The Brussels Post, 1925-12-9, Page 5fFt 1925 Hos Almost Gale. What o /92 r HE securing of a thorough training for the future by l completing ] Courses will ]Hasse 1926 one of sin oneofoalCotr s t the most important years of your life. Courses in Stenography, Business and Telegraphy. New Year Terns opens Monday, January 4th. Centr � r t Stratford Onto R, F. LUMSDEN, B, A., Principal News of Local Interest Minor Locale Renew your subscription, .If you know an item of news send. it in. ante Post is your paper. Use it. In olden times—In the buggy they went sparking. In preaent times— In an auto they go parking. a kin . salted A Florida real este owner $7,500 rent for a bungalow for a year, which cost just that sum to build, Some radio fans perhaps are not aware of the, fact that the Govern- ment may confiscate any radio set being operated without a, proper license, .t le gratifying to Canadian pride to learn that Canadian cheese is now commanding a higher price' in the home tehno than h market nt k United States product. Owing to the high financial posi- tion of the Sons of Scotland lodge, a bonus o two per cent. has been alloted to each insurance policy. Every automobile #eller Claims to :feature the biggest feature of his Particular car, but the biggest fea- ,turo in any car is its depreciation, ' which no seller seems to mention. Only 18 , more shopping days to the Remember it is early bird that gets the best choice. The merchants have prepared. for a busy Beason and the stores are be- ginning to assume the holiday ap- pearance. Dun's bulletin says se change to colder weather influenced a sharper demand for men's and women's cloth- ing, and the snow falls in certain dis- tricts aided retailers to dispose of a fair volume of heavy footwear, etc. J. A. Meadow of Oakville, bought a puppy bull dog for $40. He show- ed taint at the Fair, won the cham- pionship and sold bran for $700 to a Toronto man, who has now resold him to a wealthy Pennsylvania dog fancier for the hanatiome sum of $4,260. CAR O1^ oa l..xpected about Pec, 15. We unloaded .a car last ww•lk which is giving ex- cellent satislaetioil. J. H. FEAR Phone 2214 1 ETM E l HAWAII E lea Petersen Seholneellip of approximately 11000. at Huron Oollege. lareshyte, iune Of Clinton rales. ed to consider the purnbase of one of 66 the iltethodlel foil ohm . The emu, mission rceneentended the outnnlistees to get tegelhsu in ocher to reaelt a t tlee[dtun. "...,tMtrEttlAt 1 1,cNsea Toeatao lams kin rat " Oleo. 1Dorntep, of ',Motet. died At t w aowa eqa eGw1An pt gtutetKg lila botnta ]n tb .t village, en It'.c'ltiay arwaMt:1 I_y eicoe: e. lto,c d,r 157.1 Ie1et, In his ii7Tt1 yPal4 Mi'. klt,r ton... pyo ultrr•ridrt rnra Always pte,eni k, u,anr ce Conkst0110tvle�kWith his ptrsuts90; ;antiAsen. Jirlauieolgtgoys;liayocum eYu yreli'a Atltn 410 has:since hese [I t sill- I,lt you Are not rnloylnt the wail& Slat cone dent of Howlek, Iroe we,riowrc leuwus r T,-bi.pee 414/1104. An interesting' exhibition al art 1 leans gnus I be *dneara a oils soma ars Main et•laieres, consist ng of aha u1 200: Ien.,reetteended b7enleadiay 'Gttueae, lees"s'olr. rtidn Iii is nP war}d fnus pitiit• Sle pater Lodge, rigs rilnd seal tuteti le b,unrim; bahti111 1 I3101r thou aroohes—,w alar tp raw 1.heparisb hal of St, Paul's cburoil, annyAyaraeoa�-a soon:titsd st Wrt8 avers f air, Olio too. xlarinng'° Light Dongeroto 10 rho eyes Tice 00nimuuity of Oertott wav Maude e. Bryansa ahnaked nu Tuesday to learn of the 0 ptometrJet suddtil death of George Clerk. (lite of HURON COUNTY Cal beige's pro iiilt • farm ere, ,H44-44,444.4.