The Brussels Post, 1912-5-9, Page 1VOL, 40 NO, 45 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY g 19/2 W. H. KERR, Rro¢»ietor New Advertisements Notice-A..Mnalfwen, liodaka-J, R. Wendt. Kodairs-F, R Smith. Money loaf -Teta Posm, Cameo lout -Tax Pow, Notice -A H. Macdonald. Paetnre-Richard Bewley. Early closing -W. 0, Neal. T0000tractori-F, 8, Scott. Gold Bond Shoo -E. 0, Danford, Hog for sorvian-Aavld B',tlinggall, Loudon's Favourite -J, J.11IoGnvin. Summer oonvenience-Wilton & Gillespie. Vstrirt 863s Blyth Additional Blyth news on page 5. Last Sabbath the regular quarterly communion was observed to the Methodist church. DR. TAIT iIOPPERS PROM BLOOD - POISONING -A• despatch horn Tor- onto last Monday said of a former Blythite :-Dv. Nelsnu Tait the eye, ear and nose specialist of 620 Spadina TAKE A KOD WITH YOU ! EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT JEWELLER and ENGRAVER • Wroxeter avenue is in an extremely critical condi tlon,,hlood-poisouilig in a viru- lent form having developed jest eller he had handled his surgical Metrn- lusnts. Dr. Tait had performed ra simple operation, and it is believed that just before sterilizing the 'Metro - reeks his left hand became ini'eetecl. Dr, Tait suffered great pain shortly afterwards, ancl it was necessary to have Dr. Ilevbert Bt ece pl?1fovm ae operation. His physician said Sunday , night that Dr. Tait was receiving every attention and his condition wits more hopeful than at any time since the blood -poisoning developed, Bluevale TooK A STROIiie,-With no small re- gret we learn of the illness of John Black, an old and well known resident of Turn berry township. Last Sunday he took a parlytic stroke and lies clan- gerously ill. Mr. Black is about 60 years of age and is widely 1lequatiuted.. We hope speedy convalescence will follow• Molesworth Wm. Marsh spent Sunday ab his home. Miss Jane Henry is visiting with Mrs. John Doig. The cheese factory has begun operations again. Mies Ella Fraser Snndayed with :hiss Effie Grainger. ed, Mitchell is 00 the road again with bis grocery wagon. Mrs. Leech, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Sharpie. A young gentleman is trying to locate a oh:iice farm. Wish you much icy Dune. Mrs. Will. Mnrraty is seriously ill' Her many friends hope she will soon be convalescent. The Spring -seeding is almost a thing of the past amongst the Bound- ary hustlers. Some of the boys are hanging their harrows on the fence ready for next Spring. Wingham J. L ockeeidge, who recently had d a slight operation, hasgteatYimprov- ed. Wingham Bigb School Hough cup team defeated Ethel in a close gauge on Saturday. The score was 2 to 1 Ethel bad a strong team. The 1Vitghatn High School base- ball team played in Teeswater recent- ly, and in spite of the fact that it was weakened by the alsemee of four regu- ltam defeated the Teeswater nine by 0 score of 18 to 8. Bolla teams played good ball. Teeswater had one bad inning when the teems scored seven rues. The funeral of George Knox, of Toronto, was held Sunday to the local cemetery. Services Were cenduct- ed by Rev. O. H. 0rnly, pastor of the Anglican church. Mr. Knox was 63 years old. and had been ill for some time. He came to Wingham to visit bis sister. Mrs. .John Savart'G, in the hope that his health would be im- proved. He Continued, however, to grow w'or'se, and died on Friday even- ing. Besides his wife, Mr. Knox leaves his father, J. Knox aged 91, and two sisters, Mrs. John Swartz, of Wingham, and Alt's. Mary Wright, of Toronto. The pall -bearers at the funeral were W. Greer, Wm. Bene, H. 13. Elliott, John Elder, Mallon Mc1ibbon and Bryson Cochrane. Sxxious RUNAWAY. -A serions run- away accident was narrowly averted on Saturday, when Me. Oook, a farm- er from Belgrave, drove in and his horse became frightened at a band. The animal