The Brussels Post, 1912-1-11, Page 5SOSINESS 011K091.
Brussele Meet of tho Maatiabaes. elo. 21
bold their regular meetings in the bodlta
Room, Seeker Mock, ou the 1st and 8rd.
Tneaday evenings of ouch nutatil.
• Vialtors always welcome,
A, 80 tl ELM Com. A. MeGUIBE, L. IN
Mee in the Pest Office, Ethel. 20.4
Agent Howick Muttlai
Fire Insurance Company
°moo and Resident).-
": . nen, will boll tor better priees, to
bOtt02 MOO, in less time and lees °barges
thee any ether Auctioneer in h'ast sumo or
he won't [Marge auYthiug. Batas and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
olicOootti aplication.
r r •Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaneer,
Notary Public, em. office -Stewart's Meek
l door Nor Lb o / Oeutral Hotel.
Solicitor Inc the Metropolitan Bank.
W, PROOLICOOT.U. O. it 0. Hate
Ordees-Thoee 100030r1y occupied by ateliers
Cameron (1, Bolt,
0 onzaten, 0 ?Mato.
Seeirmse Oardl
Teacher of Plano
Studio at Carter's Mateo Store, one door North
of that:Standard Beak. Erassels• fi••tf
luta pled successfully her soma exaMille•
11011 Of the Fiat:Mom Department of the TO -
runt° Conservatory of music, and is prepared
to take pupils 01 her home, Princess street,
1•00- Vilittrialthet Friday and Haterday of eacb
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the t:ollege of PhY*
Mentos end Surgeons, OM, t Post -graduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and .Throat Hospital,
Chicago, Ill, Eo -8n000 Surgeon, to th, Weir
tiers Hospital, Toronto.
Office over F. 8. Smith's Drug Store. Tele-
phone connection with Orenbrook at all hours.
Royal Mail Steamers
Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
irolaion (10n04. New York and Ohioan," Hos.
Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose awl throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Dental surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal Oollege of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith
Block recently vatiated by Dr, Valid.
. Steamer From St. John From Halifax
Corsican Thurs. Dec. 14th Direct
Hesperian. Dec. 22nd Dec. 28rd
Grampian January 5th Jan. 8111
TIespermn January 19th jan. 20th
Steamer Boston Firtland
Sicilian ...... ... 0. o. 14th
lquinidian Deo. 21st
Corinthian 113.o. 25113
Lake Erie Jan. 4th
First Class. Ulan pool service .37200
Second ohms, • MA
Second Clem Glasgow service .. 4... 0
Third Clads, 180.25; ;11 •>, 1000113i 0. . •
or, and service.
Full information 230 10 rates, etc, on appli 111.
tien to
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office Opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
'l'om, of Toledo, Ohio and Mrs.'
(Dr ) Sweet., of Bxeter,
When buying a couglt medicine for
children bear in Mind ',het Obarnber-
Cough Remedy Is most elfectnal
for cold,.moup and whooping eough
end that it cen taloa no harmful (leo&
For sale by all dealers,
NEWOAP1021)074.•-• Editor Robertson,
of the GoderiCh Signal, was presented
with a gold headed cane by the staff on
Christmas, The is a little too much
style for even e Co, town editor to put
on, Wm Climie, 13. A., formerly
Editor of the Listowel Homier, Wan
010Seil Mayer ,Of tbe town on New
Year's Day. He has done faithful
service es Cooncillor for a .number of
years and will 1111 the bill 0, B.
Elliott, of the Times, Winghtuo, wan
•re elected by a tidy majority to the
'l'own Council on electioti Day. fie
looks after his work in up-to-flete style.
