The Brussels Post, 1912-2-1, Page 1VOL. 40 NO. 31;
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
New Advertisements
(lash or cure-Yns, rex,
C•ol•n-Pryn0 Pillliue vs,
• Stook tor ralr�-D, ttllua,
Many acids -10. if. -311114
Y108 far ante -able, Luvo.
Auutunl sole -(Soo,
1301• sole -+•Alt's. J A, }hinter.
Pigs for sale -.1 P manumit,
Tonle sloth f mea-4'ne Po -T.
Deny for solo--itoht. issndrrson.
Apprentices wonted -Geo M. Mitotic%
istlict gtbas
Jacob Long has disposed of his
heavy drives at a good figure.
Will. and Miss .4nnle M ellen, of
Belfield, Sask., were in the village this
Miss Annie Menzies was the guest
of Mrs, 1011.0 Paten in Br'tssels last
week. -
We are gla<i to report that G.
Sperling and Mrs. McQuarrieare some
what, improved in beulth.
Will. Siewon visited his mother,
who was ill in Listowel. Last reports
are that she is improving.
• The bachelors are reminded that
any plroposals they refuse this year
Means the purchase of a s1We dress.
.A. number of Oianbirookites attend-
ed the Tea Heeling in the Illethodist
church BrusselsPuesday evening. '
Monthly'Horse Fair will be held
here next Tuesday.
001111eil meeting next Monday
evening in Ilrtdnstey Hall,
Next Sabbath the regulIol quartet ly
services will be held in the Methodist
church here to betakenby the pastor,
Rev. E. A. Fear. •
Cburcll Union is one of the interest-
ing topics of discussion lit the, present.
es the vote wilt be taken shortly by
the interested congregations.
ST. ANDREW'S • OauRox.-'-Special
meetings were • held in • St. Audrelv's
church lest week, the :pastor being
assisted by Revs. Ferguson,.Pearcy,
IIann and Lundy: On Sunday morn-
ing, the Sacrament of 'the Lord's
Supper was observed, 207 partaking.
In the evening the powtor paid a trib-
ute to the life and work of the late
De. McLean. Monday the :annual
meeting of the congregation. was hell.
Reports were on the whole satisfac-
tory. Membership is 323, a slight de=
crease from ' the year pteoeaing.
Total monies "raised for. all poeticises
was$3050.00 t total to Missions 3705.00.
Retiring officials were re-elected and a
resolution Of .coudole)oe to Mrs;
McLean and fondly was passed.
"Young People's Dey'l will be i'o-
cognized next; Sunday in St. 'Aorlrlwrs"',
chutep 1>y' a ,apegial eer vice in the
evening cmulucted by` Rev,' \V, 1,
Pearcy, M, A., Of Lonlesbotro'
• AIM, 13nitit DECEASED. -Monday of
this week Annie May Sharp. beloved
wife of John Barr Gonn01Ilor of H01 -
lett township, passed away, aged 40
years, Cruise of demise was dropsy
and heart weakness. She was Mar-
ried about 25 years ago and is sur-
vived by her husband and five sous
Deceased was a member of Tiinity
Obutoh and enjoyed the respect of the
commodity. Funeral took. place
Wednesday afternoon, service helms
held in the English ,church conducted
by Rev. Air. Parr. Mrs, Tianr was a.
member of the I. 0. F. Complttiun
Oonr t, Blyth, The sympathy of the
community :will be extended to the
SABBATH ScxIooL.-Following etre
the officers :-Superintendent, 3as..
Mann Asst. Supt., Jas. A. Smith ;'
Sec.-Treas.. Alex. Manly; organist,
Miss Lily Harrison, Receipts for past
year, 381.97, and expenditure, $80,32.
bath theuew.lfnox church, at Mon
cvieff, will be opened. Services will
be held at 2 and 7 p. in. the pastne
being assisted. byRev. J 0. Robertson
B. D„ of Toronto. 1,2'he choir will
have Aliss, Mysia Graydon; Of Streets.
vine, to aid them. Special offering.
