The Brussels Post, 1912-3-7, Page 7$ Fashion Hints fts�.W�ol1.��wrY✓�� PARTS NOTES. The distinctive feature of the new lingerie gowns is the prodigal use of filet lace. Hat crowns are smaller than 'they wore; but aufficdently large to slip over the ears. Checked vets are seen in tan col- ored suits and fold back at the top in small revers, French lace veils are seen tied in a large bow of two loops and held by a barpin in the centro. Most of the luncheon or "bridge" gowns aro collarless, and the ma- jority of the skirts are short. Khaki colored silks, voiles, rating, pau de chamois, etc., have a vest of white taffeta embroidered in metal. Strands of beads made of colored wood are used to - fashion buckles, cabochons, and cords to adorn the spring hats. Long 'sashes of brocades forming a soft girdle -round rosette with a high button of the same in the ecu- tre-have two long ends at the back, with ends fringed five inches deep. Turquoise and imitation rubies are used on dull bullion bands for the coiffure, which is a fashion taken direst from harem beauties. Soft belte ending at the back are fininhed with a rosette of aide plait- ed ribbon, held by an immenee cov- ered button in the centre. Blouses will be of -thin, transpar- ent fabrics, •aalcl are introducing high girdles and bretelle effects if the fichu is not worn. Yellow aigrettes ornament band- eaux of black tulle or velvet rib- bon; others in these black material's are clasped by buckles or clasps of rhinestones. LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS Left weak, Miserable and Prey Disease in Many Forms One of the most treacherous dis- eases afflicting the people of Can- ada during the winter months is la grippe, or influenza. It almost in- variably ends with a complication of troubles. It tortures its vic- tims with alternate fevers and chills, headaches and baekaehes, It leaves him an easy prey to pneu- monia, bronchitis, and even con- sumption. Indeed the deadly af- ter-effects of la grippe may leave the victim a chronic invalid. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occasional use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. If you have not done this and the disease attacks you, you can banish its deadly after-ef- fects through the use of this same great blood -building, nerve -restor- ing medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over this trouble. Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St. Je- rome, Que., says: "I was • seized with a severe attack of la grippe. I was obliged to stop work and re- main in my bed for several weeks, and while I appeared to get over the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health. I suf- fered from headaches, loss of ap- petite and extreme weakness. I did not sleep well at nights, and would arise in the morning feeling tired and worn out. This continu- ed for about two months during which time I was taking treatment, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes. By the time I had taken three boxes there was a decided improvement, and actually before I had completed the sixth box I was enjoying my old-time health. I was strong as ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude and headaches. I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams'/ Pink Pills for the pernici- ous after-effects of la grippe, and can therefore recommend them to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in the blood, which they enrich, and make red and pure. These pills cure all troubles due to bad blood, and if you are ailing you. should start to cure yourself to-dayby taking this great medicine. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. An old bachelor says it is time for a man to think of marrying when he hasn't anything else to worry him. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, sad the mat effective application for them id Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. �^ Successful men have wills; those who fail have wishes. Minard's Liniment Cures Dcndruf. GRAFTS CORNEA ON EYE. French Surgeon Saye Grafting of Limbs Will Soon be Common. Blindness caused by the frequent and hitherto incurable disease of cornea, which renders than, part of the eye, opaque, can now be cured. The announcement of the firet cure performed on a tuman being by grafting on the diseased part of the eye _part of a healthy cornea, be- longing to another man's eye, has just bean made by Dr. Magitot at the Academy of Science, P•aria, France, where