+4+++++++.1,41.444,4. 1'4bile In Blyth, he wee steicken with Gentle wee ,vvtlwut electric lights heart failure and passed espy 1118re, 13, H. HElliott, Wingharn,, had Liao for a few nights while repairs were 'Dlelviile Nay, of the '1'ownsh,p of being reticle, Howiek, was brought to Gudeeich misfortune 10 let Iiia oa)' slide dawn Win, Leonard, 0th Oen., 1fawiok jail to serve a months sentence, ttesteep etnbankwent South of the East, snifered a slight stroke, hut is imposed by Magistrate Oharles A jeluernie bridge, tborturrately, n0 Iteid, In Horrid, on a charge of at- person wee hurt end the ear was not gradually recovering. John Yon, a highly reitected Omptiog Go adomllsto. noxious seri usiy dernagPtl. resident of ; o rnberry, passed away drugs, The Ladies' Aid of the DTnited lust week in his 77th year. Xie was Se,tfortin. Presbyterian manse was f bli0uyti th t cene n e church, Kb Orn Ltalie, neve u surplus . h of Hist wedding on Dec. never married.e sq Teacur y e The Sebool of 'Elementary Ag- 1, when Annie Beryl Hunter, nr Olin. pWhile driving a horse and ostler riculsure end Home Econorrrios ONO- 10", was mar led to Al tittleHahkirk; ed ie 8'nrdwich on Tuesday last, with youngest o Habkirk; of was performed owned by Willi u y1'1 escaped , of injuryii Wing- ert attendance of 82, ' l b p' They when the minuet ran away. 0•' Colton Brisson has sold hie n Bl are 1 by Rev. P. to, Larkin, Da D, e town ibis between Blake y Mrs, Victoria Dennmrne has said reaching` flhe�iDoretit�°vnllcB breaking the farce on Drysdale, vSt,horse andistat to Alex. Rubin. Tee her ill, 100-acretson, farm FrankNorth l+J,oDe,• it. jaw and having several teeth Perm is situated in Stanley, l Joseph, .to heht- ducted a mums, whit will qct possosei0n next knocked out, The maylhave lyd,tn ge,, to be shot. A pretty wedding was solemnized at 9 a, ut , Oil Thuesd8y, Nov. 2615, Rt the borne of the home of the bride's parents, at Bancroft, Mich., when Bertha, second dauihter of Fay R. and and Mre. Holcomb, was united in in marriage to Arthur Pot termeld, son Wm Robertson, who Con blacketnith business in 1Yiugham ( Fall. Mrs. Denomme lies reserved for the past 17 years, lies sold out to the use of one of the bousee on the W. O. Artnstroog, a former Blyth ! farm for bee own use. resident. James K. Hodgins, 11 prosperous Thieves have been busy at Kippen. farmer living about two Tittles hast of They enteredd the general ss Core o f Corbett o n the town wn line between w e en W.D. Butt, who ealed then away.McGillivray andnd}tPphenCov Townships, They teamed several private garages committed suicide by rum niog blue. rum bis; borne. oat not far f In u 1. Belt oe ant� st01e rugs and to I , se n p l e❑ Mr. Hod ins was about55 years of of R. and 61rs. Porterfield,, of Se,t- Win mac friends g of Jas. R. A t g it reside in Flint, 9 forth. They will know that t age. e was s will successful l to he was successful in winning the While returning -from Wroxeter; Mich. ai v est Leadership utility at Lowest Cost Inti'oduci.ng many improve. ments in the world's Most popular line of motor Cis. The Fordor Sedan " Color -Gray was hack enamel running gear. ompos- ito body. Nirketed radiator shell and headh np riots. efncld.rtdatesdoblda equipment Iudestaer, co demountable domenghti windshield wiper, reit vice, mirror sod dash loose. The Tudor Sedan Color—Dark !Mut wits black enamel rea.ning !sear. All• ousel body. Nickeled