The Brussels Post, 1912-4-25, Page 4two reorrredomdd
H Ut 1 l. IL 25,
WHAT department of Church work
.are you essaying to excel ha ? "Go
work to -day in My vineyard" is the in
Txa old and well known poem
"l oosey ! gooses' 1 gander where shall I
wander 7" should be dedicated to Rud
yard Sapling as that appears to be his
class at preseut.
Wk doubt if J. Castell Hopkins, Edi-
tor Willison, of the Torouto News, or
Cot. Denison voice the sentiments of a
large proportion of the people of this
Dominion when they dencuoce Home
Rule for Ireland
Tills tidy addition of 400 o0o square
miles of territory has been given to
Quebec province by the annexing of
Ungavia. It appears to be somewhat
problematic as to whether congratulation
or commiseration were the more proper
attitude toward Quebec in the increase.
OUT of 856 on the pay list of the
Titantie 63 constituted the officers and
crew ; 322 bad to do with the engine
rooms and furnaces and no less than 471
were stewards, waiters and cooks. The
Company was evidently catering more
to the stomachs of the passengers than
safeguarding their lives. No extra look
out men were even on watch when the
Titantie was summoned by the iceburg
As a matter of fleetness and ender
ante Michael Ryan carried off the
honors in the Boston Marathon last Fri-
day by covering the 25 miles in 2 hours,
21 minutes and 18 1/5 seconds. Mike
did well as the race was run in a driz-
zling rain and a consequent bad track.
There were numerous competitors. By
the name the winner bears we would be
lead to believe he is a son or descendant
of the Emerald Isle. Wooder where
our famous Tom Longboat was 1
490 miles more will see the Grand
Trunk Pacific railway practically com-
pleted as far as the main line is concern-
ed. It is said special pains are being
taken in the matter of construction to
have the work well done so that the
great highway will stand the test and
conduce to the handling of grain and
other commodities in a way that will
add veru materially to the people of the
West. The G. T. P. will open up mil-
lions of acres for settlement and in this
respect will do a large part in Nation
building to Canada.
THE Posr is well pleased to notice
evidences of better methods in farm life
throughout many sections of Canada
very largely the product of the
awakening crusade that has been car-
ried on by such educative methods as
demonstrations, Exhibition trains, In-
stitutes, Fairs, the public press and last
but not least the increased prices tons
log people to see that the additional
bushels of grain, or the improvement in
live stock, orchards, etc., means added
dollars to the operations of the year.
This is the farmers' day all right and it
is up to him to improve the passing
years as they go swiftly along.'
A number of amendments were made
to the liquor license law at the recent
session of the Ontario Legislature a-
mong them being increased penalties
for violation of the Statute in the matter
of unlawful sales ; the fact of liquor
being kept on unlicensed premises is
subject to the seine penalties as for sell-
ing ; preventing the storing of liquor in
Local Option or no -license munici-
polities ; and power granted to Magis-
trates to impose indeterminate sentences
for habitual drunkenness, thereby per-
mitting the victim to undergo a
course of treatment for inebriates.
These and expected stricter enforcement
of law come at once into force while the
broader discussion in the House will
set many a person thinking on the
future issuance of the two policies laid
down by the political parties and will
give aniP
impetus to moral reform the
like o
f which has not existed for many
a day.
VERY seldom in life is there thrust up.
on the people of two continents as
a cause of sorrow and gloom as was oc-
casioned by the loss of the steamship
Titanic. The expectancy that the
great ocean liner was indestructable and
the uncertainty for days to so many
homes as to who were saved, conspired
to darken the scene While the shortage
of life saving appliances looks like a
sacrifice of life where it might have
been preserved. In the face of menac-
ing ice bergs it is only after the whole•
sale drowning of 1600 people that the
ocean steamship companies have deeid-
ed to take a more Southerly course
thereby avoiding much of the ice but
increasing by some hours the time
neceseary for the voyage.ce. Better take
'a day extra and feel measurably secure
than carve up a mighty leviathan by the
death dealing ice berg. Smaller Ships,
reduced passenger lista and a greater as-
surance of making the harbor will ap-
peal to many a thoughtful Man and
*oldness Is tea Generally Conaidorad a
Sign of Advanced Ago
A balg•haadati petsuu dues itut have
an equal chauue with cue blessed with
ahealtity head of how. 1)00auee bald -
Dees is tui generally accepted as en
Iudicatioo of age.-.alauy large
cue uratitm have stn iel e 1
s v e b 1 c an
P !age
-lfmtt, stud refutes to take wean over 5
years of age as new employees.
