The Brussels Post, 1912-3-21, Page 41118191111MINEARMINAKESIBM SISEMONINOW
One of EI1,1 101'11 Ontlirio's Iligh•clues
and popular riti.lnet.s Schools tv111011
1105(10 open the otutinnit the yrtn. Young
people linty enter ony time and 00(1)'plete their 1311117.014 Wil bola 111 torrulitinn
of Initistinlnier holidays. You may
Muth all nt 11 0/11 11 01, peril, nt home
and finili lit tho O1,1le51i, Thirty yearn'
xportsliss. TArgest trainers in llion
ad 0 /1 nilirthil with the Ninth...Point
1511 1104 1 or's essooln t len 111 00110311, .
Writs for pa ellattinra.
Wingham Business College
President P ri nc ipal
041. Maaal ea memos
elenereeeeeleteeerfeellereeteefeefe"-..efeilteSeitefeeekjXre. e.Iffeeeiele=severefeefee'efreMtel,
• reee........keree'ee.i:elerieretierseere. • ee
the trails gost
0051500001104•1000000000000)0.5)60900*000106500000WODOVOteD00000 1,14
re'll lee 1ARC}1n,xoo
— -
The Winnipeg Free Press seys re-
joltie Hunt, Gee Verbe street, ealled
the Free Press office and left a large
bunch of twigs eat from a Mee tree iu
his yard which was covered with buds •
of both leaves and Rowers and he re.
Marked that the hese was petting on all
the appearance of Spring, and that
lower branches on the Smith stele were
already green with leaves. Tins Is a
precedent in the history of Manitoba
and apparently puzzles the experts 011 I
horticulture. nit; bold attempt ou the
part of the lilac to rush the eeasuu has
made other trees and flowering shrubs
sit rep and take nonce, for svelte) an
hour's time of tbe arrival of the Mee
busk a subscriber in St. Boniface called
to euquire if tt was an unusual occur
rence tor a poplar tree to eornmeuce
budding in the middle of Winter, and
that such Nits the case with e. large
tree in his yard in the saintly city,
The matter would probably have been
dropped there bad not the climax been
reached by the return of 0 party ul
suowshoers from the Seine over laden
with branehes ot a species of the we
low which in early Sprint is commonly
known to children as "gozlius " Ere
quiries were made at several places as
to what this midwinter blooming of
plauts portends, but no defilite enswer
was forthcoming. 111 Ounies history
of Manitoba a similar occurrence took
place iu ISL6 there being no suow tut
til about January 4 -
DEAR SIR -Wesee by a late Post" that
the Vote 013 Church Moon has been
taken a1 varione points and the results
are as various.
It came ati a great surprise to us when
we noticed the vote. as calm/ 111 otir
home (ewe, resulted in a tutu down for
forwxtrd Hut/einem for Hume Massams.
Vote in Brussels M et nudist (Mulch was
we see 98 tor and 99 against church
mike). Never did we think teat the
people of Brussels would be so conserva-
tive of old time ethaoms, differences 113
creed and 103 (1)5 of prejudice.
It may be said ot eeurse that our
opinions coming from the Western
Province would be biased, but taklug all
this intO coneidera.iou it ts witu confi
dente that we make known our upitnous
concerning this Issue in church affairs.
Would net the vote as reported in Brus
sets have been mateirally eitanged had
those, who had the power of tile baliot
spent a Suuday in one of our Western
towns in Aluerta, Saskatchewan. or
Every year great efforts are made 10
our Eastern towns, both in churches
and Sabbath Schools, to raise large
sums 01 30)1103 to seed to foreign lauds
to Christianize the so-called heathen,
so the different churches and deuomina-
tions send up complitnentary reports
each year and congratulate themselves
00 1(10 effort made,
Dear Sir, we beg to state that, in
our opinion at least, there was a greater
opportunity in this issue to show the
spirit of the Master's mind. who had in
view the Christianization of all peoples.
The problem faciug the people of tins
laud of ours Is not more muney. We
have all the funds necessary if these
were turned into proper channele, yea,
"the harvest is great but the laborers
arefew" or are so placed by the two
great denoinivations that power is de
creased. We have personalty been in
places in Alberta. that have had popula-
tions ranging from too to 400 that are
eudeavoring to support ministers of
these two great deuominations These
are conditions existing iu places wheie
the charcit Inerneerslup ter butt) church
eS dues not exceed 30 or 40 'The bur
den is truly too great and the results do
not justify the sacrifiee of both peo-
ple aud ministers. We have hi the
Proviuce some of tbe brightest intellects
to be fourni in 01110 1111 circles in any part
of Mir Dotutilion, yet mese men must
live on mere pittauces and support and
educate their families.
We found in our Western Province
that the opposition from pasties to tins
measure tits been very small. Rever-
ends W. D Reid, Superinientleirt of
Hoine Misenme for the Pleeiretertan
claire)) tu tee West and G C (10111180531.
