The Brussels Post, 1912-5-2, Page 8Pallor Paper
A suitable Wall Paper for a Parlor
is often bard to find. Something better
than is op the rest of the house is usual-
ly required. We have several patterns
that have been selected with much care
from a •large number and are meeting
With the approval of many of our cus-
The 'White
and Gold
desigus still continue to bold a front
place. One of these has a silky white
ground with gold stripe and has a crowu
border to match, priced at 25c per roll.
Another one that is very different
from these has a large pink rose decora-
tion iu the stripe pattern and, finished
with a crown border at the top,
Tben there are the two tone color-
ings on a silk ground, We have these
in the pale green and cream shades
Also Papers to suit any room in the
house at a low price.
1- ouse Cleaning
Many of them are right lo our We
Caustic Soda, 5 lb., tie 400, for making
soap at home.
Household, Annonia, large bottle zoo.
Bon Ami, for cleaning windows, silver-
ware, &c , tee cake,
Crystal Floor Oil, an excellent furniture
polish, 35c per quart,
Chloride of Lime, 8c, sou and 550 pkgs.
Powdered Coppersa, toe Ib.
Zeuoleurn, a good household disinfect-
ant, 250 and soc tins.
A reliable protection against moths.
When putting away heavy Winter
clotbing use a package of this and
keep them in good condition--
Pkgs. Iec each
Also Moth Balls in bulk.
rhe042,Cl2L Store
Kurd littns Plias
THE street watering cart is a necessity:
Commie meeting next Monday even-
ADDITIONAL local news on page 5 of
this issue.
Flex Engine was tested Thursday
of last week.
Scuooe Board Friday evening of
next week.
A trunk sewer on Turnberry street
South is once tnore proposed.
A NEW awning has been put tip at the
East Huron Cold Storage Emporium,
ROBT. ANDERSON bas torn down the
remosut of the stable on the Sheriff lot.
Mill street, which is a decided improve.
ment. He has done considerable fixing
up about his own cottage also.
NEXT sESSION of the Fourth Division
Court wilt be held in Brussels Friday of
this week. Postmaster Scott is acting
as Clerk of Court in the temporary ab-
sence of S. C. Wilson in the West.
George Keys shipped a car of extra good
horses to the West ou Tuesday from
Brussels. Roy Emigh accompanied the
ear and will probably remain out there
for the Suinmer.
Tess free can of Chi-Namel offered
contains enough varnish to stain and
gloss several chairs and a stand You
can ask the lady demonstrator as many
questions as you like about varnishing
at the store of Wilton & Gillespie, Brus-
sels, on Friday, May 3rd.
MARRIED. -On April retie RobtW.
Wilbee, of Gladstone, Mich., son of
Walter and Mrs. Wilbee, of Brussels,
was united in marriage with Miss Geor-
gina Tennant, of Toronto. Ceremony
Was performed at Rapid River, Mich.
Mr. Wilbee is fireman on the railway
running on the Soo line. We wish him
•and his bride many happy and prosper-
ous years.
THE Harriston Review of last week
says 5 -Excellent music was furnished
by the Methodist Choral Society under
leadership of Miss Jessie McLauchlin
who individually sang beautifully, at the
Anniversary services in that church last
Sunday. Rev. J. A Jacksou, of Tara,
an eloquent speaker, preached excellent
• sermons.
proposed sale of the Gerside-james
machine shop last Saturday afternoon
the reserve bid was not reached by the
• bidders and consequently no sale made.
Prospects are, however, that tbe prop-
. erty will change hands and if so an in-
dustry set to work that should grow.
The site Is an eligible one with ample
room for extensions if necessary.
Council will make a push to do the best
in the interests of the town.
ENTERTAINED -Last Saturday's Tor-
• onto Globe says t -On Thursday, Mss
• Annie Beattie, Carlton street, entertain-
ed in honor of Miss Jean MacLachlan,
when a number of former Brussels
. friends called. Among those present
were: Mrs. D. C, Ross, Mrs. 1.