radiator shell and headlamp Loner seats- both front seats tilting. One -elect venti- lating windshield. Leather•cloth sun visor of new denim. closed at both tads. Standard equivalent includes .1n.818, cord tires, demountable tiro,, windshield wiper, rear view mirror and dash lamp. The Coupe Color—Dark Bloc with bb.ek eosin& naming gear. All, steel body. Nickeled radialor shell Hud hm,nat p rims. enplaneveutifating windshield. Unssaatiy wide rear deck with doubtwl compartausat caws Lembo.. -doth sun ylsor, closed ut both rods Standard ltanp.e0upment Inhalesrd w,pdsiewipr. ren W e.tvvr nd dah The Runabout dolor-tlhdr. Misted boar. bauble yse ilMloa viand, .I,iekl. ado t dee* wish cougpattoent epees steady IheMnei Toot bolt under sea. St inds& ata rtment inotoolso cold rites. stoma owSalpe o with both dolma iriodrbield wiser leead ,tkkeleJJlarap rims. CARS The Touring Color—Slack. A t� elbed, of etreamNn claim. bauble v Col boa ..do ford Matbenti ouaated tops Tod boy: ander front seat. Standard cn o one ieeLdta eoed tiros. nd,binr proof nn4 esseuioa o ,1l.me 'wbb sit dam% wtodaWold &nor rd nttlreled headland 14111.. TRUCXS MADE IN CANADA TRACTORS NO COMMENT R1' MPICHEN Rt. Hoe, Arthur Meigtten, when referred to Admiral Jellieoe's state- ment in Brassy's Annual Naval pub- lication in regard to Dominion naval contributions, said he preferred not to make any comment, PER.TI COUNTY 1.81111'1'tvp 04 u, 111111/918 It a fie:nSe 0'',`t00 dui 1351' A1;rr3cn11tlOt68na10ties 0f Hulbert. ,Cullattt,n, Alltel )I and Luar, tPg1V. (1 r egni'y, of ;S1 IW8I ye, 8(1x0 lite 58.^11 a member of ow '1'ritetee unto ti for the past 14 years, is retie, ilio Ibis 1 r,tr. it118. 1011 ward 3. (]nlicfuhnlln, of Itullat1{n,'I'wp,, paseed'trway iu -the 0. -Iteral Hospital,'l'oronto, following 11'.nrgierl operation, Coil. G. S. Beery Minieterof Iligb. weye in the Cn111ll0 (,tnverntnent, paid 3,isR„yel a Vi811 on Tuesday and disru-sed he geeeti0n of 'bolter roads- ln that-atiasl. » 1'Il' j,IerI' si 1itigei 41 81110 ford will take plane on Nloldey, M40c1) 1 befdi•e . My, Justice l,agie and ttie 'tion jury sittings nn Monday, April 201h, before Aar, J.o,tice Xinee, On F,iday, Nnvenilier 27L1,, tc astd. 1y u,uuber 1'C the ladies 1ue1 11, the, Board l2timu of the St. 74arys Town Ball, for the empties of : oreenizh,g a 'Wnmett'sLiberal. Conservative As- e00ia1iaeasps'' Sltrokare W0rnen's Institute are senting aquilt to; Soldier settlers 113 No' thew 0,1611(1 and donated, $10 in wearing apparel to the Children's Ol,i ewers sat kit, atfntd, and $20 to the ,4'hnl1Pepl'arP Library, 80109 11r0P hetweprt l0 o'olock last Tbtir'day night and a7 ,'reek ii'ttday 1(111811.1'6- lionek's general store, in the village of St•, Pauls,"was entered by r, -Mo -re and goods to the va tie of $100 stolen. Tile lent consisted sof tuharrn, mitis, candy, ete. A quiet wedding took place at C0luttibiann, Alabama, on Wednes- day, Nov, 26, when Miss Gladys Bryant, of Louioville, Ky., became the bride of David 3. Roe, 13irmltlg- ham, Alabama, eldest eon of George and Mrs Roe. Milverton, 'Jot, The of choice a new pastor for 8t. Paul's Anglican choral), Stratford, has been left in tbe bands of David Williams, Bishop of Tiuron. The Board and Synod delegates of the e5utch compose a parochial com- mittee, which met the bishop and reached this arrangement. E. N. Sbeir, general merchant and postmaster of Kirkton,. has. demonstated that he can raise gond hogs as well 118 wait on his cued,- 0mers and sett stamps. He