He should reach the Reeve's chair next
year. -The London Mverttser is mak, I
ing a great stride forward and is among i
the most newsy and smartly conducted
dailies coming to mar office, -Bruce Co,
has two Editors in Parliament, Hugh
Clark, of the Kincardine Review, does
(hay at Ottewa at $2,500 Oer term, and
W. McDonald, of the ChesleY Enter
prise, will do some straight talking 111
the Provincial House. Centre Brcce
became so attached, to the editors that
they chose Mac. when Clark received
the call "Come up higher."
That Dry Coug▪ h 10 Bronehltis
If neglected it will weaken the
throat and finally each the lungs.
Nothing simpler than inhaling the
hettlieg. vapor of Oatarrhozene. Its
action is like magic. so ' helpful,
so easy to apply. Be done
svith Bronchial trouble for all time 1
Oatarrhozone does cure the worse
cases, will cure you, too, Sold: evol*Y-
where, 25c and $1.00 under absolute
guarantee of satisfaction.
GE*ND Towne Ifazzwor
Genie Soma Goma Houma
Mail 7:Oie m Express DO a m
Express 11:25 a m Mail 1 :59 m
Express 2:55p m Eamon 8:52P in
Ca.vasozaof fa'actrow
To Toronto To Goderich
Express ..... 7:41 a In I Express 11:87 a m
Express 2:57 P 1 13xPre8s 7:55p m
Going East - 7:050. m. and 8:55 p. 02.
Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p.m.
All trains going East connect with C P. R. at
Orangeville for Owett Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
carmwoautwagmk,savearirmiwat •
Winter Terra from Ian. 2
Is the leading Hotness Oollege in west- g
t h
ern Ontario. Ias three departments
-Commercial, Shorthand and Telegra-
phy. It is larger and better than ever.
13 Ottr :mums are touch better than those %
07 of the ordinary Business College. and(13 v..
Mons. A. practical training is Worth .<
our graduates seeure high grade posi-
t many times the oast. If you want a
•,‘. Business College cones
select this
school and get the bet Our catalogue
is free,Write for it at once.
D. A. MileLACHLAN, PrIrleil2FM
).W2W8012,..= '4114.WINNFZUM VA.
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My•methoci will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do Dot wait - Fill in coupon
Age. , rime .......
Stogie of Double ....... ...............
Name ....... .....
aud return to
88 Caledonia St.
Dept. A Stratford, Ont.
Taal Illtws toms
Miss Mabel Thomson is visiting rel-
atives at Shakespeare and Granton.
J. T. Wood was at Berlin and Tor.
onto combining business and pleasure.
EAST Huron Agrie1001Yei Society will
hold its anneal meeting in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Wednesda,y, tatti
inst., at 1.30 p. M.
BALD Man should call and inspect the
famous Sanitary Patent Teepees, as
shown by Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto,
at the American Hotel on Tuesday
Jan, 16th. These Toupees are not only
perfect in construction, but are the only
Sanitary and Patented substitutes of
one's own hair.
Medicines that aid nature are al-
ways most effectual. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It
allays the cough, relieves the lungs,
opens the Secretions and aids nature
in restoring the system to a healthy
condition.• Thousands have testified
to its superior excellence. Sold by all
FRIDAY, January teth East Huron
Farmers' Institute, will hold its regular
meeting. Two 90501000 01 1.30• and 7.30
p. M. The Women's Institute will,. be
addressed in the afternoon in the
Carnegie Library audience room by
Mrs. Thos, Shaw. of Heapeler. The
speakers at the Hall will be P. IL SI
cox, Of lona, and W. P. Kydd, of Sim-
coe. All these will give addresses at
the evening meeting at which a musical
program will also be rendered and to
which the public is cordially invited.
Brussels meetings are usually well at-•
tended but keep the date in mind so as
to leave the evening clear.
naretilig of Bast Hut on Farmers' In-
stitute will be held in the Township
Hall, (aortae, On Tbut Way, january
181h, sessions (opening at, 1.80 and 7.80
p. tn. Afternoon program will consist
of Addresses from 11'. H. Silcox, of
Iona, on "Inteneive farming on 100
acres" ; 0. E. Porter. Appleby, "Types
of heavy horses fer breeding pin -
poses." Mrs. Thos. Shaw, oof blespeler,
will address. tile W011iell'e Institute.