Ballantyne, Mrs. Fred. Wilson, Mrs. R.
0. Dickson, Misses V. Wanless, M• ,
, Robertson, G. Rogers, L, Rogers. L.
Richardson, 13. Sharpe, B. Robertson,
M. Zimmer, F. Dickson, S. MacLachlan,
B. MacLachlan, N. Irwin, C. Mac-
Cracken, H. Downing, A, Davies and
A. Walker.
BOWLING CLUB,- Auntie, meeting of
Brussels Bowling Club was held last
Friday evening when the following offi-
ciary was elected :-Hon,-President,
Farrow ; President, Iris, G, Jones;
Vice President, J. F. Rowland ; Secre-
tary -Treasurer, A. Strachan ; Executive
Committee, above officers and D. Ce
Ross, R. Dowsing and R. J. Me-
Lauchlin. The Bowling greeu will be
fitted up is first class shape. vitt rec.
ord showed Brussels competitor in three
Trophy competitious in which they won
two Isis and one and. They generally
•• manage to get there.
.1. Q. O. P. ANNIVElteA0:7,-The 93rd
anniversary of the 1. 0. 0. P. Order
was observed last Sabbath evening by
the attendance of over so members of
Western Star Lodge, No, 149, Brussels,
marching to the Methodist church.
Dr, Oaten was in the pulpit and preach-
ed a practical and very appropriate dis-
Wiese. Be instanced various good
things that Odd Fellowship stood for
such as Belief in God, unselfish princi
les, attention to huhaan needs, enlight-
enment, &c. It was the product of the
• charch's activity and consequently the
Order should stand by the church in her
fight agaiest evil, more particularly the
liquor traffic. The I. O. 0. F. was
complimented on the expenditure of
nearly half a Million dollars in relieving
the necessities of brothers and their
He Wished them success iu
their work of benevoleece and hurnani-
teriauisra, The extension of the Work
was the enlargleg of the Missiori of the
Geed Maeteite Good Musk was render-
ed by the ehoir of the church. Ott re-
tete:ilea to the ledge room a hearty Vete
of 'Innate was pegged to Rev, Dr,
Oates for Itis excellent
SOME are wishing the little footbridge
was once more in place across the
Maitland near the old fiaxtitill property
ASSESSOR Lowe has returned his roll
for 1912 and the summary shows :-
'Taxable real property, $31775o ; Busi
cess tax $42157 ; Income. $6s80. Total
assessmeut $386,487. The populatiou
LOCAL LEAGUE -- It is proposed to
"organize several Base Ball teams in
Brussels, somewhat after the pattern of
the local Hockey league last Winter,
and arrange n schedule of garnes. This
is a good plan to encourage young play-
ers and train them for promotions
Outside matches will also be arranged.
OAR of Peed Wheat received by the Pryne
milling Co.
12 Vies, 5 weeks old, for sale. ,Apply to
W. 3. ALDERsoN, Oranbr )ok.
PernTe funds to loan on far01 geourity,
first mortgage. at reasonable rate of interest.
Apply to X Y 5 core of Telt P052,
HOUSE to rent with good stable and garden.
Apply to A. 0. BARRER.
DWELLING rooms to let above stores. Com-
fortable and convenient, I. 0. H1ORARDS.
WHEN lawn mowers will not work easy call
on or write T, MCGREGOR, Brussel.,
EGGS for hatching from a fine pen of White
Leghorns. Also from a good pen of Columbian
Wyandottps 21 00 per 15. Get your orders in
early. JAMES BALLANTyNE, Brussels.
HOII6e and lot, eligibly situated in Brussels,
for sale or to rent. Further particulars may
be obtained from Mrs. R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes,
Poe BA_LE.-Good missal otic tire buggy, al-
most in w, with automobile seat ; a steel tired
buggy, almost new, automobile seat ; 5 good
goat robes Also a good brtek dwelling house
and comfortable stable on Queen street. Par
further particulars apply to Geo. Bnown,
Brussels. 88-tf
-0 -
Jobe Dodds, of Seatorth, the pop
man, was in Biussels this week with an
auto truck of 2 ton capacity. It should
suit hint all right in his numerous trips
through the County.
