The Brussels Post, 1912-4-18, Page 8Forrnaldehyde A
To Farmers p
x`ormaldehyde is the great, preven.
Wive of smut on grain, This has given
such good satisfaction that its use has
steadily increased from year to year up -
til now its employment is almost gener-
el. We have cnstomers who tell us they
would not be without it even were the
price much greater Our Formalde-
hyde is the hest that can be obtained.
It is put up in two .izes-
t Ib. bottles sufficient for about
too bushels, 400.
Ib. bottles sufficient for about
5o bushels, 250.
Full directions tor use are on each
bottle. Now is the time to think about
if and prepare your seed for sowing.
You will be well repaid for the small
outlay and Brae spent if you use For-
is to be found in some of our stripe pat-
terns Oue that has been much ad
mired has a pure white ground with a
Plain white satin stripe. The border Is
one that eau be cut out and has plenty
of color, in shades of yellow and purple,
to brighten up the room, The ceiling
is a white moire.
The price 10c per roll
'e a also have somewhat the sante de
sign in a heavier and better paper
At 18c per ro 1
Another Paper that is sure to please is a
stripe on white ground and modestly
decorated with bunches of yellow dello'
Priced at 1Oo per roll
Ask to see them.
The012.1C.....1244 Stare Fe R 8 IV 11
Coral Desi terns
APRIL showers.
WHAT .will you do to beautify Brus-
sels in 1912?
Miss KATYE MANNING has taken a
position in S C Wilson's store.
Tee Harts shoe fills the bill. Before
you buy see it a, E. C. Du lford's.
TRE Anent saw mill is running full
blast. It will take five or six weeks
yet to cut up the stock.
THE Loyal Legion will meet Friday
afternoon at 4 55 o'clock in the Carnegie
Library audience room
A, 0 U. ,N, -Friday everting of this
week the regular semi-monthly meeting
of the A. 0, U. W. Lodge will be held
The delegate to the Grand Lodge will
give his report,
UNDER Mortgage Sale the machine
and repair shop of Garside & fames will
be offered tor sale at the American Hotel
Brussels, on Saturday, 27th inst., at 2 p.
m. by F. 5. Scott, Auctioneer,
BABY DtzD -On Sunday, April 7th,
Douglas Lowry, the little son of J. W.
and M rs. Craigie, of Toronto, former
residents of Brussels, died aged 8
months and r1 days. We are sure Mr
and Mrs. Craigie are deeply sympathised
with in the loss of their laddie by old
time friends here.
sonae' of the firm of Messrs, Walker,
Ross & Co., furniture dealers, &c , bas
been changed by the withdraw of R. W.
Ross. Business wilt be conducted by
Messrs. Walker & Black, as formerly.
They have engaged Tames Maxwell to
assist them and he is now on duty,
Mission CIRCLE. -Tuesday evening at
the Parsonage, a Mission Circle was
organized with the foilowing officers; -
Hon. Pres„ Mrs (Rev) Oaten ; Presi-
dent, Miss Lizzie Downing ; Ist Vice -
President, Miss Ida Bailey ; Recording-
Secretarv, Miss ressie Cuuningham
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Pearl
Baeker • Treasurer, Miss Alta Pryne ;
Supt. Systematic and Proportionate
Giving, Miss Thursa Gerry. A live
program of work is being mapped out
and we expect the Circle will "do
Rev. E G Powell was called to Cortin•
na on Monday of last week on account of
his mother's death, Mrs. G. Powell.
Mrs. Powell was born in Ireland and
came to Canada when a girl and was a
member of the Methodist church all her
life. Although 82 years old she did her
and was around as usual on
Saturday night.
took a slight
stroke and passed away on Sunday.