Superintentieut of Hume ettestuus for
Western Methodism, ate nutted bo the
optuion of the advantageS iu church
union to our Western provinces.
Can the eharenes theu in our Eestern
Provluce» who are willing to mike such
financiat sacrifices tor Missions 00111111
vote away (1(0 11)1111 of these wo Ptiwets
to work together tor Ole coninen) end ?
Can they let any personal pi judices or
different:ea that May bii 5 their
eyes to the advantages ot ClIoltol Union
to the fut Meting of the Master's last
command ?
We have persouatly been interested
iu the erection of places of worsbip
small perces mid where tbese two
denominatiou eXist. We have con-
stantly mid to face this problem "We
will contribute if one church ouly Is
built, but not for two." Are you go1ng
to have the itevaahle result happeu,
that many churches will be closed and
people slut: Into a spirit of ind fferenee
because ot experiencing diecuurage.
mem in endeavoring to supple two
denonunatione ? Men like the reverend
gentlemen above mentioned are the
ones who know what they are talkiug
aboet. They have travelled the lengtb
and breadth of these wide Provinces
and everywhere have they had the
same obstacles to face, It eannot be
said that the people 01 11(6 West Inc it)
anyway pessamietic when given a
thence but even they cannot surmount
The Confereucee in this Province
have endeavored to remedy this evil
Their recognize that many good and
efileient men are wastecl through lile
overlapping of the two determinations
40 they have brought about an or,ganiza
don 10 deal with this question scene
ot the mission fields, btit even this is
not Satisfactory to the extern desired
tet us do away with the sentimental
feeling 1» 0110 religion arbdieg 05 the re.
stilt of a differeime in 51111(1)0 or Creed.
We are pereonelly acquainted with
fields in this Province Met 118110 IWO
IlliniaterS of these denomivations wlin
11130011 distallee Of 41) 01 More Miles to
Ordinary 00tfusetios and P1114 fend
liars° PhySto Cause Distrosalmc porn.
Yoe cautiot Le. trymeetiveful in the
seleetiou of paetlictue fur children.
Only the vuey gime:Met bowel 111311(1-
01110 011011111 ever be given, except', in
entergeney eadee. Ordinary pills,
ctstbertics and purgati Yee are apt. to
do mote hertu than good. They may
cauee getpurg, 1)011500 dud Mime die-
teeseime of teteeffec ts that are frequent.
y heattle deetroyirree
We persottally reetunmeteled and
guarantee 11ei1I Ordetlies 1(5 the
safeeL and tweet, depentieble remedy,
wince we 1s.110W, r01. °mime -pallor) awe
associate huWel disurdees. have
StiOli absolute faith in the virtues of
this remedy Lem we sell' ie 011 our
guarantee of money back in ever. y kt-
atairee where it Mile to give einiee
satewfacturn, and we urge all in need
of such inettentle to try it at our risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten jueL like
moldy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken 04
any Little, day te.. night. 1(11) uot, called
diarehuea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseirees, or other undeeireble effects.
They have tt very mild but positive
action tipon the preemie with whiter
they come 111 contact, apparel LI y act-
ing 110 11 regulative tome upon the re-
laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus
over -minting weekuese, and aiding Lo
restove tile trowels to more vigorous
and healthy acLivity.
Rexall Orderlies common] y Com-
pletely relieve coustipat except of
couree when a surgicwl character.
They Ale() tend to overcome Ore neces-
sity of constantly taking laxatives to
keep the bowels 'Hemel emiditiote
Three sizes of pack/1,, 10 emits, 25
cents, and 60 cents. eliemember, ytitt
eau obtain Rexall Remedies in 13rt-
stele truly at our attn. e.- The Rexall
Store. F. R. Smith. •
travel and over the same territory. 'rite
inevitabie result must happen They
fail to come in personal contact with
their people and they are known only es
mutt:item whom tbey meet from 33111.
oath to Sabbath end hear preach but
very seldern see arid Converse with in
their homes We can ensile see the
lack of sympathy in both pastor and
people. Then too we have instances,
where ministers can only reaell thee
fields on alternate Sundays. Needless
to say this does not lead to 010 resulis
that should come from expeuded energy
No one who is 1100v0151t01 wile the loots
could conscientiously vote for the core
tinuance of this state of affairs.
Much mnre could be said concerning
this issue if it were not that we feared
intruding on your valuable time and
space. Ws are,
Yours in Ole coalmen gond.
Centre Huron M. P. P.
on the Budget
It0 ....Dgiti Cirri ! i
. Fin a
t) a
'13 awessateemeeteee ' 0" '' " ' ' i'ii mamma eereeeeeriareieweiseeeremee 0
O ,„,••• rt
O 131111 Feeds at E.ow est POSSi kii e Prices '...