Monday evening, following' a "lappet
in the church basement, ae grand
program of ' music, addresses and
recitations will be given. Tickets purl'
50 cents with 25 fur children. Tho
following Sunday: and Monday the
opening exercises will be continued.
ANNIIAL ,41HlETTNG,- l0inx 011(11.111
field their 2trd. a,11nnad meeting,. .Jan,
1711 anti -after 'reading and adopting
the 'minutes. of last annual meeting
the following officers were circled :--
-Trustees, John Struthers, Jets. Fulton;
Robert. Campbell, Gen. Al achattSand
Geo. Snelling. ' Church managers. -
Thomas Inglis,' Win. lar'vey and
Fred. Smith, for tL year ; Pets Patter-
son) 4\'m. Sta'atlters and %Vela. AleRrty
for 2.years.; Geo...31e1)han,: Geo. Me -
Kay and .1115, •Fulton for 3 years
Treasurer, Joseph AioKay ; Secretary,
3a1s. A. Smith.; Sec. -ureas. 1'or Record
(choral) paper),. John Sanders ; Andi-
tots for 1912, David Livingstone awl
'Phomas 'Inglis.• The ' nshei•s are
George McTaggart and Janes Mc-
Kay ;.organist, Miss, Atom Dunlop;
cls Saturday,
January uar 27th
Ready-to-wear -Suits
• � �IIhI ��I�I
and Overcoats
25 Per cent- orf
regular price
Fur and Fur -lined Coats
Heavy Winter
Trunks s andit
Su Cases
And bi;g Reduction in all
lines of
Shoes and Robbers
$5.00 Shoes for $4.00'
4.00 11 3.00
3.00 " 2.10
Rubbers, 75c per pair
Shoes must be cleared out in
the next two weeks to make
room for new Spring goods
which we will tell you about
The above is simply a sample or the
many Bargains offered.'
E. C.Dunforc
choir Londe', Jol'1n Melville, Treas-
urer's RepIort 5110wed total 1eceipl's to
be $586.25 and 1110 expenditure, $49410
heaving a, Orly bethince Of $922:18. Rev.
1l. A, Lundy is then prior' au(1 the
hour for service is to the a£fevnoon
following the Sabbath School session.
;SHREDDED \\''11iWr BANQUET. -Leat
Tuesday the Betugnet aluminised was
held and was 1t great success in every
way.. Through the courtesy of the
Presbyterian Irr;eu(5 the Menu was
served in the basement, of Ilieirchurch
v0,icli was 111 itcb appreciated. The
bill of foie was excellent 0101 served
in most up-to-date style, under the
direction of All. Hewitt, the vepre
seltative of the Siltedde(1 Wheat Oo.
Ater the large company had been
waited on an adj,urlmeot was made
to the Fittesfels' Hall Where elle fine
program was given with the pastor,
Rev, J. J. Durrant, in the chair'. The
music was moldered by \Vinghaul
Methodist chin' and ryas well done.
W. k1. and Alis. .Willis and Flank
Hill and A. Wilfrid, sang duets in a.
pleasing 1(0111ner. Good add Teases
were given by Revels. Messrs. Fergn-
eon and 0ook and Air. Hewitt, Miss
Vanalstine, of Winnipeg, gave a high
1y'appreriitted i'ecitatiou .Financially
the Ladies' Aid and the W. M. S. ate
the better of the banquet.
Council` will • meet (01
MondayFeb. 12th. •
Don't forget Wm, Anderson's Auc-
tion sale Friday of this week,' at'1 p.
in. •
School 19 still closed in the .Clegg
school section ets IL new furnace i9
being' installed.
Harold, son'of .lames and Mrs. Speer
has' been laid up with lumbago but we
hope he will soon be 0. k,
A118s lldutt \1Tatsoti is being instruct-
ed in the mysteries. of Rural Tele.
phone operating at the Oentral in
13i tweeds:
The hsnal-service will not be held
next ‘sabI nth afternoon at the Jack-
sou church nwilg to the Oon111001onl
at 131yth.
