
atructor In Road making
Y u al
a e la l u rid. cut the
before calling out the mein
z—When preparing plans keep tl
work of succeeding years in view.
3—Call out tor each day only such
number of men and teams as can
properly directed,
College St, ; W. Downs 074
"- das St., Goutelon's Drug Store, 987,
Dovercourt t Rd Pre
t d DrugStore,
kCot Ot ch
toldQueen Ste, L
DrugStore, v 932 Ycnlge Street • Dt
Stiuthes 658 Bathurst Steel John
Robertson, 202 Euclid Ave ; Oi of ker
Printing Oo , Darling Bldg., 90.104
a Spadina Ave ; F. T. W. Hodgson, 82
be Benenne Ave • I3. Stewart, 15 Colvlu)
4—In laying out the work estimate o
full day's work from every man and s
that you get it.
5 --See that all the grevel hauled
6—Measure each wagon box and s
that it shall hold a quarter of a cord
7—Specify, the number of yards o
gravel or stone which ellenconstitute
day's work.
8—Properly grade and crown the roc
before putting on the gravel,
9—A fair crown for gravel roads i
one ineb of a raise to each foot of widt
fro:n the side to the centre.
so—Give the roadway on bills a high
er crowu than on the level ground other
wise water will follow the -wheel tracks
(inc 'and one-half inches to the fou
from side to the centre will be sufficient
It—Spread the gravel evenly over th
road and keep it raked into the wbee
and horse tracts until consolidated. A
roller alumni be used. for -eompaclin
is—On all gravel roads crown th
roadway by cutting off the sides puttiu
new material in the centre. Do so
cover the old gravel fouodatiou wit
earth from the side.
t3 --Make the width of the road a
unitorm and the grade as level and easy
as possible.
24—Remember that good drainage is
absolutely necessary.
15—Whenever water stands on the
roadway or by the side of road, or when
ever The ground is seen to remain moist,
better drainage is needed.
ib—See that the drains are free from
obstruction, that they have a good tall
and proper outlets.
I7—Surface water should be disposed
of in small quantities'. Great accumula
tions are hard to handle Obtain outlets
into natural water courses as often as
28—Instead of having deep open
ditches to underdrain the road use tile
1g—Give culverts a good fall and free
outlets so that water will not freeze in
20—Make early arrangements for
having on the ground when required
and in good repair, all maehihery and
implements to be used in the perfor
mance 01 Statute Labor.
21—Do all the work with a view to
permanence and durability,
It would be well for all interested in
cad making to clip and paste it up for
uture reference.
Do Your Ears Ring?
When they buzz and seem slightly
eaf beware of catarrhal inflammation.
his grows steadily worse but can be
ured by Catarehozone. J. A. Ham-
ill of Greenmouut, P. E. I., proved
he merit of Catarrhoznne and writes:
No one could have worse Oatarrb
ban I had for yeti's. It caused par -
al deafness, bad taste. upset stout -
eh, made me sick all over. Catarr-
ozone cleared my nostrils, stopped
e cough and gave me a clear feeling
lay bmettthing organs, I am abso-
tely cured," Doctors say nothing is
tter than Catarrhnzone. Try it and
lull say the same ton. Two sizes,
c. and $1.00 at all dealers.
The animal excursion of the Huron
Old .Boys' Association of Toronto, will
take place on Saturday, July 6th, the
terminal points being Goderich and
Kincardine. Two special trains will
leave the Union Station at 7.20 a. m.
stopping at North Parkdale, West
Toronto and Brampton, The Gode-
rich train will take the lead, and will
not wait for the Kincardine train at
Tbe Goderich train will stop at all
stations West of Stratford and will
probably arrive at its destination at,
12.30 noon.
The Kincardine train will stop at
all stations North of Palmerston, and
will probably reach its destination at
1 p. m. Returning, regular train will
leave Goderich at 5 p, m. on Monday,
July 8th.
