The Brussels Post, 1925-11-18, Page 2anada's Best Piano
price$ from $375.0o up -
Do riot waste time solving puzzles but get in
touch with the old established and reliable
firm and get full value for your money.
Mason & Misch
97 Ontario St.
Phone 17x Stratford
Provincial Deficit More
Than 3 Million Estimated
Forecast of Fiscal Report Placesexpenses whicli could reasonably be
Total Expenditures at 4120,00,000 avoided. m
Within Few Weeks of End of LEAKS HAVE SEEN STOPPED.
Fiscal Year
In addition, it is learned, the audit
of ruceipts which has been Progress -
(Toronto Telegram) Sng for some time, has disclosed to
Instead of a defieit of three mil- the Treasurer a number of spots in
lion for the province of Ontario for which the full dues of the province
the fiscal year which ended October have not in the past been collected,
31st last, as estimated in his budget Improvement has been made ni the
speech on March 5th, Treasurer Price collection of these revenues with the
will be faced with a deficit for the result that although the general sit
year of about six milions, according uation is still somewhat unfavor-
to information given The Telegram able, as a result of the four years
to -day Inasmuch as the accounts squandermania of the Drury Govern -
have not yet been all made up, and stent, Col. Price will still be able to
the books are not yet finally closed, point to material improvements in
this figure is approximate and may the collection of funds and also to
he altered somewhat in either direr- economics effected during the past
tion, more likely downwards, by the year, on top of those of the year
time a full accounting of the past before, in the ordinary departmental
year's transactions have been made. administration processes of govern-
-Up to then end of August last, tot- went.
al ordinary expenditures are reported One weak spot in the collection of
to have reached the total•of of $40,- revenues was said to have been did-
000,000 in round figures. The re- covered as a result of the audit in
maining two months of the fiscal that branch leading with corporation
year witness the heaviest payments taxes especially from banks, trust
of provincial obligations, so that the companies and similar institutions.
Treasurer's estimate of last March Whatever percentages of loss were
of a total ordinary expenditure for discovered these have been regained,
the year of 49 million will likely be The Telegram is told.
very close to the mark. NEW SYSTEM
Revenues Failed During the year the Provincial
Revenues in some respects, how- Treasurer has also instituted a new
ever, have fallen down and while it system of receiving and checking re -
had been expected they would reach eeipts as they come in -from the de -
26 millions, this belief was predicted ltartments of his office, with the re -
upon the assumption that the gado-) sult that statements from time to
line tax would .net for the remainder'. time of the Government's financial
-of ' that fiscal year some 52,300,000.1
positron have been more lucid . and
From this source about two millions precise than at any previous period
is collected so far. And in the ab -lin the Province's history.
senco of any official statement, the Withal, however, it is reported
total receipts under the head of that the Government found itself un
"Luxury Tax" which includes beer able to hold down ordinary disburse -
and soft drink taxes, was but $250,- ments below the figures of last year
000 about two months ago, whereas with the result that at the end of
82,200,000 had beencounted on. August some three millions had been
So from these two sources alone spent on this account in excess of
the revenue for the year is now be- the amount spent under the same
lots expectations to the extent of heads in the same period for the pre-
ro-w2,250,000. On the other hand, how- ceeding year.
ever, revenues from the Lands and DELAY SINKING FUND
Forests branch have stood up well While it is too early to make pre -
during the year and those in the phesy on the financial situation,
Succession Duties Branch, the great- which cannot be fully known until
est revenue-producing department of Col. Price issues his summary of
tete administration, will exceed the the fiscal affairs of the Province, it
four million mark, and will allow may be expected that the prospective
some considerable increase over the failure to reduce the deficit to three
revenues from this source for the million dollar's as estimated will re -
year preceding. sult in postponement until some time
TOTAL EXPENDITURES later of plans to apply a proportion
The total of ordinary, capital and of revenues to a sinking fund to re
statutory expenditures of the gov- tire the Provincial debt in forty or
erlunent to the date of the last sum- fifty years. Throughout the year the
many of accounts is said to be in committee appointed for the purpose
the neighborhood of 120 million dol- has been working on the matter and
lars. Inasmuch as the government several tentative plans and measures
relied upon the new special taxes of have been proposed to the Minister,
last year to. not only offset greater but if revenues cannot be found
interest charges for the year, but which will cut down the gap between
also to provide funds to reduce the expenses and incoming cash, no mon-
inevitable deficit for this year, the ey will be available for this purpose.
showing that will be made in the HUGE ROADS BILL.