449.44.0.96 4 44
0 •
p r ang
N 4
N g t,
N tVt^ ttro also tho' t•tole :kg, a lt, ft.r 11,1' A err. t or y for 0
* 1110 001)131 (0)1! 0 :
9 9 R
e e t English,
0 BlatchfoNes Calf .,'..,1, e a I 0
O ,..
O tli.wisi,„,( in Engine)! 111 Thiel 1 A (re(fer.) milk E Scotch,
9 0
O .
Ill sulr,t iliac it ret,ult of over Illt) yenta expel hinee in *
33 feeding cal V10. , \ 180 411 Canadian
.0 -0' St
9 ,,, •
Blaterirr*.rd$8 Sugar 84 Flax
:9 9 0
9 Foe Horses, Cal the Sheep and Hogs, and 0 *
a te 4
Blatchford's 'Fill the Basket Egg Mash' 8 0
9 9
a 1 1 is NOT A STOCK. FOOD. g
td I P Pi Fraser
a leer Chiekens. Ohm it. a 1111(1 and le. con 0110131 *
e •
O ta
i rryile kiqin Ca, OPLISSOIS e
J 0
trIr e 0
, 4 * • BRUSSELS :
o o
9999990000C00000990904wwtstzts 19000090000000c)0000000000** •
r04,0 .440 404.••••••••••••04.4 0
In Tweeds, Wrweteds
aild Serges.
new stied), hest' e11011
the 1)10111, at I erfaoll-
a Id e pri (TS.
01151 (0 expenditures ou colonization
reeds and roads In Not there Ontario
some general scheme should be adopted
Was the suggestion made by 1V Proud'
foot, Centre Huron At the presen•
time the money was being spent here
and there -mainly for political purposes
Of the $450,000 spent that way fullv
one third had been wasted, and speaking
of mime, continued Mr Protiefoot.
What about Ole revision of the 003110 7.7.
"This work" 110 5515 "has been going
on For five year); It is not finished Yet,
5111 no one knows when it will be finish
ed. Already (1 1155 cosi more than twice
as much as any previous revision "
'rhe work, he edmitied, MIS in Mari%
cases being well done, but on the whole
there was little difference tem previoue
revisions. And then when the revisid
statutes were brought to the HOtise, the
Premier said that because the 1 evisioe
had heen done by judges ne changes
should be made in the House
Sir lames tartly denied making any
such statement.
"I *Meet)! the hon, gentlem m's Male- 1
ment." 51115 Mr Pri.rid root , "13(11 1 hav,-
certainlv on several occasions eauele
such a stateMent from that side of
House "
"Oh retorted the Prenlier, "we alt'
not respensible for your beeritta "
"My beating is perfect," declared Mi
Pniud foot
"Nebo& but a (1(1(11,110 would mele
such a rem.' k." insime the Premier
"I submit. Mr. sueeker," emit M'
(31 111151,1111, limning to the p eerd o-
r fficer, "Met the hen gentlemae's •
1 el 1 emitter; ere 111 violation ol 11,0 to •
of thrs Reuse "
Sir James hastened to explain Mai
referred to hi resell as the nobody f
Mr. Protulfoot Then the hotels 30
the other way,
In discuesing inunktration, Mr Plow'
foot again seemed the Pi eerier 011,1
again the Premier interrupted in hi
usual manner
"Mr Speaker." said Mr Pleurae.).
suhrnit that the Premiei's ietetrup
11)105 are 1101 111 accordence with the 1(11,'
of the House He has no more right 1,
break the rules of the House 111911 LIM
body else in it. You infer mrd t
House Met you intendel to see I lInt ((1
rules of the House were enforced and 1
ask sem 10 h -gin that melee he (lento t.
with the leader of the
Mr Proudfoot W RS atee to comber,
for some time without 111100113 p1113117.
but when he Mae 10 cririeize tile bone
dery settlement, on the groan(' '11e- the
0. and N 0 would come wirier the
control of the DOIllinfon Parliament and
the building of it wonel enrich Mantic-.
ba, the 'Premier becone itnpailent
"The land Will be ours and oure
alone." declared the Prime *Minis] or
"Under whose jurisdiction will the
people living in that land he ?"
"Oh 1" stud the Prone Minister
"that is for the hon. gentleman to
"It looks as if the members of tbe
Governtnent here did not want to en)
barras their friends at Ottewa," said Mr
Proodfnot summarizine the boundary
When you have rhemnal lellt 11! your
font or inatop Apply Chamberlain's
Liniment and you will get quirk re-
lief, It Posts but 0 gum ter. Why
suffer 3 For sale by all dealers,
Tailor •
Maitland Presbytery
Presbo err 01 111111 Lintl, met in \V ing,-
inun ruesday Maro; 1315, (313 (3 11good
R -v. 113'.