dashed off at high speed. wry. Cook saw two women crossing the street ahead of him and in order to save them he turned the animal be- hind another rig, thinking the horse wonid stop. In its wild e111086 it col• tided with the wheels and tipped the wagon lip so that the contents -butter and eggs -were strewn all over the street, Iu 1110 rig were two women who saved themselves by jumping. The horse: van down to the lower part of the town and turned into the 13x - (Mange Hotel sheds, cohere it was stop- ped. Li tJe damnge was done t•, eithee of the Hest but Mr, Oook got a 808'(0 shaking lip. The horse is mane the care of a veterinary sur- geon. Belgrave WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.- Next Tues- day 111e regular meeting of Belgrave Wonen's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Scandrett, at 2.30 p. rn. This is the annual meeting when the yearly report will be presented and officers cho8cn for the next term. A program will also be given and a Talen I, Table sale aoud ucted. A large company asked for. Gorrie Airs. Wm. Andison held an auction sidle of her furniture recently. TheTennis Olub is reorganized, The members are enjoying themselves on the lawn, Messrs. Bradnock & Stinson shipped u c(teluad of cattle Saturday and Bar- ry Grainger & Son shipped a carload Monday. McLean 11108., of Toronto, pr0dnce dealers, have opened to branch store 10 the Leech Stook, and are prepared 10 nay good prices for all manner of pro- duce. Rnhei't Ashton has bonght the Mc- Kee properly. in town, being the 110106 where J. Hamilton, jun„ resided: Mr. Ashton expects to become a resident of Gorrie next week. On Sunday next, both morning and evening, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, mall of of the Wingham District, of Gorrie. will preach in the Methodist ch melt, Kincardine. After the morn- ing service the movement of the Lord's Slipper will be administered and new, mrinhers received. On Monday evening the quarterly Board willmeet at 8 o' o k Rev. J. W. o'clock, Hibbert presiding. Wroxeter MIPs J. .8 ALLAN will be et the Gorton. House Friday, May (0111, One day. Fterman Morr'isnn, of Regina. Sask., was a visitor in the village last week. Wm. McLennan, of Montreal, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. Mc- Lennan. Wm. Smith and Jas. Sanderson, of Fordwieh, called on friends here nu Tuesday. John Morrison, of Hanover, Wlls 6110 guest of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Lennie. last week. Rev. Mr. 001810, of Owemee, ne- oupied the.pulpit in the Presbyterian chnrch on Sunday. Chas, Pope. of Brussels, a former resident of this village, spent last Thursday het 0. 5, M. Rnbiusnn spent two days of last week at his home here before leaving for Sontreal, Mrs. Munch and two sons, of Wing- haru,spent several days of last week with old friends there. Ml's. C. F. McLean returned from Mobile, Alabama, o1 Friday and will spend. the Surunler here. Mrs. .L N. Seanbnrn left for Ed- monton, Alta., on Tuesday where she will Spend the Surntner. John Stewart, of Louisiana, is spending it few weeks vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. D, Stewart, of Tnr•nberry. Geo. Muir has disposed of the property be recently purchased from R. 13. Harris to Ben. Stafford, of Howick, who has rented it to L. Cliff. Sold Only by emememeemmeamiermeem 66 Truly, a stylish and nobby oy effect in antOxford. A comfortable last, too. A heavy seller all over O TRADE Canada. MARK E.C. Dunfcrd REG° Tailor and Furnisher 4 Brussels eoAfter em illness extended over a period of several weeks, Ales. Sanborn passed away at her home here last ednesday, She had attained bee SIst yea8, and until her recent illness had been very active. Mrs. Sanborn was an extremely kind woman and highly esteemed by all who knew her, Site is sm vived by three sons, Charles and Reuben to whom one sympathies are extended in their beveavement. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon service being conducted by aformer pastor, Rev. L. Pekin, of Moorefield. Walton EARLY 0tososo.-- During the Slimmer months the business places of Walton will closest 0 o'clock each Wednesday evening. All the Statutory holidays will also he observ- ed, The movement will go into effect on May 22nd so the public should govern themselves aoeordingly. Workmen have been busy at the basement of the new church. Least Sunday Rev. AIt'. Kinder, of Gorrie, took the service in St, George's church here. Seeding is well nigh (Imre in this locality and root crop ground will be looked after next. George Ferguson, the well known stock dealer, is filling a post at Tor. onto stock yards for a time. He should fill the bill completely. Rev. R. A. Lundy, 13. A. will preach nn the Walton circuit of the Metho- dist church On Sunday next. Services as follows :-Providence at 11 o'clock ; Bethel, 2.80 p. tn. and Walton 7 o'- clock. The veterans -Messrs, Bnrrnws and Fulton- who had a hairbreadth escape on the 0. P. R., are holding their own. The fortner is able to sit lip a little and Me. Fulton shows some imprcvetnent, One day last week Alex. Gardiner had his left hand seri0nsly injured by corning in contact with a circular saw while assisting in cutting stove wood. The wonder was that the fingers were not severed. An effort is being mode to save them which we hope will be successful. Grey The Township Onuncit will meet Monday. Grey news may be read on page 5 of this issue, J. Waddell, of Stratford, was a visi- tor at the home of R. J. Dougherty, 6th Oon. The Sunday School in the Smith School house, S. S. No. 3, re -opened last Sabbath afternoon, after the Winter venation, under the Supelin; tendency of P. A. McArthur. There was an attendance of 25. GONE WEST. -During the cnllege vanatinll Alex. and Leslie Lemont, sone of Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, will teach in the West. They have gone to their schools and will return in time to resume their respective courses at Queen's College, Kingston. THE OOZE MILL BURNED, -Monday evening of last week about 8.30 o'clock the sawmill of Wm. Cole, 2nd con., was destroyed by fire. In it in ad - clition to saw and engine were agrain m•nshera05 chopper. There Wee no insurance and loss will foot up to a- bout $1,000. Miss Lillian Desk, who has been at- tending Business College at Wing - ham for several months, seccessfnity graduated last week. Miss Dark purposes staying at home for a couple of weeks before going to Hamilton to take a position. She was a very in dnstrions student and we wish her success 10 the future, Ethel Rev. Mr. Bell, of Molesworth, preached in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday. Next Wednesday evening Rev. D. Wren, M. A., will give an address at the District meeting in Teeswater en "The ye ng man problem." He is the Sunday School Secretary for the District. A close and well contested game of 'Foot ball was played here on Satur- day evening between the Wingham High School team and the Y. M. 13. 0. eleven. The result was 1-0 in favor of the,visitnrs. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute will he held at the home of Mrs, A, McKee Thursday May 1811] at 2,30 p. m. Order of business (1) Repent of Secretary-Treas. ; (2) Elec- tion of officers for ensuing year. .A program will also be presented. A good attendance is hoped for. NEWSY LETTER,- TETE? POST re- ceived a letter. from N. A. Milne form-° erly of Ethel, that will be of interest to many people here :- • "DE.1R 911, -'-As I have sold my farms at Belmont] and have moved to 867 Si inane St. Winnipeg kindly send THE Posr there. I have done very well 'helped since nnrning to Manitoba, es well set think L