Funeral was held in Methodist church
Corunna on Thursday morning at ro
o'clock, Rev Mr Powell was a former
pastor in Brussels and is now in Exeter,
Two TokkANCE STRICKEN. -The sad
news was received here on Tuesday
that john Torrance, of Listowel, the
widely known and highly esteemed or-
ganizer ot the C. 0. F., was stricken
With paralysis Last Monday evening
addressing new members in the
Forectets' Hall, Stratford, He was re
moved to the hospital where he, at last
report, wan lving unconscious and in a
most critical condition. Mr, Torrance is
well known in Brussels and neighbor.
hoori auti general regret wilt be felt over
his case. He is a brother to the late
Rev. W. Torrance, formerly of Walton.
SAD CA -5 -Rev. John Gunne, rector
of Wlommg Anglican chnrc!t for 27
years and one of the most highly es-
teemed and hest beloved of the clergy
of Huron Diocese, was Found in his
room Monday morning about the break.
fast hour, dead from self inflicted
wounds, The deceased clergyman bad
used a sbot gun. His act was the result
of temporary insanity, The whole
community has been plunged in grief by
reason of the sad event. Deceased was
ordained to the ministry in London on
June roth, 1883 and was appointed to
erwood parish. His next appointment
was to Wyoming, where he remained to
the time of his death. He is survived
by his widow, ohe daughter, Geraldine,
at home, abd two sons, Arthur, at home
abd Fred, it Ottawa, Rev. C. R. Gunne
reeky ofof Christ church, London and
recently of Clinton, is a brother.
ly the various departments of Brussels
School were visited by Inspector Field
and his report has come into possession
of the Board. It concludes as follows
-On the whole i think you have reason
to be well satisfied with your staff of
teachers. The earetakiug is much
more efficiently looked after. Prism
glass improves the lighting of the
hail, I would suggest that the spring
doors be removed except in the Winter
months, The method of assembling is
being carried out as suggested and is a
considerable improvement as it effects
the general discipline, I find your
echoed ill a healthy and proapevous OOn-
dition widen T'
m bot
h the Publit biro
and Melt
Seheol departments likely to ainlaln
the high reputation it has Won for itself
iu the pest,
Goderich, April 6th, 1912,
FOOT BALL practice has commenced
on Vtetorts Park.
ADDITIONAL local news may be read
on page 5 of this issue.
THE electric storm of Sunday even
ink appeared to clear up'the atmosphere.
wend, ot Toronto, begs toanuouuce that
he will be at the American Hotel on Fri
day April 26 with a complete display of
the newest London, Paris and New Yolk
creations in Hair Goods: You are In
vited to call and inspect his goods.
_ 0---
PRryATx funds to loan on farm security,
Hest mortgage. at reasonable rate of interest,
Apply to Y 2 care of THE POST.
A NaMnea of store hogs wanted during the
next month, Gso. BUT.
BAG of Chop lost Tuesday evening, Will the
finder please leave word or the chop at Tua
SAO of oats found. Owner may have it by
calling on Ales, 51cLsuohlin, North gravel
road, and paying for this local.
WAToa fob attached to ribbon guard lost in
Brussels. Finder will greatly oblige by Way.
log the same at Tan Pow as early as ooaven-
Hones to rent with good stable and garden,
Apply to A. 0. BAERER.
DWSLLINy rooms to let above stores. Com.
fortable and convenient, I. 0. RtonARDS.
Eons .OR HArca1NG -S. 0. White Leghorn
and Barred Plymouth Rook egg-, for hatching,
600 par setting. JAB, S. ARMSTRONG, Lot 2,
Con. 0, Grey.
WREN lawn mowers will not work easy call
on or write T. MCGREGOR, Brussels.
QUART= of good oats for sale. Apply Lot
11, eon, 10, Grey, Phone 2410,
42.2 W. MoNAra, Brussels P. 0
TIMBERS from the flood gates of Brussels
milldam were swept away with flood Satur•
day, April Oth, chain were attached to ends
of them. It finder will communicate with the
Pryne Milling Co., Brussels, they will take
them away at once.