Special will leave Kincardine on
Tuesday, July 911, at 6 p. m.
Return fares Will be as follows
Goderich— Adults $2,80, Child
Kincardine—Adults 52.40, Child
Godericb tickets good to return 011
any regular train up to Monday, July
Kincardine tickets good to return
on any regular up till Tuesday aven-
inJuly 9th or o
n Special leaving
Iilncardfne at 6 p, m. 011 that date, g
A baggage car will be attached to
each train and all baggage intended
for the Excursion should be sent to
the depot on the evening previous,
and labelled "Huron Old Boys' Excur-
sion" with name and address of owner
and destination.
A special feature of the Excursion
Will be the "Auto Ttlp" around the
County, starting in at Goderich, and
going South via Bayfield, St, Joseph,
Zurich, Crediton, Centralia, Exeter,
(Saturday night) Hensell., Seaforth,
Walton, Brussels, (Sunday noon)
Wroxeter, Gorrie, Biuevale, Wing -
ham (Sunday night) Belgrave, Blyth,
(Monday noon) Londeeboru' to Clinton,
where the train will be taken for the
return trip. All parties intending to
take part in this beautiful trip should
notify the Secretary not later than
June 1st.
In order to avoid confusion and
secure a good saint tickets should be
putchased before the morning of the
Excursion,. They may be obtained
from the following ;
Major Jos, Beck, Pttrliatnent trigs ; W. 0, IVo'Taggart 972 Moon St,
est ; henry Olucss, 152 Ba Street
Oana0a Paint Co.) ; Robert yHolmes,
custom House, Penni and Yongekits. ; •
Dt'. Stattbury, 82 Church St, ;'1`honlaa
Soole, Tnronto Type Foundry, 70
York St, ; E, J, B. Duncan, Conl edera-
Ave. W. McElroy, 208 Close Avouoo
N. B. Gobbledick, Main St. 011(1. Dan-
for'th Ave,
And the undersigned,
W, W. SLOAN, President, 0, N.
Rye King and Toronto Ste.
E, FLOODY, Secretary, 68 Close
Ave. Phone Parkdale 8270.
Wingham District Meeting
The Wingliarn District Ministerial
session assembled in Teeswater, Wed-
nesday May 16th at 2 o'clock, Rev, J.
Hibbert in the chair. Rev, S. Jeffer-
son was elected Secretary, 10 minis-
ters responded at Roll call.
J. Archibald Walker was recem-
mended Lo be c0utineed on trial and
asks to be sent to college.
It was recommended that H. -F.
Ball be received on his credentials of
standing and his case passed to O0n-
ference for ordination. Mr. Bail has
been an acceptable supply on Salem
circuit during the past year. '
William J. Huston and Jos. A. Bas-
sett were recommended to be received
as candidates for Ole ministry, Mr.
Huston having supplied the Bethel
circuit and Mr. Bassett been junior
pastor on the Bervie °bcuft during
the past year. These are strong,
Might young then and ought to make
suceesafnl Methodist ministers.
The following were recommended
to be continued as Superannuated
ministers, 3. 0. Pomeroy, B. A. J.
Joseph Haylock, A. L. Mussell, B. D.
and W. W. Leech. Theo. Hall was
recommended to be continued as
A long Conference, of great sug-
gestiveness, 01(581tad upon the general
management of the church's work
on the. District.
The Sunday Schools of the District
with a total of 3785 members made re-
ports of a vigorous life. Ministerial
snppol't was in advance of last year.
An open session Was held on Wed-
nesday evening when two splendid
addresses were delivered by Revs.
Messrs. Wren and Jefferson. Mr.
Wren spoke upon the "Young man
problem" and Mr. Jefferson on "The
need of the church in these new
Times." The choir of the church ren-
det'ed several pleasing selections.
The general session opened Thurs-
day afternoon and while the clay was
not favorable there was a good at-
tendance of ministers and laymen.