would helve dole in 10 er 15 years et Ethel. T nm 000 in the teal estate and building end rol- tractirtg and though I have just been at the heftiness nee month I have merle several gond deals and have several others Omni completed. Winnipeg is growing very rapidly and we are fairly besieged by people wanting lutuae8 clad' have several now being c0ustrrreted besides a lnsge number of beton Mil 'lets and la nnnt l(ee of gond farms flee aaln at reasonable prises, close to the city market. Stork of all kinds is high. Grade rows lit Anctioi galea not. here 8011 from $50 00 to 9110.00. young pigs 57 to $9, hens of mixed breeding going from 86 to 95 cents en eh and bowies of very medium 1(10(1 and quality at $550 to 9700 a pair, the more breedy t ones from 5700 upwards, h ad only ,y a 8rna11 husk lit the time of my sale 0 00 The t $10 e o 1 i t tormented 5 bl t1 terms of the sale were 8 tueniths etedit with in tcrest a1 8 per cent On itil notes (011 taight) and 4 per relit off for trash. When the sale, was over at night 1 had rash and ehe4ttes to the amount of $2,575.00 and about $600.00 in notes. This will give you some idea of clow the farmers in the Bal- moral ciistriet are getting along. The Electric road is funning out there this year and is pultiBg the price of farm bands up very fast. I understand that feed of all kinds was very scm'ce 111 Grey but it way quite different here as 1 had 40 tons of good hay to sell at any sale and I could not get a bid on it. I do not expect to be able to sell it at inland itis still• at the farm. I told the man that bought it he could have it. I see a quite a lot of Ontario people, I aur close to Wm. Griffith and his mother of Brussels. We are all well hoping you are well also, IanmYours Tinny, NOBLE A. MILNE. Jamestown Rev. Mr. Russell, of Wroxeter, preached in Victoria Hall last Sunday. Jamestown Branch of the Women's Institute will hold their annual meet- ing on Thursday, May 16th at 230 o'- clock iu Victoria Hall. A good attend- ance is hoped for. seJohn Johnston, of Morris, who has been in the Wingham hospital on ac- count of injuries received by hay press faliiing on him last Winter, re- turned to his home on Saturday. The Morning Herald of Fort Wil- liam of May Bed says of a former teal - dent of this locality :-Dr, T. E. Dean has retired front the practice of dentistry in which he has been en- gaged since he came to Fat t William fifteen years ago. The alderman finds many other duties demanding his time and attention and he has re- linquished the senior partnership to the lirm which was formed about a year ago. Dr. J. S. Strachan. junior partner will continue the practice. Cranbrook Aaiun To PAY Ur. -Owing to heavy ex- pense incurred of late Tam compelled tom* a prompt payment of all• outstanding accounts. By attending to this a special favor will be conferred. A. RAYMANN, Quite a number of the farmers are through seeding in this part. Mrs, Oliver, of Brussels, was visit- ing het father, e D. AI t uarrie this s week. Rev, Dr. Oaten has started to make his pastoral calls in and around the burg. Walter Pennington has secured a situation with Geo. Smalldon in the Bank. A. Reymann disposed of his delv- ing team to Jno, Johnston, of Blue - vale. If you have not much milk to give your calves feed them Blatchfo•d's Calf Ileal. Leet Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr. Bell, of Molesworth, preached in Knox church. Next Sunday will be Quarterly services. Rev. Dr. Oaten will con- duct the service. J. and Mrs. Barker, who have just conte out from the Old Land, are liv- ing in the house on R. Cardiff's place ancl Mr. Barker is hired with Mark Oardiff for the Summer. Mr. Barker intends buying a farm. Last Sabbath afternoon a memorial Servile was held in the Methodist church having reference to the de- mise of the late