Next Sabbath the. usual 801 vice
the Sunshine church will be caticellel
the'regular ilnartei•ly 'service wil'1
be held 111 Belgrave.
Win. and AIrs.Ouuningharn attend•
ecu the wedding last week of Mika
Mary Amelia Ilieekenridge to
Nicholson; both of T'nl'ldwm•y.
A. .7. (old Mrs. at'lcOrteclaen, of Lis(b-
wel, have moved to this towels/tip and
will live on the Joseph Bolger, farm
8th line. We welcome them to Morris.
Rev. Dr. Ross, of Hanover, was a'
welcome visitor' at the home of Elston
and 5119. Cardiff, 51Il lino, lest. Tues-
day. He is an old friend of Mrs,
Airs. PII111Lty
ix ell and Mts.3,
Weilkey /unison who wet e visitingat
;I hen hoe . in this locality, leftfor
then• place of residence, Winnipeg, on
Wed n pod ay,
A certain party is said to be peddling
derogatory 1e})orts relating to the
character of. a Mo>'1•lsite and they are
010110(1 that unless be stops it he may
have 011 Opportunity of being asked
to prove his statements in Court.
The trustees of S. S. No.9 (Button's)
have engaged Aiiss 3. M. Miehener
of Dunnville, las teacher, at salary
of 8500. She commenced her duties
on February lst. We hid her wel-
colneto the community and wish her
8 Ces9.
This weele Mrs, 3. W. Shortreed,
9th line, • leaves for Grand Praieiei
Peace Rivet' distriel, Alta.,' to, join her
tomb/Ln who went there a year ago.
She will have' the company of Jas.
and M1 .t
Mrs. Scat and J. Scott alt tax L r
tint intending to make their home
there We wish the party a safe
journey and hope all concerned will be.
week, Robert Nirhrd, 6th line,deliver-
ed at BI} tl> to \Vni. B. Bell, of Lon-
fleshorn', d
fns shipment to Pilot Mono,
Mnnitablt, his Clydesdale.stallion,
"Dundonald," (10558), sire Blackband,"
Imt> (6194) (11628); owned by J. F.
AleIotosh, of Blyth. This is .a gond
twit or his tree tipping the beau at
1825 Ilia alt 2 years and, 8 months,
The p1101119 a long one. Mr. Nichol.
hag 114111 41.1 success in horse breeding,
raising 33 out of 36 colts.
Box Soo1AL y -,•`he BOX $ocial het
in Brownt0W1( *Shoal 00 Friday eve
Ing of last u c egaustalned: if alai SP
phased,: the, tc jllltatiori of fol'mer year
..ehoulroon 15142 filled 'and the tare'
(,rowel lislellr ";ltttentfveiy ti:t> foliowin
),. ig- ' I is1-
( to h dire.
! g ,Ant se byltev,Air.Oriok
orchestra selections by Alessi s. lou
tan, Neil; told Stewart, MIAs Brooks,
aocompenlst solos by D, Str'1Lrhan,
1v1(11 ie always appreciated ; phono-
graph selections ;;dialognes entitled,.
Mrs, O'Toole and the Ci,uductnr" and
"Going to ri.,New HorneP and cornet
duets. Asusua) R. 13. Gai.•niss sold
the boxes by anc,tinn. ' I30fare co111-
meucing, hh reminded the young men
that the nlnnber 1912 dvided evenlyy
by 4, hence the necessity for good hld-
ding. A. ready response was Shade to
his warding rued the boxes sold 'well.
Prnceede f the evetiiug amounted 1:o
d J. K. Brown ; duet, "No one like the
u- Old Polk," Misses. Menzies ; reading,
r. "Six Love Letters." Mrs. S. S. Cole ;
solo, When the Bloom Is on the
Heather," Aire, A. L. McDonald ; ad-
dress, "Woman's Sorb age," Rev. D.