The session opened at 2 p. m, with
Rev. 3, W. Hibbert, chairman of the
district, presiding.
In addition to the ministers of the
district the following laymen were
present:—John herr, Wingham ; J.
Beeton, Lucknow ; J, T. Wood, Brus-
sels ; ft. 3. Hisoox, Teeswater ; 3.
Bryans, Ethel ; Jas. Downey, Ford-
wich ; Reuben Harding, Gonne ; A.
Shaw, Bluevale ; W. P, Reid, Lanes ;
Albert Haynes, Teeswater; G. H. Ray,
Lurgan ; J. H. Collins, Ripley ; W.
H. Rutledge, Tiverton ; Geo. Riley,
North Bruce Wm, Taylor, Lang -
side ; Henry Hoppper, Belgrave. •
Rev. Selby 'Jefferson was elected
journal secretary, with Rev. E. Oook,
statistical secretary.
The reports of the various circuits
were read which revealed in many
rases gratifying increase and interest.
When the totals were all in it was
found that 'the membership of the
Methodist church in the Wingham
01813101 was 4.246. The givings to
Parisian Sage
Nothing like it for removing Dandruff
and Stopping Itching Scalp
Every man, every women, boy and
girl should fight the dandruff germs
Det are sure to cause falling hair and
PARISIAN SAGE is so delightful
to use, 1t is instantly refreshing and
invigorating and best of all it kills the
dandruff germs.
Jas. Fox guarantees it for itching
scalp, falling bah', dandruff and for
faded, dull looking hair. Jae. Fox
guarantees it as good as a bond.
"Mrs. Anna Brown, Rockville,
OOun,, writes t—After I used the first
bottle of PARISIAN SAGE my hair
stopped falling. I do not think there
is anything better for falling ,hair and
itching scalp.
Large bottle 50 cents.
Remember in these we lettd and are giving values that etas�+get.
• competitors. Its easy, however: As we require no wain oP travellin
ntiosions apart from 1h0 'Women
Missionary t3ooiety, $5,495.
The report on church anion We,
then considered with the followin
1 tiG.
's : e••••••••••N••••••♦•••N•• ••••••••••••♦•••••••••••1•
held about 111e change of cireui
boundaries, but ivasnluch as there is
a general upwan 0 tendency town)1
ministerial support, 110 drastic aotfut
was taken.
The following were among some of
the important appointments :—
Stationing committee—Rev, J. W.
Andrews ; alternate delegate, Rev.
Dr. Oaten,
Contingent fund committee—Rev.
W, J. Ford, L L, B., and W. Hopper.
Sustenation fund committee—Rev.
LowrGeo. yM,oK1n1eY, B. D., and W. 11.
Educational find committee—Rev.
Dr. Oaten.
Olass leaders' committee—Rev. 3. J.
Durrant and Reuben Harding.
Temperance committee— Rev. Dr.
Rutledge and J. T. Wood.
Misalonary committee for next year
—The Chairman and Revs. G. W.
Rivers and Rev. D. Wren, with J.
Kelm, of Wingharn and W. 11. Kerr,
of Brussels, -
It was decided to hold the next
anuual district meeting at Bt usaels.
A hearty vote of thanks was ex-
tended to the chairman for his splen-
did services as the presiding officer,
also to the pastor, choir, trustees and
people of Teeswater for their hospi-
While attention was given to busi-
ness all agreed that a splendid brother-
ly and evangelistic spirit pervaded
the entire sessions, and miuiatera and
Laymen left what was termed a most
profitable session, feeling eucoul'aged
to do better, things.