Treasurer's statement cannot be In addition Hon. G. S. Henry has
expected to come up to the mark set. announced that from now on to keep
However every reasonable step up with the road building and int..
has been taken to curtail expenses proving program which has been ap-
and to build up the revenues in other proved. an annual expenditure for
directions. •Sonne months ago, it roads alone of some $25,000,000 win.
was learned, notices had been sent be required. Always to be provided
around to the various departments for and with the interest charges al-
to cut clown their expenditures to the ways creeping up a little from year
very bone and it is learned that the :to year, the problem confronting the
,.}ninisters have been 'assiduous in Treasurer becomes increasingly Marl
pi1&venting the accumulation of any His official statement of affairs is
t�j.t.4+1,,,.1•b+1.0+D004),110* crv4,•g,•;•¢?•i✓;l0(s1.84,.i.4,3 ,e.03-44,41.0.1•004' •i•®+404'
Theeafl�" rt Cre emery 1
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, usingthe scale test to weigh h Cream sam-
Y g,
pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks: Cheques payable at par at Bank of lova Scotia.
q pY P
For further particulars see our Agent, IyIR, T. C. �
MALL, phone 2,31o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery C
ighest market prices
' paid.
ee Ile or Phone No. 2x, lime-
st+ls, and I will 01111 t4rid get
your r'owi
Me Yollick
Col. Price, Previncial Treasurer
awaited with interest, inasmueh ire
the above figures do not cover the
entire year, and the final accounting•
is hoped to materially improve the
situation as herein outlined. It.
seems certain, however, that the de-
ficit will be greater than three tril-
Mr. E. F. L. Sturdee, who has
been appointed assistant general
manager of the Canadian Pacific
Railway at Montreal, is well-known in
railway circles in various parts of
Since February, 1924, he has been
general passenger agent for the Ori-
ent with headquarters at Hongkong.
Prior to that he was general agent
for the passenger department of the
Canadian Pacific Railway at Seattle.
He was obliged to leave Hongkong
owing to ill -health.
Mr. Sturdee worked in Montreal
with the C. P. R. for. 11 years. He
entered the service of the company
in 1894 at St. John, N. B., and has
been successively at Toronto, Mont-
real, again at Toronto,, Boston, Seat-
tle and Hongkong and now returns
to Montreal.
He is succeeded at Hongkong by
E. Stone, who was general agent of
the C P. R. passenger department at
Garden of Mailer Ragh.
One of the most delightful spots
In the vicinity of Kabul is the high -
wailed garden known as th(' Baler
Hagli, in the corner of which Is the
grave of one or the greatest men that
over lived, Baher, "The Tiger," who
rounded the dynasty of the magnifi-
cent Moguls. This shrine Is a place
of pilgrimage not for Afghans alone,
but for people from all parts of Cen-
tral .Asia, and I went there often in
tato days immediately before my audi-
ence ,with the Amir to spend the
heat of the day In Its green shade
and to prepare utyselr for meeting
with this most menaced monarch in
the world to -day.
It was in this garden or just such
another that 13aber made his plans
to lead his Tartar horsemen and
burly nomads down to the rioh plains
of .Panipat, near Delhi, where he
fought one of the most deelsive bat
sins of Asta`in_ 1526. Such colossal
booty fell into his hands as a result
If this battle that he was able lo
;eve 510,000 to each of his chief of -
ricers and corresponding rewards in
silver and rare silks to every one not
^niy in hes army but In itie kingdom,
that rv2r•y duan,' woman and child,
eve and rpm, tit"n tilin>.; mule, his
,Ie received a share of -the spoils.
.l.nwel Thomas In 'Asia
Penn's 'ryes Factory.,
1',atn; lc ;fa Department of
' 'ti Eu it, r in 1924 grew
1rn,''1 1'010.1 1 : on, the
r, Irl,t it h.ra 11.0,1l0)10 for this;
:•yr r:. - _. n(•a• urrntber than v-:
„c. r befere .,"noon In nurseries 0,
,toot rxtc•lr+: in the i'nited t'tlatcs:.
lti supplyr+as s i c meet the net (10 o
.1 State in which -1,000,000 i,,
-rand grim] only for tholuir praduetiou
:waft planting. It is believed 'Mar'
,y 1928 the, annual 0 mand for tre,..
