The Brussels Post, 1912-4-25, Page 1int
VOL. 40 NO. 43
New Advertisements
Locale—E, G. Plum,—
Pasturage—Too Post
Pormaldebyde—Jae. FOX.
Parlor paner—P, R, Smith,
Pigs for axle—W,2. Aldoreoh,
To oontreetors—Brirnvn 0 O P.
Absolutely free—Wilton & 0111erpie.
Farmers' attention—Elret, le Light 00.
. is ` tows
Rev. J. W. Andrews and Mrs.
Andrews, of Fordwich, visited with
friends in the village this week.
Rev. W..T. West 141. A.. attended
the meetings of Maitland Presbytery
at Belmore and Dungannon on Wed-
nesday and Thursday of this week.
A GOOD RRECORD --Special anni-
versary services Were conducted in
Knox church last Sabbath by the
pastor, Rev. Mr. West. who has been
fifteen yam in this his first pastor.
ate. Daring his pastorate the
membership has increased in the
change from 197 to 208. 843 members
have united with the church, an
average of 23 members a year. The
givings to Missions have increased
from 895 to 8500 a year. The value
of the property 15 years ago was a-
bout 82500. During the pastorate a
new shed has been built at both ap-
pointtnents, a new ohureh at. Bine-
vale and the church at Bathes has
been renewed and now the property
is valued at $17,000, While runny
good families have removed from the
charge others have come In to take
their place so that the number of
families 18 abnut the same as fifteen
years ago. The "At Home" in Knox
church on Monday was well attended
though the weather was unfavorable.
The Spring flood was largely in
evidence about here but no serious
loss was caused,
Mee. John Hislop was renewing old
friendships in this locality prior to
her removal to the West.
Misses Harrison were vieitovs with
their brother al Rosemont, Ont.,
where he is U. P. R. telegraph (meret-
George McKay sr, has purchased
from Mee. Boyle 50 acres on the, 14111
C0u. It was known as the Robert
Bowen property.
In the shipment of a car of horses
to the West Alex. McKay lost two
owing to an outbreak of glanders.
It would mean quite a loss to Mr.
Sunday night of last teeek a boggy
was upset while people were return-
ing from the Endeavor meeting and
the occupants received quite a shake-
Belmonte Millinery Parlors
Now that our successful Opening is
over wo have settled down to the
season's trade.
We have endless variety of shapes
. to select from including the large
flat hats in Tagel and Milan ; the
smart tailoired'hats in line Mohair,
lava or chip ; also natty little' bon-
net shapes.
We show a splendid choice of Misses'
and Children's hate.
Flowers and Fancy Ribbons are
torch used, We have a tine assort-
ment, of all the newest Flower's, also
the fashionable Oriental, Shot and
Rainbow tints in Ribbons.
gar -We give -careful attention to
Mir work and gualautee satisfaction.
hl'o ilili°v lip i
THERE'S a dis-
tinct individ-
uality about The
Hartt Shoe that im-
presses men favor-
ably. In style, fit,
workmanship and
wearing qualities it
easily ranks first.
& SHOE CO., Limited
Fredcrieton, N.B. 63
Sold only b Y
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Brussels
up. The nauee was the rig got over
the end of a piece of corduroy toad in
the clerk.
ATemente training chase has been
organized in Knox church and will
meet Sabbath evening at the close of
the Elldeavtll' Society and the teach -
lug will be done by the members of
the Claire.
\Ve regret to report: that Bennett,
the 18 1110111 he old son of Leonard R.
and lits. Rotten, flied last Saturday
evening, Funeral wits held Mnwday
afternoon, interment being made in
Wroxeter cemetery. Ail. alid Mrs.
Rattan will he deeply sympathised
with in the loss of their little boy.
Men are busy oxeavaliug for the
basement of the new Presbyterian
Little seeding has been clone around
here yet as -the ground is too wet in
most cases,
Alex, Glu diner has let the carmen -
teeing conteact for his now 2 story
brick cottage to Jno. Rueter, of
Oriulbrook. It will be a ` modern
building with hot and cold water,
septic tank, fire place, mantle, etc.