Youth's Vitality Sapped Away,
Your child looks poorly, is tired and
fretful. You would like this boy
or g+i11 to be more robtia1 more crier
gene and vivacious, The "something"
that is wrong is simply this, stomach
and bowels ueed attention. Constipa-
tion and indigestion inns1 be relieved
new life and vigor are required in the
biood, slight assistance is needed for
the kidneys and liver.. Nothing is so
effective as Dt•, Hamilton's Pills.
e q
8 p
t• 0
5 ♦
t j
I at
1 •
4 as
Quarterly nlpcial board.278 50 d0
Meulbete of rhnrrlt over
18 years or age ........2,021 621 0,•I6
Members or ehurel1 under
18 years of age ,,,,,,,. 294 58 (11•
Adherents. 614 120 08
The returns w 0's' ordered sent • to
the conference.
A general Wartadiscnsaiou wits
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of 1912 :—
Maris. Eckmier, Manager.
Monday—Leave his own stable, Lot 22, Con.
8, Grey, and go West to James Cardiff's, Lot
a,dNortlilr%miles,then1Mamiles gravel reed.
Southend East to James Dmnoan's, Lot 27,
0on, 4, Morris, for night.
Tuesday—East to gravel road, 'then South
to Hugh Tyerman'e Lot 1, Con. 18, Grey, for
noon ; then East to Jno. McNair's, Lot 20,
0011, 18, for night.
Wedneadav-IM M1185 South, and along Con.
18, 2% milesP,set,then North to Thos. Inglis'
for noon ; then to Chas. Duoklow's, Lot 6,
Con 14, Elton, for night.
Thursday -11 miles East, 1H miles North,
then West. 2%r udlea to Wm. Adams', Lot I,
Oon 11, Mina, for noon •then West to W, Mc-
Donald's. Lot 17, Con 0, Grey for night.
Friday.- ",',,t to Oliver Hemingway's, Lot
7.OM, 10 Grey, for noon ; then to corner of
Lot 0, Con 0, and North 2H milsa, then East
to R. McDonald's, Lot 18, Don, 8, for night.
Saturday East to corner Lot 20, Oon. 5, the,
North to 2nd don , then East 11 miles to Thos
Onnnming.', Lot 25, Con. 2. for noon ; then
874 miles South, then West to his own stable
until following Monday_
tarydgos & Kirkby, Proprietors
Monday—W3d leave his own stable,. int 2,
Con, 4, Morris, and proceed West to gravel
road, then South to eti Con., then West to D.
Dunbar's, East Wewenosh, for noon ; then
West to T. H. Taylor's, Lot 25, for night.
Tuesday—South to Don. 4, Gant Wewanosh,.
then West 11)4 udiea and North 174 miles to y
rhompeon's, 1 onnybrook, for noon ; then
Nur•th to Con. 5, E. W. thea Enat l y,11 60 old y
North 1 mile to John Beecrort's for night,
Dur Spring Opening was a great success and we de-
sire to thank the Ladies for their attendance •
and generous patronage, •
We aim at the Latest Styles, •
Sell at Close Prices o
and Guarantee Satisfaction. •
A call will be appreciated and we will do our best to •
please you in up-to-date goods. •
Mourning Millinery a Specialty. It costs nothing to see our Fine Stock.
•• • •
• ���• E. •
Richards' Block Milliner
They put new life into young folks as J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of
well as the old ones. Every child Greensburg, Ky., says, "We use
should use. this medicine regularly be- Ohatnberlafn'a Cough Remedy in our
cause its benefits are not to be had in own household and know it is ex -
any other way. 25c, at all dealers. cellent " For sale by all dealers.
By -Law No. 4, 1912
The Oourt of Revielne on the Assessment
150 o Ill
11 the I t t or ,
VII 1,11 hal Monthly
n Will r 1 bt bald
the C'
1 Council Chamber,
uua 1u ,
n ,
id t the •d
M 1 1 1
S 9
day n „
Y Juno next, t 0 ,
} 80,111111pti An
pours the:nadhd will riling ntl(p ionuu and
govern themaelvee ncuurdin5ly.
1lrassola, May 16611, 111115.