.ittendauce of menthe' s
Bremner repelled that 11)1,3 ,o5
the hound:ate 1111 sn,t,untng and
lott. donS. grieme ne appdication
would be In:ale for aid from the Aug-
mentation 1.',,11101311330
Statistrcal P.eport 11115 p0435e11ted
try th • Clerk wham Shows smile deereas.
05 (111(1 some 1 neteitites 1 01 Rev.
Ili' Fere nano told J. 0 3101,1• ok were
top ,told to the SN firers 111111(103(1C(Ill
111)105135 0:eri Ives key. (3. A Mc-
Lennan 1) Perrte, W McIntosh and .1.
C li-anbe. with 0 dere limn Wal -on,
and Bel one ei and Knox church,
Ittipleie, were rletityd 15511111ms to
to General Assembly's • cow vont ee 11(1
Ihlis and 013113 11 05 Mr. Hardie re.
ported for Coninru,•e on Systematic
Genefieence show ine that he Pi esby
ery's undertaking to ram, ei(eeou ter
missions would like)) he 1014(0-1 Rev.
D A 11c1.,an, of R., pley. Was apD0111
'ed elocieralor of ere ,by ter y tor the next
-•:c months.
Dr Wilkie, of janei, Diehl, being
',resent was asked to sit as
ng n151111101* and eave El stirring address
oh work townie the I lintions
Mr. Bremner reported lot the com-
mittee on Fmpoly of si inlet.ta for
ministry. The relent sho117.1 that by
Oe Assem 's rt.,port of lett the nfiriolv
"as, far tem) bone mit o.i.4, e That in
he last eve years se oliol..teis tor In 31(1 -
vial reasons 0(01l' veropelled to leave
the ministry and 26 ettplents for the
Sallie reason gave up the sc., k of prep.
oration for the Ministry 'Oa loss of 65
men 5 years. It we add It these 111e
men 313.110 liaVe fallen by 1110 ((1(3, it will
be seen that our eoliegeS are not gratin.
ati 1g esioogh inert to keep the rooks 15 )1
30 say me Mug of telegrevely supplying
the mcrensing demand for men 10 00133
py Olir new fields. 1101lee the ch Urell is
net lee:ovine a fair return for the
:mimeo et money thus expended. TIOS
is appdren 1 when We note that last Celts !
Montreal graduated 8 wen ; Qnoen's 3.
us 37, It was recoin el , 1
ton! tile 1 cliresetilatIVeS 01 the ()rest,.
((133 al nelel Aso, robe. supine! Die noire,
of lite 111,11)33 et sewn Committee in the
1111111er ot 131)111 entering the Saintl0:4 of
all 111(11)5 mjscnoil (ries ; 21111, 311(11 Ibis
Pivslm 1131'',' continue 111 advocate 311
every wise and easmiable way, titti pm -
lug 111 14(1 rolr glide salary to evert
11111)17.' 01' and inieeienere 11) the eeryme
of the 0110001 ; 3.11, that an 11011001 , 1-
1e1 1 be mede by every minister in
this 1111,1(13 (3301 to reach the heart of the
511 011111111 iti his OWO cengregation.
Mr Me& when) report ed on Secret
Service and levangelism. urging owe
interest in this most imoortant we. is
Mr, Wishart remelted fie' 1110 le S
Conlmittee showing. that the Riders do
not take the p.trt in 111e ti, that th,
should It wets 5(1 17.011 that more a'
113111 1301 he given to Teacher "Isi aining (11
Sabbath Schools ; that ministe s d
teeter.. take 101 1110,411 Interest as (3(133)1 1,1
;And IlulIlo Class Nem k ; end that
Sabi) 11 Sclands be ur ged to ObSerVe
Cliiitiven'S Day US 5 blitnulUS 10 S. S
t kon-Ap e
Many1Women To ry.
HEY were curious to see exactly what re-
sults would b produced by. flour consisting
entirely of thw high-grade portions of the
best Western hard wheat.
They were curious to know more about a flour
that contained none of the low-grade portions,
which are found in every wheat berry, but which
are separated and excluded from the high-grade
in the process of milling PURITY FLOUR.
pone MEM
rrIlEY were curious to
A know whether au
hard wheat flour
really superior to a mixed
hard and soft wheat flour.
8 They were curious to see
and taste the kind of
bread, buns, biscuits,
cakes and pies PURITY
FLOUR would make.
Curiosity, prompts you to
seek the knowledge they
, discovered. It's urging
you to try PURITY PLOUR.
REMINDER: On account of the extra strength
and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR it is
necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more
shortening than you are accustomed to use with
an ordinary flour. Add more water when mak-
ing bread.