George Ferguson of Teeswater, under.
went 140 operation in the Wingham
hospital on Motfilay morning ot last
week for rupture. The operation was
not a, serious one and the patient is
doiag nicely. , Mrs. Hannah Ballantyne is back to
24e15 sy IAV CELEBRATION. -A public town after a term of s or 6 weeks nurs-
meetime will be held iu the Council ing Mrs. George Clark. ot Grev town
Chamber next Tuesday evening, at 8 ship The patient was very ill but is
o'clock to discuss the question of cele making favorable progress now
lusting the 24th of May, All interested Mrs (Rev) W. T Cluff, of Stratford,
are asked to attend promptly. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. M
j. and Mrs. Lawson of Goderich, Sinclair, She was a former well known
who have spent the past few months in resident as was her husband, who was
England and Scotland, arrived home formerly- rector of St. John's church
last Saturday alter a most enjoyable here.
trip although the voyage homeward was Thos. Ross, of Cheslev, was a caller
disposed to be rough, Mrs. Lawson is On Brussels relatives ani friends last
a daughter of H. and Mrs McQuarrie week He was at Listowel attending to
and a sister to Mrs. W. F. Stretton. his duties as D. D G Id of the Mason
is Order and took time to run to Brus-
sels -his old home,
F. Barwell and family and W. Jarvis
and family are among the newcomers
Centre Huron License Commissioners to town, The men are employed in
met at Godermit, and considered appii- the Excelsior Knitting Factory and are
cations for the coming year, In view of the kind of residents that count. We
the fact that an investigation was wish them prosperity. •
opened on Monday by the license de Mrs Hugh Stewart and children, who
tenement of the charges laid by a have been living in town since Mr.
Goderich hotelkeeper against the in- Stewart went West. a few months ago,
Spector and one of the commissioners, left on Tuesday for Gilbert Plains,
there was considerable uncertainty as to where they expect to make their home.
what would be clone in the meantime.
The Queen's, American and Central of
Brussels were granted licenses for the
year. The tour hotels and one shop
license at Seaforth were also renewed
for the year. In Clinton the Waverley
Hotel was given three months and the
Normandie Hotel, against the proprietor
of which there is a serious charge pend
ing, was given two months license.
The other three Clinton hotels and shop
license were renewed for the year. The
Goderich hotels all got one month and
the two hotels to be cut off will be de-
cided after the iuvesttgatlon.
THosesoe- MAC LACHLAN. - At the
home of the bride's mother, 124 Carlton
street, Torouto, a quiet wedding was
solemeized at half•past four, Tuesdae,
when Miss eau Chisholm MacLaehlen,
daughter of Mrs. MacLachlan and the Col. Hocigins, comm ending the first
late Ne MacLachlan, was united in divisional area, formally announced
marriage with Robert Thomson, of that the Department of Militia had de -
Brussels. The ceremony was perform- cided upon Goderich as the site for the
ed by Rev. Dr. Robertson, or St. James training camp of 1912. London had
Square Presbyterian church. Bridal hoped to get the camp which for years
march was played by Mise Margaret had been on Carling's Heights, but had
MacLachlan, sister of the bride. The not the available area required, while
house was beautifully decorated with Goderich was able to offer a farm of
roses, lily of the valley and sweet peas. from soo to boo acres, the Attrell estate,
The bride wbo was given away hy her with a tactical area of seven square
brother, George P. MacLachlan, of miles immediately adjoining. This
Fort William, wore a tailored suit of grounds extends along the Maitland
navy blue broadcloth with corsage river for three milee, There is scarcely
boquet of mauve sweet peas and small a building on it and the ground is un -
blue hat of coarse straw trimmed with broken. Goderich is alsapaying for the
Russian crash lace. A and Mrs, Thom- water and light for the camp. The
son, of Broadview avenue. Toronto ; camp this year will commence on Tune
J, Thomson, of Montreal ; Mrs. Wm. 53th, When the mounted troops will re -
Anderson, of Chealey ; Miss M. Robert. port for training. They will stay in
son, of St. Catharines and Mrs. Jae. camp until June 28. The infantry will
Ballantyne, Miss Lou Ross and R. I camp from June 57 to June 28 Both
MaeLachlan, of Brussels, were among cavalry and infantry Will be numerically
the guests. Mr. and Mrs Thomson larger than before ; tbo orders call for
left ou the evening train for New York the encampment of two battalions of
and Atlantic City. They will Mite up cavalry ansi ten intentry. The medical
reeiclence in Brussels emidet the con camp, however, may bo beld el London
gratulatione of rimy old friencle who Col Hodains bee tecommeotled that
will be pleased to welcotee Mrs Thorn One eamp, at whicli 650 men from King.