Mrs. A. Reymann. Rev. Dr. Oaten's sermon was most suitable to the occasion and was based on the text "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Morris Court of Revision on the Assess - 1110111 Ro11 tvi11 be held on May 27111. There are a few appeals. Workmen are busy at the enlarge- ment and improvements being mode at Henry Johnson's residence, 5th line, The bridge 13y -Law proposing to borrow $82,000 for bridge building purposes may be found on page 4 of this issue. The river is being forded at the various points where the bridges were destroyed by the recent floods malting it more convenient than gning round a 5 mile block. It is said Everett Walker, teacher at Regina, may spend his Surntner vacation at horse mere and build up his Health which is hardly up to its regular standard. A. Local Option contest will be on the pregnant in Morris township next January. There are two hotels in the municipality located at Walton and Belgrave. James Russell, 5th line, is one of the veterans who did duty against the Fenian miners in 1866, and is conse- quently entitled to the 9100 gl'ant front the Dominion GOverlhment. Miss Cornish. who has rendered good 8e) vies 118 teacher in S. S. No. 5, lies tendered her resignation to take effect at the close of this term. She intends going to Toronto we under- stand. FROM KINISTINO, SAs1t.-DEAR MR. KIEILR, \'bill you please forward my paper to Kinisti00, as that will be my pn81 1fIioe. It is paining to -day (April 30111) brit we have had most delightful weather since I 'mei ved here. This ie to very nice pmt of the wont ry, ',tonne semi) illi he hold is i'f to davit black 1,)1111, Farmers are all busy seeding. • Three IS ea new ('(miry being survey- ed but this Spring abort 75 miles fruni here for homesteading. I was to char ch hist Sunday night and found it at (Mange to llreseels <lliti1011. I will now stay Good -Bye, Wm BAUOLE-E. TIiCOWN PROMnuGGY.-While W. R. and Mrs. F1'aser were driving on Main street, Wingham, Saturday night about 10 o'clock, some un- known person driving recklessly down e f ism t1 the at tet into tient as 111e 1 It ' rig vts 'being tented anemia. The 8ti'ttn et"a front wheel caught t the hied heel Of the other 11 n5 6r, and Al's, Fraser were tbroWn in a heap and thirty or forty:tolle of but, . ter scattered over the street. Mr. and Mr's. Fraser were nu00hhsciOus, but recovered in a few minutes, and seem not Much the worse. The un- known Ivan drove rapidly away. Mr. Fraser is a Councillor of Morris township, JUDGE MABEE DIES. A Man Honored by Many. Judge Mabee. formerly of Listowel and Stratford, paescd away at St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, at 8.16 Monday afternoon. lie had under- gone two operations for appendicitis and on Monday horning hues were expressed for his recovery but a re- lapse ensued frurntvhicb he did not rally. James Pitt Mabee WAS of U. E. Loyalist stock and a member of one of the beet known families in the county of Norfolk. Ile was born at Port Rowan in that county ort No- vember 5, 1859, the son of the late Colonel Mabee, collector of customs at that port. He served as assistant English master of the Port Rowan High school for a year and a half before entering upon his studies for the bar in Toronto. These studies were pursued in the law offices of which Justice Ferguson was the head and later under Judge McDou- gall, lie was called to the bar in November, 1882, and at once entered into practice at Listowel, From there he removed in 1888 to Strat- ford, where he resided until Decem- ber 1906, when he removed to Tor- onto and entered the law firm of Beatty, Blackstock, Faskfu, Riddell and Mabee, one of the largest in On tario. Prior to his removal to Toronto Mr. Mabee had a practice extending over the entire Western peninsula. He unsuccessfully contested North Perth for the Commons