Prubahly 06,% of bald-headed people
many regain a gond head of healthy
hair if they will follow our advice and
accept out utter. 1Ve have a remedy
that we positively guarautee to glow
hair on arty head, unlese the routs
of the hair are 'entirely dead, their
follicles closed, and the scalp has be-
come' glazed and slimy. We want
people to try this remedy at our risk,
with the distinct uuderetanding that
unlese it does exactly what we clean
it will, and gives satisfaction 10 every
respect, we shall make no charge for
the remedy used during the trial.
We know exactly what we are talk-
ing about, and with this offer back of
our atatemeuta no one should scoff,
doubt our word, or hesitate to put our
remedy to an actual test.
We want every one in Brussels
who is suffering from any scalp or
hair trouble, datdruif, falling hair,
or baldness to try our Resell "93"
Hair Tonic. We want them to use it
regularly—say until three' bottles
have been used—stud if it does not
eradicate dandruff, cleanse and refresh
the scalp, tighten the hair in its runts,
and grow Dew hair, we will return
every cent paid us for the remedy for
the mere askiug. Theta is no formali-
ty expected. and we exact no obliga-
tion for the user whatever:
We are established right here in
Brussels, and make this offer with
a full understanding that our business
success entirely depends upon the sort
of treatment weaccordout• Custniaers
and we would not dare make the a-
bove offer unless we were positively
certain that we could substantiate it
in every particular. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in tine
community only at our store—The
Resell Store. P. R. Smith.
Brussels School Board
Phe regular meetiug of Brussels
School Board was held Friday even
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. '
Accounts were paid on motion of
Messrs Leatherdale and Fox as follow. :
Art Metropole ...$2 48
Pally frame... 1 20
Supplies 4 25
Iuspector Field's report was read ane
Moved by J. Fox, seconded by j
Cuuningham that to* cords of wood le
purchased for school.
Board then adjourned,
Robert Campbell has returned to
Attvnod and intends opening up the
blacksmith shop at Newry.
Chas. Laidlaw spent the week end
at his house. 51r. Laidlaw has been
appointed one of the drainage ad-
visors of the 0. A. C. for this Sum-
The eleetiou of off ars for the
Bowling Club resulted as follows :
Hon. -President Rev. W. A. Amos ;
President, H. ,Porter ; lion, vice -
President, Rev. H. B. Ashby ; Vt, e-
Presideut,'1.'hos. Dickson ; Secretary-
ecretarytreasure, A. Terry ; Auditors, G.
Lochead and Gruudenberger; Honor-
ary members, IL B. Morphy, M. P.,
James Torrance, BL P. P. and F. W.
Hay; ground. committee, Thos.
Dickson, W. B. Ecatsitle and G.
Lochbead ; membership committee,
G. Perry, Wm. Robb, 1. G. Ratcliffe
and J. Roger ; skips, Geo. Lochhead,
T. G. Ratcliffe, John Roger and
Hugh Porter.
SPRING FAIR.—The annual Sprung
Fair of the Elmo Agricultural Society
was held in Atwood on Wednesday
afternoon, and a very large number
of men were in attendance, but the
entries were very small. Day was
fine, roads good, and a large entry
was looked for, but however this was
not the case. Prizes were awarded
as follows : Imported Clydesdale -
1st, Popinjay, Semple Bros., 2nd,
Viscount Aduistoo, John Collins.
Carriage Coach or Hackney—Kaiser
Frederick. Leonard Coghlin. Stan-
dard Bred— Nordine Pride by Nor -
dine, Sernple Bros. Sweepstakes,
best heavy horse—Popinjay, Semple
Bros. Sweepstakes, beat light horse
—Nordine Pride by Nordiue, 4emple
Overtaken by Nausea
You don't know whether it's going
to stay down or come up. You feel
like thirty cents and look even worse.
If one thing is quicker than another,
"Nerviline."ata Ten
dropss in sweet-
ened water gives relief insantly. Al-
most like magic is the change you ex-
perience The cause of the nausea is
removed every symptom ofvu i i
and indigestion is cured within ten
minutes When Nerviline is so trusty
and economical, a bottle at hone
wouldn't be amiss. Large one for a
quarter at all dealers.