son back to town as a resident once ston, Toronto, Hatriiltoe, Witideoe,
510'4.3Sarnia and Lonclen will train, be licki
t'eee ',ere Sigeee.e ete.eetteeeielfaietetieeeeeee,, esiMeteeeeteteetertileee
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Begin now to prepare for the day of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
People We Talk About
Mrs D. C. Ross was visiting in Tor-
judge Mabee has undergone a medical
operation for appendicitis
Carl Holmes is home from the School
of Practical Science. Toronto.
Barrister Sinclair was in London on
Wednesday on a business trip.
Dr. J E Maunders, of Detroit, made
a dying visit to the old home at Brus•
Miss Deily McKenzie, of London, was
here last week attending the Richards -
Elliott wedding.
Mr, Bettzer and Mrs. Wilson, of
Monition, were visitors witb Mrs. Full-
erton last Sunday.
T Ballantyne was hardly as well as
usual during the past week but we hope
he will soon be restored,
1 F. Rowland made a short visit to
Fergus Wednesday 01 last week and
called on A. Strachan at the hospital
Mrs S. T Plum was laid aside for
several days by an attack of infiarnma.
tory rheumatism but is getting nicely
over it.
Miss Luella Ross and R. 3. McLauch-
lin were at Toronto attending the
Thomson - McLauchlin wedding on
J. W and Mrs Fogel and baby, of
Brantford, are renewing old acquaint.
ances in and around Brussels for a few
weeks They were former residents,
Mrs A. Strachan and Miss Isabel
were at Fergus Thursday of last week
visiting Mr. Strachan at the hospital.
We are glad to report that he is getting
along nicely.
Tuesday of this week Jno. Duncan
and Fred. Burchill left Brussels for
Edmonton where they may locate. Mrs.
Duncan and Mrs. Burchill will go
West later,
Miss Julia Sharpe, nurse has gone to
Toronto, to take an important position in
a hospital. She has been there before
hut resigned to take a trip to India.
We wish her success.
Mrs. J. Leckie, and Mrs (Dr)
Holmes, of town, and Miss Annice Mc.
Kinnon, of Winnipeg, are enjoying a
holiday in Toronto, going on Wednes-
day of this week.
Mrs. R McAlpine went to St. Marys
Thursday of this week where Mr. McAI
pine is located. He is manufacturing
and selling a dry cleaning machine
which fills the bill.
Mrs. J. F. Pettis, of Manchester, Eng
is another sister, with whom they visit-
We wish them prosperity.
THE POST is pleased to hear that
Harris Hamilton, who was formerly on
the staff of the Standard Bank here and
whose parental home is a' Wroxeter, •
has been promoted to be manager of
the Strathroy agency. Wo %Ptah him
continued success.
Mrs. A M. McKay and Ross, Olga,
and Feed. left Brussels for Carlyle,
Sask., where they join husband and
father who went to Carlyle as teacher of
the Indian Mission School some months
ago. Minty old friends here wish them
success and the blessing of good bealth.
Mrs. McKay is a daughter of David
Ross sr., of Brussele.
is prepared to supply the best
goods Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fiteings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &o.
4epairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
A. PAYMANNI Cranbrook
in London from June r to lune 16. He
has also recommended that the cadet
camp in July and the school teachers'
camp in luly and August be held in the
Church Chimes
Mothers' Day will be observed r n the
Methodist Sabbath School, Brussels, on
• Sunday. Ma). 12th.
The offering iu Melville church taken
in aid of the Chinese Famine sufferers
amouuted to a little over $17o.00, vete
respectable contribution.
W. M. 5 -The annual meeting of the
W. M. S. of the Methodist church,
Brussels, WAS held at the home of Mrs.
N, McCauley for the election of officers
and closing up the business of the tear.
Total amount of money raised by the
Society during the year was $1.38 29,
Of that amount $7o.32 was sent to
The Branch Treasurer. Clothing
valued at $75 was made and contributed,
part of which was sent to the Deaconess
Home, Hamilton and, part to needy
cases nearer home. Officers elected :-
Honorary President, Mrs. J. L. Kerr ;
President, Mrs A, 1. Lowry ; Vice -
President, Mrs. (Dr ) Oaten ; 2nd Vice.
President, Mrs eV, Pryne ; 3rd Vice -
President, Mrs. Paul ; Rec, Sec.. Mrs
H. L. Jackson ; Treasurer, Mrs, R.
Leatherdalee Cor. Sec., Miss' Gordon ;
Supt. Systematic Giving, Mrs. Skelton ;
Auditor. Mrs, Buchanan,
Eltab164"1 1873 OF CANADA 60 Dr"'
is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is
sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to
a pass Book. The .highest current rate of Interest h
allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time
without delay.'
Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. as
J. F. Etowlarea, Itliareetager
Next Sabbath the quarterly Commuu- iviARRIED
iou will be observed in the Methodist N on B
church. Fellowship service at to 'a. tu.
arid preaching at sr o'clock, followed by
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Official Board will meet Tuesday even.
ing at 8 o'clock.
Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., was at
London this week attending the Synod.
He was on the Committee dealing wii h
Elders' Commissions, Rev. Mr. Day
Simcoe, was elected Moderator for the
ensuing year by acclamation. Rev. J.
Fraser Smith was the retiring Modera-
tor -Who preached Monday evening to
the Synod.
EMORTH LEAGUE, -Monday evening
of this week the annual meeting of Brus
sets Senior Epworth League was held,
Rev Dr. Daten in the chair. Following
is the list of officers for ensuing year ;
Hoe. President, Rev. Dr. Om en ;
President, Miss 'Phut sa Gerry ; 1st vice.
President, Miss Peer] Backer ; 2nd vice -
President, Miss Mamie Cardiff ; 3rd
vicederesident, Mist: Carrie Hingston ;
4th vice President, Chester Armstrong;
eth vice -President, Mrs. N. MuCtitilav ;
Recording Sect•etary, D. Glassier
Corresponcling.Secretart MissMildred
Pry ne ; Treasil rer. Dr'Hamulior ;
Organist, Miss Alta •Prime ; auditors
W J. McCracken and R. Dark. $rs.00
was voted to the general fund of the
church. rhe Missionary campaign fie
past year is not vet closed so amount
cannot be staled here. A new Memher-
ship Roll will he opened so as to more
definitely understand who ere now
active members. Regular meetings of
the League are held each Monday even-
The Quarterly service will be held
on Sliming next in the Methodist.
church, Walton, service to commence
at 10.30.
Eggs.......... .......................
50 08
12 00
8 25
50 88
18 00
8 28
8 75
••••••••••••••••••••044444. +.4.44•••••••••••••••• •
$ ;
• . •
I ChisioNamel,,
Demonstration 1
• . .1..
4. •
• +
• At the Chi-Na.mel Store •
• +
• •
• 4,
4, •
• ON 4.
+ •
• 4.
• t
• Friday, May 3rd
• ..."-X-X.:17-14'411111iES-7.1.-..sttt...' t
+ •
We have the sales agenc,y for the line of all-purpose
varnish, which is so far ahead of any varnish that has ever
been sold in this community, that we particularly desire an
early opportunity to show its good points th'sonie member
of every household in our busme-s district.