In the evening Mr. Silcox will speak
on "Farm and 111 3120" ; Mr. Porter on
"BeaUtif yin g Boone and School
groueds" ; and Mrs. Shaw on "What.
is' worth while." .alusical selections
will also be rendered,
1 YEARS •1
passed away on Thutsday, Dec. 28th
another of our eititetts, in the person
of W. A. (Janet, at the age of 49
yea2 s, after a lingering illness of over
4 yenrs from that dread disease cum
cutiiptutu. The kilowatt tuok place 011
Sunday aud was largely attended.
_Mr. Carter Wad 13 103001800' of the 0. O.
aud 1. 0. 0. F., and they turned out
strong. ltev. J. J.J. Soualt mnunacteci
the service at the house. The remains
were conveyed to. the Brussels ceme-
tery, where Rev. A. U. Wishart
took the service. Pallbearers were
0.J3'ruser. A. Sims and 8. 0reigliton
fr an the 0. 0. F. and J. emu, it.
Slime and A. W. Rubinson from the
1. 0. 0. F. The deceased was married
twenty-four years ago, moving to
111y1ll shoi y afterwards. Ile was
etigttged in the brick -making business
fur a tune,. af ter arils going iutu the
implement business fur tbe Frost
& Wood Co. Three children snrvive ;
SObeet, ho isa druggist 10 Gowgati-
da ; Mrs. 0. Black. of tiudeuith met
dirs. U rindalle,W, of Iletimit. Mrs.
ttlack was the ouly one who was able
to attend the funeral. Deceased'e
brothers and sisters were also in at.-
teudance, also John Carter, anopheW.,
nom Mount Forest. The relatives
nave the sympathy of a large circle
of friends ill thew bereavement. To
make Mrs. Cattalos eillietion worse,
on New Year's Day she received a
telegram stating thet. her Mother load
been killed by ot
Why Romain Thin and Pale ?
Pale people have pale blood. The
stomach ie wtung„assimilation ispoor and food is mit ohanged 11110
blood. The system lacks vitality and
reconstructive power which 0411 be
supplied by rem ozone. It braces the
appetite, digestion is stimuletted, wliat,
you eat is trattsfut med into the kied
of nutriment your system ,requires.
Vital life-giving blood that makes
rosy cheeks, stretigth that defies
weariness, spirit mod ambition all
come bout Ferts,zon e. Nuthhig 111
the /meals of medicine so .sure to
build up Mal strengthen as Ferrozone.
Tey a 50c. box.. Sold every Where.
1 Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink.
llam'a Vegetable Compound
Waurika, Okla, -"I had f emale trou-
bles for seven years, was slim clown,
and so nervous I
could not do any-
thing. The cloctore
treated me for dif-
%crud, things bat
did me no good.
got so bad that I
could not sleep day
or night. While in
this condition I reed
of Lydia E. Pink-
bam's Vegetable
Compound, and
began its use and
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In
a short time .I had gained my average
weight and am now strong and well."
3, Box 81, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grateful Woman
London, Ont. -I feel as if I could
not tell others enough about the good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has done for me. I Was so
weak and tired that I could not rest
nights. .A friend recommended your
Compound and I soon gained health
and strength and could not wish to
sleep better. I know other women
who have taken itfor the same purpose
and they join me in praising it.--Mns.
Wm.*HUFFY, 905 Dame St.,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has surely cured many cases of
female ills, masa inflammation, ulcer-
ation, displacetnents, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, back-
ache, that bearing -down feeling, and
nervous prostration.