THE LATE Mae. Sas, MOHwse .—
Last week THE POST referred to the
demise of the late Mrs. Jas. McEwen,
daughter-in-law of T. and Mrs. Mc•
Ewen, of Jamestown. Goderich pap-
ers make the following reference to
the deceased lady :—The Signal says :
—"Much sympathy is felt for J. J.
McEwen and his young children in
the sorrowful loss which they have
anetained by the death of the wife and
mother of the home. Her demise
took place last Sunday morning at the
family' residence on Elgin avenue,
after an illness extending ove1
weeks. Her maiden name t was
Catherine McKenzie Mat tin. Her
parental home wag at Teeswater,
where she Was married to hes' now
bereft partner about five years ago. I
Since that time she had resided in
Goderich, where she endeared herself
to an and won a host of fs•i'f
m t 1 1 .
y cs
Besides her hushand she leaves two
111110 it iris,• Geraldine Mid Potline, to
Brussels flour Mills
Again RunningFullTime
WE have just installed, at n very heavy expeuae, the newest and
latestolaohtuery for making the Beat Flours and ave ,IOW
manufacturing the highest grades of Manitoba anti Blended
Flour, Heretofore all Manitoba Flour had to be shipped in Frani some
other mills, but we are now in a position to offer eh "All Manitoba"
equal to the best, at less coat to the consumer.
OUR 'PRAIRIE an all Manitoba High Grade Patent
Flour, you will find equal to the beat all Manitoba tuacle, being ground
froruh e
tit choicest Manitoba Spring wheat, Begin by trying a small
sack and you will he more than pleased.
"WHITE LOAF" is a Blended Flour made from selected White
Fill wheat and blended with the Manitoba Spring wheat. It snakes a
ejlnice family flour of highest quality and moat excellent flavor. An
all round flour for either bread or pastry.
"SNOWFLAKE" a pastry Sour only, for those who desire a light
white crust ay cake. Made from selected White Fall wheat.
Gies us your next order or tell your dealer to give you PRYNE'S
FLOUR and see that you get it. A call on the 'phone 1.0 52 will get
us promptly. We deliver anywhere in town free.
Pryne Milling Co.
y g
We havehad the misfortune to have our dam swept away by the
floods but we are not dismayed. More,flour will be made in fut-
ure and more feed ground than ever. Keep your eye on us.
mourn the loss of a loving mother.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon, the services being conduct-
ed by Rev. Geo E. Ross, deceased's
pastor. The interment took place in
,41a•tland cemetery. The pall bearers
were John Harrison, N. McAuley and
R. H. Outt, all of town ; Atch. Mc-
Donald, of Teeswater ; John Outt, of
Brussels, and Jas. Cutt, of Blyth."
From the Star :—"After an illness, of
about eight weeks duration Mrs, J. J.
MlcEtven passed away on Sunday
morning last, at the early age of 36
years, leaving besides her sorrowing
husband, two little children, the
eldest between three and four• years
old. Born in Teeswater•, she was a
daughter of the late Jas. Matin, of
that place, and since her marriage
six years ago resided in Godeticb,
where she and her husband enjoyed a
large circle of friends and acquaint-
ances, by whntu her early death is
deeply regretted and whose sincere
sympathy is now extended to the be-
reaved husband and other relatives.
Of her own family, her mother and
two sisters—one, Mrs. Arch, McDon-
ald, and the other, Mise Una, all of
Teeswater, and one brother, living in
Edmonton, survive 'her. The funeral
on Tuesday was largely attended,
friends from Galt, Teeswater, James-
town and Blyth, being present and
bile many, beautiful, floral tokens
testified to the sincere sympathy and
sorrow of many friends. Rev. Geo.
E. Ross, of Knox church, her pastor,
conducted the service and the patll-
beaters were Messes. John Harrison
and Korman McAuley, of town ; John
Cott, Jamestown, Jas. that, Blyth,
and R. H. of town, uncles of IMa'. Me.
Ewen and his, Arch„
of Teeswater.
The annual meeting of Brussels
Public Library Board was held in the
Board room, Monday evening. Pres-
ent Reeve Leckie, Clerk Scott, Rev. A.
C. Wishart, F. H. Gilroy, B S. Scutt.,
J. F. Rowland and W. H. Kerr.
Minutes of last meeting rend and
Annual report was presented, con-
sidered and fluidly adopted.