Add- PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now
More bi'ad and better bread"
Stnlii Illtiereietlel et. by .1 1S. B.1 W, J McOltACIRAN,
J, 7, ROSS, 3) KO. TI1011 SON. ALF'. 0.1 lea lett, Dist viletteei
2012* gra215,0100a1MISE1151147461100.141110a
Mr. Bell was given permission to
moderate in a call to Wroxeter when the
cougregation is teady to do so,
Standing committees were appointed
With the following conveners .-H. NI.,
Mr. Perrie ; F M.., Mr. Bell ; Y. P. S.,
Mr. Mathison ; S. S., Mr, Lundy ;
Social Service and Evaneeliem, M
McEriehern ; Augmentatiou, :dr. Mc
Lean , Systematic 01ving, Mr. Hardie ;
REnt33illation of students, Mr, MeLen•
rum ; Statistics, Mr. West ; Remits, Mr.
Luudy ; Aged and lane Ministers.
Mr. Hardie; Widows and Orpheus, Mr
Bremner. Mr. Brediee was appointed
to convey the greetings of Presbytery to
Ole W. F. M. S. and Mr. McIntosh and
Mr. 13e11 iu 030130 111111 second the ado)).
tion of their report.
The vote 00 church nuion will soot) be
Mier. So farlwelve cougregatious have
given majorities against organic unite'
and eight in filvor of union. Not nore
than one halt uf the members and ad-
herents are voting. Next meetiog of
Piesbytery will be In Wroxeter, Tues-
day, May 2(51, at 10 o'cloek a. rn.
W. J. WEST, Clerk
Aro You Losing Looks or Strength?
Once yeti were robust., height. and
happy. Today you are dull, worvied,
failing in vitality and appeal -nixie.
Just, when yeti ehould be ILL your best
you're played (11.11 01)11 need a clettneing
bracing tonic. Your blood will soon
redden, your vivacious spirit will stem
relent, you'll be youreell again if you
regulate the system with DI. (‚1011111'
lull's Pills. ..A. truly wonderful medi-
cine. IL searches outalisease,
delves away headache, weariness,
and lack of vital fireets. Give youreelf
a chanck. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills
and watell the -result. Sold every -
whet e in 26c. boxes.
DEert See.-Iti your paper of Feb.
22.10 1. noteced (1(1 iLem 011 "Heating
and Ventilation" by a "mere femme"
51170, [MIL one would think he was
11 111(150 trader by the sluff he tries to
wake peeple believe in 1131301(1 to
liettli tig and vett MIMI tig sr:110010. Now
Air. Editor, if he is alluding to school
111 S. S. No. 7, they, he certainly does
11111 0113' thaL it co nitre) he heated, and
if he reads lie authorized "hygiene
readet s flat 7)1311)1 (3011(111'" be will tied
Lime by lowering 11114 Windows fermi
tlie (31(1 )1115 vaising the 11011110 ones
and pulling 111 a, shorting boio 0 the
width of window, that there 33111
5ii.0171. dr/WW1( Allt! 1(1333' get all the
fresh ale 1 hey need Do you sunpse
1(11810(11 pu1 ftwilitees in thee. solitude
te the MIL etiolates to ventilate their
eehools ? I suppose. Ale. Itifight
thinks the "perfonited Zee." would
51331' the ezteetaker the tee]: of swertp-
i irg 1 1111,11111. eVery Clenelli pi 1011
oilld in this box n 1111 (1 1(11' flavor
(.11)115 1101 be Si l'ofig enough it 37.111)111
be a grand place 111 erne 1111) 1)111
\ the Boma 1,1 Hi.alth
rillow 01101 n fat tie ? Again 114, Nuys
21111111' 300 d('g) ella at peer -red 212
ihigives is boiling poile. Ditl you
Ilene toty kiddies going hone- boiled
0 a 3 Suppose 1)111 a Lea -
kettle filled with hoiliug svelte. 1)11 11
red-hot stove and dealt] ont Its 11111011
hot Waley as you pin. in 00111 how long
13110111 the water be hot ? Now Mr.
lealiLor, Mr. Knight sees truetee in
said seetion foe elivee yews and
thought the cold Mr was (1111111111; 1111113
Your Monov Back for the Asking. You
Promise Nothing
We /we so COO fieleot 111111 we 0001
furnish relief 1111 indigestion and dys-
pep.da 1101.1, 511(1 promise to supply I he
modicine free of all rwst to every one
who tises it aceording to directions
Who is not perfectly eatisfied with the,
results7. We exac1 mi promises rota
put no one under any obligation
wontevee. Surely nothing could be
Grine. eVe are located, righ twee
where you live, and ont. reputation
811/111111 be suffieimit esseettoce of the
genuineness of our offer.
We want every one 313110 18 troubled
With illdigest ion or dyspepsia 111 any
hex of Rexattl Dyste,reeit Tebleta.