Do you know that fully nine out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles due.
to cold or damp, orchronic rheu-
matism. and require no internal treat
ment whatever ? Apply Chamber-
lain's .Liniment freely and see how
quickly it gives relief. For sale by
0,11 dealers.
following letter from Heury McLean,
State Senator in North . Dakota, and a
former resident of this locality speaks as
follows and requires no comment :-
DEAR:Sta.-Yoe will please find cntos-
etadraft for *400)28 payment 'of sub-
ecriptton to Tall PosT. 1 must thank
you good Canadians for being so genet'.
ous to your American cousins across the.
border by rejecting the proposed Reci-
procity, Against the port of entry at
Hannah and Series, being 16 miles apart
have taken in about Szo,000 in cash this
Fall as duty on wheat and barley, most -
If barley and similar coeditions exist,
along tbe boundary in the Northwest.
So it don't need any argument to prove
that we are truly thankful. With belt
wishes for the good old.County of Hur-
on and kindest regards for its sturdy
and loyal citizens. I -Orn, Dear Sir,
Yours Truly.
Hannah, N. Dalt., Dec. 23rd, nat.
THE LATE Mao. Tost.-There died at
Exeter on Christmas night Mary Ann
Keruicic, relict of the late lames 'Porn,
and mother of Ittspector J. E. Tom, of
Gocierich, Mrs. Tom had been an in-
valid for over 4 years, having been
stricken with paralysis in November.
my. She was faithrttlly attended dor-
mg her long illness by two daughters.
Miss 'Porn add Miss Mary 'eom, who re.
sided with their parents. Mr. Tom
died in April of last year. The subject
of this notice wati born in CO11)10611,
England, iu 1534. She canoe with her
;events to Dutham county, Ontario, in
Oleo and with ber husband settled in
Osborne township iu 2853. weete they
resided for thirty years. unlit they be..
came residents ot Exeter. Mrs. Tom
was a member of lames street Metho
dist church, Exeter, for mane y,ears and
her children are very gratefol to Rev,
Richard Hobbs, Who visited her so
faithfully during her Meese. In ad-
ditioe to the Son and two slaughters
mentioned above, two other sons and a
daughter are Hying. They are George
R. Tont, of Vancouver ; Filmic W.
When given as soot) as the croupy
cough "appears Cliatitherini it'S 'Cough
RelbedY will Wald off an attack of
event; and prevent all dattger and
cense 01 stud ely. Thottsands of
mothera use it, successfully. Sold by
all dealers,
Ment claims, $29,10 ;1 S. 00Wan, ton.
tJg eleims, $29.10 ; S. Cowan, do,
*18.10; 8, 3, Love, ditto, $21.20 ; ;i10,
111,'010Y. ditto. $82.20 ; Jas. Moffatt.
$16.80 ; Geo. Cholland, ditto,
$29.20 ; Jae. Donaldson
813.20 ;.13. Grieve, ditto, $27.00 ; A.
Stevenson, ditto, $17.80 ; J.
onal, ditto, $10 20, The meeting ad -
Pawned till ticte ey, . hi
;1111,ibe the en nual meeting at 2 o'olook I
Constipatioe is the OittlYti of many CI n ts
and disordm that make life k I
R. 0. Hoye, R. J. Megaw and
Dolhorne. Mrs. Newton will be great.
y missed by a wide circle of friends,
but in the home of which she wee the
centre the loss le irreparable, and the
bereaved inlet/and mad only child,
Master Gerald, have the deepest
sympathy of the community.
miserable, 'lake Qielna et ain's
Stomach and Liver 'Athlete, keep
]'out' howle regniar and you Will
avoid theee diseases. For sale by all
The gentlemen of Listowel held
their annual assembly in the music
hen on New Yelide toight.
Evatigelistic services commenced 1:1
II, 13. Congregational church on .Tarn -
my 7th :clod will continue 101. 1390 Or
three weeks.
Mee, (Rev.) W. F. Parke and daugh-
ter, Miss Shirley, of Aertheestburg,
spent New Year's in town,the guests
of .1, A. Hacking.