Wrenpiano duet, Mr. and Miss Miens -
mon ; recitation, "Major Jones'Oht•ist-
was Present,". Mlea Oole ; solo, "Gath-
ering Shells by the Sea Shore," Mrs.
A.. Brown .; instrumental trio ; play,
"The Mother's Meeting, by tan ladies
solo, Miss Dunbar ; reading.
"The Donation Party," Mrs. J, Bry-
ans 7 gta1rlett1, "Moonlight on the
Lake,' Miss Spence, Airs, G. Kreuter,
\V>n. Holland and Mr. \\'ren read-
ing, "The Rural Telephone," Mrs. J.
King ; Orchestra ; solo. "That's what
I would do, (encore "Philosophy")
Miss Spence ; reading, "Betsy and the
Beal., Mrs. A. L. McDonald ; bestial -
metal trio; play, "Influence of Music,
by twelve ladies; National Anthem.
Ethel did well for the Upper Canada
Bible Society contributing $18.80.
'hisses Stella Dunbar and Ella Bart-
suld, were the collectors who are
to he congratulated ori their success,
The financial report of the Presby-
terian church for 1911 has been issued,
I1 shows receipts of $571.51. W. F.
M. S. contributed $52 and a bale of
clothing. • There are 23 members.
Y. P. S. 0. E. gave $37 to•Missions and
Mission Band. of 34 members, raised
$15. There are 85 pupils and 8 teach-
ers in the Sabbath School. J. K.
Brown is Superintendent and Miss
Stella Dunbar is the Secretary-Treas-
tirelr. "
Robot and Mrs. Dilworth gave a
party Tuesday evening before the
departure of their son, Russell, who
relnrls West to his home in Macleod.
Abort 50 voul g people were present
and enjoyed themselves in pt'ogfeesive
grimes followed after lunch by a pro-
gram. • Mr. Menzies, on behalf of the:
guests,thanked the host and hostess
fortheir enjoyable
evening and wish-
ing Mr. Dilworth a safe journey
Westward and singing ”Re's a jolly
good fellow" all returned to their
,respective homes.
Mrr,casny apprentices wanted for -the
ing 4010011 Apply 51..MIr008el0r„
fess Ei b
Onunril meeting here next Monday.
graA mwettlding or two are on the toe -
J. and Mts. Elliott, of Neepawa,
Afan ;
sate renewing old friendships
Mrs. Bernath will continue to live
here, at least until Spring opens up
Several from this locality attended
the annual meeting of the H'owick
Mutual Insurance Co., at Gorrle, last
Friday afternoon. •
If you are looking for bargains in
live stock tem should read D. Milne's
iujvt, in this paper, fle.has both vm'-
tely end quality.
Thursday evening of next week the
animal At Home of the 0anadian
Order of Foees„ers will be held in the
Dilworth Hall. A good time is being
looked forward t0.
The Iusl:ii'ance Company has settled
for the 1mrnfng of the Henry flour
mill, paying $3,900. It is reported
that Mt'. Henry may dispose of the
site and that a chopping hill will be
built instead of It flouring mill.
At a reception service, held on Jan.
17th 8out
y g wen were taker) into the
League and others are going to join
in a short time, The League is doing
good ivdrk and the motto for ibis veto'
is "Look up and lift up.for Christ."
Next Sabbath mnrlulgrthe regular
Quarterly OnintnanionService• will be
held here, rrimmenckig at 10,30 o'clock.'
There will also be service at 7 p. tn.
Official Board will meet Monday at
2 30, A vote nn Ohurch Union will be
takeniat this Meeting.
.Last Sunday was a red letter cloy in
our Sunday School, there being 119 in
attendance. Under the memagetnent
of the faithful Superintendent, Jon.
McDonald, the 9rho01 is in a flourish-
ing Condition 1dntlnrl 3LT d�
1 1V are 4
g looking. .for.
a a successfulYear.