6. S, BUOTT, Olork,
To Contractors
Totdete will be received by the and0ratg.a
up to Monday, June 8rd, et 6 p,ta , for the 0011-
atrootloaof what Is known as the Ffakleigh
street drain in the Village of Brussole, P1un
andspecllloatiana may be seen at Olerk'eof-
8oe. The lowest or any Candor not ueoessarlly
accepted, )r, 8, 80000,
Yl11 ige Clerk,
Notice !
Tho Court of Revision on the Asaeeament
Roll of the Township of Morrie will be held et
the Township llalJ 1n said :Townehlp, on M011 -
$ay, the 271h day of May. next, at 11 o'clock n,
in, All parties interested will please tape
notice and govern themselves a000rdinggly,
Blnovsle,M'ay?hb,1912. A061WEN,Clerk,
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Horn Bulla oto 20 months
old, rude and roans ; big, awuoth and aty1feh
choicest breeding—Oampbe11 Rose Buda, Marr
Besutye and Uantpbell Beas,es. None better
for ,uflk and beef. Will be sold at any reason•
able offer an: en easy terms,
To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the Township of
Morris are asking for tenders for the 0011•
struotion or two cement culverts (each 16 feet
tong, 14 foot roadway, I beanie ro-inforced
floors, gas pipe railing) on the Murray -Lamb
Drah, and one of the Mame kind 6 feet long on
the Nichol Drain, Tenders will be opened at
the Rail on Monday, May 27th, at 2 o'clock.
Plans may be seen at the Reeve's w• the merle.
Applications will be received at the same
time for the position of Weed Inspector (Or
i Stock for Service
BY-LAW to provide for the construction of 'fico bridges by the said Town- Tam, WORa'H Horn FOR SERVICE.— m,,.
ship :—One at Lot number nine on the road between the Fifth and Sixthui dereigned will keep for serval° on NM
Oouceseions, known as Clegg's bridge ; another on the Sideroad between
Lots Ten and Eleven in the Sixth Concession, known as Sunshine bridge ;
another on the Sideroad between Lots Fifteen and Sixteen in the said
Sixth Concession, known as Olark's bridge ; another at Lot Twenty-eight
on the road between the First and Second Concessions, known as Ruttan's
bridge; and another on the Sideroad between Lots Ten and Eleven in the The People's Column
Second Concession, known as Graham's bridge ; and to authorize the issue
of debenturesof the said Township to the amount of 528,000.00 for the
purpose of raising the sum require( therefor.
WHEREAS it is desirable that the Mun- 3. Each of the said debentures shall be
ioiyal Council of the Township of Morris signed by the Reeve of the said Township,
shall oonbtruot five bridges, one at Lot or by some other person authorized by By -
number nine on the road between the fifth Law to sign the mane, and shall be counter -
and sixth Concessions, known as Clegg's signal by the Treasurer, and the Clerk of
bridge ; another ou the Sideroad between the said Township shall attach thereto the
Lots ten and eleven in the sixth Comes- Corporate Seal of the Municipality
sloe, known as Sunshine bridge ; another 4. The said debeutures shall be payable,
on the Sideroad between Lots fifteen and on the 20th day of December in each year
sixteen in the said sixth Concession, known during the said twenty years, at the Stand-
ee Clark's bridge ; another at Lot twenty- and Bank in the Village of Brussels, in the
f,ot 20, Don, 7, hrprrie, n thorongh•bred Tam.
worth. hog. Terms, 51.00, to be pall at time of
Service wish privilege of returning if neces•
eery. S. WALKER,10.5f Proprietor.
eight on the road between the first and Couuty of Huron.
second Concessions, hnown as Button's 5. During the twenty years from 1913
bridge; and another on the Sideroad be- to 1932 inoluaive,.being the twenty years
tween'Lote ten end eleven in the second next succeeding the date of the facie of the
Couceasion, known as Grahams bridge ; first instalment of debentures to be issued
and to raise the sum of 523,000,00 to be as aforesaid, there shall be annually raised
applied for the said purpose, by special rate on all the rateable property
AND WHEREAS iu order thereto it in the said Township the cum of 31,208.60
will be neoeseary to issue debentures of fur the purpose of paying the debenture
the said Township for the aura of $23,000.- falling due in each . of the said years re.