SMOCK NOR $ALO• -9 brood eowa, with litter
of 10 pigs each qt foot Will sell young pigs
separate ifdesired , Alcoa few choice stock
steers, Apply tp J, P, MCINTOSH, Lot 21, Con,
12, Grey, Phone 628.
Egos for batching front a fine pen of White
Leghorns. Also from a good pen or Columbian
Wyandottes$1.50per 15. Get your orders in
earlY. JAMasBAtLANTYNE, Brussels
EGGBFOR BATCHING.- Moro bred White
Wyandottes, $1.00 par eetting or2 aetttngs
for $1,60, ,toaN MnAnowe, Breccia,
meeting of the Brussels Football club
last Friday evening a good crowd was
present. After some discussion it was
decided to enter a team in the inter
mediate W. F. A. series and a good
team can be secured as Ethel is not
playing this year, The Secretary.
Treasurer's report shower., a balance on
the right side, Following ravers were
elected e Hon. - President, 1
F. Row
President, F EL Gilroy ; veteP
President, t, John Leckie ; Secretary
Treasurer, Glen Armstrong ; Manager,
N. F. Gerry ; Coach Jas Ballantyne ;
Captain, C. Scott. The club is open
far a game on May 24 Practices will
be he;d on Monday end Ftidar nights
We hope the old time success will attend
the team Brussels has had a great
record and will be able to demonstrate
in 1912 that they belong to the winning
class as in days of yore.
Saturday evening of last week. Rev,
and Mrs. Cameron entertained the
members of St John's choir to a tea in
the rectory, whicu was very much en-
joyed by alt present. Before the choir
departed advantage was tekeu of the
occasion to present their choir Leader,
who removed to London this week,
with a purse of money, as a slight reeog.
nition of his free and faithful service
An appropriate address was read by
Miss Myrtle Wilson, and Miss Ina
Bryans made the presentation. The
recipient very fittingly expressed his
appreciatiop for their unsought kind-
ness. Mr. Garside has been a most en•
thusiastic church worker, He was also
Superintendent of the Sunday School
and his services rendered in these de-
partments will be much missed indeed
A TRIP To INDIA -A genuine treat
fell to the lot of the Epworth League
last s Monday evening through the kind•
nese of Miss Julia Sharpe, who has re•
gently returned from en extended trip
through India, By pictures from s
lantern and description she supplied
more information about that wonderful
land than could easily be obtained, pos
slbly without paying a visit Miss
Sharpe described the country, mode of
living, customs, temples, the Dither. &t.
anti in addition had a collection of
curios from the East that were full of
interest. The program was brought 10
a close at 9.3o, Miss Sharpe heart,.
ly thanked and several went to their
homes but there were still a host of
views not sllowu so What might be tail
eel part II of the program °petted gni
the willing traveller went on with her
description until the last illustration
was described, Miss Sharpe evidently
was wide awake on her trip and es a
consequence gleaned from many quar-
ters what will tot only be of real value
to herself but of more than ordinary in.
terest to British subjects .wherever they
as they tome to n t
t deratatiCln
s me
thing of India and her wonderful pas.
sessions, Miss Sharpe enjoyed het' trip
itnmensely and regards it as one of the 1
favors of this life.
".4 lees' •,zt~s,.
usiness Chance
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic Saving
Begin now to prepare for the day of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
CARD O$ THANKS. -We wish t0 than
the many friends for their forethough
and kindness shown to the late Mrs,
Hugh Stewart sr. and for the sympathy
and aid tendered the relatives in their
bereavement. To say that it was highly
appreciated is giviug feeble expression
to those who were so kind.
\Tatars 'I`ruly,
Ftidar afternoon the funeral service of
the late Mrs. Hugh Stewart was held
in Melville church. The pastor, Rev.
Mr. Wishart, conducted the first part
and Rev Mr. Lundy, of Walton, deceas-
ed's former pastor, gave the address.