Pressed brick will be utilized for the
walls, P Atnent, of Brussels, will
supply the woad work material.
ERIODS ACC1DENT.—Last 'I'nesday
evening as Peter Buero vs and Jno.
Fulton were engaged it' hauling lum-
ber the forruer's team took fright at a
freight train from the East and dash-
edon to the railway. The train
struck the wagon and in the upset
Mr. Fulton received et broken breast
bone and a bad scalp wound while his
Companion who is 73 years of age,
was also badly shaken up internal in-
juries being feared. One of the horses
had a leg broken and had to he killed.
Mr. Fulton is upward of 81 years of
age hence the accident will go specially
hard on hire although Mr. Barrows is
seriously ill.
Tenders wanted for addition to 0.
0. F. Hall. See advt. in this issue.
The season is backward and little
Spring work done yet in this locality.
Last Monday Rev. 841.'Durraut, Mrs.
0. Procter, Mrs. 4V, Procter and Carl
Procter were at Brussels attending
the Sunday School Cunferenre in the
Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Bartlett,
of Toronto, being in charge.
FARMERS' OLUB.—A fine meeting of
Belgrave Fanners' Club was held' in
the Foresters' flail on Tuesday even-
ing with an attendance, of about 40.
George Robot tent], President, occupied
the chair. Mr. McMillan, of Owen
Sound, was present and gave a very
practical address occupying 1 home
oh the question of pab'o11izini; butter
factories. An animated diseuesiol
followed and the eonelusion arrived at
was that the ccautery was a good in-
stitution for the live farmer to do
business With. The next, tweeting on
May 21st, will have Its the topic for
consideration "Roots and hoed crops."
It is expected that a speaker will be
secured who will deal with the ques-
tion from a scientific and practical
standpoint but in the meantime the
members of the Club should be glean-
ing all the information possible on the
subject. The Farmers' Club is a good
organization and those who have not
yet joined should do so.
Easter Vestry meeting was held in
Welty church, There was a fair at-
tendance Which showed the kindly
feeling that existed, between the rector
and the people. R. Procter, the
'TI'eaaenl.00, rend a Fl nanrial statement.
whirls was very
in revel pts from Laster1911 512818
Subscriptions born Easter 1011 to
Laster 1912, $274.00 ; '.`hank -offering
for i4Lssion8, $90.055 ; Collections
$88.78 Total, $581 50 ; with fur ex-
entliloteol'stipr+ud to Rev. Mr hire,
3375.00 ; ruuu(htg expenses, $187.25 ;
waking a total of $502 25, lfalauce
on hand, $19 31. A statement will be
published and eel t to each ewbscriher.
The l'olloivin g otlleiaty was elected :
Peo fdle's Warden, R. Meal array ;
Rector's Warden, R. Ptoct'L• Lay
delegate to Synod, JIIO. Watson ; al-
teenate Wm, Johnston ; sidesmen, R.
McMilrroy, 13. Johnston, N. McOrea,
Chas, Jo ustoi and A. Brydges.
Peter Milligan visited over Sunday
avith relatives in Clifford.
Miss Fluty, of Palmerston, is the
guest of Moss Pearl Kauko.
M vs. Russell, of St. Poul, Minn., is
the guest of Mee. Barry Brawn.
L. Cliff, of Toronto, has taken a
position in the woelleh mill hole.
Mrs. Thos. Savage has moved to
Mrs. 0. Smith'o residence on Howlett
liise Roadhouse, of Fold with, spent'
two days recently at the hams of R.
B. Harris.
John J. Gibson, of Toronto, visited
over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. F.
V. Dickson.
• Miss J. Ashton and Mrs. H. Ashton,
of Gorrie, caller. on friends in the
village on Tuesday.
C. D. Simpson returned to Stevens-
ville on Tuesday, having spent a few
days with friends here.
Mrs. J. N. Sanborn, of Turnber•ry
moved her household effects to rooms
in the Hemphill Block on Monday.