00 as hereinafter provided (which is, the apeotively.
debt to be created by this By -Law) the 6. During the twenty years from 1914
proceeds of the said debentures to be ap- to 1988 inclusive, being the twenty years
plied for the purposes aforesaid and to no next succeeding the date of the issue of the
other purpose. second instalment of debentures to beis.
AND WHEREAS it is estimated ,that cued as aforesaid, there shall he annually
the proposed expeuditure for the said raised by special rate on all the rateable
bridges shall extend over a series of years, property of the said Township the cum of
and that fur the said purpose the sum of $641.92 for the purpose of paying the de.
516,000,00 will be required during the year beuture falling due in each of the said
1912, and the sum of,$8,000,00 during the years respectively,
year 1918—sod it being iu the opinion of 7. This By -Law shall take effect ori the
the Municipal Council of the Corporation day of the final passing thereof,
of the said Township of Morris undesirable 8. The votes of the eleobora of the said
to have large 290111ona of the money to be Township shall be taken on this By -taw at
raised by this By -Law in hand unused and the following timed and places, that is to
uninvested—ib would be to the adwuntage say ; On the 8th day of June next, corn-
of the Municipality bo issue the' said deben- 'vacating at the hour of wine o'clock iu the
tures in instalments as hereinafter revid- forenoon and ,
L P continuing the
ams day o (look 1.
ed. Each instalment of the debt to be re- She afternoon of the some day by the Col-
speotfully secured, together with the inter- lowing deputy; Returning Offtoera.
est thereon to be made payable in equal an- Pulling Sub -division No. 1 at School
nal instalments extending over twenty House No. 1, by David Laidlaw, Deputy
ears from the date of the issue of the de-- Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -division No. 2 at Sohool
House No 9, by George McOall, Depnby
Returning Officer.
Polling Sub -division No. 8 at School
House No. 6. by Wm. Ferguson, Depnby
Returning Officer,
Polling Subdivision No, 4 at the Town-
ship Hall by Thomas Miller, Deputy Re-
turning Officer,
Polling Sub-divieion No, 6 at School
House No. 7 by ,Jno. D, McEwen Deputy
Returning Oddcer,
Polling Sub -division No. 6 at School
moment roll is $2,099,580,00. • aortae No. 10, by Silas Jobnetou, Deputy
AND WHEREAS the amount of the Returning OfSoer.
A, On the day the 27th day of May A.
D. 1912, the Reeve of the said Township
than attend at the Township Hall at 8
o'olook P. M. to appoint persona to attend
at the various polling placesaforesaid and
at the final summing up of the votes of
the Clerk is behalf of the persons interest,
ed in and promoting or opposing the peas.
ing of this By-law respectively..
10. The Clerk of the Connell of the
said Townshipof Morris,e, shall attend at
the Township Hall Morrie at 8 o'olook P.
M. on the 8th day of June 1912 to sum up
the votes for and against the Byelaw.
Dated at the Township Hall in the,
Township of Morrie on the......, .. .
day of A. D. 1912,
Wednesday—East to Con, 10, East Weiya-
noslr, to Joa, trfc8nrney's fornoon ; ten hEast
23% miles, then North to Con. 12 then East *4
m lentoJohn Cochrine'Sfar night.
Thursday—Will proceed by way of gravel
road Whitt own stable where he will remain
until the following Monday morning,
(11812) 1130793
J..1. McDevitt, Proprietor
Will stand at his own stable, Lot 22, Oon,10,
McKillop, for the improvement of stoclr.
Tel-me—To insure n foal 5R 00.
Oolte aired by this horse won first prises at
Beetorth and Brussels Shows last Fall, beating a
the colts that won Prizes at Toronto and Lon-
don, aid also at Stratford and Mitchell.
bewares respeatively represeutlug the same.