Ir was based an Job 37-21, "And now
men see not the bright light which is in
the clouds, but the wind passeth and
uleanselh them " After refereuce to
the life of the d.parted the speaker
dwelt upou three phases of the text t -
(r) Life's clouds; (2) Lile's bright
places ; (3) Life's clear sky, from which
numerous practical lessons were pointed
nut. A large cumber of former old
neighbor's and friends assembler) to pay
,tits last public tribute of respect to one
of Grey townships worthy pioneers In-
terment was made in Brussels cemetery.
Is Mrs. (Dr.) Oaten is visiting in Tor -
People We Talk About
Mrs, P. Anent was holida iu
v g in Tor-
onto last week.
Banister Sinclair was at Goderich on
legal business,
Mrs. R. 'r Hiugston was a visitor with
reeswater relations.
Miss 8. McKelvey, B A , was here
last week from Paris for Easter vaca•
Miss Elsie Steiss and Miss Lizzie
Askin spent a few days with relatives
in Stratford and Listowel,
Dawson Manners and Roy Rudd, of
rofield, Alta , are vislt'rs at G C.
Manners', The former is a sou,
Mrs D, C Ross,anddanghters, Misses
leatjory and Doris, visited last week
with relatives in Bay City, Mich,
Mrs, J. H Kerney, of Guelph, was in
)own for a day or hyo this week. She
says they are liking the Royal city all
A. Strachan was off duty for a few days
during the past week but we hope that
Spring's arrival will endow him with old
line vigor
Mrs. Dinsmore who has been visiting
Mrs A R Currie, inhn street, for
several months, left for her home in
London last Saturday.
Hugh R Elliot r, of town has filed his
papers as veteran of /t866 Fenian raid
who is entitled to a great of SPtoo from
the Dominion Government.
G, T. R agent Ilyle, Mrs Kyle and
Miss Dorothy are away to Chesley for a
holiday of two weeks. Relieving agent
Rose is here in the meantilne at tite de -
p Mts. N Flats, of town and Miss Ida
went to
Owen Sound last w
eek ro
the funeral of the for,ner's Mother, the
late Horner Robertson Fuller notice
may be read in Grey township news
Rev W A. Hunter, B D., who was
home for a visit to see bis mother, left
for his new appointment at Pleasant
Mount, Penn, As there is a cosy
parsonage we expect be will be instal.
ling tilqueen before Inng.
Mrs. W. H, Willis, of Wingltam, was
a visitor at the parental home, Mill
J, F. Rowland, of the Standard Bank,
made a business trip to Toronto last
Mrs. Ed. Nicholson, of Wingham,
was a visitor with Mrs. J. A. Hunter
and other old friends in town during the
past week.
Miss Julia Sharpe arrived home last
week for a visit. Singe she was here
she has been ou a trip to India, of which
wonderful country and other sights and
scenes en route Miss Sharpe has many
interesting things to recount.
A pleasant evening was spent at the
home of J E and Mrs. Speiran of God
evicts on Wednesday evening ot Inet
week when a number of toung people
gathered to bid farewell to Miss Stella
Speiran and Miss Lulu Mulholland, who
are leaving for Toronto to take new pos
itions The evening wasthornoghly en•
joved by all 'Phe Speirnu family are
former residents of Bru,sels end locality
and are well known to many residers of
Church Chimes
A special Vestry meeting will -be held
in the basement of St. John's chnrch sit
the close of the Friday evening service
A full attendance of the members is
asked for.
Rev, Dr Oaten will conduct the ser.
vices in the James street Methodist
church, Exeter, next Sabbath. Rev
Mr, Hobbs; pastor has been off dins
owing to illness
Special service in St John's church
next Sunday morning at 1r o'clock. in
connection with the Sunday School anti
the Home Department of the S. S The
children are asked to meet in the base•
meat at so 3o and take their places in
the body of the church with their re-
spective teachers.