in the Lib- eral interest in the general election of 1904 against A. re. MacLaren. He was later appointed Chairman of the Canadian section of the Inter- national Waterways Commission, which position he ably filled until re- linquished d in 1908 to accept that of Justice of the Chancery Division of Lite High Court for Ontario, in suc- cession to Hon. Justice Meredith, translated to the Court of Appeal. In March, 1908, Mr. Mabee was ap- pointed Chairman of the Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners, in succession to Judge Kitimat), of Win- nipeg. This position he filled with marked distinction up to the hour of his fatal illness. Judge Mabee mar- ried Marie 5. Thorold, the daughter of William Thorold, of Mount Wil- liatne, Outurio and she died in 1910. He bad two children a aim, Lionel, and a daughter, Mabel. At Judge Mabee's own request the remains were laid to restin his native village of Port Rowan, where he re- sided in the intervals between his travels with the Oommission. A special fumed 'train left Toronto at 9.15 Wednesday morning reaching Port Rowan, where interment took place at 1 o'clock. A special train was also run from Stratford which took Listowel friends. Inspector Asquith and Chairman Patterson will Step Out The report d1 Eedo Saunders, K. 0.. on the license inquiry at Goderich is not likely to be made public. Hon. W. J, Hanna, Provincial Secretaty, has received Mr. Saunders' report as special 'commissioner into the charges made against William Pat- terson, Chairman of theOentre Huron License Commission, and Alfred Asquith, License Inspector, by Michael Farr, hotelkeeper in Gode- rich. • "While nob banding out a copy for publication," said Mr. Hanna "I may say tbat the report of the evidence taken at the inquiry at Goderich leaves me no alternative but to change the chairman of the commission as well las the Inspector. Apart entirely from the Inspector's intentions in the Matter, the facts brought out make it clear that his usefulness as Inspector is gone." This means that the resignations of Asquith, and Patterson which have already been received, will be ac- cepted. Phe dismissal of Mr. Asquith, the inspector, is a result of his oxen evi- dence before Mr. Saunders, in which he admitted that he had been offered a bribe by the hotelkeeper, yet had not. repotted the fact to the hoard and had litter recommended that, the hotelkeeper who offered the bribe be given a license, For this ho vias sharply criticized by Mt'. Saunders and the eo,nl.nissinner followed it up by advising his dismissal. WESTERN CABINET CHANGES A (Mange in the Alberta Provinoiai Government was officially nide on Saturday night. At 8 o'clock Lieuteneutt-Governor Bullyeca swore in the following las members of the cabinet ; A. L. Siflon, president of the council and mimetic of railroads laud telephones. O. W. Cross, attorney -general. F. J. McLean, provincial Secretary. "Alalcoltn MacKenzie, provincial treasurer, Charles R. Mitchell, minister of public Works. J, R. 'Woods, minister of education. Duncan Marshall, rnini8t01' of agri. culture. Charles Stewart, 11111iater of hnutlleipalltie9 After ithee51 two years as private moulber, ik1r. Owes rosutnoa his old, position as attorney -general, J. R. Boyle, Malcolm MacKenzie and Ohas. Stewart are the other additions. Premier Sifton will retain the offices of president of the executive- council and the portfolio of railways and telephones. He, however, r•elinquish- es the office of provincial treasurer and minister of public works, Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Council was held last Monday evening, Councillors Dames, McGuire and Mul- doon and Reeve Leckie present• Minutes of last meeting read anti passed. Following accounts were presented ;- lames'l'huell, streets, .••,..••..•9 x 60 R. Thuell, streets, ........