It gave the following particulars for
the past year :—Amount spent on
purchase of new books, &c., about
8200.01) Legislative grant was 8287.90
and Co. grant: $25; from sale of read-
ers tickets and fines, $S1.00. Among
the expenditures ate light and heat-
ing, $155.69; salary -Librarian $148.26:
value of books, $3.000 value 000• 1 e of Li -
braxy Building, $7000There are
5387 volumes in the adult section and
over 242 readers are on the list in the
use of the Library. 900 books for
Juvenile readers. 21 magatzines and
other periodicals are on the tables.
Library building is well inked after
and Mrs. Jessie Kerr, the Librarian,
attends catefnliy and punctual to
her duties, Many complituents ae
ManeY Potatoes
Barrels of it
When in town be sure to see the 0, K. Canadian Po-
tato Machinery and learn how potato growing is made
extremely profitable and easy.
ream Separators
Remember in these we lead and ave giving values that stagger
competitors. It's easy, however. Aa we require 00 train of travelling
salesmen. erecting experts. collectors, etc., we are enabled to make the
cost to our customers correepondiugly less. Owing also t0 our some-
what lengthy experience in this line of work, extending as it dries over
the past (nearly) twenty-five years. we are able to select from the
many different makes offered something WORTH WHILE, and also
to get the closest possible prices.
When deeding anything usually sold by agents you will further
your personal interests by consulting us as to terms, prices, etc.
• ,
• 1
N. S. McLauchlin, BRUAgent Z
•+114.4••x'•• l4'•+•+••F•'I,l+.+•+ •+•+•+•.•••1••4.494 ••i••+•+•+•+•+ •'
, i
We have made a special effort to secure designs and rolmings 4r
of g
• artistic merit not only in high grades but in those as low as 5c par roll. •
I •
Papers originally Inc now selling at lc. is and IOC Papers naw Sc.
k BED ROOMS—We have daitity Florals, producing charming effects, '1'
Tat low cost. 4
•. PARLORS—Beautiful designs in gilt and creamy tones, blues, greens; •
1&a., in delicate shades. +
HALLS, DINING -ROOMS, &c.—Fine. effective designs, in magnifl-
•i. cent colors, giving warmth, richness and beauty to an apartment.
• of very nice Papers, from 6 to 12 voila,
• that will be sold at bargain rices to d.
• Remnants 13 P
+ clear. •
OW youn
have anyrooms mol:re-
cently papered just call and let us, tell you how little it costs to
• make home bright, attractive and happy.
4. PAINTING Q attend in branches and
• red.Pa Paper Hanging 1 0 per roll andpreparingWalla extra+
t Floor Glazing 6narnel for calf in quart 0aria. Anybody can ap-
t ply it, The very thing a housekeeper wants. i
4i Veuera by'phone '
promptly Attended
p Y
red M 1
1 cCracken
Cali �eo.4a.
ref+•+••.• `_
'e ♦ N'•rM•+i'F••F•+•+s'hi'1'll'Fe+•4Mi•
Paper Flanging and Decorating a Specialty•
paid to Brussels for the powioaelon of
so flue and well kept a Library and
an1iouudis Caretaker O'
cornett in for Is n share e t )
fP ulnae here.
It Was resolved that no ohaugn be
made to present local olganizetions
using the Library building, this rule
to hold good to November Is:, 1912, on
condition that application, for use is
aide toO airm r
m h a 1 op Secretary.
The question of holding the propos-
ed ,nut deter red lecture coarse was
dMen -sed and decided that the plarbe
col set on fort until early next Fall.
W. H, Kerr was re-elected Chair..
kiln and 3, F. Rowland, Secretary.
Treasurer for 1912. Finance and
Propeety Committee, Messrs. Row-
land, Leckie arra Gilroy. Boort Oom.
mittee, ;Messrs. Scott, Wishart: and
So tt.
Book buying elicited an inteeestiug
discission and this important question
will considered '
f e u nsiderrci at a special meeting
as soon ata catalogues and price lints
come to hand. The intention of the
Board ie to stock the shelves with the
best available works.
Board Meets on the evening of the
3rd Monday of each month.
Grey Council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey met in the Township Hall,
Ethel, int April 8th. .All menthe's of
the Council were present except Mr.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and adopted.