What we want you to know about this wonderful var-
nish is something that cannot be told ; but we eau show you
in a very few minutes that you get more for your money
every Jima by using Chi-Narnel Varnish f r flo.(rs, wood.
work, furniture, or anythi.,.g about the house on which var-
nish is used
• 44+44 4,4•00*****.*•+•*•*•** ilekiel'atlek•+++.414.0-1.44,41044.
This varnish is furnished in the natural color and also
in the full variety of colors .It eau he hamirfree and boil-
ed and otherwise abused without slfewing any signs (if abuse.
Any amateur can apply it to large surfaces and get just as
smooth a finish profeesi finisher -tie lei's, no brush
marks, no blotches to make a patelly appearance.
You will thank us for this invitation after you have
come to know all about it.
Other features we want to show you are the Chi-Namel
Ready -to -Use Graining Precise, hy which you con cover all
bletnishes in your old floors and tmalte there any color you
wish, and ale() produce the grain of oak or other woods,
Old carpets can be made into rugs and a new hardwood
border will take the place of'the'ugly flooring at a coat of
but 2e per square foot.
We will gladly explain all these features at our store if
you give 'us the opportunity.
• .
3 •
Parsonage, Mamie, on April 24011,
Rev..7. 50, Cooke, Air. Prank A. Nichol,
Morris towiphip, to Miss Eleanor J., eldest
daughter 05 50,'. and Mrs. Joseph Brecken-
ridge, of Bluevele,
Tnos,eow-M GLA U0110 N. -A t the residenoe of
the bride's mother, Toronto, ou April 5013,
by Rev. Mr Roberteon, Mr Robert Thom-
son, of Br useels, to Miss jean Ohisholin,
daughter of Ilte late Neil moLauelitin, of
OoDE.-In Trowbridge, on April 21st, Ruby
Lemmex, relict of the late George Code,
aged 00 years 2 months and 14 days.
EDGAn.-In Howiek township, on April 27th,
James Edgar, aged re years.
e enOteeiteliteeenibee$1$0
ti* Formaldehyde
o o
o smonassmasoossommao 0
o o
• o
• Tine peat geem destroyer still *
O holds first place in the treat- e,
e .0
,,, moot; of grain for the destruct- g
o tion of the smut germ. . et
a 6
* The time and trouble taken in „„t*
• treating the grain is compare- g
• 'Miler small whop the increased IS
• yield is oonsidered, to say noth- „,fr
, ing of the comfort of threshing a' ,
• ,N,V,illehmit.0 grain has been treated o
• 0
• e ib, bottle sufficient for 50 g
bus. 25c,
: 1 lb. bottle sufficient for 100 0
bus. 40c.
• 0
• 0
as o
• We guarantee °ter Forrnalde- e
6 hydo to be strictly 40% at 0
• 0
A th
O 57
• o
o o
Drug Store •
• •
: •
CARMICHAEL.- In Grey township. on Api 11
281h, Susanna iThiels, beloved wife of
Angus Carmichael, aged 47 years, 10
months and 0 days.
RAEHANN.-At Fergus hospital, on Apri125th,
merle Craig. beloved wife of A, Reymann,
Oratibrook, in her 48th yea,'.
By -Law No. 4, 1912
BY-LAW to provide for the construction of five bridges by the saki Town-
ship :-One at Lot number nine on the road between the Fifth anti Sixth
Concession, known as Olegg's Midge ; mealier on the Sideroad between
Lots Teri and Eleven in the Sixth Concession, known as Sunshine bridge ;
another ou the Sideroad between Lots Fifteen and Sixteen iu the saki
Sixth concessien, !mown as Olark's bridge ; another at Lot Twenty-eight
011 the road between the Firsi aud Second Concessions, known as Rutean's
bridge ; and another on the Sicleietad between Lae Ten and Eleven in the
Second Uoucettsion known as Graham's bridge ; to atithoeize Elie issue
of debentures of the said Township to the amount. of $23,000.00 for the
puipose of raising the sum required therefor.