AND WHEREAS the notal amount re-
quired by the Municipal Act to be raised
auoually during the first of snob periods of
twenty years for paying the .first instal-
ment of the said debt and intermitthereon
is $1208.80, and during the second of such
periods of twenty years for paying the
aeoond instalment of the said debt and
intereafthere,m is $641.92.
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the said Town-
ship of Morris according to the last revised
•• •••••••*••••N•••••••♦•*••e
IVI, ®i1
Barrels of It
When in town be sure to see the ,0. K. Canadian Po-
tato Machinery and learn how potato growingis made
extremely profitable and eo.
ream Separators
o salesmen, erecting experts. 5011001(•8, Mc., we are enabled to make tho
cost to our cue tenets co'reepondingty less Owing also to out some-
what lengthy experience in this line of work, extending as it does over
• matheny ((eerty) twenty-ftve years, we are able to select from the
s y et ntmakesofferedsomethingWORTH WHILE, and also
i' to get the closest possible prices.
• • When needing anything nauallysold by agents you will further
your personal intereete by consulting us as to terms, prices, etc,
NSMoLa i1lln g A end
existing debenture debt of the said Muni-
cipality is 547,278.64, all of which is made
up of drainage debentures and Guelph &
Goderioh Railway debentures which la only
against a portion of the said Municipality..
D2 EAS no sum for
YIt1a1 al
or interest is in arrears. P P
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Morris
enacts se follows ;-
1. The m
of $28,000.00 shalt be ea-
i,ended by this Township in constructing
five bridges :—One at. Lot number nine on
the road between the fifth and eixth Oon-
ceesione, known asClegg's bridge ; another
on the Sideroad between Lots tea and
eleven fu 5116 aixbh Concession -.known 00
Sunshine bridge ; another on the Sideroad
between Lots fifteen and sixteen in the
said sixth Ooneeesioo, known as Olark's
bridge ; another at Lot twenty-eight on the
road between the first and second Oouoee-
sione known 0 as Rnt an'
t s bridgo ; and 811'olber ori' the Sideroad between Lobs ben.
and eleven fn the Sret Cnnceeoion, known TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true
se Graham's bridge ; and for the purpose ^coppy of a proposed By-law which has been
of raising said sum, debentures of the said taken into consideration, and which will
Townehtp to the said torment 828,000.00 he finally passed by the Council of the
in all shall be issued in sums of not lees Municipality (in the event of the aaeent of
that, $100.00 each, as follows :$15,000.00 the Wooten, being obtained thereto) after
thereof en the 16112 day of December A. D. - one mouth from the Stet publication in
1912, and the remaining $8,000.00 thereof Tent Brtvsssts Poax, the date of ' which
oh the 16th day of December, A. D. 1918. .publication wire '1`hnraday, the Second
9. The said debt and the debentures day of Sfay, A, D. 1912, end that
issued therefor ghat' bear interest at the the votes of the electors of the
rate of five per oentunn per annum. The Muniolpaliby will be taken theme on the
debeeturee representing each ilnabalmont day and at the hours and places therein
b dated atm o
d n the day of the $xod. And cake notice that all lease -
fume thereof respectively and shall be pay- holders who may be entitled to vole on this
able in equal amulets in 0aoh of the By-law and who do not, file an affidavit to
twenty years next snooeeding the said chtbe, that effect with the Clerk, at least to O
such amounts being mode up of the aggro- next pr000ditg the day of polling, willnotMt
••••••••••••H•••••o••r••+ pr'
amuant dee each year On accottut of have their pallia placod m, 5ho Voters'
)nofpa3 aid 'Morenalist. A. 11Qeot7wEN, Odotk,
HOUSE AND LOT for solo or to rent.—Ag
I purpose leaving Brussels shortly niy
Ilouae and lot on Turn berry street„Mouth, Is
offered for sale or to rent. Possession can be
had:April let. Apply of once to
Phone Na. 00 J. W. KERNEY,
FARM FOR SALE,— Estate of late James
Clennan, being N1 Lot 92, Con, 8. Morrie
township, containing 100 acres, 8 sores of which
is bitch. Good bank barn and hover idling
aprin • close to burn, Good stock farm. Must
be sold at once, 11'or terms apply at office of
Tna Poem, Brussels. 84.4
dereigned offers his flue Macre farm, be-
ing Lots 17 and 18, Con. 6 Grey township, Hur-
on Go., for sale or if not disposed of would rent
to good tenant. There are 160 acres cleared,
balance bosh and pasture land. Good build.