Listowel Telephone Exchange is
rapidly growing, During the year
1911, 212 new subscribers have been
added i:o this exchange and many
more contracte have been re-
ceived that are on Ole waiting list for
telephones, The De. Moore, Trow -
Wage telephone line, has been
by the Bell Telephone Company with
20 subscribers and is now open to Ole
free use of Listowel subscribers.
or expense in maintaining and if pos-
sible scorpassing theie previous rec-
ord. Mr. Spence, the well known
village eaterer, has promised bigger
eye; ers than eve'. for the occasion end
the ladies have selected Dilworth's
new and beautiful Ball for the festi-
vity. Every member of the Institute
attending is expected to contribute to
the Supper and as in former years
is allowed to Ming at gentleman friend
Those who were disappointed last
year are edieady fishing for the cov
ected invitations and stens of them
have spent more than nsnal this year
10 Christmas.presents to make sure of
not being'missed. It is needless to
say that the program will be up to
the high standmel attained by this
energetic Institute in everything they
endertake. Simper to be served at
A nonites AND PeaseNTATION -At,
the clueing o:d the 131131001 011 Dee. 22e13
1911 the pupils of tau: public 5011001
pi eseMed the teacher of the Jr. room
with as beautiful 000,4 toilet, set, while
the followittg, endless was rend :-
ELMA INSURANCE 00. -The Direc-
tors of the Elnut Farrne'rs' Mutual
Fire Insurance Company met in the
Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Dec.
1913ea full Board beinglit .attendanee.
Nlinutes of lost meeting read and crori-
firmed. A claim for five (hollers for
damage to his house by lightning was
-pee:tented from Rudolph Miller of
Moi nington, was paid in full. The
following accounts were paid : E 11.
Swing, balance printing for 1911
$26.5Q; Dennis Barton, rent of Hall
foe meetings, $2 00; S. S. Rethwell
meetings, mileage .and adjust -
about 01 sever paw tmunect ion with
Ethel Publ School I or a new spited e
of Mime, we do 11(31, wish you lo leave
without seine tangible proof ‘,f your
services since you came analogs!, 110,
thereltire., atilt you to accept „this
Tide; Set, not fur its it:lei:isle value
lint, as a liletnoitto of the pleaseitt
times we have had together. We
home yeti 011.31, 111301: 404. good success ift
yolle new AS you have MO here
and May Gies blessing go Willi you
wherever yett may be, Signed on be-
half of the School.
Miss Wi4.1011 WAS lake.. by sur.
pi Ise but math. y mint initiate re.
ply in w Melt she thenke,i the pupils lot
being se kind to bet ,ine; she vane, a-
mongst 111141 She OVIIS 31:13' sorry to
1911.91' after a stay of three 3 ewe.
QM Le 0 buts of exeltement has been
created by the autionticement of the
a nual Oyster Slipper to be given by
111,' W1110011'S Teel iftite 00 .16113301
1868 tv1)1,11 bids fair to etteel any-
thing peeviously all emoted 1,1 11110
119 -10 -date village,' The brilliant 0110.
COSS of 1051: yemos Simper bag caused
the ladies eharge Lo epave too pities
„ .
au(' seldom worth the money
paid for thein, because they
must be of inferior quality.
I am not making that, kind.
I have an
Over Supply
of Folders and Moen ta-,vhich
when fini-shed are Werth
• $4.00 mud $5.00 Per doz.
Will make si LI gs for theae
for the 139111. 30 days at e8.00
and $4,00 pet, doz.
Please sit early -good photo-
graphs ettenot be wade un-
less I bee is givente pot t
Dot math the prowess of fin-
ishing in it proper Manner.
G. F. Maitland
Novetnbet 16, 1911.
W ',Khan*
Miss Ethel Musgrove left to take the
Domestic Science coarse in McDonald
Institnte, Guelph.
Dr. Margaret Calder visited her
friends Dr. and Mes. Samuel John-
ston. &triton Street, Toronto.