Lite t0Ietr' will i'nne'r, 22,ri0t,rtm
prodsc,, :;, t .rainy. will " require flit,
•cr,n; of n,ir, Ianrl.
'1'h, vinic f',,'.te or 1'enfrsylvtrid
aver a total zit., a of 1,111,611 nem
^eludla=; 23.70)0 Rev's (III
0have le -en ,nl'intrd. '1' '
1 value of these forests it five .tint'.
n: hat tato 141a1r p:1.10 tor fir rn,
U. S. produces about two-thirds of
the yearly supply of Copper in the
Churches and public schools of
Oswego, N. Y., aro' closed to check
a diphtheria epidemic,
Sixteen httrtdered gallons of pure
'tdcohol valued at $100,000 were eon-
fiseatefi at Lincoln, Neb.
As an aid to aviation, the Standard
Oil Co., of California, has agreed to
paint the t1311188 of towns and cities
on the 1'o04 of its warehoused.
(Copyrlrbt, 1015, by the WaRsra News
paper Vales.)
For two days Nelson Wade had been
a guest at the one hotel at Leesville.
He was so reserved and unobtrusive
and so persistent in not going out ex-
eept after dark that the •boniface at
the hostelry was divided between the
surmises as to his being a detective or
a bank burglar. Not that poor Wade
resembled either of the ilk Indicated,,
fora more forlorn Individual It would
have been bard to find,
Nelson had come from Dover, 50
Miles distant, and itis forlornness
barked back directly to that quiet lit-
ittle town. There he had lived from
' boyhood, there be had met and loved
pretty, vivacious Nettie Mercer and
' bad become engaged to her. Now that
''delightful partnership was rudely sun -
*red, and Nelson deemed himself the
Most wretched of mankind.
A silly quarrel had led to the deso-
lation that now filled his aching heart.
Fiery jealous and resentful, Nettie had.
Called her recreant lover to time be-
times he had gone with a girl visiting
his sister In search of early violets on
Honeysuckle hill.
"You made sure not to bring me ally
bf the spring beauties!" she told hill,
and before Nelson could explain to
Nettie that the girl was to be mar-
ried in a month and that he only
showed her the most ordinary courtesy
as a guest of his sister and that their
errand had been bootless, not one vio-
let having been garnered, Nettie drew
the engagement ring from her finger,
threw it at his feet and flounced from
the room.
Nelson did not pick up the circlet,
nor did he Stay to plead forgiveness,
for he had done no wrong. Nor did
he lower his dignity by glossing over
what he considered vera' reprehensible
action on the part of Nettie. He went
to the city.for a week, leaving her to
think over her irrational jealousy and
temper. When be came back his con-
fidence in her "cooling down" was con-
siderably abashed.
"Nettie bas gone to spend two
months with our relatives, the Doanes,
at Leesville," her sister,,,expialned to
him. "There is a gentleman at Lees-
ville, too, she thinks a great deal of."
The 'gentleman in question was a
married cousin of Nettie, but her
Maneuvering sister, older and wiser,
minded not invention and a trifling de-
ceit to place the lovers on the road
to making up and behaving themselves.
Nelson found himself sunk into utter
despondency at the unexpected turn
affairs had takeu.
"Yes," he soliloquized, "i'll go to
Leesviile. I'1I menage to come across
Nettie. I'll glve her tbe violets and
tell her that, like them, my heart is
withering and—and I'll do it on my
knees, if necessary, for I cannot live
without her!"
And thus it was that Nelson had
gone to Leesville, but to find bias night-
ly rambles of no avail. Hehad located
the home of the Doanes, and hod hung
around it two whole evenings with-
out catching a glimpse of Nettie. The
third evening he learned from an over-
heard conversation of two of the
3)oane girls in thegarden that Nettie
was sick in bed with a bad cold and
had been confined to her room ever
since her arrival.