Hisses Evelyn and Edna Edgar left
nn VVednesday for Moose Jaw, Sask.,
where they will spend the Sunier.
R. B. Barrie (las disposed of his
property here to Gen. Mule, and is
having an auction sale on Saturday
afleennon. Mr. Harris•and family
purpose moving to Toronto next week
white they will make their honkie.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Manse, Moorefield last Wednesday
when John Hupfer and Miss Jane
McLean, eldest daughter of John Mc-
Leaan. of Howick, were united in
marriage by Rev. L. Perrin. Mr.
and Mrs: Hupfer will reside on the
groom's farm in Howick, where they
have the best wishes of a large circle
of friends.
Miss Gladys Outt, of Blyth, is visit-
ing Miss Myrtle McDonald.
The whistle of the Oranbrook chop-
ping mill is once more heard.
Mrs. Fathwell, of Varna, is a visitor
at the home of Geo. Sparling.
Mrs. Alert, of Detroit. is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Fred. Jeschke. .
Cites. Alderson and Peter Backer are
having additions put to their houses.
1111r. Raddatz conducted the service
in the Methodist church last Sunday
aft eruoon.
J. P. McIntosh has been cutting
down some of the trees to let a little
sunshine in.
The roadway at the 14th Col. has
been temporarily fixed until such time
as cement work can be done.
Mr. McGuiness, the new Principal,
has arrived and is busily engaged
looking after the Knowledge factory.
Jacob Long can add to the record of
large eggs (laving nee which measur-
ed 7 x 8t inches and another very little
smaller within three days, the motion-
rodnation of a 'Black Spanish hen.
MRs. RAYMANN ILL.—We are very
sorry to state that Mrs. A. Reymann
is serioisly ill. Site went to Fermis
hospital to undergo a medical opera-
tion but an examination proved the
futility of undertaking it. 11r. Ray -
511411 wascalled to Fergus Tuesday
owing to the recarinl
to eonditionof
his wife. Cancer in the bowels is the
Absolutely Free
20 Cent Can Chi -Hamel Varnish
If you present this Cash Coupon
During the Demonstration
• At Our Store on
Friday, May 3rd
What is Ohi•Namel
Ali everlasting varnish rich in Chinese Oil ; contains 1101 OCin or
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What Is Ohi.Natnei For?
To make old woodwork look like new. To keep new wood flout
looking old. '1`o preserve its natural beauty. 7'n make wood
water- proof we t e t la n' r` -proof. Toori r. p 1
l t u p t fat d time1 brighten up u d
furniture aid give new color and lustre.
We do00t ask you to take our word for the qualities of Ohi-
It8amel Varnish. We will give outright to anyone who will
buy anew .10c vaenislx bt ash with which to apply it and thus in-
sure it a fair triad, a20e size can from OM' shelf stack free..
1t will coot you nothing to toot the above claims.
The holder, of this coupon upon p.nrchasingg at oar store a lOr•
varnish brush (11 inch size) is entitled to select and receive one
20c can of Old -Newel Val nislr PRE111 nr the va1n0 of coupon
may apply on the pui chase of any Obi-Natuel product.
Name 401,..,.r, ..
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1 disease and from which there appears
i to be small chalice of effecting a cure.
The relatives will be deeply sympath-
ised with in their aawxirnie (tours.
Mies Stackhouse, of Blyth, was a
visitor with the elieses Hoover, 9111
Geo. McFarlane Is back from 0 drip
to Ghe West whither be went with a
car of horses.
Mentor McNeil was here from the
West for a brief visit with his parents
and friends. He is a son of L. and
Mts. McNeil.
Wm. Work, of the North gravel
road, disposed of hie tine driving
horse to John McNaughton, of Turn-
bervy, ata good figure.
Last week 11. Tyerman disposed of
a flue young chestnut driver rising 3
years, 10 Albert Howlett, 7th line,
Morris, at a fancy price.
On Sunday morning at 10,30 o'clock
in Roe's church the Rev. Joseph W.