Tette then) home, and give them a
eenemnable trial, it enoriiitig to diree-
1101111, If they don'1 please you, tell
us and we will quiekly rebel.» your
money, They have a very mild Intl
positieo action upon I be Orgatla With
Whidl they CO 1 ne in contact, appall ot-
ly rutting as a tegolative tonie upon
the relaxed I/nutmea0 cora or the
bowel, 1111113 °vet craning weakness,
and aiding to restore the bowels
1nore vigoenits and heal 1117
net ivity. Throe sizer,, 23e,, and
51 00 11001,41111er, you can Menet)
TIPXM II TiPtiti.(lies il,1 11311'
The Rexall Stote. F, It, Smith.
the outside to feed the furnace not il
he was tnitt St the las1 annual meet.
lug that it had been closed oft for the
1091 five 711)11 5, Peet ty silo pp on
fortmove eb 3 In his estimation the
trustees were innocent to be bluffed
by quack were men, but they vim
1111111 the seheol with lea fuel 1111111
liefore, ('1111 pity for the 1)1(1111113
with the fuel 1(011. le stilled dila 1111.3e
1134 001111.0111Able tt 111111111 fOr the
childerm AS there is in (110 tosynellip.
Yentes, lite.,
Local Representative
Perinaeleitt employment, and a
splendid income twain ed right man to
aut. as our representative 111 the sale 1)1
our and ornamental Not set y
Slottlt. Er01.111e1, (15(1011)')) (11-' unnecee-
sitey. All thal. ((1101 10 is hoitesLy,
ambition and a willingness to wrielt.
A. 1111000,m10 outfit l'urnished free
Full pal tiroiars given as 10 11111111We-
fife 1 1 or hileineal. Write at Oilee rot;
roll particulars.
The Chase Brothers Co, of Ontario, Limited
Estahlishod 1857 88.4
Auction Sales
A CrJrION SALE1 00' ('11(5,11 1400015, 3,11-
" PhienesITS, 410.-0'. 6. score AlletIoliner,
nue LetterYeet urstrnetione front 111), mann •
signeu Proprietor (07.011 oy public auution at
Lobe), Om, 15, Grey tewireeip, leeway, re aireh
1,11)13. 1)1 t oteroult, the following Valuable prop.
nrcY mood inure htnivi (trait 4 years
eid in 10111 (0 mire!, rho, 3 general purpose
horse 4 yea15,1 aged inure, 10117 rising 1 year
fem. (40(on File, 8 (('00 700111) cows all with
dart. 2 netters '11130( 2, 1 uurham bull ,'1o111( 1,
vett 011104, 1 bi coo sow Ya( lc with titter. 0
000,0 pigs 1.1.1 ibe each. ahem ,011 hens, 4 dueits,
(1,, 3101' Wagon nearly u, w, 1 pale. 5ob
.leighs, 2 top buggies one 1 ubber 11,s, 2 cut-
ter s damper ono Portaindl, 1 binder toe+) -
Bar 1 1.6 tout nut, I Deering mou er, 1 airreetty-
Hut ma Inry•itader.neari) new, 1 cutting 1100
nearly new, I set diamond i1011.01Vd, 1 land
rorter, 1 gtfurrow views, 1 single plow, 1 turnip
seeder, 1 Nosou 11 111 10 heel, 1 Bissell disc
Mier ow. 1 plainer, 1 Inly fork rope pulleys iid
0.r, I Pinning mill, astir kettle new, 1 Set
double harnt.a, I es, single harness, 1 01100)
111)110 0, 2 robes, L eet Suedes 2000 lb:,
0,0111)1 0151)1 0101' Al '101 11,, 1 act blackenrit 11's
veil-. quantity ot curter posts, main tr ty or hay,
quantity of (nixed number of grate
bags, torks, and moiler our, other 11011.
moo. Sale 31111 111.13" d na proprietor has solo
1114 farm Tel 11 minis of 05.00 and urr•
der Cash; neer that allionnt 0 1110111 ha' credit
33(11 1,13 given on furnhhine approved joint
nutes 4 cent. on the 13 diceOluit on credit
amounts Grain to be Gas(1, 11,14. Scott, it as ,
Win Bray,Prop
The People's Column
FA.11.11 110)5YIALE,- &tate of late James
thennan, 1101115 (41 Lot •.2, con, ft monis
township, Containing lee aeries, 851',,',' of which
I. Muth. Good brink barn and never felling
spring Ouse to barn, Good meek tarn). blest
be 41,1,1 at once For terms apply et office of
Tug Poste, Brussels. 844
Ault FOG e,',i.-Being 113300 Let. 64 rind
5o, 0011.1, 4101119 town.lup, containing 10u
acres 011 the farm is a good name house, 12
x 81.133 ; kitchen 18 x 421 ; ned woodshed Mai
(50 ',aro is 8Us.00; '1)55313 56X40; and lo,,'
to 10x80 Steen wail with goo. mining tinder
11,r0 braver -noting well', and goon orehard.
jf; mile to school and it mile to chin oh or
p0.401I0e. Deed may beneath Terms learned
on 1133 (11115110)1 to proprietor.