. .WEIEREAS it ie desirable tbat the Men. 8. Earth of the said debentures shall be
eigued by the Reeve of the said Township,
or by some other persuu authorized by By -
Law to eigu the saimeand shall be couuter-
eigned by the rreasurer, and the Clerk of
the said Township shell attaoh thereto the
Corporate Seal uf the Municipality.
4. The said debentarea shall be payable
on the 20th day of December in each year
during the said twenty years, at the Stand-
ard Bank iu the Village of Brussels, in the
Couuty of Huron.
5. During the twenty years from 1918
to 1982 iuolusive, being the twenty years
next succeeding the ditto of the issue of the
first iustalmeut of debentures to be issued
as aforesaid, there shall be annually raised
by spertial rate on all the rateable property
in the said Township the sum of 31,208.80
for the purpose of paying the debenture
failing due in oath of the said years re-
6. During the twenty years from 1914
to 1983 inolusive, being the twenty years
next euccieeding the date of the isms of the
second instalment of debenturee to be lo-
ured as aforesaid, there shall be annually
raised by spsoial rate on all the rateable
property of the said Township the sum of
3641.92 for the purpose of paying the de-
benture falling due in each of the said
years respeotiveiy,
7. This By -Law shall trace effect ou the
day of the final 'passing thereof.
8. The voted of the eleotore of the said
Township shall be taken on this 13y -law at
the following timed and'plactes, that lit to
; Ou the 811, day of June next, Qom-
inenoiug at the hour of nine o'clock in the
toreuoon and continuing until live o'clook in
the afternoon of the statue day by the fol-
lowing deputy Returning Officers.
-Polling Sub -division No, 1 at Sohool
Hoose No. 1, by Dated Laidlaw, Deputy
Returning Officer.
Polling Bub -division No. 2 at School
House No 9, by George MoCall, Deputy
Returning Officer.
Polling Bub -division No. 8 at School
11011110 No. 5, by Wm. Ferguson, Deputy
ReP6oelrinining-gST-cleievrision No, 4 at the Town-
stultripailingallobraya' elr'.homas Miller, Deputy &-
Polling Sub -division No. 5 at School
REepteuerenru0g. 07 ffibyoejrn. a' 0. MeDweu Deputy
Polling Sub -division No. 0 at school
LotutiereuiNnog. 010thobeyr.Bilas Johnston, Deputy
9. On the day the 27th day of. Hay A.
D. 1912, the Reeve 01.the said Township
shall attend at the lenvuship Hall at 3
teolook P. M. to appoint persons to attend
at the various pieces aforesaid and
itt the final summing up of the votes of
the Clerk in behalf of the persons interest-
ed in and promoting or oppesiug the pan.
ng of Ghia By-law respeetively.
10. The Clerk of the Ounnoil of the
said Township' of Morris, 01)01 attend et
the Township Morris at 8 o'Clook P.
DJ, on the 8th day of June 1912 to eum up
the votes for and against the By-laWv
Dined at the Township in the
unpal Comma Of the ToWnehip of Morris
shall octuetruot five brioges, one at Lot
number nista on the road between the fifth
and sixth Concessiund, known as Clegg's
bridge ; another ou the Sideroad between
Lots teu and eleveu 'Si the Hata Canoes-
siou, known as Saud:due bridge; another
on the Sideroad between Lute Mee° and
sixteen in the said sixth Concession, known
ae Clark's bridge ; another at Lot twenty-
eight on the road between the Heat and
second Conceesions, known as ltutbao'e
bridge ; and another on the Sideroad be-
tween Lots ten and eleven in the wooed
Coucession, known as Graham's bridge;
and to raise the sum of $28,000.00 to be
applied for the said purpose.