Just at dusk two evenings later,
trailing peat the high 'rear fence of the
Doane grounds, the heart of the long-
ing lover thrilled mightily as he noted
near a little rustic bower a shawied•
figure pa.seing to and fro. It was the
first outdoor exercise the invalid Net-
tie had taken, Site was alone, What
was a mere fence, high mountains,
castles, any obstacle, to the impetuous
Nelson scule0 the high palings, got
ever the top, There was a creak, n
crack, a crash, and he landed on the
other side 1n the garden, prone and
senseless. A servant coming from the
house uttered a sharp scream as she
noted tide enstastrophe.
"Ott, Miss 'Merced" she cried out;
"someone Is hurt, Quick! quick!
and Nettie mune hurrying to the spot.
11 was just light enough to make out
the features of the prostrate invader.
Then Nettie echoed the distrectlon of
the tuatd,
"Oh, 11e may be killed !"' waited the
Matte Nettle. "Basten to Mrs. Doane
and telephone for 0 Hector.; and then
as the servant fled toward the house•
Nettie threw herself upon tie ground
beside her unconscious lover, lifted Itis
head into her ]ftp and swayed and
mooned it s
dismally 1
t .-a rauitt
-it he stolen t u r nu ani m y
elle wailed. "Oh, NelsoZ' my poor,
wronged darliag1"•
Nelson Wade opened hie eyea. The
Atilt thing he noted was the gleam of
'the engagement ring on Nettle's finger.
',She had leaned over to kiss him on
the cheek, elle willed, He drew from
pocket the faded violets,
"I came Inc 1orgtveaere," be 'began,
",tt was elf Wo fault!" At I»ttCiti.
"Now, tllela, n cord bandage and the
cainphur," sounded the robe of ldrs,
Donne, her tiat'ido liii'd nil1 1,10114es
11110 bottitnt. " l'iist ithi trntll 11u. dot.
tet' Qefrit e
But irrsr Pi"' hui 1,000 alurcly
11111111' 11.411 , 0'r, tit f•d, .alt+t '.vnti
arlitte. Willi tr I'„tit
leis 10( .+41.+•11
ixi111 0 .i;, t,. • 1 ,
Hon. Gideon Robertson, mentioned
as successor to late Sir James Long -
heed as Conservative leader in the
Canadian Senate. .I
Efforts Are Directed Toward Gather.
Mg Mother -of -Pearl.
The Australian Government hat
decided to place its pearling industry'
under state control with a view to
starting factories for the manufac-
ture of articles made from the.valu-
able mother-of-pearl shell. • •
Most people assoclate pearl-flshtag
with the gathering of pearls. While
It is true that pearls are sought and
found, the efforts of the modern
pearl -gatherer are rather directed t9
collecting a goodly quantity of pearl
shell, Which is used to -day fora var-
iety of purposes—the making of
combs, fans, buttons, cutlery handles,
trays, and a host of other articles.
The finest shells are obtained fr001
the warm waters of Northern and
Western Australia. Over 400 boats
and 8,000 men are engaged in the in-
dustry, and from 2,500 to 3,000 tons
of pearl shells, worth from ;400 to
$1,250 per ton, areobtained an-
The , scientific name of this shell.
is "Meleagrina margarlttfera." It is
a species of sea oyster, and weighs
from five -to seven pounds. Although
It Is sought because of its high yield
of mother-of-pearl, Lire gatherer
hopes that within its fleshy mantle
will be found a prized pearl. A couple
of hundred shells will be opened and
nothing found In them, and then,
perhaps, a gem will be located worth
thousands of dollars.
When an oyster opens its shell on
the sea-bed, and takes Otto its sys-
tem some sea -water and other favor-
ite forms of sustenance, it occasion-
ally discovers that it has taken in a
lodger unawares. d parasite looking
for a home has ensconced itself with-
in the, pearly walls of the oyster, or.
perhaps a promising larva has floated
In and found a dwelling -place.
The oyster resolves to do all In its
power to transform the ugly intruder
into a thing of beauty. Layer after
layer of nacre—mother-of-pearl—
secreted by the oyster, is thrown
if you have a Gift to
choose for a Bride
;h» Illliililll(lilll ,tis
Visit Our Gift Shop
fn`our store you will find suitable Wedding Gifts. A new
stock of Cut Glass has just arrived consisting of Sherbett
Sets, Goblets, Water Sets, Cake Plates, Vases, Butter
Tubs, Sugars and Creams, etc.
Also a nice assortment of Silverware. New useful pieces,
Tambour and Black Clocks.