it aroused the, great- est interest. For a long time Dr. Magitot has been experimenting 061 animal's, but he never achieved a complete success. About seven months ago the doctor tried an experiment with a human cornea, taken from an eye, which ,though diseased, preserved enough surface intact to enable him to make use of ib. He was able to preserve the cornea without'ita los- ing vitality, and then transferred part of it to the eye of a young man, who had lost his sight through his eye having been scorched with quicklime. The grafted part adhered and af- ter a few days Dr. Magitot was able to state the new part el the cornea was quite clear and had, as it were, opened a little window in the dark- ness of the patient's eye. The young man, who was formerly completely blind, was able to walk alone and generally find his way about with- out aid alter four weeks. Experiments in human grafting are at present being carried out in. Paris most earnestly with a view to ascertaining the progress made in this direction. The New York Times correspondent saw one of the foremost surgeons of Paris, who gave some interesting details con- cerning the advance made in the last twelve months. "1 heydays: doubt," lie said, "that the time is not far off when we shall be able to graft a finger, an arm, or any other dluma,n limb sueces£ul- ly and without danger, That such operations are possible has already been proved in America by,the ex- periments carried out on animals by Dr, Carrel of the Rockefeller Inssti- aute, and here by those of several of my colleagues and myself, but as far es experiments on a human be- ing are concerned, we have nob yet achieved what I call success." ,p- 9"1 -U1 MATCHLESS MATCH. "May I trouble you for a match'" The familiar 'avast is addressed to aou, and you obligingly feel inByCuticura$oapandCuticuraOinunent to Miss Thyn (waiting at the station) -I suppose the fast mail will not stop here in Sayville unless it is flagged? Native Son -Flagged 1 She won't stop here unless she is wrecked, mum. Miss Watson --Did Mr. Sark say to you as ho entered the drawing - room last night, Clara, "Is that the beautiful Miss Watson?" Yes, clear, clear, with the emphasis on the "that." . Toronto Man Cured of into r lie itch your pocket for 'Ono and hand it '.1 just want to say a good word for Outl- ol)t• It never occurs to you that cure Soap andOintment. .Four or ave years anything of. appreciable value has ago I tuns in Port Arthur, and I had nn nttaak been asked for ex ,given. But keen nof the itch. It certainly was an intolerable readily be shown that the energy of nightuisas bnce, The itching was Principally at efore I went to bed. The thigins ombustion releasccl by a single Wer especially aaee d c I went to ttvo` doctors about it, and trled match in burning could Moat Sev- more tsar, ono remedy. I was besinsinto enty-five hundred times its weight cane othe ciny b otiblets neba bee, and ho of water through one degree Fah- sold thatllo would guarantee 10 0550 me. Ho told No to take a het bath, use Outicura, renheit. Fktrthe more, if we eon- @ooh end then apply Oakum Ointment, aider this heat -energy es 'trans-. yogi, Ills advice,and, euro enough tbo itch vanish d it pints been troubled wit formed foto entehanical work, WO the itel, for twoor. three months before I 01 ma tried Out.Ioura Soap and Oiutmelrt and they find that it would suffice to lift the cmnpiotoly cured mo of that ineolornbte hatch ,some eleven hundred miles nillsanee. Atter OnE! warm b�tli with CUti- curaSoap and use of the Outfcura Ointment Mel agch to gravity, If t take lwasnever the mitts weigh eig 1, as � $, r. xooper las Perlia h n noratlbn tliticurn Son / t our ren t enc er troubled with the ltchlilq again. h 1 It loco Anything in thio loatlmonial I would bo pm- ored to swear 6 11 a lett otlaw" ((Signed) about Ilio hundredth part of en mentstrest,Teanto. ounce, this energy wottld suffice to inn. 10. 