8010 Jamestown (".33.
FA14.51 10011 SALE. -The undersigned 0116,1-
foe sale his tOu aerie Marin, being 1407. 47
tarn 11. Grey township. There are 111111111. 08
sores ander eult i waren and 6 mire, or lint cl•
wood liooh ; good ladidilinc, bank born, Well,
0(11100)111,eke ; 234 ((11100 froin ohm eh ;
0,0,14135(1001 1 a 1111 2311 miles 110111 puclolthe.
PosseSclun U11 51/11 ist. Fel fel (Sur purtim,
lairs apply on the prenticsa Or Oi m11)1001, P 0
10 1 1E4 S. (AN)5 P, op Phone 2012 25'c
Walt 11 FOLD 0A1410 011 1 0 RIM 11 -1 nie
dersigoed offer s Ins line 200 acre Mr bo.
ing 1,01, 1(1Hun 18 11,111. 8,13)60 1011 115111), Gar-
en CO , for ea lo or 30 001 dome -eft or w,arla r,nt
to g.rod. tenant There are 150 acres clear ed,
tadance lima end prison* laud Good build.
logs cement silo,. Leone, orehurd 111 111114 well,
010. on the 31 to school
and 43310 fhtliel village Pos.ension vould be
given at 1111011 1050111 011 111120 81.11115in 1135.tile.
Por farther portion tars na to privy., terms and
conditions imply 10 .1.1, WI80SH, (irup
19ttf . Finale 4118 Ilthel P. 0.
1 00 14(315(05 OF LAND for sale, 1(3(01(05
North 01 10801051(1 1100(1 01)3) leant,
an v., tirrst and whim cut Iva tam. Bank bare,
twiner( floor., rarer fr erne hutute, newly paint-
ed; gene at 1101 11 and 11001,e : beatings
atm feneee in examen' t 11111/11111 11 ideal
cheap Appl., tAilS 1 508110 GOVEGNI.00K,
Senior Lb, Ont
31101 5011 oet.16.-Being Lou 10, Gun. 14,
O .401{1110p tunindilp, 0010013ni115 about Sk
nen ee, 1111 011'10 ed 01) the pi el11105. 1cil brink
119119,,, btu 1141,1111 hug pen aominned, 1.11(1
w power 111111 101 p11lnp105, grinding, ttel .1
0190 gU011 0011111,1154 01101111V ,0111141,, 0t./3 00113
is 111 t.X.1.1.11 good state of oultivallun. htiving
been cropped light aria 133150 stook or both
hog. anu UM Lie Ittl 112.11.for years kitrin
situttlett .111105 (301)1 ,altaid and 2 Innen Pilau
W sit on v. P. G. station Perurther_par dna,
Owe Writ e J. 11,18e Sill ,T01,1, Walton 1". 0.
epee.; 1111 the premises 4s!tr
FA KAI 01.5 81 1.being but IL Con. 10
5,) Pemionitingelli0 acres; 154
e.ury trione 11011,0 eictlie ft ; kitchen 105124,
gouo trione barn, 45x50, on 010110 stabling; 8
goon 1,01,01 al1 atieueti to grass exeept. 20 111'1 es •
10 acres to bush; or cheat ; miles 1, 0111 U. P.
14. 3( 0(11)11 .AII 111 .tate et • ,,1(1415 11,,)), For
further nut tam tar a apply to A 1,103tA NUMB.
08 11.11.01.T, 1..11 iitireek, 10.0. 15.4.
l'elephene 2818
FFLi..110 1(015 SALAD -Being but 4, Gott 11,
and 14010. Gun 18, Urei l'us.11,41i tin tun
(Jo on these 18E1110 nra peed enilding., N(' 011
remelt and Omitted., also gond Oreliartis ; (11ee-
t) of Welter ; nes r13 01) creded to gresS end in
0 good .3 01,' of 411110Va1ion. Both e elect, 10
seined 7.3.0 1., 1110 Vulege 1(e0e1, They
511) 11,' geld Mena 01111 011 01183 terms or pay •
merit Apply on 1 he p 1.1.111,400
811 Jas, 110113 Brtneele P 0,
CA1131 a01.5 141,1,13 -Elia undersigned offal%
Yet 01110 los 11)1 sore terni, being Ltit,
al Oen. a ,110, r10 ton liship, Huron Um 66
neves waved. lhere 100 uneirin Mille hon._ 0
nee Wink burn, metier 0, (1811 110t1 Wk111, &11
1111111. 50,1), Of Brine r10., 1"0,13111,m1011 111.14 o5
0i1i0111, 1912 1e* iut 1)03 (7.0(0)7., es 00
Pf ler, 1,10 10', &e., apply oll the premises or
Brussels P 0 10 14. BHA M, Pr op. . 8-4
A 1, A BABGAIN,-Win dispose of cottage,
Enselattli street, liriuselc, tit $060, if rent
bargain, in order'11.1 1•0011 1.1-1 Ottani, Milo. Key
May 110 11,14 from 510..1. Leckie Ifor ?wither
partieulars sue all Leckie or write the under.