(xoOD a'Ih y
IE -The annual Uyetcr
Slipper held in the Dilworth Hall, so -
der the auspices of the 4Vonie11's In-
stitute, was a most decided success in
every way and reflects great credit on
those who had charge of the arrange-
ments. As (5118 predicted in our an-
nouncement of this sapper, the men
took an absorbing interest in the'af-
fair, due not altogether to the impos.
lug array of good things to eat. fn
this case each lady was allowed to
being one guest and the invitations
were eagerlysought for by the gentle-
men friendof the members. ' The
supper w118 un unqualified success and
it was unanimously voted that the
ladies had s urpassed titetn801Ves, which
le.s:tying a great cleat for this progres-
sive organization. President, Mrs.
Sietnmmn, gave anaddl'ess of welcome
in her usual good style, The program,.
which is'
given behity, •was supplied by
the Members, Rev. D. Wren, by
special request, gave a speech ou
\Vote n's Suffrage which was much
appreciated. The selections were well
chosen and exceptionally well render-
ed, and it wont(' be hard to single out
any particular number where every-
thing was so expellent, In thin as in
everything they undertake these
ladies leave nothing to he desired,
Three new members were enlisted and
fully 110 persons were present. The
Women's Institute certainly know
how tock) things. Pingram was as
follows, Mrs. Slermmou presiding :-
Selectio)rhy the Orchestra ; reading,
"The Spirit of Contradiction, Airs,
ivHpeeeeeseeerrsell•meeseeemeeeeeeeSMOeemeeeeeeeemoos t(
* orn Cornl
i 9 • evestaamaramoataireozonswoassi
• Now is the time to'_buy •your •
e°Feed. We have best Ameri- r.
can Yellow Corn at a Rea. 6
s sonable Price. mm
Feeds, Oats, Oatmeal etc.
A 0
Small Profits, Quick ,Returns, le •
pP1MiIIiog� 0
tcOetoeYct[ri teeAtoeaootAufeesteo*** YltltiffietGlr3****sst'esfiWiills****Otalatito
We are pleased to hear that Moody'
Holland, who has been ill with fever,
is able to get about and we trust he
will soon be as hearty as ever.
Airs. Simpson and Mies Rose are
Iaway for a holiday trip of a few
months to Arizona and California
where they will enjoy a visit with
near relatives. We -do not begrudge
the111 their outing blit would like to
be sharing the "gond Old Summer
time" with them. Hope they will put
'tn an A 1 time.
FARM SOLD, -The fine 122 acre
farm or George Grigg, 1a miles West
of Walton, has been sold to Wm.
Shorts reed,
of the 9th line, .tore
th 911m
7 30D
Ys Heg ers ossees n
i n in
at ch � His share
nn the hometead
was ptu'chased by his brother, Robert
Mr. Grigg has lived on the farm now
sold for the past 21 years, moving
from McKillop, and has kept the, place
in first claret shape. He will hold a
clearing Auction sale of farm stock,
im tn
le eats etc. on p c , Thut'sda Febru-
ary 15th, at which F. S. Scott will be
the auctioneer. After the side Mr.
and Mrs. Grigg and family will move
into the village where they have
hnnght a cosy pt'nperty. The boys
will likely try the West. We are glad
Mr. Grigg has decided td locate here.
Last Friday evening Will. Speiran,
who is President of the Young Men's
Bible Criss at Union ehnrah. enter-
tained :the members when a very
social time was enjoyed. Games,
music and lunch gave the company 1L
very pleasant evening and the class
appreciated the kindness.
John Hislop is back home after a
sojourn of nearly, 4 weeks in the West,
where he met many old friends. Mr.
Hislop and arm Willie have each
secured 160 acres at Belstt'en, Seek.,
and the family will trove out there in
March. Old friends here will be sorry
to see them go but hope they will do
Hartwell Speiran arrived in Bens -
sets last Thursday from Calgary where
he has spent the last two years. Judg-
ing by appearances the West has
agreedwell with h;m, Mr. Speiran
thinks the West all right but its he
has a fide forth in Getty he has not de-
cided to return to the West at pies
ant. Thelast three weeks were spent
in`E011uontou with his sister, No's.