Engineer's reports on the Cox
I Drain, Howard Drain and Turnbull
Drain vera provisionally adopted,
and Clerk authorized to prepare By-
laws for he sauce.
Council granted assistance to Mrs.
Jnhu McLeod to the amount of $25.00.
A set 01 moulds for t he nralut'ateture
of cement culvert tile was purchased
from the American Machine Go., of
Following accounts were passed
and ordered to be paid,:—Treas. 131u8 -
eels, balance telephone rates, $11.86 ;
postage, stationery and express,
$9.90 ; Wm. Schnook. spikes, 40 eta '
Mrs. John McLeod, 325.00. Council
then adjourned to meet May 13111 as
Court of Revision on the aesesements
in the Onx Drain, Hnward Drain and
Turnbull Diitirt By -Laws.
The final examinations of those
candidates in grade A class were
held at the various Normal Schools
from Match 21 to March 28 under the
provisions of the syllabus and regi.
Permanent second-class certificates
will be issued to those of the suc-
cessful grade A candidates who are
candidates who are twenty-one years
of age and interim second-class certi-
ficates to all other successful candi-
Candidates who have been admit-
ted to one of the courses at the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph
-or tri the Normal teachers 000080 in
household science at the University of
Toronto, will find cards of admission
enclosed with their certificates.
Teachers so admitted should arrange
to reanh Guelph or Toronto, as tate
case may be, on Friday, April .19th.
Clays work will commence Saturday
The following candidates of Strat-
ford Normal were awarded second
class cot titleates :
Wm But nett, Trulee.
Geo. 11 Jefferson, St, Augustine.
John J. McGee, Stratford.
Geo. E. ,Shannon, Drew.
Lizzie v1, Aldrorn, Swinton Park.
Lelia K. Bamford, Lititowel.
Salome Biehti, Berlin.
Christina 'Bowie, Annan,
Gertrude L. Cass, Ohesley.
Margaret G. Clark. Port E'gin.
Mabel Oressutan, Strasburg.
Maud Diebel, Heidelberg.
Mary E. Fear, Brussels.
Marini[ B. Fraser. G"derich.
Sophia E. Hall, Tara.
Jennie B Hanna, Feigns.
Mary J, Henderson, Underwood. .
Beatrice V. W. Hepburn, Owen
Elizabeth Hetherington Winghatn.
Maggie E. Hughes, Dornoch.
Flossie M. Htinkin, Mitchell,
Mary E. Hurst, Alleufurd.
Eleanor Msv Arthur, Paisley.
Eva MitElren., TJtpe Bay,
Blythe McLaughlin, Fordwich,
IVlurdean :McLeod, Lncknow.
Jessie E. McMant, Donegal.
Nettie M. Mitchell, Molesworth.
Mary L. Morton, Guelph.
Helena G. Neville, Mount Eoreet.
Bessie A.. Pass, Monet Forest.
Edna'L. Pentland, Dungannon.
Agnes Pore, Parkhill.
Ida Reid, Waterloo.
Beatfir:0 5obet•tsnn, Palmerston.
Olga Sit.tldet'snit, Listowel.
Ruth Shitty; Dunlop.
Irene G Sheriff,If, Lnt:tv
Teeeie M Smith
•Olive M Snyder, Berlin.
I hevessa P. Switzer, Oianbrook.
Lamas ho
Lama 7 mea Platteville,
Harriet A Watson Mount Forest
Clara Wilkin New Hamburg.
]711,[,1ry Willows, rl tvs Canigigfm•d.
Anna G. Yeowa'd, Bay Oity.
The following seeai'e permanent
Stops Itching Scalp Overnight
Guaranteed by Jas. Pox to stop Palling
Hair and Banish Dandruff
Itching scalp, keeps yon acratehing
' and feeling miserable all the time.
Wash your hair tonight with pore
soap and water, rub on a goodly
quantity of PARISIAN SAGE and
the distressing itchiness Will 'go in'
the morning,
PARISIAN SAGE is a pure, refresh•
and invigorating hair dressing,
Besideserring an std to scalp itch,
tet ff
dah' iff and falling hair it nourishes
the hair roots and pets it splendid ra-
diance into faded and unattractive
It should he nsed by every member
of the, family to keep the scalp free
from t.
t to fb nit tiff germs aid prevent
baldness, Large bottle So cents at
Jus. Fox's alcl druggists everywhere.
second Class certificates :—
Mary O. Troy, Mt. Forest.