W. 3. Neil, who has been section
freeman on the 0. P. R. in Wingham
for nearly 20 years'received word of
his moinotion to Mas+ position of yard
foreman at Orangeville.
Mrs. Wtu. Dove had a bad fall. She
was standing on a high stool, doing
ennui housework, when one of the legs
of the stool gave way, and she fell to
the floor, breakiug the muscles of one
arm and i njuring- bee back.
11'. Rousseaux, who rnet with the
serious accident at Blyth last Fall has
so fox recovered that he was able to
leave the Hospital for his mother's
home in Hamilton. Mr. Rousseaux
was in the hospital for twelve and a
half weeks.
The VanNorman family are noted
for'their avoirdupois. The five broth -
RM and one sister were together re-
cently and stepped one by one upon
the scales. .Four of the brothers and
the sister weighed exactly the same,
227 pounds. The lightest, of the five
brothers tips the beam 01 199 lbs„ not
a light weight by any means. The
total weight of the five brothers and
the sister is 1331 pounds.
arrangetnen ts
THE POST has made
to club with the following papers and
they will be sent 1:0 0(1)' a tees (ex.
eept United States 50 eents extra) at
the followieg subeeriptiou pricee t--
P080and Tornio to Globe $1 60
and Elonpire.. ..... 100
22 London Advertiser . . . . 1 60
" London Free Preis 1 80
Family Herald & Star,, 180
Montreal Witness 180
" Weekly Sun ..... 1 80
" Farmers' A.dvocate. 2 85
" Northern Messenger185
PosT and Toronto Star$2 20
" Toronto News .... 285
" Toronto Globe ....... 450
" Toron to Mail -Empire .. 4 60
22 Toronto World. . ... ..„ 8 00
" London Adveetiser 2 SO
Call at the office or remit the anum n
by P. 0. Ordee, Express Order or Reg-
istered Letter, addressing
Brussels, Ont.
Go to. Ewan & Co's thOW
1,00M0 and see What theY
have in up-to-dttte eat-
ter 11113.IVe 'OM lied
501O1.1 1:1111 viit-o1l 1101110-
111209 Olt term and Sleighs.
Call atid Muth/die the
Heratt St Co, goods and 011
coerage home illdriettiy.
Ewan & Col
What About your Kidnoye
Your back aches and fairly groans
with the distress of kidney trouble.
You're discouraged, but you mustn't
give up. The battle can be quickly
won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get to
work. These kidney specialists bring
new health and vitality to young and
old alike. Even one box proves their
marvelous power. Continue this
great healer, and your kidneys will
become as stroug, as vigorous, as able
to work AS new ones,
Remember this Dr. Hamilton's Pills
are purely vegetable • they do cure
liver, bladder and kidney trouble.
They will cure yoU, or your money
back. Price 25c. per box, at all deal-
I Xmas -tide
What, more aeceptabie Xmas
Gift to Wife, Family, Vrieud or
Yourself than o•
White or New Home
Sewing Machine
Empress Range or
Kitchen Cabinet
A clown -to the minute
Crean" Separator
A “Railway Passeng,-
er's" Accident or iliness
( overing every accident itnd
A "Canada" Life or
Endowment Policy
The above Insurance Cos. are
the oldest, strongest, safest and
best it) their respective line, For
particulars euquire of
N. S. Mdauchlin„ Agt.
• + 64.40+110+11410.1.4)±446+40+41+.4..÷ 4,+•0104,40+0.14444444+41.4.4,+•+-014-
1 J. G. JONES, Brussels
oliday ifts!