Robinson, and he reports Apr. and Mrs.
Rubinson real well and prospering in
Mutt city. �y
evening last, 26th inst., two sleigh
loads of old and young people arrived
at the home of Wilson and MI's.
,Evans, 12th coir. to spend the even-
ing, Among the company were Wm.
Ooghlin. of New Dale, Mar„ bt'other
of . Mrs. Evans and H. Coghli n,
of f3. C., alsn,7. Blair, of Detroit, T.
131ah•, of B. O., and Wm. Blair, of
mem. The time was spent with
music, singing and dan01115 and social
chat.. It Was 80 years since, those
friends toil met before so you may be
sure there leas talk about.
A very enjoyable night was spent tend
51r. and Mr9. Evans made first-class
host and hostess.'
ScxooL REPORT. -The following is
the repcn t of Monirief School for the
'Romp) of January. 75% is honors
and 60% prams Sr. IV.- Noble
Schnook 60, EhnutMc.Kay '15, Stuart
McQua>vie 49 Jt',1V.-Lottie Me fay
81, Hareiotle Mu'Qnatrio 68, Johnnie
MeKay 64, Melvin Onn ntiugs 53. Sr.
rot.--J1ts. Maclean 704 Viola Snhnnek
64, Arnold McKay 63. Is Ill.
Howard Meehan 85, Ora McKay 61,
109 ie Meehan
6U. J . IL -Eddie
Median, Willie Machan, Alc ole 13111111,
Merle Livingstone, Katie ]inward,
H`hjnh Mantle. Sr. 1.---Goaon Mach••
an, T1o1Hn MoQnrorrleY ESLt' liiachall,
Patio mantic, .Beta Sander's. Jr, 1.-•-
El vie McKay, Loraine. , McKay.
Those absent for examinations-
Oranston Bray, Pearl Ouwmings, Ilia
A letter from Jno. B. Smith,- of
Canning, Oxford Co., formerly a reel -
dent of this township, in remitting for,
the Globe and Pon says :-We are
all well and hoa this will find on the
same. Have had. very cold 'weather
here but not much snow, sleighing is
very poor and (ole good warm day
would almost spoil the roads for
Miss Sturdy, teacher in No. 9, visit-
ed at Guelph on Satnrda last.
John Dennis was at Stratford the
fore partnf this week attending the
funeral of an uncle, Joseph Denote.
IlIrs, John Price took very ill at the
home of Geo. Hearn while on her way
to Seaforth but is somewhat improv-
Wm. Morrison and Mrs. Wm.
Davidson were called to Shelburne
last week to seea sister who was very
ill hut latest reports indicate an im-
pro vemen t.
- Misses Mabel and Bessie Davidson
entertained alarge number of friends
nn Wednesday evening at gables and
dancingnail the earl hours of
g when the company altod
wishingtheic. o aP.
c hostesses all the good
things going,
J. T. Strachan, B. A., is-suppplying
the Presbyterian pulpit at Milalrt •,y.
Dougal Strachan took part at the
School concert at Browntown last
Friday: evening.'
The milk hauling for Molesworth
cheese factory on the North boundary
has been let to N. Bowman for the
coming season. He will look after it
J. R. Miller and Edward Bryans
were re-elected Directors of the
Howick Mutual last Friday without
opposition. They al'e well seasoned
menthols of the Board.
evening Feb. 7th, the young ladies of
the Y. P. S. 0. E. will -entertain the
members of the Society in Victoria
Ball. Members cotrdrafly invited.
Lunch will be served.
New program of topics at the En-
deavor marks out a very interesting
course for the next six months. The
officers of the Society are :-Hon.
President, Thos. Strachan ; President,
Miss Jean Snell ; vice -President,
Charlie Forest ; Sec.-Treas., ,Miss Ina
Bryans ; Organists, Misses Mary
Forrest and Flossie Scott.