Jas F.
Wilson, Wareham.
Tilefollowing secured interim 2nd
chins certificates :—
Anna 51. Doyle, St. Coltnliban.
Myrtle I. field, Mitchell,
Trete Knight•, Stratford,
Rhoda McKenzie,
Chun, Sadler Btor1haderr.
Bessie I. Turner, Auersou,
Wilfred L. Woodley, Alford.'
Lela E. Schick, Durham.
To Contractors
The Municipal Connell of the Township of
M Iain are nuking for tenders for the con-
slrue5lon of two cement culverts (each 16 feet
long, 14 Mot roadway,
I beams r .tn
floors, ens para rating) i >rein miser
Cie' h1r.nm
and i e mime kind 6 f01 long on
I nl t beopened
theNek U non Trndy2 will2 10 of
Pia Hell on teatMonday, May 27th, 0 heOI Clerk's Plans may be peen at the Reeve's or the Ulerk'N
Ae forshowill be rWeeded at the seine
tinct, for thee position of wand Inxri'atnr for
Township A MAoRWEN
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership formerly oerrled onunder
the firm name of Walker, flog. & Co. ham this
day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.
Buse retiring train the business The business
will In future be carried on under the firm
name or Walker & Blank, who will be rag on-
elble for ell the debts owing by the Tate firm
and to whom all accounts meet be payable.
Brussels, April 161h, 1912
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Horn Bulls 9 to 20 months
old, redo and roans ; big, smooth and stylish
choicest breeding—Cam bell Rose Buds, Marr
Beauty!! and Campbell atones. None better
for milk and beef. Will be Reid at any reason.
able offer an m7 easy terms.
Sale of Valuable farms
Tendert+ will be reserved by the undersigned
for that valuable farm property ,itnnte in ti,
town -hip of Grey, in the County of Hui'on.
nonlpo,. dof Lot number twenty-two in the
Fifth Conces•fon and the North halves of tots
numhere Twenty-three and Twenty-four, In
the Sixth Conoe-kion, containing two hundred
acres of land, more or less.
No tender will be co,n.idered unless accom-
panied by a marked nhegne for ten per cent of
the Tender, the balnear to be paid within
thirty doye after arca ',Canna.
The highest or any tender not necessarily
Thin offer affords an excellent opportunity
to any one desiring a choice property at a
rentonnble price.
Immediate p reneaeion may be had upon the
rompletton of the purchase.
Dated thin lOth day of April A D 1912.
Vendor's Solicitor.
Stock for Service
• nndereigned will keep for eerviee on Nj'
Lot 29, Con. 7, Morris. a thorough -bred Tam-
worth hog, Terms, $1.00, to be paid at Unto or
service wish privilege of returning if name -
eery. 8. WALKER,
111.0 Proprietor.
The People's Column
PROPERTY FOR SALE. — Residence in
Ormtbrook, with 4 sores of land, is on the
market for immediate solo. Frame house In
gond repair. nix rooms, good cellar and serge
woodshed • small barn end granary with a
good sized hay left ; land in good state of cut.
tivntion ; some good fruit trees in garden close
to house. Dost ruble location for retired farm-
er or market gardener. For partdtulare as to
terms apply to D. MoQUARRIE,
414 Oranhrook P.O.
HOUSE AND LOT for Bale or to rent.—As
1 purpose leaving Brussels shortly my
Mame and lot on Turnberry street, South, it
offered Tor sale or to rent. Pussension win br
had April 1st. Apply at 001,090
Phone No. 90 Bream's.
FARM FOR :+ALE,—Estnteuf late Janirr
a;ienuan, being Ai Lot •2, Con, 8 Morrie
township, combining LOU acres, 8aeree of winch
1i bush, Good bank born and never ratlinB
spring (dome to barn, Good stook farm. 6fnet
be sod at once For thrum apply at oboe of
Tan 1'050, Ennoble. 84.4
FARM FOR SALA—The undersigned offere'
for sale hie IW acre term, . being Lot 47.,
-Cin 11, Gray township. There ere 5)10111 80
acres under cultivation and 6 acres of hind•'
Wood Minh ; good building,., bank barn well,
windmill, &a.; 2j§ males from church ; % nun•
from school ; and 2% miler from - pontulfiee.