W M S. -Despite the unpropitious
weather of last Sabbath there were gond
audiences in attendance at the Meth,••
dist chcreb to connection with the
Women's Missinnary Societe enniver
sore. Mts (Rev ) Harrison, of London,
had been secured for the occasion end
her coming was greatly enjered be all
who had the nppnr,unity of hearing her
The mor nine theme wits '•Woman'•
Opportunity," Esther beine taken as
the character illn5lrooi,g the snhj=et
and s good case was certrlini, made ,.et
as the speaker sketched the various and
varied doors of opportunity opened and
opening. 'oChristian womanhood Mrs,
Hart isunspoke for a few marmites' f0. the
Sabbath Sohool;and in the evening gave
a telling address on 'Our Commission "-
The three points elucidated as to why
women should aid in : the world's -
evangelization were As . follows :-(r)
Women's prevailing influence ; (2)
can on h•:
he reached
be women ;
(3) It is the Gospel .that
phas 'lifted
womanhood The choir did there part
well Miss L Downing and Miss Alta
Pryne sang a duet in good voices Misses
Lily and Pearl Sharpe contributed' a
very suitableseleetion and Miss flings -
tan took the solo in a choice number in
which the choir sang the chorus. rhe
members of the W M S occu f d 11
JLc ° It/Il NG
Prof, &ironwood 0
for the ladywho has titin )lair, cannot
be equalled. ALL OUR GOODS are not.
ed for their superior, worktnattehip, ex-
clusive styles and fine quality of hail;
Will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels
on Friday, April 6th
'r with a stock of the newest
�t :U�,�ROPMAN and AMIaRI-
You are invited to call on us for a FREE DEMONSTRATION of our famous
1Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee"
The only Sanitary arid, perfect-
ly constructed toupee made. rip
detectable, light in weight,strong
and perfectly ventilated. Worn
and endorsed by pltysicians and
medical even, .they are Made in
any styles, shapes Or ahades, '
1.;.;ag., '''" Do: not fail to call and sea thorn
THE CCRENWENII CC'Y, Of Taranto, ltd,
The house of Quality Hair ttoodu,
103.105 Yong -bat, Torerntb, Ont,
Etwbliahed 1873
OF CANADA 80)3,..a.
Safety, convenience and tow colt unite to make
Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory
way of sending small sums to any part of Canada.
Under. $5 . , . 3c, $10 to $30 ... 10c. •
$5 to $10 ... 6c. $3010 $50 ... 15c,
Drafts issued for larger amounts.
Savings Bank Department at Every Branch.
J. F. &Lcowlannd, Manager
centre pews and were presented with
baguets of carnations as they entered
the church, The Thank -offering which
went to the W. M. S. totalled over $;i8.
Mrs, Harriston inet a number of the
ladies, both ,young and telderly, in the
school room at the close of the service.
The floral decorations were profuse and
beautiful A welcome and a full house
will be two assured facts on future visits
of Mrs • Harrison to Brussels. She is
evidently at home in her work and after
hearing her it is not be wondered at that
success marks her efforts in the noble
cause 141 which she is allied and to which
she devotes her best.
Presbytery of Maitland met at
Wingham at 11 a ne 'Thursday to
dispose of calls from Dungannon to G
Gomm and from Belmore and McIntosh
to A R. Gibson, Both are graduates
01Knox College.
Friday evening of this week Miss
Thompson, a returned Missionary front
India, will give an address in Melville
chattels on her work in that most interest.