After 19'years of faithful service as
leader of the weekly prayer meeting
Thos. Strachan has tendered his resig-
nation as he finds getting about at
nights, particularly in stormy v
mime t than he cares
to face. Mr.
Strachan is 82 years of age and has
done a work along the line of Ohs istian
eervice that cannot fail to have its
The first meeting of the 'Woman's
Institute was held in Victoria Hull on
Thursday afternoon .Jan. 25th. An
attendance a ce n f 31 a re
was scut which'
h proof of the interest manifested in
the meetings. Mrs. J. D. Miller's in-
troductory address was "Thoughts on
the New Year, and she brought out
many pleasant and practical facts
and washeartily responded to by a
number of members. A good musical
and literary program was presented.
• Wroxeter
0. D. Simpson returned to Stevens-
villelust Thursday.
Messrs. Burris & Reid, of Toronto,
are guests at. the home of Mrs. Jas.
Alex. and Mrs. Stacey, of Paynton,
Sask., visited over Sunday with J. R.
A load of young people attended the
hockey match iu Go•rie on Monday
evening between ,Wroxeter and
Go•rie the former winning by a.scote
of 10-7
The social under the auspices of the
Presbyterian choir, which was held
in the basement of the church ,'last
Friday eveuitlg, passed off very eue-
cessfully. There was a good et-
te1dauce and a splendid program.
The death occura'ed in Turnberi'y
nil Monday of Jean Hamilton, relict
of the late Jno. Carrnioitael. Deceas-
ed, who lits one of the etu'ly settlers
of this vicinity, lied' attained her 91st
year end had been in failing health
for some time. Mrs. Carmichael was
a Woman who was greatly respected`
and the sympathy of many is extend-
ed to the grown up family who ser-
vive her.
At annual meeting of Wroxeter
Rural Telephone By-law to increase
stock frons $2501)0` to 340090 carried,
177 for 2 against. Auditors elected
were L. Brown and W. I1 Vanvelsoi•,
Directors same as 1911 A. Munro, T.
It, Bet>uelt,, W. S. McKercher, Peter
McEwen, M. Sanderson. Resolution
of sympathy ,passed conveying; ata -
predation for services, regret at ate
'settee and sympathy in affliction to A
Munro. At organization meeting A.
Munro was chosen President, '7. R.
Bennett, Vice President; W. S. 13c -
Reveller, Sec.-Treas,
Socialists 110
Centrists 93
Conservatives . .. 60
Radicals National
%fberals 47
Poles 18
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Matt, 24.43 "But know this, that if
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in What WATCH the thief woukrl have
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JOHN WTt1G1ll.
President S. 1. Moore
of the otrOpol an Sank
H. M p It r1
The'l'orouto Daily Globe of 'a recent
date published the followieg icteresting
sketch of President 3, j. Mo,re, of the
Metropolitan Bank, accompanying it by
a photogravure and we republish it ns a
matter of interest to the.palrons of the
Branch here and the public generally ;--
$ J, Moore has been aptly described
as the man with the Midas touch. It
would seem as if no enterprise to Which
he has put his band has ever had writ-
ten across it the word failure. From the
clay, twenty-nine years .ego, when he
became a member of a little $2,500
syndicate to manufacture conuter cheek
hooks on the device of a clerk in Jnr),
Catto's dry goods store, until the presx
entjuncture, wheu, as President of nine
and director of ten iudusttlal and fi-
nancialinstitutions, be is one of Cana-
da's foremost business men. phenomen-
al prosperity has attended all his un-
dertakings It is this almost incredible
continuity of Success in so many enter-
prises which readers M'r. Moore a figure
of such interest a1:d makes his career a
worthy subject of investigation.