Potseaslon on Mnrah tat. For lurcher pardon -
lam apply on the premises or Cronin oak P 0
to CHAS. LOVE Pi op. Plane 2612 25.11
FARM F01t SALE OB 10 RENl'.—'Ihe nip
dorslgned offers Menne We acre farm be.
hag Loam r5 and 18, Cun.6 Grey township Bet -
on (Jo., for sale or if not (imposed of would rent
to good tenant 'There are 160 With .cleared,
balance bush sad pasture laud, 'Good build
Ings, cement silo, fences, orchard, drilled well,
&o , un the promisee, Only 134 mile to school
and 2%. toEthel village, Puseenslun could be
given at once if sold or next Sprang 1h leaning,
For further pnrbionlnra ns to prime, terns and
oondltione apply to J.1, WELiili, prop:
19.15. Phone 4118 Ethel P. 0.
1 00 AIJ14E8 011 LAND for stile, 1H miles
North of Benfortit. Good clay loam,
all Meanie and under cultivation. Bank barn,
..meat 11 urs large
e hen newly,
ed • good walla nt barn and house - ahe
anufeaees hi eicelleut repair. An ideal home
cheap Apply (blies) SUSIE
Senfoeth, Ont
Attrl FOR . V
ALE being
Lot 19
,,Con. con 10.
100 pe
2,surYframe hout.°Lba80 ft.; kitchen 1axd4,
good femme bar40X90, 011rstone inbih71; ;
g ood es iia all seeded rcli rt sense e,,,,, 0
le norm to lt.8 51 or !date ; 2, ellen from 0. P.
fn'ttsi &t Aluln nES1''Iy 0 At EXAa For
BARRON,particulars apply to ALEXANDER
BAItReph ne Gila 0. le•!.
Telephone 2818.
A■l t' A BARGAIN...-Wh1 dispose of cottage,
M• Eiizsbebh street, Brussels, tit 1060, a great
bargain in order toseuure quick sale. Key
may belied from Mr, J. Leckie, For further
pnrtloularegee Mr. bookie or write the under-
signed. J. H. CAMERON
10 St, George 8t„ London,
FARM PON SALE.-47te IW acre fern, be.
Ing the property of the late Peter, McNeil,
Lot 20, Corn, 14, Grey, is offered for Hale by the
nnderelgnnd. There are 85 Mores -cleared, bal-
ance well tlttihored. On the farm there is
good bank born, large driving 0bed and a cam.
fortable Wiese. Place In good condition and
well fancied, For further pa Mettles! apply to
JAS. A. MCNAIR.or .728, D. MCNAIR, Bios'
ntorn Oranbrook
P.0. or
F. El. S'O `
L 9T Bras.
FARM FOR BALE, being South half Lot 20,
Con, 4. Morris, township, Huron Co., con -
Mining Hemmen more or lean. On the prom
imps ie a frame honoe, bank barn, good orchard,
well, windmill, &o. All Bleared exempt About
an acre School' lymiles diatent. Only, 1i
miles from Brussels, 6 Wirral of Fall wheat hi
e nd shout 50 acres erected down, Foo price,
rm+and other infero
ides apply 'P the
120.Oos or . 1tf Sinn,ng eaels.ala Y O, 'Phone
129. Or F. S, liCOtt, Bt uat+aia.
1140 AA.. KERR, Proprietor.
Notice to Creditors
r o the
estate oea h
to f t1
In the matP
Township of the snail of
Smith, IainP
Motrin; in the CVitirt1 of 11IIFOp
Mom:, m:, decetased.
Ne.0101' is hereby elven, pursuant to Stahl( 0.
that all creditors and others having olelme
against the astute of the said. Joseph Smith,
o ant -sn anti ds
nt the kw v
1ornar y
who died m
qti on r hereto
ar re t red a
March 1012, o,i oby
prepaid day el May, 1912, to send ru past
pprepaid, or deliver a P. t' tootf, Btheaele,
oP.e se Agent for the and o noon of the de.
oenaed, destheir Christian mid otat mnnm, add their
sex and descriptions, and n statement of their
naoounie audnat tiro saki eetnte and also the
nature of the seourlty Int nnyyl held by them.
And further take notion that after much last
mentioned date the Executors will proeold
amadtgq88Cittetperttoo entitled[ thereto Loving
regard only to the eliding of which they shall
then have got noltoe, and thattheEnid Amu.tore will nob be liable for the said enacts or
any thereof
any person or person!'
o of
shall not have been resolve
by them at
the time .of aooh(Retribution.