purchase) two young pigs, horn on April 2nd, last. SVhen the pigs were seven months and ea half old, he killed them and when dressed the weighed 602 pounds. Stratford's fire loss for 11 months totals only $7,932 85. Stratfoed 0, N shops wins "no ac- cident in November" c'rrupPtiLion. St, Paule Farmers' Club had a Sue - easeful. year. The business for the pear totalled $6,000. Mort, ington Township Reeve and the Listowel -Reeve are after the County t'Vatdenship for 1926.List- owelEdna Mackenzie, ofthe Public School stuff, has been granted 0 months' leave of ofeenee, Wan and Mrs. McI ay, Ttvp , quietly celebrated the 64th an- nivereary of their wedding day on Dec. 4. Rev. A, B. Lewin, a native of Strat- ford, was ,recently ind,be1ed AS 10181 pastor of Knox, and Burns churches at Alliston. "11nr" Not folk, sub -goalie of Strat- ford Seniors Hockey team, has left for Chicago, where, it is understood, he will play hockey. Rev. ti J. McKay, of Mimico, has received a uuaniuu.us cail from the Presbyterian elite cit a Avonton. Mt. McKay has been ten years at Mimico. The Park Board. of Stratford, have decided to maintain the usual free skating space on Victoria Lake and nice to clear an additional space for girls' hockey. A delegation front Milverton, Milt bank and Linwood met the Secretary of the Dominion Railway Commission at Elmira, and discussed the train aerviee nn the 0. P. R. George Goetz, Sebringville, for 18 years landing waiter and examining cater for Canada Customs at the 0. N. R. Station, Stratford, last Thurs- day retired on pension. Janes Arthur Mason, son of J. J. Mason, Stratford, has resigned from the staff of the. Toronto City Sone. itor's Office to enter into partnership with (3, McKurer,fat mar As'"4staut Crown ,attorney in Toronto. James Fenton, who has been the accountant at the Listowel branch of the Imperial Bank for ,nearly two years past, has been ttensferred tit Schomberg, and has assumed duties there. A party consisting of eight hunter( from Mitchell went out to M11Naught's hush in Bane and +sere successful in bagging one large jack rabbit, weigh• Ing 1,88188 pounds. eight white bush ru5'lits land sixteen cotton tails, James Norris, of Mitchell, is now the owner of a bandieme greyPet•cb- erott stallion. The animal, which ons purchased (*rout a gentleman on Pelee Island, is six years old and was a.prize 'winner at the Oanadien Na- tional Exhibition: There died at Alliance. Ohio, re- cently, William James Monteith, aged 67 years, The late Mr. Monteith was born in Downie towneh p lint? W?I9 a eon of the late lames Monteith, obit of the early pioneers of Perth County. fie is survived by two brothers, tlen-of Downie township, A., of Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. F. B. Grains, of Holy Trinty Lutheran church, Hamilton, See ac- cepted the appointment to Zion Luth- eran church, Stratford, as successor to Rev. 0, U. D. Klaehn, D. D., who has accepted a larger field of work in Montreal. When Mr. Gruhn will officially take charge, has :not been announced. Clifford Elliott, of Mitchell, son o Matthew and Mrs. Elliott, came near losing his life while he was att811 ins a threshing at the borne of hie broth er, Alvin Elliott, 6135 Oon.. Logan. The boiler 111 connection with tht the engine, exploded, and Clifford was. at the time standing close by. will the result that he was scalded, Miss Maty Ingram, 0f Mitchell, re calved a telegram front the Can adian West, informing her of the death of her brother, Ohns, Ingrent. wile (lied in the Sanitnr•ittm at.Qlf Anprlle, Sesk,, on Wednesday, Nov, 25, where he had been taking treat- ment8 for the past 2 years for ,an ail- ment, mhirh was brought on by hat/• hithOnza. Widely know In Stratford, as the manager of the grneery department of the Whyte Packing Oompany far the peat 19 years, William D, Anaus, aged 60 genre, suennmbed Friday morning. at hi« home 298 Cobourg street. Be had been in for the past five Months, Mr. Angus was a native of Elms Township. A great fuse is being made in Tor- onto over the trying nut of "new" traffic signals. The Bald new signal Is one that has been in use in 8trat• ford for the past Terse and a half anti One with which motorists are perfect. ly familiar. It correlate of a little sight in the offiner's hand which goes off and on automatically as he raiees and lowers his arm These signals in use at Bteatfnrd, were manufactured byTraffcOfficer Clemente And have proem.' very satisfactory, A community glob wee organized at a meeting at 3. 11, Kenne$'s store. et Petters, with a slate of anneal as fellows 1 President, Renry Pefters i Vico President, 3, Ti. Hurst 1 Treas. titer, J, f3. Kenny ; floc! early, Barrett 1 Auditor, 3. 8, Knepier. The ebjettof the dlnla is to further the Intermits of • the Community in any 'way possible and to facilitate shipping there. The shah is putting in a stook scale, the best Diet Can be had, as a Starter, The 0, N.1b, will put on a new siding and ,►novo station is emoted in the near .future, BRUCE COUNTY The annual meeting of the Bruce On. Hockey League was held at Hep- worth last Friday afternoon. Over 20 delegates were present, In the death of Edward Lonte, which occurred suddenly at South- ampton, the town loses one of its old- est residents. Mr. Louts was born in Southampton 81 years ago. He was engaged in the boat building trade in Southampton for over half a century. He is survived by a widow and a large family. A 20 -pound goose with (its neck partially severed, lying dead at the edge of a pond on the farm of Louts V. Deism, 6th Ooncessiob, Carrick, told a tale of a duel which had taken place daring the night. Suspecting that an owl had been the pe, petratar of the crime, Mr. Dahtnsset a trap and was rewarded by tbe capture of a large owl, which stands 20 inches high, with wings measuring over 6 Feet from tip to tip. The owl had evidently attacked the goose in the water, seizing it by the neck and drag - ming it to land and completing its murderous work there. HURON COUNTY A doe -en additional street will be put up in Goderlch., Seaforth Red Cross Society''raised $80 by a bripliutohtowards this will be applied Christ- mas hamper. Andrew A. Wilson, . son of John Wilson, Colborne, arrived from Lang- don, North Dakota. on a visit to his old home, after an absence of over twentythrc years, lights 4116 Pie can be Better than its CrrtstN, use PURITY FEMUR If- your pie -crust isn't always what you would like it to be, don't blame the recipe, or the owed -- chances are it's the hour that's wrong. Purity Flour, milled from the finest hard wheat, silk sifted and oven tested, is full y worthy of your talent for baking. With Purity Flour you can always snake flaky, golden -brown, delicious tasting pie -crust. Ask your favorite retailer. PURits► FEOUR 'avall your dvkay Get the PURITY COOK BOOK Send 30e ip Asap for Ulf hairy Axe 180 • page Cook honk Sint Partpald, W8ST(RNCIAH4AbA leb.OuRt MILLI Co., t.Intitad stead Olncel Itilt014'1'O YIriuches from boost to beret.