Ing of lands, Meeting ,-,pens at 8 o'-
clock Special invitation to missionary
Societies of the Methodist and St. John's
List Sabbath morning Rev. Dr
Grant, General Superintendent. of
Home Missions, made a visit to Brussels
and delivered an address in Melville
church replete with interest from his
wide acquaintance with the work and
rich in experience as he has had
with his 10 year stay in the Kloudyke
and his travels 111 the West It teas a
rare treat and fully appreciated by the
congregation who hope to have hisn
back again, Rev, Mr Wishart preach-
ed in the evening from the text , Every
plant that my Father. hath not planted
shall he rooted up "
bath Rev > 'I` Bari le I, General Secre-
,att• of Suntlea Schools mud F.pworih
Leei:ns, will be herr and will conduct
erv,ees as follows :-i t a M. arldreaa t0
iuuior Leaguers anti parents, the
juniors will supply the choir; 2 3o p m
evening, opening at 8 o'clock, Rev. Mr,
Bartlett will give his interesting illus
trated Lecture, "Life on the British
Columbia Coast," that no one should
miss. Silver collection at the door, As
this is the anniveranry of the League rho
offering Sunday will to go their treasu-
ry. The neighboring League and Sun-
day School workers have been invited
to attend the series of meetings on .Mon-
day. Mr. Bartlett meets with the best
features of Christian work and is always
ready to pass these good things along
but yon have to be at the meetings to
share in them. Sunday and Monday
promise maul, rich things.
OLAnx,-In Morris on March 28th, to Mr. and` Short Horns for Sale
Mrs Thos. Clark, a son,
Hurroan.--In Goderich, on April lith, the wife ---
of A. 0, Hunter, M D., of son Seven Scotch Short Born Bulls 0 to 20 months
MODAOO.-In Whet, on April 4th, to Mr. old, reds nail twat$ : big, smooth aadstylish ;
and Mre, John MCDonald, a daughter, eheicest breeding-Oumpbeli Hoae Buds, Mnrr
Besutys and 'ampbell Bargees, None better
for milk and beet. 71111 be sold at any rouaon•
MARRIED able offer an on (1005 terms.
mie.t v'ftler ,.�i w'w. 'n�t
The Sad
Cold Season
By Walt Mason
I am coughing, mother, coughing till lily
neolc Is out of joint, and I wish you'd Jtring
the gooee•groase, my bosom to anoint, 1
have coughed in ancient linos, I have
washed in modern tongues, 1111 my India
rubber lurnyx seems to telescope my
huge. I have (;round and lofty o lashing,
all the plain and fanny kinds, till my
coughing jarred the plaster and alioolc
down the lvhtduw blinds. I IMAM ooughed
a eonntertenor, I have coughed a ruin)).
ling bass, I have coughed until mycough-
ing blow the whiskers from my ft•oe. All
the dope you've brought me, mother, pimp-
ly falls to )tit the spot : 1 have taken torts
of tablets, demijohns or liquid rot, Let us
ohmage the treatment, mother : give 11141
goose or gander grease, rub it on cry tor•
tared larnyn and perhaps I'll die in peace.
Ono bottle of Wood Root Cough Cure
.,would have given tho dosired relief.
2ac per bottle at
The People's Column
"mum, NOB SALE. -Durham bull, bred from
drat Nrite atoctt al bath aides, for sale.
8 plGryyu DONALD
1013158TS014, Lot 0. 8, on,
Maitland Bank
JOHNSTON- OOATEB.-At the home of the
bride's parents, on Ain•il 10th, by Rev. I. A.
Mo%elvey, of Trowbridge, Mr Richard
Johnston, of Elms, to Mies Ohristena H ,
daughter of Mr and Mrs, Francis Costes,
also of Rime township.
CRAtGtE,-In Toronto, on April 7th, Douglas
Lowry, son of J, W. and Pearl Oreigie, for-
, merly of Brussels, aged 8 months and 11
MMOEwns, to Goderioh, on April 14111 Oath.
erine Martin, betoved wife of ,Tames Mc-
Ewen, formerly of Jamestown, aged 86
McGee. -Lt Morris, on April 14th, James Mc.
Gee aged 82 yearn
WItr,nAue -10 Fordwich, on April 5th, Moses
Williams, aged 78 years.
Ronanmso,c -In Owen Bound, on April 77th,
Homer Robertson, formerly of Grey town-
ship, aged 02
Somnan, -In Ii'yearsnrdwioh, on April 7th, Ed-
ward Sotheran, sr., need 84 years.
FRIDAY, ADM i0,rc, Far'tm stork, imple-
ments, etc, Lot 10, Con, 6, Grey township.