•..•. 2 80 N, McCauley, streets, 4 40 R. A. Pryne, coal ,..... 50 TRE Posy, printing, re 00 R. Oliver, salary, ...... 37 50 Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded by A, McGuire that above accounts be paid. Carried. A letter was read from A. Strachan,' Treasurer, who is at Fergus, Communication was read relative to the famine in China. A subscription list was opened at the Board. $19.8o was reported 85 the receipts for the scales for month of April by Constable Oliver. Moved by A. McGuire, seconded by A. C. Dames that Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1912 be held on Monday, Tune 3rd, at 8 p. m. Carried, Moved by A. C. Dames. seconded by Geo. Muldoon that tenders he asked for the construction of Fisbleigh street drain. Carried. The question of replacing the tem- porary toot bridge was discussed, and Thos. Newsom and R. Oliver auth0"iz- ed to put it in place. Moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded by A. McGuire tbat Council adjourn to the 3rd Monday of May. Carried, BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT For the Month of April. R0011 IV Sen. IV --Daily work and exams. in Spelling, History and Grammar t G Edwards 92 J Oliver ....,....0.66 L Jackson 81 L Lowry 65 1 McLeuchlin....8o R Sinclair 64 L Burgess 75 H Fax .............46 J Ballantyne 71 Jr. IV -Daily work and exams, in Spelling, Grammar and Literature : R Stewart •84 A McLauchlin ..70 13 Campbell .76 T McLauchlib ...64 L Wright 76 A Thompson 6o L Ameut .........72 V Sinclair 53 E Rands...........71 H Currie ...... -45 V McCracken....7o S McLsueblin45 D. M SMITH' ROOM III Sr. 3rd Class -Exam. in Geog., Aritb., Spell. and daily work H Stewart... ..... 83 R Hewitt .62 HGerry....•. ...... 8t ll Cameron .......61 D Ross.•.•. 76 P Barkley 56 L McCracken.. .75 F McNaughton52 W Buchanan ....60 M Carter ..........5o ir, 3rd Class -Exam. in Mem., Gram., Lit. and daily work : B Wright ..... ....8o A Currie 61 R Moore 77 E Jamieson 6o C Best 76 M Hatst 6o M Skelton 70 C Thompson 59 11' Hinson........, 68 V Harris,..... 58 J Warwick 64 Ii Lott ..••• . ....57 A Fox 61 Jr. Part of Jr. 3rd-Lxam. In Gram., Read., Geog and daily work : 1 Fox 78 C Moore 59 M Pawson 75 M Ross 58 H lames. 65 *M Danford 54 S McLauchlin....64 I Kernagban 3o 13. HENDEaSON ROOM II Sr. end -Exam. in Geog„ Comp., Dr., Writ., Arith. and daily work M Barwell 84 E Tomlinson 63 M McLauchlin...8t J Jamieson .6o W Harkness 73 G Seeker ........5i 0 Hemingway 72 A Cardiff ....4q A. Drage 71 I McNichol .......47 WBurgess.... 7i W Roe..... .....45 R Currie- ..,58 V Lowry 44 J Thompson 66 C Anderson..... 43 M Cameron .64 M Campbell. , 39 Int, 20d -Exam. in Geog., Comp., Dr., Writ., Read. and daily work : L Francis ...64 3 Emigh 48 E Burgess 6o A Stewart 46 M Wilton .......,.53 1 Harkness 38 D Currie........... 53 Lowry 38 W Snider .53 16 Hollinger 31 W lames ....51 L Snider.. ..,,21 L Conley 50 G Snider ,.,.. 16 R Kernaghen....49 Jr end --Exam. in Comm, Dr,, Writ" Spoiling and daily wort( : D Holmes 77 C Thomson 48 H Matheson •.•. 75 M Oliver 43 G Pope . .63 G. Roes. ROOM .I 5th Ciass-Exam. in Arith., Spell., Lang., Dep. and daily work ; D Welker ...96 *L Berkey ....,.Go L Drage .84 G Ilernagirer' ,..55 MWood ....... ....,70 4th Class -Examined in same 1 1+ Stewart. 95 M MoCraekeu , 62 M Fri.zley 85 L Snider .... ...,...,46 F McArter,71 3r3 CIess-Excellent-T Burgess, P' Oliver, E Olivet, M McLeuehlin, ]±: Were, IC MILeren, A Hemingway, I. Platt, Good -13 Cameron, B 'I'huell, 14 Keys, 13 Drage, A Ballantyne, D Stewart, end Claes Excellent - 0 Lott, M Pope. 1st Class -Excellent '- J Walker, l 0 James, L £ huell, E jarvie G Matwel , E 11 msou M Lar en W McDowell A to c , r p inter, " G Eck., eve •tr r D Ttersou T.S r ier, Good -=G 5tswett,pMer Snider, N Snider, 11' Snider, 14 Banwell. F, BOOltaNAt4.