Inge, cement silo, fences, orchard, drilled well,
&e., on the premises. Only 55 mile to school
and tis to Ethel village. Possession could be
given ut once if sold or next Spring in leasing,
For further partlanlars as to price, terms and
conditions apply to .1. I. WELSH, prop.
19-tf Phone 4118 2111101P. 0.
AT A BARGAIN,—Will dispose of tottago,
Elizabeth street, 13rnss01a, 01 5850, 0 greet
bargain, in order to secure quick sale... Key
may be had from kir,. .1. Leckie. For firth, r
partoulare see Mr. f eekle or write the nuclei. -
ale fled. J. H.02 DAIMON,
10 kit. George St., London.
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale, 134 miles
North of Suarani,. Good May loans,
all cleared pill under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement Room large ftamebonne, nelvly hint
ell ; good wells nt barn and house ' buildings
and Pensee in exael)ent repair. An Ideal home
cheep. Apply IMisdl SUSIE GOVI11'iLOOK,
Seaforth, Ont.
ARM FOR SALE being Lot 19, Oon. 16,
Grey Township, containing 109 aures; 134 .
story fraise house 20x80 ft.;. Ilibohei, 16x24;
good frame barn, 40x00, of Mons stabling;; ✓i
good wells • all seeded to grass except 20. mares;
10 Boas hl bush;; orohiu•d; 23, miles from 0. P,
11. station All ,n !tate of uultivn tion. For '
further 00rteulars apply to ,ALEXANDER
BARRON, Uranbrook, P. 0. 12.4.
Telephone 2818,
FARM 11015 SALE.—The 100 acre farm, be-
ingthe property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, Con, 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
uud(maimed. There are 86 Aires cleared, bal-
ance well timbered. On the farm there is a
cod bank barn, large dri vlug sled and a com-
fortable hone°. Plano in good oo.tdition find
well fen0ed. Far further partlau4hrs apply to
,7A8, A. MCNAIR or JAB. D: 6101 IR, Exec.
nttors, Oranbrook P.O., or F. 8. 80000, Bros.
FARM FOR SALE, beingBooth half Lot25,
Oon. 4, Morrie townshi, Huron Go„ con-
taining 100 acres more or lose. On the prem.
Nes is a frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
Well, windmill, &e, All cleared except about
an more. School 174 mifoo distant. Only 201,¢
miles from Brussels. glares of Fall wheat in
and about 60 aures seeded down. For price,
terms and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels P 0. Phone
120. Or F. 8, Scott,B' meets,
11-tf A. L,KRRR,Proprtetor,
HOME cruor
Thoavo,ds of ambitions goon g people
aro Ming 1n0bructod 1,, their 1101,101 byy
aur Home Study Dopt Yon ar wh n,
at College If you dewire. Pay when,
• Over you wish. Thirty Teoro' Expel,
Mime, Largest trniuera 1n Canada,
Enter any day Positions guaranteed,
It you. wish to save board and loom
while you earl,, write for particulars,
bighorn g am Business College
i- GEO, SPO1'TON, President"'
� Business
moi wn
1)ri )g '1'f.rir opens Monday,
April 1st, 1912,
EbWIN 0. MAT't•HEWS. Prin, y