Hibbert, of Gerrie, Chairman of -Wing -
ham District, will preach,
.. Tuesday of last week Charles Love,
12111 con., returned to the West. He
has a farm at Ozar, Alberta, which
he will look after. Mrs. Love and
family will remain on the faun in
Grey in the meantime.
We ate sorry to hear that W. M.
Hutchinson, 5th con., has been con-
fined to bed owing to i11 health due
largely to a heart ailmeut. Many
old friends hope the better weather
conditions will tend to his invigora-
GOING soma.— John and Baxter.
Stevenson, 13th con., cut 13 cords of
stovetvond in 10 flours at 100 home of
Mark Cardiff, on the sauce line. If
you ti•y the same contract you will
have a better idea of what it means
to do the work.
GOOD ROME FLESH.—Few localities
can show more good horses than the
12111con. of Grey. Two brood mares,
the property of Valentine Foerster
and J. M. Knight were placed on the
scales recently and tipped the beam
at 1860 and 1900 respectively. Both
these nares could be developed to a
ton or more.
SCOTLAND.— 011 Tuesday evening,
April 30th, at 8 o'clock, under the aus-
pices of the Epworth League of
Roe's Ohuech, a splendid concert will
be given. In addition to music by the
male choir, readings, etc., an excellent
Lecture will be delivered by the Rev.
J. W, Hibbert, of Gerrie, entitled
"Rambles through England and Scot-
land." Mr. Hibbert's lecture is well
worth hearing and his reputation as
a lecturer places him in rank with the
best. The arlmis8ion fee will be 10
and 15 cents.
Mrs. Jetties Douglas, ug as, of Taranto,
has been visiting at the parental home
and renewing old frienciships.
The Council has appointed W. H.
G'er usou inspector of the Clark
bridge abutment, at $1.80 per day.
The loss of bridges and the cold
weather precluding fording the river
in coinfortare great inconveniences
Mrs. Harry Grainger and son
Russell, of Molesworth locality, were
vie31008 at jolt Grainger's for a day.
It is said Mrs. Samuel Fear has sold
her farm, 8th line, to her son, Ray,
who has been tilling it fm some time.
We expect he will d0 well.
W. R. Mooney is home from Tor-
onto uwiu a to the poor condition of
his father's health. Mr. Mooney is
torch improved since last week.
ex -Councillor George Jackson has
not been enjoying as robust health as
usual of hate owing to la grippe but
his host o old friends f p tends
hope he will
anon be as chipper as ever.
Miss' Mary Fear has accepted a
position as teacher at Woodstock and
will commence her duties next week.
She has utet with a .large measure of
suncess in her work and will do well
ill her new change we have no doul:t.
The 11 on bridge on the 1st line gut
A had shaking by the recent flood, the
But cement abutment being nearly
put nil of business by the foundation
being washed out. It will take from
$1500 to $2000 to set the bridge right
nice more. In the meantime it is
not. safe. In cross it.
Last Monday Robert Nichol, 8th
line, who had his left hand injured in
the 80(11111)444 1(0 windmill some time
'ago, had 1n have the third finger of
his hand reMoved 118 it was not heal-
ing properly owing to the damage
dole. The middle finer as ampu-
Oded at the time of� was
the accident.
We hope 141x. Nichol will soon be all
HYMENEAL.— At the harms of
Samuel and lets. Jordan on Wednes-
day, 1711i inst., at the hour of 12 le -
clock, their daughter, Miss Jennie,
became the bride of Lennie. Wheeler,
formerly of title communii v but later
of Vancouver, B. C. The eeremr ley
WASperforated4 ,
byE.av r l. Ferguson,
of Blglav0, in the presence ofsoin
40 guests, immediate friends and
tieighinles of Ilse ('(111raciing parties.
As Miss Selena Wheeler, sister of the
Kronen, played suitable uueic the
bride, who was becomingly attired it'
white silk. stood beneath an arch of
whits: drapery and wedding bells, at-
tended only by her little meter,
Gladys as flower girl. A reception Ili
the evening was largely ateteled b
the youg p g
r people and dancing an d -
other a
tnnseritents were indulged into
a lane hour. That Me. and Mrs.