Sale unreeerved, et p. in W. J. PALMER,
Proprietor, F. S Scott. Auctioneer.
'at Sunday Semit'l session Rev Mr. BRUSSE,rS MARKET
R•u4lett will speak ; et
7 p m the ser- Wheat --
mon will be to Seiner Leaguers. Vile Oats 80 50
church choir will supply special 0inslc. Pees 50
Hondas' afternoon. opening at 2.30 cin Berlet' 80
hour will he spent with a Round Table EBaggs tter Op
Cwoonfr,eretire on Sunday School wk: Potatoes 78
from 3 3o to 4 30 m i `,inference with Ep sseg 12 50
Leaguers; 01 43u the bnt�tle 816
will come in for their share. In the Wool 4 60
SO 0660
To Contractors
The Modeles) Conned of the Township of
Al ori- are asOmg tor tenders for the con.
B1.'11011011 or two eealent otiiveets (each 16 feet
long, 14 foot runaway, 1 beams re -unforced
flours, gas pipe r•numg, on the Al aria,) -lamb
Gram, and one of the .slime 10,1,1 0 feet long on
the Nichur Da oto, q', ode, a will be opened ut
the Hull on Monday, Say 2715, at 2 o'clock.
Plane may bessen et thslteeve'e or the Clerk's
Appliesttona will be r,ceived -at the some
time for the position of Weed 7'sneetor for
Township, A 11IA0IIWEN
itOPER•1'Y FOR MALE, - Residence In
Urenbrook, with 4 acres of land, 1, on tate
market for calmed into sale. Frame house in
good repair, six reonrs, goodcellar and !ergo
woodshed' emelt barn and granary with n
goad Mewl hay )art t lend in gond state of cul-
tfvatins : some good 15,115 trees in garden close
to hoes,. Desirable b,iatioa fol retired farm.
se or market gardener Per parr -Muhl re an to
terms apply 10 D 61OQIOA1lRIE,
41-6 Urenbrook P.O.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership formerly carried on under
100 the firm mime of Welker, Hose &Co. hes thin
85 day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr,
82 Ross retiring from titehustness The business
21 will in future be serried on under the firm
76 ovate of Walker R Sleek, Who wilt be respon.
1200 'tibia far all the dsbtaowtug by the late firm
8 16 and to whom all name,'ts must be payable.
8.76 Brussels, April lath,
•,F•+ +•+!+••r•'e'•,t••444.•+*+•+ +•.+ t t114.04'MI'•+•q!•♦•+'•d'•+44+•+.+.+,♦•3'M+•3•.3t•d'•i'i3'•
Brussels Daylight •
Store G. N. McLaren
Men's, s,: Youths
♦ ,
and Ohild n1s
We want you ,to see our Ready-to-wear Clothing. Our stocks are now at
their' best. A complete showing of the famous PROGRESS'. kind, and the
Style, Fit, 'Finish and Values are certainly the best we have ever shown.
We want you to see' our Clothing and make comparison,
The' New Spring Hats: The New Spring Under- • I
for Men and Boys clothing, Fine and Work +
are here. $hirts, are here.
New Boots and Shoes
Men's Heavy Working Boats, Special at
Men's Fine Dress Boots, Special at
Boys' School and Fine Boots, Special at
1.50, 1.75 up to $3.00
2.25, 2.50 up to $5.00 4.
1.25, 1.50 up to $2.50
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Smits
We are showing some particularly well made and good fitting. Suits for. Ladies and id s
Misses in Blue and Black Serges, and 'n� in the'. nr-w 12
Spring Tweeds. Call and see them. A I 'values at
® fi r 00
New Spring Skirts New Rain Coats
Our New Spring Skirts are here in
Black and colors, Perfect fitting and Men. Smart sty les, new sleeves. t
• and good values.
We want You to and guaranteed waterproof.
see thenar +
Always the Highest Prices for Produce
Goods Right
your •
N. -McLaren -
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