Ahmed. J. H. 0411141(011,
10 At. George fit London.
FA 104 1.0011 100 mire farm, be.
(1)13 1110' property a the inte Pelee Mellen,
Lot SS. tion 14, Grey, hi offered for sale by 1(15
Undersigned. Then) are 85 neves cloned, bal.
ante WWI timbered. 011 the farm there 10*,
good balk barn, litre driving idled and a eerie
fordable (metre. 111)0,0 111 good eondition and
welt fenced. For further partuntleri apply to
JAS. A. 9109181 Wor TAS. D. Stoll.A1 9, Rxec•
liters, Oranbreok P.O.; or 8'. It 81100T, 131.8p.
eel» 7.1,1
11`011 'SALE, being South half hot 25,
41- (ion. 4, Morris township, throe (le.„ owe
tattling 100 naves more na less. On the prism
how 10 11 frame henna, bank been, (110d 01101ft rd,
well windmill, the All cleared except about
en 11Cre Scheel IN' taloa distant. Only 214
miles Nem 131'ussels., (((01','o of Nail 3011051 hi
ond 11e1.04 8140 eel (111W1) 101,,. 1111111•
litiste. and Other 1,l 00,41101Jan 11 1111133
nreaasns 1(0 10 welting 3rustela 1' 0 'Phone
122, Or e, Scott, Binger's,
11•11 A. uRanit, Proprietor,
The keep _
whole systenk,
in the pink of
Their singular curative pro-
perties discovered by an Indian
nearly a century ago—com-
pounded since 1 657 in the
Comstock Laboratories at
Brockville, Ontario.
Dr, Morse's
oot Pills
have a remarkable record for
consistently curing constipa-
purifying the blood, banishing
headaches and clearing the
skin. 25c. a box everywhere.
Stock for Sale
Nine choicely bred short florn Bulls, 8 to 10
month. old, reds ond l'011110, including the ist
and geld prize W1111111113 14 111111.1 Buren Pall
Shaw, Al1P large and fell of quality from good
milking dams: got by imported 51,0 and some
n1 them frenn illiported Mona. (Jews and heir.
0111 prize winners 51 Mind to seteet from. I
have al.,, for sale 5 7 III 011)1(9' 0111 Ally by 13,1,'.
.111 Black, imported 1 e good 1101.11 horse; It few
mitre or grade heleest rir ; nod 5 pnir of
canna Yorkshire sews 10 (11(00 In They
nee out of 015 litter 33f 14 and their dirm had 68
good living pies 01 4 litters. As feed is likely
'01(1' scarce I will Sell env of the above stock
'it 10W1,114 priess and 1111 ,'nM' 11111111.
11.AVID 341131,1111, &hell, 0111,
Stock for Service
te0 (4(115 I015 891941.119,- Tho
11111101,11V11 1111 will 1114111 servfoe on 1134
isor 20. Oo,l.7, 111 write. a 1 linrougb.hred Taint
1.0,•111 ling, Terms, (3 1(0, to be paid at time of
service privilege of returning 11 necere
-tory. Is. WA LKElt,
19-tt Proprietor.
Highest prier. peed for any
quantity of logs (Eliza and
13asewood peeferred) 10 be de-
livered at \Vire Cole's mill,
211d Con. 0 eey, of at D. W.
Dunbeles, 8111 Con.
S. S. Cole, Ethel
are looking foe an invest-
ment that will In ing you
lat.go returns write for
particulars about Ottigevy
and A t hattaelca Landing.
A11101.1 it r1111119 (11)141 101' sale.
it el'
Rene Estate Molter
1174 Boulevard N. W.
Calgary, Alta.
;teepee seeeeretweeeeet „ewe meerileec10 Mee Seete.
Or' for
Gritriuntes readily obtain good nnsi-
70 Gene told the tlerannd is fully throe e;
te times our supply. This 0011ege is 1„1,
open 011 year. 8000111H /MO 110 11117
.4 taken poritiona nt 310,880,315 5115 13128 11
Miter now. Catalogue 0
.§..0 Om. Young and /. W. J. ELLIOTT,
Almatitdor Hts Principal.
gt-tt'?4c.WVATIVAEN;g2.,‘YACVSN ;WM.-ANY':
Hire Fairs
Ilognitte Monthly Fails will be
held this season as follows ee-
Leadieg Local and Outside Buyers'
will be present.