Wheeler have a warm place ie the
hearts of a large circle of friends was
easily ee011 bythe array of presents,
including e, most beautiful 'mottle
Olncic from tike members of 1Knox
clhovel' choir', of which the bride tva8
a ,valued member and upwards of
$200 in cash. Groom presented hie
sister and the Hower girl with a ring
and 110cit1a00 respectively. The
young couple will leave shortly
for their new home in Vancouver,
followed by the good wishes of a host
of sincere friends.
A Gonia MARE.—John UI•0141ger, Gib
hue, 51119089d of a splendid speeimau
of a 4 year old brood mare to Mussell
Grainger, of Grey townehip, North
boundary, for the tidy p1'ic0 of $305.
The mare is shred by Burstar, owned
by Tilos, Archibald, of McKillop.
Mr, Grainger had a span of matched
grays, weighing 10 cwt. each for
which he refused $700. 110 wee offer-
ed $375 for the mate to the one UOW
bummer SHOULDER,—We are sorry
to state that John Barr, 4111 line,
was ma the stock train et' route to
Toronto that was smashed into by
a light engine, The caboose was
driven under the stock car inunediate-
ly in front of it and was badly er•ush-
ed taking fire almost immediately.
Mr. Barr escaped well considering the
danger. His left shoulder blade was
broken and his chest injured and it
inay bother him for some time. He
dues not know just how be received
the injury as the crash came 8o un-
expectedly. Another drover and a
brakeman were killed, being burned
in the wreck before they could be
The Ethel cheese factory expects to
open the season on the first Monday
of May. J. K. frown, the well known
proprietor, is getting everything.
ready for the start and looksfora
good business.
New telephones in connection with
Brussels Rural system have been In-
stalled in the homes of H. Muir, No.
3512 ; 0. Raynard, 3513 ; A, McKee,
3514 ; and H. A1. Dobson, 3515. It will
not be very loi,g before eve!), home
will possess one of these luudero
Miss Ida Cole and Miss Edtnison
tve!'e at Brussels lust Sunday attend-
ing the Epworth League mini venter y
services. Monday afternoon Rev.
Mr. Wren, Miss Sanders and "Jack"
Slen,moti were in attendance at the
Round Table 0oeferenee conducted
in Brussels Methodist church
by Rev. Mr. Bartlett, of Toronto.
There was a large nobgregatou at
the Methodist church on Sunday
evening last to hear the concluding
sermon in an it' ter esti ng series which
the pastor has been preiachiug upon
the subject "Building the House of
Jehovah." At the conclusion of the
service 22 united with the church, the
greater number being young wen. It
was a most impressive service.
The sad news was received last'
Monday by Mrs. David Sanders that
heofather, Thos. Curtail, farmer and
drover neat Tavistock, was ba•ued
to death it' the caboose of a stock
train at Georgetown, while en route
to Toronto with cattle. 141r, and
Mrs. Sanders attended the funeral on
Wednesday. Tile bereaved will
share in the sympathy of the com-
SCOTLAND.— 011 Monday eveniug,
April 29th, a sacred Coueert will be
given in the Methodist church under
the auspices of the Junior Epworth
League. A splendid program will be
presented by the Junior Epworth
League. well supplemented
by the 1tes. J. W. Hibbert's fasci-
nating. and interesting lecture, "Ram-
bles through England and Scotlaud."
Mr, Hibbert ie 0 most eloquent and
captivating lecturer. Agood time is
in store for those who will be present
on Monday evening.