Choice Presents at Low Prices
may be had in Jewelry, Clocks,
Fancy Goods, &c., at the store of
• •
• •
se •
• •
• •••
R. JOSEPH DAVIDSON having joined the g
Mfirm of Wm. & R. A. Pryne, the firm will now
be known as the PRYNE MILLING Co. s
We desire to thank our patrons for their business with 04
us in the past and assure you of the best attention and
courtesy in the future. We think we have served you s
well and if you have not done business with us yet we
would ask you to try a sack of our Flour or bring us as
your Chopping, or perhaps you are wanting Feed. as
We can supply you with anything you want in the
• Milling line. Our aim is to grow bigger and do better.
• • Keep your eye on us.
g*-Cistornets having outstanding accounts with Wni. & R. A. Pryne
are asked to settle at once as they are closing their books.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••e•••••••••••••••0
Change of Business
The question af enrol mail delivery
is agitating the people of Goderich
The Public Health Act of Ontario
requires that all children attending
school must be vaccinated.
T. R. Elliott left for Imndon, where
he takes a position on the teporterial
staff of the London Free Press.
The town has been called upon to
pay an instahnent of interest on the
guaranteed bonds of the Ontario
West, Shore Railway.. Another piece
of ()ewe of interest, no the same con-
toectio)1 is that the Sterling Bank has
issued a writ against J. W. Moyes,
president of the 0. W. S. Railway. for
$18,000 said to be owing to the Bank.
Following are the officers of Maple
Leaf Lodge, No 27, A. 0. U. W., for
1912: Past Master Workman I. Salk-
eld ; Master Workman, 11. F. Morris
laoremati, H. Holton ; Overseer, W.
Hood ; Recorder, G. Woods ;Financier
W. R. Rohm. boon ; Treasurer, E. R.
Watson ; Guide, T. Hawkins ; Inside
Watchman, J. C. Lai thwaite ; Outside
Welshman, Leonard McDonald ; rep-
resentative to Grand Lodge, W.
Good ; Alternate representative to
GrandLodge, W. R. itoberteott ; tens,
tee, J. 0. Lai th watte.
Osamu 08 alas C. G. NEWTON. -
The sudden death of Mrs. C. G. New-
ton, which occurred on Wednesday
evening Dec. 27111, is deeply regretted
by Die whole otommunity. Mrs. New-
ton had been in poor health for some
time 1)1.1616 39435 not thought that she
Wee ill amities danger. A failure of
the heart carried her off so quiekly
and peacefelly that those with her in
the house had absolutely tio w(1.rning.
5410. New ton (formerly Miss Sophia
G)1rdon) was a datighter of the late
Daniel Gorditit. Her Mother survives
ie very feeble health, and three
brothers atid two sisters also are liv-
ing. The brothers are Williatn J.
Gotdom of Iowa ; Marshall P. Gorclon,
of Victotia, and J. Lynn Gordon, ot,
Kaittloops, 13. C., and the sisters are
Ahs. (Elev.) G. 11'. Salton, of Moose
311AVanti 591,8. Mellatebial of Tomtit°.
Art0601. Mother, James la, died only
a few weeks ago at Victoria B. 0.
Mrs. McLachlan was tere attending
ne(11) tam mother anti kite. Salton
arrived on New Year's Day not know-
ing of her eiste.o.'s death. The funeral'
Look ((M)0, place 00 Sunday to Mait-
land cemetery, Rev. Alfred Brown
anti Rev. Dr, Medd eonduoting the
sertfricee, and the pallbearers bethg E.
Downing, A, 81. Robertsoto, W. Berm
• •
The nerves control all actions of the body so that am'.
thlug that debilitates them will weaken -1 rga..A
the System. Early. Indiscretion. and Excess,,
ruined thousands of promising young men, Unnr,"Ar-I
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Are you nervous and weak, despondent and glnonn,
specks before 1130 0700 with dark circ1:4 under tItni
weak beak, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the M
bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, plumb.
on the (800, 0750 sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn et,
pression, poor ntamoty, lifeless, distrustful, lack enerx. .
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able moods, prematuredecay, bone pains, hair loose. etc.
This is dm conditiottour New Method Tractracnt 14
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