Dated this I r11 dny of Apra, 1912.
WILLIAM J. SMITH iiaxes:worse
Geta ee CALI/WOK 3
Notice To Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of Hartwell
Spouse, late of the 'Township of
Grei, in the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased
Nedra la hereby given pnrtnnnt to etntnte
tin all creditors and athero having claims
against tate iodate of the said Hartwell Spelr•
an who died on or about 111e twenty-seventh
day of May 1911, nee required on er before the
tenthiley of Clay 1912 tneend by post prepaid or
deliver to the undersign d Executors as Hee
frill post offiee, who are the executors of the
decimate,, their Christina and re, ad-
dreeres and dewrtptfnne and a tetement of
their aloins and =meets against the said
ester() and alio the nature of the security it
any hold by the
And further take notice that otter such
last mentioned date the Exeontoro will pro.
need to distribute the asaete of the deceased
amongst the partes entitled thereto having
regard only to aha claims of wkirh GG ay shalt
thou have got 0e01(00 and Ibnt rho said tors will nob eo ttobio fe' the amid nesete or
env part thereof to any parson or a pentane of
whose claims notion, shall not: have boon re-
ceived by them et the time of such. dtntribu-
Doted at Grey thin eighth day of April 1912.
Joint BPaT11A N. EEBentore.
Mortgage Sale
Of Valuable
Machine and Repair Shop
In the Village of Brussels, In the
County of Huron
Pursuant to power of sole contained in a cer-
tain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be pro.
duced at time of sale, there will be offered at
Public Auction, at the American Hotel, in the
Vines. of Brussels, in the County of Huron,
on Saturday, the Twenty-seventh day
of April, A.D. 1912, at the hour of two o'clock
in the arterumon, by F S Scott, Esq.. Auction.
ear, the following property composed of part
of Lot number Six on Mill street, in the Vil.
Inge of Brussels, in the County of Huron.
Upon the lands and premixes there in erect-
ed acement machine shop 112x50 feet, with
bailment below the street levy: equipped with
all modern machinery, namely :—One 12 -horse
power gaeonne engine ; one22-inch x 8 -foot
hollow atdndle lathe : one ]Pinch shaper r one
20-inoh vertical drill ; one 40.inch post drill ;
together with viers. taps, drills and other op -
Minnow, connected therewith,
The building is praotdcslly new and in a first.
Dines state of repair, is conveniently and cen-
trally located in the village and la in all re.
+pnot5 suitable as a general Machine and Re.
pair Shop. The property will be offered for
sale subject to a reserve bid
Terms of Rale—Ten per cent. of the purohose
money on the day of Rale to the Vendor's Sol•
leiter, mid the balance within thirty daye
thereafter, when possession will be given.
For further pnrtioulnrs apply to the Aao-
trouser or to the undersigned. •
F. 8. 800TT, W. M. SINOLAIR,
Doted thin 2nd d y of April, A, D, 1912 it+7eelx.
} Many Business Colleges
r• clooefor vnotolon dut9ngdulyandAag• [�
net buttholorgeand popular 7JJ
does not. SbuON sod ON n 8tnictly
TOct High Oracle Training. for choice
positions nrehty ited t0 write for oar
oataluate. Enter now it you can- Oar
graduates readily get emplos'nIrnt•
Oor Young and t W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexmnde' 8Es. 5 Principal.
11t'0V ,,A. VA AVR1+a k4rViTAVX'a'05t7YAMA2i59'tk
Thousands of anhiSone young people
are being instructed in their homes by
our Home Study Dept You may finish
nt College if you !entre, Pay when.
ever you with Thirty Yea's' Expor-
fence. Leveed trainers in Canada,
Enter env day •Pntlaiona guaranteed
If you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
e Colleg
win ham Business
9 g
01O. SPOTTON, Prositlent
If You
are looking for an invest-
ment that will bring you
Large ,returns write for
particulars about Calgary
and Athabaska Landing.
Alberta faring also for sale.
Real Estate Broker
1174 Boulevard N. W. -
Bary, Alta.
tIIrblt ,5WP4ea ,rarAr yGvarb t
ssstoL BusineCOlee
Spring Term opting Monday,
A pin
1912, t
r ski