YoUNG MEN'S DAY. Sunday will
be observed in the Methodist church
as Young Men's Day. A mass meet-
ing of the Sunday School will be held
at 2 p, m, when the Rev. J. W. Rib -
t, e
ber• GorriChaaitmau of the Wing -
hum ch• a District. will deliver an address
on the "Principles of building." The
service inthe evening at 7 o'clock will
be in charge of the young men. - A
large young meal's choir will conduct
the service of song. Pastor will be
assisted by the Rev. J. W. Hibbert
who will preach a special sermon to
the ono • .len on hsubject
y 1, u i t of
Two Men killed at Georgetown
On Sunday morning ab 6.10 a seri-
ous smash -tip occurred mi the 0, T. R.
main line near Georgetown in which
two mels, Thomas Cereal', a farmer
and drover near Tavistock, and 0. 18..
Onrey, brakeman, of Palulereton, lost
their lives. A light engine which had
been coupled to the rear of the stook
110111 all the way feat') Guelph, became
8otn0 manner detached while run-
ning down as grade near the George-
town station and was endeavoring to
make a newconnection while moving -
at the moment of the accident. The
collision was mused by the stopping
of Ilue train at the:Ration, 1141 l:nghiee.r
Tied Ourbev, ni Stratford, rand Fire-
men ato0s lawsn
in cl u';;e u
u f the
light ewghte, w01.0 mol able to pull np
in time,. There were ei1nt mets in the
caboose when it was hided' forward
owlet tl1e rear of the •honk vire, but
six of ( 440411, namely : ,lits 11etf1.0n,
it Blyth 1,1uhn 13.(.rr, ul' 111usya`Is.; 13.
Hodgins, of Liman; Geo. \V yen, of 1
Winghun ; W. 1. To 3101, of Bence -
field and A. AlcK 11 ley. of Otattllnehie,
000w1ed cit tivotwit the lone( out on
top of oar and escaaped penetieelly ori'
hurt, .B1akt•srnan Carry, however ,
Was pinned 111 the wreckage and met t
immediate death, (emelt, it is be- i
newel was also (01111ly lhij(r1011, hilt re- t
maimed conscious, under 1.11e 451 eelseal 1
caboose and nettle cttO which wine en-
veloped inflames hr m. moment Land es
there were 110 water or Mime atppli-
anc0 at hand. his companions we10
forced to trait helpless while he was
suffocated our burned to death, Three
(tattl0lver01008le(1 alive and 1118 ea-
bose and car were entirely demolish- 1
ed, The light engltle and the rest of
the train, Which was in charge Of
Conductor t( F. U. Dell, were net dare -
4 xt
cleared ina
and the line as 1 lir d
few hours, Councillor Ilameei calla
was interested it' the eblpment, wee
apprised of the accident by telephone
and went East Monday morning, The
car in 1011ic11 Ale. Demos' stock was be-
ing shipped was next the van and 108
soot' us lire 11588 apparent the door
was opened and the cattle jumped cub.
Three head refused to leave' the ear
01111 were burned while 5 others were
scorched. We cougeatulate Messrs.
Barr and Heaton and the other mea.
who escaped as it was little short of a
miracle that all were not killed. A
rigid iluvestigatiu0 will be made as to
who is to blame mud oleic may be
trouble ahead.
An Occasion of Interest and Profit
Last Sabbath was anniversary day
in connection with the Epworth,
Leagues 0f Brussels Methodist church
when most suitable and profitable ad-
dresses were given by Rev. S. T. Bart-.
lett, General Secretary of Sabbath
School and Epworth League work,
Toronto. In the morning the Junior
League work was emphasized, the
Juniors taking the place of the usual
choir. The Scripture lesson was mm -
411011185 upon and four words cora-
inenci05 with 11 were pointed out in
the set viae that was to be rendered tet
God viz :—The head, heart, home and
lurid. The text was "From a ehild
thou has known the Scripture. The
speaker showed that the Sabbath
Sehoul and League had the biggest
ptomain in the world, dealing with
the shaping of life and character.
The Bible was appropriate to all ages
and was the most, up -t0 -date book in
the world. The organized Bible class
was a ueceesar'y Butt between child-
hood and adult life. feud expects use-
fulness and workers are wanted as
never before. These are to be Nation
builders, What the buy needs Cana
du needs and on patriotic grounds, if
no other our labor with the youth will
trot be 111 vain. The interest never
lagged with either yuung or old.