AND WHEREAS in order thereto it
will be necessary to issue debentures of
the said Township for the sum of 323,000.-
00 as hereinafter provided (which is the
debt to be created by this By.Law) the
proceeds of the said debentures 10 be ap-
Vied for the purposes aforesaid and to no
other purpose.
AND WHEREAS it is estimated that
the proposed expenditure for the said
bridges shall extend over a series of years,
and that for the said purpose the sum of
315,000.00 will be required during the year
1912, and the suns of 38,000.00 during the
year 1913 -and it being in the opinion of
the Municipal Commit of the Corporation
of the said Towuship of Morris undesirable
to have large portions of the mousy to be
raided by thie By -Law iu hand unused and
unite/weed-it would be to the advantage
ut the Munieipality to issue the said deben-
tures iu instalments au hereinafter provid-
ed. Each instalment of the debt to be re-
spectfully secured, together with the inter-
est thereon to be made payable equal an.
hued indtalments extending over twenty
years from the date of the issue of the de-
bentures respectively representing the same.
AND WHEREAS the total amounti\re
quired by the Municipal Ace to be raised
annually during the first of such Naiads of
twenty years for paying the first Metal-
tnent of the said debt and interest thereon
ie $1203,60, and during the second of Imola
periods of twenty years for paying the
second instalment of the said debt and
Interest thereon fie 3641.92.
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the said Town-
ship of Morris according to the last revised
assessment roll is $2,099,583,00.
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
°Rioting debenture debt of the bald Muni-
cipality is $47,278.84,, all of winch is made
up of drainage debentures and Guelph &
Goderich Railway debeuteres which ia only
against a portion of the said Muuieipelity.
AND WHEREAS normal for principal
or interest is in arrears.
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Teneuship of Morrie
enacts ae follows :-
1. The sum of $23,000.00 shall be ex-
pended by tine Towsnthip itt conetruoting
live bridges t -One at Lot number nine en
the road between the fifth and eilth Cen-
cesdions, known es Olegg's bridge ; another
on tbe Sideroad between Lote tan and
eleven in the Math elonceesion known aa
Sunehiue bridge,. Rootlet on the Sideroad
between Lots fifteen and siXteeu in the
said nisch Oonceasion, known art oiark's
bridge; another at Lot twenty-eight on the
road betweee the eget and second Conoeee
Wens, known as Ruttan's b,ldgo ; and an.
other on the Suleroad between Lote Lon
and eleeen in the fleet Couttessioti, ktiwn
as °returnee bridge • and foe the pulpose,
of raising said soM, 'debentures ot the sad,
Township to the stud amount of 328,000.00
In all shall be issued in eume of not lesa
than 9100.00 each, as follows ;-$15,000.00
thereof on the 15th day of December A. D.
1912, and the remaining 03,000.00 thereof
en the 16th day of Deeember, A. D, 1918,
2, The said debt and the debentures
hewed therefor shall lame interest et the
late of five per contain per anomie Tile
debenthree representing esoh instalment
thereof [shall be aatea on the day of the
lade thereof reepectively and shall be pay-
able in equal amounts in each of the
twenty yeers !mkt eucceeding t1s8 said date,
each amounts being nude up of the aggre.
gate amount due each year On Recount of
principal and, ititoreilt.
'Township of Morris on the
day ef..... . . .. . . . A. D. 1912.
TAKE NCTIOE that the aboyele a true
oopy of a proposed By-law which hem been
Wiwi) into coneidetation, and which will
be 'neatly passed by the 'Connell of the
Municipality (in .the event of the ateent of
the eleotore being obtained thereto after
one month from the first publication in
'1'104 linuesets P087, the date of which
publication w ti Iti iriday, the Second
day of May, A, D. 1912, and thee
the votes of the abettors of the said •
municipality will be taken theron an the
cloy and at the hopes end placiee thereia
fixed. And take betide that all lease-
holders who may be entitled to vote on tbis
Byelaw and who do 005 file ati affidavit to
that effect with the Clerk, at hetet tee days
next preoecling the arty of polling, will not
hays their nanme plaited on the Voters'
list, 4. MAcnives, Mork,