1011. lift a pound some 3,8..30ft. high. In uneTor Ointmentrhavoeaitorded the soedlles:, other words, the burning of a single Minn est a iii" Gumiat,""eoi�t4hy a thug iris u lies suer slififoicnt 10 an iidealers evora\Vhana+ .0.liticrnl ISICSIO al hatch s pp gY each, with 2 /3. h k so. t rtes x 11{ s tye>lghmg ono toll nearly Mt a mr, S no a to uu nddreit by. . o4' 11 Druf, dr. (+lmnl f of p.. two Iecl gloiind• . no. gattuhbae Ala, l3ustpllt U, 3 A GAMBLING IN FRENCH CLUBS The Chamber of Deputies Has De- oidetl to Interfere. To sueh an extent has gambling spread in Paris and the French pro- vincial resorts frequented by Eng- glishmen that the Chamber of. De- puties has decided to take up the matter and divert some of the mil - Hone thus squandered into the na- tional treasury, says a Paris oor- respondent of the Chicago Tribune, At a single 'club, scarcely a step from the Place de ]'Opera, it is stated,, during the year just ended 100 million dollars was risked at the turn of the cards, at baccarat, and there are nearly a dozen places in the city where nearly, as much is staked annually. Baccarat is responsible for the divorce now pending between Ba- roness Vaughan, the morganatic wofe of the late King of Belgians, and her second husband, It is said that when her friends told the Ba- roness that the latter was fond of baccarat she replied: "Let him play a million; it won't matter." At the end of a brief period, however, she was forced to put a atop to it, as her hdsband's losses at the card table "are said to have reached $400,000 in a single day and have threatened to swallow up the fortune left her by King Leo- pold, the actual amount of which has never been revealed. At the club favored by several American financiers the play was so high and continuous last sum- mer that the staff of croupiers, cashiers and inspectors of tables could not take their annual vaca- tions. At Enghien, near Paris, the Cas- ino's reported receipts from the cagnotte during 1911, $894,200, do not represent the total receipts. Members of the club are served with a dinner on which no expense waisted girls are short-tempered, is .spaaeed to provide the most ex- and the longer the waist the greater quisite food prepared by one of the the. forbearance? Why this is so has finest chefs in the world. The not been satisfactorily explained; charge for this is $1, a fraction of but, if you cera to make observe, - the actual cost, and $200,000 has tions, you will find that this is most been written off the figures of the often the ease. cagnotte receipts to pay for the Possibly the fact that the short - cost of dinners., practically given waisted girl often brings art to her away. More money now changes aid to give her the appearance', of a annually at Enghein than at Monts slim waist may have something to do Carlo. A SAFE .1EDIOINE FOR LITTLE ONES QUEBEC FARMER, TELLS GOUD SEWS FOUND COMPLETE CURE FOR CRAMPS ANA KIDNEY DISI3,A.SE. Suffered for Six Years, but Found Health and New Life In Dodd's Kidney Pins -Warm fraise for Old Reliable Remedy. • Mario East, Bonavonture Co., Quoboo, February 20 (Speoial),- Mr, Peter Bernard, a pr,isperoun. young farmer living near herd, is spreading the geed news that he has found a complete cure for his kid- ney troubles, ` 1 suffered for six years from cramps in the musolos and kidney disease," Mr, Bernard says, "but D-odd's Kidney Pills cured mo com- pletely., Yes, I am feeling so well that I want other sufferers to know just how easy it is to bo cured." It is a good old saying that it ie easy to do anything if you just know how. And Mr, Bernard and hundreds of others are telling you just how to euro kidney disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure it. And as kidney disease is the direct cause -of rheumatism, lumba- go, Bright's disease, heart disease, pain in the back anal urinary trou- bles Dodd's Kidney Pills cure them by removing the cause. If you haven't used. Dodd's Kidney Pills yourself ask your neighbors about them. CHARACTER BY THE WAIST. The Kind of a Girl a Man Should Choose for a Wife. Have you ever noticed that short - with it. Of course, it will be easily seen how tight -lacing could affect the temper, for if a girl is in discom- fort one would hardly expect her to be, as calm as she would be other- wise. The short -waisted girl is, as Baby's Own Tablets are a safe a rule, -more straightforward more medicine for little ones the mo- impulsive and daring, and less ther may feel sure of that. They are sold under an absolute guar- antee of a government analyst not to contain narcotics or other harmful drugs -they cannot pos- sibly do harm -always good. Thou- sands of mothers who have used them can vouch for this, and once a mother has used them for her thoughtless of the feelings of others than the long -waisted girl. She is usually lively, frank, and of a viva- cious disposition. While the long- waisted girl is more thoughtful for others -as well as forherself-she is more clinging, more dependent, and inclined to meet trouble half- way. She is mostly more dreamy, little: ones she always keeps them impractical, and less forgiving than in the house. The Tablets quickly the ehort-waisted girl, and inclined relieve and cure all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood. They sweeten' the stomach, regulate the bowels, expel worms, break up colds and make baby healthy, hap- La rule, makes the better wife, even py and fat. They are sold by medi- though she may be, rather quick - cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents tempered. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Oo., Brockville, Ont. r.. Said the teacher to Johnny - "What is half of one-third?" And John, unaccustomed to such vague things and obscure, said -"I don't know for sure, but it can't be so awfully much." to be rather sulky at tines. A man who wants an economical wife should choose one with a long waist; but the short-waieted'girl, as Many patent medicines have come and gone, but Biekle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup continues to oc- cupy a foremost place among reme- dies for coughs and colds, and as a preventive of decay of the lungs. It is a standard medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need of something to rid yourself of a cough or cold, you cannot do bet- ter than try Bickle's Syrup. Fire insurance owes its origin to the Great Fire of London in 1060, Mtnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. It's easier to know what to do than it is to do what you know. Corns aro caused by the pressure of tight boots, bub no one need be troubled with them long when so simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. The Rabbit -"I had a narrow eseapo from being killed by a green sportsman to -day," The Grouse -"Was he such a good shot?" The Itabbit-"No, but the gun kicked, it lcnooked him over, and he nearly sat on see." Charlie's Aunt -So you have a position in a bookseller's. I hope you will succeed in making your sell indispensable to your employ- er. Charlie -I think r have aun- tie. We are to be married next month. The Optimist -After all, Marri- age is the thing. If you marry the right woman thele is nothing like it, The Pessimist -,And if you Marl', the wrong woman, there is nothi)ig like it! '._ r„t �14,'ts Lfnlgient Corse .titlrOs, Rte; '• .5. Lady (to new servant) -I do not tolerate gossip, but -if you know any interesting news you may tell mo] k STOPS COUGHS PIUCET 5ECENTS ONE SENTENCE FOR SIX. School teachers declare that chil- dren have no intelligent compre- hension of grammatical rules. till they are at least twelve years old, The conversation of,Hotty., who is eight, tends to confirm the state- ment. Retty's uncle, who is a school- teacher, met her on the street ono beautiful May -day, and asked her if she was going out with the May- ing party. "No, I aip't oing.” "0 my dear," said her uncle, "you must not say '2 ain't going.' You must say, 'I em not going, " and he proceeded to give her a lit- tle lesson in grammar: "Yoti aro QiJAINT HOMES OF ROYALTY, The,eraze for peouliar home's has never been apparent in the charas- ter of a King or Queen of England, but in other countries reigning mon- arobs have fallen to the fancy. For instance anative prince of Java has cooled Ilis palace by making a stream fall in a caseade over the gateway, The Tear Paul oonfJtruct- ed a room formed entirely of enor- mous mirrors, where he spent hours walking to and fro in full uniform- a peculiar taste, seeing that he was one of the ugliest of rulers. One Russian Empress built a palace of ice, and when a courier offended her he was condemned to spend a night in the chilly silenee of the chamber of State, where he was al - roost frozen to death. An Oil of Merit. -Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil is not a jumble of me- dicinal substanees thrown together and pushed by advertising. but the result of the careful investigation of the curative qualities of certain oils as applied to the human body. It is a rare combination and it won and kept public favor from the first, A trial of it will carry con- viction to any who doubt its power to repair and heal. GETTING ANXIOUS. Old Jones -"Can you give my daughter the luxuries to which she has been accustomed'" Molly (engaged) -"Not much longer, That's why I want,to get married." FREE TO BOYS Splendid magic lantern (with 12 slides); steam engine (nearly one foot high) with whistle, ay wheel and everything complete for running; solid gold signet ring, or guaranteed watch free to any boy. Send your name and we will send you 30 sets of beautiful Easter and other post -cards, to sell at ten cents a sot (six cards in each sot). When Bold, send us the money and we will send you whichever prize you choose. For selling 40 sets we will give you a "Simplex" Typewriter. We prepay all charges. Address HOMER - WARREN CO., Dopt, 122, Toronto. Old Gentleman -"Well, my little lad, are you goingfishing, or are you going to school 1" Little Lad -"I dunno yet. I'm just a -wrest- ling with my conscience." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to aura. E. W. GROVE'S signature 1s on each box, Iso. Counsel -Tell me, was not the defendant in the habit of talking to himself when alone? Witness -I'm sure 1 don't know. Counsel -You don't know? And yet yon were in- timate friends. Why don't you know? Witness -Because I was never with him when he was alone 1 The Bowels Mast Act Healthily. - In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels aro open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aro so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bowels. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. - A little chap was dining, along with his parents, at a friend's house, and looked very important. The soup, which was very thin, was passed round, but Joshua was ob- served trifling with . his spoon, and hardly tasting it. The hostess said: "Are you not hungry, Joshua?" "Yes," replied Joshua; "but I'm not thirsty." CURED BY OIN PILLS. Bridgeville, N. S. "For twenty years, I have been troubled with Kidney and Bladder trouble, and have been treated by many doctors, but found little relief, I had given up all hope of getting cured when I tried Gin Pills. Now I can say with a happy heart that i am cured." DANIEL F, FRASER. Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then got tho regular size boxes at your dealer's, or direct from us, 500. a box, 6 for 52,50. Aioney refunded of Gin Pias fail to cure, National Drug & Ohomieal Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L., Toronto. HELPMATE OR HINDRANCE? Quite a lot of woolen fail to realize, the meaning of the word helpmate. not going. He 'is not going, Wo They do not understand that they are not going, You are not going. have any power or authority in the They are not going, Now can you saw all that, Hetty 1" "0f course I can," she replied, making a courtesy. "There ain't. nobody going," - Eine shaping of the life of the masa they , marry. Perhaps, speaking from a strictly logical point, it is not a wo- man's fault if her husband fails to make a good thing of his work. Logic, like. law, is not always quite fair. A woman who uses her power properly eta) do much to helping her husband to suceess--er other things -in his work, A man wants'some- thiag more from his wifee than the mere satisfaction of his ereaturc comforts. Any good housekceped• can give that. A wife must give sympathy as wall. How many young wives shrug their shoulders petu- lantly when. their husbands broach some little business matter to them, and beg not to be worried with smell things? Yet afterwards, if work or bnsinesy goes wrong, the same wo- men declare reproachfully that,, if they had only bean consulted, they su;'oly.eould habvealtercd th]ngS.'.44 txilr,wifr. resist be a lrolpma,'be to the 'ISSUE J.• --t2 man ohs marries. LB WORTH Ten Cents a Pound More GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY. A NEW ONE. Householder -"You are a burg- lar." Burglar -"Oh, no, sir, I aan a member of the Society for Reduc- ing People's Fortunes, An Easy Pill to Take, -Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. ONE BEST MAN. Plaintiff (in lawsuit) -"So you think I will get the money, do you 1" His Counsel -"I think we will get it." Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Gentlemen, -My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yonre J truly, L1VBSQUE. St. Joseph, P. 0., 16th Aug., 1900, THE SWEET THING. Clara -"He says he thinks I am the nicest girl town. Shall I ask him to call?" Sarah -"No, dear; let him .keep on thinking so." When Your Eyes Peed Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting -Feels Flue -Acts Qulakly. Try it for Red, Wealt, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book in each Package. Murine 1s compounded by our Oenllsts-not 0."Patent Med- icine"- but used In successful Phyelalana' Pam - Coo for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- llo and sold byT Druggists ut 760 and Esc DDerllattle• Morias go 501 -Se In Aaoptl0 Tubes, 210 and 600. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Fortune favors the brave who hustle. Mlnard'S Llnlmont for sale everywhere. Detective -"How do you like me for a travelling companion?" Pri- soner (handcuffed) -"Oh, I am very much attached to you." A cold on the chest weakens your lungs. Tubercular Germs attack the weak spots. Keep your lungs strong by curing colds quickly with Hamlins Wizard Oil and you will not get Consumption: Don't try to "get rich quick." Smarter men than you have tried it and lost all they had. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Your druggist will refund menet' if PAZO OINT- Bleoding or Protruding P1105 Is 1011 dyye- 600 A •REAL CRUISER. Teacher -"What is a man -o'- war 1" Boy -"A. cruise -r." Teacher -"What makes it go?" Boy -"It's screw, ''sir." Teacher -"Who are on board her?" Boy -"Ila crew, s11'." Teacher -"You're a very smart boy. Where were you born?" Boy -"Crowe, sir." hrkNT fits to cure any eaa Of Itauiu4, mind, dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods P . - with the SAME Dye,. . used Oi,LeAltd and SiiVIPt.E to tae, NO chencOolusing the +VRONGBye fort floods 11,,1n 00501 e0105- Alleolet•, irvb,\'OOT ril,aal,t nr Tamer,' r'nnm fcntad6ntd end Sl OltV ono 10110, The dbhhnan•lllehntdenn ea, Limkd,l, Monism, FARMS FOR SALE 0R RENT. H. W. DAWSON,Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. jai UNDRED ACRES - COUNTY Op 1 S Salton, that is a enap. Aek for Particulars. �1I.VERAL GOOD FARMS IN PRINQE 1...7 Edward County, cheap. �S-{HUNDRED ACRES NEAR SWAM. 11 t A N IDEAL TWO HTINDRED ACRE t]. Farm, with fine house; good out buildings; near Burlington. AG001) FARM, WITS THIRTY -ACRE Apple Orehard. near Port Perry. A N EXCELLENT EUNDRED•ACR3 Farm, near Teeewater, at a bar' gain. UoD ACRES NEAR gTbuildings Wrthooid good and price very low. T HAVE A GOOD LIST OF IMPROVED S. Farms in Manitoba. Saskatchewan,, Alberta. If you want to. buy Western Property yon should consult mo- N. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. HELP WANTED. -dill" OMB WORK.—WE WANT RELIABLE II families to operate our high-speed automatic Beating Machines at home; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages. For all particulars address, The Canadian Wholesale Distri- buting Co., Dept. W., Millie,. Ontario. MALE HELP WANTED. MWENTY TO FIFTY BARBERS AD. vertised for in Toronto papers alone almost every day. Let us teach you barber trade. Expert instructions, con. stant practice, tools free, Write for nate. Logue. Molar Barber College, 221 Queen Bast, Toronto. PICTURE POSTCARDS. YIOTURE OF MOST WONDERFUL Postoaice in world with 24 assorted colored Post Cards, only 25o. Also 100 Cards free. All postpaid. Wilson Em. corium, Beebe, QUO. MISCELLANEOUS. HAT and FARM SCALES. Wilson's SLI. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. CANGER, TUMORS, LUSi1S, eta lo. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. 1l01lman. Co1'LnID .rend. Ont is, TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's V Soule Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. CHENILLE CURTAINS and all hinds of house hangings, also ,LICE CURTAINS DYEDANCI N L ANED Write to usabout yours. ,BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING (10., 800158, Montreal PUR9F10WRITE PROOF CURES DANCER AND TUMOR Canadian aranoh: Purifle5 Co., Erldgoburg, Ont. Send for our cafaiogule of SFEDS High -Grade With over a5o lllnstrotlocs and Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS gree for the Asking DUPUY'8t FERGUSON MI Jacques Cartier Squire, MONTREAL 16 in. Ostrich Plume Just the kind o Ostrich Plume von novo to pay 3 00 ffor at AOW,I ttatt n Filly 16in0imn l 50 extra nide, wi aowy ii��"" -o' Oars drooping latae bony i 51,16 dna yi 11 So tunny50 5 1115,1 omt., fora allured time only. Also ol,rg0 annii•'C. sono 57.60 Phin. t 6 -•o. ra ti 1116 00 0101 if unto til CO., ly 11, rased. NEW YORK b5.511 0005 and1.1, Itre. r D pt. H 51100 Avenue and 21d Street, Nre' York 4 D DOW'S irk'ariSIV`a sea „, V .^r.r - •a• STURGEON ' I L LINIMENT External application for man or beast, Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON. for sprains, lameness, etc.. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Rllelnnatisbn, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR 1:1EALER. HE SELLS -IT. Tho Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., Solo props. Si• Tohtb, bT. B.