At lbs Sabbath School session Rev.
A1r. Bartlett occupied 15 minutes in
developing three thoughts concerning.
thWeaddreseals. Bible. ( s need 1) VVft ;e all needWe et eta
all. The School greatly enjoyed, the
Evening service was given up to the
cmisideretiou of the Seniors, the ser
term being baeed on Hebrews Chap.6
and verses 7, 8, 9 and 10. Practical .
Produativeuess was the theme and it•
was rich in practical suggestions and
helpful hints presented in a very
pleasingand attractive P 1t was
polluted oa act veorout that the accomplishment
of the greatest possible good was a
Wrist worthy ambition ; that no life
WAS unproductive, either wheat or
tares were glowing ; aim at the best
and 1130011 for it ; the law of self acti-
vity was commended ; thiugs that ac-
company salvation elicted much hope
and encouragement. Life is the great
thought, not labor, something deep-
seated within. In lits peroration Rev.
Mt. Bartlett commanded the closest
atteutiou in pointing, out the rewards
and hopeful things in ministering un-
to others. Read the verses chosen for
the text and study out the possible
productivity of joyous, Godly life.
The day's exercises will live for many
a day iu the good cheer that was dis-
pensed by the speaker.
Monday afternoon a Round Table
Conference was conducted by Mr..
Bartlett in whichun 1 h
S c ay School 'and
League problems were threshed out
and thekeys
that to fit-
ting people fur service were earnest
nese, Evan gelistnand. gettin al ter the .
individual. The organized Bible Class
was strongly urged. In the company
at this gathering ,were noticed Rev.
J. W. Hibbert, Ulutirtmtnof VVingham
District; Rev. A `. Collis, 11 Col s, B. A., of
Weoxoter• Rev, Mr. Durrant, Bel -
grave ; Rev. D. Wren, B. 0„ ,ilthel in
addition to Rev. Dr. Oaten, punto'. '
T110 Juniors ;awe at 4.30, had their
photo taken and were addressed by
Mr. Bartlett in his off eland style,
proving his adaptability for the poli -
thin be holds, 4
Despite unpleasant weather there
was a good attendance at the illitetrat-,,
ed Travel Talk' on British Colum-
ba, in which a fund of op -to -date ins
formation.WW1 imparted by both pic-
ture, story and the interjection of
wo'hta4le hints in labor for the Mae.
ter. The time passed all too quickly'!
in the intelesling story of the Mission
workers of the Pacific Coast, A heat
ty vote of thanks for the excellent
service rendered was proposed by Miss.:
lIIngston, President of the. League,
eecouch•d by Chester Arn1s1r011g and
10118 appeoptiately acknowledged by
ill•. Bau'tlett,
This was the rovemed gentleman's
first r ivisit . s
, Bina elsbl Gal Who betel' tv lleltrd
hut' on this 1111111091•8417 (100x5101) will,
be glad to 1t e1001111( hint back.
NEwsYNOTES..—Miss Maggie S11,1111
a ho has missed the Normal uxam.
tt Shatford recently, hasgone. to
1'01'0ntW to fhurt1)14' pursue her. studies.
L11ts 111111(1itie, of Perth Co,,
teaching in 8. 8. No. 9, its seccossot tti.
Mile Slowly who resigned ou 110count<
if ill 'Merit h. Sole of our young meet
lhi011 they tare enjoying the,uselvos'
11, the expense of others- but noble''.
n:tnhood 11oce not, exist itr that kind '•
If atmosphere and iF these saint)
young peen had Inure In 1 oei;tl0 their' d.
state time wotdd be 11ut1er spent.--'°
Miss Bella Hackiocll 19 visiting at
11itchel1 'for a weal.• Gr.rp. ^Malin 1S'
serfoutily i11 with the billet -Mg 0f
blood vessel -Seeding is ih fut1 stving,'i
and reports 'lay seed grain was never
t110wu'to be so 50(1 1t', no doubt duty
0 the long seveio Whiter.