Call and see the assortment,
Diamond Wedding
Rings kt Things
frouna toe' paraaide, 01' larva, wn10h
is presently encased in a beautiful
pearly shell that gleams a wonderful
greyish -white or an exquisite irride
scent pink. In reality the foreign
substance has been embalmed. and
converted into a wetly pearl.
The more valuable pearls, :however,
have a somewhat different origin.
When the oyster spawns, it often hap-
pens that one of the ova is lifeless,
and, not being thrown out with the
rest, gradually lucreasea in size, be-
cause, though infertile, it is still sup-
plied with blood -vessels from the par-
ent body. As it hardens it becomes a
source of irritation to the dweller in
the shell, which then proceeds to
cover It with nacre, or, in other
words, to make a pearl of it. This
kind of pearl Is of the globular or
pear-shaped typo.
Diving in Australian waters 15 done,
on a more scientific scale. The tug-
gers, as the ships are called, are all
steam -driven craft. They possess th,
latest diving outfits, and from a sin-
gle boat two or more divers can de-
scend at the same .time. The depth
of water it} which they work varies
from 60 feet to 144 -feet. 1s t.i.r
diver is supplied with artificial air
he can remain below a considerable
time, though the average stay is Just
over an hour. When the bag Is full
he attaches it to a rope, gives the
signal, and it is hauled to the surface,'
emptied, and sent down again.
The shells are opened in the pres-
ence of the skipper, who is often the
only European aboard. The oyster
1s remoyed, and though edible -la Wall-
ed. overboard. The shell is examined
for pearls,and if any are found the
skipper takes charge of them,
In 1914 the amount of pearls re-
covered from Australian waters to-
talled about $400,000, but In the fol-
lowing year the pearls found in them
were valued at less than $60,000.
Lehigh Church, near Allentown,
Pa., recently celebrated its 175th an-
• Third-class fares on ocean liners
have been raised $15 to cover ad-
ditional comforts.
Congressman Updyke, of Indiana,
was injured in an automobile accid-
ent near Danville, Ill.
United States and Italy have
reached an agreement on the fund-
ing of Italy's war debt.
During the past year 239 settlers
and their families have come into
the Thunder. Bay district.
Sixteen persons were killed and
29 injured in level crossing accidents
in Canada during October.
Amos Milhousen, Walkerton, had
the first finger of his right hand
nearly chewed' off by a black fox,
while trying to give the animal a
We have the above
Agency and will be
glad to give prices
and Demonstrations.
T. G. Hemphill
Winter Time is Carnival Time in Banff
Bang in winter time is fairyland. Shafts of the nun
strike the white snow-covered mountains and valleys
of the.Canadian Roekles, changing them into a landscapo
ot fl aahin6rrrld
escence. Colors --blue,
red, green and
purple -,dance
over the scene, as gaily costumed
devotees of the snow thee, tiia skate end the sb i move in
the -pastel of the great outduurs.
Fahey skaters swing cracrfullylnt0 intriet,te, figure,.
on the rinks, Ski lumpr'tt thrill the i1pectatore with their
marvellous leaps through- the air !TOM the ski jump on the
top0 a neat
fn mountain, Y t Slci•jornrs 'des down tato
Bow River behind fleet mountain,honics. Blanket -coated
:now -shoe tratnpere talcs the trail to the snowy wood -
!oda. In the everting, rho brilliant r,cene is softened by
the silver gleam of the moon,
V lritet titne'is eat nivel tittle in "Banff, February 8rd to
].7111 has been set for the 1920 Winter Carnival, and Mre.
Basil d dard�ln has been chosen as the flair Queen, A
splendid palate of glittering ice, sparkling with myriade
of bright ltolorcd electric lights is being built for the
chosen beauty. With true regal pomp and splendor she
will bo crnwrtr.d and seated oat her throne as the oulmlhtt-
ting triuml;h of the carnival.
Pieties pull into the station at Banff. 1'riesengers ult
their way west loop oft to dleport thorneolves in the
snow a
little town. own. Passel ers on their wayoast
d_laylongenough to sec the famous did jumpers brakibg
world records. Passengers from both east and west With
11ar,ff a'c their objective, and snow shoes, skates and skis
in their iuggage, hurry to attend the feetivitiee in hence
of the catnlval queen.