'Phe future industrial organizer was
born in Doddington, a small village in
Northamptonshire. England, in 1850 and •
came to Canada 10 (871, with his mother
and fattier, The faintly settled in Bar-
arrie; and as everybody had to help,
young Moore was immediately placed at
work ih order to augment the domestic
finances. By the decree of fate it was in
a printing office thathe was apprenticed,
and it is interesting (0 note that it has
been from the printing business that he,
has evolved must of the schemes with
which he has subsequently been associat-
ed. From the much despised post of
printer's devil in the . Barrie Gazette
()face, he rose in a few fears to be local
editor of the psper; The wander-
lust which seems to have attacked most those days seized him and he
strayed away as far as Texas, returning
in 1879 to take up his abode in Toronto, ,
where he has since resided.
Having a little capital at his disposal,
he entered into partnership with Themes
Betigoagh and formed the printing
arm of Bengough, Moore & Co. 'After-
wards J. W. Bengough was admitted in.-
n:to the business and the firm name was
changed to Bengough, Moore and Ben-
gough. Even at this early date Mr.
Moore was developing those characteris-
tics of foresight and sound business
judgment which are to day so conspicu-
oas 10 his make up. He foresaw in
some degree at least, the evolution of
du department store idea and the neces-
sary systematizing of the retail selling
equipment. He became interested in
the sales book invention of a dry goods
clerk named Carter and formed a small
company t a
o manufacture fromi
patent. This was the beginning of a'
series of undertakings in which be has
subsequently become interested and
which have developed into large pro-
From counter check books he branch-
ed into the manufacture of silverware ;
thea he took upi
the milk supply, be-
coming actively associated with the
City Dairy enterprise In Toronto.
Following this he went into the manu-
facture of specialty boxes and latterly
one of his big undertakings has been
the meltingof noiseless typewriters.
Through these various activities he has -
been brought in touch with the every-
day life of the people, supplying wants
that are common tall
a in o classes of the
community. As President of the
Metropolitan Bauk and Director of the
Imperial Life a( numerous other in-
stitutions, he has 'extended his sphere of
infiaeuce into the world of finance.
When one reckon h
s uo the number of
factories over which Mr. Moore exerts
control -fourteen of them at least em-
ploying from 250 10 0,000 hands each
and then calls at the plain and unpre-
tentious office in the Union Bank build-,
ing in Toronto where the wizard who
has organized it all sits at his desk, it
sets one wondering at the Modern
methods which have made such l; 0011.
quest possible.
The market tk t history of all the Moore
stocks has; been remarkably good and as
a result be has attracted a "following"
of investors who feel that nevihing for
which he stands sponsor will at least
furnish them with a medium for invest-
ment where their money will be 'em-
ployed imam
n)-plowed`imam competent and careful
supervision, In every case these stooks
are being traded in at a marked increase
0the price at which they were issued,
and in sortie cases the advertise has been
of considerable proportions.
Ou'side of his business interests,
whim) would seem sufficient to occupy
all his time, Mt'. Muse yet finds op-
portunities for doing much good work.
He i814 prominent if not the Most.prowl.-
neut lay member of the Baptist church
in Canada. For se years 11e has been.
Superintendent of the Dovercourt
Baptist Sunday School nod has seen it
grow f10m a mere handful to one of t.o
largest schools in Csnnda, The fact that
be has remained faithful to his chargee
all these seat's, despite tbo demands of
business, olteu coming harts long dis-
1800e8 10 be in his place, speaks volumes.
for' the sincerity of his protciples, For
twenty ears he was President of the
West d' Y. Al. 0, A,, carrying it
throng the, most Styles; ,period .01 its
history and he is stili Its Houo'ary
President: He 'is a' member of ` the
Board or G» ve, no's aura of the Senate
of McMaster University, while his in-
terest in the Laymen's Movement is at-
tested bV his occupancy of the position
of Chairman of the Canedlan Connell,
Rh(M CAh,I004N,A,-- A letter froth a
subsc ;
tar In California e alit n,a 5aYs•- von
and e nclosecTplrnen a rr t
for TIM
PORT for the coming veer. It 51111 looks
good to 11s. We alatoit forget it is
Winter in Canada a5 we have our Win-
dows open day and 'night all VlYintee
1>cre. Now the salt is as warm AS MeV